r r READ THE ADVERTISEMENT OF THE CAPITAL JOURNAL BARGAIN DAY AUGUST 31 ON PAGE 4 TODAY fM' rs fee Hail W - -k t frnmwl VOL. XIX DAILY OAPITAli JOUItNAL, SALEM OREGON, TUESDAY, AUflfST 17, 1000. No. 183. j$- 3 H jB B I fifflBBHf itpfetwlnluiiv 1 1 st &yl nl Inllmlnllnlln lsTwrmfnT TTTim in) ra- - - ir- - y h . OMAHA THE CENTER OF HOT ZONE Seventeen Deaths Reported .There Since Hot Spell Be- gan No Signs of Change Today 100 MARK REACHED AT ST. LOUIS THE HOSPITALS AKK FULL AND SEVEN DEATHS ARE REPORTER EVERYUODY SLEEPS OUTDOORS, SEEKING RELIEF SUFFERING INTENSE. . , Mlnltcd l'reu Leaied Wire. St. Louis, Aug. 17. The boat vavo from which Btf Xouls and tho Tvlwlo stato of Missouri have been suffering for tho past 72 hours con- Unties unabated today. Dosplto predictions that tho back bone of tho torrid wavo would bo brokoa today roports from all parts of tho stato aro discouraging. Early today tho Qiormometor was pressing tho 90 mark and was gradually ris ing. Tho latest raporta show that sov- ' on deaths 'already have- roaultod from tho excessive hoat and twenty prostrations wore reported yo&tor- vr - Tho various hospitals of tho city aro taxed to their utmost to accom modato tho beat victims and tho suf fering In tho tenomont district Is ln tenso. Many hortoa have dropped doad on tho streets within the past 48 houra Threo Dead at Norfolk. Norfolk, Nob., Aug. 17. Throe porsons aro doad Vn Norfolk and vic inity today ns a result of tho torrl no heat. Tho dead are Carl Uplo, a wealthy grocor; Carl Rcaugse, a retired farmor, and O. Itowo, a far mer's boh. Last night was the hot test night In UiIj vicinity for ten year and hundreds slept out of dors. Suffering to man and. beut hni boon Intoliso Worst nt Omalui. Omaha, Aug. 17. With, three nioro deaths this afternoon, Omaha's death l'st from tho hoat now totals seventeen. Tho hot wavo continued today unabated and there Is no re fllef 'n sight. Scores of heat pros trations have boen reported and a fnumhor of horses havo dropped dead In the streets Tho thermometer stood at th9 100 mark for several lours th'? afternoon. On MARSHAL IS KILLED; CASHIER WOUNDED . Tulsa, Okla., Aug. 17. A pose Is pursuing two men who shot and -tilled Town Marshal Inford and seriously wounded Cashier Wedding of a bonk at Kleter, In a street pat tie last night when trying to arrest them onsusplclon. Tho men had been standing around tho bank all day and so aus picious weie their actions that la- -ford remained on guard last night, fearing they would attempt to rob Jthe bank vaults. After dark the men were found hiding behind a pile of bricks In the vicinity of the banjc and Iaford, accompanied by Wedding, started to arrest Umm. When the officer approached the strangers opened fire with, their re volvers. Inford and Wedding both were struck and Inford Instantly "killed. The entire community is aroused and summary vengeance promised tho murderers of Inford should they bo overtaken. Wedding's wounds may yet prove 'ota. according o physicians who arr attending him. CARRIED HER AWAY THElf KILLED HER United lres I.ensed Wlre.l Lake Charles, Ln., Aug. 17. Mon roe Pllchor walked Into tho sick room of Walter Arch, picked up Miss Sallto Jackson, n nurse, and carrlod her bodliy across the street, and Into un oiner house, whore he shot her to death today. .Jealousy is given ns the renson for the murder. After committing the terrible deed Pllcher run fro mthc building nud dlflappcnrcd down tho street. Officers are now searching for the man. Miss Jackson has been attending Arch for somo time and Pitcher has been paying her marked attention, it was not known that the couple had quarreled. When Pllchor entered the room