' ''"& I i0ttmai VOL. XIX. DAILY CAPITAL .JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 0, 1001). NO. 144. t IlaihiJttiiip GUSHMAN ' DIED THIS MORNING Washington's-Ablest Congress man Succumbs to Attack of Pneumonia at Early Hour Today. A SELF-MADE MAN WAS "WATER UOV," COWIIOY, A HANDY' 3LVN IN LUM11EH CAMP, SCHOOL TEACHER, AND FINAL LY LAWYRR--WAS ELECTED TO OONOHESS IN 1808. Tncomn, July C. Francis W. Cush niun was bora Mny 8, 18G7, nt Hrlghton, Iowa, and was educated tit thu. local high school. In ordor to aid in puylng his tuition there ho worked during the summor vacations ,, an "wntor hoy" on railroad construc tion worn. I.ntor tho future con gressman workod .or some tlnio an section hand on local railroads U at tho ngo of 10 ho moved to Wyo ming. Thero ho roiualncd for flvo " yoars, being a cowboy on n ranch, a "handy hand" In a lumber camp, and a HChool teachor. During this period ho took up tho study of law, reading by himself, with but llttlo outside aid. At tho closo of thlB tlmo ho moved to Nebraska and was admitted to both tho district and supremo bar. Ho roiualncd thoro until 1801, when he went wost again, settling In Tn comn, which has slnco boon bis per manent homo. . . t In 189 Mr. Cushmnu was nomi nntod by tho Republicans for con gress against Jnmos Hamilton Lowls, the Incumbent. In tho faco of what seamed a hopeless" fight, Populism being tlion ai Its high crest In this state, Mr. Cushmnn ontored Into tho csmpnlgn with vigor. Slnco that time he has been without opposition in his own party, and has boon olocted by overwhelming majorities at each of the succeeding elections and was serving his sixth term. Ills family cons'sts of a widow, aged mother and brother. The latter was recently appointed judge of the tederal court In Alaska. Andrew S. Ilurlelgh, an attorney or this city and a life-long friend of Congressman Cushman, was with Senator Samuol II. Piles of Washing ton ni tho bedside at 5 o'olock this morning when the Washington rep rosentat'vo passed away. Congrossmnn laishmnu died of pneumonia which sot In nftor he had como to tho hospital to undorgo a Blight operation of tho nock. He was critically 111 for flvo days but It was thought, after a rally Saturday night, that ho was on tho road to recovery. Hopo was not given up until mid flight, although ho was unconscious i from Inst ovonlng until tho end came. Sonator Pllos and Attornoy Bur ltlgh are making preparations to send tho body to Tacomn, tho congress man's home city, whore it will bo Interred. FLATHEADS SEVER TRIBAL RELATIONS St. Ignatius Mission, Mont., July G. More than 1000 warrlrors. of tho Flathead tribe of Indians are partic ipating today in tho rites wmen mark tho passing of their tribe, and tho throwing open of their reserva tion to tho palefaces. The wlerd, Impressive danco ot death and tho gorgeous sun danco aro among tho chlof events ot Inter est In the ceremonies. THE HORSE SAT DOWN ON BABY lUnltwl Prnm Leased Wire. Reno, Nev., July 6. The escape from death of a 3-montbs-oId baby, wmch was sat upon by a horse at an Independence Day celebration at Sparks yesterday, is regarded today as a miracle. Mrs. M. A, Mozart was tripped by the horse and sustained a broken leg and internal Injuries. The baby was not Injured. Tho horse became frightened by a firecracker explosion, backed up and tripped over the baby's carriage, and sat down on It. The wicker of the carriage construction protected the child ENJOYED THE FOURTH; ELECTROCUTED TODAY (United Press Leased Wire. J Auburn, N. Y July G. Making a flnnl request that his deepest regret bo conveyed to his parents in Rome, becauso of his disgraceful end, Quia soppo Sanduccl, who assassinated Jose Sardato, a United States secret sorvlco man, In IJelfaBt, December 17, 1907, was electrocuted this morn ing. Sanduccl went to tho chnlr without n quiver, and his remarkable show of norvo wa commented upon. Ho hnd been remarkably cool over since ho was placed under, sontonco of death. Yostorday ho listened to tho singing and colobratlon of his follow prisoners, and, although ho know It was lib last day on earth, appeared to enjoy tho festivities Immensely. o ROLANDO SDTTON HAZED Oregon Cadet at West Point