DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, oaLKM, ORKOON, ' THURSDAY, JUNK 17, 1M. Just Received A big shipment of Santa Rosa, Col., tiindo working Snocs. Dlack and tan. Also a now lino of splendid men's and women's dress shoes. J.lVogt 345 Htato St. I P&M&? 6AOS? 223 S. COMMERCIAL ST O. T. C. Co. .teamors Pomou and Orogona lonvn fnr Pnrtlnml Mnndav. Wndncifl- day and Friday at 10 a. m.; Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at o a. m. For Corvallls Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday about 7 p. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agent. A GOOD PLAYER Is always particular about tho rausl--cnl Instrument used. But ovon tho most critical can find no fault with tho instruments sold hero. Como In and try your special favorlto. Noto tho tonq and volumo, tho flno finish, tho bonutlful harmony. ' Your first -visit will not bo your last, wo fool confident. L. V. SAVAGE, i!l7 Commercial St. Snlem, Or. fp fire Proof Fool Proof lii cotiHldorlng making your own light, or cooking, why not consider the F. P. Gas Machlno and Stub bors Light. Wlllis'l niul Instull this machlno aud guarnntoo It lo giro '100 per cont inoro light for tho same monoy than electricity or city gas. Lot me flguio with you, ostlmates furnished. Call at my shop and sea tho lights and stovoa In operation. I also carry PVHO DENATURED ALCOHOL nil 11 tic.. Safe cconuml cnl, odorless, A. L FRASER Phone 180 8S8 BUte St. ! Gold Dust Flout ' M..1 r Tnn BVDXKT row- , EP COMPANY, Kidney, Onv ! go, . Made for family un. j 1 Able your grocer for It. Bnw I and nliorto ulwuys on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. CHICHESTER S PILLS VC. THE DIAMOND UIUNU. a I.allr.l jtililrlniciUlb I'll In II. J 11 UalJ imiHIc Ll.lt.lcr- ll.a.ool Uraa I w. fc?.i!tj kh Una RUio. T k. wi cth.r. Jlwf -jur HrrUt. A.nM'll. UV.H.TZU VlMlOSn l;iiM i'iUM.IIH THkVWll'M S-lj- !'- tUtlllbl 0 r- nnirr.iqTfVFPVUHERE Of Interest to Farmers and Median lea. Farmers and mechanics frequent ly meet with slight accidents and in juries which causa them much an noyance and loss of time. A cut or bruise may be cured In about one thlnd tho time usually required by applying Chamberlain's Liniment as soon as the Injury Is received. This liniment is also valuable for sprains, soreness of tho muscles and rheuma tic plns. There is no danger of blood poisoning resulting from an Injury when Chamberlain's Lini ment Is applied before the parts be come Inflame-1 and swollen. For ca'e by all good druggists. mmmmmmmmnmmr ' fr Tho Badge of Honesty Is on every wrapper of Doctor Pierce's Golden Mi icii ...seovcry bocauso a foil list of the Iner uVnts composing it Is printed thcr. in plain English. Forty years of or r ". -.r has proven Its superior ivorth as u biio 1 purifier and Invigorat ing tonic f jr t ifcutvu' stomach disorders stid all liver I.L. It builds up tho run down system R3 no ollior tonic can In which alcohol is ucd. Tho active medic Inal principles of native- roots such as Golden Soal and Queen's root, Stone- and Mandrako root, Bloodroot and Black Chcrrybark aro oxtractcd and preserved by tho uso of chemically puro, triple rcflnod glycerine. Send to Dr. R. V. PIrrca at Buffalo, N Y for free booklet which quotes extracts from wcll-rocojtnizod med' leal authorltlps such as Drs. Bartholow, King. Scuddvr, Coe, Ellingwood and a host of othrps. showing that theso roots can bo daptinded upon for their curative action lb. all weak states of tho stomach, accompanied by Indigestion or dyspepsia as well fj Iry< bil.ousor liver complaints and In inTwastlnc diseases" whero thorn Is los3ilcsh and gradual running down of tlfrstronsth and system. Tlin'OoMpn Medial Discovery "mks rich, tium blood i.nd so Invlrorato im repillaToVtli'Uviinrli. liver nil bow '!;. anq. tnrougn t rn. tnn wnoin vu-j-it Thus all skin affections, blotches, pimples and eruptions as woll as scrofulous swot lings and old ojmn running pores or ulcers aro cured and healed. In treating old running sores, or ulcers, It is woll to In sure their hen ling to apply to them Dr. Piorco'a All-Il"allng Salvo. If yourdrug gist don't happen to have this Salvo In stock, send lh'ty-four cents In postage stamps to Dr. U. V. