w ig.. J DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OltSGOX, FKIDAl, JUNK 25, 1000. f.t.l. O.I linll.iau. The Twilight longuo Is going Into te3HEj tho Kitiiiu ui mill 111 uiiruuHt lOUIglu, nfnllan nil flirt ntlt I. imtnH... To :)i)1nn.l tll.,..,.. t Int.. .... .1 t! '. NSt 2 1 I -J HALF PRICE SATURDAY HALF PRICE BARGAIN DAY HERE Suits, Skirts, Costumes, Dresses ha prj thl dr tqj vo ori 1 til mj ttf to? Pi tu4 04 80 tu 2 J to" tfi df ? fa "i ni ol in 4 j 1 ,. A J H it I l! A J ,: ij j- SILK AND NET COSTUMES SATURDAY ONLY Very latest creations In tho now stylish creations, satin, lnco, but ton and embroidery trimmed; tho color assortment Includes ninny rlovor combinations nnd plain of fects; vnlucs up to $40.00, Sat urday only $1 0.00 KACII OOOOOOOOOO OITV MCHfC O Ul I l lUU w U o o Weather Forecast Showers tonight or Saturday. Special Hut Sale - Trimmed lints nt Th Vojiuu. Sat urday. - Tlui lloH The rod devil will be huro Sntur- dny. 0-ll-si lubllo Iiivltwl To tittond raoltnl of Mlsa Shulton's pupils Friday night at M. E. church. 024-21. Irrigation Hills All Irrigation bills paid during tho month of J una will b ubjuot to 10 per ont ill count. G-14-30. Tluit l-Iooiv Of cut gln- you ,lliv" uwuu want . Ing im) long eon ba bought now ut a groat dlsoount at Uarr'a Jwolry gturo during rsmoval. Piano Itecltal liy puplU ot Mlsa llaotrlco Shol ton nt M K. ehureh Friday night. 0-24-21. Irrigation Hills- Alt Irrigation bills paid during the mouth of June will be mbject to 10 per c'Ut ill coaiiU. 6-14-30. Ordering Your Sunduy Hiipplloa will bo a pleas ure If jmmi go to the Suniot grocory. tho placo whro you can gut the best promptly delivered, 432 State stroot. Phone 131, Ty Crystalots For tho breath. For ealo at: Moyor'e harbor shop. Eckerlon's. Waters' cigar store. Adolph's cigar store. Dick Madison's. Tho 8pa. WUIamotto Hotel. Tho Council. Talklngton's. ' it iMirt SHIP It) SMITH Ho Is tho man who payH you promptly nnd ho does wot chn "g commission. For good, 'ot anal- . Ity of produce wo nro paying as follews: Dressed Vonl under 130 lbs., Sftc; urossoa rorK or nny size ns long us It Is young, nf nnii swoet. wo will nny 10a, Largo Venl Is paid for according to alio. llvo Chickens 14c. pkavk l. SMi-fn mi:at CO. "Flghtlug tho Hoof Trust l'ortliuiil, Or. Tomorrow the greatest sale of the season in Women's and Misses' H'gh-class Fashionable Apparel magnificent suits at a price never before known on apparel of equal style and quality, all very latest creations. Twenty five narments for vour selection. Medium and lona coats, semi and ticiht fittinci effects. Strictlv tailored as well as fancy trimmed, in Panama Cloths, Chiffon blue, gray, cream, HALF PRICE SKIRTS SATURDAY LESS Extremely trim materials in Panamas, Serges, Voiles and mannish mixtures, The colors are blue, brown, green, gray, black, etc, in solid colors, self stripes, checks and fancy plaids, Ideal garments for the beach, for traveling, for tho exposition or street wear, The skirts in this special have an indescribable air of smartness because they are made by best men tailors and from first-class materials, They are pleated and plain gored, fold $15.00 values, Saturday Bargain Day -$10.00 values, Saturday Bargain Day $ 7.50 values, Saturday Bargain Day -$ 5.00 values, Saturday Bargain Day AND OTHER PRICES IN SAME PROPORTION Tln Ktil Devil Will bi' In town SHturday. 