I HW R)BR9 DAILY OAITTAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1000, j?wn9IIOTMMMII I I,' i V. r' V . w!aM '! ... i 1 , WW ft? X" .1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL . IIOFSr., Editor ad Proprietor Independent NewBpiper Devoted to American Principle and the Propcm and Dovelopement of AH Oregon. Published Krery livening KxCept Sunday, SUBSCRIPTION RATB8. (lnvarUblr in Advunco.) OaIIj, br currier, per rear W.OO Per month.....60o Dallr, bj mall, per year. . 4.00 Per rnonth............8Sc Voeklr, by mall, per cnr.... M1.00 Six monthi .......(0c !umONLABEL GIFFORD PINCHOT'S ADDRESS Fails to Find Anything Com mendable in the Course , of Department of the Interior. (United rrei Leased Wire. Spoknno, Aug. 11. Dealing with tho vital problem e: tlio niMop to day, that of Improving tho landi to Incrcaso tho number of homo-own-on, tho address of Clifford P'p hot, United States forester and chnlrninn of tho national conservation com mission held tho nttontlon of the delegates from Its quiet beginning until Kb flnnl Btlrrlng climax. After dwelling upon tho neces sity for the upbuilding of tho na tion through the men who own their own ho in oh nml tho necessity for tho advancement of irrigation to In crenso that number to strengthen the nation, Plnchot placed hltiHolf on record na chninplon of tho Rouovoit policies. Ho snld In pnrt: "Tho first thing wo need In this country, as President Roosevelt to well set forth In that great message which told whnt ho had boon trying to do for the American people Is equality of opportunity for ovory citizen. No man should have less, mid no man ought to nsk fo" uny more. Kqunllty of opportunity Is tho real objoct of om laws nud In stitutions. Our Institutions and, our lawn nro not valuable In thpnuelvos Thoy nro valuable only bocausa tMv socuro oqunllty of opportunity for Impplnoaa and wolfare for out citl ins An institution or a law W a mean, not an nml. a niwiim to bo mod tor tho public good, to bo modi fied for tho publlo rood, and to be Inetrproted for tho public gojj. Ouo of tho groat reosoim why President Roosevelt's udmlnlstt.itlon was Mich tinormmia value to the plain Ameri can was that lit undorstool what St. Poul monut when ho said: 'The loiter kllloth. but the spirit glvetti llfo.' To follow blindly th letter of tho law, or the form of an imtl tutlon without Intelligent rsgnrd v Until for Its spirit and for the public ,f. wulfnro. Is vsry noarly as dnngormiH J, , as to dlHrogurd tho law alt-igethsr 'Wljnt wo noed U tho use of tin law for tho public good, and tlo con struction of It for tho publlo wel fAro. "It go without sHy'ng that tlu law Is supremo and must be nlieyod Our civilisation rott on ohlltmo to Inw. Hut tho law is not nhot-it. It requires to be oonitruod. Rcgim! Ing construction of tho law, It works, and m iut work, In the vast majority Of oasot. for the bonollt of tho men who van h're the bust lawyan and Xvho havo tho sources of Influence In law making nt their command. Strict construction necoasarP fav ors tho great Interests as against tho people, and lu tho long run car, not do otherwise. Wlso execution of tho Inw must conalder what the law ought to accomplish for tho gonoral go-id. Tho great opprotslv. t. lists oxlt because of wubserv'eut law makers mid adroit legal construc tions. Horo Is tho central strong hold of the money power In tho overlastlng conflict of the fw to grab, and the many to keep or win the rights they wero born wUi. Lo wMwawaers, WOULD YOU BECOME WELL-TO-DO? Tho surest way le to begin now and savo regularly a part of your earnings. Tho beat way to bbvo U to open n savings account with us. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Cinltal National Bank Salem, Ore. gal technicalities soldom help the people Tho pooplo, not tho law, should havo tho 'benefit of evory doubt. "Equality of opportunity, n squaro deal for ovory man, tho pro tection of tho cttlzon against tho great concentration of capital, tho Intelligent uso of tho laws and Insti tutions for tho publlo good, and tho conservation of our natural resour ces, not for tho truBts, but tor tho pcoplo; thoso aro real Issue and tho real pnoblemo. Upon such things an theso tho perpetuity of thli coun try as a nation of homes roally do- ponds. Wo aro coming to wij that (ho simple things nro tho things to work for. More- than that wo are coming to see that tho plain Ameri can citlr.cn Is tho man to work l'or. Tho Imagination is staggorod by tho magnltudo of tno prize for which to work. If wo euccood, thoro will ex ist upon this continent a sano, strong pcoplo, living through