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Iustltuto. lIuiTalo, N. Y and a largo box of tho "All-IIoallng Salve will reach you by return post. You can't afford to accept a socret no trum as a substitute for thlsnon-alcohollc mcdlclno or known courosmox, not oven though tho urgent dealer may thereby make a little blggor profit. Dr. Plcrco's Pleasant Polfots regulaU and tnvlgorato stomach, liver and bowels. Bugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to Uk is candy. Salem Fence Works Iloadqunrters for Woven "Wlro Fonclng, Hop Wlro, Barb Wlro, Poultry Nottlng, Shlngloa, Mai thoid Roofing P & B Ready Roofing. Scroon Doors and ad JuBtiblo Window Scroons. All At Lowest Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 200 Court St Phono 121 mil immnnn ..msi !! WHITE HOUSE !! RESTAURANT X 1 1 1 1 For a regular i i 25c Dinner at '20ci ! ! They can't bo beat. 1 1 iiMcGILCHRIST & SON J J Proprietors 1 1 Tiii'iimi'iff MEALS 15c Call and try thorn. Meals 15e Board par weok 2.75, als-) fur ntBhed rooms very reasonable. m AT TRT5 Salem Restaurant 830 COURT STREET. SAM CASTO FAMOUS HORSE TRAINER. la now located at Canby Oregon tho best winter quarters in the Nortfc west for training and developing young horses. Sam has room for few mora prospects, either for to road or track and would llko x communicate with anybody wishing their horso trained. Mr. Casto 1 oonceded to be tho best colt man ! the West and his success on the ths Salem track bears out this statement. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Address SAM CASTRO, Canby, Oregon. Phone 44 Main. 147 N. High at. C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of TAB FASHION STABLES Cabs and Livery. All Rigs Modern Rubber Tire. Great Chinese Doctor L. M. H U M Ha medlctnu which will cure an, known disease. He makes a special ty of, and guarantees cure Catarrh Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism, Debility, Stomach, Liver. Kidney Troubles; also any blackened or swollen surenoss, broken limbs; Smallpox; Epidemic; all hinds of Bolls, Lost Manhood, Female Weak ness, Hernis Troubles and Paralysis Consultation free. Care of Ylek Bo Tong Co., Chinese drugs and herbs. 16S High 8t., upstairs. Salem. Or ASTORIA )V. AFTER .. k TERMINAL RATES (United Press leased WUe.l Portland, Or., Juno 17. Tho chamtier of commerce at Astoria, Ore., It was announced today, has flled a complaint with tho lnter-state commerce commission, asking that tho Astoria '& Columbia rlvor rall-t road bo compelled to give Astoria terminal rate on grain nnd farm pro ducts from tho interior points of Ore gon nnd Washington. The railroad In question is part of tho Hill system. The commercial organization of the seaside city declares In Its bill of complaint that it Is entitled to tho same terminal rates ns those enjoyed by Portland and Pugot Sound points. Tho qucstlbn was brought up nt tho convention of tho Farmers Educa tional Co-Operatlvo Union, at Pull man, Wash., and that body, after listening to tho complaint, declined to hnvo anything to do with tho filing of it. Hence, tho Astoria chamber of commerco decided to net Independ ently. K. OF P. PICNIC AT FALLS CITY SATLLRDAY The Knights of Pythias of Falls City wlll'liaro tho picnic of tho sea son Saturday, Juno 19. Tho hilarity will begin with a big parade at 10 o'clock, and there will bo something going ovory minute from that tlmo until "taps." Tho parndo will bt) headed by