Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 25, 1909, Image 6

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' J
Now Local Option Ideas.
Massachusetts temporanco folks
liavo boon discussing methods of im
proving tho local option law. Under
tho prosont law whon a town goes
dry provcntlon of liquor sales ooms
to dopond upon tho slzo of tho "no"
vote. II It Is a bare majority sales
often continue without much inter
ference. Tho reason Is that tho public son
tlment Is against strict enforcement
Many pooplo voto "no" sololy on tno
ground that that thoy aro against
the opon saloon. Thoy aro willing
to havo liquor sold In tho original
packago at drug atoms or olsowhoro.
Dut somo temperance pooplo seo
that this Irregular traffic 1b in sev
eral ways worse than the legalized
soiling. Apart from tho political
hypocrlcy which It fOMtora thoro Is
tho undisputed fact that tho public
is encouraged to turn from beer to
stronger drink.
Shipments of beer aro too bulky
to' bo handled with privacy. Then,
too, tho whlskoy sold In doflanco of
tho law Is usually very bad. Tho
dealers do not feel obliged to fur
nish pure liquors. And tho man that
holds that all whlkoy Is bad ought
to know that tlioro aro somo kinds
for which thoro U no fitting adjoc
tlro. A caso whoi violation of tho law
may reasonably bo oxpectod is that
of Springfield, Ohio. Clark county,
In which Springflold is locatod has
gono dry, but tho city ltsolf voted
Classified Acts
Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring
Quick Results
One ctut n word for first Insertion.
One-linlf cent n word for ficli Insertion
tberenftcr. No ndrcrtlscmcnt tnken for
less than 23c. Count ill words to the
For Sale Cut rosea at Hamilton
green houso, Yow Park; will bo
thoro aftornoons only. 4-22-tf
For Sale Flvo-year-old pacor by
Holmdol; gontlo, good drlvor,
Blnglo or double Apply to Scbind
lor express, or 301 Stato street
For Snlo Good 1 II. P. Stavor
gasollno ongino. For sale cheap.
Enquire at 178 South Ltborty
atroot. 5-22-tf
For Kale Two-Bontod Studobakor
surrey, now. Inquire nt Low'b
Htnblu. Also ono Studobukor bug
gy. 5-16-tf
For Halo Cheap, a good squnro pi
ano. Inquire L. E. Goodhue, 1500
Forry stroot. 0-9-tf
For Halo Lurgo body fir wood, first
class for rusldonoe. Also oak nnd
nBh. Downing & Eoff. Phones
1417 or 1238. 0-9-tt
For Kale Threshing outfit; consists
of 20-horHupowor double cylinder
engine and 36-00 Reed's separator, I
all of tho latost make Titer.' mi
' a Parson's feeder, Perfection '
weigher, and Farmurs' Friend j
blower. Price reasonable and !
tortus easy. Apply to J. J. I.uug
mack, Albany. Home phone i:r2.
For Sale Houso nnd comor lot nt
Sovontoonth and Furry streets. In
qulro n. 1C90 Ferry street.
Notice A good roaldonce lot on 17th
stroot, ono block north of Asylum
avonuo, slzo 40x100. For sale nt
a bargain, If tnkon nt once. Kn
qulro nt 1507 Asylum avenue,
barber Bhop. 0-23-lw
WunUtl Furnlshod light hou
koeplng rooms, small lint or cot
tago, for tho sum mur. Phone 82.
WniittHl Two girls, one to wait on
tnble, and ono to wash dishes, nt
Scott' oyHter house and restaurant
433 Stato Htioot U-S3-31
Wauled Bring iih your poultry and
okhh- Illghost onsh prlco always.
Phono 07G. ii. Pohle & Son. 240
S. Liberty. 5-26-tt
ilr. II. 8. Stono, 1). 0., Chiropractor.
Splno and nervo spoclnllnt.
Rooms 4, 5, C, D'Arcy building.
Phono Main 87. Salem, Oregon.
