Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 19, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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t09iMivwrmf tf'-Tt,"' "&!- -vm :jMr"vj?s
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Classified Ads
Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring
Quick Results
One cent a word for flrt Insertion.
Onennlf cent a woid for "itch Insertion
thereafter. No mlvortlsei n-nt d ki'ii foi
lew tlmn 20c. Count ! w"i l I" tlif
For Hulv Cut roses at Hamilton
green houso, Yow Park; will be
thfre afternoons only. 4-22-tf
For Snlo Plvo-year-old pacor by
Holmdel; gentle, good driver,
alnglo or double Apply to Schlnd
lor oxpreas, or 361 Stato stroot
For Sales Good 1 H. P. 8tavor
(casollno engine. For sale cheap.
Enqulro at 178 South Llborty
street. 6-22-tf
For Salt Two-seated Studobakor
surroy, now. Inqulro nt Low's
stablo. Also ono Studobakor bug
gy. 5-15-tf
For Hnlo Threshing outfit; consists
of 20-horsopowor double cylinder
engiun and 3C-G0 Hood's soparator,
all of tbo latest mako. Them Is
it Parson's foodor, Perfection
wolghor, and FarmorB Frlond
blower. Prlco rooRonablo nnd
torms en By. Apply to J. J. Lang,
mack. Albany. Home phono 13G2.
For Snlo Oak wood, $5.50 a cord.
Leave orders at Asylum avonuo
tore. J.' 8. Taylor. 7-12-lw.
For Snlo or Trade Now 0-room
houBO, 3 lots, barn, chicken park,
40 bearing fruit trcos, electric
light and sowor connection. Cnll
at 108 Twonty-flrst and Court
streets. Phono 1030. 7-2-lni
For Snlo or Trndo for Lots Now
0-room houBo, 3 lots, barn, chick
en park. 40 bearing fruit treos,
electric HgHt and Bower coiincn
tlon. Call at 108 Twonty-flrst and
court BtrcotB. Phono 1G3G.
For Snlo G ncros. Iioubo, barn,
ohtckon houso and fruit troos, 1 Mi
mllos cast of asylum, $ 1300;
torms Only ono lot loft on South
10th troot, botwoon Trado and
Mill streets. Lot on Court stroot,
11000. Lot on North 10th stroot,
$750. Two lols on Slato stroot,
botweon 17th nnd 18th, $8G0
each. E. Lupton, 1073 Stnto
street 7-1 3-1 m
For Snlo An oxtrn flno frosh Jor
soy cow. 448 Sonith lCth streot.
Or. J. 8. Stone, D. C, Chiropractor,
Splno and norvo spcclnllnt.
ItooniB 4, G, G, D'Arcy building.
Phono Mnln 87. Huloin, Oregon.
Wanted Heavy lonms for hauling
gruvol. Capital Improvement Com
pany. Phono 14. 7-8-lm
Wanted Intolllgont ninn or woman
to take care of torrltory and 'ap
point cnnvnBBPra to sell our water
tutors Kxcluslvo torrltory nnd
nlcu prolltnblo work for the right
party, Sonnca Ftltor Co., Souacn,
Mo. 7-14-0t
Wontcxl Hy AugUBt 1, position as
stenographer, Biinill tnlary. Ad
dress MIbb Pitt, 1804 Ferry atroot,
flalom, Or. 7-1 0-1 w
t good cnrpuiiUrH.
S timber fullers. $3 pur dn.
S mtiooud timber fnllorM, $8.75 day
'J mull for wtwinlll.
1 girl to whhIi (UmIuih.
A ('. SMI'lll ,fc CO.
Inforinntloii Wanted llegardlng In
vostuiont oportmiilty, whuro tow
thouHnml dollars could bo profit
ably luveetod Wish to hear from
anyone having ittoek for sale In In
dustrial or milling pioponltloii. No
liquor proposition cous4derd. Ad
dreiw by mall only, Qoorga II. Cur
rier, room fitiO C. WeBt Monroe
street. Chicago, 111.
lUamimii'ipu Wanted Novels, poetry
history. o-.tutyii, etc., for publica
tion lu book form. Coohrnuo Pub
llBhlng Co.. 777 Trlbuno building,
Now York City.