tho uniform rank of tho ordor. with tho Chemawa band, merchants' floats, horso pnrado, plug ugllcs, cltlrons in carriages and on foot. Thoro will bo speech making, special drills by tho uniform rank, a talk on Pythlanlsm by W. L. Toozo, ball gamos between Chemawa and Dallas nnd Falls City and Monmouth teams. Athlotlo sports of nil kinds, wrestling, match horse racing, foot racing, and thoro will bo prizes hung up for tho events, all cash. Hubbard will send a company of tho uniform rank, 2G lu number, who will go over In auto's passing through Snlem about 0 o'clock Snturdny morning- Thoro will bo a largo number from Snlem who will tnko advantage of tho occasion to got acquainted with our nolghbor, who Is soon to be Joined to us in (ho lasting bonds of stool rails. LAW OVER CHECKS THAT ARE NOT YET DUE United I'reis Leaned Wlro. Oakland,, Cnl Juno 17. Flvo checks, pnynblo 17,000 years from dato nnd roprcsontlng a total sum of $7950, hnvo plunged tho Euporlitr court Into a ninzo of difficulties. The checks woro drawn by A. S. Colt helf, and aro payablo .to Mrs. Sarah Bowman, slnco deceased. Three of tho checks woro made payablo In 19,010, tho othors In 19, 012, and wero found sealed in un onvolopo bearing tho admonition in Mrs. Bowman's writing: "This Is tho property of A. S. Oottholf, no one Is to opon It but hlmsolf." Oottholf claimed thattho words on tho on volopo nmountcd to n cancellation. Ho filed suits asking that such action bo taken, and secured au ordor re straining A. J. Bowman, tho oxoc utor of Mrs. Bowmnu's cstato, from transferring tho checks. PK..NK aitOWKHH MKKT NUXT SATURDAY Noxt Saturday pruno growors of this section will moot nt thv Board of Trado nt which tlmo pruno con ditions will be gono over nnd tho nicotine promises to be ono of great lntorest. t A. F. Hofer, secretary of tho Board of Trndo, will glvo n tnll; on prunes nnd pruno growing nnd thoro will bo many innttors of vital Importnnco to pruno growors como up for con sideration. u Xotlco of Strcvt Assessment, Notlco is horc,by glvon that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Orogon, will on or about 8 o'clock p. in., on. the 21st day of Juno, 1909, at tho Common Council chambers, at Salem, Orogon, proceed to assess upon each lot or parcel of land llablo thcrofor Its proportionate shnro of tho cost of Improving Com mercial stroot, in tho City of Salem, w'th Warren Brothers' Bltullthlc Waterproof Pavoment, between tho north line of Trade street and tho north vud of tho brldgo over South Mill crook, in said city. All persons Intoro&tod in said as sessment shall appoar at said time beforo said Common Council and pre sent objcctldns, If any they have, to salj Improvement In llcv.i of their as the recorder within tho following Ave days, and apply to said council with in Ave days from said date, for tho privilege, if they so doslre. to mako nld Improvement In lieu of their as sossment. Dato of the first publication of this notico June 1C, 1909. W. A. MOORES, 6-16-3t City Recorder. CASTOR! A for Infaats and OMUrea, Ths KM Yoi Hni Always BwtM Prtho Arsenate of Lead Wo warrant tnis lead not to burn under any conditions. This war ranty extends to the refunding of the entire purchaso price lu case of failure of tho material to como up to this guarantee. The above warranty la found on evrv package of Ortho Arsonato of Lead. For salo by TILLSON & CO. Ha'era, Or. Do&faem Oaaaet be Oared by local application, as they cannot reach tho dloased portion of the ear. Thoro Is only ono way to euro deaf ness, and that U by constitutional remod.os. Deafness is cured by an Inflamed condition of tho mucous lnlng of the Eustach'on Tube, When this tubo is Inflamed you hnvo A rumbling sound or Imporfect hearing end when It is entirely closed Doaf ness Is tho reviult, and unless tho In flammation can bo takon