Badly Used But Refuses to Give Any Infor mation. United I'rcm I.eaaed Wire.l Now York, July G. Fully recov ered from Injuries sustained at the hands of West Point hazar, Cadet Rolnndo Sutton, of Oregon, has today resumed his studies nt tho academy. About him, however, centers an In quiry that opens, under a new Presi dent niul now focrotnry of war, tho matter of dlsolpllnojn tho army train lng Bchnol, so formidably asmllod when Ocnornl Luko Wright and Pres ident Roosovolt overrodo Colonel Hugh N. Scott, and allowed eight men found guilty of hazing to return to tho ncadomy. Cadet Sutton was nt first bollevod to hnvo boon pormnnently Injured by his assailant, but as It dovolopcd he is said to hnvo suffered from sovore bmiisofl recolvod In n desperate battlo with n numbor ot uppor class tnon, who "ot upon Mm on tho night of Juno 25, ns ho was walking. post. Now a board of Inquiry I Investi gating tho case, and ovldonco Is be ing tnkon to bo submitted to tho du porintendont, Colonol Hugh N. Scott, In the Intorost of cougro-s to elimin ate hazing. Colonol Scott was not nt tho ncad omy whon a roportor callod to Inquire Into tho vonturo. "Tho enso Is simply the recurrence of an old custom nt the Point by which cudots Just rclonsod from 'plobedom' forgot thomsolvoV said Colonel Sibley, who wns in command. "Cadet Sutton wns on post, and It was night. In tho scufllo that oasucd whon the 'ghosts' disregarded his challongo ho wns hurt nnd sent to tho hospital. It Is tho Intention of tho nnithorltlBB nt Min nnnriamv tr ollmlllata thlu fnrm nt liriTlni nn.l far that particular reason the Inquiry is UUIIIg prOHHCU." Sutton Is Kfili! in hnv rnfuan1 in give the board of Inquiry Informa tion that might send his assailants from tho academy in disgrace. AVns It u Cuso of Suicide? Washington. D. C, July G. The death of Lieutenant James N. Sutton, of tho .marlno corps, who was killed by a pistol shot, under mysterious circumstances October 13, 1907, will be tho subjoct of an Investigation to bo conducted within a short time by a board of marine officer, who will assomblo at Anapolls. Lieutenant Sutton was a student at the school ot application at Anapolls at the time of his death, A board ot officers which Investi gated tho causo at the tlmo reported that the shot which killed the offi cer was fired by his own hand. The members of the officer's family were not at all satisfied with that conclu sion. At their urgent roquttot the department has consented to have another Investigation. Lieutenant Sutton and two other Officers. Second T.lfilltpnnnta Tlnhart E. Adams and Edward P. Roelker, were returning in an auto to their quarters after a dance. The officers ten me macnine at tht entrance to tho barracks grounds. Not long af terwards a shot was heard and Sut ton was picked up wounded and soon died .It was said at the time that tho officers quarreled over some young woman, and that Sutton was shot In a duel. It was brought out In the te-tlmouy that Sutton must have Be io ma lent ana procured the revolver with which the shot was fired. Mrs Sutton, mother of Rolando Sutton, and Of the ln T.lnntonnnt James N Sutton, has been In this city iur mo iaac year, wnuo she pressor! (continued on Page 5.) SUICIDE OR MURDER WHICH ? Three Persons Were Present When Death Happened, Yet It Is. Surrounded With Mystery. FIRST STORY A LIE EVIDENCE SEEMS TO INDICATE THAT 'I UK WOMAN SHOT HER HKLK ACCIDENTALLY WH1LK FOOI.lNO WITH HAUt-THHiOEH PISTOL LEFT ON TAHLE. (United Press loused Wlro.l San Francisco, July C. Failure of Charles o. W.ilttomore, tho Los An gelos railroad mngnato, nnd R. O. Hnuford, n mining promotor, to ro voal the fact that thoy woro prosont whon Mrs. Lorono De La Montnnyn was killed In her apartments last Fri day night until after It was discov ered and ninilo public by roportors, Is undor Investigation of tho pollco today. Coroner Lolnnd, to whom tho witnesses of tho tragedy confided their story, admits that ho mado a mistake In making tho matter public. Tho question ns to whothcr Mrs. Montnnyn committed sulcldo or acci dentally shot horaolf remains a mys tery and thero nppoars llttlo hopo that t will bo solved. Mrs. Margarot W. Patton, who was one of