Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 22, 1909, Image 6

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United Press Leaned Wire
Now York, Juuo 22. Aroused by
the murder of Misa Elslo Slgol, who
Is supposed to havo fallon victim to
hor Chlnoso ndmlror, Leon Ling, Miss
Holon P. Clark, for 17 years director
of tho Clark Mission, In Worth
jrtroot, today decried work of Ameri
can womou missionaries In tho Ori
ental quarters.
"Moro womou missionaries nro do
graded by Chlueso men than thore
nro Chinese converted," emphatically
declared Mls3 Clark.
"It is impossible for those women
to Chrlstlanizo tho Chlnoso. Tho at
traction of box, not religion, predom
inates In both cqbob.
"Chlncso men aro vory kind to tho
women, and that probably accounts
for whlto women living with thorn,
In proferonco to mon of their own
Classified Ads .
Capital Journal "Want Ads' Bring
Quick Results
One cent a word for first Insertion.
One-half cent a word for each Insertion
thereafter. No ndrertlscmcnt taken for
lew than 25c. Count six words to the
For Sale Cut rosea at Hamilton
groon houao, Yow Park; will ba
thoro nfternoons only. 4-22-tf
For Snlo Flvo-year-old pacor by
Holmdol; gontlo, good drlvor,
slnglo or double Apply to Behind
lor express, or 361 Stato street.
For Solo Good 1 H. P. Stavor
gaaollno onglno. For sale cheap.
Enquire at 178 South Llborty
atrcot. S-22-tf
For .Salt Two-seatod Studobnkor
surrey, now. Inqulro at Low's
Btnblo. Also ono Studobaker bug
gy. 5-15-tf
For Sale Cheap, a good squnro pi
ano. Inqulro L. E. Qoodbuo, 1500
Ferry street. G-9-tf
For Sale Largo body fir wood, first
class for residence. Also oak and
ash. Downing & Eoff. Phones
1417 or 1238. !i:9"tf
For Sale Threshing outfit; consists
of 20-horsopowor doublo cylinder
onglno and 3G-C0 Reed's separator,
all of tho latest make. Thoro is
a Parson's feedor, Perfection
wclghor, nnd Farmers' Frlond
blower. Prlco ronsonnblo and
torma easy. Apply to J. J. Lang
mack, Albany. Home phono 1352.
For Snlo Houbo and corner lot at
Sovontoonth and Ferry stroota. In
qulro aw 1590 Ferry street.
For Snlo Now cottage, 4 rooms,
pantry, closets. Largo lot, 1294
North Fourth street. 6-18-lw
For Suli' Young, gentlo family cow,
fresh Juno 3. r'arrlngton'a Mnr
kot. C-21-3t
For Salt, 5 year old mare with colt,
nlso hnrnoss nnd buggy, practically
now; prlco $140. Fnrrlngton'B
markot. C-21-3t
lor Sale Good, trusty horse, 1000
pounds; prlco $35. Fnrrlngton'B
markot. G-21-3t
Snni GoIiik nway. must sell, and will
soil my closo-ln property, first-class
9-room, two full story houao, base
ment, largo woodshed, city water,
good woll,olectrIc lights,good barn,
family horso, buggy and cow and
furniture; everything goes at a
sacrifice, if takon soon. Terms to
suit. Addross "B.," caro Journal.
GirJ For light housework. 541 Mill
utroot. Phono 1092. 6-21-3
Wanted Bids on digging fouudntlon
for houso on bouth Commerciul st.
Apply to E. Hofer, Journal offlco.
Wanted Bring us your poultry nud
eggs. Highest cash prlco alwayB.
Phono 970. ti. Pohle fi; Son, 240
S. Llborty. 5-25-tf
Dr. n. S. Stono, D. O., Chiropractor.
Splno and nerve specialist.
Rooms 4, 5, 6, D'Arcy building.
Phono Main 87. Salem, Oregon.
For Rent 3 furnlshod rooms for
light housekeeping; bath and tele
phone. 4C8 N. Liberty st. Phono
1403. G-19-3t
Found Bicycle with bell and lamp.
