READ THE ADVERTISEMENT OF THE CAPITAL JOURNAL BARGAIN DAY AUGUST 31 ON PAGE 2 TODAY ( Sail l faumal VOJJ.XIX. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1000. NO. 182. mm 3raJ nl Inllnllnllnlln lrteSfBlFrT iniiniiniinl t?J "-. - - iii ... iBiBaai r i i"i mmu ivai i. L - I I HILL IS BEHIND THE ROAD Porter Brothers, the Local Con tractors, Make This Ad mission in Portland Today. FIGHT TO A FINISH IIKTWKEX THE 11ICI OXKS II I Mi J15VIHEXTLV IXTHXDS TO IX- VADK IIAHItlMAX'8 TERRITORY AND CAPTURE a ART OK CAM. VOIIXIA AXI) KHISCO TRADE. (United I'rcn Leased Wire.) Portland, Aug. 1C. Whnt is deem ed by rullruad officials hero to bo tho first gun In a fight botwoon Harrl nuin and Hill for control of central Oregon and nu outlet to California and Snu Francisco, was tired today when Portor Brothers, local contract ors, nnnnunced that tho now Dos chutes canyon road, which Is build ing, has the backing of James J. Hill. Tho Porter Oros. outfit has been working In the Deschutes canyon re putably In the Interest of tho Oregon Trunk line It has boon donled fro quentlj that ihe Northern Pacific magnato was backing tho lino. The announcement that Hill Is be- f SALEM'S BIG: DEPARTMENT STORE Is out with the biggest line of bargains we ever offered for this sale. 'Ask for tho goods advertised. We have them here ready to hand out to you at tho advertised prices. If you want bargains come to the Chicago Store EARLY FALL STYLES In Swell New Suits Like These 'Cuts $120 values now $12.30 $2.1 values now $11.00 Those suits ore the latest New York pro ductions. Loner coats nnd plaited skim, p.lll; lined nnd handmuoly trimmed; ma'ounls the latest In worsteds 'nnd cheviots. 0her suits at less money SEE OUR MONEY SAYING BARGAINS WHERE CAX YOU HEAT OUR PRICES? Ladles f 1.50 and 2 Shirt WaUtd. slightly soiled, now ,:i3c 7 He Dimities, Challles, Lawns and Calcoes, now yard,... 3 Ho Misses' 25c fine ribbed tan Hos iery, now pair 12Jc Children's .oc-black Hose IXI fine ribbed, pair Oc 69c bleached Sneets, full size, for the double beds 30t 35c Dressing Sacques now...iyc CHICAGO STORE SALEM, OREGON "The Store That Saves You Money." hind tho road presages a fight for tho control of tho Deschutes canyon, iho Pitt River canyon Into California, and rivalry in tho Sacramonto valloy. It is intimated that tho outlot of tho now road la to ho farm Francisco. BEING UNDER 18 . MAY ESCAPE PEN f United Pre Leaied Wire. Santa Clara, Cal Aug. 16. Jos. Wlllots nnd Fred Carr, the two boys who robbed tho Santa Clara Valley bank last Friday, sworo In court to-1 day that nolthor was eighteen years of ago. Each swore that Ijo was sovontcen. tVuon this contradiction was niado It was Impossible to proceed further with tholr cases and tho two prison ers were remanded to tho Juvenile court to dotormlno tholr ago. Tf tho court finds that they aro eigh teen or ovor they will be sont back to the criminal courts. If tho youthful robbers convince tho court that they are not eighteen thoy will bo dsntt with as Juvenile prisoners nnd will get off with much lighter treatment In ease of convic tion than would be possible other wise. RAIN AT ST. LOUIS BREAKS HOT SPELL rnltml l'r I.WiH Wlr I St. Louis, Aug. 10. Tho first heavy rain this city has scon In a month foil today and gnvo graat ro Hof after tho torlflc spell of heat. Four deaths and thirteen prostra tions woro reportod yesterday, o . Drink and tho world drinks with you but you sottlo tho bill alone. A fool can do moro damage In a mlauto than a wlso man can undo In a yoar. A GREAT DROP IN PRICES 85o Satin Messallno Ottoman Silks, in all the very latest shades. To introduce these beautiful silks we offer them for this sale at, yard SOc. We show tho greatest stock of pleco goods that was ever openel up in Salem in all classes of hi, wool, linen and cotton. DKODIXG DEPARTMENT. We show a wonderful stock of bedding in blankets, comforts, lace curtains