jljgMjkjy -T DAILY CAPITAL JOUIINAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1000. -I 5 inrma-raTm-i.iuiiJHi J LJ J4 i AM Odds and Ends Our policy is to keep our stock clean and free from broken sizes and odds and ends by a big sacrifice in price. Supply your vacation needs now. SILK S Our entire line of plain and fancy Messaline Silks choose from less 20 per cent in price. WEDNESDAY'S SURPRISE SALE No. 441 TOMORROW unlv Tue Children's Hoso Sec tion otters an extra rdlimr vnlu- In Children's Stainless Dyeil Ho-lery. nixes 6 to 9V4. 800 pairs In the lot all made perfectly; rci-ularly sold at lBc a pair. Tomonow only we offer the entire lino at Three Pairs for 25c None sold until s-30 No tolophono orders re cclve. Early shopping Is advised boforo tho slzos bocomo broken, as wo expect to soil ovory pair. .M& v 94ilS it 1 WTfig cur We ,i O O l. ( O O o o o CITY NEWS l o o o o o Went her Frvct l'Jr tonight and WctlncMlnjr. lUrnetl's Cafe Family meal served. Caterleg to the beet rawtl trade. Try our Sunday dinners. RTorytlUng to Bat To eat at Lawrence's groeery. Call ou u and see the tine stock of groceries, fruits, vegetable. Corner Ferry and ontmerciul streets. Special Prlii" On all milliner) good at The 'K. I?'1 N Comwrelal t. 19-S Outage Undertaking Parlors Cottage and Chemeketa at.; calls day or sight. J C. Sill Pbone 72 Dr. II. H. Whlt Osteopath and nerve speoialltt. Office rooms 17-1S Dreytnaa building. Rettdeaee S4 North Capital sueet. Phane 469 6-30-tf Tbi Mcin Dollars T you. Two of th g-atst Invev ttaSM of modern ttntos oa exhlbltloa in Dot ens Bro Hop OMe. Greater money maker tnan tepheae Ca'I n4 ee tm. free domoattratlon. S.l-tf Try Cryult For Ue breath For sale at: Meyer's barber shop. Kckerlen's. Water' eigar store, Adolph's clRr store. DIcK Madison's. The Spa. Willamette Hotel. The Council Talklngton's. ' The Ouur Smith will pav SHc for good young veal up t 130 pounds Smith wt'.l pay 10 He for dress tl pork of any slso that is luiul x.inrnr tnd fat. I Smith can use largo veal of any site and will pay what it is worth Smith wants spring ohlokens and will pay from 16c to ISc Smith will pay He for hens. Smith will pay 25e for good, fresh egs. Ship all your prodnee direct to Bmltn 10U win bi jvnr check by mail at once. Address FRANK L. SMITH MKAT CO. -Fighting tho Beef Trust" Portland. Oregon. LJr.II vJ a and each ono Is Dlnck, brown Extra special Fall Suits We are showing exoluslve styles of early fall models In Ladles' and MImk' mannish tailored suits for ex position and liach wear. If you aro going to Seattle or tho beach, those advance styles will dross you cor rectly for the occasion. The coats are IK Inches lone and tight-fitting, the skirts are- the new ploated stylo. The buttons aro covorod with samo material to mntch. Tho colors aro Ashes of Roses Westerlor Drago of Wine, Tan. Giays. in serges and wide wall cheviots 2bf ra W - . 4 T. . . m rl 'A. A.' 2 xy &c,ijiFm r(cu At The ogue Siuii-il pucirt on all millmor R.i.nl8 hiit. uduitlons ! - Went limiting Ilert Ingals wont hunting lat week All he got for his pains was the pleasure of drinking Folger's Golden Gate Coffee, whloh be took with him. Don't Miss It The big removal sale at Uarr's jewelry store, Bargains In all kinds of Jewelry, cut glass, silverware, etc. Clearamv Sale This week at The Vogue, 270 X. Commercial street. 19-2t Ho Suiv nmi Allend The apron basaar given by the Silver Hell Circle Friday evening: tine time oMured. No admission; ever) body Invited. 7-20-St Th Slher Hell Clrvle Will gre an apron basaar at their hall Friday evening- Fin program and other attractions. No admleeion 7-2t-t tvi. Jtikfii' 1vtnn Wedneeday night at Salvation Army hall there will be gtvon Col. Jenkln's lerture on the life and death of Jesus, ilhietrnted with songs and electric pictures. Miss lleesie Cor nelius will sing "The Holy City" to the moving picture. HriilKti i Twelfth Chairman StoU. of the street committee, and Mayor Rodger have made plans with the elty engineer to put in a concrete bridge at Twelfth and Mill streets, before that street Is paved. It will cost from $6e to $700. I-Mlr Grounds HouV Street Commissioner Pooler has a force of nine teams and 14 men at work on the fair grounds road. He estimates that it wilT cost 2S cents per runnlsg foot to build the street on th.