Party claiming must describe
proporty and pay for ad. Jacob
Vogt, 345 State street. G-lu-tf
Carpenters Union No. 1006 Local
Union No. 1065 of Carpenters and
Joiners of America meet ever Sat
urday evenlrg &t 7:30 p. m. In
Hearat hall, 420 State Street
A. W, DennlB, Reo. Soc.
Modoro Woodmen el America Ore
gon Cedar Camp Nj. 5246. Meets
every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock In Holman hall. A. B,
Bamber, V. C; F, A. Turner, cleric.
Woodmen of World Meet every Fri
day night at 7:30, In Holman hall.
A. Ji, Ham O. O J I. H. FJrt
r, Clerk Ja. It, 'M.
United Tress Leased Wire
Tonopnh, Nov., Jiuno 22. Lurod
by sensational dotalls of tho strlko at
Ellondnlo, 28 miles east of horo. ovor
300 peoplo depnrtod la nutomobllo
today for tho scono. Mining experts
aro mid to havo passed on tho strlko
as ono of exceeding rlchnosBs, and
during tho day $10,000 is said to
havo boon "gadded" out of rock flllod
with conrso gold.
Tho Ellondnlo district is about
eight miles squaro, and tho camp,
which already has n population of
1000 peoplo, is but two wooko old.
Two nowspnpors of tho nilnlng
camp typo havo boon started, and tho
tolegraph and telophono companies
havo oxtendod their linos into tho
. o
Whether tho Caso girl marries tho
Rnrfnlcnla kid or not. alio Is suro
gottlng Bomo flno advertising.
Livery nnd Feed Btnblce Old PoJt
ofllco Stables, nt 254 Forry stroot,
botweon Commorclnl and Front
stroota. Toluphonu 188. Somo of
tho finest Uvorlea In tho city can
bo found horo. Wtstacott & John
son, tf
Prop. Dread, cako, pies, and all
kinds of ptiBtrlca, cookies, oto.
Watca for our wagon. Phono
964. 11-19-tf
It Is worth moro than any othor
bread, yet tho prlco Is no hlghor.
For snlo at your grocor'a. Cnllfor
rln Bakory, Thomas & Cooloy, Prps
Cummins Bros.' Transfer Company
All ldnda of transfer work dono
fcurnituro and pianos boxed ready
for shipment. Prompt sorvlco Is
our motto. Stand and ofilco at
263 South Commorclnl Btrcot.
Phono 210. Rceldcnco phono 023.
Huttu & Wunderoth Flno wlnos
liquors and cigara. Wo handlu
tho colebratod Kollog and Caatlo
whiskies. Cool and refreshing boor
constantly on draught. South
Commercial street 9-3-lyr.
Hydo Bros. Electric Co. Electric
supplies and flrst-clasa wiring at
reasonable prices. Call at our
ofilco for ostimates. Phono 451
143 N. Llborty atrcot. 1-12-tf
Wengcr & Clicrrtngton Pianos and
organs sold on oasy terms; tola
paon 1187; 247 Commercial
Street. Salem. Oregon tf
Concrete Work Qot my prices on
sldowulk, curbs, spotlc tanks and
comont work of any kind. All
work guaranteed first class. M.
Ward, 2378 Maplo Ave., Highland
Phono 569. May 24-09
For water sorvlco npply nt offlco,
Hills paynblo monthly In advance
247 Mlllor St., South Snlom, manu
facturers of nil kinds of boxos,
crates and fruit dryer nccossorlos.
Phono 308. tf
W. J. Dnvls, Prop.
(Succossor to Nusbaum Bros.)
157 So. Commercial St.
at 1(17 Stnto Street.
R. Stewart. C-"4-lmo
SALEM PROPERTY In oxchnngo for
overlooking ornngo grovos nnd colory
fnrms on tho northorn slioro of Lnko
Monroe T. O. JOnY,
G-4-tf 3 05 Commorclnl St.
Dr. 11. II. WWto Osteopath and
norvo ppociallBt. qillco rooms 17
18 Broymnn building. Residence
346 North Capital street. Phono
469 7-19-tf
l A. Sutton Gonoral housecloanlng.
