14 HfeMj.Ac JtS&XS&BS&KSSM&a DA!TjV OATITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1009. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL court house square cut up with a disc harrow several times. The trees and shrubs on the state house grounds are many of them in a semi-decadent condition and need some intelligent attention 0 ' "' WILLAMETTE CLOSES A YEAR'S WORK. Danderine E. nOFKK, Editor ad Proprietor Independent Newiptper Dootod to American Principles and the Progicn and DeTelopement of AH Oregon. Published Brcry BTcnlng Except Sunday, elcm, Ore. GROWS AlR SUBSCRIPTION RATBS. (Invariably In Adrance.) 3)aily, by carrier, per year $6.00 Per month --.Mo JDallT, by mall, per year, 4.00 Per month 85o vWookly, by mall, per rosr- . '.00 Six months Mo The past two weeks have been occupied at Willamette uni versity hearing recitals, conferring degrees and reunions of students, Under the leadership of President Homan there has been made some progress at reorganization and foundation building. The commencement exercises today complete the sixty-fifth year of its continuous work as an educational institution, With a limited field to draw from, without adequate finan cial support, and torn with dissensions, the university has sur vived. It is a splendid institution all things considered, and is now in the hands of progressive and Intelligent managers- and faculty, m THE FIGHT FOR AN OPEN WILLAMETTE RIVER The campaign for free locks at the falls of the Willamette river was begun in earnest three years ago, An Open River Association was organized at Albany, cem: posed of strong men from all the valley towns. During the fall of 1906 many meetings were held in the valley towns to arouse enthusiasm for the project. In the legislature of 1907 a bill was introduced for the pur chase of the locks and canal at Oregon City by the state. This bill was opposed by Congressman Haw ley, who took the positoln that the federal government should bear a part of the expense, ' A bill was finally put through the legislature appropriating $300,000 to aid in purchasing the locks and canal. This bill was framed on the theory that the federal govern ment wpuld appropriate at least a similar sum, Sdnator Fulton introduced a resolution directing the war department to make up a new estimate of the cgst of the project. That resolution was left sleeping in the hands of the com mittee on commerce of the United States Senate, Last fall Senator Bourne took up the battle for free locks and canal and secured an order for a new engineering estimate of the cost of construction. In the meantime the Oregon legislature of 1909 passed a new law appropriating the former amount and extending the time when the money would be available to 1912, and cover ing the former appropriation into the general fund, Two legislatures have expressed the willingness of the state to bear its share of the cost of purchasing the locks and canal from the corporation that now owns them. The entire delegation from Oregon Is a unit in favor of the acquisition of the locks and canal by the general govern ment, and maintaining them free to the people of Oregon, It is expected that next to the Columbia river the delegation places a free and open Willamette river as first in importance to the people of Oregon. The appropriations for the free locks and canal will be one of the first items In the great rivers and harbors bill of the next session of congress, which meets in December, Not only are all the commercial bodies of Western Oregon enlisted for this appropriation, but the Portland commercial bodies appeared in pdrson before the legislature and will appear before congress if necessary. Every development convention held in Oregon, and some in Idaho, have demanded the opening of the Willamette river to free navigation, It is the most Important improvement that can possibly be made in the interest of the producers of Western Oregon, It will affect groat savings on every pound of freight that comes Into or goes out of the Willamette valley. A free and open river with no tolls on commerce of any description moans a tremendous advantage to the Portland jobber and manufacturer, It means removing a tax of 50 cents a ton on the producers of Western Oregon, That is a biggor tax than all the other taxes combined on tho tiller of the soil, The tolls at the falls of tho Willamette now exacted by a prlvato corporation not only keep many steamboats off the river but are absolutely prohibitive on many industries and many classes of freight, , Fencing of the public domain by large corporations is no greater crimo against the settlers than the fence at the falls of the Willamette is against tho producers and business In terests of Western Orogon, o PROGRESS IN BEAUTIFYING THE CITY. The colleges of law, medicine, liberal arts, theology and pedagogy make it nearly a complete university. President Homan has fought for a higher standard of schol arship and has stood for a strong business administration, PORTLAND MARKETS. v Wheat Track Prices. Club . 