I l0ttmd VOL. XX. DAILY CAPITAL JOUKXAL, SALEM. OREGON, SATUKDAY. JULY 17, 1000. NO. 187. tf J I 1 a WIND UP WITH BIG BARBECUE -Elks Visit the Lucky Baldwin Ranch in Body Tackle Five Tons Roasted Meats. "CHILI CON CARNE .uMAKICS IT "U'AIVU FOIl Til KM KIUJOIiKS AND OTHKIl SPANISH DIS1IKS SAMPLKD UKOXCO- ' HUSTIXG, HOPIXO COXTKSTS, HACKS AND OTHKH SPOUTS. (Lucky) Baldwin several thousand Elks and Elklcttes were ontortalnod. Tho guosts wore tnken on n delight ful trip through tho San Gabriel val ley to Oneonta park and through thousands of acres of oraugo groves to Arlada on tho Baldwin ranch, thoro a barbecuo was held. Ten thousand pounds of cholco bcof pork and mutton was barbe cued. Ton roasting pits wore in op eration arid fifty men wero engaged two days in preparing tho feast. Six thousand loaves of bread, Chill con carno, frijoles itilrt other Spanish LONDON SAYS HE IS A oUuKtn iS?3,iBoo.ro BUP,,ljcd at tab,s 8cat"j Answers the Charge That He In the afternoon tho slghl-seora witnessed bronco busting, a roping contest and other feats of horseman ship by Baldwin's cowboys. Following this camo field spbfW and freak racos open to entry by all visitors. Dancing filled out tho uttornoon and ovoning program. An ospocial program of aquatic races und sports for tho afternoon and flroworkB for night was pro grammed for tho Elks at Venice. Tho oloctrlc circus parndo was sche duled to end the ofllclal festivities. IN TWO DAYS SEVEN THOUSAND REGISTER Deliberately Stole Other People's Writings by a Quibble ' STUFF WAS NOT HIS iT'nltrri Itww I.rnartl Wlrcl Los Angolos, Cal., July 17. Tho .last day of tho twenty-third annual convention of Elks began today with alght-soolng trips on tho pnrt of visitors continued during the day, THOUGHT HK WAS QUOTING TIIK 1IISIIOP OK LONDON AND V.K NOT AWARE THAT HARRIS HAD l-'AKKD A STORY AND CAUGHT KV YORK DAILY WITH IT. United Press I.onicd Wlrcl Mlssouln, Mont., July 17. Dis sension has dovclonod to such an oxtont among tho scores of notarlos who flocked horo to collect fees from thousands of porsons registering for land in the Mnthcad Indian (United Troon I.cniert Wlre.l San Francjsco. July 17. Admit ting that ho Is a "sucker." Jack Lon don resents tho accusation that ho is n plagiarist and In n communication rittlr. I until tt felntwlo In ttita ..Hi' nififln tttlli. ,a -. tm . " " - ...... w. ..... .uw. , BVIIV til IIIUIIUP II. 1...0 itJ .l.l.MW IMIII" wiiii ainiouc aim equaiic sports ai vatlon that tho chamber of com-, He today ho scoroe Frank Harris, tho tho various uonchos adjacent to tho morco Is thinking seriously of male- English Journalist, who mode the .' . . BC,"-'u'"e" l .uuu.lu:iing arrangements to have th's work charge. Tho letter, which was writ- Tllfrlit Willi n iinrniln nf 'nlniTili.nl i ilnnH HX- M .t !. . nuiiu ui-u ui uuurgu. I it'll hi raunmn, says; Tho trouble is duo to tho aklrtn-J "Arriving at Panama fiom South lsh for locations nearest the depot America, nfter being four monttiR so ns to catch the visitors ns they l away from newspapers and letters, I alight from trains. 'Frcquont quar-'got In touch with my mail and found rols hnvo resulted. The ohambor of' the usual charge of plagiarism nwnlt comraorco Is fearful that If this , Ing m Mr. Frank Harris, using the condition continues it will injuro I deadly parallel column, litis published Missoula's reputation for poaco and In 'Vanity Fair an extract from tin qulot In tho two days that tho rog-, article written by him In 1901 and Istratlon books hnvo been open horo i ;,n itrac from 'Tho Iron Hool,' pub 7,000 havo rcgltered All trains ' Hslu-tl i nu- In 1009 Line by lino, arriving horo bring now homesook- ors fOontlnuod on pngo 4.) night with n parade of 'oloctrlcal 'floats doplctlng familiar circus scones Early this morning mombors of tho grnnd lodgo numbering moro than a thousand Journeyed with tholr wlvos and daughters to Cnta llna Island to spend tho day Spe cial trains and special boats woro provided for the visitors, lunchoon was sorved on the Island, and n dis play of fireworks at San Pedro on the return trip was among tho feat ures programmed At tho ranch of tho ' Into E J. CASHIER WRECKED THE BANK Suicide of William Meyerinck Last Night Discloses a Larrje Shortage jn His Accounts. THE BANK IS CLOSED DANK K.YAMIXKH SAYS INSTITU TION'S AFFAIRS ARK HADLY TANGLED DEPOSITORS MAY GET THEIR .MONEY COULD NOT FACE EXPOSURE. KKZ2B239 OUR-GREAT ANNUAL PRICECUTTING SALE NOW STARTS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY Tho ptld'H on nil cIiinmwi of goods throughout this big department More will be ollcctl away down. Kivry department must be cleared to make room tor our Fall Mock. I Advance Styles In Fall Suits $16.50 Suits - $ 8.90 $20.00 Suits - -$12.50 $27.50 Suits - - $14.90 To Intrndiico this department to tho people of Salem and tho surrounding vlolnlty wo hnvt seouiod through our buyer in New ork a swell Una of ad vance stylo in oarly Fall suits and to Mt 111 Introduce it more thoroughly wo place thorn on sale at prices fr below their rogularvahiefi. Those are high class worsted garments In self stripes, all tho In tost shades. Extra loug coats and full flare skirts handsomely tailored, silk lined and finished through out. They are the best values that wero over offord in Salem. $ti.O(, $l!Lnt, $ll.Oi ami up. $2.00 Lingerie Shirt Waists 98c Beautiful Shirt Waists, handsomely trimmed . . gOn JULY PRICE-CUTTING SALE Jloforo you buy, go to the other stores nnd get their prices, tlion coi'no here nnd see tho money we can save you. 7fcc fancy Lawns, yard 314c CSc full size Hod Sheets 39c J 1.25 white Dod Sproads 7Cc Uc Percales, now yard Sc Sfic wool Dross Goods, -10 Inches wldo, In all the latest bIukIob and solf-strlpo doslgns, now yd, . . .-19c Sue wash India Silk, In every new shade, now yard 35c Ladle' $3.00 Oxford Tlos now $1.96 Ladles' $X.OO White Canvas Ox fords now 76c Kemnnuts of Dress Goods Half Price uc Valenciennes Laces, yard Sc Men's C5o Working whirls now.. 39c Men's 39o Sumwtr Underwear. .23c Men's 50c Lonther Glovtts 26o ladles' Hosiery and Underwear all roduoed. Ladles' $1.00 Corsets now 49c Groat bargains now In our Millinery Department SCc Lace Curtains, pair 49c Prlcos cut away down on niankets. Pair. , 49c, 75c, 98c and up I AH Silk Ribbons, all colors, 4 inches wide, now only No. 5 All Silk Ribbons, all colors, now only, yard 10c 3c I LadleV 2c I. rf) 0'' ' C0IWKT I I'nltnl 1'itim I.wmiHl Wlr ) San Frnnolsco, July 17. Discovery of a snortago In tho accounts of Wil liam Muyerlnek, until recently pay ing tailor of tho Union State bank at Third and Market streets, caused him to commit sulcldo hy blowing out his brains with a revolver Bhot at his home In Larkspur last night, accord ing to 11 tttntoinont mndo today by T. A. Dechtol. secretary and general manager of tho Institution. Follow ing tho sulfide of von Meyotlnuk, State Hank Commissioner Aldon An derson rinsed the doors of the bank shnrth nfter 10 o'clock tills mornttiK. The amount of tho alleged shortage Is not known but It Is reported n t Larkspur that tho man who comml' ted suicide signed over to the bank all his property recently. Von Aleyurlnck had nut been con nected with tho hank In un official capacity for tho past month. Ho was discharged when suspicion attached to him nnd n subsequent Investigation of Ills accounts, llechtel said, revoalod a shortage. Ho was summoned yes terday n appear before the directors or ttio bank today and It Is thought that ,.t ended IiIh IITo rather than fiioti disgrace. Tho dead teller was employed for a year as cashier of the Slate Savings mil Commercial bank t loin Fin- more street nnd when the bank con solidated with tho Union Stato bank two months ago he was made pav lug teller of tho affiliated Institu tions. He worked In that rapacity one month and was then discharged. "I have ordored tho bank closod becauso I doem It.unwlso to allow the oinclals to contlnuo doing busl- nosB nt prenont," was the statomout of Suporlntondont of Hanks Aldon Anderson. "It npoars from a casual examination of tho affairs of tho In stitution that tho ontlro capital will bo wiped out by shortage Tho de positors whoso claims are $140,000 Room llkoy to bo pnld In full when tho assets shall bo disposed of This la only n surface vlow, howovor, and I can only say that tho farther wo havo go no with tho Investigation tho worse tho bank's affairs appoar to bo tangled. "No responsibility has yot been fixed on elthor von Moyerlnck or any other Individual. My opinion Is that nil of the men who have been In ohnrgo of tho Union Stato bank and tho Stato Savings and Commercial bnuk aro lncompotont to conduct such a btiHlnoss. Thoy havo shown no lltnwu as bankors. "The accounts of tlm Union