- 0umal VOL. XIX DAILY CAPITAL .JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, I'KUUY, JULY 10, 1000. NO. 120. JI "ANGELS" PARADE FOR ELKS Thousands of Floats and Dec orated Autos-Four Hours in Passing the Re viewing Stand ALL BANDS MASSED PASSED STAND IX OXE GREAT DEAl'EXING CRASH OK MUSIC. FLOATS HEPRESENTIXfl AL MOST KVHUY COUNTRY OX EARTH WERE IX LINE. (United l'rcn Leaned Wire. Los AiiRelofl, July 10 Tho nonroHt 'approach to a .Ma rill Ohih parado ovur seen In this cny passed through the streets today between bands of thou sands of spoctutors mused In back ground of colored hunting nud wav ing flags. An allegorical and floral procosdon In honor of tho visiting Ell$s. numbering thousands of march ers, countings decorntod floats, bright with pretty girls and gny colors, pass ed In revlow boforo mo nowly olected oxnllod ruler of Hlkdom nud his of ficials, boforo tho loading citizens nf this niifilnVMniltleH. Tor four hours tho marchers, flon;s nud decorated automobiles passed on. Every phnno of California llfo was OUR GREAT ANNUAL PRICECUTTING SALE NOW STARTS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY I The price on nil rluvMW of goods throughout this big department More will be sliced nwuy down. Every H All Silk Ribbons, all colors, 4 inches wide, now only No. 5 All Silk Ribbons, all colors, now only, yard - Ladle' 25c HOSE Sc PPOHTEHS I now pair r f fj i f JilB Jr( M 10c :jyrMII2E represented. Mining, farming, fruit raising, trades, professions and tins wuro portrayed. Mexican vaquoros. Indians, cowboys, Mexican senorltns and golden haired California baau tles rodo past tho grandstands nud by tho cheering multltudos in vivid and seemingly ondless numbers. Tho spectacle was something sel dom beforo attempted In California. It was tho pleco do resistance of the, week. Plonts representing nearly ev ery country on tho earth were In line. Preceding tho spectacle was a massed baud parado comprising nil bands In nttendnnco On tho conven tion. Tho bnnds assembled nt Tem ple block, started moving at 9 o'clock" and with one tremendous volume of sound, passed tho reviewing stand at 10. In tho evening n repetition of Inst night's electrical parado was pro gramed. This comprised n score of flouts from various lodges of south ern Cnllfornln, fantastically decorat ed and lighted. At 0 o'clock tho grand ball of the convention weok will bo hold. Exalted Hulor-elect J. U. Sammls and Mrs. Longworth. wife of tho oxaltcd ruler of the Los Angeles lodge, will load tho grand mnrch. The ball will be tho biggest social event of the con vention and several thousand persons aro oxpectod to nttond. Shortly before tho start of tho parade, John Bnlllngor, a teamster, was thrown from ono of tho floats. Ho fell under tho hoofs of tho ho rocs and tho wheols of th wagon passed ovor his body. He died whtlo ho wns being rushed to a hospital. -n- HOItX. GAM11LE- At tho residence of Mrs. S. II. Vail, irS S. Cottage street, at 0 : a 0 u. in.. July 1G, 1000, to Mr. nud Mrs. E C Gamble, n son. department must bo cleared to make room lor Advance Styles In Fall Suits $16.50 Suits $20.00 Suits $27.50 Suits $8.90 $12.50 $14.90 To introduco this department to tho people of Snloni nnd tho surrounding vicinity wo have secured through our buyer in Now 'iork n swoll line of ad vnnco stylos in oarly Fall suits nnd to still introduco It more thoroughly wo place them on sale at prlcos far bolow tholr regular valuos. Those are high class worsted garments lu self stripes, all the latost shade. Extra long coats and full flare skirts handsomoly tallorod, silk lined nnd finished through out. They are the