Wanted Porlor at Qllson's barber
shop. G-33-'f
rot Bunch of keys betweon tho
Taylor ranch and covered bridge
on Turner road. FIndor pleaso
roturn to Journal offlco and re
celvo reward. 6-24-3t
Cri,ntrM Union No. 10MH Local
"Union No. 1065 of Carpenters and
Joiners of America meot ever Sat
urday erenl? g M 7:30 p. ni. In
Henrt hnll. 420 fltate Street
A. W. Dennis. Rec. Sc.
Modern Woodmen ol America Ore
gon Cednr Camp Nj. R246. Meet
every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock In Holman hall, A. H
,Bambor, V. O.; F. A Turner, cler.
Woodnivn of World Meet evory Fri
day night at 7:80. in Holman hnll.
A. L. Harvey, O. O ; L. H. Fleteh
r, Clerk Jb. It, '.
Olalllr4n Cry
for llconjo by a majority of nearly
Tho statoment is ofton made that
no reflection is cast upon tho wisdom
of a law bocauao It Is violated. Mur
dor "and thoft contlnuo, but no ono
thinks of repealing tho laws cover
ing these offenses.
Of oourso It should bo added that
public Bontlmont 'b definitely bohlnd
theso laws and that they aro In a
dlffornt cla-s from prohibition leg
islation, covorlng acts of a dlfforont
naturo from tho celling and use of
articles of food and drink.
Prohibition laws aro sumptuary
measure , and legislation regarding
tho customs of tho people, depend
ing for its enforcement upon men
who hold office by popular suffrago,
Is likely to fall unless Its adoption
ropro'cnts public feeling strongly.
Tho Massachusetts roformcrs who
caro mom for practical temporanco
progress than for tho privilege of
marking now territory dry on tho
map , suggest that for prohibition n
throo-forth" voto ought to be re
quired. This, principal Is rccognlzod
in tho sumptuary lawB of Now Zea
land, which arc said to give great
Many of our citizens aro drifting
ing towards Dright's dlscaso by no
glocting symptoms of kldnoy and
bladdor troublo which Foloy's Kld
noy Romcdy will quickly euro. J. O.
Livery nnd Feed Ntablw Old Prut
olllco Stables, at 254 Forry street,
botweon Commercial and Front
Btroots. Tolupbonu 188. Somo of
tho finest llvorlcs in tho city can
bo found horo. Wwtacott & Joan
son, tf
Prop. Dread, enko, pies, and all
kinds of pastries, cooklos. etc.
Wntcn for our wagon. Phono I
054. 11-19-tf
It Is worth moro thnu any othor
ureau, yot, tno pneo la no hlgbor.
For snlo at your grocor's. Cnllfor-
ia Bakery, Thomas & Cooloy, Prps
CtiinniliiH Hrol., Transfer Company
All kinds of transfer work done
turnlturo nnd pianos boxed ready
for shipment. Prompt sorvlco Is
our motto. Stand and offlco nt
253 South Commorclal street
Phono 210. Rcsldonco phono 023.
Ilutto Wciidcrotli pino wines
liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle
the celebrated Kollog and Cnstlo
whiskies. Cool nnd refreshing boor
constantly on draught. South
Commorclal Htroot 9-3-lyr.
Ilydo HroH. E!tctrlc Co. Electric
supplies and first-class wiring nt
reasonable prices. Call at our
olllco for csttmntot. Phono 451
143 N. Llborty stroot. 1-12-tf
WeiiKor tt Clierrlngton Pianos nnd
orgnns sold on easy tormB; tole
pnon 1187; 247 Comniorci.il
Stroot. Snlom, Oregon tf
Coiii'it'to Work Cot my prices on
sldowulk, eurliB, spetle tnnks and
cement work of nny kind. All
work guaranteed first clasn. M.
Ward, 2378 Mnplo Avo., Hlghinu.l
Phono G09. May 24-09
For water sorvlco apply at office.
Bills piiynble monthly In ndvnuco.
247 Miller st,, South Salem, manu
facturers of all kinds of boxes,
orates nnd fruit dryer accessories.
Phone SMS. tf
W, J. Davis. Prop.
