DAILY CAPITAL JOOKNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATUIIDAV. JULY 8, ito. fl 1 SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON BY REV. DR. LNSC0TT FOR THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER BIBLE STUDY CLUB. The Oil Stove With a CABINET TOP piSSiliira t t t i The New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove differs from all other oil stoves. hat a CABINET TOP. This means you can keep dishes and utensils within easy reach while cooking, ami can keep food hot after removing it from the Haze. From its wonderful burners to its racks for holding towels the NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove Is without equal. Its principle of concentrated heat means that the work can be done quickly and without the kitchen being heated to an unbearable decree. Can be lighted instantly and turned high, low or "medium" at will. Three sizes. With or without Cabinet Top. At your dealer's, or write our nearest agency. JL ReafoLamp -S .M.I aiuic IU vl. jivv. u wuiii bright light that reaches the farthest corner of a good-iiied living-room. Well made throughout of nickeled brats comes at near lamp perfec tion at It's pos Gives a clear, perfectly tafe and vcrv ornamental. dealer, mite our neareit agency. If not with your Standard OH Company (Incorporated) MONEY LOANED On Real Estate LONG TIME, EASY PAYMENTS Reliable Representatives wanted THE JACKSON LOAN & TRUST CO. Jackson, Miss. Port Worth, Texas . iitaiiiifiiBsiamiiimtiitnaitnaife8i ;; ? j Paracols at Reduced Prices I Nice tan color Parasols, $1.25 values for 75c o I nrno neenrtmnnt nrnttu rnlnrc RCIn in $9 9R UIJVi4WIUIIMIHIIWllj UUIUI WWW U V- fk " Ahitn Ponoeole 7Eo J Millinery at Greatly Reduced Prices Everything in Millinery reduced in pr'ce J Ladies' $2.50 White Waists for $1 .25 Beautiful goods. Not many of these left White Skirts, Three Specials $1 .50, $1 .00, 50c These are special good values Dainty Corset Covers 25c each Children's Rompers : 50c and 35c Boys' Khaki two-piece suits, each 75c Men's Balbriggan Underwear, each 25c Boys' Swimming Tights 15c and 10c ! ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 240-246 Commerc'al Street muieunmf uounniiimtittimiiw Ht441llll ! !! liill lllt SOUTH SALEM MARKET PUCE Located at the Corner of S. Commercial St. and Slough Road The convenient trading plnco (or South Salem people. Bar your groceries, get your meat and have a shave all under tbo eatno room. POISAL & SHAW II . General Grocery Store We also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, paints, drugu and stamps. Phone 763 O. W. BRAflllEI. Model Barber Shop Three Chairs Shoea Shlned Saturdays HAIRCUT 25c .SHAVE 15c Your patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Judson's Market Fresh and cured meats of all kinds. Poultry for your Sunday dinner. Prompt de livery. Phone 7C3. iltalif llflltilli''l'i (Copyright, 1908, by Rov. T. S. LInscott, D. D. ) July 1th, 1000. Paul's Second Missionary Jour ney. Antloch to Phlllppl. Acts xv:30 to xv!:lG. Golden Text. Come over Into Macedonia nnd help us. Acts xvl:0. VerBo 3C. Is It generally necos enry to follow up any good work which wo havo commenced If we would mnko It a" success? Verses 37-39. Would It havo boon wiser If Barnabas had first consult ed Paul in tho mattor of taking Mark? Barnabas was a rolatlvo of Mark; aro wo as good Judgos of tho fUrurs of our relatlvos for an offlco as wo nro of th fitness of others? Why? Why Is nepotism In government appointments, looked upon with sus picion? Had Paul, probably, good reason for objecting to taking John and Mark with them? (Sco Acts xlil;l3.) If a man shows lack of courage, or tact, or faithfulness, in ono posi tion, docs that disqualify him in any meamre, from getting another, or from success when In another posi tion? If both Paul and HnninbAS bad been duplicates of the mnn Jesus, would tlioro hnvo been tills rjunrrcl between them, and how would (bo matter likely luivo boon. Bottled? (ThLq question must lo answered by members of tho club.) When two Christians fnll out, Is ono or both always to bo blamed? Vcr'cs 40-41. Did tho disputo between these men work out for good, as it rosultod in two mission ary deputations instead of ono? By any process of reasoning can you conclude that God was back of this dl'putc, botwoon theso two god ly mon, bo as to bettor work out his purposes? Chap. xvI:l-3. Should ministers, and other Christian, bo on