tho canturlos In a land subduod and controlled for tho scrvlco of tho pooplo, Its right ful mnstors, ownod by tho manv and not by tho fow. If wo fail, tha great IntorortB, Increasing their control ( f our natural resources, will thoroby control tho country moro and more, and tho rights of tho pcoplo will fado Into tho privileges of cnucu tratcd woalth. "Thoro could bo no bettor innutri tion of tho oagor, Tapld, unfearod ab sorption by capital of tho rights which holong to all tho pcopl thon tho water power trtiBt, not yot form ed but In rapid procouB of formation. This utatomont 1b truo but not un challenged. Wo nro mot at ovsry turn by tho Indignant donlal of tho water power lutorosts. Thoy tell us that thoro nro no community of In terest nmong thorn, and yot thoy ap pear year after year at thotjc ctm grossos by tholr paid attorneys, ask ing for your influonco to holp thorn romovo tho fow obstnolett to inolr porpotunl and comploto absorption of tho remaining wntor powon. Thoy toll us It has no significance that tho Gonoral Electric intorcsts nro acquiring great groups of wator towers In vnrlous porta of tho Uni ted State and dominating the power market In tho region of eaoh group. And whoever domiiintos power, d')in lnntun nil Industry. Havo yo-t cor shhii a fow drops of oil scnttored on tho wntor spreading until thoy funn ed a continuous film, which put an end nt once to nil ngiUM'on of tho surface. Tho tlmo fur us to agitato this question Is now, boforo tho separate clreltm o,r centralized control spread Into the uniform, unbroken, nation wide covering of n slngl gigantic trust. I hero will be little chimes for mere HgitHtlon after that. No man at ill familiar with tho situation can doubt that tho tlmo for effective pro- tt Is ery abort, if we do not us It to piotuet ourtMhott row, wo may be very sure that tho trust will give hereafter Koine consideration to the welfare of the average citizen when In conflict with Its own. "The man who roally counts Ih he plain AmorlCHii eltlxun. Tills Is the man for whom Itoosuvolt policies erv created, and his welfare Is tho end to which the Hoosevolt polielos lead. As a nation wo nro fortunate t this tlmo In this fuo; above all jthois, that tho great man who gave his namv to those policies has round lu his successor another great presl .lent whoso administration Is most Milomnly pledged to (ho spirit of thum. "I stand for tho lloosovelt pollolos 1mcuute thoy set tho common good if all of us above tho priva'e g"-li f some of us; because they reuosnlz ho livelihood of the small mr.n h uore Importunt to the nation thni tho profit of tho big man; because they oppose all usolcss waste nt pres- t at tho cost of robbing the future beonuse they demand the complete sane and ordeily development of a. our natural resources, not forgettint, our rivers; because they Insist upo equality of opportunl.y and denott u monopoly and special privilege; It" cause discarding false Issues, the .Jenl directly with tho vital questions that really make a difference with th' welfare of us all and most of all. because In thorn the plain- American ilwnyB and ev?rhore ho as 'ti" tlr lnce And I propose to stund for J them while I hao tho strength to and fi. i.-ih. g i THE CAUSE OF RACE SUICIDE Chicago, Aug 11. Enforc3l ir.ca mtlcldo among the married employee of tho Chicago Traction companies and marriago economically forbid den to the bachelors because of In creased cost of living and a str-.tlon ary wage Bcalo was ono protoJt rais ed during tho hours of Impending Btrcet car strlko of tho 0,60 ) em ployee. Tho grievance thus r:alvcd rolnforccment from tho wives, moth ers, tdstera and sweethearts who claim that when overt I mo work has brought a man's monthly lncomo up to $75 or $80 It In still Impossible to support moro than a family of two on 27 cents an hour for a 10 hour day In Chicago with rents, Jue food and clothings nt a 40 nd cent incrcano over that of former yenrs and tho purchasing power of a mnn'a wages 9-10 per cent less thnn they used to bo. "Drlng moro money homo on pay-day" la the parting In junction with tho farewell kiss In tho Btreet car mnn's home. With tho steady rise of provisions, wives and mothers point out tho difficulty of mnnnglng households on present Incomes. Mrs. William. Tabor, wlfo of the financial secretary and busi ness agent of Division No. 1H1 or tho Chicago IlallwayB and ConnolltU tod Employes' union, asked: "Do you suppose I have bocn nblo to save anything with wages as they now nro nnd tho cost of living ns It has boon? Well, hardly. I wou'd IlKc to seo tho wlfo of any street car man