W mmmmu !i2saw3ft. DAILY OATTTAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1009. k' I" T .Ol 13 ?' I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. nOFr, Editor uj Proprietor Inrtfptudcnt Nowipapar Dorotod to American rrlnclplet and the ftogreM and Dotelopcmout of All Oregon. PublUhed BTery KTenlng Except Sunday, Ealcm, Ore. SUllNCIUPTJON KATES. (Invariably a Adranco.) Dally, by carrier, por year W.00 Tcr month. ..60o Dally, by mall, per year. . 4.00 per month Ho Veokly, by mall, per rear-.....-. .00 Six month -..60c UL THE BATTLE FOR DEVELOPMENT HAS ONLY BEGUN. The battle for the development of all Oregon has proceeded and has been backed by unselfish purposes. Salem as the Capital City has shared in the results in a very substantial manner. The construction of the Falls City and Dallas railroad into Salem has just been completed, That railroad will cross the river here and will be extend ed east to Silverton and Stayton. It is the second spoke in the wheel that revolves from this city at the hub. The Oregon electric railroad from Salem to Portland and to Forest Grove and Hillsboro is developing business by leaps and bounds. The owners of that property have made all plans to extend it this year from Salem to Albany. Salem is big enough to help push the Falls City railroad on to the coast and Yaquina bay. This city should have a direct outlet to the Pacific ocean, and that is the most direct harbor. In that way Salem can become a jobbing center for the lamer produce and fruit trade of the Willamette-valley. , Eugene will find an outlet to the ocean at Sluslaw harbor. Willi Harriman building from Natron to Klamath Falls, Eugene Is destined to becomo a great commercial center at the head of tho valley, But neither Eugene nor Salem can afford to wait for what Harriman will do for them. Such inland cities have only a greater future by reaching out tor it, Neither city has ever done anything to make itself a rail road or commercial center. If Salem and Eugene will put up $100,000 each to get an Independent railroad connection with a seaport they will be . doing somothlng besides being mere nap-suckers on the state of Oregon. Harriman will slowly build up tho Deschutes, Tho Orogonian (Harriman) has hollered Deschutes, Des chutes, Deschutes, as if that would transform all Oregon. Building up tho Deschutes and up tho Pengra pass toward Klamath Talis will afford Oregon as little as any two rail roads that can possibly bo built. Both lines are through wild canyons and almost desert regions. Thov will cost millions and produce almost no business for hundreds of milos, Half the money expended oxtonding his lino from Ontario east, or from Detroit across tho Cascades into Crook county would return ten times as much for Harriman and Oregon. I bollovo these oxtenslons and tho lino from Drain to Coos Bay will bo built before tho others aro and are logical and buslnossliko extensions that should be made and would pay big returns. I havo boon all over tho country that would bo served and know what I am talking about. The Corvallis and Eastern should be built through to Prine ville, Burns and Ontario, on the east, and down to Newport on the west end. Thov will bo built boforo tho other lines aro, Mark that, Railroads cannot be kept out of Coos Bay any moro than water can bo kopt fiom running down hill, Throe good harbors with manufacturing, commerce and population already in existence awaiting the railroad lie there Siuslaw Bay, Winchester Bay and Coos Bay are three big cards for a railroad to draw to. I predict two railroads will be going into those harbors, two railroads into Yaquina Bay, and two railroads into Tilla mook Bay befoie another decade has passed, The development of Orogon has only begun. Hai rlman Interests in San Fumcisco are tremendous and will soek to drain the whole state into the Golden Gate. The movement to buy right of way up the Orogon coast from San Francisco is an effort to turn the tide of develop ment that way. All wostorn Oregon must fight for development away from San Francisco, We must join hands with Portland to keep from being an nexed to California. The development of Oregon has only begun and must be kept up on broad linos. Portland and all western Oregon must fight to open central Oregon and the Willamette valley to the deep-swt harbors on the west coast. In a few yeas the Panama canal will be opened and the io'es of Euiorean t avel, commerce and capital xwlll be turned upon our coast, Western