Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 18, 1909, Image 1

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l.l'A' CAPITAL I'.l'ltiAI.. k.ILEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUN13 18, 1000.
NO. 1C8.
CThr iJ ai In ,-feMa
B&rdlers' Home, Sawtollo, Cal.,
Juno 18. Becauso congress failed to
tako tho Increased cost of food stuffs
into consideration, In making tho cur
ront ycar'a oxponsos, tho veterans In
tho national homes throughout the
country havo bcon forced to livo on
short rations for tho past month,
which will bo reduced to almost star
vation faro during tho rost of this
That this condition exists In tho
Pacific branch, locatod noar Sawtollo,
l admitted by tho officers in chargo,
and that tho samo condition exists
in tho other homes throughout tho
country Is shown by tho reports re
coived from them dally by tho local
It bocanio apparent that this food
sliortago would occur at tho last of
tho ft cal year somo months ago, and
Govornor T. J. Cochrano applied to
congress for an additional 18000 to
tldo him over. This amount was cut
to C000 by congross, and tho vet
orans quartered at tho homo must do
without tho food that might have
bcon purchased with tho extra
According to tho bill of faro Is
7 . -.;
I 8iHHf riiinniiiif ni amiiiteifeiiimf lei
! ! Ih the place far good goods nnd low prices nil tho time. Como to Sulcm'tt gifiitcst growing store mid mo
J tho Values w can give you, Wo employ !f- nulespeople anil keep them luny nil the lime Helling goods.
Sale Prices
$3.50, $4.95
and up
Now on salo. If you want
to boo a grand variety, tho
latest styles nnd tho -lowest
prlcos In this parr of the
world, come to our now
Suit Department and tako n
look through.
. . . j2- II
' ' . .
;; Men's Goods Ladies' ii
Take a look at our show window and seo tho Hicrfl nnd ILLHLttV
grand display of Men's Furnishings now ou ex- B
hibltton. Quality, stylo and prices you cannot beat LOW SlIOCS " Emm
G5 Working Kow on ga,e W(J HK l
W Shirts now., 39c I can show you a Mk ?
Z TLv Mens 75c Dress I grand stock of high HPIW 3
?uL Shirts now.. 49c claB8 footwear at JBLfeL $&
I ylllilil Men's 15c Fine very small pries, HPi Y
T U luillilEvs. Hoso 9o Two sample Prices; KTRkB JA j
I (IHsSS "Men's 11.50 Pen- . high -hoea, 1HA' -
t jL'A WSZ! eefl.Sh!rt...8. 0W li W!1A.
X 2$MW7Jl3-- 3.00 Oxford Ties. 1.
v ni.' Av-'-1! T I UvpmIIb nil nHiuw Hfe. I I
4 V:i '-jIi' 1 AJ " '.. -
T L iJCr-'t - "" . in au me new m, ,
wm"- from 39c and ud' sw
T shades. .. .1.95 1
I - " ':
j; thorn, now only fg f JM " "( JF now, yard
;; $3.75 grmKnMM AQr :i
sued by Govornor Cochrane, tho mon
will rccclvo moat twlco a day. during
tho romatnlng days of tho fiscal year,
but a look at the tablos today mado
it plain that, although meat and oth
er foods mentioned on tho bill wore
served, thoro was far from onough to
feed a man of normal appotlto.
Undor tho system in voguo In tho
dining room, 14 mon cat at each
tablo, and two platos of each varlo
ty of food aro placed on each tablo,
with tho Intention of supplying soven
men from each plato.
Tho total amount of food that was
placed on ono pf these tablos for din
ncr for II mon today was as follews:
Thirty slices of broad, 14 bowls of
soup, 14 bowls of coftoo, two dlshos
of rice, 1G hnlvoi of potatoes and
boiled beef with horso radish. Thoro
was about enough meat for seven
men with normal appetltos.
Breakfast on Thursday consisted
of stow, In which tho meat and vog
ctablos woro to scarco that It as
sumed tho consistency of soup, broaa
and coffee.