who has mannged to put by any thing, nnd strcot car mon that aren't married nro In no great hasco i1 take on tho bunion of supporting two under tho present Bcalo of wa ges. .Tlioso that aro marrl d ourcly havo n task. When butter Is 33 cents n pound nnd potatoes aro 3 contH n peck it takes moro tic:i an hour's hnrd work ror our husband' to get even so much ns a pound of button" Mrs. Wllllnm Flomlng, moMifi ol n un'on olllclnl, ndded: "Seo here. I pnld 33 cents ror that pound of butter, 35 cents for that sirloin stoak. It Is tho samo wny with ev erything, Including coal and rmt. Why It Is no living nt nil." Mrs. W. W. Hylton, whoio bus bnud Is president of a union, nay. "Vlvs declnro n man ennnit have a fnmlly. Ho Is lucky if he L nb'o to support a wife Lots or the men don't gK married sinv h- bfrHUe they could only live in misery.' o TKACIIKItS' EXAMINATIONS. Notlco Is horoby glvon that tho County Superintendent of Marlon County will hold tho regular exami nation or apllcants for state and county papers at th First Mothodist church, Salem. Oregon, as follews: For Stnto Papers. Commencing Wednesday, August II. 1009, at 0 o'clock a m , and con tinuing until Saturdny, August 14. at 4 P. m. Woduesdny Penmanship, History Spoll'ng Physical Geography, Read ing Psychology, Thursday Written Arithmetic. Th-ory of Tenchlng, Grammar, Dook keeping, Physics. Civil Government. Fr'dny Physiology. "TJoography, Composition, Algebra, English Liter aturo, School Law, Saturday Botany, Piano Geome try, Genoral History. For County l'nprr. Commencing Wednesday, August 11. 1909. at 9 o'clock a. ro.. nnd ontlnulng until Friday, August 13, nt 4 p m. Wednesday Penmanship. His tory, Spelling, Reading, Physical Geography. Thursday Written Arithmetic, Theory of Teaching, Grammar. Phy siology. Friday Geography, School Law. Clv'l Government. Engl'sh Litera ture. W. M. SMITH. County School Superintendent. 7-31-9t. ii A woman married to n good fel ow has a hard time MFAIS 15c Call and try them Meals Hr Board per week $8.75. al" fur nlshed rooms very reasonsb'w AT TIIK Salem Restaurant SSS COURT 8TRKKT. More Than 20 Ingredients give to Hood's Sar saparllla Its great curative power power to euro many and varied com plaints, including diseases of tho blood, ailments ot tho stomach, troubles of tho kidneys and liver. Many of tho ingredients nro Just what the profession prescribe in tho ailments named, but the combination and pro portions are peculiar to this medicino nnd give it curnttvo power peculiar to itself. Therefore, there can bo no substitute for Hood's. Get it in tho usual liquid form, or in tablets called Sarsatabs. Earning money Is one thing and taking caro or it Is another, but tho fellow who can do neither Is up against It. o 1- Xotlce of Street Assessment. Notice Is hereby given that tho common council of tho city of Salem, Oregon, will nt or about 8 o'clock p. m. on the ICth day or August, '09, In tne common council chambers of said city, proceed to assess upon each lot or pnrt thereof or parcel of land liable, Its proportionate shnro or tho deficit on nccount of the improve ment on Broadway street in said city, between the north line or Mndlson street nnd the north curb lino' or Highland nvenue In said city. Dnte or tho first publication of this notlco, August 10, 1909. By order or the common council, W. A. MOORES, 8-l0-3t City Recorder. Olm-ruitioii Cur, Portland nnd Cot eugu (Srovc. Tho southern Pacific Is now run ning nn observation parlor car be tween Portland nnd Cottnge Grove, leaving Portland, southbound train 19, nt 8:15 a, m returning on trnln 18, leaving Cottnge Grove northbound nt 4:50 p. m, 8-5-3wks n Soldier Balks. Death Plot. It scorned to J. A. Stono, a civil war votornn, of Kemp, Tex., that a plot oxlstcd between a despornto lung troublo and tho gravo to causo his death. "I contracted a stuborn cold," ho writes, "that dcvelopod a cough that stuck to me In splto or all romcdlos for years. My wolght ran down to 130 pounds. Then I began to uso Dr. King's New Discovery, which reston-d my health completely I now weigh 178 pounds." For e voro colds, obstinate coughs, hemor rhages, asthma and to prevont pneu moh'n It's unrivaled. 