Hon I'h'kors ReulBtor now for the
bohludler yard, 55 acres. Phone
607 or wrlto Chn. Llvaley. Sa
' lent. 7-17-3t
Curponcorx Union No. 10(13 Local
Union No 10G6 of Carpontors and
Jolnors of America meet ever Sat
urdny ovenli g a 7:30 p. m. In
Hearst hall. 420 Stato Street
A W. Donnls, Roc. Seo.
Modern Woodmen cj America Ore
gon Codnr Camp Nj. 524G. Meet
everv Thurfday evening at ?
o'clock In Holman hall. A. E
Bamber, V. O.; V A. Turner, clerk
Woodmen of Wold Meet every Frl
day qlsht nt 7:30. lu Holman hall
A li. Harvey, O. O ; L. H. Fletch
ir. ClerV Jan. 10, '01.
Pain can bo onally and qulokty
atopped. Pink Pain Tablets Dr.
ifcqop'a stop Headache womanly
pal-as, and pain anywhere. In 10 rain
utea sure. Formula on tho 25c box.
A. your druggist or doctor about
ntM roraiuia it a nno. sum vj uay
Kal Drug Store. '
PalmoT'iuid" rnpcrTfimgcrEBtP'
matos mailo and first-class work
dono. I. D. Driver, G17 N. Capital
etrcot, Silom, Oregon. Phono 026
liJviry mill Feed Stable Old PoJt
1 ofllco Stables, at 25 J Ferry stroot,
i between Commercial and Front
etroets. Tolophono 188. Somo of
tho finest liveries In tbo city can
bo found hero. WBtacott & John
Bon. tf
Prop. Bread, cako, pies, and all
kinds of pastries, cookies, otc.
Watca for our wagon. Phono
054. Radcclt & Smith. 11-10-tf
It Is worth moro than any other
btead, yet Uio prlco Is no higher.
For salo nt your grocor'a. Cnlifor-
ia Bakory, Thomas & Cooloy, Prps
H. O. Cummlngs Company
All kinds of transfer work dono
r-urnlturo and pianos b.ixcd ready
for shipment Prompt sorvlco I
our motto. Stand and olllco at
2G3 South Commercial street
Phono 210. Resldonco phono G23.
Hutto .V Wcndoroth Flno wines
liquors and cigars. Wo handle
tho oelobrntod Kellog and Castle
whiskies, Cool and refreshing boor
constantly on draught. South
Commercial street 0-3-lyr.
Hydo Bros. Electric Co. Electric
supplies nnd first-class wiring at
rcasonablo prices. Call at our
nlllco for estimator. Phono 451
143 N. Llborty stroot. 1-12-tf
Wenjjer .M Chcrrlngtnii PInnos nnd
orgnns sold on easy terms; tolo
pnon 1187; 247 CominorrLiI
Stroot. Salem, Oregon tf
For water service apply nt offlco.
HliiK payable monthly In advance
247 Mlllor st,, South Salem, iniuiu
faeturors of till kinds of boxen,
rruttffl nnd fruit dryor nccoHsorleH.
Phono ?'J8. ' tf
II. (J. Sleyer Vi C Tho bust and larg
eat shop In tho city. Six llrst cIiihh
barbers. Only flrst-clnss bootblack
lu city, porcelain baths mid every
thing pertaining to a flrst-clnss
flhop. AIho carry a full lino of
' cigars and tobacco nnd harbors'
Ruppllcs. 1G2 Commorclnl streot,
uoxt door to Statesuinn olllco.
rheo. M. llarr Plumbing, hoi "
and stenm heating and tinning,
1G4 Commorclnl Btreot. Plmne
Mnln 102. 0-1-1r
Otto Muellhiiiipt, plumbing, boating,
giiB fitting; prlcoa roiisonnblo; work
guaranteed; ostlmntos furnished,
phono 373. 106G Chomoketn St,
Well Digging Cleaning and blast
ing, concroto and brick chimneys,
wnlks, lawn vaoa and all klndB of
work In this lino. Phono Farmors
Oxxl. Call cornor Contor and Com
morclnl BtrcotB. WoBledor & Holt.
