Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 17, 1909, Image 1

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UAlfiY OAl'ITAL 4'jVU uL, SAUCta. OllEGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1000.
NO. 127.
United Prrsi Leaned Wire.
Potertburg, Juno 17. Firing
tho British steamship North
a torpedo boat, which was
accompanying tho czar's yacht Stand
ard to Pitkltpaa Day to meet tho
kalsor, Injured an English sailor last
night, according to advices rocolvod
horo today. The shot was flrod bo
cnuso Captain Robertson, command
ing tho Northburg, rofusod to hood
the torpedo boat's warning to stay
away from tho bay where tho Rus
slnn and German rulers mot today.
Nows regarding tho firing on tho
British voisol Is consorod, and but
llttlo can bo learned of tho Incident,
but rumors, which aro being clnxi
lated hero, havo caused tho greatest
According to tho moagro advlcos
horo, tho Northburg was In waters
from which all forolgn vossols had
boon barred pending tho mooting of
tho monarchs, whon sho was en
countered by tho torpedo boat, which
was ono of tho flotilla accompanying
tho Standard. Tho commander of
tho torpedo boat hailed Captain Rob
ortson, and domandod that ho leavo
the vicinity at once. No attontlon
was paid to tho command, and tho
war vessel fired upon tho English
ship, hitting a stack and Injuring
ono sailor.
Tho meeting botweun ttlo rulors
took placo today, n scheduled. The
Standard and German yacht Ikihon
zollorn, oscortoO by warships ropro-
(Contlnued on Page 8.)
(Un.ted rreii Leaaed Wire.
Suisun, Cal., Juno 17. Arthur
Potcrson nnd Harry Olsnoy, JL8-yen-old
Uorkoloy youths, aro in tho coun
ty jail at Fairfield, accused of at
tempting to wreck a Southern Pacific
pussonger train near Vandon station.
Undor tho questioning of Deputy
Shorlff T. J. Lnnahan, tho boya con
fessed tliolr guilt.
According to tholr story, tho boys
woro put off a frolght train on
which thoy woro beating their way by
tho conductor. Thoy determined to
"got oven," and plnccd obstructions
ncross tho track near Vandon station
Tho attempt wob discovered by soc
tlon hands n few minutes boforo the
train was duo.
Ethol Darrymoro says sho will not
do ert Charles Frohman. Now then
nil of us can quit worrying and sleep
fHKI 8lllll4VeMltlll-?ltt4-frWtll)ilM-K
Z Is tlio placo for good goods nnd low prices nil tho time. Como to Snlcm'M greatest griming store and nee
J tho values wo can giro you, Wo employ ill! salespeople nnd keep them busy nil tho tluio soiling goods.
Sale Prices
$3.50, $4.95
and up
i; ju 1 m
(i "" " ::
;; Men's Goods Ladies' i:
Tako a look at our show window and seo tho Hicrh nnrf Hlfe
- grand display of Men's Furnishings now on ex- V f
;; bibltlon. Quality, stylo and prices yon cannot beat LOW SflOCS MmMmmwl '
66c Working NoK on ga,0i W(y Hu
ikrl Shirts now..39n ., .t.nn. .... -bbbbbbHs 9
fff 4 ' v.i.t auun juu H
-J7 Men's 75c Dross grand stock of high BjjBr X
J;( . Shirts now.. 49c c,a89 footwear at BlSL jft,
7vAllllili Men'a"cFlne very small pries. Hg 4 j,
) Ay uiimlE Hoso 9c Two sampie prfcea; EMi3l
J! -W Men's 11.50 Pon- J2.-.5 high shoes, Ml
" Jfi geo Shirts... 85c n VPL ;f
J! WfQX Overalls, all prices, 3- t0td "
a, nr- fn all tile now t
-" from 39c and up '
ii " - ' ( J
i .,.. .... Ji0' . rTi - 'II i
: sMvsuKnui. jr KL000' lU-autifMl ;
coats, no maiuT xw , - . jtv-w y m m m m tr
h. m MM mwMWtjr
n m eow SMjaanrm m mm wwmsm , iiessiik .
them, now oulv m S Mm m mm W jTfm .WJ -
W.M M Mi r j .. now, j'uru ' '
; ij.j sjg- nnMM&a jsiwii?-tf? AQr
Now on salo. If you want
to soo a grand variety, tho
latest styles and tho lowest
prices In this part of tho
world, como to
Suit Department and tako a
look through,
Wo havo a vory
strong lino of
0 loves In kid nnd
silk. In nil colors.
Wo know our prices
nro right on ac
count of tho big
busluoss wo do In
this department.
45c Lislo Glovos,
now 25o
75c Silk aioves,
now 49c
91.45 Kid Gloves,
now 98c
m. M vCAcr
Jit '
. Brim
Porfoct wenther mndo tho Iowa
picnic on Fnlrmount hill n gront suc
cess. Sovornl thousand pcoplo at
tended nn a result of good advertis
ing. At 10:30 tho Snlom Military
band took Ita position at Commer
cial and Stnto streets nnd carload
after carload of "hawkoyos" filed out
to tho picnic grounds, which had boon
beautifully fitted up for tho occa
sion. Tho picnic lunch in chnrgo of
tho ladles' coniiulttco wns served ac
cording to program and onjoyod by
hundrods. A card Index system of
onrolllng tho hundroda of Iowa pco
plo prcsunt proved n gront success.