50c and 1 Trial bottlo free. Guaranteed by J C. Perry. The Oregon State Fair At the Many improvements have been and are being made, and this will be the best State Fair ever held in Oregon, which means the bestwest of the Rocky Mountains. Save the date and ccme and see what Oregon can do in the tine of agriculture and industrial endeavor For premium list and any general orispecial & information, address F. A. WELCH, Secretary, Salem, Oregon IBM Notlco of Intention to Improve Ijfb crty Street. Notice Is horeby given that the common council of the city of galea, Oregon, deems it expedient to Im prove, and proposes to Improve, at tho expense of abutting and adpscent property, Liberty stroot, In said city, from the south lino or Stato street to tho south curb lino of Ferry street, by establishing curb linos and wid ening the BidowalkB so tho roadway or said Ltborty stroot will be 59 foot in width from curb to curb, and by paving tho road way or said portion or said Liberty street, Including Its Intersection with Ferry stroot, in ac cordant with tho plans nnd specifi cations adopted by tho common council on the 20th day or July, 1909, and now on file In the office of tho city recorder, and by doing all things required In said plans and specifications. Remonstrances may bo filed against said Improvement in the manner and within the time provided in tho char ter of said city. Date ot tho first publication ot this notice, the 27th day bt July, 1909. By order of the common council. W. A. MOORBB, 7-2 7-1 It City Recorder. o Notice of Intention to Improve a Portion of Asylum Avenue. Notice Is hereby given thnt tho common council of tho city ot Salem, Orogon, deems it expediont to im prove nnd proposes to Improvo at tno cxpenso or abutting and adjacent property, Asylum nvonuo In tho city of Salem, Oregon, from tho enst end of tho bridge over North Mill crook to tho east city limits. Tho roadway or said portion or said Asylum nvo nuo Including intersections shall bo improved with a crushed rock Im provement In accordance with tho plans and specifications ndoptcd by tno common council nnd on fllo in tho orrice or tho city recorder and by doing nil things required In snld plans and specifications. ' Remonstrances may be filed p gal net sold Improvement In tho mnnnor nnd within tho tlmo required In tho charter of snld city. unto of the first publication or this notice, the 3rd day or August, 1909. By order or the common council, W. A. MOORES. S-3-llt City Recorder, o For indigestion auj all stomach troublo tako Foley's Orlno Laxative a It stimulates the stomach and liv er nnd regulates tho bowels and will positively cure habitual constipation. For Bnlo by J. C. Perry. - r EfionKcifiai WILL BE HELD Sept. 1 3 to INCLUSIVE; Grounds Near Notice of Intention to Improvo a Por tion of State Street. Notice is hereby given that tho common council of tho city of Salem, Oregon, deems It oxpodlont to Im provo nnd proposes to Improvo at the oxponso of abutting nnd adjacont property, State street, In snld city, rom tho east line of Twoltth street to tho west lino or North Mill creek by moving out and establishing tho curb lines so tho roadway or oald portion of Stato street will bo 40 foot In width from curb to curb and by paving the rondwny of said portion or said State Btreet full width from curb to curb; provided, howovor that thoso portions of said Stato street which aro Intersected by othor streets shall bo paved for a width of 50 root along tho confer of said portions of Bald Stato strcot. Thoro is excepted, howovor, from tho proposed improve ment a strip soven fcot In width ex tending tho full length of tho pro posed Improvement nlong tho confer thoreof which Is to receive tho Btreet railway track or tho Portland Rail way, Light & Power Company, and to bo improved nt the cxpenso ot said company. , Attention is cnllcd to tho plans nnd specifications adopted by tho com mon council and on fllo In tho offlco or tho city recorder, which shall gov ern as to tho making of said Improve ment. Remonstrances may bo filed against said Improvement in tho man ner and within tho tlmo provided In tho charter of Bald city. Dato of tho first publication ot this notlco, tho 27th day or July, 1909. By order or tho common council, W. A. MOORES,' 7-27-llt City Rocordor. Notice to Contractors. Notlco Is hereby glvon that sealed bids will be opened nt a meeting or tho common council or the city or Salem, Oregon, to bo hold on tho ICth day or August, 1909, ror tho Improvement of Sixth street from tho south lino or Market stroot to tho south lino or Hood strcot, in accord ance with tho plans nnd specifica tions ndopted therefor by tho com mon council for snld Improvomont nnd now on fllo In tho office of the city recorder. Bids will be received upon pro posals submitted by tho city attorney and must bo In accordance with tho specifications. Dnio or the first publication of this notice, tho 10th day of August, 1909. By order or tho common council, W. A. MOORES, S-10-5t City Rocordor. 1 8 Salem u