and all the rest at prices guaranteed to bo the lowest. Jjjgr 1 11 mil 111 c las I Ili3 1 9K lilL .Ufl tjlfi w i DRIVEN INSANE BY HEAT Six Murders Are Directly Traceable to Heat, Which Caused Temporary Insanity. AND SEVEN SUICIDE HUMIDITY IS LESS IX CHICAGO TODAY AXD THE UK AT XOT SO IXTEXSE, THOUGH THK11MOM ETER STIMi HOVERS AROUND THK XIXKTY MARK. Unlt1 I'rM Liuri Wlw.l Chicago, Aug. 16- Six person sons huvo Icon murdered, soren hnvo committed suicldo, and tho hoi ,l'nls ,iro crowd with heat vic tims an a rw. of tho hot wive tun has en7etonl Chicago tc thp last 30 hours. Tho extreme heat, the pollco say, Is directly responsible for tho crlmo wave from which Chicngo Is now mifforing. With tho morcury hovor tng near 8G dogroes, scores of boat prostrations, In addition to numer ous cases of suicides and murdors, have boon roportod. Pollco and hospital ambulances havo boon kopt bucy answering calls. Tho Hufforlng has boen lntonse in tho ti-noment district, whoro most of tho suicided havo occurred. Al though tho thormometor today Is still closoly pressing tho 90 mark, tho humidity is lost, and tho heat not so Intonso. Within 30 hours an expert Chi cago accountant, after murdorlng Ms wlfo and sou,- blow out his brains. A mother driven insane by tro oxtromo boat, killed her throe yoaingost ohlldron, aftor sho had at tempted to wlpo out tho ontlro fam ily. Sho thou committed suicide by rsphyxoatlon. Theso cnios, according to tho po llco, wore caused by Insanity, supor Induced by tho oxcoeelro heat. St Louis In Sweltering. . St. Louis, Aug. 10. Sovon deaths and 13 prostrations Is tho toll exacted by the Intense heat which prevailed In this section during the past 48 hours. Despite thf heavy rain which fell early this morning, the first of u month, three moro deaths are report ed. Following the rain tho thermom otor dropped froin 94 to 83, but roso rnpldly again this afternoon. Two physicians at U10 olty hospital woro overcome while working over heat patients. Mrs. Nancy Kook. crazed by tho heat, attacked another woman In the shopping district thte afternoon. She was overpowered nnd taken to n hos pital. Twelve Dead in Oninna. Omaha. Aug. 16 Two deaths from the heat this ufte'ruoon, with two fa talities this morning, make the total in this city during tho last 48 hours twelve. The heat wave this afternoon snows no signs of relaxation. Pros trations are reported hourly. SEISMOGRAPHS TELL OFSEVERE.EARTHQUAKE United rrru Rai1 Wire. I Washington, Aug. 16. The seis mograph here registered an earth quake which Is supposed to have oc curred In California or on the Pact n- coat o Moxlca at 1 o'clock this morning. The shake lasted over an hours. Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 16. Tho seismograph at the University of M chlgan registered an earthquake shock early this morning which la9ted ne hours and forty-seven minutes I niver Ity sc'entlsts believe tho eake ccu'red somewhere In the Wen Indle3 MAZAMAS PERISH IN CREVASSE Two Men Who. Started to Ex - plore Mt. Tacoma Get Lost in Blizzard and Are Probably Dead SEARCH IS IN VAIN TRACKS AHK FOUND LEADIXO UP TO I)KK1 CREVASSE AXI) THK UUIDES AUK CURTAIN' HODIES ARE LV1XH IX THK DEPTHS OK THK GLACIER. (United l'reu I.eaic) Wire. Tacoma, Aug. 1(5. T. F. Cnllag Uan of West Sonttlo and Jamoa W. Stevens of Tronton, N. J., aro prob ably lying mangled nnd dead at tho foot of one of tho Mount Tacoma crovassos, whilo a searching party under tho leadership of Jules Stam pllor Is vainly searching for tho mon, vlth llttlo hope- of tholr efforts bo lug crowned with succoss. Tho lost men mado wp a party of threo that started out Friday morn ing at 9 o'clock to cxploro tho moun tain, tho third membor bolng J. P. Sturley. Sturley wont with thom as far as Qllraltai Hock. A blizzard had come up whon thoy roachod tho rock and Sturloy returned to camp at Paradlso Valloy, ronchlng thoro Saturday. The othors kopt