(miccohsoi to Nusbnum Bros.)
157 So. Commercial St.
nt l7 Ktnto S(rtt.
It. Stmvnrt. G-4-lmo
HAl.KM lMtOPKRTV In oxchnngo for
overlooking ornugo groves and celery
farms on the northern sboro of Lake
Monroe T. C. JORY,
0-4-tf 3 OR Commorclal St.
foment Work Septic tank, cement
walks nnd foundations. All work
guaranteed. Ilnry Rowo. Phone
1589. 4-22-lm
II. fl. Meyer Co Tho best and larg
eat shop In tho city. Six first-class
barbers. Only first-class bootblack
in city, porcelain baths nnd every
thing pertaining to a first-class
shop. Also carry u full lino of
cigars and tobacco and barbers'
supplies, 162 Commorclal street,
next door to Statesman offlco.
riieo. M, Ilarr Plumbing, hot - '
and steam heating and tinning,
164 Comuruclal street. Phone
Main 192. 9-1-1r
Otto Muclllmupt, plumbing, heating,
gns fitting; prices reasonable; work
guaranteed; estimates furnished
phone 373. 1066 Chetuekota St
Found Bicycle wjth bell and lamp.
PftFiX. cl8lmlng must descrlbo
property" and pay for ad, Jacob
Vogt, 345 Stato street. 6-10-tf
Pacific Coast I rnguc.
Portland, 3; Sacramento, 0.
Los Angeles, 3; San Francisco, 2,
Vernon, 3; Oakland, 0.
Northwest Lcnguc.
Vancouver, 0; Portland, 3.
Aberdeen, 3 Spokane, 2.
Seattlo, 8; Tacoma, 3.
National League.
Drooklyn, G; Philadelphia, 3.
Pittsburg, 3; St. Louis, 2.
New York, 7-12; Boston, 45.
American League.
Philadelphia, 5; Now York, 3.
uioveianu, s; unicngo, l.
Detroit, 2; St. Louis. 1.
Boston, 6; Washington, 1.
Walla Walla, Wash., Juno 25.
Daniel Carvoy, who trimmed a corn
too clo30, was operated on today, bis
leg being removed at tho thigh bo
causo of blood poisoning. Ho is In
a precarious condition.
Mcd.urd is to havo man carrier
sorvlco, beginning September 16.
1 o 1
Everyono would bp benefitted by
taking Foloy's Orlno Lazativo for
constipation, stomach . and livor
troublo, as it sweetens tho stomach
and breath, gently stimulates tho liv
er and rogulntos tho bowols, and Is
much suporlor to pills nnd ordinary
laxatives. Why not try Foley's
orino Laxativo today? J. C. Forry
Tho kalsor sayo ho and the czar
aro responsible only to Cod,
You Nov ro Can Tell
Just exactly tho causo of you rhou
aatlsm, but you know you havo It.
Do you know that Ballard's Saow
Liniment will euro it? relievos tho
pain reduces tho swelling and Um
bers tho Joints nnd muscles so that
you will bo as actlvo and woll as you
over woro. Prlco 25c, 50c and $1.00
Sold by all druggists-
AM, CIIANOi:H of coiit fr Ileal
Otntc .ls must bo In The Journal
Office lijr 0 o'clock the evening before
the day on which the ad Is to appear.
All sizes and prices. Call for
largo printed list. City property of
all descriptions. Seo us before
buying for bargains.
:7:t Htnto Street.
5-acre chicken ranch, houso, barn, 2
chlckon housos, plenty of fruit, good
wntor, land all In cultivation, V
mllos from Snlom; a snap, only
Houso and 10 lot-, nil In fru't and
good garden, lino location. Only
Ono block of lino lots, must be sold
at once.
New houso, fine woll, 3 good lots, all
In fruit. $750.
10. 15 or 20 acros, all In crop, line
laud on good road; only $100 per
acre, close In. A snap.
New, line, up-to-date C-room houae.
lot 72x170, front cast, all kinds
fruit, lino homo. Only $1700,
If you wnut a farm, fmilt tracts, boar
lug orchards, lots on the Install
ment plan, wo have anything that
Is In this country that la for sale.
