Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 19, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    i WHftflrriW PWPP rlf
i:. liOFKH, Editor nnd Proprietor
Independent Nwppor Dorotcd to Amerliau l'rtnclplM nnd
the IT6ijre nml Derolopoment of All Oregon.
Pn(jllhl Br erf hretitnc Kxeopt StitiiUy, Sitlem, Oru.
(Invurlnbly In Advance)
Willy, by eerier, wr ytr M.OO 1'cr month SOo
Dtlly, by mall, por year. 4.00 1'cr month 5e
'Weekly, by mall, per veor. - '.00 Six month Mc
1 tho Klmball-Pago farm and found
j Col. Page laid up with a sprain. Wo
had a good visit with him, whllo Mrs.
i Page played hostess, setting a flno
oyator stow, which wob onjoyed aftor
i a 40-mllo rldo.
' wo stoppod off a fow minutes at
tho Hayosvlllo Ico croam social,
.whoro a largo crowd was doing Jus-
Itlco to lco cream and cake, to help
pny on a uoot on tho church, whoro
Danker Elmoro, of Drownavlllo, holds
sorvlcos onco n wook, to tho satisfac
tion of tho people
wo nw tho flnoBt Holds of grain,
pm: incsabViississsmsassssasytsatss&i
Mother Has Baby's Body Kept
By Undertaker Awaiting
Father's Death
Monitor Milk Has Peasant !h0 ul&8ost hay crops and tho finest
monitor iviiiis nd& riLdbdnii,orse6 nnd catt0( nnd BOme of tho
Gathering and a Fine
Display of "Prize"
The band picnic nt Monitor Mills
was a great success Saturdny. About
COO farmers assembled at tho grovo
an tho east lmnk of Uutte creek,
-whoro a speakor's stand had been
erect 0(1, and thoro woro scats nnd
tables for a grand picnic dlnnor,
which was onjoyed by all.
Tho band plnyod n waltz, "Baby
MIno," and nlno lndl b who had babies
to ontur for tho prlzo. They gave
tho llrHt prlzo to Mrs. .Tosoph Vnn
Oloavc Second prlzo Mrs. Arthur
Holmes. They woro hold up for tho
ndmlrutloii of tho crowd by Presi
dent Joromo Simmons.
Win. Gibbons nnd Mlssos Honoy
nnd AVJilto woro tho Judgoa of tho
bnby show, nnd Supt. Ackormnn and
Col. Hofor bought tho Ico croam for
tho competitors. The prizes wore
given by tjiu Monitor mills n wide
of flour to ench.
Mrs. A. Snyder, Mrs. It. 1). Akor,
Mrs. .1. A. Vim Clunvo, Mrs Arthur
Holmes, Mrs. John Joerjr, Mrs. Itoy
Seoly, Mrs. drover Todd, Mr". Grovor
Pomoroy nnd Mrs. C. Alnsworth
J H. Ackormnn was tho first spoiik
or. Ho complimented tho fnrmors
on tholr Hplundld crops Ho hnd for
35 years been connected with ivuhlW
education, and had aeon grent chang
cs nnd wonderful progress In hcIiooIh
Ho wanted boys nnd girls In tho conn
try to hnvo Just ns good schools ns
In the city, Ilottor school housos and
moro benuttful grounds. The next
sponker was Nov. William Krnmei,
of Mt. Annul. Ho wild tho greatest
crop In Orogou was llnblo to bo btg
mouthed politicians. Ho poked tun
nt Ackermnn and Hofor, and snld
their mouths were lnrjre bocauso thoy
attended so many picnics and nte m)
many big strawberries and chorrloi.
Col. Hofor mndo a fow romnrks,
complimenting tho bnnd boys for
tholr splendid work, having bon or
ganized but throo mouths, and hav
ing played to gethor not 30 tlmos,
Tho ball In tho evening was a grout
ouccobs, A few Bhowor had fallen
during tho day, settled tho dust,
coolod oft tho air nnd mndo tho ev
ening JiiBt ported for tho bowery
On tho way home wo stoppod at
J, H, Albert, Pros,
E, M. Croisan, Vico Pros,
Jos, H. Albort, Cashier
Pays Interest on Savings
best looking largo families of chlld-
ron at tho Monitor picnic wo havo
scon nhywhoro In Orogon.
Mhiltnl Press .tns1 Wlrc.l
Sonttlo, Wash., Juljr 10. Sovoral
dologntlons of nowspnpor mon ar
rived in Sonttlo today to attend tho
1 4th nnnunl convontlon of tho Na
tional Editorial Association, which
meotH horo all of thlo wcok. A spo
clal train on tho Northorn Pacific
Inst night brought 194 ofllcors, dolo
gntes and visitors from Chicago. It
Is expected that 3C0 members of tho
odlturlnl association will havo ar
rived by tonight
An olnbornto program has beon
provided for tho ontortnlnmont of
the newspaper tnou horo, which will
bo followed by n 20 days' trip
through southeastern Alnskn.