Mrs. Mnntauyn's guests on tho night of the tragedy, declaros sho Is cortatn ho divorced wlfo of Marquis 13. Jamos Do Ln Montnnyn shot herself acci dentally through her Irresistible ha bit of pointing tho revolver fllio touched, at her head. Hanford feels oqually suro that the woman com mitted sulcldo, although ho said that his baoK was turuod toward hor whon tho gun was discharged. Discovery that Whlttemore nnd Hanford were In tlit woman's npnrt- inoiit at the time o. her donth has made the ess more puzzling than over. Hanford gave out a stntoment of the Incidents surrounding tho shooting but no motive for sjilc'do can be found. According to Han ford's story he accompanied Mrs. Do La Moutauyn. Mrs. Pat ton and Whlt temore to the apartment to partake of a farowoll dlnuor. It bolug tho Intention of the hostocts to move tho next day. After dinner Mrs. De Ln Montnnyn asked him to mix cooktntjs for tho party and accompanied li'iu lnlo tho dining room, which Is connected with tho room In which the other two woro soatod. by an open archway, whoro ' sho secured tho Ingredtouts for the drink. Hanford hud n small Ooinitm pistol ln his pooket nnd laid It on I tho tablo, cautioning Mrs. Montnnyn (Contlnuod on Pngo 5.) o OLD WOMEN A REGULAR TOUGH ONE Eighty Years Old She Shoots Her Stepdaughter's Leg off and Bites Thumb of Policeman. (United l'reaa Laaed Wire. Jefferson City, N. J., July 6. -Awaiting trial on a charge ot assault with Intent to kill. Mrs. Mary De Marco, 80 years ot age, Is In tho ctly prison today, while her step daughter, Mrs. Margaret Carlo, is at a local hospital, one ot her legs be ing shot away at the kneo. According to the story ot the younger woman, Mrs. DeMarco waited for her behind a door of their home with a shotgun, after a quar rel over property When tho young er woman passed the door, the older woman fired point-blank, blowing away Mrs. Carlo's leg with a single charge. When the police arrived they found portions ot the leg stick ing in the plaster of a nearby wall. where they had been lodged by the force of the explosion. Mrs. DeMarco fought the police who attempted to arrest her, and bit one man's thumb severely. The wounded woman la In a pre carious condition, and the charge against Mrs. DeMarco may bo changed to a more serious one. DINGLES GIRL IN THE LIME LIGHT On Cross - Examination Says Women Told Her That She Would Go to Tom Tag- gert's Resort. STORY IS UNSHAKEN OKI LLIX(S CROSS EXAMINATION FUI.S TO CHANGE flKIt STORY A.l OI11L REPEATS IN DETAIL HTOHY OF THU AlTAC'K ON II Kit AND HKIXO FASTENED IX Till. lH t'M'I mj,i Unl Chicago, July fl. Creating a tre moudous 'OUBatlon, Ella Dingles, tho pretty 20-yoar-otd Irish laco-makor, who Is on trial accusod of robbing MIm Agnos Dnrrotto, hor employer, dcclnred today that an httumpt had boon made to compel hor to go to Tom Taggart's plnco at French Lick Springs, Ind. Tho girl wn iflorcllosBly cross-ox-nmlncd by Assistant States Attornoy Short today, and ovary point of hor sonsatlonnl story, to tho effect that Miss Dnrrotto and Mrs Cocolta Kry ton hnd attempted to compel hor to linn,A n "ti.lilfn almm " u'na nfm i ..WW...U ., ......v "... w, .... tnckod. Short naked for tho minut est, details of tho Bcono tho girl nl ' leges took place In Miss Dnrrctto's room In tho Wellington Hotel on tho night cf Juno 4. After tho girl hnd declared thaC she hnd boon atttneked by nor om ployor and thnt Mrs. Kyron had torn tho clothe- from hor bnck, whllo nho was Btruggllng to oscnpo, she was asked If any names wcro mentioned by tho woinnn whllo this was hap ponlng. Tho girl ropltod, "yos," nnd Short n ked what nnmoi woro used, "Tom Tnggnrt," ropllod tho girl. 