If you want help or want to work
Heal listate nnd Employment olllco.
511 Stato St. Phone 1507
Clmrlos Balrd l.s six million feet
of standing fir timber five miles
northo?at of Mohnma. Intfplro of
Wrn Barrlnger. Meharaa, Ore.
W. J, Small hns eight million foot
of standing fir tlmbor five miles
east of Mohuua. Inquire of Wm,
Barrlngoi Mol.ama, Ore.
Twonty million foot of standing fir
timber four mllos east of Mehama,
Inqulro of E. A. Taylor, Mehama,
Low prlco farming and grazing
lands noa Mohnma, from $16 to
$35 por acre.
For information address,
Q. P. Torrlll,
O-l-lmo Mehama, Ore.
5-room house, 0-foot basoment, 2
blocks from ?troot car, barn 18x
20. 200 strnwborry plants, young
fmilt troos, lots 75x250. price
$1250. TormB.
12 acres, 7-room houso, 1 mile
from school, 400 yards from Ore
gon Electric tfttlon, 10c fare to
Salem, barn nud hothouse, young
orcharl, horse, cow, wagon and
farm Implements, nil for $4000.
Land Buyers Club
3 II N. Commercial St.
In slcknoss, if a certain bidden
norvo goes wrong, then tho organ
that this norvo controls will also
suroly fall. It may bo a stomach
nervo, or it may havo glvon strength
to tho heart and kldnoys. It was Dr.
Shoop that first pointed to this vital
truth. Dr. Shoop's rostoratlvo was
not mndo to doso tho stomach nor to
temporarily stimulate tho heart or
kidneys. That old-fashioned method
Is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restora
tive) goes directly to theso falling In
stdo nerves. Tho romarkablo suc
cess of this proscription demonstrates
tho wisdom of treating tho actual
causo of theso falling organs. And
it is lndocd easy to provo. A simple
five or ten-days' test will surely tolL
Try at once, and seo! Sold by by
Capital Drug Storo.
Dun-oughti says its "idlo curiosity,
not science, that Is responsible for
zoological garden!?." What Is science
but curiosity to discover and under
stand naturo?
Any lady reader of this papor will
reCOlvC. On romient n rlnvnr "Mn.
Drip" coffeo Btrainor coupon privi
lege irum ut. snoop, iiaclnc, Wis.
It is silver-plated, very protty and
positively provonts all dripping of tea
or coffee. Tho doctor Bends It with
nis now rrco nook on "Health Coffee"
simply to introduce this clovor sub
stitute for real coffeo. Dr. Shoop's
health Coffeo U gaining Its groat
popularity bocauso of, first, Its ox-
aulslta tnsto nnd flnvnr" nannntl If a
absoluto healthfilnoss; third, its
economy iid zgc; fourth, its con
vnnlrnierv Wn frwllna on in in min
utes boiling. "Mado fn a mlnuto"
says Dr. Shoop. Try it at your gro
cer's, for a pleasant surprise. J. W.
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
linr& Mi?
:.'o. 23 20 acres lino land, good
hoiuo and bnrn, other outbuild
ing; 3 acres in orchard; 2 good
wolls; 4 miles from Salem. Prlco
No. 12S 12 acres 4 mllos north
east from Salem, all In cultiva
tion; -ft-acro In borrles, G-room
houso, 100 assorted fruit troos, 14
young Royal Anno chorry trees, 1
horo, 2 hnrnoss, 1 buggy, 1 light
hack, 2 cows; all farm imple
ments go with tho placo. Prlco
No. 73 10 acres, lot B, Capital Ad
dition to Frultland, C-room box
bouse, good collar and woll, barn
30x50, shod 14x40; 400 bushels
of fruit picked from 2 acrob Uit
season; thu placo is well tiled.
Prlco $3000.