ho first picked up a shot gun which belonged to Arch. He then grabbed tho frightened nurso nud In spite of her struggles carried her to her death. TERRIFIC RATTLE IS PENDING Bean Eaters Armed With Bean Shooters Led by General Pew Resist Invasion of Has-Beans. f 1'nlted l're i.eiuwl .yire.l Doston, Aug. 17. WJth-thosinnln armies but four mllestarmTnnditihelr, c'ontera opposite Mlddlcboro, n pitch ed battlo Is expected between the "Reds" representing an Invading army and tho "nines" tho dofendors of Doston, during tho military maneu vers now going on to test tho effi ciency of the dofonses protecting tho Hub. It is expected Unit tho battlo will decide the fato of Doston. Tho sig nal corps of tho "Dlue" army has completed tho construction of tolo graph lines and Genornl Pow has por feet communication today with all tho wings of his forces. It Js believed tho main body of tun Invaders' battleships are -maneu vering off Doston. Tho transports Bumncr, Meado and McClellan an chored In Salem bay after landing men at daybreak. It Is belloyod tho "Rods" Intend to land a largo force socrotly nnd nttompt to capture the forts. AMERICAN WOMEN DRINK TOO MUCH (t'nitl I'rn I.acl Wm.) Now York, Aug. 17. "Amorlcan wopiun dr'uk too many cocktails. I rofer to those who belong to the o-oallod 'Four Hundred," many of whom l.liave met. They drink very hoavtly. and cocktails seem to bo the American s-ioloty woman's favorite bsverage." Th's stat ment s credited to Prlnco Guuthor, a lieutenant in the Gorman army, holr to the chteftlan ship of tho Home of Sohoenburg, who arrived In this country two weeks ago, accompanied by a retlnuo of 'orvants, "I have the nio3t profound con tempt for Impecunious foreign noble men who marry rich American girls merely for the'r money," the prince continued. "Though the number of Interna tional marriages Is undoubtedly In creasing, they aro now generally love matches. Lovo and not mone is usually the standard now." ACCUSE MAYOR OF HANDSOME GRAFT l United Preu Uue4 Wirt. J New York, Aug, 17. Mayor Mc Clellan today Is again being raked over the coals. This time the campaign committee of the Republican club charges that the McClellan administration forced the city to pay $75,000,000 for prop erty valued a only f ?0,000,QQPi and alleges that the remaining J 15,000. 000 was graft RAILROAD RATTLE IS FAIRLY ON Harriman and Hill Contest Over Deschutes Route Carried Into the Federal Courts. HILL HAS NO RIGHTS IN OREGON, IS THE ALLEGATION .MADE lV HAHRIMAN'S ATTOK NEYS CLAIM THAT OREGON TRUNK IS A FAKE RIGHT OF WAV OBTAINED IIY FRAUD. Portland, Aug. 17. Tho first bat tlo In tho local United States dis trict court botweon tho forcoa of Harriman and Hill over tho construe t'on of a railroad through tho Des oliiitos canyon Into California began todny. Tho Harriman Intorost oponed tho battlo by filing a maBa of affidavits ' contesting ti.o accuracy of tho or&- gon trunk right-of-way. They followod this attack by filing n cross bill contacting tho Oregon trunk's rlghc to build or operato a railroad lu Oregon, having boon In corporated undor tho laws of Nev ada. 1 , Tho attnok Is mot bylllll lnteroats with a demand that moro Umobtt granted to oxnmlno tho mass of doe umontti. Tho ciOBa bill charged that fraud ond porjury woro used by tho pro moters of the Oregon trunk lino's curvoy through tho Deschutes and thnt the Oregon trunk lino has no rights In this stato and cortalnly bad none nt the tlmo tho maps of tho road woro presontod for approv al to the secrotary of the Intorlor, the Deschutes railway company fllod Its cross bill. Tho defendant in its cros bill asks that an Injunction be granted by the court preventing tho Oregon