fc DAILY CAPITAL TOtfRNAL, SALSA. dftttOOtf. SATURDAY. JULY 3, 1000. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. HOFKK, Editor ud Proprietor Independent Neirtpaper DoYOtod to American Principle nd the lroKT0u and Derelopement of All Oregon. PublUhod Erorjr Kyenlng Rxcept Sunday, ealem, Ore. SUIISCHIITION RATKS. (tnvarlablr in Ailranco.) DUlr. by CArrler, per year -.M.00 Dally, br wt P rear. - 4-00 Weekly, by null, per year. .00 Per month Wo rer month 85c Six months ..60o RECORD OF A MINING CAMP STAMPEDER. There are some live men among the hotel keepers of Ore gon. w There is Dickinson of the Hotel Oregon, who is building up a million dollar hotel property at Portland. He has been instrumental In organizing the hotel men of Portland in the recent city campaign. The hotel men with the associated commercial interests elected Simon mayor. Dickinson and those working with him are forming the hotel men of the state into a powerful organization. With them will go the butchers, the bakers, the grocers and dairymen, the laundries, barber shops and printing of fices. When hotels prosper the. whole town is making money and a live, well-kept hotel is the best advertisement a town can have. Until the new hotel was built on Coos Bay, Fred Johnson of the Drexel was running the best hotel in the state out side of Portland. The landlord of the Drexel holds the record as a mining camp stampeder. Ho was In every stampede for twenty years on the Colo rado and Molave deserts and the big Nevada rushes, Ho crossod Death Vallov every month in the year. Ho was one of the first mon into Fairbanks, Alaska, and in all the stampedes on the Tanana In 1904-5. In 1902-3 he went into the British northern territories of western central Africa for a syndicate, looking for the old original King Solomon's mines 800 miles In the interior. They found the original villages built before Christ out of a cement as hard as steel that stands the corrosion of cen turies. They found a big gold country that British capital is open ing up and prospecting with great results, They found that old Sol had worked the placers to a fin ish but knew nothing about quartz mining. Johnson never kept a hotel before but has made It a great success with the help of Mrs, Johnson, Their house Is full of people whether there are any peo ple in the country or not. Johnson and brogan are the live men ot Vale, There is a big gold find about forty miles north of Vale, It promises to be a free milling camp white quartz with leads of gold. Bigger still is a find of red oxide of iron with strings of gold ail through it, The Rainbow mine fifty miles from Vale is taking out $1000 to $1500 a day. It is nrotheast of vale at the headwaters of Willow river in the Blue mountains, Mining is expensive four dollars a day for men and sev en dollars a day for a single team. Johnson has confidence in Vale being the center of a great mining rush, This section of Oregon will be a red-hot territory if there should ever be a great rush developed, It is five hundred miles from the state capital, and paying taxes is synonymous with highway robbery. Secession from Oregon Is not talked openly in Malheur and Harney counties, but at a development convention held at Vale last December a resolution was offered to create a new state of Lincoln out of part of Idaho, Oregon and Wash ington, with Baker City as the capital, It never got any further, but the people feel their bonds very lightly in statehood matters. They have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars state taxes and have never got any assistance In the way of development, Mining development and railroad developmen t, reclama tion of arid lands and better highways are j badly needed. These are the only bonds that will hold this territory as large as Massachusetts and Connecticut firmly to the rest of Vgreat mining stampede in this part of the state will develop wonderful possibilities in a political as well as along development lines, WHOLE FAMILY INJURED United Press Leased Wire.) Stockton, Cal., July 3. J. D. Prldgcon, his wlfo nnd two daughters today nro suffering from painful In juries received when the horses at tached to n uuck In which they wero returning from a funeral ran away and galloped madly through tho streets of a suburb. Tlio horses took fright when Ed ward Scely, the driver, had a fit, and fell from tho box across their backs. As the closed hack swayed through tho streets, Prldgcon opened a door and commanded his wlfo to Jump. 1.0 followed her to tho pavement, sustaining Injuries that may dlsflg uro htm porman6ntly. His nose was mashed flat upon his face, and his checks horribly lacoratcd. Mrs. Prldgcon struck tho back of her head sustaining u serious scalp wound. Her escapo from death was miraculous. 'i.io Misses Prldgcon, following tho example, of their parents, also leaped. Doth wero soveroly bruised but wero ablo to walk to their home. ' o Why worry since wo havo forgot ten what wo wanted last yonr, and don't know what wo may want next? The Fight Is On Evory momont of your llfo whor you nro at homo or abroad, nwnko or nsloop Between tho poison germs that arc In nlr, food nnd water, every whero in fact, nnd tho billions of your invisible friends, tholittlcsoldicr-corpuBclcsinyourblood. If these, little soldiers aro kept strong nnd healthy by taking Hood's Sarsa parllla, you need havo no fear of dis ease. Begin using it nt onco if you aro at all under tho weather, or havo troubles of tho blood, stomach, liver and kidneys. Get it of your druggist. COOL WAVE MAKES CHICAGOANS HAPPY Chicago, July 3. After a day of sweltering heat tho (uttering pcoplo of Chicago wore given n chango to day for cool weather. Tho mercury foil nearly 20 degrees during tho night, nnd tho suffering was not near ly to great as it has been most of tho .timo In tho last fow wcoks. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J, H, Albert, Pres, E, M, Croisan, Vice Pres, Jos, H, Albert, Cashier SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Pays Interest on Savings Accounts Semi-Annual Clearance Sale JB- Twice a yea we do it ; we'te go ing to tub ottt the prefit: all out light-weight, stmmey goods must vacate; a better chance to bty cloth neve presented itself. We thow down the gauntlet and challenge competition to offer Greater Inducements in Clothing, Shoes Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Etc. I .j , EVERYTHING IN THE STORE REDUCED FROM 25! to 50! G. W. JOHNSON & COMPANY GET OUR PRICES FIRST 141 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET LEADERS IN STYLBSH APPAREL GET OUR PRICES FIRST t: , I TJ i