Furnlturo packing and carpet lay
ing. Agont for celebrated Willam
ette Tont nnd Awning Co.'b goods.
Phono Farmors 93. 6-19-3t
Cenunt Work Septic tnnk, cement
walks and foundations. All work
guarantoed. Hary Rowo. Phono
1589. 4-22-lm
II, G. Meyer & Co Tho beat and larg
est shop in tho city, six urst-class
barbers. Only first-class bootblack
In city, porcelain baths and every
thing pertaining to a flrst-claBs
shop. Also carry a full lino of
elgars and tobacco nnd barbers'
supplies. 162 Commorelal street,
next door to Statesman office.
Theo. M, Barr Plumbing, hot vut
and ateam heating and tinning,
164 Commercial street. Phone
Main 192. 9-1-lyr
Otto Mucllhnupt, plumbing, heating,
gas fitting; prices reasonablo; work
guaranteed; estimates furnished,
phone 373. 1066 Chemoketa St.
Agents $83 por month Introducing
10-piece combination dlppor; ex
perience unnecessary; outfit free.
Thomas Co., desk 472, Dayton, O.
In alcknoas, if a certain hidden
norvo gooB wrong, thonthe organ
that this norvo controla will alio
Buroly fall. It may bo a atomaoh
norvo, or it may havo glvon atrongth
to tho hoart and kldnoya. It waB Dr.
Shoop that first polntod to thia vital
truth. Dr. Shoop'a rostoratlvo waa
not mndo to doso tho stomach nor to
temporarily stlmulato tho hoart or
kldnoyB. That old-fanhlonod mothod
1b all wrong. Dr. Shoop'a Rostora
tlvo goea dlroctly to thoao falling In
sldo nerves. Tho romarkablo suc
cess of this proscription demonstrates
tho wisdom of treating tho actual
cnuso of thoso falling organs. And
It Is Indeed easy to provo. A slmplo
flvo or ton-days tost will auroly tolL
Try at onco, and boo I Sold by by
Capital Drug Store
After tho Fourth omo boys won't
bo ablo to piny whon tho loador says
"thumbs up."
Any lndy rcador of this papor will
rocolvo, on request, a clovor "No
Drip" coffeo strainer coupon prlvl
logo from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wla.
It la sllvor-platod, vory protty and
positively provonts nil dripping of tea
or coffoo. Tho doctor Bonds it with
his now froo book on "Hoalth Coffeo"
simply to lntroduco this clovor sub
stitute for real coffeo. Dr. Snoop's
health Coffoo U gaining Its groat
popularity bocauso of, first, Ita ex
quisite tasto and flavor; second, Ha
absoluto hoalthf tineas; third, Its
oconomy llb 25c; fourth, Its con
vonlonce. No todlus 20 to 30 mln
utos boiling. "Mndo In a mlnuto"
says Dr. Shoop. Try It at your gro
cor's, for a pleasant surprise J. W.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
;nv- of C&.ffl&Zc&U '
AI.li CIIANOKM of conr fr Ileal
Katntf Ada must bo tn lne Journal
Office by 0 o'clock tlic orentnic before
the day on which th6 ad la to appear.
All sizes and prices. Call for
largo printed list. City proporty of
nil doscrlptloiis. Soo ub boforo
buying for bargains.
;17'$ State Street.
65 ncros, good 9-room houso with hot
and cold wntor, bnth, windmill; 2
bnrns; wator piped to barns and
lawn; In Right of Snlom; 10 ncros
flno prunos In bourlng, C acres of
young prunos, 7 ncros flno npplo
orchnrd. Just beginning to boar, 3
acros young Royal Ann chorrlos;
all oxtrn flno Hnd; nil kinds small
fruits; host homo; within 5 nillos
Snlom; a snap; invostlgnto,
43 ncros, 2 good housos, 20 acros flno
npplo orchnrd, 14 acres Just In good
bonrlng, 6 ncros young Bnldwlns,
2 ncros flno young poach troos;
will soil nil or part; n snap; on
I'nrwl rnnri? tn R 1 1? 1 1 1 of Snlom.