on. No guldo accompanied thorn. Aftor tho nows wao brought to camp Joo Stampflor, ono of tho nionn tnln guides, started out to soarch for tho missing mon. Ho was ua mompnnlod by four mon. Tho par ty signalled- from McClure Rock yostorday that they wero unsuccess ful In tho soarch. This morning E. I. Phillips nnd A H. Swartz, mountain guides, came Into camp and sold that thoy had found a crcvasso with tracks load ing up to tho brink, indicating that tho men had fallen Into Ua dopths. A short tlmo aftor Joo Stampflor came Into camp completely worn out and reported that tho packs and Al plu stocks used by tho mon had boon found ten feet from tho crator Shortly aftor Joo Stampflor camo In Julius Stampflor eCarted out with another party of coarchers and at noon today thoy signalled that they had not mot with any success. Tho blizzard raged In tho moan tains all day Saturday and Saturday night and it ugay bo that the men lost their way and finally wandered Into name sholtcred placo, but tho guides entertain llttlo hop of find ing them allvo. WILLIAM GRILLS IS DEAD The wlros brought tho sad news but a few moments before press time of tho death of William drills at his homo In Kose City Park, Portland, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. His death U tinged with more than usual sad ness, for the gates of life had only fairly opened to him, and all the fu ture seemed fair and beautiful. Only a short time ago May 11 he was married to Miss .N'ellle Patterson of this city and it soems the congratula tions and gpod wishes are yet fresh when the same friends who shared in the happiness of the young couple are called upon to mourn with those who mourn. Mrs. Grills had many friends here, wnero for a long while she was one of tho popular employes in the music store of Geo C Will and later of the telephone company The smputh c - u h n if frl".i.l goos out to Mrs. Grills so short a tltno ago a laughing bride; so soon a , widow In hor groat bereavement. 1 SPANIARDS PUTTING i UP A GOOD FIGHT (United l'rcii Lucd Wire. Madrid, Aug. 16. Fighting bo- tweon tho Mors and Spaniards was resumed today at Molllla. i Aftor a disastrous weolc for tho l forces Hinder Gonoral Marina during iwh'cu tlmo th0 Moore haT0 kont th0 garrison of 38,000 mon 0I0SOI7 hug ging tho walls of tho olty whilo they poured ahots Into tho fortifications from tho mountnlnsldo, Marina moved aggressively against tho trlbormon today. Tho Spanish gen eral haa boon handicapped for come tlmo from tho lack of supplies. The expected munitions arrived several days ago and in splto of tho Moon' efforts to prevent a lnndtng a uum bor of Fronch, Hold cannon havo reachod Marina. '0 CANADA WILL HAVE BIG WHEAT CROP T United 1'reut I.ed Wlre.t Winnipeg, Mnn., Aug. 1G. Tho grain crop of Manitoba nnd surround ing provtncoa of Canada is expected to produce 11 supply exceeding that of any yield horotoforo recorded, no cording to exports hero today. It Is OHtlmntod that tho crops of this prov Inco, Alberta nnd Saskatchewan nlonu will 'give enough gnlu to supply the wholo of Croat Urltaln for many months. A report that 30,000 mon would be needed to gather tho crop Is, how ovor, an exaggeration, nnd although thoro will bo work for many laborers no such wholosalo demand for holp will bo forthcoming, according to of ficials of tho agricultural department. SALElT WOMAN IS HURT Mrs. J.p. Emmet's Arm Broken In Auto Accident in Which Her Grandson Is Killed. r United Prtu t.taied rflr. Chohalla, Wash., Aug. 10. Tho 7- year-old son of Mr. and. Mrs. J. P. Emiuott of Adrian, Wash.,, was killed six miles west of Chehalla laio yes terday whon tho automobile driven by hla father becamo unmanageable and plungod from a brldgo Into a crockbod. The boy wan plnnod un dor tho heavy machine and crushed to death. In tho machlno at tho tlmo of tho accident besldo Kmmeti nnd his run woro Mrs. Kmmett, he-r llttlo daughter. Kmmett's