Wrlt fluy II. Allen Woods, Or., for
all klndt of fish. 7-3tf
I'nltfd Wlrt'Ittis Preferretl Stock
Thu geuuluo nrtlclo, bought for
eaah from Qoorgo II. Pnrkor, fiscal
agent nt Seattle; any slzo cortlfl
cnto, $17.50 per al'mrq; deposit
your money In nny bnnk; wo guar
antee transfer P, O. Box 540,
Portlnnd. 7-15-1 in
Woo BONDS Drawing 0 po.r cont
Interest. Soo Wntors Bros. Invest
ment company, over Bush's bnnk.
Phone 1G. 7-lG-3t
Plana adverttHod as "lout, name ICinll
Jo4ph on saiue," worn not lost by
Joseph. He drew the plant but
Iimh uotlilng furthor to do with
them. 7-1G-31
-lust ivtvlxt'tl u hlilpuient of new and
miKiiuy UHmngeii wagon, uuggy
and hack wliooU. Tlumo wo will
soil nt greatly reduced prices. II.
Pohlo & Son. 240 South Llborty
streot. 7-1 7-3 1
Found--Bicycle. Inqulro of Sunset
flrocorj Co., 432 Stato street.
Alter dnctorlns for about twelve
years tor a bad stomach troublo, and
spending nauly flvo hundred dollars
ruodtclno and doctora foes. I pur
chiiBod my wlfo ono box of Chamber
lain's Stomach nud Liver Tnblota,
which did her bo much that sho con
tinued to ubo them and they havo
dono hor more good that all of tho
medlclno I bought boforo. Saruuol
Iloyor, Folaom, Iowa. This medicine
la for snlo by all good drugglsta.
Samplea freo.
Ohlllra Cry
AiuiLsvllIo Notes,
L. D Kelly and wlfo passed
through Thursday, en routo to Sa
lem. Mr. Kelly, who met with a so
rlous accident In a runaway near 811
vorton Inst spring, Is well on tho way
to recovery, which Is very gratifying
to his many friends.
Jns. Currlo has aold his farm, ono
mile northwest of town, to a Mr. Mc
Inturff, of Snlom, consideration $17,
G00, being $100 per acre, which
.ponies well fo' Oregon real catate.
Mi If C Portor departed Tuos
day foi Ntvp . .. to spend her usual
summer outing at "Nye creek.
S' m Swank and T. W. Davie
drove down to Portland Tuesday, ac
companied by Mr. Herbert Shaw, who
was visiting friends hero Monday.
Mr. Shopard, of Torre Haute, Hid..
u in tho city, looking after his real
estnte Interests horo.
ChnB. F. Holn Is orectlng a com
modious Implement, warehouse on Ills
business lot, extending to tho west
end o' tHp block
Tho school board has elected Miss
Blanche Small as principal and Miss
Ethel Crotw as primary teacher In
our school for tho ensuing torm
The Aumsvlllc church Is being
troated to a now cent of paint, and
has boon freshly papored Inside, as a
rcsulUof tho nctlvlty of tho C. E. bo
cloty, which hns greatly added to Its
Ed. Klrkpatrlck has returned from
tho Exposition nt Seattle, and speaks
in glowing terms of tho fair.
Tom Davis wont to Portland Wed
nesday, taking with him Shorm.
Swank's flvo-loggcd calf, which ho
will plnco on exhibition lu tho pnrk.
Tho nnlmnl Is a genuine freak of na
ture having five logs fully developed.
Dr. U. F. Pound roturn6d to Salem
jonn Aicrrom anu n. i-. jioaior, oi
Hiivorton, woro in town the first of
tno wooic.