- present plans. The Finch Case The appeal of J. A. Finoh. con-virtt-4 f murder In Multnomah oonn t. was argued before the supreme Court tiU -o- D1KH. LENKBKRGKR At the Oregon hos pital July 16. 19 it9. Osoar Lene bergcr aged 22 years. The remains were prepared by the Rigdoa undertaking firm and shipped to l Grande for burial. MACKKY At the Oregon hospital Jul ' le. Js. B. Msokey. age S5 years lue remain were shipped to Oak land Cal after being prepared by X ndertak r Rlgdon Most Go in a large assortment to Lace Collars Great showing of lac. collars, Dutch collar-. Ja bots. Once overs stack, mull ties, embroidered col lars, etc., Just received from the celebrated "Kel ler" factories The quality and workmnushlp that aro In thee collars are not equalled by nuy other manufacturer In this country. See them .it the Ribbon Hiid Glove Counter New Hues. New Hair Rolls Just recolvod a u.'w line of French Rolls, made from human hair nhd prepared In a strictly nnltary manner. They positively will not mat covered with Invisible hair not. 11UI1 UUVi 75c nmi tan ENTIRE STOCK OF Men's Clo'ing Low Priced Our Huuuai ii'.il-xummer cleanun of Men' airl Young Men s clothing offers great apiortunltles to buy hlgl gradi. tea ly-to-wsar ;i;m-l r.i u big saving all the season's late, fashions and materials best pat Mil nd coloilngs for b:niuo cr drcts wear, style to please every Individu al' fancy. Bvory suit In our mam moth stock reduced. $10.00 values $ -1.90 15.00 values 7 CO IS no values 9.2A 2i 00 values 10.00 Others reducod from 20 to 40 per ient Invoetlgato. - . v LrS7t Vi JB u ;!CSS; COUNCIL PUSHING BUSINESS Grinds Out a Big Grist and Then Adjourns to Next Mon day Night. Petition of J A. Hernardl. et al., for sewer through alley of block No. 9. to committee on sowers. Alderman Moffltt asked for a con crete alley crowing, bnt Mr Stoic ex plained that there were several such to be oullt. and they could be done cheaper later In the fall, and the matter wa referred to the street committee Page Oct n Feiv More. Manager Page got about every thing he ashed for at the hands of the city council last night. An amended franchise abandons IS feet of track on the eastern end of the fa'r grounds road, and the track will eater the Southern Pacific station on a curve off the line before reaching the Fair Grounds store The track on Ferry street to the old car barn back of the Willamette hotel Is given mp. but a new track is acquired down Chemeketa street to the gas plant. with additional rights on Sta'e and Front streets Resolution for Hunter drop guard fender adopted. Altera Ioor Woman. A resolution was brought in to compel Mrs. Gesner to put down a concrete walk on South CMtage street. One alderman called atten tion to caes where bankers, former city attorneys and an ex-minister of the gospel were not complying with the orders of the city council ana street commissioner, and nothing was beiag done It was unfair to Jump onto one poor woman, and let guilty persons, who were able to comply with the orders of the city escape. On a vote 1eing taken the champion of the poor woman against the pow erful and wealthy property owners was the oaly "No." After the Feed Rams. In reporting favorably on the pe tition of George Bayne for the con struction ot'a feed barn on South Commercial street just off the end of the big bridge. Alderman Stolx roasted the. feed barns for obstruct tag the streets. Sometimes, he said, they blocked up both sides of the street, and when the city was fall of teams they came very near being a nuisance But the people In the si :ovtrvtsKrrn c ' t.1ma- M.I.M..A l f