Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 21, 1909, Image 4

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    ,11111 , irtt ii i iiinnfc iff fftif- 'ti 11 ffi i i m ftm ' mAittmmmtmrn
Transforms His Rest Cure
Room Into a Business
Office and Plays
the Markets.
United rrci l.facd Wire.
Vionnn, July 21. Despite the
wnrnlngs of his pnyslclnns that only
rclnxntlon nnd tlio ntmndonment of
business could possibly bring about
his complete recovery from the ncrv
oua disorders from which ho Is suf
fering, It was learned today that E. II.
Harrlmnn Is transacting Iramcnso
stock deals by cable.
Tho American railway mngnato
has transformed his apartments nt
Dad Onstcln, whero he wont recently
1o take tho "cure," Into business of
fices and ho Is engaged today In han
dling his affairs In the snmo man
ner that ho would If ho wcro In Now
Stormy scones arc reported to hnvo
tieon onncted between Harrlman and
tho famous specialists who havo tak
en chargo of his case. The railroad
Ing canio out of theso wordy bnttlos
victoriously nnd despite tho gravo
warnings of tho specialists ho hus re
newed his battlo for powor and
monoy with redoubled vigor.
Extra operators have been Installed
by tho cable company to hnndlo rush
messages since Harrlman re-entered
the market.
1 Unit til I'rrn I.tard Wire.
Vlctorln, n. C July 21. Tho
teumcr Iroquois of tho Alaska
Steamship Compnuy arrived In port
two hours late this morning, hnvlng
been In collision with the Amorlcnn
schooner Endeavor near Seattle. The
collision occurred In a douse fog off
Marrows Point near Port Townsend.
Tho Iroquois was proceeding Hlowly,
It being Impossible to see far ahead.
Suddenly who out Into the schooner
Endeavor of San Francisco, Inflicting
henvy damage.
Captain. MrAII8 of the Endeavor
Is tho owner as well as tdtlppor of
his schooner and carries no Insurance.
i Sho was towed bnck to Port Town-
send. The Iroquois, although badly
scraped and otherwise Injured, wnal
able to proceqd to Vlctorln without
- difficulty. Tho Jib boom of tho Iro
quols was carried away and the wire
less apparatus put out of voiumlw-slou.
(United l'ra l.tmwl Wirt.
Now York, July 21. Out of 28
governor who havo replied to teie
graiiM tent to then bv a Now Yult
nowHiHptia, 16 favir President Taft'a
propoxlllf'i to amend the federal con
stitution to hs to give congiOMi nt
thorlty to levy an Income tax.
The governor of I'tah whs the onlv
Htnto executive who declared that If
the question wore submitted to the
state legislature of his state It would
be rejected,
Telegrams from the following stRtvt
wore favorable to the pioposIUou.
Klorlda. .Montana. Nevada, Colorado.
Idaho, .MUabtMlppl. Kaunas, Indiana.
North Dakota. MIiuimoIii. Virginia.
Oklahoma. Texas. Kentucky nnd
' The governor of Illinois, Oregon.
Ithude Island, Wyoming. Georgia,
Missouri and Washington replied but
rofusod to commit themsolvcs.
The kind that makes the break
fast -resl Coffee through and
through always the same.
Your grocer will prlnd it
bettor If ground at uoiue not
too fine.
Attorney General Says He Has
Dismissed Several Land
Fraud Cases.
I United Vtttf f.rssed WIre.1
Washington, D. 0., July 21. Tho
dollnlte statement was mado at tho
state department today that Blnger
Hormnnn, former congressman from
Oregon, will be tried at Portland on
a lnnd fraud charge this coming fall,
nnd that Francis J. Honoy will per
sonally conduct tho prosecution.
Further Inquiry, howovor, failed to
bring forth nny Information concern
ing similar cases against othor prom
inent men, who hnvo so far dodged
trial That Attornoy-Gonoral Wlck-
orBhnm has miggcsted that certain
land fraud cases bo dismissed is
shown by remarks of Itoprcsontatlvo
Tawney, in which ho quoted part of
n letter received from tho attorncy
gcnornl. This question, which Is part
of tho congressional record, follews:
"I havo given general Instructions
In all cases In which Mr. Honoy is re
tained to make caroful examination
of the cases and, if they cannot be
brought to trial within a reasonable
time, with any prospect of success,
that the Indictments bo dismissed,
and have caused somo Indictments to
l)e dismissed undor these Instruc
tions," No deflnlo dato for tho Hormann
trlnl has been sot. w
Vancouver. II. C. July 21. .lust
30 cents would nnvo kept Uert Ed
wards of Taroinii out of jail and pre
vented untold mental suffering on
tho part of n heart-browen mother,
'reotdlng to a statement mnd" to
Chief of Police Duloy or Tnuomn, who
stnred back to Tncoma Inst night
with Edwards, who will face a chargo
of kidnaping n young girl of thnt
Edwards met the girl, who U but
HI years old. and made a proposal
of mnrrlage to her. She consented,
but Edwards had little monoy and on
account of tho recently onncted Inw
In Washington requiring tho pig
ment of few for medical examination
and numerous other Incidentals to
securing -a license, they determined
to elope to Vancouver, whero the ox
purine Is lew. After securing a board
ing place here KdwardK found that
he lacked 30 cents of having enough
money to secure a marrlago llconse
So he took a position an a teamster
for a creamery and was so engaged
when ariested.