trunk lino from going on tho Deschutes railway's right-of-way for tho 12 miles of tho canyon now In dispute and to havo tho Orogon trunk's tltlo sot nsldo as to thoso 12 miles of right-of-way. ' It .Is claimed and alleged In tho cross bill that W. F. Nelson and L. I Gregory secured notes of a sur vey made for speculative purposes through tho Deschutes route and falsely and fraudulently obtalnod to obstruot the Dosohuto? railway and force It to pay for tho protonded tights of Nol&on and Gregory. Fol- wing cut this plan the bill alloges tboie men had certain maps made howlng a railroad platted on them u as far ns tho mouth of Trout creek. HARRIMAN IS'SAID TO BE VERY SICK-MAN Paris, Aug. 17. E. II. Harriman, the railroad king. Is far from bolng a well man. He wus too HI today to see the reporters, and was undecided about starting for America tomorrow. Hnrrlmun's private secretary stat ed this aftornoon. that the tallrood kings present IndUposltion is not duo to a relapse but to the effects of overwork. ENGINEER DIES FROM TERRIBLE SCALDING Emeryville, Cal.. Aug. 17. Terri bly scalded by steam escaping from his engine, which overturned on tho Barnwell branch of tho Santa Fe, John Wooll, died here today. After the accident occurred Wooll was placed on a locomotive and hur ried toward Los Angeles. The Iron horso was beaten In the race with death and Wooll died soon after it reached this place. o Rain In New York. New York. Aug. 17. Tho back- bona of the hoat spell Is broken here this afternoon and a heavy rain h falling. PRIMARY ELECTION IN FRISCO Big Crowds Around Election Booths and Fifty Per Cent of City's Vote Will Be Polled. HENEY IN THE RACE GREATEST INTKKEST OEXTEltS AROLND FIGH'l OVEIt DISTUICT ATTORNEY HENEY WILL HUN INDEPENDENTLY SHOULD HE UL )! NOMINATION TODAY. San Francisco, Aug. 17. With nil sides predicting that moro than 40, 000 voteH out of, u total registration of 81,000 will be cast in San Fran disco's flrut dlroot primary dovulopod all tho nppoarnuces of a final elec tion today and the crowds about the polling placet) showed tho groat In terest that ls.bel.ig taken In tho races for tho mayoralty nnd district attor ney nominations, ns well ns lu all tho minor contests. Tho fact that u great amount of "writing In" la being dono bj tho vot ers ln nil parts of tho city Is claimed by tho supporters of Francis J. Henoy us evidence that ho will poll a largo voto lu his nice for tho district at torneyship. . The Huuey men say that n great number of Republicans aro writing Honey's numo In tho place of Flck ert's. With both sides claiming vic tory It was hard to forecast tho ro suit. It Is practically certain, how ovor, that both Honey and Flokort will bo In tho race nt tho olectlon next fall. It has been announced that Honey will run Indopondonty ovon If he shoud fnll of nomination today. Tho contosts for tho mayoralty nominations aro dovoloplng groat in terest and this afternoon nil sides will bo confidently claiming victory. Tho Itopubllcan candidates for mnyor gave out tho folowlng statements this ntorneon: Dy Dyron Muusey: "Our ticket will win by from 4000 to 5000." William Croekor: "I expect to got more votes than MutiBoy and Coun tryman combined. My ostlmnto Is 18,000 out of u total Republican poll of 28,000." It. II. Ceuntryman: "I will ro- colvo approximately i2,000 votes, which will mako mo an easy wlunor." The Democratic aspirants gave out ho follewing: Ralph Mol.erun Raid: "I flguro that I will curry a large majority of tho districts. I will ourry tho.Thlrty- first, Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth. Thlrty-slxth. Thirty-eighth. Thirty ninth. Fort j -fourth and Forty-fifth tro proUy certain and I will get an ovon break in the Thirty-fifth and Thirty-seventh. Edward It. Rook said: "I bellovo I shall be successful. 