All of tho ofllcors, with tho oxcop
Hon of tho poot luurcnt" and tho flag
custodian, arrived InHt night, and two
past prosldonts In nddltlon nro horo,
Including tho foundor of tho associa
tion, "Knthor" n. B. Horbort, edi
tor of tho Nntlonnl Prlntor-Journnl-1st.
' ,
Alroady thoro Is ovldonco of nc
1 1 v 1 1 of u political nature, nffcctlng
the olllco of president of tho associa
tion. Tho two contondors for prosldon
tlal honorB nro A. Novln Pomoroy, of
Chumhorshurg, Pn., and J. P. Daum
gnrtnor, of tho Hogtstor, Santa Ana,
Cnl. Tho latter was n candldnto nt
the Jamestown convontlon two years ;
ugn .mm ioi oy out. iwo votes.
I'rlonds of tho two nro nctlvoly campaigning.
lodny tho delogatos, aftor thoy
United l're Leased Wire. J
Seattle. July 19. Tho bodies nt
13. D. West and his 12-yonr-old daugh
ter woro burled sldo by sldo todav In
Mount Plonsnnt cemotery. Tho lnnth
of tho llttlo girl occurred July 12 nt
tho homo of tho Wests at Coal Crook
nnd tho body wob brought to Sonttlo.
Of tho undertakers, Mrs. West, moth
er of tho dead girl, mndo an unusual
request. Sho nBked thnt the body bo
hold until tho death of tho father,
then In tho last stnges of tubercu
losis, In order that thoy might hnvo
a double funeral,
Uut tho husband nnd father fought
his. malady nnd wns ablo to stay tho
hand of death until Saturday, when
no succitniueti. Yesterday tic mile
was brought to Seattle and today tho
double funeral took place.
Near gresham
Llttlo Hazel Richmond of Hock
wood, Multnomnh county, was so
badly burned Inst Monday that her
recovery Is doubtful. The child wns
playing with mntches which Ignited
nnd Bot her clothing on flro. Tho
iiiuthor had hor hands bndly burned
In trying to romovo tho burning
clothes. Hnzol Is four years of ago
and Is the daughter of Mr nnd Mrs.
John Richmond of Hockwood.
Ah wo nro going to press word
comes thnt our old and respected
fellow cltlzon, Charlie Merrill, htul
como to a suddon nnd painful death
by bolng thrown from n loaded wag
on, which passed over his body.
Uenver State Herald.
Here's a money making and money saving
investment. No element of speculation
about it. Invest your money in Good
Clothes, while the bottom is out of the
market. That's right now this very day!
We've reached our cleaning period. We've
cut prices right and left-offering values un-
surpassed, at a saving from
20 to 60 Per Cent on the Dollar
The quicker you act the better the values
you will be able to select. Dont let this
chance escape you! Can you afford to?
l United Press l.eaed Vlr.J
Now York, July 19. Tho groat
tuiiuol under tho Hudson river con
necting Manhattan with New Jersey,
wiih formally oponod today. Tho big
buro represents n"n outlay of $70.
1 41 North Commercial Street
I United l'renn Leaned Wlre.l
San Francisco, July 19. Attor-
wero formally welcomed, naw.tho city i neys roiireeontltiK tho prosecution nnd
from autoniobllos, nnd will nttond tho ' (lof(,I180 , the ,, of VaXrh,k Cnl-
i,0feH "nin" BUC8U tholliii. president of the 1'nlted Unll-
frwntiio I roMiCIUU, roads, accused of bribery, announced
Hank Kuiiuliici'Y Statement ,
biate Hank hxamlner James SU.l,
bus filed his statement of tho con
dition of the rosouices and liabilities1
of 129 statu ami pilvate bunks ud
70 out of 71 national banks In tho
Htuto at tht close of business Ju :n
23, 1909. It shows tj'o stnto banks
hnvu resources of SS0.S17, 027.97 and
ludivlduul deposits of J 13,033,332 09,
wniie tiie national nan its nave de
posits of $39. 032, (US. 05. with re
source of I01.300.73S.1S.
to begin
today that they are ready
he second trial.
Fifty talesmen have Ik n mim
iiioned by the court nnd the exam-
! Inntlou of them will wtait nt once.
Los Angolos, Cnl., July 19. J. II. , t'alhoiin In accused of offering a bribe
Macklo, proaldent of tho Columbus, I Jih J. Ktirey, member of the old
Ohio, Sporting Goods Company. Is In I btiodllng board of superrlvoi. In con
oustody today on requoBt of tho Co- "ecilon with the granting at nn over
lunibiiH pollco dopnrtmont. lil trolley rrnnclilse. The last trUI,
According to tho Plnkorton ngoncy which reunited In a disagreement, was
hero Mncklo Is wanted to nnswor to " clmrgo of bribing former super-
ii nlmri-n nf nnilinrrllni' 11 3 KOO M 'Or McllOlnS.
Trocfl Ilka congonlnl society;
thorn in clumpi.
from Mrs. Jnnot Grcon of Colum
bus. It is nllogcd that aftor becom
ing acquainted with Mrs Grcon ho
Induced her to Invest $13,000 in a
xportlng goods firm, It Is further
alleged that sho gavo tho money to
Mncklo, and shortly nftor ho roc
celvod tho money tho company's
plant nnd store burned. Investiga
tion Ih wild to hnvo rovonlcd that
the monoy wns not invostod In tho
ilrm boforo tho flro occurred.
