jgiBggESgJLL1tJ8!ffl Ir-f '-.,. iiniuiiwimiarf ac ifirdb jr tl'WY ,! I r i n VAILS CAPITAL JOUBNAIi, SAXJBM, 0RJ9G0N, TUESDAY, JUNE 00, 1009. TELEPHONE ORDINANCE UMITY UP TO CITY ATTORNEY KEYES FOR A LEG AL OPINION Mr. Mooros, from ordlnanco com mittco, reported adversely on ordi unnco fixing rnios on roaldonco tele phones nt 11.00 per month. Mr. Moorcs stated tbat thoro wan In oxlBtonco a contract between tho city and tlio tolophono corporation by which the city had agreed that tho Bitmo rates should bo paid at Salem as In other cities of llko size and similar service. Ir. Hofer called attention to the fact that whoro a corporation had voluntarily mado a rate and done business undor It at a proflt, thoy could not afterwards rnlso that rato. Tho city had not violated Its' part of tho ngrcemont, but, In raising the rato on rcsldonco phonos, H w a question whothor tho corporation was not violating Its agreements with tho .city. Mr. Mooros asked rofcronco to a special .pommlttco. Mr, Prosnal moved rofcronco to city attornoy for n legal opinion. Carried. Confotvnco la Asked. Mr. Dnncoy, local manager of tho Pacific States, after tho mooting of tho council, Interviewed tho mayor and members of the council on tho matter of getting a hearing on tho faclH. When ashed If his company would co-operato In tho matter of removal of nil polos around tho pub lic squaro) In tho contor of tho city, llko the court house, poBtofllco, tho stato house and Wlllson avenue, ho said they could not do Hint nml meet the demands for tho $1.00 ordlnanco Thoy woro willing to consider the mnttor of helping to beautify tho city to that extent, if rates woro not ro il need bolnw wlint other cltlos wort pnylng for similar service o wns n resident of San Mateo, sent tho vnluablo contents of tho phial from London, tho contor of tho re cent important cxpcrlnicntu In the wonderful substance. Tho small particle of radium that Is being guarded Jealously by the hospital authorities Is valued nt about $10,000. Its pries per troy pound, prevnlent In England, la ?S 000,000, Mrs. Iteld's gift will be used In a series of experiments and Investigations In tho treatment ol cancer. . WILL CROSS OCEAN IN BIG AIR SHIP (United Press Leaned Wire,) London, Juno 22. Tho construc tion of an airship designed to carry 26 persons from Europe to Amorlcn and return, Is creating much discus sion In aerial club circles today. Tho ship Is boing built near Lon don. Accordng to Arthur Philip Du cros, secretary of tho Aerial DofonBO League, Its nlr bag will have a ca pacity of 227,500 cubic loot, it will have two propellers driven by motors each with 220 horsepowor. Tho carringo will accommodato 25 passengers In addition to suppllos nnd potroloum. In announcing tho launching of tho airship Ducros appeals for a dona tion for nn aorial landing station, or "garage." o THE INJUNCTION PLAY 600D BALL (Continued from Page 1) which was to bo used for a branch road leading from Netarts Bay to near Tillamook Olty. This section of Tillamook county was spareoly settled, though possessing great scen ic benuty and wonaorf ul natural at tractions, inducing tourist travol. Tho present act appropriates $50,- 000, conditional upon Jackson coun ty raising a llko sum, to aid said ounty to build a public highway from tho city of Medford to tho west cess. The longest day of tho year, which was yesterday. Is In all probability the cause of tho Portland Railway, Light & Power Company baseball team losing tho game to the Profes sional team last night on the W. U. field by n Bcoro of C to 5, aftor tho Btrcot car men had practically had tho game- all dono up nicely to tako homo In tho fifth Inning, when tho ppnro ntnnri T 9. In tliplr favor Both teams started the contest with a tie of 2-2 and wont four Innings beforo tho run column was put In action. Huffman, tho now twlrler for tho Portland, Railway Light & Power Company, and Tommy Clark, the backstop, had things Just about tholr own way, and would have taken the chicken, had not there been several costly errors mado behind