T1n,lt A 1 1 n H n'HA f l bo built seemed to want that sort of a thing, and It was granted. Knst Snlciu Department. ' Alderman Low reported the In tallatlon of the East Snlom Ore sta tion. Tho electric lights and tele phones were btlng put In. and tho hosemen were ready to rospopd. He recommended Peter Graber for drlv- l er and Henry Wolf for engineer of the cheni'cal at $00 per month He also got through a resolution giving the regularly salaried police and fire men a two-weeks' vacation at the ex pens., nf the city, to bo taken at their convenience, and without lra- I pairing the efficiency of the public service. Low gets about what he ask? for, and Is supreme In his Held , of the fire and water committee. I Some Minor Matters. The street committee reported ad verelj. on the claim of Mis. Mc- , Nlol. j S'tlewalk wen- ordered on Mis sion stiect from Twelfth to Commer cial, city attorney to serve notices. Petition for sewer In Boise's addi tion to the city of Salem granted. The public buildings committee was given another week to find quarters for tho city trea urer In the e ty hall Mr. Elliott submitted plans for th extension of the Ferry and Court street sewers and were ordered built. City onglnoor reported Hazel av enue contract completed, and SO per cent ordorod pnld. Ordinance adopted for opening Pine street through tho land of J. L. Freoland. Cla'm of Alice R. Gray for 1100 damages from belli? thrown from a buggy nt unllghted ditch, to street committee. Presnall ordinance. forbidding leaving street car on street crossings more than five minutes, sent to bone yard. LICENSE COMMITTEE GETS JOLT The license committee, composed or Preenall, Hill and Eldrldge (Eld ridge absent) reported adversely on granting any license at the Old Iilli Andonon stnnd at 157 Commercial street. K. J. Daly and Win. J. To- land were applicants, and it Is un derstood another application. Mr. Presnall said, on the infor mation of the city attorney, he was compelled to reject this, as the city census taken by the government h vied that Salem had now one sn l.oii to the thousand population, and could not grant any more licenses. On motion of Mr. Greenbaum the mattei was taken out -f the hands of the license committee and referred to the park eomm'ttee. Hofer. Stoli and Idridge. to report next Monday night. Application of Wm J Davis for license at the N'tiebaum stand, went i,r a week, at a request of Mr Pres nall OSTERMAN SAYS ADAMS TO BLAME Tnlll Pr I.i1 Wl.l Annapoli. Md . July o--rnde croes-exnmlaation today Lieutenant Hobert K Adams stuck t his story that L'eutenant James X. Sutton, the oracer of the marine corps whose death on October 13. 1907. is being Investigated by a court of Inquiry, committed suicide Questioned about a purported in terview with Mrs. Rose Sutton-Parker sister of the dead lieutenant, Adams flushed deeply. Attorney -Davts questioned h'm carefully re garding this interview, and the wit ness denied most of the statements attributed to him At the conclusion of this portion of the cross-examination. Second Lieutenant Osterraaa was called to the stand Osterman told his tory of the light which preceded the death of young Stanton, and It differed in sev eral ways from the version given by Adams He told the story of the au tomobile ride from Carvel hall to the naval academy barracks in Sutton's machine Adams stopped the ma chine and wanted to right Sutton, who was not willing, according to Osterman's story. After he and Adams loft the bar racks, the witness said, he left Adams gad went into camp. Hearing the sounds of shots he ran towards the scene of trouble. When he arrived at the place where Sutton. Adams and Roelker were, he said he saw Roelker lying at one side of the road and Sutton ly ng on the other side Adams and a mother man were standing over Sut ton He explained that some one said- 'Sutton shot Roelker, and thea shot himself " Then Osterman helped to take Roelker to the hos pital. Osterman said Sutton was un popular with the officers at the acad emy, but denied ever hearing him threatea ta kill Adams. While denying that he made ad missions to Mrs Parker involving himself 'a, the tragedy. Lieutenant Adams became very much exalted. His denial were vehement, and he was flashed a deep red. Attorney Davis representing Mrs Sutton and Mrs Parker held a mem- HaaootH-oowo80'0 WANTED! Salm. oi egon . . . . 