Oregon should be ready to receive the great heri tage that the ages have stored up for us. Here will meet the commerce of the Occident and the Orient The gateways to the vast undeveloped interior must be opened. The Willamette valley will become the garden spot, the or chard and the greenhouse of the old and new worlds, Its cities will extend their borders until it is all one fair interurban region. The west coast harbors will be adorned with cities of fifty to one hundred thousand, Portland within ten years will have half a million. Faith, courage and broad minded policies must be pursued and we must put oil in our lamps to be ready for the coming bridegroom, Mno Wentlu-rj Poor Bell Tho Salem Independents had no difficulty whatever yesterday In sim ply beating tho Dllworth Dcrbys to a frazzol. Tho Portland bunch only ecored onco iwhllo tho local boys Jcnockcd about tho diamond until thoy piled iup 10 runs, and then they appeared to stand nround and watch tho Dllworth players try (or moro scores. Tho Portland team camo to this city with a good reputation and tho Salem managers were anticipat ing a llvoly contest for honors, but when tho Oregon Electric unloaded tho team Salem Tano drew their con clusions at onco, and thoy woro not disappointed olthor. Chot Bowen gathered In tho Hock at will and when tho Portland ladi; tipped tho ball In tho Salem territory thero was not much excitement, but eomo Tory good handling of tho ball. Howovor, Salem dosorvefl credit for playing a good game Tho bad playing of tho Dllworth team was taken good na utrcdly and tho largo crown of spec tators onjoyed tho game and tho flno weather Immensely. CURED OF CANCER OF (it I uif Out CKYINO FOR 1IKLP. IotH of It In Rjilein, lint Dally Grow ing ICSS. Tho kidneys cry for holp. Not nn organ In tho wholo body so dollcntely constructed. Not ono so Important to health. Tho kidneys nro tho filters of tho I blood. When thoy fall tho blood becomes foul and poisonous. Thero can bo no health whore thero Is poisoned blood. Ilaokacho Is ono of the first Indi cations of kidney trouble. It Is tho kidneys cry for holp. Hood It. Doan'n Kldnoy Pills nro what Mb wnnted. I Alio Just what over-worked kid neys need. ' Thoy Htroncthon and InvlKorate tho kldnoys, holp them to d their work, novor fall to cure any case of kidney tUaenso. j Hoad tho proof from a Salum cltl-' zen: I O. V. Vaughn, 3 Stato Btreet, Sa lom Or., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills, i proourod at Dr. Stono's drug storo, 'J proved in our family to bo a reliable romedy for backacho and nil forms of kldnoy compln'nt. I obtained tho boat of romtlta from their wo, nnd our child, who had boon nllllcted with kldnoy complaint was mado well In n slnrt tltno by them. Wo recommend Dunn's Kidney Pills to parents who havo children troubled In any way by dWonlorod kldnoys." Kor snlo by nil donlers. Prlco 50 cent'. I'wtor-Mlllnim Co.. Buffalo, New York. note a gouts fir the United StntM lieraember tho name Dunn's ml take no other. "Dick" Jose, Famous Singer, bays unnstian Science Cured Him of Dread Malady. San FrnnclBco, Aug. ic. "Dick" Jose, tho famous contra-tenor, whose sweot volco has delighted thoatro goors for many years, announced to day that .he hns been cured of cancer of tho tongue by Chrlstlnn Science Joso Is now nn ardent believer In Chrlstlnn Science and exhibits a per fectly normal tongue as proof that ho hns been cured of tho dread mal ady, which Is rarely stopped until It has taken tho life of Its victim. All of "Dick" Joso's friends know that ho was an Inveterate clear srriokor and many of thorn know that .,0 hnd a rapidly developing cancer of tho tongue. Ho says that ho tried doctor after doctor nnd none could give h I in oucourngoment. Finally In desperation he secured the services of a Christian Science practitioner. Ho became a deop student of Sirs. Eddy's tonchlngs nnd n regular attendant at tho Christian Selenco church. Ho said tho result Is tlmt ho Is now cured. Joso stood on tho steps of tho Church of Christ, Scientist, yostordny and long and enthusiastically told of the great worth of tho teachings of Mrs. Eddy and pledged himself nn everlasting disciple to tho doctrines of tho church. THE GAS EXPLODED; TWO WERE KILLED Cleveland, O., Aug. 10. In a nat ural gas explosion horo today which blow out tho cntlro front of tho 4 Btory plant of tho Wlrlck Storage company, J. W. Montgomery and Edward Dunn woro fatally Injured and four others badly hurt. Following tho explosion thrco