No. 101 20 acros, all In cultivation,
3 acros orchard, good C-room
house and barn, 2 wolls of water,
near school and church; sell for
$3400 or trado for city property;
No. 34 5-room houso, lot 60x150,
on 13th street. Prlco $S00; terms
ti. O. RAVAGE,
134 South Commercial Street.
Proposals for Armory and Drill Hull.
Sealed proposals, plainly mnrkod
on the outside of the sealed envelope,
"Proposals for Armory nnd Drill Hnll
Building, Oregon Agricultural Col
lege. CorvalUs, Or.," and nddrossed
to the secretary of the board of ro
gents. E. E. Wilson, nt tho colloge
office, until 2 o'clock P, M. of Juno
23, 1909. for thu construction and
completion of a brick and conoroto
armory nud drill hall building, at
Corvallls, Or,, In strict accordance
with tho plans, specifications nnd In-
structions to blddors which may bo!
o-amtned at tno omce of tho secre
tary of the colloge, and nt tho offlco
of the architects, uonnes & Hen
dricks, 67 Labbo building, Portland,
Oregon G-12-22d
Tell soma deserving rheumatlo
sufferer that thorn Is yet one simple
way to certain rollof. Get Dr. Shoop's
book on Rheumatism and a free trial
test. This book will make it entirely
clear how rheumatic pains are quick
ly killed by Dr. Shoop's Rheumatlo
Roniody liquid or tablets. Send no
money. Tho test Is free. Surprise
some disheartened sufferer by first
getting for him the book from Dr.
Shtop, Racine, Wis. Capital Drug
Traoc Marks
Copyrights tc
An ron sending a sketch nd description m
uleklv Ajcertmln our oitlulou fn whether ad
qulcklr uceruln our oiluiou fro whether n
Intention Uprobatlr ptUiiUhle. imniiiniat.
tlouirlctTConajntUL HANDBOOK oul'ateuts
aent free. OMeal uencr foreecurlnjr mttenu.
t'aienn lateu lorouia una n
mcut iwtk, without cbarge, lu the
Scientific Hrcerpcnn
A handaomelr ll!utratiHl weeXIr. Laneat elr.
eulatlon of anr ecleniida Journal Teriua, t) a
reari four niontha, L SoM tj all newsdealers,
MUNN Co."'-. New York i
Uraocb OMce. Ctt r 8U WaihlDdoa. D. C. 1
Jd kJ$
:lfc-ir tawenuMMi jwfciM.4r .huM-'. "tmtt.uiurmi.m
Men Vast Fifty In Danger.
Men past mfddlo life havo found
comfort and relief In Foloy's Kldnoy
Remedy, especially for enlarged pros
tnto gland, which Is very common
among elderly men. L. E. Morris,
Dexter, Ky., writes: "Up to a year
ago my fathor suftorod from kidney
and bladdor trouble and several phy
sicians pronounced It enlargement
of tho prostrate gland, and advised
an operation. On account of his ago
wo woro afraid ho could not stand it,
nnd I recommended Foloy's Kidney
Romedy, and tho first bottle rolloved
htm, and after taking the second
bottlo he was no longer troubled
with this complaint." J. C. Perry.
The now steel bridge at Madison
street, Portland, will cost $437,23G,
which Is enough.
o -
Notice Is hereby glvon thnt thn!
Board of DIroctors of School District '
No. 24, In Marlon county, Orogon, I
are to issue ropuiar Loan Notes, In
auuiB not Ions than $50 each, and
amounting in tho aggregate to tho
sum of $20,000.00, to tho bont fldo
resident cltlzons of said district. Said
notes aro to bo issued and dollvored
on tho 1st day of July, 1900, and
mado paynblo on or before flvo years
from dato of issue, and aro to bear
inferos' at tho rato of 5 por cant por
nnnuni, paynblo soml-anuually.
Tho books for said loan aro this
day oponod in tho offlco of tho Dis
trict Clerk of said district, la tho
Murphy block, in Saloiu, Orogon, and
applications for said loan will bo ro
colvod until noon on tho 1st dav of
juiy, iuuk.
By order of tho Board of Direct
ors. Dated this 5th day of Juno, 1009.
C-7-2U District Clerk.