them. Walter Thompson, tho car men's heavyweight left fielder, caused tho hair to ralso on tho heads of every one by making a classy run from doop field Into tho vicinity of third baso and taking possession of a pop- fly, which had been touched up by mutako by ono of tho Professional men. This Is not tho only good piece of bnll playing Thompson did, olthor, as ho stood up boforo Pitcher "Casey" Ollnger twlco, and each tlmo ho got a safo blngle. Big Bill BtiBlck wns also on the heavy batting list last night, nnd at one time tho center fleldor wns oa tho point of climbing tho fonco nfter one. Short stop Hunt, for tho Profoislonal men, was evidently on his feed, as no ranged up In front of two or thrco chnnccs, but could not pick with buc- at an Inferior price by tho Horst com pany, the purchaser to furnish monoy for tho expenses of picking, curing and baling. After tho ,crop had been half picked the Horst company ex amined tho yard and found It to bo moldy, nnd then turned the contract over to Lachmund & Plncus, but In tho meantime Sing and Beers, having no funds with which to carry on pick ing, sold the remnlnder of tho crop to tho third respondent, Sled Bach. Tho yi329.42 which wns aBked for in tho lower court was paid Into the hands of tho original tenders of the ynrd as expenses, and this amount was asked returned by tho plnlntlffs In Judge Galloway's court, wlhch was refused. Tho supreme court holds that so far as the respondents mlled to har vest the entire crop the fault is not entirely theirs, owing to the original contractors, the Horst company, drop ping off short in tho middle of tho picking, thus depriving Sing nnd Beers of available funds with which to complete the other section of the contract. U. G. HOLT ELECTED SCHOOL DIRECTOR JUST A BABY FLEET CHINA WAKING AT LAST WILL ESTABLISH NAVAL AND MIL ITARY ACADEMY l United Pre Lciued Wlre.l Ti&il Tain, Juno 22. The tlrtrt dollnllu move toward tho reorganiza tion of tho military nnd naval forces of China wan made today through tho purchase by the govornmout of a largo tract of land In this city, on which n military nnd naval academy Is to bo Immediately arectod. One hundred Htudonts from the School of Nobles have been designated to take tho nnvnl and military Instruction In the school, nnd tho governors of tho province have been ordurod by tho prlnco regent to submit tho nuiups of studontB denlroua of tutoring either of the branchoB of tho military sor vloe to tho recently nppnlntod army nnd nnvy board. Tho salt tax has been et apart to in part moot tho oxponsos of tho mil ltury program, and a system of pro scription has bcou put In operation to ensure the recruiting of nn army of 3G0.000 men, Prluco Su and Ad miral Snfi. of the nnvnl bonrd, have been instructed to draw up a pro gram which will provide a lleet of 15 battleships with necessary auxiliaries to bo In commission In 11)34. Eng lish and Japnuoso Instructors will bo in chnrgo of tho Instruction of tho nnvnl and. military cadets. GAVE H0SPITALA PARTICLE OF RADIUM (United 1'reu Uail Wire 1 San Juteo, Cal., Juno 22. Kepos lug In a tluy bottle kept under lock nnd key In a strong box nt the Hcd Cross Guild Hospital in this city, Is a mlnuto partlclo of radium, the gift of Mrs. Whltolnw Bed, wfo of tho American ambassador to the court of St. James. Mrs. Hold, who formorly 'Twtxt Optlmltt and Fctstmht, The difference (a droll. The Optlmttt ttt the doughnut. The J'ettlmUt tec the hole. Soma would uy the boit way to turn an optimist Into a pcsalmlat would be to feed 111 in the douulinuts. and this would be truo If the douKlinuts are fried In lard. Lard la certainly Indt- , geatlble and many people are deprived of the pleaauro of eating doughnut and other dainties JUat becauie ot thla fact. However, there la a cooking- fat COTTOLKNB which can bo uaed In any way and every wa that lard can, and yet make llKht. rich, dellcloua food' that the moat delicate stomach can digest with ease. COTTOLHNB Is maUlSV the world cheerier and brighter for thouaanda who were formerly auf- ferlnff