2l-2t At The Vogiu Special tuili' of trimmed huu Sm unlH). fl-Xb-Si Don't MInh Hfoliig Italy's Marvelous Cavalry and othor brand now 111ms at Dream land Friday nnd Saturday. ,?t Irrigation Dills All irrigation bUla paid during tho month of Juno will bo - object to 10 per oont dl coant. C-14-30. For Your Sunday Dliim1 A flno lino of spring frlera for your Sunday dinner at Farrlngtou'n State MtriHH givicur and uinrkotman. Wo Make 11 Speclnlty Of cleaning Panama hats. Work culled for nnd dollverod, and sura to give satisfaction. Johnson & Stego, Salum Stunm Dyo Works, 190 S. Commercial stroot. Phono nun. Another IIiiiimI (iiipon- A iiuinluKo llctn was liMU-d iu day to Herbert K. WHyiuor. Hue 2S. ot Salem and Hdlth M. Fair, ago SI, or .Mttiehfleld To Play WoiHllmni Sunday The Snlem Independont ba-eball team will lenvo next Sunday after noon for Woodliurn. whoro they will tnko u chnnco nt the team of Unit city. If Woodburn supports ns good a team ns thoy did last year. Salem will bo conipellod to hustle along nt u good rato. Will Flli'il ror Proliati' Tho last will nnd tostnmgut of the lutu J. U. Howell hns beon filed in too county elurk'B offlco by the peti tioner, W. A. Mooros. Tho will gives nil tho personal property, valued nt SHOO, to tho decoasud's wife, Oleluelu U. H. Howell. ItuIy'N Mnnelous Cnvnlry This groat film will bo shown at Now Dreamland theater Friday and Saturday. Juno 25 and 26. In addi tion to tho tegular program. Thoso who did not see this picture before will lmvo an opportunity of teeing ono of tho grontost ploturos ever Bhown in n motion picture theater, A (iiKtd-SIeil Hud It. H. Huston hss n Carolyn Tes tnuto rose that monsurM sovon and 11 fourth inches in dlainoter. 23 liuhes In olroumforuuco If It hadn't been plucked In tho bud It might have mado 11 fairly good-sited rose. Thhi Means Dollars To you. Two of the g.'tatcat Inveu tlons of modern times on exhibition In Dorraa Dros Hop 03lce. Greater money maker than telephone. Call ' iml fc them; froo demonstration. 1 J-81-tf Broadcloths, Serges and Fancy Worsteds. The colors are black, navy tan, also invisible stripes, checks SATURDAY and button trimmed, Tiliiimi'd Hats Saturday At the speclnl sale ut The Vogue. G-25-2' Finn Hi of .Inly Celebration All patriotic people who stay In .-mlum the Fourth will have the priv ilege of upending the day In Marlon Square. There win be good singing, Speaking and othor good things. All churcueH, Sunduy schools and every body are Invited to come and enjoy 11 "Hane" Fourth. Hxorclsou will bo gin at 10:30. UrliiK your lmske'i nnd have ft good time. Supt. of Press wor. V. C. T. U. Hall (iamo Tonight H tho Salem basobnll fans will take a littlo walk out to tho Wlllnm etto Hold tonight about 0:30. thoy will tvo somo very fa t ball played, tu the Portland Hallway, Light & Pnwor Company 'joys hnvo been play ing close to winning ball of lato, and they nro determined to tnko tho foxy Hookkeepors off their hign uoucii. or throw a toe plate The nookkeop ers have been succes fill so far !n wluulng every game played, although they never wnlked nwny with a "large kcoro. and this big lend they hnvo over the bnlnnce of tho tennis, will make them smoke up heronttor. Tho Hookkeepors have engaged a new twlrlor, nnd a man who tho Snlem fans nil know t be a hard one to get around, ho being G. A. Forbe , secre tary ot the Young Men's Christian Association In thU city. Forbes la a good pltchor. and will be a great help to tho Hookkoepors. Th Portland Hallway. Light & Power Company's team still have their lately-engaged pltchor, Huffman, who held the streot car men to tho grit In flno shape the last time thoy played. In all proba bility Loo Abbey, an old baseball fan, nnd a man who knows the game, will umplro tonight The Red Devil Saturday and plaids HALF PRICE ONE - THIRD V ' $10.00 $ 6.37 $ 5.00 $ 3.33 Wanted, 10 filrls 'liie committee on arrangements for tho Cherry Fair want 40 young women to tuko part In the parade on horseback. It Is understood thai 11 huudsomo Indies' saddle for "clothes plu" uso has been donated by F. E. Shufer. tho Salem horse enstumer. which will bo given ns n prlzo to some ono of tho lndy riders. It