Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 03, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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On Sale 7:30 to 9 P. M.
The Indies' lnrgo underwear section
of furs to Saturday Evening shoppers
oxtrnordlnnry values In summer
weight Union Suits, fine ribbed gnr
mouts, low nook, kneo length; tho
very nowest and best stock from our
lnrgo underwenr section, Inco trim
med and well made.
Regular 50c values Tonight only 42c garment
After-Supper Sale
Ladlos' Tan Lnco IIoso, values regularly soiling at 50c and CGc
special tonight only on salo from 7:30 to 9, nt tho low prlco of
42c pair
q C
Tho largo Dress Goods Soc
tlon has on display 25 pieces
of good, seasonable, sumtnor
suiting, rogular values up to
$1.50 a yard, at
We want ovory woman to In
spect tho vnluo wo offer In
theso "Good Goods," and you
nro tho Judgo to toll If this Isn't
thu boot offer wo'vo miulo at
such a seasonable tlmo.
kk window display
court htki:i:t
Sale Extraordinary
Men's Clothing, values to $35.00
Reduced from 20 to 50 per cent
highest class merchandise in the city
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Absolutely All Wool and Hand
This Store is the Home of
Store Closed All Day Monday, July 5th
&7&sf S
v O (I u O U O . o o o
Wetttlior l-'orecnht
Fwlr tonight nutl Sunday.
)M OI l0lH JI(jUJ tf,UOtil)
The, .lanuitt Hotel
Furnished rooms and OHfo In oon
niHitlon with host whuv cooking.
Itnrr'ti Jewelry Store
For flnoHt wntuliiw. Jvwolry, cut
Rlnsa, etc., In tho oily, uud tit the
lowest prices.
For tho llent Screen
Doors und window screens go to
J. A, Patterson, 285 N. Commorolnl.
Try Crystnleta
For tho breath. For salo at:
Moyer'a barber shop,
Waters' cigar store.
Adolph'a cigar store.
Dick Madison's,
The Spa.
Wlllamotto Hotel.
The Council.
Talklngton'i. '
Tho Ouurt
Ho Is tho man who pays you
promptly and ho does not chit -gi
commission. For good, fnt qunl-
Ity of produco wo nro paying as
follows; Drossod Vonl undor
130 lbs., 8 Wo; Drossod Pork of
any alio as long as it is young,
fat and awoot, wo will pay 10c
Largo Veal ia paid for according
to also, mvo unicKons no.
Froah Eggs 22 c.
"Fighting tho Roof Trust"
Pertlaad, Or.
(.Village I'mlcrtnklntt Pnrlon
CoUubo and Chomokota ats.; calls
ilny or night; J. O. Sill. Pbono 72i,
Stvt'i-al Now Houses
For mht or ront. For prlco and
tunns e Vogot Lumber Compivny.
Phono 1U8.
Dr. 11. II. WhH-
OHoopath and norvo specialist.
Offlco rooms 17-18 Broymnn building.
ItoBldonco 340 North Capital stroot.
Phono 409. fl-30-tf
At tho New Dreamland
Voting In tho baby contoit will bo
gln Saturday, July 3d. Four prlios
will bo glvon, Enter your baby at
onco, 0-38-lwk
John Taylor Drove In
Front th'u oast sldo yesterday. Ho
says nil his nolghbors are drinking
FolRor'a Uoldon Qato cofreo-nnd ho
took two Mb, tins homo with htm.
Tho moat progressive and satis
factory undertaker In tho city. Al
ways ready when needed. 445 Court
Tlil Means Dollars
To you. Two of tho g.'tatost Inveu
tloni of modern times on exhibition
lu Doic.ua Bros Hop Office. Greater
money makor than telephone Call
and sco thorn; tree demonstration.
(Jot Yuur Freight
Tho Southern Pacific frolght de
pot will bo closed Monday, except
for tho delivery or handling of per
ishablo frolght early In tho morning.
If you havo bualnoa with tho re
doubtable Houston that day, you
will havo to call early, for ho is an
, "ludopondoni. cuss." and that la by
.common consont independence uoy.
I i in ii i hi i i
4.H ife4.Alr .SfSamajmMuI ! 4th I
I Am r u j eA? llKcremif Wlsi ' urw
July IjlSMO July
xi fc&fffigl.y iWekiMv
7 (rir WpF
I Monster Celebration our
irrTVTnn -ir- r tviit to r
It's to Be a Celebration of Money-Saving for You
And you'll not miss it, we feel sure, if you'll but read the news of lower prices this an
nouncement contains. We celebrate by offering you special buying inducements in
every department of this great store. Come and join in this special celebration we
have prepared for you. We cordially invite you to do so.
r t' Pi r 1
Good news for you, This
' splendid offer Is really a cause
for jubilation among bed buy
ers, for what good housewife
is not partial to a neat, cleanly
enameled bed? This one, ex
actly like cut, Vemis Marten
finish, regualr $7,00 value,
Celebration price $5.85.