'Majorities will be given me in tho Thirtieth, Thlrty olghth. Fortieth. Forty-first and Forty-fourth, and I will get a heavy voto In the other uistrlots." Tho Union Labor candidates guvp out the follewing: ... P, h. McCarthy: "Owing to tho lack of a contest I expect a light vote. I will receive a clear two-thirds." Frank J. Sullivan: "I have made a good fight, but I cannot tell how the people aro going to vote." DIED FROM FUMES IN BIG WINE VAT I United Preu Leued Wlre,1 Cucampnga, Cal., Aug. 17. As phyxiated by fumes arising from a huge wine vat at a local vineyard, F, Fernandez, 22 years of age, la dead at hlsh'omo n this eity, - Perna'nSez, in company with n fel low .workman, climbed Into the great tank vesterdaV to make necessary re- paM, Almost immediately ho was overcome by the pungent alcoholic funies He died before medical aid could bo summoned HE FOUGHT PINCH0T, IS SUED BY GOVERNMENT United I'ren Leased Wlre.l Denvor, Aug. 17. Addresses of welcome occupied tho morning ses sion of tho Trnns-'Mbals&lppl con grow hero today, the delegates bolng welcomed by state and city officials and tho rcspousca being made by tho odlclals of tho organization. At tho afternoon sosston addresses woro scheduled to bo delivered by Presi dent Thomas F. Walsh, John Barrett Lave R. Noyos and L. G. Palmer. Chief Forostor Ptnchot has not nppcarcd horo publicly as yet, though his friends say that ho Is iu tho city. It Is considered significant todny that tho government has start ed milt against Judge D. C. Doainan, one of tho lenders of tho fight against Plnohot, demanding the re turn of coal lands alleged to havo been obtained by fraud. Dcaman Is tho genoral counsel for tho Colo rado Fuel nnd Iron company. SCHOONER DRIVEN ASHORE Seven Members of the Crews Taken From the Rigging After Heroic Efforts by Lifesavers. I United lrM i.eaied 'fr,l , Now York, Aug. 17. Eight men marooned on a threo-mastod ichori or,drlvon ashore by 'a florco gale 200 yards off Nassau hotel, Long Brunch, Long Island, nro facing death today. Tho sea Is sweeping ovor tho deck carrying ovorythlng boforo It, nnd driving back tho lite-savors who are trying horolcnlly at tho risk of their own lives to rescuo the Imprisoned mon. Tlmo and tlmo again tho rescuers havo rowed tholr boaU to within a fow yards of tho stranded vessel on ly to havo thorn hurled back by tho giant waves, and It Is feared that tho sailors will perish boforo help can reach thorn. i Tho wind has boen blowing a florco galo sine early last night and thoy reached a velocity of nearly 70 miles an hour. Tho schoonor, apparently in dis tress, was slghtod off Lpng Ilranch nuout 3:30 this morning. Life- savers slgnallod t otho vossol, but thoy were not answrod, Thon the vossol disappeared In tho storm and for n tlmo It was feared that she was lost. Thu sohoonor, howevor, lomed out of tho darkness shortly before dawn and ran ahoro with sa'Is full sot Tho vossol Is believed to ha the Arlington of Dotton. TIih daybreak enmo eight men were hoii aboard frantically sig nalling for n!stanoo Llfe-savora 'mmodlately attempted to roaoh the stramiai crun with a rowboat. Ro pouted offorls to rocch tho vesio) were of no avail. Thon It was attempted U shoot breeches buoys to tho mon, but thla -too failed. On account of the heavy seas and tho florco galo wbJch continues un abated it la feared that the Bhlp soon will go to plocos, Charles Plorsou, a sailor who wu carried from tho dock of the schoonor by tho heavy Boa, was washed ashore ut Rockaway beach this afternoon. Plorson was moro dead than alive when taken to a hospital. His re covery is doubtful. Captain I. 8. 