t a DAir.X -CABIXAL JOURNAL, BAMiM. OUKCON. SATURDAY. JULY 3, 1000. The Engine Is the Best All Purpose Engine For Prices Call Onjg Harry P. Chase No. 101 front St. Our Discount Department WE DO BUSINESS not for tho convcnlonco of oursolves nltoKothor, but rnthor for tho profit to oursolves without too groat nn oxponso to our patrons, nnd nt tho samo tlmo affordng thorn n moat convonlont and satis factory service. , .,.. Wo find our dnlly dlacount aorvlco a moat popular one. This provides for a commlttco of our dlroctdra who call at tho bnnlc dnlly and In conjunction with tho oxocutlvo offlcorB pass promptly on tho merits of loans offorod. Tho dally discount commlttoo plan -enables us to thwart tho dangoroiiR practice- plan where authority la sometimes assumed nlono by n president or n cashlor, nnd at tho samu tlmo onnblcs uo to glvo tho bualneas man a quick and dcclalvo nnawor. Now loons, of courso, nro aomotlmoa hold up for furthor Investigation, but In matters of established credit wo doal very promptly. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK SALIUr, OREGON. E. ECKERLEN Wholesale Family Liquor Store 144 Commercial St Phone Free Delivery 103 C. E. LEBOLD & CO 1144 State Street LITTLE TARIFF JOKER lor, and after being examined as to his sanity yesterday morning he was , found to bo Bomowhat off and was committed to tho asylum. When tho jBherl found him he had a Wlnches i ter rifle, several shell and a hunt ing ax. Tho letter referred to tho murder of a Mrs. Moore, committed In this county, nnd tho writer evi dently thinks he has discovered tho murderer. Senator Aldrich Pleases Manu facturers of New England by Giving Them Fuel from Nova Scotia EXCURSION BOATS TO RUN DAILY Washington, July 3. A feature of tho coal tariff adopted by tho sen nto that has received little attention but Is likely to bring great comfort to New England manufacturers Is tho duty on slack. Tho rato fixed on tho lattor Is 15 cents a ton, which Is tho next thing to free fiuol. it wns not always thus. In the Dlnclev law no distinction was mado botweon coal and slack and tho dutyl on each vas C7 cents a ton. in tno Payno bill tho Dlngloy rnto was re tained with tho very important pro- Arrangements have been made by vision tnnt coai bhouiu oo aummuu tuo committee In charge of the trco from any country tliat aumuicu cherry Fair with the Skinner Bros. American coal frco of duty. for tho running of their llttlo sleam- Sonator Aldrich Struck OUt tho re-.rB frnm Tnilnnnmlnnro .Tnlv 9 nnd m clprocal clauso and recommended a Tho boats will leavo Independence Two Boats a Day to and From Independence During the Fair Ball Games the 8th and 9th FREE TO YOU MY SISTER XJBS I am a vroni&n. I know iromtn'i Buffering!. I have found tho oure. , I will mull, froo of any charge, tny fceiM rtti mat with full Instructions to wijr sufferer from woman's ailments. I want to teU til women about this oure pa, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your slater. Iwautto tell you how to cure yourselves at homo with out fho help of a doctor. Men ciBfiit undenttiind women's sufferings. Whatwowomcn know (rem ipirlinti, wo know better than any doctor. 1 know that my'homo treatment Is snfo and sure euro for ttconhoi or Whlllih dlichitfti, Uleiullon. oil pliciminl or Filling cl III Womb, fmtm, Setnlr or ftlcful tiMedi, Uliilna or Onrlin Timon, or Croilht; alto pilna In Mid. back mil bottlt, killing down Ittllnc. nsnectntts. crnilni Inline 09 I'll pint, ntlincholf. diiln to cry, Ml Allan, nudum, llioir. md aliddir lioibln tliiri cioud M tiikoiuii peculiar to our sex. I want to sonu you a compwa un oiji uiimiai iillnlr fraa to proTo to you mat you can euro yoursoir at home, easily, quickly and surely. Remember, that.lt sill cut r nofhlnf to h ' Klrethe trcntracnt a complete trim; ana uyou wish to continue, it will cost you only about 12 cents a week or leas than two cent a day. It will not Interfere with