DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATUIIDAY. JULY 8, 1M, f I TlTi , St - u n Barefoot Sandals for Summer Days Are almost a necessity for the boys and girls, We have the neatest barefoot sandal now we ever displayed, in tan leather with brass buckles and neat side strap, Let us show them to you, '. A Feather Boa Makes a handsome addition to a pretty summer cos ture; nothing gives a suit smarter or more stylish ap pearance than a pretty boa, For a few days we offer you an opportunity to purchase one at a very low price, EXTRA SPECIAL Regular $2,-98 White Boa $1.96 Regular $6,00 Brown Boa .' $4.14 Regular $6,00 Black Boa 1 $4.14 Round Thread Valencienes Lace A new, large and very choice assortment for you to choose from, Extra Special 10c Summer Wash Goods Regular 25c, 15c, I212C values now 9c Regular 15c values i4c EAST PORTLAND West Salem will build up at an astonishing rate this year, Why? Because when the first trains of the Falls City, Dallas & Western railroad leave West Salem, stores, residences and warehouses will have to be built there to take care of the in coming population, Terminal yards and railroad facilities will de mand a large number of employes, Dallas has been the terminus heretofore, West Salem will spring to the front when the railroad traffic opens, Fast Gasoline Service Between Foot of State Street and West Salem The Denison launches are ready to take care of all business between West Salem and the Capital City, Persons desiring to cross the river can se cure rapid service at foot of State street, at a FIVE CENT FARE, Ride over tomorrow and see the new town, The railroad crews have surveyed the line down Second 'street and the grading crews have laid out the terminal yards and are camped on the bank of the river, Lots are selling to others, why not you ? These lots are on sale at $5 per month and $5 down, without interest. Why pay rent when you can buy home lots at $5 per month. Save $5 a month out of your wages. SEE Water Bros.' investment co. Over Bush's Bank, o; Branch Office at West Salem i w TAFTBOES TO LAKE CHAMPLAIN Take Part in Ter-Centen- niary Celebration of the Discovery of the Lake. WEST SALEM ANOTHER SALEM TO VISIT EU6ENE Many Will Spend the Fourth in the Hustling City Up the Creek. United Prtsa Lcaacd Wire. Washington, July 3. Prcsldont Tnft left todny for Doverly, Mam, whcro tho president's family Is es tablished In their summer home, to spend n dny boforo going to tho I.nko Chnmplnln cities to participate In tho tor-contennlal celebration of the dis covery of tho lako by tho Fronch ex ploror, Chnmplnln, In 108. Tomorrow ovonlng tho prosldont will go to Norwich, Conn., which city will celebrate tho two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Its found ing. Ho will bo tho guest of honor nt the celebration nnd will deliver an address. Tho Champlnin ter-ccntennlnlwlll bo participated In by tho soveral Ver mont nnd Now York cities situated on tho lake. Tho prosident will go to historic Fort Tlcondcroga, nt tho foot of tho lake, Tuesday. Here tho first formal exorcises of tho celebra tion will be held. In addition to tha president's speech addresses wlli bs delivered by Vlco Prcsldont Shot' man, Ambassadors Hryco and Juh sernnd, Speaker Cannon, Senator Root and Governors Hughes and Protity. Tho celebration will bo contluu?d Wednesday and Thursday at Plntts burg, N. Y, A recopt!on will bo ten dered tho president nt Hotel Clinm plain nnd ho will deliver another ad dress. An unlquo Indian pageant will form n fenturo of the Plattsburg '-tlvltlos. Lnto Thursday tho scene of tho anniversary celebrations will shift to Ilurllngton, Vt. Hero again tho president will bo tho guest of honor nnd will make his final speech be fore departing for Washington In tho ovenlng. o All Salem business houses will be closed Monday, and hundreds of Sa lem people will go to Eugene to spond tho day. Tho Southorn Pacific has mado a special rato for tho occasion, and Eugene Is putting up a celebra tion that no ono who can afford It should