Supper Is tho shortest meal of all,
consisting principally of bread and
ifc j i i
Wo havo a vory
strong lino of
Gloves in kid nnd
silk, in all colors.
Wo know our prices
aro right on ac
count of tho big
business wo do In
this department.
ICc Llslo Glovos,
now 25c
75c Silk Gloves,
now 49c
11.45 Kid Glovos.
now 98c
ton, with Bmall portions of fruit and
Eggs aro-a rarity, and, although
called for oa tho bill of faro, havo
not been served this week, nor will
they during the rest of tho month.
Tho bill of faro shows that oloomar
garlno Is sonod Instead Pf butter,
and tlio men say thnt ovon tho "olo"
h seldom put on tho tablo.
Tho bill of faro for next week
shows that supper will bo a shorter
meal than ovor, and will consist of
nothing but mush, milk nnd tea.
According to the cook at tho homo,
tho coffoo used a. tho prosent tlmo
Is about tho poorest that can bo
A committee of veterans met
Thursday night and drew up somo
pretty strong resolutions which thoy
will sont to tho sonuto, tho house of
ropresonUitlvcs and President Tart,
but thoso will avail nothing in re
lieving tho presont situation, be
causo nothing can bo done in the
fow days botwoon now and July 1,
tho beginning of tho next fiscal year.
In tho moantlmo tho national boI-
dlers' homo for veteran soldiers is In
tho humiliating position of neodlng
donation? from charity to koop the
old follows from going to bed
hungry ovory night botwoon now and
July 1. After that dato the appro
priations for uoxt year, which aro
said to bo oufllclont, may bo spent,
and thoro will bo food In pionty.
Roused to sympathy for tho plight
of tho old follows, tho Woman's Ro-
Ilof Corps horo Is collecting grocorlos
nnd vogotables with which to re-
llovo tho dlstross.
Medford, Or., Juno 18 A tolo
gram was received by tho prosldent
of tho Commercial Club this morn
ing from (ho California excursionists,
now visiting In Sonttlo, nccoptlyg nn
invitation for an auto rldo about tho
Roguo river valley, upon their ar
rival In thh city next Saturday. Tho
party will bo mot nt tho train by
ovor 100 autos, and taken to Ashland,
whero thoy will again board tholr
train Elr.borato preparations aro
being made for their ontortalnmont.
They Last We Offer
t ''r.' y s
500 yards Standard 7 1 -2c
Fancy Lawns for only, yard ; ;
-T ..
ft'nltiMl Pre I.eKl Wire.
Crown Point, Ind., Juno 18.
Adolph Magnus, grandson of Adel-
phus Uusch, ho multt-mllllonalro
brewer of St. Louis and Pasadena,
Miss Florence Packard and Miss Har-'
rlott Darnes, nil of Chicago, wore
Injured todny when tholr automobile
turned turtlo whllo thoy woro on
route to tho Crown Polnt-LOwoll race
Magnus nnd Miss Packard wero
seriously Injured nnd MIbs Barnes
wn8 severely bruised. Thoy woro
taken to tho military hospital In tho
grandstand nnd cared for by tho
army surgeons, who accompanied tho
mllltla horo. Miss. Darnes was soon
nblo to bo about but her companions
rotnnlued at tho hospital. It is not
known whothor tholr Injuries nro
Unblo to provo fatal. ,
iho nccldont occurred when Mag
nus machine ran Into a ditch.
(United 1'rtii I.tifd Wlr.
Tacoma, Juno 18. Aftor remain
ing In Tacoma flvo hours, tho pala
tial special train of tho California
Promotion Commlttco pulled out for
Portland promptly nt 11 o'clock this
morning. For nioro than two hours
tho 100 mombors of tho commlttoo
woro entertained by a lnrgo commit-
too of Tacoma business mon nnd woro
shown about tho city.
Tho special arrived at 5:30 o'olook.
this morning, coming directly from
uio exposition grounds nt Soattle,
whero the 'Cnllfornlnns havo spent
tho past throe-days. At 9:30 n. in
thoy wero met by a delegation of tho utrcot nnd fought to gnln entrance.