from the curae of rU-vu!e. rood. 5T:, , '- boundnry of tho Crnter Lake Nation nl Park, and not to Crator Lake, as so mo Imagine. Although $50,000, conditional upon Klamath county contributing n llko sum, to aid aid county to build n county road from Klamath Fnlh to tho eastern bound nry of said national park, atfd not to tho lako within said park, for our stato Is without Jurisdiction, and can do no work, or oxorclso any authori ty, within tho national park Inclos ing Crator Lake. Tho present act nowhere provides for nldlng In tho con 'traction of n continuous high way from Mcdford, In Jackson coun ty, to Klamath Falls, In Klamnth county, nB thoro Is an Intervening seg mont of more than thirteen nnd one half miles, which la to bo made, If at nil, by tho federal government. Jackson county hns ral'cd or ap propriated the amount required. Hence, undor tho provisions of chap tor l'Jl or tho laws ot 1009, $50,000 becomes avallablo for uso In Jnckson county only, nnd upon a certain spec Hied county rond leading from Mod ford, In raid county, to tho western boundary of Crater Lake National Park. Tho court Is not Informed that Klamath county has mado any appro priation, as required by this act. Hence tho $50,00 appropriated ex clusively for Klamath county Is not avallablo, and may novor becomo so, The prosont act Is clearly local, as it applies to only two counties. It la also speclnl, because it Is limited to n peclllod section and for special purposes only, that Is, tho proposed appropriation can bo used only in tho countlot) of 'Jnckson and Klamnth, and for a speclnl purposo, viz: tho building ot n certain specified high way In rnld countlos. Tho net Is, thoroforo, local and special, and co in 08 clearly within tho Inhibition placed u lion such menauros by sec tion 23, nrtlclo IV of our constitu tion. Tho complaint will bo sustained ami tho Injunction made porpoUinl, . PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track Prices. Club $1.20 niueetom $1. 27 1.30 Turkey Rod $1,18 Vnlley $1.17 , , . . Flour, I'ntonts . , .$0.25 Straights $5 5.40 Kxports 4,70 Q Hoy ? OiOU Ornhnm. 1U sack 5.00 W'bolo wheat 6.80 nay. Wlllamotto valley ordinary. $14 16 Eastern Orcgou, fancy.... $18020 .Ifalfa $13014 Clover ,...$1312 Drossd. poultry, lo lb. hlghor. Ducks ...14lGc Goese, llvo 10llc Turkeys 30c Local Retail Market. Wheat, per but hoi $1.30 Hay, cheat ...... $17 Hay, clover $14,00 Potatoes, bushel . ,t... .700,80 Apples, bushnl , 6001.00 Prunes, per lb 1&CP.4H Prunos, per lb lVi4 Cranberries, Howe's varie ty, bbl 13. Ot Butter and Eggs, Retail. Hgga 25c Croamojy butter .30c Country butter ..,..,.,...,.. .25c Flour. Eastern Oregon ............. $1.76 Hrau, per sack...... .So Shorts, per sack $1.36l.fij Rolled barley . . 40.04 Local Wholesale Market. Wheat, bushel $1.1601.30 Oats, bushel , . . . 00c Flour, nurd v uoat $0,4t Flour, valley $5.400.0l dill feed, shorts, 33,30 Mill feed, bran 30,00 Hops, 1908 crop.. .10 uops, 1907 crop.,..,. .atpstt Chlttatu bark Wool, cocrso Wool, medium M aba It . . ... .33H ,30 .25 Tho wholo six Innings wcro Inter- onhig, nnd tho crowd, which was fair, Boomed to enjoy the plnying hugoly. Waldo Miller held tho ivory for tho gamo. Owing to tho bnll field becoming bo rough and dotted with grass, tho members of tho Twilight Lenguo aro requostcd to como out tomorrow night nnd help clenn up. De on hnnd nt 0:30. THREE OPINIONS BY THE SUPREME COURT The supremo court handed down thrco opinions this morning, two be ing appeals from Mutlonmnh county nnd ono from Marlon county. Amelia H. Moro, John Walton, Wllllnm T. Molr and George Stehn ken, appellants, vs. T. E. Wlthcomb, David Ooodsell and T. S. McDanlel, respondents, appealed from tho cir cuit court or Multnomah county, M. C, George, Judge; Judgment of tho lowor court reversed; opinion by Jus tice King. Gcorgo H. Gontzkow, nppollant, vs. tho Portland Rnllway Company, re spondent, appealed from the circuit court of Multnomah county, J. I). tlelnud, Judgo; reversed; opinion by Justlco Sinter. This Is u suit to