A falling tiny nerve no larger
than tho finest sllkon thread takes
from the Honrt Its Impulse, Its pow
er, its regularity Tho Stomach also
has Its hidden or Inside nervo. It was
Or. Shoop who first told us It was
wrong to drug n weak or falling Sto
mach .Heart or Kindoys. His pro
ecrlpt'on Dr Snoop's Rostoratlvo
Is dlrectod straight for tho causo of
these ailments those weak nnd fal
tering Inslilo norves. Thfs, no doubt,
elearlv epalns why the Restorative
hag of late grown so rapidly tn popu
larly Druggists say that those who
test the Restorative even for n few
Ihh. toon become fully convinced of
Its m ond rf ul merit Anyway, don't
drug the organ. Tront'ug tho cause
ot sicklies is the only sensible and
successful way. Sold by Capital Drug
(United Prew I.emed Wlre.l
Paris July Jl Announcement Is
in, ul i that the engagement of Miss
Miamakt r granddaughter of John
' nnuiniiKer of Philadelphia, will be-
; nine the brldp of Arthur O. Heeron
tarlv ih lt falh Heoreu Is the hon of
i Conn' Heeieu of Paris and Blarltz.
wrt Is of the Spanish nobility The
touplc will reside In Paris.
I Tlio Heal KonuHly niul llio Recipe
There are gome stout people whom
the above question does not seont to
I trouble very much. They are, how-
iur wrong to be so careless, for
ob. sitv Ib a complaint whtoh brings
mnn evils in Its trnln. There nro
others who may have sought long
and enrntitly for a really reliable
remedy for obesity, and to theso tho
following prescription will bo of ab
sorbing Interest, becauso It presents
In a simple and harmless form and
sure relief a remedy which Is rapid
ly gaining a world-wide reputation.
The reader maj make up tho pre
scription for himself (or herself) on
g ttlug the ingrvdleutt) from tho drug
gist or the latter will do so will
ingly. This is the full recipe: oz.
Marmola, oz Fluid Extract Cas
enrn Aromatic, and ZVi oz. Pepper
mint Water. Take a doso of one
tenspoonful nfter each meal nnd at
This admirable and quito harmless
remedy will soon take off pounds of
the offending fatty excess; and as,
day by day, tho weight decreases,
strength nnd vigor will return in
equal ratio; for, bo it observed,
thore is no fasting or exerclso re
quired. Host, good food, regular
doses these are all that Is necessary
to reduce weight to normal, incrense
the supply of nurp blood, clear tho
skin, boautlfy tho complexion nnd
restore energy and excellent spirits.
Avnjon, Catalinn Island, Cal., July
21 F,our men and a woman are rest
ing to"dny, after a harrowing experi
ence In a shipwrecked yawl, in which
they faced denth for nearly half an
hour, nnd were rescued by chance.
Mrs. H. W. Robinson, H. W. Rob
inson, a merchant of Los Angolcs;
0. H, Knnpp, of Sen Breeze, Fin., and
M. C. Davidson, Los Angeles, wcro
guests of Captain George Cornell on
n fishing trip In tho captain's ynwl.
The yawNwas driven on tho rocks of
San Clcmcnto Island, and a grent
liolo ripped In Its bow. But for tho
fact that tho craft hold to tho rocks,
tho party would have been lost al
most Immediately. Captain Cornell
sourided a whlstlo whon the hold be
gan to fill, and other parties regard
ed the signal as Indicating a good
catch, and paid little heed to the
endangered party By chanco Cap
tain Romnns, in tho stenm yncht Ra
monn, rounded a point of tho island
and camo upon tho yawl with just its
bow out of water on tho rocks, nnd
tho victims of tho nccldcnt clinging
to It nenrly exhausted,
Tho Romona brought the party
here, nnd, although they wero chilled
and bedraggled, no worse conse
quence of their ndvonturo Is feared,
A MIADnllnin Tn uim
m ivniimivtu iu mm corporation. Tho strike will bo con
Fresno, Cnl., July 21. Lncklng I tinned Indefinitely.
bIx years of hnvlng lived n century. J
Tom Dunbar, tho oldost prisoner ever
nrrnlgned In local police courts, wan
hold on n chargo of Intoxication to-
"It's tho first time the law has
ever laid hands on mo," Dunlin" told
the court, "and It's tho first time I've
ever been drunk."
The aged prisoner came to Califor
nia In ISIS.
If feed Iook short, sow ome ( ats i
nnd millet, n bushel to the acre half (
and half, for hay It can be done tuicniiie- to this ilt from Ogdcn
Into as July 16.
li 1.4
!' til I B
J'l 1 1 i M
n El I I
f 111
CopyilthtlsoS.DutcheMMfg Cow
Knig Alfonso Greatly Worried
Over the Situation
40,000 Troops to
Go oMelilla. '
(United Press Leased Wlr.