beet values that wore over offerd In Salem. $8.00, $ iti.no, $11,00 uud up. $2.00 Lingerie Shirt Waists 98c Beautiful Shirt Waists, handsomely trimmed . . QQq $.9ffff4Mfn Xfflfii TACOMA CAPTURES SEATTLE Thousands Visit the A. Y. P., It Being Tacoma's Own Day at the Big Ex position. "we likYTacoma" DIG HAXXER ACIIOSS STKEET WITH MOTTO "WE LUCE TA COMA" MAKES CHEAT HIT l-'Oll OXCE TACOMA Itf OX TOP EVEX IX ITS HIVAL CITY. Uulteit Prow Lenied Wlre.l Sonttlo. July IC Seattle today Is crowded with the groatost throng of visitors that has ever Invadod It borders. It Is Tncomn day at the A. Y. P. exposition and thousands of persons from tho city across the sound began arriving by steamer and by ovory moans of land transportation early this morning. The stream of visitors continued to pour Into the ity throughout tho forenoon, nud if any ono remains in tho City of Destiny todny ho must experience it feeling of louesomeness. Practically every Tacomn business houso closed today and It is estimated that 20.000 (Continued on Page S.) our V stock. JULY PRICE-CUTTING SALE ' Boforo you buy. go to tho other storos nnd got tholr prlcos, thou como hero nnd see tho money wo can save you. 7 Me fancy Lawns, yard 3 &c CSc full slzo lied Sheets 30c $1.25 white Hod Sproads 75c 0c Porcales, now yard 5c 85c wool Dross Goods, 10 Inchos wldo, lu all tho latest shades and self-stripe doslgus, now yd. . . .40c 50c wash India Silk, in every new shade, now yard 35c Ladles' $3.00 Oxford Tlos now $1.05 Ladle' $2.00 White Canvas Ox fords now 75c Remnants of Dross Goods Half Price oc Valenciennes Lacoe, yard 2c Men's G5c Working ohlrts now.. 30c Men's 30c Summer Underwear. .23c Men's 50c Leather Glovos 25c Ladles' Hosiery and Undorwoar all reduced. Ladios' $1.00 Corsets now 40c Groat bargains now In our Mllllnory Department. 85c Iace Curtains, pair 49c Prices cut away down on Dlankets. Pair .40c, 75c, 08c and up 10c 3c 13c OOHSET COVEI18, handsomely trimmed with luce, ribbon miu embroidery 25c THE STRIKE MAY PROVE STUBBORN The General Manager of the Company Gives Up all Hopes of an Agree ment. STRIKERS ARE QUIET LEADERS DECLARE OXLV PEACE ARLE METHODS WILL HE USUI) HIT IT IS KEAHED RESTLESS ELEMENT CANNOT HE HELD IX LEASH. United 1'roM l.caitd Wire.) Pittsburg, Jiuly 10. Cars bearing odlco employes to tho plant of tho Prossod Stool Car company at Mc ICoos Rock wore stopped today by tho workmen who aro striking against tho company and other simi lar inothodt used to provont tho cor poration from continuing Its busi ness. Tho workmen used no vlo lonco nnd loaders of tho strlko snl'd that tholr methods of fighting the company would' ho ponconblo hereafter. The first car stopped by tho strik ers today was filled with ofllco om ployos of tho Stool Cnr company. Those mon wore oampollcd to nllght and nrdored to return to tholr homos. Moul of them oboyod. Strlko pickets completely surroimd tho cnr compnny's plant and ovory offort will bo mndo to provont tho resumption of operations. Tho com pnny has not nttomptcd to start work nt tho plant as yet, but tho tho strikers aro afraid that mitsldo labor will bo shlppod. Although strlko londors aro dotor mined to prevent vlolonco It In f oar ed that tho striking workmon can not ho hold In check in tho ovont work Is re-s umod at the plant A company of stato constabulary Is stationed at tho plant and is undor orders to provont vlolonco nt any cost. Ofllclnls of tho company todny de nied that any attempt to resume would be mndo until it was dolllnlto ly nscortalnod that thoy could not como to an ngroomont with tho 3,500 striking workmon. Tho strlko was caused by n differ ence .of opinion ovor working con ditions. Giving up hopo of roachlng an ngroomont with tho strikers tho genoral managor of tho car com pany announced late this morning that an attempt to rosumo opera tions would ho mndo this nftornoon. Tho strikers woro In nn ugly mood j after thoy heard this nows and trou ble Is feared, Orders wero lusuod todny for tho state troops to "Shoot to kill If any mon roachos for his gun." Lnto this nftornoon ponco rolgned at MoICoos Hooka and tho constabu lary Is In complete control of tho situation. Ono hundrod nnd fifty workmon omployed on finishing work Joined the strikers this morn- ding, but thoy did not mlnglo with tho forolgn element Involvod In tho strlko. At a macs meeting hold by tho strikers today It was decided to appoint a committee of fifteen to presont their grievances to tho of ficials of tho company. This will bo dono some tlmo this afternoon. o DEATH LIST MAY BE MUCH GREATER Athens, Grccco, July IC. Reports received horo today Indicate that the death list In Ells province, In Southern Greece, which was shaken by a heavy earthquake yestorday, will greatly exceed twenty persons, the number first reported dead. Communication with tho stricken province Is Interrupted and details of the disaster aro meager. Soveral villages are known to have been wrecked and it Is thought that the property los Is heavy. NEWSPAPER MEN QUIT JOURNALISTS MEET tUnltcd I'rcsi I.cntea Wire. Sonttlo, Wash., July 10 Tho oponlng session last night of tho Amatojr ProsB nBsp,o.lntlon, which Is holding Its cQitvontton hero this week, wns nn. Interesting ono, pnrt ly bocauso of tho enthusiasm with which tho young mon and womon who aro preparing to luuncU forth in tho vnrlous fields opon to tholr profession Joined In tho program. Tho association wns wMcoraod by Councilman A. E. Parker, for tho city, nnd P. II. Thomas, of tho pub llclty dopnrtmont, for tho oxposltlon. John D. ChrlstlanBon, of Milwaukee, responded 1o tho wolcomo. This ovontng nn Interesting dobnto on "Censorship of tho Pros9," botwoon teams representing Sonttlo and tho visitors will bo glvon nt tho Adel phla college POLITICIANS PLAY BALL FOR CHANGE Washington, July 10, Nino Doino crnts nnd ns many llopubllcuu mem hers of tho tower houso of uougrcsH divided Into two tenniB and afforded umusomout for n groat numbor of fans and some near-fans this nftor noon when thoy clashed lu n ronl bull game at tho Amorlonn League park for tho benefit nf charity. .Initio Shonnnn, president of the souato, acted in tho capacity of urn plre. Nicholas Lotigwottb played center for (ho Republicans. Tho DemoorntH woro captained by Gamer of Texas, -o- THE EARTHQUAKE DID NO DAMAGE Downlovlllo, Cnl. July 10. No dnmago was reported today as tho result of nn ourthqunko which shook tho country lu this section yostor day. The,, temblor lnstod thrco soc- onds, It wns accompanied by n loud roaring nolso, , Tho quake neomod to be circular In motion. EXPRESS RATES ARE TOO HIGH Interstate Commerce Commis sion Orders Sweeping Reductions. Washington, July 10. Tho Intoi ntato CommorcB Commission ronder ed a decision yostorday In tho oaso of the HoUo Commorolal Club vs. tho Adams and other oxpross compnnlos which nffocta innny points In tho Northwost. Tho complaint wns mado that chnrgoa on packages weighing botweon soven and 60 pounds, shipped from Now York to Holso and neighboring points, nru exorbitant. Tho Commission sustains this ohnrgo und gives tho express com panlos until Ootobor 1st to fllo n now schedulo of rates which shall not oxceod tho combination of locals over tho shortest practicable routo i from Now York to points of