recover damages by the appollant iih the result of boing knocked from a telephone polo while working for tho Pacific States Telephono Company by alleged no gleet of tho Portland Hallway Com pany In permitting a high voltugo wire to sag onto ono of the steel steps In tho polo. In the lowor court u non-suit was granted tho railroad company, from which tho nppenl was taken. Tho supreme court holds that Inasmuch as contributory negllgenco Is claimed to oxlst on the part of tho appellant as tho grounds of non-suit In the trial court below and neglect Is shown In tho evidence to exist on the part of tho railway company for allowing tnolr wlru to como In dan geious contact with the polo on which workmen aro compelled to stand, and according to tho testimony the nppollunt wns not nwnre tho wlro was touching the polo, and was In tent upon locating trpublo In tho tolo phono system, this, would tend to show thnt negligence la not probablo where tho nppollant is not aware that danger pxtsts. Tho Judgment was therefore roverscd nnd remanded. In an opinion written by Justlco Kali 1 1), Judgo William Galloway's de cision In tho case of Lachmund & Plncus vs. Lope Sing. Oliver Doers and Sled Ditch Is affirmed b tho supreme court. This Is n suit to recover $1329.43 as a foreclosure of a chattlo mort gage hold on a hop crop which was turned over to Lachmund & Plncus by tho Clemons Horst Hop Company, after an alloged breach of contract. A contract had boon drawn up with the respondents In tho caso by tho Horst company In which It was stipu lated that tho Horst company was to take 40,000 pounds of hops at a cer tain prlco It tho respondents, Sing and Deors, hdsbanded the prop cor rectly, but upon tholr failuro to do this, ti.o hops woro to bo purchased U. G. Holt was elected tho new- school director yesterday by 44 ma jority pvor the othor candldnto, Mrs. N. E. Grlswold, Holt receiving 81 votes, wsllo Mrs. Grlswold received 37. Tho regular annuonl meeting ot tho pchool board took place last night at tho high school, and noxt Wednes day evening was selected for a spe cial meeting to bo hold at tho high school for tho purposo of making an official count and swearing in tho now director, Tho nnnual report ot school dis trict No. 24 was submitted for tho year ending July 21, 1909. Tho re ceipts since tho dnto of tho laot an nual report aro $GC, 580.44; disburse ments, $G1,374.74, and tho cash on hand $5206.70. Tho election yostorday was not of much lntorost to tho property holders, evidently, as there wero only 118 votes cast, o Albany ha a glove factory that will also make awnings nnd tents, United Press Leased Wlre.l Puget Sound Navy Yard, Juno 22. Tho distinction of commanding the smallest fleot which over repre sented tho United StntOB navy has fallen to Ensign D. H. Steele, of tho cruiser Colorado, now at this yard. Ensign Steel's flagship Is to bo tho baby torpedo boat Manloy and two steam launches will comploto tho squadron. Tho thrco little vsbo1b will represent tho navy nt tho Lake Champlaln tor-contonnlnl exercises, to bo held on thnt hlstorlo body of water July 6 to 9. Tho mlnlaturo squadron Is now be ing tt'somblod nt tho Drooklyn navy yard, from whoro It will proceed up the Hudson river and canals to Lake Champlaln to participate In tho ceremonies. Flvo Killed In Train Wreck. - UryKed Press Leased Wire Vancouver, D. C, Juno 22. Flvo men wero killed in a wrack on the Cnnndlan Pacific railroad nt Notch Hill, near Kamloops, today, whon tho wheel of a freight car broko and ditched sovornl cars. Two of tho bodies, recovered from tho wreck, are evidently tramps, but ono of tho train crow Is missing. Tho othor two victims, whoso bodies aro still In tho dobrls, aro thought to bo tramps who wcrtt stealing a rldo. o Eugene wnntB you to visit her July Fourth. f Corvallls will colebrnto July 5 times. WILL TRY TO LOCATE SUNKEN VESSEL United Press Leased Wire. San Francisco, Juno 22. Officers of the United States mine plnntcr Armlstcnd nro planning to mnko n final effort to locate the sunken hull of tho steamer Rio dc Janlero, which was wrecked In the Golden Onto Fobrunry 22. 