roodon buildings adjoining tho plant caught flro and were totally de stroyed. o When the stomach, heart or kld noy nervoB get weak, .then those or gans always fall. Don't drug tho stomach, nor sUmulate tho heart or kidneys. That Is simply a make shift. Oot a prescription known to druggists ovorywhoro as Dr. ihoop'a itcsiorauve. xno restoratiro is pro- pared expressly for thoso weak Inside nerves. Strengthen those nerves, build them up with Dr. Snoop's Re storative tablets or liquid and seo how quickly holp will come. Sold bv tho Capital drug-storo. Little Soldiers In your blood are tho millions of corpuscles that dofond you against dlsoaso. To mako and keep thoso littlo soldiers healthy and strong, is simply to mnko and keep tho blood of the right quality nnd quantity. This is Just what Hood's Snrsaparllla doesit helps tho littlo soldiers in your blood to fight diseaso for you. It cures scrofula, eczema, eruptions, catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous ness, dyspepsia, general debility, and builds up tho wholo system. For Indigestion ana all Btomach troublo tako Foloy'o Orlno Laxative as It stimulates the stomach and liv er and regulates tho bowels and will positively euro habitual constipation. For salo by J. C. Perry. o . A woman always argues on both sides of a thing hor husband Is go ing to do so that whichever way It goes sho can Bay to him "I told you so." Pooplo with chronic bronchitis, as thma and lung troublo will find great relief and comfort In Foley's Honey and Tar, and can avoid Buffering by commencing to take It at once. For snlo by J. 0. Perry. When Outfitting For the Coast or Mountains remember that we carry a complete line of RIPLES REVOLVERS AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE Sportsman Clothing HUNTING BOOTS In fact everything you will need at the Coast or in the Mountains. We are practical outfitters to sportsmen. a JBfjSgBSMSBSjSHBfBfJgMBSjSkJSfaMMSjnsB qifli)gtafBiiaffjHi(ai tH tiitifc(l- $3.00 SAVES A BIG DOLLAR $3.00 BARGAIN DAY I I1CS 9 9 Am 31 nmxwi n.wwMaBJgrtBcin'fyraaaEiangfaaaott Xotlrv of Intention to lmpiov 11 Puitlmi of Asylum Avenue. s WOULD YOU BECOME WELL-TO-DO? The suraal way Is to begin now and save regulars pi of our oNrt'lngs. The best why lo ae U to open savings aciKiuut ulth u. svvixus pKi'.-umuc.vr Capital National Bank MEALS 15c Call and try tbem. Meats ! Hoard per wsek f2.Ti, a fur ulihed room very reaonab't AT TIIR Salem Restaurant :! l HT STIIKKT. Notice Is hereby given that thS common council of the city of Salem S Oregon, deema I? expedfert to Im-'jt prove una pioMiH to improve it' V me exponse of ;.biittlu nnd adjacent IS rotertv. Aavluni nvonn In th ,-lt ' f Salem. Oregon from he .n ' JJ of the bridge over Xotth MM cr-' j 10 the eaat elty limits The rosdw-n , ui nm puruun ui mum a ill hi RVf nue Including luieraeetlona thall l Improved niih a crushed roclt Im piixduitrui iu nrcoritaiit't wnn ill' t inane aim Boecmcauoas uiiop'eti m 'be rommon qouhoII aud on tile li the offlee of the city recorder aid by doing all thlnge required. In ailil laii aa tolflcatlon. Itemouttraueea may W fllexl . agalnet saltl Improvement in tin U manaer ettil within the time require! n the courier of said elty n vate of the first publication of thl notice the 3rd dev of August. 1"H By order of 'he enmmon eitiinotl W. A. MQOnt. 8-3-11 1 City Heeortler. ,. ,0"-r'" "intu'toB" I- Tbt some people claim to. have when they make a good guess. ' .. o lmby Morphine Fiend Are made by all withlng syruus sad baby wadloinos that eontala oelum and narettt'os. McClee's Baby Ullxrr contain so Injurious or ar- eatk drugs of any kind A sure and afe on re for disordered etoiaaehv VtAUtAla ! Al'uliAaa ..I.h.11.1 - ' wi Biiii iiviidibbsi nniriunii 1111 1 1 eeth tin lufauts Sold by all drun-ii All subscribers to the Daily Capital Journal except city j; carrier lists who pay up all arrears to September 1, 1909, ? can secure the Daily Capital Journal one year in advance $ for $3. If you are paid a lit- j tie in advance of August 31, pay for a year from the date J you are paid to, and save the j dollar THE ttgaoT.ranmTTgffKiremuflr.u&rgfl ANNUAL ARGAIN DAY Uik3BUKMa3UfSiKJte Saves the people hundreds of dollars. Start at once to take advantage of our BAR GAIN DAY. Remit by mail or call at the Journal office on or before Tussday even ing, August 31, to secure this, reduction Do not ask for this Rate after Aug. 31 CAPITAL Saiesn, JOURNAL Oregon t i ' tisasm gists. MeH4g4tf40IQIOagggcg