DArOT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 5, 1000. 1 I ' ' w I I I I GERMANS CELEBRATE THE FOURTH Tho Gorman picnic in the Savngo grovo yostorday wna ono of tho most dillghtful nf fairs of tho kind evor held In Sitlotn. , Tlio weather wns perfect nnd tho big crowd enjoyed ovary mlnuto of tho too short after noon. Thoro wns nn nddrees by Hov. llopf nnd n solo splendid rendered by Miss Mnrthn Bntto with Miss Ida Andrcgg ns nccompnnlst. Tho music by tho mnio chorus wns fino nnd tho things to cut served by tho ladles were good enough to pnss ns a sort of gustatory music. Tho orchestra -.rnlshod music for thoso who enred to dnnco. and thoro woro mnny such. nnd swings nnd games furnished lots Oi amusement for tno Ilttlo folks. Tho nddrcss of tho occasion wnB delivered by Mr. P. O. Dctkobach, nnd fow if any dollvored nnywhoro yesterday surpass It in feeling nnd patriotism. It is well worth perusing not only onco but twice or more, nnd Is as follews: Mr. President, Ladles and Gentle men: Wo hnvo Just llBtenod to that grand old song "This Is tho Lord's Own Day." Today Is tho Lord's own dny. It happens that it also 1b our Independence Day, for July -Ith falls this year on Sunday. I cannot holp but fool In harmony with tho old saying, "Tho better tho dny the bet tor tho deed," nnd thoroforo bellovo It Is right nnd proper Hint wo meet horo today to do honor to tho occa sion. Wo do not meet horo ns Germans pr Gorninn-AmorlcniiH, but wo hnvo Bnthercil horo on this Sabbath day as American eltlzoiiH to celebrate tho birthday of our nation In our own Gorman way and style. Ono hundred and thirty-three years KQ todny that Knllnnt bnnd of pa triots representing tho thirtcon colo- ics signed tho declaration of lndo pendencB that made them freo people and made this tho very welcome homo of nil peoplo who loved lib erty. Tho oyes of peoplo throughout tho world havo ever tut nod In longing to our shores whon tyranny nnd des potism made their own homo unbear able and insufferable. To these oppressed peoplo Amorlca has boon ns n haven or snrety nnu rest and tho arms of tho American peoplo hnvo always opened In hearty welcome to tnom. One hundred and thirty-thrco yenrs ago thnt little nanu oi urnvo nnu true patriots declared to all tho world that nil men nro created equal, that they nro endowed by their cre ator with certain Inalienable right, thnt nmoiiK these arc life, liberty nnd the pursuit of happlncHS. This cry of nn oppressed peoplo for life, liberty nnd tho pursuit of happiness has echoed nnd re-echoed through out all tho yenrs gone by. It tins been moro or less deeply planted in tho heart of every Ameri can and Just so long nB wo Amorl- ennn keen its growth fresh nnd full of llfo Just so long will this govern ment of ours prosper nnd Its peoplo onjoy tho fruits of tho pnront trco of llborty planted so many years ngo. I believe thnt tho love of llborty Is ns strong todny in tho hearts and minds of Americans ns it was 133 years ago, when our forofnthors rati fied tho declaration of indopondoncc. That feeling of independence is horo Just as It was thon. Tho only dis tinction existing todny is that this feeling lies dormant. In other words it Is sleeping in nppnront security and is only occasionally aroused to llfo and action nfter a sovero slinking. For over fortj ycara our peoplo hnvo bcon so filled with nn nil con suming nnd fovorlsh struggle for tho acquisition of wcnlth nnd position thnt thoy havo given Ilttlo heed to tho underlying principles which nru In fact nnd In spirit tho very soul o. our freo Institutions. Tho Spnnlsh-Amerlcnn wnr for tho time being nrousod our peoplo nnd tho spirit of the constitution showed Itnolf, and like n whirlwind stopped Into the arena of tho world's llfo and A HANDSOME SADDLE FREE We will present to the best young lady rider in the Cherry Fair parade a $25 ladies' astride saddle. This saddle will be given either to a city or country girl who is pro nounced the best rider by a competent judge. No favorites. E. S. LAMPORT SADDLERY COMPANY 219 North Gom'l Street. Leaders in First-class Horse Goods EM gave to anothor suffering peoplo life, liberty and tho pursuit of happiness. As a peoplo wo do not moan to forget. Wo do not mean to regard lightly this great gift handed down to, us by our .orefnthcrs. Our fault Is that our ovorconfldence or rather caroleBsness, has clouded our vision for tho tlnio being and many things occur today In this grand common wealth that aro Incompatible with tho truo spirit of a republican form of government. If wo will always boar In mind thnt that grand old flag that floats today over tho homo of millions of Ameri can citizens, stands firmly, now nnd on to eternity, for life, liberty nnd tho pursuit of hnpplncss, if wo al ways benr that In mind whon wo see tho rod, white nnd blue of tho stars nnd stripes, thon and then only can bo with snfety and security guard tho great heritage intrusted to our euro. It Is that guarantee that has brought to our snores the millions of staunch, llborty loving emigrants irom tho shores of the oppressed countries of Europe Thnt longing desire and human nsplratlon for porsonnl liberty and Individual freedom of thought nnd action guaranteed to every citizen of this country as long ns ho docs not intorfcro w..i tho Just rights of his followmnn, existed also In tho minds any hearts of our Gorman forefath ers bcioro thoy came to this country. Thoy loft their own fatherland dur ing tho early and mlddlo part of tho last century because this freedom was denied them at home. Such was 1.10 exodus from Ger mnny during thoso yenrs to this coun try that whon Abraham Lincoln cnll ed for