'Whnt nnmo did you sny?" do mauded Short "Tom Tnggnrt." the girl roltorat od. "Wasn't It Biiggoatod to you akor that Incident thnt you uso thnt name?" asked tho prosecutor. "No. sir, I romembor that was tho name mad," sho Insisted. "Whnt wns Bald about Taggurt?" askod tho state's attornoy. "Thoy said I wnn to go to his placo at French Lick Springs, Ind." slid said. The wltuoss thou doscrlbod revolt ing scenes which sho allogod took placo In Miss narratto's room Dosplto tho efforts nt Prosecutor Short, hor story of Saturday remained unshakon. Short tried to show that tho girl Imnglnod tho things sho doicrlbed, (Contlnuod on Pnge C.) CITY DADS HAVE BUSY MEETING No Electrical Inspector for the Present, Session Largely Devoted to Street Matters. The city council had a quiet meet ing last night, thero bolng no fire works, despite tho (act that it was tho brevet "Fourth of July." Mayor Rodgers being absont, Recordorl Moore i thumped tho gavol on tho desk and called" the attention of thO council to mis raci, wnoreupon, on motion, Councilman Stolz was elect ed to the chair. Tho committee on ordinances re ported unfavorably on tho appoint ment of an electric inspector, on ac count of the present low condition of finances, and the report was adopted, so thero will bo no inspec tion for a tljno at leatt. The matter of tenders on th street cars was taken up and thor oughly discussed. The matter came i.p on a motion to rescind tho ordi nance adopting tho present fenders used on the cars, and adopting those required by the state laws, This was objected to, because it would leave the company In the position ot vlo lators of the law, until such tlmo aa (Continued on Page 6.) DID NOT KNOW WHY HE CELEBRATED United l'roM Leased Wlre.1 Now York, July 6 Until ho enn wrlto nn ossny on "Why tho Fourth Is Colobrntcd," Isadora Salow, IS years ot ago, will dwell In duranco. Isadora wns arrested yostorday tor discharging n pistol, but was unablo to toll tho Judgo why ho wns making a nolso. His honor then examined Isadora ns to his knowlodgo ot the country ln which ho livos, "Whnt is tho capital ot tho United States?" ho was asked. "In Pittsburg," was tho atartllnjr roply. Tho ordar was then pnssod out that ho bo confined in jail until ho U ablo to stato upon paper tho his toric ronson for tho annual July mad ness, to which ho toll n victim. THE RANKEST RAWEST AND ROTTENEST This Is What the Boy Mayor of Milwaukee Says of Deci sion in the Ketchel Papko Fight. (United Preaa Leased Wlre.l San Francisco, July G. "Tho do olslon rondorcd by Roforeo Rocho win tho rawest, rottoncst and rnnkOBt Judgment over mado In a prize ring." disgustedly remarked Sherwood M. ucckor, tho "noy mayor" of Mllwuu kco. to tho Unltod Pross, after llllly Roche, reforco, hold up Kotchol's arm, proclaiming him victor ovor Hilly Papko, of Kowanco, In yestor duy's 20-round fight at Colmn. Docker for yonra lina boon a-fight louowor, and nis opinion cnrrlos much weight to many closo studonts of tno pugilistic gamo. Whon Rocho's doclslon hnd boon glvon, tho boy mnyor crawled through tho ropos to Ifty a kindly hand on tho shouldor of tho game Kewaneo boy, nnd to con gratulate him on tho otrong rolt anco he offered to tho oliainplon. Turning from Papko, Dockor could not rostral n his Indignation ovar what he believed to bo an unjust verdict "Why,'' ho said, "It wns n direct stenl for Kotchol, nnd no doubt wbb due to the fact that ho was n 10 to I fuvorlto, nnd carried tho crowd's inonoy. "For tho snko of tho lighting game. I was sorry to soo tho fight go that way. It Is decisions llko thnt, thnt kill boxing, nnd koop It bolow tho plnno Jt should occupy In manly sports. It Is too bad, too bad. I can't ny anything too strong." San Frnuolsco, July G. Charging that Stanley Kotchol foil proy to "wlno, wonion and song," tho Dally N'ftWH tnilnv lirlnta n aMnntlfln .In. rcrlpthn of os-mngnus. tho wrlst'bono uiw ugiiier it supjioseti to navo frnc ttirtul In hlu flL'lit uiMi inn.. inni.n ., .. .. ...., ..... a..iu yesterday, nnd que tloutt the mlddlo- wuikiii (wmiiipioii a aiaiemeni rognrd Ing his Injury. The News shown that tho on-iiingiius la an obscure bono, protected by six othors, nnd that It would bo prnotlcally Impossible to break It, without bronklng tho pro tecting bones Regarding the fight tho Ne'i says: "Stantay Kotchol. two wooks ago the hero of the puglllstlo world, to day stands In th.e pwulltii' position of a champion with nothing but an ompty title (liven a most question- nliln ilntdalnn nvnr nlllv Pnnlrf. nt II... ond of tholr 20-round fight, tho addi tion to hh record Is a blot, rathor than nn honr. And for all tho woos that havo bofallen tho ao-called as sasiln slnco ho routrned from the rcnsi to "train- tor ni battle with