Tills natty folding go-cart,
upholstered in leatherette, 10
I n c h 'wheels, exceptionally
strong, well made steel frame,
reclining back, adjustable hood
a regular $7,50 value, Celebra
tion price $5.85.
You've seen beds, but you
have never seen as good a bed
at a price so small as the en
ameled iron bed here illustrat
ed; has one-inch continuous
posts, five large filling rods,
Vernis Marten finish; a regu
lar $9,00 value,. Celebration
prico $7.35.
Tliis brass trimmed bed has
tiene.oiisly large posts, seven
filling rods, hoad stands five
feet 6 high, enameled in plain
colors, giving it an elaborate
and very expensive appear
ance: sells regularly at $12,00,
Colebrlaion price $9.45.
If I
Here is an ideal sewing
rocker just like cut, has long,
continuous back posts, brace
arms, cobbler seat, carved
back, made from selected Jiard
wood, golden oak finish; sells
regularly for $2,25, Celebra
tion price $1.65.
Nothing will enrichen the
room like an attractive enam
eled iron bed this one is fault
less in design and construction,
has one and- a fourth inch
posts, seven filling rods, height
5 feet 6 inches, heavy cast
brass vases, sells regularly for
$10,50, Celebration price.
Tho Woman's Club
HaB rentod tho room back of tho
Cherry pavilion from tho Cherry
Fair oommlttoo (or a lunch room.
A lunch will bo ervoJ there at all
hours aftor 11 a. m. each day of tho
(air and the proceeds will be (or tho
beuofU of the Salem public library.
A rrlio (or Ijiuly lUdcrs
As n Biwcial inducement to woman
riders, F. G. Shnfer, tho harness
dealor. will glvo a One astride sad
dle to tho best country woman rider,
and a 10 bridle to tho best city wo
man rldor nt tho Chorry Fair. Seo
program (or details. 7-3-7t
IUr Shipment of Slvrtls
Ilau'er Uros., of tho well-known
sporting goods houso In this city, re
ceived a monster shlpmont of shot
cun shells, loaded ready (or uto, to-
Vy Sho shipment contains 50,000
sholls, and Is worth tn tho neighbor
hood of $1500. Ilauser Bros, are tho
largest shippers in tho Northwest,
outside- of Portland, which Indicates
that tho shooting done In this vicinity
with shotguns Is of no small Importance
Cnmp Outfit
Tents, cots, camp stoves, iu (net
wo cun (It you out (or tho mountains
or sons no ro. J, A. Patterson, 285
N. Commercial.
Claim It Was a Tie
Had it not boon (or a wild heave
on the part of a Portland Railway,
Light & Power Company ball player,
and some good (ast running by an
Electric Worker, the street car men
would tiurely havo won a game laU
night on Wlllamotto field, but, after
seven Innings had been played with
tho scoro 2-2, tho Electric Workers
managed to chaso a winning run
over tho pan, and tho contest endod.
Tho Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company team had things
their own way (or tho greater por
tion of the game, but could not keep
tho grip and lost out in the eleventh
hour. Huffman and Tlmm were the
battory for tho street car men, while
Leech and Ward did tho work for
the Electric Workers. It Is claimed
that the umpire nnd official score
keeper loft at tho end of the fifth in
ning, when tho score was a tie, and
that, therefore, tho gatno cannot be
counted, but must be played off, as
It was a tie when the officials skipped
Lost or Stolen 8everal weeks ago,
u Snell blcyclo, two or three years
old; steel rims. Return to Jour
nal office for reward. 4-3-tf
Wanted Position as experienced
cook, country preferred. Address
B. V., R. F. D. 3, Salem. 2-3t
Wanted Of owner, 5 or 6-room
modern house, clo?o In, north of
Stato street, wlth-bara preferred,
State street and .phone number.
Address "A. B.," general delivery,
Salem. 7-3-3t
Agents 175 monthly selling Star
Egg Beater; works with ono hand;
lightning seller; ramplo free.
Thomas Co., desk 472, Dayton, O.
Subscriber! Must take up school
notes at Clerk Johnson's office on or
before Monday, July 5, 1909, at 5
o'clock p. m., or loan will be rejected-
Characters In that most !cnu
tifnl picture
This ono film is worth tho ad
mission, 10c, Also two other
extra fino subjects.
Oood Singing; Best Music.
"Salem's Quality House"
New Hotel
Located at Hoover, Or., two and
one-half miles east of Detroit at the
end of C. & E. R. R., on Santlam
river. Newly furnished rooms and
good board at reasonable rates'. Hunt
ing and fishing first-class. For in
formation write
Hoover, Or.