A son of E, C. Uall, who has boon
vory low for somo time, Is slowly re-
Miss Stunrt. of Portland. Is visit-
ing at the Brown homo on EnBt Mnln
Claud Dnrby Unto boon awarded the
contract for painting our public
school building
United I'M T.miwiI wirr 1
Snn FraiicUco, .Tmly 10. Put Don-
ovnn, the sensational nthloto Of tho
duello Club, of this city, todny holds
tho world's. record for throwing tlm
r.O-piiund weight for ln'ght. At the
club'H aununl games yesterday Don-
ovan hoi ttd the m'sslle ID i et 3
13-1G Inches, half an Inch high r
I'mnti' AiIh iiiiki Ih In 1'lie J mi run I
.(ifflrii liy ft o'flnrk HipVymilnj licf..r
"tlio iluy mi whli'li tli
( uil In ,o lliinr
All sizes nnd prlo. Cull for
largo printed list. City property of
all descriptions. See us before
buvlng for barjfdlUH.
:17 State Street.
5-ncro chlokon rnuch. house, barn, 2
chlckon houses, plonty of fruit, good
wator, land nil In cultivation, 4
mllos from Salonr a snap,- only
Iloiiko and 10 lot1, nil In fruit -and
good garden, flno locntion. Only
Ono blook of flno lots, must bo sold
at onco.
Now house, flno woll, 3 good lota, all
In fruit. $750
10. 16 or 20 nores, all in crop, nne
land on good rond; only $100 per i
aero, closo In. A simp.
New. flno, up-to-date 0-room homo,
lot 72x170, front east, nil kinds
" - ... I
fruit, flno homo. Only $1700.
If you want a farm, fmilt tracts, banr
Ing orchards, lots on the Install
ment plan, wo havo anything that
is In this country that Is for sale
If you want help or want to work
A. O. SMITH & CO.,
ltonl Estate and Employment ouVo.
641 State St. Phone 1G07
$3S per acre, would bo a simp at $50.
If Bold In 30 days I will sell my
tine 320-ucre form, 140 ncros und
er cultivation, all of 6000 corda or
oak wood lu fae, flno span of
horsoa. well worth $400, wagon,
harness, 28 head of cattle, all farm
tmplemeuta, for only $3S per aero.
If you nro looking for a flno stock,
dnlry or grain farm don't overlook
this snap.
Suburban Home Cheap.
$2250, nearly ton acres qf. tho very
beat of land, about half set to
bonrlng fruit treoa and berrloa.
good 7-room houso, barn and out
buildings, on main road; tele
phone, good uelghbors; stook and
all Implements, an 'deal suburban
homo; prlco $2250; woll worth
Modern ami Up-to-Dato House.
$3000 and up. Como and seo. our
Houses and vacant lotB sold on easy
payments. Wo have tho largest
list of city nndl county property
for sale.
I iiwiiim Ml Mill litililll !. I n IMQ33Jil iUJJI taaummmllmmmmammmmmmmrmmlmmimmmmmmm
" PamS
Room 7-8. 341 State street.
than any previously recorded per
formance. Ralph Rose dropped out
of tho event at 14 feet, 1 Inch.
Is something wo hear or road about
every day oL our lives. Burns and
scalda olthor slight, or serious are
bound to happen in your family,
bo propa.3d by having a bottle of
Ballard' Snow Liniment handy. It
rolcaves tho pain Instantly and
qulcltly ImnU tb burn Sold hv nil
Good policy and right living trnvel
tho Baino road, in the same direction
and at tbo same time.
Is ntwnvR found In th wimp house
with Bahcrd'.i Snow Llntmont. It
keeps every membor of the family
frco from aches end palna, It heals
cuts, bu. o and scalds and cures
all mil Til l.i r nrnoa nnd ntlffnGSB.
rhoumatlsm, neuralgia, lumbago and
2Rn R0p and $1 00 n hnttln. Sold
'y all dealers.