State bank have boon hopelessly lntorwo ven with thoso of tho present bank, the State Savings and Commercial. The Union Stnto bank waa novor le gally liquidated. Somo of Us docu ments nro now In possession or tho , Stnto Savings nnd Commorclal. Only a vory mlnuto examination will 011 ablo us to determine Just what tho condition of accounts may uo. "My accountants wont to tho bank yestordny morning and took pmaos slou of the books and rash. They found discrepancies at onco. Tho bank wrlto up a statement for mo, for tho correctness of which I cannot vouch, showing Itsolf In possession of $07,000 capital stock. This Is State and Commercial stock. Its doposlts aro all in small accounts. Its officials say that 75 per cent of the depositors owe money to tho bank My assistants will work stead lly until tho summary Is completed, This will bo done by Monday morn ing, I bellevo. Until then wo will I not know how sorlous the misman agement has been." o waived forfeit, declaring that he did not mind a pound or two nml that under no clrcumstnncos would ho financially pcnnllzo tho boy who Is trying so hard to como back. Fruyno was woll within wolght. Doth boys iookcu good to mo orowu. n.rotuu , the scales. The odds lcnnthoncd this mornin,:. 'going to 10 to 7, with Corbott.on tho ,8hort end, The tun nt tho arena begins at 3 )'clock sharp, when Tommy McCar thy and Chnrllo Rollly, lightweights, nro sent awny for 10 rounds. Tliev will ho followed by Alfrod Urooits nnd Terry Kollor, woltors, who aro scheduled to travel tho sumo distance. Tho mnln ovont, Bcuodtilod for 25 rounds, starts nt 3:16 p, m. DESERTED BY HUSBAND SHE GOES INSANE IPnllcil Prrsi I.cniied WlrJ Abordcon, Wash., July 17. Mro. EIbIo nrunk, who Is thought to havo been deserted by her husband after alio camo horo with her two chil dren from Michigan to Join him, Is hopolcssly domontod today, It Is foar od, because of worry over Drunk's dlsapponranco, Tho woman was found yootorday by members of tho Associated Qhnrl tlos. who had taken a Ilvo Interest In hor enso, between Abordcon nnd XT ntitnannn nnrrvlnir nnn nt tinr smnll chlldVcn. Sno wiih out of her mind: Through rain and mud sho bml wnlknd twelve mllnn from n homo where she liiul been living it fow dnya, and sho nnd hor child woro wot to tho skin. Tho family of threo will bo cared for by tho chnr Ity workors pending a mentnl oxam Inntlnn of the mother EL.0PERS MUST FACE BETTER HALVES Unltrd Prru Ih-binI Wlre.l Tncomn. Wash,, July 17. D. F. Tootur and Mrs. Doulo Wnalo, tho Duplano, Mich., olopors, will loavo tonight In tho company of Sheriff Wllllnm 8chavor, of Clinton county, Mich., and Teeter will bo hold to answer to n chnrgo which may placo him In tho ponltontlary for sovoral years. Mrs. Wealo was given hor choice ns to goltiix back or romnlnltiR In Tncomn lind Bho choso tho first. Teeter thinks that his wlfo will for- glvo him, but Mrn. Wonln Is not so suro tlint sho cau win back tho nr foctlons of tho husband whom sho left to elope with Teotor. IN JAIL 30 DAYS FOR TREATING OLD MAN (Unltrd I'rcia Leiucd Wire. Tacomn, Wash., July 17. Docnuso ho treated O. W. Uundny, who had been adjudged an hnbltual drunk ard, to n drink of whlskoy, W. T. Seonor, nn old soldlor from tho homo at Ortlng, wns flnod $100 and costs by Juntlco Alger of Ortluir. and In default of payment was takon to tho county Jail yostorday to sorvo thirty dnys. uvinjT got angry then busy TAFT SAYS REDUCTION DOWNWARD Was the Plain Promise of the Republican Platform No Other Interpretation Is Possible. VETO IS INTIMATED I'NLKSS THIS PHO.MISi: IS KElT ALDH1CH DODUKS 11V 8AYINO "LUT TAl-T SHTTIiK SCHED I'liKS NOT AOKKKD OX," HUT THOSIC "AOltKICD OX" AHIO HAD. United l'rras Lesied V'lre.J Washington, July 17. All doubt ns to wh'oro President Tnft stands wuh regard to tho downward revi sion of tho tnrlff was swept away Fri day when a statement wns given out nt tho whlto hotiso setting forth lu detail what the president had to say to 23 Kopubllcuu members of con gress who called to protest ngntnst putting raw materials on tho froo list. Tho president lu this statement do- clnrcd that tho ltopubllcati party was committed to n downward revision, unit ho nover had any other Idea of the Chicago piatform and that ho per sonally has promised it downward re vision to tho people. This Htatomeiit Is lmerprotod lu some (iiiiiiteiH horo us a