your work or occupation. Jail Hid ma roar tiiaa and iddriii. toll mo liowyou sutler it you wun, ami i v ner. br return mall I w explanatory Illustrations i nt home. Et srery woman Wtortml Zt bk-''HOI.lOwi'i.DIClL'ViMyl.'h ihowinff whT women Buffer, una how ther can wuliy core incmieiTrn ,t,l t..4 mm.1 tftdm ti fktkfnf htrillf ThAil wllMl thn ClOAtOT MTfl "You must burn an operation," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured IhetiMeWea with my homo remedy. It euros all old or raoaf, To Mothtrm of Daaiklart, I will explain n nimpio Home treatment wnicnspccuuy anuciiccvuaiiTquri'a uuuuuriuure, vm- u.u...... Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young Ladles, llumpnces and heolth always results from its una. Whererer Ton lire. I can refer tou to ladles of your own locality who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Hona Trntmil really eorMBnwomen'sdlscases.andtnakeawomenweU, Jail Ilea ! foor aeariii. ddii tuo ireu ipuunj Dvitn.wL'utuiuuiDiunj you may not seo this offer again. Address - notro uamo, ina., u. h.a. stronr. tilumn and robust tho book. Write to-day, as you may MRS. M. SUMMERS, OoxH duty of GO cents a ton on coal nnd ID cents n ton on siacic. It happons that slack 1b a subject of no lntorcst to tho householder, hut constitutes tho entlro fuel prob lom for most of tho manufacturers within reach of tho bituminous fuel supply. Even under present condi tions, becnuBo It Ib chcapor than coal, slack to tho amount of hund reds of thousands of tons 1 Im ported by Now England manufactur ers frdm Nova Scotia. If tho sen nto tariff bill becomes law then there will bo a strong additional reason for favoring It and hundreds of manufacturers now using coal will turn to slack. The price now In Its favor will bo Increased by tho dlffcronco In tho duty which will bo 45 cents a tou. This fact hns not escaped tho at tention of tho American coal pro ducers nnd all poBslblo prowiro will bo brought on tho houso conference commlttco to refuso to accept tho sennto differential. Sonator Burton of Ohio, who was most nctlvo In tho efforts mndo in tho senate to bring about acccptanco of tho frco coal nronosltlon of tho j hou o spoko particularly for tho coal tt 8iiaij)iji ami ihji mi imnf ! ono at 8 o'clock and tho other at 9:15, returning they will leave Sn lom nt 3:15 and 10 p. m. Tho faro will bo GO cents each way. Tho committee nro announces that ar rangements hnvo been mndo for two good ball games tho first Thurs day between tho Snlcm Independents nnd Woodburn, and Friday, between tho Independents and Sclo. Thcso games will each bo called at 5 o'clock p. m. o TAVKXTV-FIVH CI2XTH IS MUCK OK I'KAOIC. THE Tho terrible Itching nnd smarting, Incident to some skin diseases, Is al most Instantly nllnycd by applying Chnmborlnln's Salvo. Price, 2G cents. 1'or salo by all good druggists. Ithould not be forgottomthat Ab dul Hamld Is ono of those misguid ed people who never pormlt thom solvcs to bo interviewed for publication. X GENERAL MERCHANDISERS Wo would liko to say to tho people In East Salem that wo can soil groceries ,hardwaro and drugs just llttlo chcapor than tho down town stores, Wo havo a comploto lino of frosh, up-to-dato goods, cnrofully solactad. Also a fGod store at No. 1 1 60, and wo dofy any merchant to give you hotter deliv ery sorvlco. Wo own 133 foot of property covered by build ings, including oui storos, from which wo aro re ceiving an incomo, and while wo aro in a position to buy as cheap as other merchants our oxponsos aro considerably lowor. So a trial ordor will convlnco you of what we say rolativo to prices, quality of goods and delivery. PHONE 145. iiif ftfmiiiiif iiaf wiif i. I lKSXMBAwaitoUilif rgi6ieiaiat8iltl8titll ! NOTICE! For Sale A veryjjchoicejbuilding lot, closeto heart of city. Suitable for 'flats or residence. For information see H. A. JOHNSON & CO. MURPHY BLOCK Don't Get n Divorce. A wostorn Judgo granted a dlvorco on account or Ill-temper and bad lmmth. fir K'ltli'a Vim- T.lr. nillo producers of Ohio nnd tho northern , would have provonted It. .They euro pnrt of West Vlrglnln. They ship Constipation, causing bad breath nnd millions of tons of conl into tho con- Uvor Trouble the lll-toinpor, dlspol trnl part of Cannda every year. It colds, banish hendachos, conquer hns boon said that tho Grand Trunk chills. 