8mall, commander of the vessel, refused to deaort tho ship aftor the lifesavers arrived. Tho res cuers wore compelled to bind .hl,m and take him ashore by force. The vessel was badly damaged. Now York, Aug. 17 Savon, mem ber of the crew of the three-masted ochoonor Arlington marooned for soven hours when tholr vessel was driven ashore by. a fierce uale at LongDrahch early todayjl were iflnal ly rosoued this aftornon by life- MTMm, t Afte-' repeated attempts to rescue "('oiflauej oo it i ) GREATEST BUILDING ON EARTH Afford Office Room for More4 Than 12,000 Peo ple Cos Fifteen Mill(wL , TO BE680.FEELHIGH j1 , ITS FLOOR SPACK WILL EXCEED THIRTY ACRESWILL TA1CE aotl MILES OF WIRE AND UOO,. 0(1(1 ELKOTRIC LIGHT RULUS TO LUJ1IT IMMENSE IIUILDING. United ITm Uditd Wire.) Now ork. Aug. 17. After moro than tun years of preliminary plan ning, work has Just begun horo which, when It In comploted ln 1012, will provide UiIh city with tho great est municipal building lu tho world, covorlng two city blocks, ntfordlug office room for moro than 12,000 por soiiB. nud costing $15,000,000. It will bo tho largest and most complete building ever orected, or likely to bo erected for tho accommodation of administrative and departmental of ficers of a city. Iu i'ajiny rcBpocts It will also establish new construction records. Tho contract for tho foundation Is tho largest over nwarded In this country, not only ns regards tho esti mated cost' of $15,000,000 but also In tho amount of earth to be oxca vutod and of concrete to bo usod. Not loss than 140,000 cubic yurds of dirt and roc n will have to bo romoved, 00,000 cubjc yards of which will bo under wator, while tho concrete to bo usod for tho mammoth plors on which tho building will rost will amount to ut least 50,000 cubic yards, necessi tating 70,000 barrels of comont Tho foundations will extend 130 foot bo low tho wator level whllo tho holght of the building from tho basomont to tho top of Its towor will bo C80 foot There will bo 2i glories in tho main building each with an aroa of! more thnn an acre, whllo tho total area of office space, Including tho towor space, will oxceed 30 acres. Thirty-two elevators, tho groatost number ovor Installed In one build ing, will take tho pussongors up and down, and n subwuy stntlon In the basomont will give direct access to tho city's various underground linos Tho lighting or tho building will require more than 200 miles of wir ing nnd about 200,000 uleotrlc light bulbs. Altogether Father Knickerbocker Is to havo a munlalpal building in keeping with his munlolpnl expendi tures, which are oqtiul to moro than ouethlrd of tho oxponses of the fed orul government and the largest of their kind In the world. LONDON OBJECTS TO USE OF KING'S NAME (United l'ren Utued Wirt.) . , I,ondon, Aug. 17. After several gangs of workmen hud labored near ly night to put up a number of poj tors advertising an Insect powder, twice as many men today are work ing foverlsbly nulling tho Illustrat ed bill posters down. Tho .posters havo boon officially ob Jocted ; to. PIctorlally tho poster represented n hand holding an up tilted box from which a powder poured on a number of Insects which appeared to have dlod instantly from, contact with Iho down-flowing par ticles. Thore were two lines of type. Tho top lino declared that pow der brought Instant death to cock roaches and oQxor "vermin. Tke bottom line romarked: "ftupplled to His Majesty ta.9 IC ig.'1 Tho advertiser averred that lie meant no offense but that ho was following a time-honored custom of advortltlng wherolu the klnc's name I tlway la mentlmod