19 . . For the sum of $1.0" tin rece'pt of which Is hereby ac knowledged. Is entitled to hospital attention and doctor's services at THE wiLLAMKTl'K SANITARIUM during well time M he may require same. , Supt.. This Contract expires 19 ... . $ WANTED-Men and Women to Take Advantage of the Above J Think what it means to you and your family to be 5 2 taken care of in case of sickness or accident. 2 I NO DOCTOR'S FEE NO HOSPITAL EXPENSE NO LODGE FEE ? No matter what may happen you are protected WITH- S nilT PIIRTHFR HOST. i By paying one dollar each month to the WILLAMETTE SANITARIUM they positively agree to give you free hps- ? pital treatment and attention from a skilled physician I and surgeon AS LONG AS YOU REQUIRE IT. No mat- i ter how long you may he sick or what the operation s may be, there will be no more expense if you hold one of i these card contracts. Plume for imrilciilnrv Slnln noo. Cor. I-erry anil Winter. I Watch for our agent nmi do It.todny i Willamette Sanitarium T . .?. PKKIILKS, Superintendent. C9 aMM-W-frM-nVMr-H- oraudum of the alleged tntorvlew. and tired questions at Adams with merciless rapidity Adams showed discomfiture for the first time slnco he weat on the stand. Adams said he had not told any thing to Mrs. Parker, except that ho would go into the records of the i-ase. What Is the ue of all these lit tle details. whai I told you I made no admissions at all." vehemently net led the lieutenant. When Adams said that when Mrs. Parker came to Annapolis on the de tective mission, following her broth : V death, he wn warned to be on hi guard, as she looked llko the Sh rwood woman, everybody laughed For the first time slnco the hear ing btgan a smile crept over the faces of Mrs. Sutton and her daugh- ,er- . Adams said that when Mrs Park er, at the time of their Interview, a k. d him to tell the truth about ev erything, he referred her to the rec ords of the ense. Did you not tell Mrs Parker that yon were so infuriated you did not know what you were doing, and did not care, and that some one had to pull you off his (Sutton's) prostrate form, and that you were beating him and had your hand on his throat?" asked Davis. Adams replied that be did not re member. Henry E. DavU. counsel for Sut ton's mother, shot questions at Adams with great rapidity, but the lieu tenant, who witnessed his class. mate's death remained Arm In his recitation that It was ft case of sui cide. "Will you say that Lieutenant Sut ton committed suicide," asked Davis. The shot entered his head." re plied Davis. "I simply saw him move his head and body as he lay on the ground, raise his arm. and then saw thr tiash of the revolver shot. I t-O'ildn't see the bullet, but I have said In so many word-, that he killed himself." O O O O O O O O O o PERSONAL MENTION OOOOOOOOOO' Mrs. Nancy Oris wold. :t M r Ointer and sister Mrs. McKuy are li lting the A Y P. exposition. Mrs D. H James and onj have gone to Newport, where 'hey will visit Mr James and spend the um mer at their eottnge .;: Patton. who has been "fee hand som. t pebble on the bench nt N'ew por" for a week, arrived uom? last night brown as a SJwaah and happy as the elam he didn't eat He v he httd "the tint nf his lire." and that te sureJv some. A O Magers arrived b-nie from Newpor Sunday. He wore a smile not as broad as the Pacific, but as wiae as his smiling countenance wo-i'd stand, aid loosed as 'hough he understood and liked whatever It wa the wild wave were saying. He went out over the bar mot a Stand ard bar and with the aid of the balance of the