25c at J. C. I'errv. rnliwny, which gets mucn or. us iuoi supply from tho country, pnyB cus toms (lUlll'S l(J UIU illltuuill. ui "!, 000,000 a yoar Into tho Canadian H trnnnurv. TlH Whothor Cnnndn would eccopt an offer to ioln this country In abolish ing customs dutlos Is n disputed H question, Aldrlcli lins said mar. uo , lint Information that the dominien: would not accept mich nn offer. It J needs tho rovonuo. The exports of Amorlcan coal to Canada amount to about 7,000,000 tons nnd the 1m-1 ports from Canada to tho United Stnto to about 1,500,000 tons an-, uunlly. SHOWS THE VAGARIES ! OF A MIND DISEASED; Tho following lottor was found In searching nn Insane mnn yo-tordny ' by Sheriff Miuto. It Is about tho Intflst article written In the Oold Sleuth style: i Jefferson, Ore. : Mr. Suorlff ' Donr sir I gue's our mnn has headed for MUscwrlu strong hold ho Is linked- In paworfull confederacy. It will tako stragetlc Dlplomaoloy nnd that alone. Korso will not bo of much vnluo at tho prosont time. Ho Is a determined criminal an Inforlor clns of man nnd ought to bo npre hondod nnd puuUhod for tho crime l hold tho koy to tho ring of tho trochorotiB Parties who nro now scat tored through thU part of the coun try. He has a sister here lately who Is not a bad womnn nnd will roort to his bohalf. There nro sploj in Snlom to day. I havo found tho woman who bought the whiskey but do not care to glvo her nnme now. And as I havo the knowlodgo and ability, 1 would go ta Mlssourla and locate your man nnd hold him for further ardors for tho sum of ?6000 nnd tho equipment. Hut I must havo tho proiouco of two Particular man. Namely tho man with tho Itlght finger left missing. And that particular . I will Bwear my self to aloglonco secrecy In our behalf. I believe thero will be n fow other good fighting men at hnnd. Now you may think mis seems rash but I nm giving you ab solute facts and sincerely hapo you will trust mo for tho man I am. Wo aro coming to a highly developed olvlllvntlon. wo will In tho near fu ture tho wost bp held In moro strin gently by tho Eastern poeple. Tho tlmo l near when it Is up to tho wostorn people and when 1 go to MUsonirla for my mnn. I got him If ho Uvea In tlmo. Whon Monty opens his mouth his jig will be up. It you consider this mater of Interest kindly -end n messtge by telephono to como for to Partland, W'aih. Uo knows tho man. I don't think we ought to let Mlasourians come out hero and murder and boot log our women Don't know whether ho Is a horso httet or not but ho may bo before I get through with him. Well thero Is uo youse tolling you any more you know enough. Yours In tho nick of time, If never meat. Mum the word. (Signature) WATCH AND WAIT. The writer of thl article was picked up by the sheriff Thursday night He said his name Is Chand- SALEM BREWERY I ASSOCIATION Beer Sold in Carload Lots. Shipments in Kegs or Bot tled Beer to any Point on the Pacific Coast : : : : II Brewing Plant and Offices I! ;; On Trade Sl In Wholcsolc District Salem, Oregon ; ; iwmiMwtn ! -MH Observation Car CHERRY FAIR i.-1'Si I IT BirsI ? n rPPPwBisHfiifiSBiiiiitf i t " . aaaaaaB BllllllllllllllBBp'.' ' 'C yf Ti WTW iif" .-V JL..'alLIIIIIIIIIHE SEEING THE CAPITAL CITY An Hour's Ride No Change of Cars Three trips daily July 8, 9, 10. Cars leaves corner of Commercial and State Streets 10 a. m., 2 p. m., 7:30 p. m. Fare 25c. No stops for passengers after starts Portland Railway Light & Power Company 9 iiintit iiiiintitit'ff''""tf"ttI,iIL,li"iMtiIMI , ,&&, Sft. Mif-nm - 'V'f