Mncklo loft a wlfo and llttlo boy
behind whon ho dopnrtod from Co
against dlsonso.
fp mnko and keep thcjo llttlo eoUltora
lioalthy ami 6tiong, is siniilv to mnko
nnd keep tho blood of the right quality
nnd quantity.
Tina is just what Hood's Snwnpnrilla
UOCfa iL lido till) littlit MlMlnrx-ln vm,K
..w.. ..- ............. .. .. I 1,.,, u ..! . .11 ... "-.-... v.
lie enmo horo n wook ngo y" ug" uineauo ior you.
IiOcal Retnll tnrltet.
Wheat, por burhel $1.30 '
Hay, cheat $17ul8
Hay, clover 14H 15
Potatoes, buihol 70.S0
Apples, bushM . .' 5O01.UO
Prunos, por lb 1 U k
Prunot, per lb 1 Vi 3
Cranborrlos, Howe's vnrle- '
ty, bhl 13. 0
llutter and Kggs, Itetnll.
Croamiy butter 30c
Country buttor 2Cc
i rinnr.
fCHStern Orogon $1.75
' Ilrnn, por snck.J.... .95
I Shorts, por sack $1.3501.55
1 Ilnllo.l linrlnv id.nd
iU.Lbl?d r th Wllllono , Lci wIioIcmiIc Market.
..HUiiiu mm ClOIOna VOU Wlmnt. Iin.hnl tl.1R)1.n
' Hala Imalial KRiflilllln
U'""l uunn, , , . . , uu uuu
Flour, hard v uoat
Flour, valley $5.40 COO
iCui rsiTI'l
Pal mTsr m mZMM$1
BHHSsiii!KesSiS S
I Coffee 1 1
The sroma-tlght can protects
It against Impurities and deteri
oration never sold in bulk.
Little Soldiers
fen in
3 i uur procor win Rnna It
m hotter if ground nt home not fl I
too lino. H :
9 : I
Don't Blame the
Use So'BosSo, or
and milk In comfort
So d in 1 quart or 1 gallon
cars. Easily applied with
a lin sprayer. Once tried
always used.
A Horrlblo HoId-Up,
'About ten years ago my husband
$6,40 wns held up" In
and' l snld to havo beon nccompa- fl l rt, KTofuln, ecxema, eruptions,
nled by a pretty young woman. Ho ", nieuiniuism, anemia, nervous
wa alone In his apartments whon , J" -. l 'Vl'q-M, fvnrral debility, and
Iiuitd3 up tl e v. I. tyetein.
i .1111 food, shorts.
Mill food, brnn. . .
Hops, 1908 crop. .
Hops, 1907 crop.
Chlttam bark , , . .
Wool, corrso . .
Wool, medium
Mohair ...
his work, hoalth nnd i
happlnoss by what was believed to i
bo hopoloss constipation," writes Mrs,
W. R. Lipscomb, of Washington, N. C.
"Ho took nil kinds of romcdles nnd
trnntnipnt frnin snvarnl ilnctors. but
' found no help till he used Dr King's Hemorrhages,
9. A. WHITE &
255 N. Commercial Street
f'lillL'llH nnH r'r.l.ln
Vaiii flL.iAi,A,. it,l tiiin il(tllt. nitrail pllltla In r.M,..A .... . .?
,0 i by six bottes. Ho Is a well man to- ilronchlal nffectlons. 60c nnd $1 00
'I.id.n " lis quick to relievo nnd tho Trlnl bottle free. Guaranteed hv t
'surest cure for weak or sore lungs. U Perry,
Front Laced Corsets'
Big Bargains in Women's Wear all This Week
Home of the
Jtv A. IV JQ D
Dress Headquarters for Salem Women
Home of the
Ladies Trimmed Hats
l.krge Hue at
$1.50 Each
An) untrinuned shapo In tlu
house nt
50c to 75c
Awoug the untrlnmiud shaes
re euuie swell olilp hats lu
large size, also fine uaiiHiims
Jut the things fur outiiiK
Shirt Waists
Larue shipment just recelvod.
Owing to the lateness of tho
season this Hue will bo closed
out at
50c to 75c
Made of beet materials and
irliumed'Vlth Ucp.
White Dresses
Kour dozen white ono-pleco
dreeses something swell pn
sale all wook
These goods range in value o
$10 uo
Jacket Suits
A liue of two-piece jacket suits
will be closed out this week at
$2,50 to $3.00
The tire rare bargains nnd
should not bo overlooked.
If It Comes from
Frakes It's Correct
Miss M. D. Evans, Salem Mgr,
' 333 North Commercial Street
If It Comes from
Frakes It's Correct
On Sale All Week I
4 uozen
Linen Suits
Ladies and
These suits range In price from
$10.00 to $30.00. On salo ab
$10 00 values for .. .$ 7.00
$20 00 nlues for. . . $12.00
$30 Ou alues for ..$15.00