11.20 Dlucstcm $1.27 1.30 Turkey Red SI. 18 Vrtlloy $1.17 .... Floor. Pntonta $6.25 Straights $5(0)5.40 Exports 4.70 Vafloy 5.50 Graham, 1 V. Rack 6. SO Wholewheat 5.80 Hay. Wlllnmetto valloy ordinary. $14 ifi Eastern Orogon, fancy.... $18 20 Jfalfa $J.114 Clover $13012 Choose. F. C. Twins 17v6c P. C. Triplets 17tto Young America 18c Cream brick 20o Swiss block 20c Lltnborgor 1820o Mlllstuffs. Bran $25026 Middlings $31.60 Shorts, city $29 Cho d $20035 Rolled Barley $3G037 Drcnscd Meats. Hogs, ordinary 8 0 Do Picnic 10c Hogs lar 'o 8 9c Veal, extra 8c Veal, ordinary 7 0Sc Veal, heavy Oc Mutton, fancy 00 7c Cottngo roll lie Drcakfast 17 21c Regular short clear, smoked. .14 o Ditto, unsmoked 13c Clear backs, smoked 14c Shoulders lie Fresh Fruits. Oranges $2.2503.25 LomonB $1.75 04 Apples, box 0502.50 Uananns, lb 50Cc PoHltry. Chickens, mlxod 14 16c Fryers 22025c RooBtors, old lOe Broilers 2803Oo Drcssd. poultry, lc lb. blghor. Ducks 14015c Goobo, live- 10011c Turkeys 20c Oats. No. 1 white $30040 Gray $38 039 The park board has made some good improvements In Marion Square, tho old historical public meetnig ground of the city, Tho grass has boon cut, scrap boxes placed for throwing waste papers, and plans are being made for more trees and shrubbery. Tho people of tho Lincoln school neighborhood had a com petent trpe warden and landscape gardener look over their school place, The expert reported that a fow of the oak trees were in bad shape, a few maples too many, and part of the ground needs tilling. There should also be some shrubs planted, This matter will bo taken up at the next meeting of the Improvement League, County Judge Bushey intends to have the sod, or turf, on the CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J, H, Albert, Pros, E, M, Croisan, Vice Pres, Jos, Hi Albert, Cashier SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Pays Interest on Sayings Accounts 71uunlxrUln.'a Cough Remedy tho Rest on tho Market. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and find It to be the best on tho marltot," says B. V. Tardy, editor of tho Sontlnol, Galnoboro, Tonn. "Our baby had several colds tho past winter and Chamberlain's Cough Romody always gave It relief at once and cured tt In a short time. I always recommend It when op portunity presents itself." For sale by all good druggists. 1 If you want to know why Rear , Admiral Rogers looks glum, just ask . him about the WlUamotte fleet. Local Retail Market. Wheat, per bushel $1.50 Hay, cheat $17 Hay, ctovor $14.00 Potatoes, bushol 700.80 Apples, bUBhol 5001.00 Prunes, por lb 10. 4M Prunos, per lb 1U04 Cranberries, Howe's varlo ty. bbl 13. 0 Butter and Egg", Retail. ' Eggs 25c Crcamcty butter 30c Country butter 25c Flour. Eastern Oregon $1.75 Bran, por sack .95 Shorts, per sack $1.3601.55 Rolled barloy 40.00 Local Wholesale Market. Whoat, bushol $1.16 01.20 Oats, bushol 00c Flour, hard v ueat $0.40 Flour, valley $6.40 00.00 .mi oca, snorts. .. MU feed, bran. .. Hops, 1908 crop.. Hops, 1907 crop. Chlttam bark Wool, cocrso . . . Wool, medium . . Mohair 33.30 30.00 .10 .203U .203U .18 .20 .23 For Crou and WHooping Ccmgln there is no quicker, surer remedy known than Dr. D. Juync's Expectorant. Four generations of children have been relieved and cured by this old and rcliablo medicine. DR. D. JAYNB'S EXPECTORANT bus been successfully em ployed for over 78 jcars In countless cases of Croup, Whooping Cough, Colds, Bronchitis, InfUmmatlcn of the Lungs and Cheat, Pleu risy, and similar ailments. For the sake ol your children keep a bottlt o( Dr. D. Jayne'a Expectorant in your home where you will have It t hand In an emergency. Soldbyalldnirelste in three site bottle, ll, 30c and tie Br.D. Jayae'sTenleVennlfui'e la the Ideal worm medicine, and an effective tonls for adults and children alike. Summer Rates East DURING THE SEASON 1000 via tho SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. FROM SALKM To OMAHA and return $61,65 To KANSAS CITY and return $61,65 To ST, LOUIS and return $69,15 To CHICAGO and retur $74,15 and to othor principal cities In the East, Middle West and South. Correspondingly low fare?. 0f SALE JUNE 2, 8; JULY 2, :t; AUGUST 11. 