out and this tubo rostorcd to Its normal con dition, hearing will bo destroyed forovor; nino cases out of ten aro :nusod by Catarrh, which Is nothing . ut an inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will glvo ono hundred dollars for any caso of Doafncss (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for cir culars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold b- druggists, 76c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. o A subscriber writes Tho Journal that ho has boon very much moved by the spirit of civic Improvomont. For $2,20 cents ho has out tho hay throo feet high in his front yard and made two tonj that will savo him buying any tor his cows. His yard looks a ltttlo wilted, but ho can see out. . o If You Aro Worth $80,000 Don't Read This. This will not lntorest you It you aro worth fifty thousand dollars, but if you aro a man of moderato means and cannot afford to employ a phy sician when you hnvo an attack of dlarrhooa, you will bo pleased to know that ono or two dosos of Chamborlaln's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy will euro It. This romedy has boon In uso for many yonrs and Is thoroughly reliable Price 25 conts. For salo by all good druggists. o Tho Orand Army men of Wood burn condemn tho passago of tho hunters' nnd anglers' llconso laws. o Stomnch Troubles. Many romarkablo euros of stomach troublos hnvo been effected by Cham borlaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Ono man who hod spont ovor two thousand dollars for modlclno and troatmont was curod by a few boxes of theso tablets. Prlco, 25 conts. Samples frco at ull good druggists. o Linn county hns a low death rata It might bo improved on, o Many of our citizens aro drifting ing towards Brlght's dlsenao by no Electing symptoms of kldnoy and bladder Iroublo which Foley's Kld noy Romedy will quickly curo. J. O. Perry. A man 53 years old, a doaf mute, who?o rotations sworo he had novor spolcon a word in his life, was nr- routed and fined in Tacoma yostorday Tor spoaklng to a couplo of girls ho did not know. Tho girls sworo that ho spoko to them, and tho gallant Judgo took tholr word for it. o Poison Onk Poisoning Ballard's Snow Llnlmont euros It. Mr. O. II. P. CornolluB, Tumor, Or., writes My wlfo Lob discovered that, Snow Llnlmont ourcs "Poison qak Poisoning," a very painful trouble. Sho not only cured a caso of it on horsolf, but on two of hor frionds who woro poisoned by this samo Ivy, Prlco 26c, 60c and 1.00. Sold by all druggists. o r Tho plantors In Hawaii, who ora- ployod Japanoco laborers bocauso thoy woro cheap, .aro now" gottlng some rathor costly ronults, o Men Past Fifty In Danger. Men past mlddlo life bavo found comfort and relief In Foley's Kldnoy Itomody, especially for enlarged pros tato gland, which Ic vory common among eldorly mon. L. 13. Morris, Dexter, Ky wrltes: "Up to a year ago my father sufrorod from kidney and bladder troUblo and several phy sicians pronounced It onlargcment of tho prostrate gland, and advise! an oporatlon. On account of his ago wo worn nfraldha could not stand It. and I recommended Foloy'a Kidney Romedy, and the first bottle rolloved him, and after taking the second ' bottle bo was no longer troubled with this complaint " J, C. Perry. o . John D. Rockefoller went to church Sunday. According to tho scriptures, that will bo about as far on tho road to heaven as he will get. You Nov ro Can Tell Just exactly the cause of you rhbu- intlsm, but you know you havo It. Do you know that Ballard's Snow Liniment will cure it? relieves the pain reduces the swelling and lim bers the Joints tnd muscles so that you will be as active and well as you ever wore. Price 25c, 60c and $1.00 Sold by all druggists o Reform School Supplies. Salem, Ore., Juno 9, 1009. Sealed proposals will be received, and are hereby Invited., for furnish Ing the Oregon State Reform School with supplies for the next six months ending December 31, 1909. List of required goods will bo furnished on application to the superintendent ot the school. All goods must be in Hrlct accordance with the samples and In original packages when pos slbl . Goods to be delivered f. o. b. at tho reform school on or before July 10. 