party, caught $60 pounds of cod. He has the Newport habit now, chronic. District Attorney John H. McNary has returned from a short business trip to Portland. Miss Inez A. MeWilllamsoa left last night for Reno. Nev.. where she will spend a month visiting her sister. Mrs. John G. Holcom. formerly of this city. Andrew Baker returned to his home in Roseburg yesterday after transacting business here for a short time. Attorney A. D. Corbet of Oakland. Cal . was in Salem yesterday looking after business natters for a few hours after which he went to Port land to visit relatves. This is At torney Corbet's first visit to Salem in IS years and his surprise was great at the splendid growth and improve ment of the Capital City. Mrs. H H Asher is in Portland isitlng friends and relatives, o Going to Siletz. H. W Pawk and family and son. Herbert Fawk and wife, accompan ied by Mr and Mrs Crowrey, started today for the Siletz country via Falls City They will remain in the moun tains two montta. - ffg i I I I 1 0frfr-H-fa.M lllPIIIUff 'iH WD'I'IIWOWM iat'l,w'' I A fnlllng tiny nerve no larger I than the llnest silken thread tnkoa 1 from the Heart its Impulse. Its pow er, its regularity. The Stomach also I has Us hidden or Inside nervo. It wua 1 Dr. Snoop who first told us It was I wrong to drug a weak or fnillng Sto mach .Heart or Kinileys. ms pre scrlpi'on Dr. Snoop's Restorative is directed straight for tho cause of these ailments these weak and fal tering Inside nerves. This, no doubt, clearly expalns why the Restorative I has or late grown so rapicuy in popu- I larl:y. Druggists say that thoso who test the Restorative oven for a few days, soon become fully convinced of its wondrful" merit. Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treating tho cause I of sickness Is the only senslblo and 1 successful way. Sold by Capital Drug j Store. . 1 Norwich Union Fire j Insurance Company I-rank Meredith, ItCflilent Agent j Room 13. Ladd & Rush, Dank 1 Uulldlng MONEY TO LOAN HOS. K. IX)H1) 0-p- LadJ & Rush's Dank, Salem, Or PIANO TUNING LI'TEIjLUS L. WOODS. lining, pollshlns. renalrlng. Ph'eGOif ,OOOOOOOOOOOo ' NEW TODAY 00000000000 Lost or Stolen Several weeks ago, a Snell bicycle, two or three years old; steel rims. Return to Jour nal office for reward. 4-3-tt Front bay window room with bath , and electric lights 5i.:s weeic. 1 Call ITS South commercial st. , 7-17-21 For Sale Several houses lu Salem, ! and farm lands at a bargain. Capi tal National Dank 6-1-eod I Wanil steady employment by mid dle-aged man, light work prefer red. Address Y. M. C A. 7-20-3t Wunntl Position for young girl for light housework. Enquire at 1763 Ferry streets. 7-20-3t I-or Snl - Baled verch hay. K. C. rm'in Davidson farm. Morn- lugside. Ph-meSH 7-SOlwk Try Shorty the Shiner at new loea tion. 1 am now located at Mor gan's cigar stand. 37 State st . where I will be pleased to see my old customers and make new ones by first class work Guaranteed. Shorty the Shiner 7-20-1 ni o Hrave Fin Laddies Often receive severe burns putting out fires, then use Bucklen's Arnica Salve and forget them. It soon drives out pain. For Burns, Scalds, Wound', Cuts and Bruises it's earth's greatest healer. Qulekl ycures Skin Erup tions. Old Sores. Bolls. Ulcers, Fel ons; best Pile Cure made. Relef is Instant. 25c at J, C. Perry PORTLAND (Continued from Page 1.) band gave a concert this morning, and will give another this evening in front of the Oregon building. The special trainload of Portland ers will not start home until tomor row tnornln;, and the visitors will spend the evening on the "Pay Streak" with the delegates to the Na tional Editorial Association and mem bers of the Seattle Press Club. New Hotel Located at Hoover, Or, two and j one-halt miles east of Detroit at the end of C. & E. R. R., on Santiam river. Newl far ished rooms and good board at reasonable rates. Hunt ing and fishing first-class. For in formation write HOOVER LUMBER CO., fiooTer, Or,