Tho Locks at the Cascndcs aro
again oponod nnd business on tho
Columbia Is resumed.
n .
Children Cry
To Homeseekers.
In City rJid Country Procrty.
Houso and lots, $000 and up.
Vacant lots, $50 and up.
Strictly modern and up-to-dato
houso. $2500 and up.
Vacant Lots.
Wo mnko a specialty of vacant lots.
Bountiful lots In Nob Hill addition,
50xl4C foot, $200 and up. Wo
havo lots In overy addition to Sn
lom. If you aro going to build seo
$1750 Flftoon ncres, half in boar
lng fruit trees, in thoir prlmo,
mostly prunow. Good C-room
house, barn; $1750.
H'J-Acro Dairy Fivriti.
82 acros, 60 acreu of rich rlvor bot
tom, sandy loum soil, 60 acros un
der cultivation, 10 acres of nlfal
fa, balano whont, oats, vetch and
somo ttmbor, two cottages, largo
now barn that cost $000; hay
fork. 20 cholco milk cows. 1 rK-
(stored bull, 7 holfors, 2 horses,
harnosgs, wagos, buggy, all kinds
of farm Implements, now mower,
rnko, cultivator1, in fact ovory-
ttilmr nnmnlnfn nt tlflft nnm .,,
with crop, stock, Implements; ov-
uryiiuiig goo1! tor tszuu. Terms
If wanted. Ono of the finest dairy
forms In tho valley.
Fruit Tracts.
5, 10, lu, 20 and 40-acro tracts.
Somo arc nicely Improved.
Houso for Rnnt.
Tho above 1 only a partial list.
Como In rnd vo will talk it over.
Lot US know vnur wnnts.
To oxchango your property satisfac
torily, can on us. i-or references
call on any tank or btislnora house
Yours for Real Estate,
Rooms 7 and S, Bayne Building
341 Stato Street Salem, Or.
Union Land Co.
Newport, Oregon.
Population and property value treb
ling overy year. Tho next 3 years is
tho tlmo roasonnbly-prtced lots can
bo purchased.
If required, buildings erected on
any proporty sold. Correspondence
J. A. 0LSS0N, Mgr.
Newport, Oregon.
My list may contnin exactly what
you want. T. C JORY.
205 Com'! St.. Snlom. Or.
40 acres, nearly all beaver dam land,
5 acres planted to onions; 5 acres
facing on county road for build
ings; located one-half mile from
ra'lroad station; $6000.
437 State Street.
wctJiiaiM jmmmj
Alono in Saw Mill at Midnight
unmindful of dampneds, drafts,
Btorms or oold, W. J. Atkins worked
ns night . watchman at Banner
Springs, Term. Such exposuro gavo
him a Govoro coin that sottlod on his
lungs. At last ho had to glvo up
work. Ho tried many remodlos but
all failed till bo used Dr. King's
Now Discovery. "After using ono
bottlo," ho writos, "I wont back to
work as woll as over." Sovoro Colds,
stubborn Ceugh: inflamod thrftats
and coro lungs, Hemorrhages, Croup
and Whooping Cough got quick re
llof and prompt euro from this glo
rious medlclno. 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free, guaranteed by J. G,
E-: fl- ,
Another white girl married a
"chink" In Vancouver, Wash.,
Tuesday. ,,
Stung for 15 YcarW
by IndlcOStlon'n nnnra trvlnt mnn
doctbrs and 120.00. worth of medl
clno In vain, B. F. Ayscuo, of Inglo
Bldo, N. o., at last used Dr. King's
Now Llfo. PIIIb and writos thoy
wholly cured him. They euro Con
stipation, BillouBnoss, Sick Hoadacho
Stomach Liver, Kldnoy and Bowel
troubles. 25c nt J. C. Perry.
flocky Mounlam i 'it . t0.s
A Duiy Medloiao foi Udj 1'itiu.e.
Briajt Golden fltalth nml .'-'"-. o Vlgcr.