direct notifi cation (o tho cotiforcos on tho tariff bill that, If the minis u ru thoy finally agroo upon does not constitute n ma torlal reduction lu spoclflc dutloH, tho president will exercise his power of veto. Dictated lu tho third person, tho Htatomeiit concludes with this final word of ho, pruulduni'H attitude iiM outlined to his cujlorn. "Ho felt sXronglniho call of tho country for a downward revision within the limits of tho protective principles und he hoped to be nblo to respond to that call as he hoard It, ax woll In the Interests of tho party iih of tho country " Tho presldont'H statement created a sensation among senators and rep resentatives. Senator Aldrlch mndo uo direct comment upon It, but said tho conferees had decided to let Mr Tuft denl with schedule, upon which thoy could mil agree. It being up to tho president to secure the votes no cossary to pass tho moanuro lu tho form In which It would bo reported )i t of conference as a rosult of his mediation between tho hotiso nnd son uto conferees. Tho president up to this time has not permitted himself to bo quoted In connection with tho tariff strug glo. Ills framo of mind was Indi cated lu IiIh Now Ha von speech on ,111110 30, however, In which ho warned the ltopubllcati party that. If It did not koop Its promises It would he relogntod to the minority. Tho president now asserts for the first time his authority m tho titular head of his party. As such he an nounces his conviction that tho party platform meant n rovlslou downward and thai. 110 other Interpretation can be placed upon It. Sont Hearse to Her Landlady'! House and Was Doing Stunts on Telephone When Caught. THE CORBETT-FRAYNE FIGHT IS ON TODAY rUultd I'rft I.ai1 Wire 1 San Francisco. July 17 - Young Corbett. despite his long siege of training. Mas unable to get down to the stipulated 135 pounds for his bat tle with Johnny Frayuo at Coff.-oth's Mission-street arona this afternoon. and whon he stopped on tho scnles at Tom ("orhf'tt'H lit 10 o'clock this morn 'ing he was full a pound uud u lui'f ; iver weight Frayne magnanimously (UultHl I'rrts Leased Wire. Sonttle, Wash, July 17-HoHt by hor own petard, Miss Lavlna Stark Is In Jail today awaiting a hearing on tho charge of disorderly conduct, Lavlna sought rovongo upon Mrs. Kate do Daugh, who con ducts a lodging house on Ninth avenue, for having dispossessed hor of her room. Sho did not waste any time In expostulation, but she had not beou gono long beforo things began happening at the Nlnth-Btreet homo. First a hoarso camo In seurch of a "corpse" In response to an urgent telephone message. Then three messenger boys dribbled In with mosagos sont collect. Soon Patrol man Humphroy mado his appear ance having received Information that Illicit liquor might bo fouud on the promises Dy this tlmo Mrs. do Uaugh began to nppreclato tho hu mor of tho situation and sho ontored Into tho spirit of It hersolf. Sho told Patrolman Humphroy that he would likely And Miss Stark In a Flrst-avonuo cafe1, Ho found hor. She was busy at tho telophone at the time Then the police automobile came and the roomless Miss Stark was accommodated with lodalntr at the station. TO PROBE DEATH OF LIEUT. SUTTON Illy Samuel Hvaus. Stuff Correspoud ont United Press.) Annapolis, Mil.. July 17. Investi gation Into the mysterious death (' Llotitoiinut Sutton or tho marlm corps will be Instituted Mnndny by 11 naval court of Inquiry. It Is an nounced that ovory bit or ovldiiu that may tluow light upon the irng sdy will b admitted. Tho court will bo publlo. Llouteiisu. ! utton Ultd 1 s 1 suit of u gunshot wound Oc oher I!. 1907. It was round dead urtor . n automobile tilp with a party of friends but th particular of the shooting never wro full detrinlnd. Tho theory that he committed sun Mo, which wim advanced, wns semie) b. tho members o.r lilAUJomtly. ira qjhy NICK L0NGW0RTH RISES TO REMARK l United l're I.el WJrv J Washington, July J 7. Congress-, man Nicholas Longworth, son-l-Iaw of Theodore Ilousovelt. said today that Prosldent Tatt's statement yes terady regarding tariff revision downward was made at tho psycho logical moment and would rosult lit the lowering of many schoduloa In the tariff bill now beforo congross. Ho said that it was almost cor talu that free hides would result front tho statomont Tawney, of Minnesota, and others cchood Longworth's sentlmont.