miss. Besides, It Is a good thing to call on our neighbors, and tho hustling young follow. "Eugene," Is woll worth getting acquainted with Salem visitors will And much In the neighboring city to admlro, and Borao to copy aftor. Secretary Hart og, of tho Eugene Commercial Club, this morning phoned up a special In vitation to Salem people to make tho club rooms tholr headquarters. Eu eoeo Is a self-appointed commlttoo of ono to look alter tho comfort and ploasuro of ovory visitor. Tho celebration starts early, and, In order to seo It all, Salem pooplo should tnko tho ovonlng train Sun day or tho 3:30 Monday morning train but anyway tnko ono of them. SPENCER HARDWARE CO. VACATION TIME IS HERE Tents and camping sup plies for the mountains or coast Camp,, Stoves Two and four holes, with sheet Iron and cast tops; plain and asbestos lined. All boxed and ready for shipment. Gasoline and oil stoves; 1, 2, 3 burner. Price $1.50 up Ovens for above $1,50 up ICE CREAM FREEZERS 1 -quart 2-quart -75c 3-quart $2,00 $1.25 4-quart $2.50 TAKING ARTIST'S IDEA OF CLOTHES United l'rcti I.caacd Wlre.l Uorkoloy, Cnl., July 3. "ClothoB aro only of vnluo in art so far as tlioy convey an Impression of what Is be neath them. In otlicx words, thoy aro an Impediment to art," la tho do- fonso of nudo nrtUtlc expression by Professor FrotTorlck Mortlmor Clapp, of tho University of Chicago. Ills as sertion created unlimited discussion In university clrcloa hero, and Is a Uvo topic of conversation today. Professor Clapp, who has sponj years In tho study of art in tho European cantor, la staff locturor at tho Rockofollor univorslty, and la delivering a special sorlcs of art dis sertations at tho Univorslty of Cali fornia's rummer session. Ilia do fenso of nrt In tho nudo, following closely upon tho dlscuhslon that has been rlfo In Snn Francisco art clrcloa during tho last wook was mndo dur ing tho courso of a locturo. "Tho human body In painting," ho said, "glvoB tho opportunity of con voying tho most direct mossago from tho mnster artist to tho spectator. "Wo aro human being, and our bodies aro all important, from t bo artistic standpoint, sinco thoy, in their mobility, portray quickest and slncoroly tho stream of oiuotlon." M0VIN6 PICTURES W. II. JonkltiB, traveling passenger agent for tho Southern Pacific enmo up. from Portland this morning In charge u ' special" and u moving picture machine, which will tnko pic turos of Oregon scenery for uso at tho A. Y. P. Tho mnchlnu Is mount ed In tho end of tho car and will tako vIowb along thu lino of tho road. These pictures will also bo used In advertising Orogon In thu enst. It Is a great nehoino and also great pictures. CHERRY Xo Tax on Tea or Coffee. Washington, July 3. Tho tax on tea and coffeo In tho maximum and minimum sections of tho tariff bill were eliminated by the senate today. Albany Will Ih Heiv. Tho Albany Herald of July 2d ays: "Tho regular week ly meeting of tho Albany Commercial club was held Ian nlsht with thirteen present. A unanimou vote was cast In favor of an excursion to Salem to tho Cherry Fair. Friday, Juno 9, with a guar antee ( 125 tickets, securing the round trip rato of 85c." FLOAT IS HERE Tho float for tho Cherry Fair In wnloh hur ninjesty, "Iloynl Ann," In this case Miss Horthn Allen, will tnko part In tho parade arrived HiIh morn ing from Portland. It 1b n beauty, an Immense car ornamented with cherries as large ns watermelons and tho throno Is an Immense flower. It Is tho nmo float used In tho roso carnival at Portland, nnd which was thon, ns It will bo In our own parado, honored by tho presence of thu Cherry 'City's cherry queen, MIbh Ilortha Allen. MANY HURT IN THEATRE PANIC (United I'rtii UatHl Wire.) Detroit, Mich., July 3, Ono child was fatally injured and soveral wo men seriously hurt today in a panic In a 5 and 10-cent store, followlnr a false alarm of fire. A salo was In progress, when some ono shouted "fire." Tho womon and children deserted the bargain coun tor and stampeded out of the door ways. 