A rnonlllo frrOnii'llpnUoti, Ii ..coMcn. I.lv
;ttnl KMney Troui !, rlmpliv I .ronn, Ituput
Wood. Hiul Ilrt'iill. Hlnsitlsli liowK. Iliii,tncl.t
niiit tliiukaclx. It u Rocky Miintit i ti Ton In tat)
let form. Sit cent rt Ik)x. r(. .tlu nimH by
IIoLLisrEn Dul'u Cuiipanv, Jln.ljn, Wit,.
A Bit; Cibtii llit.nr for Rrmuuia Vinmiim.
KtVtn IHOHH TO f All. M.I K, e, t s.ti,.
I- """ M.r.Hiwi ,-r unry nrianiir.1, IHAI nrrptlA
'lllMlTlol. U'.l.c llhtnionl,ll,jb iilito,
wixii ril,f.t. mtnplritrw, IfTirardnifcltldiMMi
J hith fiiLij(lYouro..Jcrt loth.
( NITrO MEDIOL CO.. no T4. Uwctttf n. PA.
" d in Snl&m bv Dr. 5. C Str
Sovon nnd ono-hnlf acros of upland
bordorlng on deep water slough on
Ynqulnn Bay; all good land. Prlco
Forty ncres, half way Jjotwoon Now
port, Or., nnd Toledo, Or., on coun
ty road; ono nnd a half acres cloar
ed with shanty on It; considerable
bottom land; gcod nldor nnd vino
mnplo on land. Price $700.
Good lovol lot on South Beach oppo
Blto Newport, Or. prlco $75.
Lot 9. block 40, nt Sonl nocks, Or.;
flno vlow of oconn, good lovol lot.
Prlco $100.
Sovouty-otght ncres nonr Ploncor, Or.,
all alongsido R. R. track; botweon
sovon and olght ncros of bottom
land on It Is cleared; forty good
boarlng applo treos; good stone
qunrry on land nonr It. R. Price
Two-noro oystor bed at Oystor City.
on intiqinu nay; with this goos
half aoro upland lots. Prlco $500.
Ton-room houso, 30x10 foot In size
nud block' of land, on Nye Crcok
and Olsonvlllo Mdownllc; houso Is
in flno 'ondltioii; good woodshod
and good wntor; this Is a flno prop
osition for a summer boarding and
rooming houso, ns well an a per
mnnonthomo. Prlco $3300.
J. A. OLSSON, Newport, Or.
Inquire at Journal Olllce.
180 ncros. 4 miles from Newport,
or Toledo, on main county road,
40 acres lovol, 30 acres under
plow, bottom lnnd, sandy upland,
black soil, 10 acres tlmbor, 130
acres pasture. Now h'ouso, 14x24,
el 14x24, 7 rooms, two barns. 40x
40 and 38x50, woodshod 14x24, 4
horses, 28 bond sheep, 22 head
cattle, 9 milk cows, 4 heifers, 9
steers, with all far mlmplomonts,
wagon, backboard, otc. Price
1G0 acros of tlmbor In tho Slletz
reservation, near tho coast, estl
ated ns follews: 3,000,000 feet
hemlook, 2,000,000 spruce. 2.-0-0,000
cedar, all of No. I qual
lty, at $4400.
160 acres of tlmbor, one-half mile
from the Sllotz rlvor, estimated ns
IOUOW8: ti.ooo.ooo spruce. 1,-
000,000 hemlock; $5000.
100 acres timber on tho Slletz, near
coast, 10 miles from Newport, es
timated as follews: 4,000,000
hemlock, 2,000,000 spruce, 2,
000,000 cedar; $4500.
160 acres 4 miles from Newport,
10 acres undor plow, young or
chard 40 to 50 trees, good 6-room
house 24x30, -oodshed 12x14,
root houso 12x16, warehouse 12x
14. split board barn 40x50. 3.
000,000 fir. 1,000,000 alder tim
ber, fir timber Jnostly second
growth; $2750.
160 acres unimproved land. 5 miles
from Nowpert: partly covered with
timber: No. 1 fruit and grazing
land; $1300.
L. W. WILLIAMS, Newport, Or.
For Information inmilre at Journal
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