Ono touch of the tariff makos tho
Yankco "skin."
Any lndy can got a silvered "No
Drip" Coffee Strainer by writing Dr.
Shoop, Rncino, Wis. Send no monoy.
Simply ask for tho "No-Drip" Coupon
prlvilogo, giving your name and ad
dress. Dr. Shoop will also Bend freo
his now and very Interesting little
book describing Dr. Shoop's Health
Coffco. Health Coffee Is such a closo
Imitation of real Cogco thnt It re
quires an export to toll tho dlfforonco.
And nolthor Is thoro n grnln of real
coffco In It. Mndo from puro toasted
i grains, malt and nuts, Its flavor andj3r,fi rhfi nn,v wnv to do this Is to
J tnsto Is oxccodlngly grntlfying. No lccP Baljard's Horblno In tho houso
tedious boiling cither. "Mndo In n
mlnuto," snys Dr. Shoop. Write to-
' jay fop tho book nnd "No-Drip" Cou-
pon. J. W. Hnrrltt.
jir8i John Proschorn wns killed
nenr HoBtburg Wednesday In trying
to stop n runaway tenm.
I'roHltlont llolpn Orphans.
Hundreds qt orphnns hnvo beeu
holped by the Prosldont of Tho In-
ilusrtlrtl nnd OrphRiis' Home nt Mn-
con. On., who writes: "We have
uroiI rClMntr'n Tlltur In tlilu Inntltn.
"on 'or nine years. It has proved a
most excellent medicine for Stomach i
Liver nnd Kidney trol!f .-. W- ri
Knrd It as on of the best famll '
medicine ton earth." It Invigorate
"i vlml organs, purities the blood. '
ul9 digestion, creates appetite. To
strengthen and build up th n pule
wonk ehlldren or run-down peiple
" lia no equal. Beat for fomalo com
PlaliitB. Only GUo nt J. C. Perry.
I.1VJ iUMMin,
uimrios iimni in. tix minion teoi
of stnndlng fir timber flvo miles
northoi'ct of Mehnma. In rr pi re of
Wm Datrlngor, Mohnina, Ore.
W. J. Small has eight million foot
of standing fir tlmbor flvo mllos
east of Mohuiia. Inqulro of Wm.
Burrlngoi Melanin, Orn.
Twenty million foot of standing fir
timber four mllos east of Mchama.
Inqulro of E. A. Taylor, Manama,
Low prlco farming and grazing
lnnda non Mchama, from $15 to
$35 por ncrw.
For Information nddrois,
O. P. Torrlll,
C-l-lmo Mehamn, Ore.
For farms and city
I 135 S. Commercial St.
Wtl 9 1 8 1 9 i QWV9Q9
Many of oir cMlzens nro drifting
ing towara urignt's aiseaso by n
... -....... .i .
," bjiihiii oi aumoy anu i
bladder trouble which Foley's Kld-i
n,' Remedy will quickly cure. J. C.
. j
My list mny contain oxnetly what
,ou want. T. C. JORY,
205 Com'l St.. Salem, Or.
57 ncres, 6H mlloa from Salem. 32 acres In bearing prunes; 5
acres In wlntor apples; 5 acres In English walnuts, Bartlot
pears and Royal Anne cherrloa; 2 acres in strawberries. All
fruit of tho vory best commercial variotles, and trees In best of
condition. Somo fine garden land: 4-room houso and two good
barns. Good prune dryer.
This la ono of tho very beat producing orchards in Marlon
county, and $10,500 takes the. place If sold by July 22.
This Is the best bargain In a flrst-clasa producing orchard
that has como to our notice during our 'many years' experience
in the land bualnoss. Now la your opportunity to own one of
tho best.
Murphy Block
Cliuulborlnlii's Cc c, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Jtemedy the
Host nnd Surest.