Is also understood that this prize Is to go to some girl rider living outside of Salem. There will alpo be 11 .uudsome In Idle (don't sturt, girls. It Isn't "bridal"), not for nny of the girl riders, but for tho horso that some one of thorn riders. As tho eontestunts will probably nil bo from either Polk, Marlon or Linn county. It s u dead cluch that somo mighty pretty girl Is going to hold that sad dle down. HlWtIBt-4-C-K NOTICE! For Sale A very choice building lot, close to heart of city. Suitable for flats or residence. For information see I H. A. JOHNSON & CO. $ MURPHY jatat ffiicHaitBiifi ita finiif MONEY LOANED On Real Estate LONG TIME, EASY PAYMENTS Reliable Representatives wanted THE JACKSON LOAN & TRUST CO. Jackson, Miss. Fort Worth, Texas HA MESSALINE Princess Suits Saturday only .less one-third in orlce They are beautifully 111 ado nnd finished throughout mater ials of exceptional quality and strictly hlgh-grado In every par ticular Iloguiar $iI8.G0. $27.50 and $35.00 values, Saturday only reduced ONE-THIRD IN PRICE Irish Crochet All-over Lnco, sum mery suits, Saturday only ' HALF PRICE &k . Q1$&jS mmmk ;J 1,00k Out For th red devil, here Saturday He will bo 24-2t Cottage Undertaking Parlors Cottage nnd Choraokotn sK; call day or night; J. C. Sill. Pbono 72 1. New Hotel Located at Hoover, Or., two and 1 one-half mllos east of Dotrolt at tho I end of C. & E. R. R.. on Snntlnm river. Newly furnished rooms and good board at reasonnblo rates. Hunt ing and flsnlng first-class. For In formation writo HOOVER LUMBER CO., hoover, Or. i-f 1 a 1 1 -Hi-HH-&ga BLOCK rKa3 jKIT 'A 1 (A ni? .k ywW '"Hiuau ittuiuu;, uiui null 1'Ower Company Is going to furnish the two contesting tennis with a speclnl car which will take an excursion about the clt), nnd tho Snlem Military Imud will nlso be on the car. Como on. fellers, and got In the hoilor with tho rest. OOOOOOOOOOoo 0 NEW TODAY ' 00000000000 Lost or Stolen Several weeks ago, u Snoll blcyclo, two or three years' old; steel rims. Return to Jour nal office for rewnrd. ,4-3-tf . Sunn If taken "roro ,111110 137 acres, 30 In Italian prunes, 3 In Pe tltos, 6 In winter apples, 3 In Eng. Il8h walnuts, 3 years old; 3 in Royal Ann cnorrleo nnd Dartlett pears; fine gurdon; good house, 2 bnniB nnd fruit dryor; $10,500, If sold quick. Six miles from city. Moyor & Doll Land Co., 347 State street. Phono 857. 5-4-tf Lost Opon-faso No 12 Elgin watch with fob. Intltuls on charm. Re turn to Journal for roward. 0-25-3t Found A nice shophord pup, near ly grown, hns como to my house on Sonith Commercial stroot, cor ner of Lincoln, if ownor dooa not call for him will glvo him to anyone who will glvo him a good home. Raymond Lowls. Phono 072. G-25-tf. Wautcd An onorgotlo young man for collector. MuBt glvo roforonco Apply at Tolophono olllco. G-2G-3t for Salt G-room hotiso, 2 lots, cor ner Ulghtbcnth and Uollovlow; bnr Kiiln nt $050. Phono 1412. 25-3 Simp, If Taken nt Once Household furniture; imi3t bo sold by 1st ot July Call at 203 North Front stroot C-25-31 M-HM-90&MM4 IDEAL SUMMERING Comforts of country In heart of city. Meals cooked by Ohio farmor's wife. Woodsy odor of pointed firs float through cool, clean rooms. Call Mrs. Speece ut 48S Com mercial street nnd settle the question of u delightfully cool summer homo, whero ovor- l body Is comfortable nnd happy toess-t-esattsefte-HR Get Ford's m ww 'wn nil"1 Dote, mine to get a shoe that fits you, It is the most important consideration in buy na any shoe. If your shoe dont' fit, it will be shoit lived and will beun- tidy te better part of its short life, If you have difficulty in getting a perfect fit in a stylish shoe, try a pair of C, P, FORD'S SHOES, We have them in all colors, leathers and prices, Salem Shoe Store 'fi I MNfHAMt4fr-