defenders of tho flag nnd tho Union, over 200,000 aormnn-Amerl-can citizens offered their lives nnd services. Wo may feel proud of tho spirit and manhood of those enrly greater pride nnd satisfaction thnt tkA tutted States Is today tho great est of all nations as a world's power From tho time thnt Germany be came a united nation nnd granted to her people the rights and privileges lor which our forctnthers had fought her progress has been phenomenal. Gormnns. They well knew what a. Tho cardinal principles of llfo, lib blessing liberty was. They left homo . orty nnd the pursuit of happiness aro nnd fatherland to llvo thereafter un der tho folds of the stars and stripes. Thoy wanted to tako no risk In see ing it lowered nnd dishonored. It beenmo to them tho emblem of all thnt wns truo nnd good, nnd so to It they dcaicatcd llfo nnd service. Tho liberty denied them in Ger many at the time thoy left has since been given to thoso thnt remained. It took, however, many years bofore tho autocratic rulers of Europo would Bubmlt to this revolution. Not until Germany becamo a unit ed nation did this occur. I nin nn American by birth, yot both my fath er and mother wore born In Germany. I am proud that German blood flows through every pnrt of my being. Ev ery person hero who Is either of Gorman descent or n Germnn by birth hns ovory renson to bo proud of that fact. In tho arts, tho sciences, music, medicine, chemistry, nnd in fnct all thoso things that stand for advance ment in civilization, the Gormnn na tion stands practically at tho head. It Is nulto natural and becoming In ovory souse that wo should fool proud of tho presont position occu pied by tho old fatherland, but wo hnvo ovory reason to fcol n still necessary for the progress nnd pros perlty of nny people. Oh, I wish I could Impress thlB truth upon nil present In such a Way mnt It would nlwnys bo with you. Sco there tho bright emblem of our nation, the beautiful stars and stripes. In it you sco tho bright blending of the red, white nnd bluo. To me thoso colors signify thnt which Is dearest to tho hearts of ovory freo Amorlcnn citizen, namely, llfo, llb orty and tho pursuit of hnpplncss. Whenever wo seo thnt flag float In tho breezes may It nlwnys remind us of that heritage coino down to us through so mnny trials nnd strug gles. May wo ever cherish this gift and over honor nnd rover the flng that represents nil that Is so pro clous to ourselves, our homes and our children. o PEOPLE AVE KNOW. They Aro Salem People, and What They Sny Is of Local Interest. Whon an incident like tho follow ing occurs right here nt homo, It is bound to carry weight with our read ers. So many strange occurrences go the rounds of tho press; aro pub lished nn facts, people become skep tical. On ono subject skepticism Is rapidly disappearing. This 1b duo to the actual experience of our citizens, and their public utterances regarding them. Tho doubtor must doubt no moro in tho faco of such ovldenco nc this. Tho public statement of a rep utable citizen living right at hom, one whom you can boo ovory day,, leaves no ground for tho skoptlc to stand on. D. W. Hill, 328 Front stroot, Ba lom, Oro., Bays: "Doan's Kidney Pills aro not a now romedy to mo, a.' I havo used thorn on different occa sions, whenever tho necessity has arisen. I havo enjoyed tho best of health all my life, except for occa sional nttneks of kidney troublo and backache. When Buffering In this way I havo procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Stono's drug storo, and a fow doses havo always removed tho troublo. T am a firm boliovor In the morlt of this romedy, as I know of several other peoplo who havo used it with good results. I am only tob pleased to recommend Doan's Kldnoy Pills whenovor tho opportunity oc curs." For salo by all doalors. Prlco CO cents. Fostor-MUburu Co,, Buffalo, Now York, boIo agents for tho United Stntos. Remember tho name Doan's and tako no othor. This Is tho Timo of Year To buy summer dustors. Call on F. E. Shafcr for thorn. Best lino of harness in city. F. E. Shafor, 187 South Commercial stroot. G-B-eodtf STOCK REDUCING SALE Owing to the backwardness of the spring season coupled with the fact that we have a great amount of stock on hand, we are going to place on the market regardless of price our $50,000 stock of Men's, Young Men's and Children's Uptodate Clothing and Furnishings We have started the gigantic sale and will coritinue this week, closing SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY JO We include in this sale our entire stock nothing will be reserved. It will be to your advantage to come early and get the best selections before the lots are broken. The following list will show you some of the great bargains we are offering MEN'S Two Piece Suits $5.00 These include values from $8.00 to $15.00 MEN'S Three Piece Suits $8.00 These include values from $10.00 to $15.00 MEN'S Three Piece Suits $ 1 2.00 Includes values from $1 8.00 to $25.00 The above are only a few of the many opportunities to save money we are making you. In our young men's de partment we can give you equally as good reductions as in the men's. We have all sizes, and you will not be disap pointed in not being able to get what you want BOYS' CLOTHING The very best and newest all wool suits at from 20 per cent to 50 per cent off regular prices HATS! HATS! HATS! Roberts' Hats always $3.00, now $2.00, $ 1 .SO, and some special other brands at SOc $ 1 . Remember, what you read in our ad is just what you can look for when you come to buy. Guarantee-We stand back of everything we sell. SALEM W OOLEN MILL STORE STORE CLOSED ALL DAY TODAY, JULY 5th -v vh'mm '"