Mfc Batlg I laumal VOL.XDC l.tiV CAPITAL JOUltNAL, BALKM, OKKGON, SATURDAY JULY , 1000. No. 143. DIVIDED ON LIQUOR QUESTION American Woman Suffrage As sociation in Convention at Seattle Can't Agree As to Policy. "LONG MAY SHE WAVE O'BR THE LAND 0E h THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE -" ..- .... --. Sf8 SPLITHON LIQUOR NATIONAL PRESIDENT HEV.ANNA II. SHAM' AND OTHEHS WOULD JOIN FORCES M'lTII PHOHIRI TIONISTS MRS-AIHGAHj SCOTT DUNIWAY OPPOSES IT. t United 1'rcH Lail Wire. 8oattlo, Wash.. July 3. Tho vital Ismio beforo tho National American Woman Suffrngo Association, In con vention Jn Sonttlo tdday, and tho quostlon which promises to proclpl tato tho most Intorostlng contest of the mooting, Ib whether or not a light Is to bo mado against the organized liquor traffic. Resolutions, placing woman suf frage associations all ovor tho coun try, in an open fight against tho liquor interests, nro bolng consid ered by tho resolution commlttoo, which hold a preliminary conforonco this morning. A report to tho con vention will bo mado Tuesday nftor noon, and boforo tho report Is made, strong pro'suro from both sldos will (Continued on Page G.) fcBsrolwv tSTfev. 'rt- r n" !. - wnwj Y1J, I-i J-v AHVJ iJOv 1 1 HVVE: KT fc mmMaiML.- - sskHsJ 5,smlv 1776KM.1909 LODGING HOUSES BURNED Coiorlisht, 11MW, by Ainciicnu I'rcas Attxttiliitlou. IT WILL WAVE PROUDLY OVER SALEM DURING CHERRY CARNIVAL CHERRY FAIR BARGAINS In Lmllcti' Coats, Suits, Millinery, Shirt M'ulstN, Drcsv Goodn, Silk OIovcs, M'uh Di'csn Goods, vit. Go to (lie other storc'H first mid get (heir prices, then como to tho CHICAGO STORE and mo the money we can snvo you. VISIT OUR $8.00 Trimmed Hats Dep't - $3.50 $5.00 Trimmed Hats - $2.75 $4.00 Trimmed Hats - - - $1.95 $1.25 Rose Bunches now 49c 65c Assorted Flowers now 25c $5.00 Long Ostrich Plumes $2.95 Wo nro as busy ns bees in our now Millinery De partment We are selling protty hats, flowers and fonthors far below their regular vaues to Intro duce our now Millinery Department. Wo can save you money. $8.50 Silk Underskirts $3.5 For n flyer wo offer these beautiful ellk under skirts away under regular values. You cannot buy tho silk for tho price. Just think, silk skirts for $3.05. 65c Bleached Sheets now 3!c Another bargain, extra largo, full size bleached sheets, hemmed and torn, now only Oc $2.50 Parasols now only 98c VISIT OUR Ladies' Suit Dep't SI 8.00 Wool Stilts. .$ D.l.-i $u2.o( Wool Suits. M'ooi Siin..$u. Our buyor In Now York just fiont us u samplo lino of Now York's latest stylos in Indies' handsome suits, all tailor mado and beauti fully trimmed with tho now we t trimmings. Long coats snd flare skirts; shados the Intest. !) SO, $12.50, $14 90 JFH..10 Iil.VEX SUITS.. $I.O. Ileaiitlful I'nen suits, hand Bonioly trlmmodi new shades, now only. .. .$4.95 1000 yds Dress Ginghams yd 9c 1000 yards of I2c and 16c Funcy and Plain Colored Dress Glnghnms, now veiling for 9c yard MM) WW TELLS OF BRUTAL HANDLING Ella Ginglcs Accused of Steal ing Lace Tells of Inhu man Acts of Her Accuser. AUTOiSTS ATTACK DRIVER $2.00 Shirt waists now 98c Beautiful Lingerie Shirt Waists, handsomely trimmed with laces, embroideries and medallions, now 98c 45c lisle Hosiery now only 25c Ladles' Lisle and Meicerlzed Silk Hob cry. now n sale In all colors and black, only, pair 25c 15c Summer Underwear 9c Ladles' 15c Lisle Summer Underwear now on sale for only 9c BM?ffJ) HMMTSMSWC J .MMM - K - jzinEiiLii Ma) g&f frt if IT' ($if pi n Wash Dress Skirts now $1.25 Ladles' $2 Wash Dress Skirts