Nov; houso nnd 3 lots, nil In fruit, on
car lino, only $700,
10 nnd 20 noro tracts, $100 por ncro.
i-'ino iota on installments, uousos
to ront or sell In all parts of Sa
lem. I,f you want anything, soo
A. C. SMITH & CO.,
252 Stnto St.
Charles Balrd lu.s six million fcot
of standing fir timber flvo miles
northoi-ct of Mehnma, Inffplre of
Wm Barrlnger, Mehama, Ore.
W. J. Small has eight million feet
of standing fir timber flvo miles
east of Mohcma. Inqulro of Wm.
Barrlngoi Mel-ama, Pro.
Twenty million foot of standing fir
timber four miles east of Mehama.
Inqulro of E. A. Taylor, Mehama,
Low prlco farming and grazing
lands noa Mehama, from $15 to
$35 per acre.
For Information address, ,
Q. P. Torrlll,
6-1-lmo Mehama, Ore.
Union Land Co.
Newport, Oregon. '
Population and proporty value treb
ling every year. Tho next 3 years U
tho tlmo reasonably-priced lots can
bo purchased.
If required, buildings erected on
any property sold. Correspondence
J. A. 0LSS0N, Mgr.
Newport, Oregoa.
TUWSPAY, SVtiM M, 180.
Toll Bomo deserving rhoumatlo
BUfforor that thoro la yot ono almplo
way to cortaln rollof. Got Dr. Shoop'a
book on RhoumntlBin and a froo trial
test. This book will raako It ontlroty
clear how rhoumatlo palna aro quick
ly killed by Dr. Shoop'a Rhoumatlo
Romody liquid or tnblota. Sond no
mouoy. Tho teat la froo. SurprUo
somo dlshonrtonod BUfforor by first
gottlng for him tho book from Dr.
Shtop, Rnclno, Wis. Capital Drug
0 .
Tho big tea Importers aro rushing
cargoos to this country boforo tho
tariff on tea goos into offoct, bo that
they, Instead o tho govornmout, can
lovy a tax on oonaumora.
. o
Notlco la horcby glvon that tho
Hoard of Dlroctora of School District
No. 24, In Mnrlon county, Orogon,
nro to Ibsuu Popular Loan Notos, in
sums not loss than $50 each, and
amounting In tho aggrogato to tho
sum of $20,000.00, to tho bont fldo
resldont cltlzous of said district. Said
notes aro to bo Issuod and dollvorod
on tho lRt day of July, 1909, nnd
mndo pnynblo on or boforo flvo yonra
from dntu of Issuo, and nro to boar
Intorofl' at tho rate of 5 per out por
annum, pnynblo Boinl-nnnunlly.
Tho books for aatd loan aro thia
day opened In tho ofilco of tho Dis
trict Clork of oald district, in tho
Murphy block, In Salem, Orogon, and
applications for snld loan will bo ro
colved (until noon on tho 1st day of
July, 1909.
By order of tho Board of Direct
ors. Datod this 6th day of Juno, 1909.
G-7-2U District Clork.
To avoid sorlous rosulta tako
Foley's Kldnoy Romody nt tho first
sign of kidnoy or blnddor dlsordor,
uch as bnckncho, urlnnry irregular
ltlo8, exhaustion nnd you will soon
bo well. Commonco taking Foloy'B
Kldnoy Remedy todny. J. O. Perry.
o - -
Children Cry
No. 23 20 acres lino land, good
houw nnd burn, othor outbuild
IngH; 3 acres In orchard; 2 good
wolls; 4 mllos from Snlom. Prlco
No 128 12 ncros 4 Vx mllos north
enst from Salem, all In cultiva
tion; -acro In berries, 6-room
lioiiBo, 100 nssortcd fruit troos, 14
young Royal Anno chorry trees, 1
horse, 2 harness, 1 buggy, 1 light
hack, 2 cows; all farm Imple
ments go with tho plnco. Prlco
No. 73 10 ncros, lot 0, Capital Ad
dition to Frultland, 6-room box
houso, good collar and woll, barn
30x50, shod 14x40; 400 bushels
of fruit picked from 2 ncrcb lant
soason; thlj placo Is woll ttlod.