12 To DENVER and return $56,65 On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit October 31st. These tickets presont some very attractive features In tho way of stopover privileges and choice of routes; thereby enabling passen gers to make side trips to many Interesting points en route. Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a Blight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be fur nished by uny Southern Pacific local agont, or WM. McMURRAY, General Psseager Agent, Portland, Oregon. and we can PROVE IT! A lady from Minnesota write: "As a reiult of using Danderine, my hair i close to five feet In length." Beautiful Hair at Small Cost HAIR trouble!, like many other diseases, lure been wrongly diagnosed and altogether mis understood. The hair Itielf li not the thing to be treated, for the reason that it It limply a product of the scalp and wholly dependent upon it action. The scalp is the very soil In which the hair Is pro duced, nurtured and grown, and it alone should receive the attention If results are to be expected. It would do no earthly good to treat the stem of a plant with a view of making It grow and become more beautiful the soil In which the plant grows must be attended to. Therefore, the scalp In which the hair grows must receive the attention If you are to expect It to trow apd become more beautiful. Lois of hair Is caused by the scalp drying up, or losing Its supply of moisture or nutriment; when baldness occurs the scalp has simply lost all its nourishment, leaving nothing for the hair to feed upon (a plant or even a tree would die under similar conditions.) The natural thing to do In either case, Is to feed end replenish the soil or scalp as the case may be, and your crop wilt grow and multiply as nature intended It should. Knowlton's Danderine has a most wonder ful efTect Upon the hair glands and tissues of the scalp. It Is the only remedy for the hair ever discovered that Is similar to the natural hair foode or liquids of the scalp. It penetrates the pores quickly and the hair soon shows the effects of Its wonderfully eshllar atlng and life-producing qualities. One 25-cent bottte Is enough to convince you of Its great worth ss n hair growing aud halrbeautl fyiug remedy try It and see for yourself. NOW at all druggists In threo sixes, 25o, 50o and $1.00 per bottle. Cut Thj( Out FREE To allow how quickly Cud, rial gcta, we will send a large sam ple free by return moll to anyone who sends this free coupon to the KNOWLTON OAKOERIKE CO., CHICABO, ILL, with their nine and address and 10c in sliver or stamps to pay postage. tBBBBBBsSBBBBBaV 4BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal BbbbVJssbbbbbV aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee& JsHLbL IssssssssssssV (LHHP' I " tsstsstssV KLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH mS sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV I W isllW adssHB' la .obbbbbbWbbbbbebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW JaKlMtK BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS ffMlMm LbbbbbbbbbbbTA M ' sbbbbbH UM BSLf BARGAIN SALE . ON LADIES' WAISTS Fine Embroidered Waists Values $2.50, sizes 32 and 34, only $1.25 Net Waists, regular $3.50, only $2.50 Fine White Tailored Waists, only $1.00 Ladies' White Shirt Waists 35c up Heavy Silk Gloves, double-tipped fingers 50c pair Good Sleeveless Vests, only 10c each Ladies Tan Hose, silk finish, 25c goods 19c pair Ladies' White Handkerchiefs 2 for 5c Boys' double-seat and knee Overalls 50c pair Children's Rompers 35c each Children's Overall Suits, heavy material 50c suit Boys' Khaki Suits 75c suit Men's Covert Overalls 75c pair Men's Blue Overalls 50c 'pair Men's 15c Socks, black, tan or fancies 3 for 25c ROSTEIN & GREEIMBAUM 240-246 Commercial Street mmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MECHANICS' TOOLS, SHARPLE'S SEPARATORS, HEATH & MILLIGAN PAINTS, 0RNW00D SPRAY, FRICTI0NLESS METAL, BUILDERS' HARDWARE Salem Hardware Co. ttetetetaiaiaieiaigtjeeiataiateifiitaiaiaiaiaiiaiisjj I Ci JLIDILK, 1 1 GOOD PICTURES OUR SPECIALTY PROGRAM FOR TODAY Lft Torsced, Tito Rluo Legend. Oriental Myblv Truo Love. Tho Pulverizer. SONG "ttelleve Me, If nil Those Endearing Voting Charms" Moores' Fumous Melody. La Torsced by VIctonim Sardou of tho French Academy, Is con sidered by critics to be a mastxnIeco in Motion Picture acting i eif nn(tif iiiaiisit3jf iiiisiii JoOOO 70 acres on Liberty road one fourth mile from Liberty school. 20 acres Dearlng prunes. 10 acres prunes. 2-year-old. 10 acres In grain. 3 acres family orchard, bearing, 17 acres fine timber. This place Is very cheap. Party needs some money. $2000 cash, balanco long time to suit; 6 per cent interest. MEYEIt UKLLE LAND CO., 437 State Street. Phone t57 mil ii li I'llilllMlallllsWfsaaaaaWeMlisST