now on sale for only $1.26 (United I'rem Lrurd Wire. Chicago, July 3. Tolling a Btory of horrlblo cruolty, Ella aingles, tho protty 18-year-old Irish laco makot, who is accused of stoallng laco from Mis Agnos Darrotto, hoc forraor om ployor, wont on tho wltnots stand to day, In hor own bohalf. Tho girl is tho samo who recently created a son sntlon when sho was found bound and gaggod lira bathroom at tho Ho tol Wellington. Thrco time during tho tlmo sho was on tho wltnosi stand tho protty little lacomakor was ovorcomo with omotlon, and had to bo rovlvod by a hpyslclan boforo biio could contlnuo hor story. Tho girl said that on the evening of January 4, of this year, Mlsa Ilurrotto roquoHod hor to como to tho Wellington, promising that sho would pay hor money duo her as wages for hor work in hor omployo'a laco establishment, Whon sho wont to tho hotel, sho allogod, Mlsa Darrott and Mrs. Ce colla Konyon locked hor in a room and tried to induce hor to bocomo a "whtto slave. Whon sho rofused Bho said thoy protonded to search hor for faluablos, they alleged she had stojon, and during tho process choked and beat her, Sho was making a hard fight to es cape, whon a man ontered tho room and helped tho womon to hoap Indig nities upon her. Her cries wore smothered by a pillow, and she could not summon help. Finally thoy took hor money from bet and let her go, half clad, tho al leged Sho then related tho Incidents that led up to her diicovery by tho police In tho Wellington bath room. I She said that sho had tried to en i list aid to proscouto hor women tor mentors, but had fallen Miss Konyon has nnu mce the t'me when the Incidents decrlbed by tho girl aro alleged to have taken placo, Tho court room was ciowded to day whon tho girl told hor story. Most of tho spectators wero women, and many handkerchief; wero in evi dence most of tho time. o Nolle- All pupils of Miss Mnnottn Magors are requested to bo at her hor studio Monday at 1 o'clock. Thugs Dray Andy McFarland From Buggy, Beat and Then Shoot Him. ..s tho result of n murderous at tuok upon tlio person of Andy Mc Farland, an omployo of tho Ynnnko livery stnblos In this city, by two unknown mon driving nn nutomobllo a mile and n hnlf on this sldo of ludepoudonco at 10 o'clock last night tho ontlro country has been aroused and Is up in arms nnd officers of both Folk nnd Marlon counties nro out Hoarding for the gulltv parties. McFarland In giving an account of tho affair to tho sheriff told In part ns follews: "I had boon to Indopnudeneo where I took a man for tho stablM and had Just got about a mllo and a half this side of ludopondeiico com ing homo whon I saw an nutomobllo coining up tho rond. ( turnod off to tho right sldo beforo thoy wuro close to mo and exported them to turn tho other way, as usuall) Is tho case when two rigs moot, but Instead of taking tlioir turn thuy drew right up In front of my horses nnd I hoi lorod at thorn to give mo somo road. Oilo of tho fellows then told mo I was 'tho second ' who had called them down that night nnd thoy would 'get mo.' Ilotli of the men then climbed 'out of tho machine anil wont lor mo. Iloforo I had n chanco to dofond myself thoy pulled mo out of my rig and began boating mo and did not stop until thoy had my faco In this kind of a condition. Thoy thon got into their machine and starteu on. Some peoplo living near tho road learned thoro was something up and thoy took mo into their houso and dressed my face. "It's queer but I never know I was shot until I got oack to the barn uoro. I