Prlco $3000.
No. 101 20 acros, all In cultivation,
3 acrca orchard, good C-room
houso nnd barn, 2 wolls of wator,
noar school and church; soil for
$3400 or trndo for city proporty,
No. 31 5-room Iioubo, lot .50x150,
on 13th stroot. Prlco $800; tornis
134 South Commorclnl Strcot.
A good hoinostoad claim, 140 acres,
to trndo or Snlom or suburban
proporty; ono of 80 noros to trndo.
Seo mo or n snnp.
My dairy ranch In Tlllnmook county
nonr Oretown to trndo for vnlley
7-room now houso, hard finish, onsy
tonus; small pnymont down; two
lots nnd barn; $1500.
5-room houso, 2 Iota; mimo terms;
4-roout houso, 2 lots and barn; same
tonus; $700.
Largo house, 7 rooms, porches, barn
otc, $1500.
Flno farm in Pnlnuso country, 314
noros, 220 In whont, 30 ncros In
oats, 30 acros flno orchnrd, to trado
for Salem proporty or farm land.
560 ucres near Condon, Qllllnm Co.,
to trado; 320 tn whont, balanco
summor fallow; good Improve
ments, fences, etc.
160 ncres In Grass Valloy, Orogon, to
trndo for proporty nonr Salem,
See RYAN for your wants, notary
work, Insuranco, etc.
40 acres, nearly all boaver dam land,
5 acres planted to onions; 5 acres
facing on county road for build
ings; located one-halt mile from
railroad station; $6000.
437 State Stroot.
Ono 7-room and one 3-room house
on lot 50x150 feoi, two blocks
from car, closo to church, $1100.
Ono block (8 lote) In Meyers' addi
tion, for $1500. Terms.
Two lots in Dopot Addition, with
building 10x20, $350.
Lot in North Salem, 1 blocks from
stroot car, two blocks from Oro
gon Electric. $200.
166-acre farm, 10 acres In cultiva
tion, balance timbor and pasture,
3 acres orchard, half mllo from
school, 3 rallcB from railroad sta
tion. $70 por acre.
land Buyers Club
311 N. Commercial St.
Rich Moil's Gift Aro Peer
tiosldoa thia: ' I want to go on roo
ord as saying that I regard Eloctrlo
Hitters na ono of tho greatost gltta
that God lino mndo to womau,"
wrltos Mra. O, Rhlnovnlut, of Vostal,
Contor, N, Y. "I can novor forgot
what It haa dono for mo." Thia glo
rious modlclno gtvca a woman buoy
ant spirits, vigor of body and Jubi
lant hcnlth, It quickly euros Nor
vousnoss, SlcoplOBBnoss, Moloncholy,
Hondncho, Backacho, Fainting nnd
Dizzy Spoils; soon builds tup tho
wonk, ailing and Blckly. Try thorn.
50c nt J. O Perry.
Tho American Mill & Lumber Co.,
of Eugene, will start a fiurnlturo factory.
A Wreck
la tho only fit doschlption for tho
man or woman who la crippled with
rhoumntlsm. Just a fow rhomatlo
twlngos may bo tho fororunnor of a
savoro attack stop tho troublo at
tho start with Ballard's Snow Lint
mont. Cures tho rhoumntlsm and all
pain. Prlco 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold
oy all druggists.
- o
Jonqulu Mlllor says ho Is going to
cstnbllah a colony of pools In Cali
fornia. If tho examining board got
n whnck nt him "Joaquin" may liavo
to "walk out,"
Foley's Honoy nnd Tnr Is ospoclal
ly rocommonded for chronic throat
and lung troubles aud many sutforora
from bronchltlH,, nsthma and con
sumption havo found comfort and
rollof, by using Foloy'a Honoy nnd
Tar. J. C. Perry.
' o
Castro evidently profors living In
Spain to dying In Vonezuela.