destina tion In tho Northwest. Tho Com mission aUo forbids express compa nies to enact a higher chargo on packages shipped C, O. D, than on similar packages which aro propulJ. Tho new rates must not oxcoed the rates heretofore charged on propald packages. Tho oxpross companies defended tholr high charges on the ground that nolso and many othor Westorn points aro not served direct by ex press companies operating In the cast, and alleged that tho eddltlonal chargo was Justified by reason of the transfer from one company to an other, Tho Commission holds this defense valueless In readjusting tholr rates, Tho oxpress companies are notlflod to conform rigidly to the require ments of tho Interstate commerce act, which applies to their .rates ex actly as It does to railroad freight ratos. THE SHAH WILL LOSE HIS JOB Is Hiding in the Russian Lega tion While General Liak hoff Arranges for the Surrender. REBELS HAVE CITY THE 811 A II HAH LOST GAME AND ALSO HIS JOH WILL I'ltOH AULV HE PROTECTED AND GIVEN' A HEl'UGE SOME PLACE IX HUSSIAX TEHHlTOItV. United Press I.cnicd Wire Tohornn, July 10. Tho shah of Porslu has taken rofugo In tho Rus sian legation, whoro ho Is hiding whllo Gonornl Llakhnff, military gov ernor of Tehuran, la today negotiat ing tortus on which u surrondor will bo mndo, urcordlug to tho most roll ablo Information obtnlnnblo. ' Largo forces of nationalists today mndo u successful attack on tho two south gates of tho city nnd uro now lu full possession. Xn Hope for Him. Vienna, July 10. Messages ro colved horo today from Tohornn to day declaro there Is no poosthlo chance of tho shah retaining tho tlirono. SCRAPPER JOHNSON V IN AN AUTO WRECK u (Mnlttil ITfM I.i-aifd Wire. Crown Point, Intl., July 10. Jack Johnson, tho colored honvywolght ehumplnn pugilist of tho world ox porloucod u narrow escape from donth or serious Injury Inst night, when nn automobile collided with tho ono lu which ho was riding. Johnson was speeding along tho road near this city whon his chauf feur Htopped suddenly. The driver of a cnr directly bohlnd htm fulled to notice this nud collided with tho pugtllst'H machine. Doth cars woro partially wrecked. It Is reported that u party of girls wns riding In ono of the ears. Neither Johnson nor any momhor of tho two parties could bo found today. TWO -GIRLS DROWN IN SIGHT OF HUNDREDS lUnlttMt Vrtm Lwiefl Wire. , , Cliiolniiatl, July 10. Within sight of HcoroH of persons who wore unable to give assistance, Maria Freeluud, a young oharlty worker, nnd Ogllvlo I-'rlorson, 14 yuare old, wero drowned today when tho boat lu which thoy woro rowing capsized on tho Miami rlvor. Tho small craft was swopt over a dam, being followed by tho bodies of iho two girls. Mary Pwile, n H-yonr old girl from Wyoming, uwnm ashore, und Richard Haddock, a boy, who was ulsti a member of tho rowing party, was rescued after ho managed to keep his bond above water for sov eral minute. boys"stowed'awa'y among portuguese Vuncouver, II. C, July IC Two nostini ladJ, aged 12 and 14. wero etowed away in a carload of Portu guese 'laborers bound for tho uqgar plantations on tho FIJI Islunds by tho Australian stoumur Oraugl, which sailed tulay. Tho Immigration offi cials held them and learned that they had ran away from home to Now York, whore the Portuguese agent pocked them up and algned thof, keeping Ihom out of sight all tho way across tho contlnont The Canadian Pacific railway agont at Doaton has boen notified. Toddy's last exploit was to shoot a throe-ton hippopotamus that waa evidently coming Intq Toddy's camp on purpose to be shot, as that dis patch says tho colonol met him In the woods.