Commercial Club nnd Chnmbor of Tho pollco regulations this morning
Commcreo nnd piloted about tho city woro moro atrlct than thoso of yos
In spoclul enrs. torday, and fowor pooplo woro a!-
Tho visitors mado tho city strcoU iowoa to forco tholr way into tho cu
ring with their famous booster yoll trnnco of tho court room,
nnd tho California songs. Evory h0 op0nod with a rovlqw of toatt
mombor of tho party Was decorated mony tnklng up In dotail and brand
wlth tho California poppy nnd woro ng aa fai80 tno ropooted nccufntions
a Tacoma boostor bnilgo and n spoon thnt Rudolph Sproclrolo and James
mnde from Washington copper nnd D, Ph.lnn had covetous eyes on tho
presented by tho Tacoma nowspnper
auoii isorusirom was nnngou in , Had each paid tholr brlbos, and up to
ho oxocutlon chnmbers nt 11:27 this, March 13, 1900, when Calhoun re
mornlng nnd nftor n Inpso of 10 mln- turned from tho East, tho Unltod
utoa was pronounced dond by tho HallnwVi had not mndo a slnglo stop
physlclnns. Mo get an ovorhoad trolley franchise.
Nordstrom's norvo did not fall him . "u a important for you to koon in
... ... ... ...'.
nt any tlmo. Ho walked upon tho mind tho fact that this conforonco
scaffold firmly nnd bognn his spooch, botwoon Sprockols. Pholan and my
wltlch lasod ono mlnuto. Ho first 8olf, who haw boon -nccusod of con
asked tho spectators If thoy know Upirlng to got tho stroot railway bual-
Why ho WHS UP thoro. nnd nftOr a nntm of finn Frnnrlsrn. Innk nlnpo I.a.
a fow seconds proceeded to toll why
no was io uo iiiuibou, mm mm u it'nny montloa of an ovorhoad trolloy.
nnd not been for liquor ho would Thoro la not n yinabio in evidence
iiil i iiiii ii imn . iiii iinniTii iiviii tr
ono to forglvo him, shook hands with
Sheriff Crnnshnw of Tillamook, stop
ped back on ho trap and nt 27 min
utes nftor 11 tno trnp was sprung.
TMrt HAifln I tnftnMnifo m MnMntnnl
ly growing inlntoroit, and largo
crowds greet Dr. Me Inturff ovory
night. -
Tho street mooting last night was
good, as usual. Speeches woro mado
by Rov. Pontius, Dr. Comer and Dr. 1
In tho cormon last night Dr. Mo.
Inturff gavo sir reasons why a man .
should como to Christ.
First Sin produces fear: fear i
producos a dcslro to dlsbollef, and
thbr deslro to dlsbollef produces ua-
Socond An Independent plrlt, &:
deslro to havo one's own way, an I
unwllllugneus to yield to anyone,
even God.
Third Tho simplicity of tho plan
of salvation. Man wants to do somo
groat things. Naaman thought It was
too simple to go down in tho river
and wash.
Fourth Tho dovll'a churches: nnv i
cuurcn tnat harpa on ono part of thp
niblo Is of tho devil. All of faith.
the wholo Dtblo, a full and complete
goapelj a broad, onobllng gospel,
worthy of God Is what mankind
needs. It must not limit God In any
way or tako from his word ono lot
Or tittle.
Where" is tho church covering up
and apologizing for sin la oursolvc,
our church and in others; Sin must
die. It shall not havo dominion.
Sin alwayj ruins, sin always kills,
Sixth Lack of power in the
church. First It take tho nower of
iue iioiy unosl to start a. revival.
Then yon koon out of God's wnv nnrf
let him run It.
ffnltKl Prtca lej wtre.1
Washington. Juno 18. Despite
tho sturdy fight put up by Senator
Brown, of Nebraska, bis amendment
to Iho tariff bill to put print paper
on tho frco lUt was defeated by a
vpto Of 52 to 28 Ju tho senate today.
Bailey was tho only Democrat vot
ing against tho amendment, and
Beverldge, Brinow and Burkett, the
jiuiiuuiiwtus voung tor u.