1 o
Sore Nipples.
Any mother who haa had oxpor
lenco wl'h this distressing ailment
will bo pleased to know that a cure
may bo effected by applying Cham
borialn'H Snlvo as soon na tho child
Is dono nursing. Wlpo If off with
n olf cloth boforo allowing tho
babo to nurso. Mnny tralnod nursos
uso this snlvo with best rosulta, For
salo blly all good druggists.
To Ifoincfteekerf.
In City end Country Property.
Houso and lots, $600 and up.
Vacant Iota, $50 and up.
Strictly modern nud up-to-dnto
house $2500 nnd up.
Vacant Lotn.
Wo mnko n specialty of vacant lots.
Hontitlful lota In Nob Hill addition,
50x145 fcot, $200 nnd up. Wo
have Iota In every addition to Sa
eom. If you nro going to build seo
us &
$1750 FIftoon ncro8, hnlf In bear
ing fruit trees, In tholr prlmo,
mostly prune. Cood 6-room
house, barn; $1750.
82-Ai'Po Dairy Farm.
82 aCrou, 60 acrou of rloh rlvor bot
tom, anndy Ionm soil, 50 acros un
der cultivation, 16 acros of alfal
fa, balance wheat, oats, votch and
somo timbor, two cottages, largo
now barn thnt cost $600; hay
fork, 20 cholco milk cow, 1 reg
istered bull, 7 holfora, 2 horsoa,
linrnosfl, wagon, buggy, all kinds
ol farm Implomonts, now mower,
rnko, cultivator', In fact every
thing comploto, nt $100 por ncro,
with crop, stock, Implomonts; ev
erything gooK for $8200. Torma
If wanted. One of the tlnost dairy
farms In tho valloy.
Fruit Tracts.
5, 10. 1j, 20 nud 40-aoro tracts.
Somo aro nicely improved.
HoiiM-H for Rent.
Tho above la only n partial Hat.
Como In mil wo will talk it over.
Lot us know your wants.
To oxchnngo your proporty satisfac
torily, call on us. For raforoncos
call on any Lank or Mini now houso
of Salem.
Yoiim for Rcnl EMute,
Rooms 7 nnd 8, Bayno Building
341 Stato Street Salem, Or.
4.6I noros 4 mllos from Snlom, 105
ncros In cultivation, rost In timbor
and pnsturo; good 6-room house,
good barn, woodhouso, family or
chard, good well: a good spring
all year round. $80 por ncro.
10 acres near Llborty, small houso;
pruno orchard. Prlco i800.
10 acres 4 miles north of Salem, nil
in cultivation, fnlr houso, stnblo,
good woll, family orchurd, straw
borrlos, potntoos, good crop of
hay. $2100.
10 acres, good houso, barn, fine plnco
2 mllos from Salem. $2100.
20 acros, 8 milo3 Bouth of Bstfom.all
In crop, good house, large barn, 2
wolls, orchard.
Salem Real Estate Company
100 Stnto St., Sulein, Oregon.
My list may contain oxactly what
you want. T. C. JORY,
205 Com'l St., Salem, Or.
Colds that hant on weaken the
constitution and develop into con
sumption. Foley's Honey and Tr
cures persistent coughs that refuse to
yield to othor treatment. Do not ex
periment with untried remedies aa
delay may reaul In your cold set
tling on your lunga. J. O, Pery.
AlOUO 111 Raw Aim . T7" ""
" """ " HMtMt
rro;0,d!wdTffi' w
, "lobt watchman' VfA
Springs, Toin. Bucli wl.
Ulm a covero coin thatS,'? '
lunga. At InRt i,J E.!0?'8 "a ii,
work. Ho tried innnv ,.? f U
all fnllod till bo iiro5f'd,l3
Now Dlacorory. .'AnJr'.W'rt
bottlo." ho w-iL. ."0r ln flV.
work ns woll ns ovor." VJtl bi'k to
atubborn Cough. lnnw5ro Wit
ond coro lungs, homor?hld thro
1 lot nnd prompt curb fron m
jjjyj-u. ,, ;;:,
Up In Albany tho booitm i..