Panko. Kotchol hna nn nnn hut him. self to blamo. With the odds ot dol lars wacoruri nn him hv n,lmlpln throughout tho country, tho youth who would be heavyweight champion Of tho wnrlri hill thrnwn M,.rnllnh to tho winds, endangers tho forces turn woro iaia on ins cnancos to win, and beclouds his own record and titlo for the sako of wine and wo men. "Roprohonslble as Ketchel'a con duct before tho fight, that of Roforoo Rocho. at tho conclusion of the bat tle, was ovon more so, On what ground he could havo awarded the decision la moro than any sane man can divine, and a fighter never had a bettor right to cry 'robbed' than did Papko. "As for the fight Itself, It showed mo t palpably that Ketchel has llttlo right to sot himself up as a contend er for heavyweight honors, Tho rlngsldo sentiment In this regard wan unanimous. "Kotchol's showing was most un satisfactory and disappointing. Ho set up tho plea that he broko the os magnus In bis right hand in tho sixth round, but wo're from Mis--ourl." A BAD DAY FOR THOSE WHO "FLY" Many Balloon Accidents Hap pen Yesterday in Celebrat ing Nation's Insanely . Joyous Birthday. ONE MArTlS KILLED ON10 DROPS INTO KIVKR AND IS NKAUIiY DROWNKD ONi: IS I'I'SHT, AND OTHISRS HAVE AS STRENUOUS TIMES AS A NEW CHAUFFEUR. (United l'rfoi Leaned Wire. Mndosto, Cnl., July G. Captain, Mitchell, pilot of tho balloon "O rout er Oakland." Edward Ungor of Oak land nnd D. F. Till lock aro sutfoting from sovoro bruises recolvod whon thoy woro tlppod from tho balloon basket whllo nttoinptlug to muko a landing hero yoBtordny. Ttillock wns dragged moro than 100 fe.'t hororo no treed hlniHolf from the ropes. Orovtlol, Cal., July 0. Captain Van Tassel!, tho rotoran aeronaut, ot Oakland, today Is scouting tho IiIHh near this city In an offort to find u clow to tho whornbouts of his aerial craft, tho "United States," thnt took summnry loavo ot him yos torday ln tho proBonco ot thousands ot Fourth of July colobrators, who hnd gathered to witness an ascen sion. Whllo Van Tasioll and his assist nntH woro preparing tho hugo bag for the Might, a guy ropo was loosenod accidentally. Tho wolght ot tho bag, prosslug against tho romnlnlng sup ports caused thorn to part, and, to tho nstonlshmont of tho big crowd, tho balloon atartod on Its trip with out Its pilot. It disappeared ovor tho hills to the cast ot tho city. Dronni'd in River. Oram! Rapids. Mich., July 0 -In view ot thousand)! of Fourth ot July celohrutors, Professor Ehrhart. a Chi cago aeronaut, was drowned In tho Wisconsin river yetordny. At n bright or SOO teet IiIh balloon col lapsed. Ehrhart'H frantic efforts to cut loose from tho bag woro futile nnd hu dropped rapidly. I'nnulitile Hrokc. Philadelphia. July G. Landing on u ptlu of old cannon balls whon his parachute broko from Its balloon, Hurry M. Palmer ot Oneoutn. Ohio, sustained Injuries which mny prove fatal. Tho balloon was above tho Frankfort! arsenal Into yc&toiday whon tho parachute supports snap ped, niul tho young norounut foil among tho missiles. Dropped Too Hoott. Pfirtlnnil Mn .Ink' fl. .Tlwtiianmla of nnmniiu miw .Tritium n,ir,niMiti nn aeronaut of Lowell, Muss., dashed to Instant death when his parachute failed to open yeslordny. Corcoran mistook the firing of a revolver for tho slgnnl to cut loose his parnohute Ho wuh only SOO reel In the air and the onrrler hu. no time to spread SUGAR TRUST MEN PLEAD NOT GUILTY United I'reM Leaied Wire. Now York, July 0. onicoro of the Aniorlcnn Sugar Rofinlng Company, Indicted by tho fedoral grand Jury on u uhurgo of conspiracy In tho re straint of trade, appeared In tho United State court today and outored a formal plea of not guilty. TARIFF RILL IS FINISHED United l'reaa Leaatd Wire. Washington, D. C. July G. Tho Dilute today adoptod an amendmoat to tho corporation tux nmouduient providing the exemption from taxa tion ot fratornal organizations and loan associations, operated exclusive ly for the mutual boneflt ot their members, and of labor orgnnizatlons or any other corporation operatod ex clusively for religious or educatlutial purposoi. At 1.15 o'clock this atternoou thu tariff bill was reported to tho sou ato as having been completed by tho (Continued ou Page 6.)