United rms LeAied Wlre-1
8an Franclcco, Juno 18. Declar
ing that tho attltudo of -tho dofenso
In tho trial of cPtrick Calhoun, ac
cused of brlbory, in connection with
tho local overhead trolloy franchUo.
la an Insult to the 'honosty of tho
Jury, Frauds J. Honey created a sen
rntlon in court today.
"Tho oounsol for thd dofenso stood
horo," Honoy. cried, "with an audac-
Ity born of confidence in somothlng
which wo know nothing about, and
advancod arguments that wero In-
suits to your honesty."
Honoy began tho second day of
his argumont in a court room crowd
od to tho doora with an lntorostcd
throng. Hundreds Jammed the
system of tho United Railways
Ho Bald: "In January and Feb
ruary, 1900, corruption was rlfo
amonc tho supervisors,
r "Tho fl;ht trust deal had boon put
through tho fas caso brlbory hnd
bcon dono. tho tolonhono comnnnlos
- . . - . ? - : 7
f0r0 tho Unltod Itallroifds had mado
to show that Sprockols ovor attomot
cd to got a stroot railway system of
his own, or got possession of tho
United Ratlroada
"Why didn't Calhoun," continued
Honoy, "coma forward .and holp trap
tho boodlor board of supervisors and
A" iloul nnu ocnmiu itu ccwia
havo dono that In the latter part of
1905, and saved hlrasolf all this
ii IfJO'rnfVk CI n t fl fall nt n .fr 1 a h.
Abo Itouf nnd SchmltT He ccmld
forrod to como in horo and 'fabricated
oviuonco and mono false charges,
which show nbsoluto guilt on his
"Imomdlatoly nftor March 13,
100C, on Jils return from tho East,
Calhoun started to gt an ovorhoad
trolloy franchlso on Suttor street.
SpreckelV testimony was introduced
hero, not to show which was tho
bettor systom. but to show tho mo.
t'vo for Calhoun's frenzied attempts
to get nn ovorhoad trolloy franchise,
Tho motive Is vory apparent. The
testimony showod It.
"Calhoun bolleved thnt ho could
Blvo greater troot car facilities, ho
said, with tho ovorhoad trolloy sys
torn. Creator facllltloj means great
er trafllc, and greater tralllc moans
more profit. Thoro you havo It
"That Soreckols. when ho consult.
od with Calhoun on tho feasibility of
tho conduit system did not think nt
l""- "mo or sinning a street car sys
torn of his own, Is borno out by his
siaioment to Calhoun. Ho said:
'Now, Mr. Calhoun, if you think that
(no length of tho franchise proposed
for tho underground systom not long
enough to allow you to get hack
tho amount of your Investment, I
stand ready at auy tlmo to assist you
to securo an extonslon of tlmo for
fifty years.' Dooa that show Bpreck
oli wanted a stroot car system him.
solfT Ne: It shows that ho wanted
the UMt car sorvlco possible for tho
"I maintain that Calhoun came
horo in 1900 to got tho overhead
trolley system nnd to got it through
Abo Ruof. Tho people couldn't glvo
It to him. Tho adornment commit.
too couldn't L'lVO It to him Tim mtlv
ones who could give it to him wero
Abo Ruof and tho board of super
visors", and tho way tho caso has
been conducted and from tho
rpeechea of counsel, Ruof waa then
tho friend of Calhoun and still Is.
"Isn't It a fair Instance that if
in the Ruef trial the Jury convicted
on testimony of Gallanhor. Corrm.
Furey and Wilson that they wore
telllm? the truth?
now, li tnero any
rea on that the testimony can't be
as good in tula ca"e, Insofar as it
goos to show that Gallaghor made
an otfor to tho supervisors and that
Gallagher paid thorn T
"Tho records ohow you horo that
Abo Ruot was convicted of otforlng
a bribo in tho trolley mattor. Now.
you havo no right to say 'I'll ac
quit Mr. Calhoun bocausu thoy have
n't brought any wltnoea horo to tes
tify that ho saw Tlroy L. Ford pay
tho brtbo to Abo Ruef, or that ho
hoard Patrick Calhoun nuthorlie
Ford to pay tho brlbo to Abo Ruef.'