1909. N- H. LOONBY. G-9-7t Superintendent. -o 3TO-NIGHT DISCOHOL is- CURES LIQUOR HABIT 3i. N mullril nrfrmrntlon In llnuld nnd fur Alcohol disease. Cad t given with znowirage. pDff SUCCESS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED I II LL B00 I'AOKAUEB OF THIS VALUABLE MuilVlif a A V JJ ui r Mti aisa 'js A Ejpeclkitit has lately dlicorered a new medicine for the cure-of the drink habit l)o you wlh a oackagoT If you have In your family a levins husband, father, brother or ton, who Is giving you trouble, or making life miserable for you, and whom you wish to be cured from thla disease, do not besltato a mement, bnt act at once. Alcohol has thla victim In his clutches and the unfortunate ono la not able to escape him. DIBCOHOr. him cured thousands and wtlt cure any one belonging to you. Write to us at ence, before It Is too late. It Is guaranteed harm less and Its effects are positive. If you wish free treatment and farther Instruc tlone, fill out coupon below and mall to us. Don't hesitate, as tho 000 packages will soon be glren awny and each further package will cost $1. NOW you can secure one KUKK. Cut out this Ceupon. Bend It today. Bent In plain wrappr. Coupon for frte Name. ... Adreta Mail this Coupon to TUB nUMBDV. ASSOCIATION, Portland Popular Fire-Proof 1 Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service In city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m. Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our bus will hereafter meet trains No. 6, and train No. 12, limited, Oregon Electric that arrive in Portland at 10:55 -a. m. and 4:55 p. m. & m9SSSS&SIS3mM M. C DICKINSON, Manager THCSOREGON! r READY TAILORED FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. 010 c Special Prices On Clover ood, Barloy aud Whoat Chop and Land Plaster. Tillson & Company THE STOCK BOOKS For tho Narta Santlam 'Mlulng Ycmuro. A limited amount of stock is now for salo, at tho f.OV PRION f 6c per share. SAVAGE & HERREN FlUOAJi AOKNTS. 135 H. COMMWtClAL UT. FtmFsi dsvfTkV'iT'JiOOsHsHikS Brainy Women Are those who will have us launder tholr waists, dollcato lingerie, etc. Our facilities are thoso ot the best for the perfect handling or this character of work. Our holp is thoroughly experienced, and much more skilfall than most holp you can securo to como to your home or to "take out." A trial will mako you n client of our dalem Laundry Co. Telephone 25, 130-100 8. Liberty Sf. nowder forma. The enlr known rm4 coffee, tea, cocoa or uillk without pat leafs FREE Drink-llabtt Vuit. - 03 Esst 181st St, New York, N. T. C - OTHCS PRICE RANGE aHaBBaiMai-Maa"MMtaMaMMMiaiWaaSMVtma s M i,tAMn'" $ZQ TO 40 company, aro still tp fr la- H YOU'LL MAKE IT WORSE If you attempt to tinker with the plumbing work. It will bo far bot tor nnd choapor to sond for ua and hnvo us nttond to tho muttor. Don't think any Job ot plumbing Is too small for us. Wo glvo tho sumo at tention to ull work, largo or small, bo If anything Is wrong with ynur plumbing sond for us ut onco. GRABER BROS. Plumbing mid Oih Fitting fjliop on Liuerty Ht. back of Burr's Jewelry Htoro . THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can be obtained from our prime, ten der und Juicy Beof. Mutton or Pork. AU our moats are solected from the choicest, and preparwd for tho tabl to suit the demauds or thu fastidious. Our prlcos are lower for qi allty thmi you can find ut uuy place In Butem. E. C. CROSS &. SON