don't know who It was, hut thoy both had on dustors and wero big mon. Thoy woro riding in what lookod to bo n Dulck nutomobllo. I Know It was a whlto one." Whon McFarland reached this city One Woman Burned to Death in Seattle Fire and Three Firemen Have a Nar row Escape. MAY BE MORE DEAD A WILD PANIC AMONG TIIK ONK HUNDHKI) AND FIFTY IODG KHH FiltKMHN CONFIDKNT THKItK AUK SUVKltAL SIOKK CIIAltUKD HODII1S IN ItUINB. (Continued on pago 6.) Very Iiow Celebrutlon Ilutes. Tho Southorn Pacific Com- pany has mado a round-trip rato of ono and one-third faro for points located on lines In Oro gon. Sale datos, 3, 4 and 5; re- turn limit 6th. WM, McMURHAY O. P A, S. P. Co. United l'rcii LcitiMl Wire 1 Souttlo. Wash., July 3. Ono woman was burned to death, thrco flromon Boriously burned and othorwl'o lot Jurod and tbroo lodgors also burned nnd cnushod In n flro which complete ly dOBtroyo tho Torrnco loglng houso, nt 410 Torrnco strcot, and guttod tho adjoining lodging houses oarly thls morning, Tho flromon and pollco nro Inclined to bollovo that mveral bodies aro burled in tho ruins. It has boon found so far impossible to chock the guests of tho burned lodging houso. Water U bolng plnyod on tho smouldering debris, and as soon as It cools onough to mnko It posslblo, tho ruins will bo search od for othor victims of tho flro. , Tho "dend: Unldontlllod woman; body taken to morgue. Tho Injured: Lieutenant William Uoyle, flro man, back and knees burned and lott nnklo fractured. Koo Cook, ptpomau, back burnod nnd lungs affected by tho Inhalation of flro and smoko. II. C. Taylor, plpomnu, back burnoil and foot crushed. Ooorgo Mondol, lodger at tho Tor raco houso, cut on hoad and foot burnod. Fred Hanson, lodger, back and Bhouldors txurnod. All woro wooden structures and within n fow minutes after tho blazo was dlBcovorod tho Torraco building was In flnmofl. Flromon woro on tho scono In n few seconds, and It was whllo thoy woro attempting to de molish tho central building, to pro vent tho completo destruction of tho two ndjolnlng structures, that It col Inpsod nnd sovoral flromon woro hurlod Into n mass of ilamoi. Their follows rnu To their roscuo and drag ged them out, barely In tlmo to save thorn from n horrlblo donth In tho flory furnnco. All tho Injured wero taken to tho City Hospital, whoro tholr Injuries wore drosBed. All throo of the rooming houses woro crowdod whon tho flro broko out, ntfd tho wlldost oxcitomont and panic followed among tho guests, Tho throo buildings nro ostlmnted to havo contained fully 160 porsotiB, and thero wero scoros of narrow es capes from tho blazing structures. Tho flro, which originated In tho basement of tho Torraco houso, burned for nearly two hours beforo It was brought under control. Tho cause 1 unknown. . o . - . GERMANS TO KEEP FOURTH 'J ho dermaii society will have a big celebration Sunday afternoon at tho Savage grove uenr the asylum. Thrro will bo music, s'nglug. games, speeches and n general good tit io A small ndmlsslon fee will bo charged to covor tho expi use of music itc Thoro w;il bo Just a filmulb. so clablo, old fashioned general good tlmo, nnd an invitation is oxtonded to ovorybody to Join in honoring tho nntlon's birthday. -o- - JAP LAW-MAKERS GUILTY OF BRIBERY (United IrM l,ud Wire. Toklo, July 3 Found guilty of bribery, 20 members of tho Japanese parliament today wero given prl'on sontoncos varying from tbreo to eight months. In addition to this, each man will bo compelled to pay a flno proportionate to the amount of bribe money ho received