tho look out for young mon who aro fitted for tho ministry, tho samo as busi ness mon aro for good snlcsmon? What can you ray for, or against Paul circumcising Timothous, in view of tho decision of tho council at Jerusalem? (Sco Acts xv:l-29.) In matters of habit, or coromony, or non-essentials. I- it woll for us to give way to tho vIowb of othors, sink ing aur own proforencos when wo can accomplish good by so doing? For example, you may opporo wear ing "plg-tnlls" in this country, with wisdom, and yet to refuse to wear ono In China may bo great folly, Verses 4-5. What woro tho "do- crecs . . . . of tho oldors which woro at Jerusalem," and nro tho'o binding upon tho church to day? (Sco Acts xv:28-29.) Is a church bettor with or with out an olaborato creed? Wliat did Jesus tench which is not included in rlrhtnmionrmo nn.t .- constant vl'lon of God? Will a church sound "In tho faith" always bo a magnet to draw othors IU 11, Vors"es C-S Whv .11.1 m. Tti- Spirit forbid thorn to preach In Asia mm uunynin, ana would thoy hnvo sinned had thoy dono no? Whoil WO nrn lilmlnrn.l nml.tnn tlally from doing cortain good works. a mni uio noiy spirit hlndoring us? VcrSCS 9-1 0 ITntv mnnv mnlhn.l. does God adopt in leading us? utob uou in every emergency glvo iub tome Biiro guldnnco as to whnt wo ought to do? Was this vision tnnf n Mnr call from God, ae though ho had spo- Veros 11-12. Does God direct tho courao of tho OhrlBtlan with ab soluto certainty, notwithstanding wind or soa? Voso 13. What Is one of tho first things nn oarnojt Christian looks out fori when ho moves Into a new community? Aro womon gonorally In tho ma jority as earnest Christians? Verso 14. Aro busy womon gon orally moro spiritual than thoso who havo but llttlo to do? Should all girls bo taught to earn tholr own living? Ib it castor for God to opon tho heart of an Industrious person than thnt of an Idler? Vnrfin 1R.Tf fl nnrann la Indninll nblo, or stingy, In that a suro sign of ungodliness? ' Los-on for Sunday, July 11, 1909. Paul's Second Missionary Journey. Tho Phlllpplnn Jailor. Acts xvl:16-40. Tlio lOntl You Havo Alwnys Bought, nnd -which has boon In uso for over 30 yours, Jins homo tho slgnnturo of nntl Iins been inndo under his por- jwyj7, sonnl Btiporvlslon slnco its InfimcT. All OouiifcrfcltH, Imitations nnd" Just-ns-gooil"nro but Experiments that trlllo with, nnd cmlnii(ror tho health of Infants nnd Children Expcrlcnco against Experiment What Is CASTORIA Cnstorln is a harmless substltuto for. Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drop and Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Horphlno nor other Narcotlo KttbHtnncc Jits ngo is its guamntco. It destroys Worms nnd allays ITovcrlflhiicss. It cures Diarrhoea nnd "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation turd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep Tho Children's Panucca Tho Mother's Friend. QBNUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars tlio Signature of CaZ7!c&i The KM You Haie Always Bought In Us For Over 30 Years. TH( OINT.UR OOMMNV, TT MUKUT ITHltT, tWVONKOITV. Ka otlco to Contractor. oooooooooo o 0 CHURCH SERVICES oooooooooo o ClirlNtlnn Science. First Church of Chrlat, Scientist. 440 Chomokotn street. Sorvlcos Sunday nt 11 a. m. Subject of Iob bou sormon, "Good." .Sunday school nt 12 m. Tho Wednesday evening meeting la hold nt 8 o'clock, need ing room In tho church opon onch nftornoon oxcopt Sunday. All nro cordially Invited to attond tho cor vlccs nnd tho rondlng room. St. l'nul'8. Chomokotn and Church trocts. Itev. Ilnrr "O. Loo, rector. Fourth Sunday aftor Trinity. Holy commu lon with sormon, 11 a. in. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Thoro will bo no evonlnrt service until Soptombor. Tho public lo wolcomo nt all servlcos 1'lrst rethodlHt Splfccopnl. Patriotic -ervloes. Mr. Arthur C. Tlooschon will sing. Tho subjoct of tho sermon by tho pnstor will bo "Stngos In the Devolopmont of Lib erty." At 12, blblo school most In torotttliiK closes for strnngors. At 1 p. ni. tho topic of tho Kpworlh Longuo will be "Qodlois Commor clnllBiu At S tho thomo of tho sermon will be "Christ, Our Nation's King " All nrt corldlully Invited. Klrnt l'lvttbytwlnn Cliurvli. Church streot , noar Chomokotn stroet. Ilev. Henry T. Paboock, pas tor. Morning sorvico, 11 a. m. Celebration of tho Lord's supper. Thome of commiunlon talk bypa-tor, "Cod's Lovo Oommondod," Rom. 5:8 Evening sorvlce, 8 p. m. Proachlng by tho pnstor. Thomo. "ThrCo Ways to Christian DUclploshlp." John 1 37, 12, 43. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Junior Christian Endoavor at S p. m.; Sonlor Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Mid-week prayer meet ing. Thursday nt 8 p. in. Piubllc oord'ally Invited to all of thoso Bor vlco. o A falling tiny norvo no larger thun rlio finest silken thread takes from tho Heart IU Impulse, Its pow er, Its regularity. Tho Stonmoh aUo bus its hiddon or Inside norvo. It was Dr. Shoop who first told us It wns wrong to drug a weak or falling Sto mach .Hoart or Klndoys. Ills pro Gcrlpt'on Dr. Shoop'a Itostoratlvo Is directed straight for tho causo of these ailments theso weak and fal tering InBldo nervos. This, no doubt, clearly expalns why tho Itestoratlvo ban of Into grown so rapidly In popu larity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative oven for a few days, oon become fully convinced of Its wondrful merit. Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treating tho cause of slckneea la the only sonslblo and successful way. Sold by Capital Drug 8tore. NO. HIS WON"! 1IH WILTj 1)113 YOUNG "Any boy," says an exchango, "who tumbles out of bod early, sing ing; who doon't forgot to wash his hnnds; who puts on his clothes quickly, dnnccs out to his clioros, nnd returns to his breakfast with a choorful look and kind words for ovorybody; who helps his paronts without growling; who le kind to his brothers nnd sisters; who has boiiio thlng to do ovory day and docs it well, will In n very fow yenrs bo ono of tho big mon In tho community In which ho llvo." Gr-llc.rn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S KVATOT V 223 S. COMMERCIAL ST HE SHOWED THEM HOW THE FIREWORKS WORKED Dufiir wns visited by nnothor dnn- irolOUH firo lnH Prlilnv innrnlni' nbout 11 o'clock. This tlmo It wns tne confaotlonury store of W. A. Ciinimlngs, JiiRt ncrost tho street from tho DIrimMi offlco that wns buriiud. Mr. CummlnKH hud u lot of fireworks displayed In IiIh show window nnd ho was standing n few , feet n way from tnU dluplay and wns' Knowing some pnrtios now a certain now kind of explosive worked, wlion spurkH, ult ,tr from this or tho match ho usod to light It, flow nnd struck In tho window dlsplny and almost In tantly t hoy woro all In action throwing flro all over tho room, HottluK fire to thv stoo.v and fixtures nnd tho building Itself In lnnumoruhle place. Ah soon as It hud started the cry of "fire" was mixed nnd tlio flro company woro on the ground In a very Hhoit tlmo, and wl.h the chemical ohkIuo nnd a strewn of wntor from tho nonr by hydrant they soon had tho flamoa under control, hut not until tho stock of goods was practically ruin ed. Tho damage to tho building la oatinmtod to ho nbout $200, which loa Is coverud by Insurance, but me loss nnd damage by both fire and water to the gooda is nbout $1, 000, with no Insurance. The build ing Is ownod by L. M. Smith Du fur Dispatch. Nervous People And tboM afflicted with heart weaknm mar now hare do fear of th ilrotal cbalr. llBAI) WHAT MItS. IJANt.KY HAYHi I had 10 teeth extracted at the Harrard Dentlata' without the leaat pain, and blgblj recommend them, Ullfl. IIANLBY, Freemont Btatlon. Whalebone Plate $10 A Oreat Dltcovtry, Ih Ntto WhaUuom I'late, which la ., Ilgbteat and atrongeal act knewn: doea not corer the roof of the mouth! bite corn off the cob; guaranteed 10 year. 100O WB CIIAL.I.BNOB TUB WOItl.P. We will forfeit It OOO to any charltabl- loatltutlon for the dentlat who can make plate for $15 aa good aa we make for $10. lO Year Guarantee Hold Crown, ettra hearr. ........ ...IB.OO Pull Set Teetb (wbalehoue H. 8. W.l'.IaOO Bridge Work, per tooth, beat gold. ...3.00 White f'rowui ....,,...., $1,00 Teeth Ite-enameled ,$3.00 Oo.a Killing , J 1.00 And not exceeding $100 neat HlUer Killing $0.B0 I'latlaum Kllllnga $1,00 Teetb Cleaned , $0.60 VKKTU BXTRAOVEll WITUOVT PAIN free When Other Work It Ordered Uy our new ejetem of palbleaa dentlitry. uaed by ua alone. Our auccesa la due to the bigb-grade work done by our expert, gentle manly operator. Harvard Painless Dentists Corner Park and Woshlngton SU., Oror Royal Bakery, Portland, Or, l-argeat and beat equipped Dental eetab-. Ilabment In tbe world 20 eilee in United Htatea. Open Bunday, 0 f 1. Illr nntll O, Notlco Is horeby glvon that scaled bids for work nnd materials required in tho extonslon of kltchon of build ing