Madrid, Spain, July 21. Tho gov
ernment today ordered 40,000 troops
to bo prepared at once for sorvlco in
Morocco, where tho Moors nro be
sieging tho Mclllla garrison. These
troops will bo rushed to Mclllla aa
soon as they can bo equipped for
Hold sorvlco.
King Alfonso Is greatly, perturbed
over tho Morocco situation, and to
day cabled that ho would bo unable
to visit England, ns ho had planned,
Northwest League.
Aberdeen 9; Seattle 1.
Vancouver 0; Tncoma 3.
Spokano 2; Portland 0.
Pacific Const League.
Vernon 0: Sacramento 2.
Oakland 7; San Francisco 0.
Portland 4: Los Angeles 3.
National League.
Philadelphia 3: Pittsburg 0.
' Boston 1; Cincinnati 2.
Brooklyn G; Chicago 5.
New York 3; St. Louis 4.
American League.
Chicago G: Washington 1.
Cleveland 0: Boston 4.
Dotrolt li Now York C.
St. Louis 0,' Philadelphia 2.
1 United l're I.enied Wire.
Pittsburg. July 21. employes of
the Pressed Steel Car Company's
plant nt McKcos Rocks voted today
M continue their fight ngalnst the
At the mooting nt which tho vote
wnB taken the strikers declnroJ their
Intention of preventing any violence.
Twolve thousand men attended the
United Vttf I.eaied Wire 1
San .Francisco. July 21 Placing
his head In a small hand sitrhel and
covering It with a blank-' dt.ina.rt
from a bed George Hnrdcsty, who
two ,
i celts ago. pushed a gas tube thiough '
Salem Woolen Mill Store
a hole he had mndo In the bottom of
the grip, turned on tho jet nnd nwalt
ed death. His body was found early
today by the clerk of tho Hotel Dale,
In which he commlttoJ his net of
Wheat Track Triced.
Club $1.20
Bluestcm $1.30
Turkoy Rod $1.18
vtolley $1.17
. . . . Flour.
Patents , $ 6.25
Straights $5.30
Exports . . 4,70
Valley 5.50
Graham, 1 M sack 5.60
Whole wheat 5.80
Willamette valloy $17 20
Eastern Oregon, fancy ....$20(0)23
alfalfa $J?5)14
Clover $13012
Drcssd. poultry, lc lb. higher.
Ducks 14lCc
Geese, live 10 lie
lurKcys zoc
Dressed Meats.
Hogs, ordinary 8 9c
Picnic 10c
Hogs lare 8 9c
Veal, extra 8c
Veal, ordinary 7Sc
Veal, heavy 6c
Mutton, fancy 0 7c
Cottago roll lie
via tho
To OMAHA and return $61,65
To KANSAS CITY and return $61,65
To ST, LOUIS and return $69,15
To CHICAGQ and retur. $74,15
and to other principal cities In tho East. Middle West and South.
Correspondingly low fares.
ON SALE JUNE 2, .1; JULY 2, St; AUGUST 11, 12
To DENVER and return $56,65
On Sale May 17, July 1, Augiiot 11
Going transit limit 10 days from dato of salo, flnnl return limit
October 31st.
Thyaso tickets prcsont some very attractive features In tho way of
stopover privileges and cholco of reutes: thoroby enabling passen
gers to mako sldo trips to many intorostlng points on routo.
Routing on tho roturn trip through California may bo had at a
slight advance over tho rates quoted.
Full particulars sleeping car reservations nnd tickets will be fur
nished Ly i ny Southern 'Pacific 'ocal agent, or
WM. McMURItAY, General Passenger Agent, Po-tland, Oregon.
Trouser Week
Woolen Mill Store
Every pair reduced. We feel the same about trousers
as we do about anything else. We will not carry ,any
goods over; they must go now. Here Is an opportunity
to make the old suit last until Fall. Look at some of
the offers we are making
$5.00 Pants -$4.00
Just think 25 per cent re
duction on every pair.
Come now while the assortment is at its best.
Breakfast ;1!iE??,lc
Regular short clear, Bmokod..l4c
Ditto, unsmoked 13 He
Clear backs, smoked 14o
Shoulders Ho
Buying prices, cwt $1.75 2
Fresh Frulte.
Oranges $2.263.25
Lomons $1.7504
Apples, box $1.00
Bananas, lb 50c
Chickens, mixed ".TTl2"T3c
Springs lG17c
Roostors, old 8 9c
Broilers '. 2830c
Geese, live 11 12c
Turkeys 18c
No. 1 wfalto $39 040
Gray ?. $38039
Select Oregon 24025c
Eastern ,', 15c 20c
Fancy 25037c
Cholco 30c
F. O. Twins 16c
F. 0. Triplets 17o
Young America 17c
Bran $26.50
Middlings $33.00
Shorts, city $29
Chop $24030
Rolled Bnrloy $3G037
Rates East