mother, Mrs. J p. Kmmott of Salem, Or., and II. P. Parnsworth. with whom tho party was visiting. Mrs. J. P. Kmmett sustained n frac turod arm, butt tho other ocoupantb of tho automobile escaped Injury. Mr. Kmmett and IiIh wlfo left last night with tho body of the boy. who will bo burled at Amity, NO BEER, NO WORK, SAY GARY STRIKERS United Prraa UuH Wlr.J Gary, Ind., Aug. 16, "Unless we can have our-beor we positively re- fuso to work." . This, ultimatum handed recontly to officials of the Unltod States Steel Corporation was carried out today when 600 skilled workers threw down their tools and quit work. Several months ago prohibition wus agitated by church workers. Loca,l officials of the company were in fa vor of it. Company officials were told by tho employes that with tho closing of the saloons work ut the plant would stop. When the saloons closed today 600 employes made good their threat. Although a number of foreigners aro working today they, too. are pro testing against tho closing of tho sa loons, and it is expected that the strike will spread to all parts of the iU plant THE STRIKE SITUATION SERIOUS The Company Imports Several Thousand Workmen to Take the Place of Strikers. HAVE GATLING GUNS STHIKKHB KinU OX 8TKAIUOAT CAKRYIXG STUIKK UltKAKKKS, AXI) IX PITCHKI) UATTLU WITH KTATK TltOOPS AHK KOfiCKl) INTO ItlVKIt XOXK KILTiHD. United l'reu I.eatcd Wire. Pittsburg, Aug. 1C. Catling guns mounted on river boats to protect sovornl thousand workmen that the locnl car company's havo brought in to tuko tho plncoa of tholr striking employes aro hold lit readiness to day to resist any attack upon tho works. A pitched battlo botwvon mounted state constabulary and the strikers occurred last night and tho rioting ceiiHcd only when n nu rubor ot'strlkorn woro drlvou into tho Ohio rlvor by thi troops. ' Tho attack started whon a force of strikers II red. 01 a steamboat car rying otrlko-brenkers Into tho Pros sod Steel Cnr mopnny'n works. Tho boat was forced back from tho land ing, which wn crowded with a masa of strikers. TbcCconstnbulary wore ordored to clear tho plor and tho ahnrgo followed. Hovolvors wore llrod on both sldos, but no ono was Injured by bulloto. Whon tho mob was dlspersod 280 non-unionists wero taken Into Um plant. Rumor that 1000 moro would bo brought In todny lod to tho pre diction that a serious daah would occur and tho precaution of mount ing tlif machlno guns by tho Ute troopn waa taken. SESSION MOST END FRIDAY Olympla. Aug. 16. Blevon sena tors, by absenting thonuolvoa today, m-o bringing about a situation that will probably force Governor Hay to call another special session of tho this morning ruled that undor tho In wthos MoIal soelon must end sixty days from June 12, whon H wnB called. In other words, the session may last but Ave days more, Including today. With tho Scnlvuly charge shot to pUces by rccont at tacks ami amended charges to 1m brought today. It la practically Im posstblu to complote the Si-hlv ! trlnl In live days. It Is claimed that under the rule when a session of the leglsluturd onds, nil unfinished business die, theroforo it will be uecessury for the governor to call a special session for noxt week and that now Impeuchmenc charges might be mado In the house und tho whole procedure started over again. Tho attorney genorul also ruled that legislators cannot draw per diem for long recesses, but may draw mile age' for coming back the last week. Under the latter decision Auditor ClauBen will Issue mlleuge warrants which he bus held up. Tho senate this morning met at 9 o'clock but tho roil call showed Cox, Davis, Fatlnnd, Craves, Hutchinson. McGowau, Nichols, Roberts, Itydater Smlthson and Stewart absent. After a loug debate, Including a call of the senate fo rtho arrest of ubseutees. It was Anally decidod to take a recall till 1 o'clock tills afternoon t) jlv? thi- nbseateees i clnn o put In 11 (ipoenrir'