1901. Tho Itlo was entering tho harbor from an Orlentnl trip nnd carried to tho bottom with her scores of passengers nnd $200, 000 worth of treasure. During tho hiBt eight years many attempts have been made to locate the wreck of tho Ill-fated vessel. It Is thought that It has boon carried far to sen by tho tides. The Armlstcnd, accompanied by the Ringgold, recently came to this port from the Atlantic const. Sho Is In command of Captain F. K. Ferguson. Nervous People And those afflicted with heart weakness mar now have no fear of the dental chair. 11BAD WHAT MI18. IIANLHT. 8A8l I bad 10 teeth extracted at the Ilarr&rdi Dentists' without the least pain, and blghlr, recommend them. MPS, IIANLRY, rreempnt Station. Whalebone Plate $1(P A Great DUcoverv, the Sew Whaltuont. Plate, which Is i..u lightest and strongest set known ; does not corer the roof of the mouth; bite corn off tho cob; guaranteed 10 years. $1000 WG CHALLENOU TUB WOULD. We will forfeit $1000 to any charltabk Institution for the dentist who can make a. plate for $15 as good as we make for $10. lO Year Guarantee Hold Crown, citra heavy J 5.00 Pull Set Teeth (whalebone S. S. W.).. aoo Bridge Work, per tooth, best gold. . .,: 0.00 White Crowns : 4.00 Teeth llc-enamelcd 3.00 Uo.U Killings 1.00 And not exceeding 12.00 licit Silver Killings to.CO Platinum Killings ...il.oo Teeth Cleaned J0.B0- TKHTIl EXTRAOTED WITHOUT 1'AIS Free When Other Work t$ Ordered Of our new system of painless dentistry, used by us atone. Our success la due to the high-grade work done by our expert, gentle manly operators. Harvard Painless Dentists Corner Park and Washington Sts., Ovor Royal Dakory, Portland, Or. Largest and best equipped Dental estab lishment In the world ; SO offices In United Htntrs. Open Sunday, 0 to 1. Dally until 0. P A Skin of ttawtfbaJiyftrriir Dp. t. reux m wms wentai CtEAH-jKHAiKAlKAimnEK RtmOTM Tut. riapltK fmUu,, Moth JWeW UU pilft XJUf&M ua vwy Ditmua oa 041117. ana u. H3BJ S3i 33. aC5rik Ma ;t jnm&Srk 0ard'a CrcaM' a th Wut hiraful cl a ajsa mpantiaa. tot aalt by au drauUU aa4 t IseaVgwJwsta tat VatU4 SUUa, CaaaJa aa4 En fMT.MKHK, fnt, VM Jmm Stmt. Km Yt aa uaauii. auiu uar tat dlcUoa. It au Wood tht tot ot an yean, aa Uaa aannltaa ! taut U too tan It It properly mad. Acctcl no toonttf felt of almtlac Eimt. Dr. L. A. Sarr taM u a lady ot tht fcaaV ton (a PAtltalH "At you ladltt Ul UM thtO. I itcocautaa u or au ia I rancj. Euroi. Only Two Days More Only Two Days More CLOSING SLAUGHTER SALE Our $25,000 Stock Has Been Slaughtered and More than Half Is Gone, and Only TwolDays Remain to Get the Finest Chinaware, Porcelain, Glassware, Real Hand-Painted Works of Art for Half Price $5,000 Worth of Gifts and Wedding Presents In the electric lighted cabinet that must go at your own prices. Forced to make room for large importations coming on for the Summer and Fall trade, Largest stock in tho Willamette Valley in all lines, and if you need a single berry dish, a cream pitcher, or any article of cut glass or silverware, this is the Last Chance to Get It at I HALF PRICE STILL A FEW SAMPLES )ne Bronze Statue of Eros, value $37.00, sale price $19.00 One Hand-painted Tankard Jug, value $16, sale price $ 9.00 One Hand-painted 16-inch Vase, value $10, sale price $ 5.0 One Footed Cut Glass Punch Bowl, six glasses to match, and one 18-inch plate glass mirror, value $74.00, sale price s. j $31.00 One Metal Stein, value $20.00, sale price $ 8.50 One Denatured Alcohol Stove with chafing dish, something entirely gew; value $13.00, sale price ;.; $ 9.00 One Tiffany Vase, value $27.75, sale price '. $13.00 One Tiffany Vase, value $24.65, sale price ' $11.75 One Tiffany Vase, -value $15,00, sale price, : $ 7.00 One Tiffany Vase, value $12,35, sale price $ 5.65 Remember, the Rest of this Mammoth Stock is Marked Down in about Same Proportion. Now Is the Time to Buy Cut Glass K3H YOKOHAMA TEA CO. 174-176 Commercial St This Sale Positively Closes Wednesday, June 23, at 10 p. m. f