"It affords mo pleasuro to statu
that l cotis'der tho preparation
known as C ...iniborlalu's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy the' best
and surest of good results of any I
have ovor used in my family," sijs
P. E. Hcrrlngton, of Mount Aoilal.
Ky. This Is the unlversul verdict of
all wllo ubc this lcmedy. Its cures
arc so prompt rnd effectual that
people take pleasure in recommend
ing It. For sale by all good drug
gists. The most extensive chore connect
ed with tho farm Is watering curb
stono stock by farmers.
Many people wl chronic throat
and lung troublo havo found comfort
and relief In Foley's Honey and Tnr,
as It cures stubborn coughs aftor oJi
er treatmont has failed. L. M, Bug
gies, Ronsoner, Iowa, writes: "The
doctors said I hud consumption, nnd
I got no better until I took Foley's
honey nnd Tar, it stopped tho hem
orrhages nnd pulns In my lungs, and
thoy nro now as sound ns a bullet."
bullet, u. C. Perry.
The grlndstono appieclates shade,
and so does tho boy who has to turn
mPano tlwt man nnH wlfV hnvn lived
to a good old ago and consequently
hnvn kont healthy. Tho best wnv to
keop healthy Is to soo that your 11
vcr does its duty 3GG days out of
nn" inK t wnonovor your nvor gets
inactive. 60 cento per bottlo. sold
lV nil iloplors
60 YEAnO
TnAoc Mapkc
CopvnioHTO Ac.
Anron toitillna ft nkvlrh nnd clpurrl-i'lnti nmr
nuloiiy n crinln our opl- mn fraw '. (' or nil
ill ii iirolinblr pnlciitiinw. 1 nuiitm
ulricllri-niinilmilliil. I aNnHInK oiiI'umiii
. nt (ro. Ulilnt iiireiipr forcrutl"i.iMii .
) ' Inkon thrnuuh Mumi A Co. rciutre
rj-rtiM, n r,rr. muiuub vunniu. iu inn
Scifific Jlmerlcain
A tnwilim-in'-ttliinlrntixl wielilr. I.rMt elf.
Minn !! f i iciulUn limriiul Tvruiii. 13
,. .1 nr iiMiiliM, L. Sola bf nil tioilwlor.
llramliOiIHi) ni 1' (U-Wn. Illusion. D.O.
( $2100 New S-room liotino on 21st
street, largo closet for every room
and large pantry. Good stablo and
woodshed, .mo fruit. Lot 11 Ox
125. Inveetlgat.
$2100 Fine 7-room liouw and good
bam. new and painted: lot IKOx
150, on corner.
Meyer and Belle Land Co.
1117 State Street. Phone H57
Union Land Co.
Newport, Oregon.
Population and property value treii
ling evur year. The next 3 yours i
the time reasonably-priced lots onti
bo purchased.
if required, buildings erected on
any property sold. Correspondence
J. A. 0LSS0N, Mcjr.
Newport, t)itgou.
Dpn't Oet n Divorce.
A western Judge granted a dlvorco
o". .ticounjr of Hl-tomper and bad '
ln.'iMn Dr King's New Life Pills
Atiuld luve prevented it. They euro'
Constipation, causing bnd breath and
Liver Trouble the Ill-temper, dispel
eulds, bullish headaches, conquer'
chills 23c nt J. C. Perry i
Salem, Oregon
10 per cent discount on nil my stock,
ilea's, Liullcs' and Children's SIimch.
If you lvimt n bargain conic nnd too
my fdiueM and you will bo well pleased
J. Vogt
ma Mutts st.
Brnvo Fire Laddies
Ofton rccolvo sovoro burns, putting
out ilrcs, then uso Bucklon's Arnica
Salvo and forgot thorn. It soon drives
out pain. For Burns, Scalds, Wounds,
Cuts nnd Drulscs it's earth's greatest
healer. . Qulckl y euros Skin Erup
tions, Old Sores, Dolls, Ulcors, Fel
ons; best Pllo Curo made. Rolof
Is Instant. 2Gc at J. C. Perry.