known no dining ball, rcshlngllng old portion of dining hall, oroctlon of building to bo known as amuse ment hall, raBlng root of and ro rooflng building known ns building No. 2G, nil Bltunto nt tho Oregon State Innnno ABylum Cottago Farm, near Salem, Oregon, will bo rocolvcd by tho Hoard of Trustooe of tho Oregon Stnto Insnno Asylum until July 7, 1000, at 3 p. m., at which hour all bldn will bo oponcd by tho undersigned at tho cxocutlvo cham bers, Salem, Oregon, in tho prosonce of tho board. All bids must bo ac companied by certified chock in a sum of no'i. less than ton (10 por cent) por cent of tho amount of tho b'd and mndo payablo to tho undor signed. Envelopes containing bids must bo rcalod and mnrkod "Dlds for tho Improvements at tho Oregon Stato InBnno Asylum Cottngo Farm." Plana and specifications may bo ex amined nt tho offlco of Louis It. Hnzoltlno, architect, Murphy build ing, Salem, Oregon, or nt tho oxecu- tivo chnmbors, Stato Capitol, Salem, Oregon. Wdo will bo received on each piece of work oparntoly and on tho wholo. Tho Ilonrd of Trus toos of tho Oregon Stato Insano Asy lum roflorvo tho right to rolect any nnd all bide. Datod at Salem, Orogon, this 22d day of Junq, 1009. C. N. McARTIIUR, 0-23-7-Cd Clork of tho Ilonrd. elblo. Goods must bo dollvor4 at tho Stato Institution ror rowtv Minded. Dated Salem. Orogon. this lata day of Juno, 1900. II. U. UHJ1VTJUO, C-18-to 7-5d BuporlnteadeaL o Notlco of Intention to Improve a Portion of Front Street. Illds for Furnishing Huppllen for (ho Stnto Institution for IVeblo Mlndwl. Soalcd nroposnli will bb received. and nro horeby Invited, for furnish ing tbo Stato Institution for Kcoblo Mlndod with supplies for tho six (0) months ending Dccotnber 31, 1009, LIsU of tho required goods will bo furnished upon application to tho suporiatondont of the Institution. All bids should bo sealed and marked on tho outsldo of tho onvolopo "Did for Supplleo for tho Stato Institution tor Feeblo Mlndod," and nddroised to tho undersigned. Tbo bids will bo oponcd in tho oxeoutlro chambers, Salem, Oregon, on Tuosday, July 0, 1909, at 10 a. m and tho Board of Trusteoa rosorves tho right to reject any and all bids. All goods must be In ftrlct accordance with tbe sample and In original packagos when pot- Notlco Ib heroby glvon that the common council of tho city of Salem, Orogon deems Is oxpcdlont to Im provo, nnd propoaoa to Improve, at tho cxponso of abutting nnd adjacent proporty, Front atrcot, In tho city of Salem, Orogon, from a point 300 foot south of tho south lino of Mar kot stroot to tho north city limits. Tho Improvomonl shall bo made by grading nnd grnvollng with sovoa inchoa of ginvol, when rollod, as shown In tho plans nnd specifications ndopted by tho common council on tho 2lBt day of Juno, 1009, and now on fllo In tho olllco of tho city record er, which plans and specifications show tho dotalls of tho work, and an ostlmato of tho cost, and tho samo aro horoby roforrod to and mado a part of this notlco. Data of tho first publication of this notlco 33d day of Juno, 1009. By ordor of tho common council. W. A. MOORBS, 0-23-1 It . Itocordor Notlco of intention to Improve a Portion of Pine Street. Notlco Ir horoby glvon that the Common Council of tho city of Sa eom, Orogon, dcomn It oxpcdlont to Improvo, and proposos to Improvo, at tho oxponso of the abutting and ad Jacont proporty, Pine stroet In tho city of Salem, Orogon, from tho east lino of Front street to tho west line' of Fourth street. Tho Improvomont I'hall bo mado by grading and graveling, nnd such graveling shall not bo loss than six Inchoa thick after rolling. Tho said Improvomont Bhnll no mado ac cording to tho plans and specifica tions adopted by tho common coun cil on tho 21st day of Juno, 1909, and now on fllo In tho offlco of tho city recorder, which plans and specifica tion ohow tho details of tho work, nnd an ostlmato of tho cost, and tho samo aro hereby roforrod to and made a part of this notice. Dato of tho first publication of this notlco 23d day of Juno, 1909. W. A. MOORES,, C-23-llt Rooordor. Look At This ror Sale A first class rooming and boaidlng houso prop sltlon at Newport, Orogon. Two bouses and furnishings and lota will bo sold for less than tho cost of tho housos. The buildings are four yoara old and furnUhod complete. The owner Is a non-resident and needs tho money. Look Into this as a speculation. LEE WILLIAMS Newport, Ore. Inquire at Journal Office