'A number were crushed and trnmple upon by tho panic-stricken -hoppers. o o o o o o o o o o o PCRcnfUAi ucwTinw o II I. II ) l II O O fi Big 4 Flexible Door Hangers Anti-friction, steel rollor bear ings. Cannot Jump tho track. Tho hlugo Joint nllowa tho door to swing out nt any nnglo, cross bar holds tho frnnio in position so that tho whcol runs porfectly truo on track and will not bind. Tho cross bnr also keeps tho door from vibrating and wear ing out tho hlngo pin, ns somo ftoxlblo hnugcrH will do. LVrltwvTVr mm m HRMM t ill m W HRR LI Kill 'KVON f , BH, ' s i WnM SPENCER HARDWARE CO. 466-74 State St. Phone 19 Our Specials Today BERRIES ' Strawberries Raspberries Loganberries Black Caps Currants YES? Green Peas Lettuce, Onions Radishes Turnips Cabbage, Beets Ripe Tomatoes, Aprioots, Oranges, Bananas Special in all kinds of Cherries If you haven't tried our Coffee, ask for a sample rs THE BEST MOIR GROCERY MITCHELL & MOIR f mtof )-taitHaiifiigiif iit if iiwT SPOKANE DOCTORS TO AID LOVERS Health ACTUALLY, POSITIVELY, IN VARIABLY RESTORES GRAY HAIR TO THE COLOR AND VIGOR OF YOUTH. You can't look young if your htixu gray. tadad. dull and UcIcm. HaiHaiHtakli wiHferiag. back uve Mturtl color, put m it nt wfiea you vrete young Stop daodrua? and filling out. Make aU feaif brM. aUky ud full of li e and beauty Mot m lye vroo't coloi m toil joux kin. t AN Mc MaTUS. AT BHUCSiSTS. aWa MwrHai & curt Kcuoi, red, nagn and csapped hand, and all akin dlaeaaee. Kerb akin to and aoft, 15c. drur rUU. Band 3clorfreUio,-TtCaxaolnalAan,"Tta Cut el tna Hair." rkM Kay sc C, Newark, K. J. J. C. PERRY Mr, Walter Spauldlng, the son of C It Spauldlng, of thin city, Is vl' Itlng friends In Salem. lie has been attending Ann Arbor University for tho past three years. sir. G. K. Allen of vVoods, Oregon, has been In town for a couple of days, making arrangement for his great fish output. "Sport" Is on the job all right. Ho leaves today for Tillamook. o To Whom It May Concern. Under tho above caption tho Telegram of Portland says: "For your enlighten ment tho Evening Telegram Mibmlts the following prices, wholesale and retail, at which Oregon cherries were Belling Jn this city yesterday: Wlvolmtlo Price Per Pound. Royal Annej ... 6 to 0 cents Dings C to 7 cents May Dukes 2 cents Retail Itrfce Per Pound, Royal Annes 20 cents Dings 20 cents May Dukes .. .... 10 cents f United I'm Uil Win. Riifiunnn. Jnlv 3 If thnrn lu n Hiiddon riinturii (if thu IiiirIiipkh In tho office of tho murrlntfo llcenso clerk it will be attributed to tho Spo kane County Medical Society, which Is Dan Cupid's latest clly, Tho members of that organization by n two-thirds voto taken last night decided that during tho remalndor of tho presont year thoy will not charge a feu for physical examina tions to thoHu Booking marrlago II tonsoH ns required by tho now law. Physlrlami have boon charging from $G to S for examining coupll'B. This extra expense, It is' said, has mndo ttome prospective grooms think twice before taking tho atop. GOT INVITATION ON GOLD PLATE ( United l'ffa Utit4 Wire. Washington, July 3. President Tnft received ,io Mild gold ongraved Invitation from tho San Francisco SchueUon Voreln to attend Ita golden jubilee which will bo held during tho first week In August. Tho presenta tion was mado by Congressman Julius Kahn of California. Replying to tho Invitation tho pres ident stated mat ho probably would not roach San Francisco until after tho festlvul, hut expressed a hope to moot tho membere of tho vereln upon his arrlvnl at tho coast. Tho Invitation Is done upon a solid gold plato three and a half by five and a half Inches In alzo, and Is a marvel of artistic ongrnvuro. HUIE WING SANG COMPANY ALL KINDS OF f IRE WORKS , Wftolesate and Retad ' BIG STOCK OF PANCY GOODS Wo have made up a now lino of Whl.o Underwear, Sklrta, Waists, Wrappora nnu KImonas. Wo havo Oonts and Ladles' Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, Kmbroldory and Lace Suits, Pants, Hose, 8hoe8, Chlnawaro, Mattings, Trunks, etc. i 325 North Com'l St., Salem. Oregon