Neatly kopt roadsides aro an index
to tho thrift and Intolllgonco of tho
adjacent land ownor. ,
I Foloy's Honoy and Tar not only
ntops chronic coughs that weaken
the constitution and dovolop Into
consumption, but lioals nnd strongth-
'ens o lungs. It affords comfort
liul relief In tho fost cases of chron
ic biouchltlH, asthma, liny favor and
I lung troublo. J. C. Perry.
Healthy discontent Is tho mother
of progress.
f if '
.S V. 1 1
: wniMf m-i-iii iii.i.H, r,.f a
trt .M"irtKrll
i' "' ' '.nMrpp
Ml kUTTi,
Sovon and ono-hulf ncres of upland
bordering on deep wntor slouch on
Yuqulim liny; all good land. Prlco
Forty acres, hnlf wny botwoon Now
port, Or., and Toledo, Or., on coun
ty read: ono nnd a hnlf ncros cloar
ed with shanty on It; considerable
bottom. laud; gtod aldor and vino
maplo on laud. Prlco $700.
flood level lot on South Ueach opjMi
slto Newport, Or. prlco $75.
Lot 0, block 4G, nt Soal Hocks, Or .
fine view of ocean, good level lot.
Prlco $100.
I Seventy-eight acros nonr Pioneer. Or.
all nlongsldo It. It. trnck; botweon
Hinen nud eight ncres of bottom
laud uu li la olonn I; forty good
Owning applo trees, good atono
qumiy nn land near It. II. Prlco
Two-Hero ustor bod at Oyster City,
ou Ymiqlnn Dny: with this goes
half acre upLind lou. Prlco $500.
Ton-Moiu I'.o.me, 30IO foot In slzo
anu imirK or lunu. mi isyo Creole
iii.U Ob mvlllo Mduuulk; houso Is
lu ritie oudttlun. ;, i iod woodshed
Hi') good w.Uc:; ;hl Is n fluo prop
osition for n summer boarding nnd
looming house, us well ob a por-m-'itent
lnnio. Prlto $3300.
.1. A. OLSSON, Newport, Or.
!i.i)iii:i- at iommtl Olllco.
180 acres, 4 mlloa from Newport,'
or Toledo, on main county rond,
40 aores level, 30 acres undtr
plow, bottom lnnd, sandy upland,
fc- .- . . . ..i i ,i ; nniwi. a
r.V "- .!. x-' ..,. 'i l. I for A
7 rT? ' . '. i ii I . . k J.,n. v
4W 4V1 l.i til II - II,. i ,.f-n,. V
I c.. v , i, -ci ii. t in.u. r,.t h
mncK sou, iu ncros timber, 130
acros pnsturo. Now houso, 14x24,
el 14x24. 7 rooms, two barns, 4 Ox
40 nnd 38x50, woodshed 14x24, 4
horsos, 28 head Bheop, 22 head
cattle. 0 milk cows. 4 bolfors, 9
steors, with all far mlmplemonts,
wagon, buckbosrd, otc. Prlca
160 acros of timber In tho SUetz
reservation, near the coast, oatl
ated as follews: 3,000,000 feet
homlock, 2,000,000 spruco, 2.
0 0,000 cedar, all of No. I qual
ity, at $4400.
160 acres of timber, one-half mile
from tho Sllotz river, estimated us
follews: 6,000,000 spruce, l,-
000,000 hemlock; $5000-
160 acres tlmbor on tho Slleti, near
coast, 10 miles from Newport, es
timated as follews: 4,000,000
homlock, 2.000,000 spruco, 2.
000,000 cedar; $4500.
160 acres '4 & miles from Newport,
10 acres under plow, young or
chard 40 to 50 trees, good 6-room
house 24x30, -oodshed 12x14,
root house 12x16, warehouse 12x
14, split board barn 40x50, 3.
000,000 fir. 1.000,000 alder tim
ber, fir timber lostly second
growth; $2750.
160 ncres unimproved land, 5 miles
from Newport; partly covered with
timber; No. 1 fruit and grazing
land, $1300.
L. W.WILLIAMS, Newport, Or.
For information innulro at Jour '