Whon tho murdoror who knocked bis
victim on tho hood whon no ono else
was In tho room, was convicted you
didn't nocd any man to witness that
crlmo to provo tho man guilty. The
clrcumstnnccs provo him guilty.
"Circumstantial ovtdonco In this
caso points with such an unorrng
hand thnt you don't havoto havo auy
wltues'o corns horo who saw Tlory L.
Ford pay Ruof tho brlbo monoy."
Honoy then rotnrnod to tho Sut
tor stroot trolloy frnnchlso squabble
again. Ho condomnod Calhoun's of
for to loavo tho mattor to tho poople
aa to whothor thoy wanted a conduit
systom or tho overhead trolley, aa
mado la bad faith. Ho referred to
Qoorgo Keano, ex-oocrotary of the
board of suporvlvors, as tho man who
got tho rest of tho monoy In ques
tion nftor the 189.000 woro paid to
Rea and Gallagher, and said that It
wasn't likely that Qoorgo Keano. who
had boon of such corvlco to Huof ami
Schmltz In tho French restaurant ex
tortion casos, had boon ovorlookod
In tho payment.
Ills mention of tho Schmltz oxtoo
Hon cao brought a storm of protest
from tho attornoys for Calhoun, and
thoy called upon tho court to ordor
tho Jury to dlsrogard tho statoraont
Tho court ruled that tho Jury was
tho solo Judgo of tho ovldonce, and
that It had a right to draw auy In
foroncos It might.
Continuing, tho speclnl prosecutor
snld: .
"Calhoun wanted Cornelius of tho
carmen's union to whip his organiza
tion Into lino bohlnd tho ovorhoad
trolloy mntter. so thnt Ruef could
put through his crookod donl with
out losing his political prustlgo or
tako n ohnnco of killing tho gooso
that was laying tho golden brlbo
eggs. A. A. Mooro told you that Cal.
houn was not held up. so that his
Ji"!"!!""!,, ,wou,d, "" published and
rcad by Ruof out nt tho rmmiv inii
Thoy did not daro to uccuso Abraham
Ruof for four that ha inluhf tub., nn.
other motion to offer testimony for
n consideration.
"Publlo service corporations aro
not llko tho patriots of old. who spent
millions for defonso but not one cont
for tribute.
"Whon Calhoun spoko of 'the poo
pie in his lottora to tho adornmont
committee, ho mount tho boodllng
board of supervisors. Thoy woro tho
roprosontnltvos of 'Hie peoplu.'
"You might as well talk of Horn
Twood of Now York, lloss Buolor of
bt. Louis, and Uossos Rnllnoy, Crlm
nilns nnd nucklpy of San Francisco
as tho 'ropresontatlves of tho peo-
Sau Francisco. Juno 18. Heuey
anuouncod that It Is Improbable that
ho will comploto his addrois today.
In that ovont tho case will not go to
the Jury beforo tomorrow noon, and
a verdict h not expected this woek.
United I're leJ Wirt.1
Honolulu. June 18. Consul-Qan-ornl
Uyono announced today that tho
Japanoso government would not at
tempt to Intorforo In tho affairs of
tho strike on tho sugar plantations
hore. Ho denied that ho had advised
tho planters not to yield, and that
ho had reported to his government
that tho striker i woro anarchists, but
said that tho situation was not one
In which Jauan could tako a hand.
TJw leaders of tho striking Japanese
Plantation laborers, who wero ar-
rostod a fow days ago, wero arraigned
today, aud released on ball. The
'rlkers: remain confident that they
will win, and tho planters aro equal-
ly confident that thoy can break the
str'Ite. From prosent Indications tho
fight will bo a long and stubborn one.
' ...,.... o ' , . ... ,
A SNA!',
5-room houso and two lots on 17th
street. This week, I960 Owner
nurt cell Phone 1413. 6-H-3t.