Placard lit tho huslneZ V hlT
down that roatla, "ffinos.?." tln
Hvon tho undoriakor',Blndai'r
Stung for 15 Yem
by Indlgostlon's paaKstrl,.
dpctora nnd $20 0 1 : " "
cino In vnln, n. p. AviV, .. .BMI'
Bide, N. C.. at lL. .."V'l'llj-
Now Life Pills nd "f
wholly cured him tw Ml "
atlpatlon. nlou;..TSa?.0
Stomach Liver, Kldn'or ..
troublOS. 2Ge at I nVd "Owl
-----' v. rerrjr,
Hocky Mountain lea riuooecs
A llnir MMioIni tn Dq,t P-m.
In form, as wait TiY"ET7"i
iioLUMTKn uiifo r-uMNKr, Mdi)0 m. '
ABr(,Cintnrc. I'MUcrrnt-..
KIYta INOWN TO f All. "'.! iZtZZZ.
y ii .i i, i j ,ui4 www
,J I NtTCOMtOIClC91M,ti.U1,ul,. t.
m v r 'iiiibii i limn ' '
i ji ujin
'(I in Silcm (v Or. 5. C. St
Sovou nnd one-half ncrci of opliil
bordorlug on deep water ilonth ot
Ynqulnn Hay; nil good Und. Prici
Forty norca, hnlf wny botwetn Net.
port, Or,, nnd Toledo, Or, on coun
ty rend: ono nnd n half uttt ttu
od with shanty on It; oosilirab!i
wmom 1 aim; gcou aiatr ioa nm
maplo on land. Price 1 700.
Good love! lot on South Beach oppo
slto Newport, Or, price IU.
Lot f). Iilnck 46. nt Ren RoekJ. Or.
flno vlow of ocean, sood level lot
Prlco 5100
Hiivitntv-olL'ht ncrct noar Pioneer. Of
all nlongslilo K. It tracK. uciww
Hoven and eight acres of lottos
in ml nn It la cleared, forty Mi
bearing apple treea, good itoti
qtinrry on land near 11 it
$1800. , nt
Tn'o-nnri. nvnlnr llPll nt OVSICT CI"
on Ynuqlna Uny, with thia P
half ncn upland iota, irice v
Ton-room house 30x40 feet In .a
und block of land, on Nre CrW
nnd Olsonullo MUowaiK, nw
In flno 'omlltlon. nood oodiw
nnd good water, this lea flMr
osltlon for n stimmur "v"y
rooming house, ns well u F
nuuiont home Price v
J. A. OLSSON', NcwpoMr.
Inquire nt Journal Offlcf.
BtK LANUb m uinvv-.
180 ncros. 4 miles roa Mg
or Toledo, on main ojW
40 ncres level. 30
plow, bottom laud, P
blaok sou, iv ""',, ij
acres pasture Now 1 o jU
0 nnu ax, "uu"-"l 11 ten
horses, 28 head ineep. j
cnttlo, 0 milk mwi. Wgi,
Btoors, with a 1 far !,,
wagon, uurKuua"
ICu'acL of timber in tbaStW
.nonKirnfinti. near i'' rr.. u
atod as follows. V"W
iiwuiix" 1 - nnnout1'
homlock, 2.uuu, -j-00,000
codur, nil of o.
Itv. at S4400. .i.if j
160 acres of timbor,
from the S letz rer,JM(
roiiewa: """ '.Knno
000,000 homlock; $B0v fcJ
160 acros timber on,tbaSlWA
coast, 10 mm . fr o f ,,,
SL ho.r
000.000 cedar; "" Keti
160 acres 4 ,; , j
tn nxron under P'ow' '. jjo
cnard 40 to 50 trees, ltlIJ
house 24X30, -ooJlJ
root houso i-'' ' my.
14, split Doaru --j m
,m Nwnort; Pa"' .. tfl
:"w No. 1 fruit -
Ul llt.v..."
. u.lntAaF"-., I
3i Dayno ;.J
Driagi OoU.n Health ui aiiiJviM