After dinner tho assomblngo was
called to order, ti pormunont organi
zation effected nnd officers olectod.
Itosolutlons woro adopted oxpresslng
tho HontimonU of tho nocomora to
ward Oregon In gonoral ns a land of
plo.amiro nnd plenty. Resolutions
woro also adopted boosting for n
public park on Fnlrmount hill and
ondorslug tho campaign for bringing
mountain water into tho Capital City.
A full report of tho proceedings of
tho annual Iowa plcnlo will appear
In Tho Dally Journal for Sutuidaj .
While They Last We Offer
500 yards standard 7 1-2c
Fancy Lawns for only, yard
(United Prria Lraied Wire.
Portland, Juno 17. Professor J.
K. Marsh, who says ho Is a phrenolo
gist nnd stylus hliuuolf an Inttmnto
of tho god of destiny, Is on his way
bucK to Tncoma, whoro ho will faco
a chnrgo of dosortlng his brldo of six
weeks becnuso sho wns suffering from
ii.ursh wns nrnistod yostordny oil
n farm five mhos oast of Portland,
whoro ho is said to hnvo boon hiding.
Tho couplo Is past CO years of ngo.
"I balked and then rnn whon I
saw tltoflo corns," said Professor
Marsh to Dotectlvo Hollyor.
"My wifo Is all right, oxcopt thoso
torrlblo looking things on hor foot.
I couldn't stand for them, so I skin-
pod. It Is ombnrrasslng for mo to
bo in this position becnuso of -tho
fact that I prldo myself on giving
pcoplo advlco on how to bo happy in
married life."
'i no couplo. woro nmrrlod In Tnco
ma. The woman declares sho will
mnko Marsh support hor In splto of
hor corns.
San Francisco, Juno 17. nollov
Iilg that Japanese strlkors on tho Ha
waiian Islands sugur plantations do
not desorvo tho assistance of tholr
countrymen rosldine on this coast, n
committee of prominent Aslntio mer
chants today BOUt K. Klvoso. ndltnr.
lal writer on tho Jamtnceo American.
to Honolulu to inako a report on the
morns or mo riKo.
Although tho men who woro Instru
mental in Bonding Klyoso to Honolulu
aro mombers of tho Japaneso Asso
ciation of Amorlca, tho soorotary of
that organization announced today
that tho writer would not act as Its
Tho association fears that if it
wore to stand behind Klyoso'a inves
tigation it would bo invosting his
mlSafon with too great Importance
and might lend to complications.
Prominent Innninun In.lnv
pressed themselves as confident thntl
an investigation would prove that I'"100 whether you like me,
... i.uu miiuHiM iiiu inujiur cuurso
in not offering to help tho iitrlkers.
(United lrei red Wlre.1
San Frnnclsco, Juno 17. Tho
alopo OJoa. tho staunch llttlo craft in
wnicn uapiain Jtoald Amundson suc
ceeded In threading tho Northwest
Passage, today is tho nronortv of tho
city of San Francisco.
Tho historic vessel was nrosented
to tho municipality yesterday bv Con
sul Henry Lund of Norway, in bohulf
of Captain Amundsen and tho Nor-
wogian residents of tho Pacific coajit.
It wil find a last haven I if an arte.
flclal lake in Oolden Onto park that but I havo mado up my mind never
Is bolng prepared for Its reception. again to enter a courtroom and nl
I United l'rrii Leaieil Wlre.l
Snn Francisco, Juno 17. Conclud
ing his nrgumont In doronso of rat
rick Calhoun at 10:45 o'clock this
morning, A. A. Mooro surrendered tho
floor to Frnncls J. Honoy. A brlof
recess wns declared by tho court after
which, at 11:16 o'clock, Honoy ad
dressed tho Jury.
...ooro followed tho lino of rhetori
cal 'nrgumont that yesterday hold
spellbound tho largest audlonco that
yot had packed tho courtroom. Hold
ing to rldlculo tho fact that tho Unit
ed Itnllroads or tho dofondnut had at
tempted In any way to rotard Justice,
ho boldly denounced tho prosecution
and duplordd tho so-called prosecu
tion of tho defendant.
Ho assorted that tho Infamous
practlco of Interviewing jurors by tho
defendant nnd prosecution wns n dov
tllsh Invontion of llllnm J. Burns
nnd that tho United Itnllroads had a
right, if tho "mlsorablo wretches"
who. worked for Hums offored to soil
his documents, to purchuso thoni. Ho
scoffed at tho Idea of Cnlhouu being
Implicated In tho dynamiting of "Ulg
Jim" Qnllaghor's house In Oakland,
and avorred that Gallagher's II fo was
dearor to Calhoun In mo light of his
testimony than It wns to any other
man on earth with tho exception of
Unllngher himself.
Ho scorod tho prosecution ns hav
ing sidetracked all Ibsiiob to got at
Calhoun and roforrod to tho defend
ant as tho poor man who was drag
ged nt tho chariot wheels of a politi
cal combination that has boon ruling
nnd ruining Snn Frnnclsco."
Mooro wound up by declaring that
Calhoun's uamo nnd honor woro nt
stake, and that these aro dearor to
him thnn his life. His last words to
tho Jury wore:
"And now, goutlomon. I lonvo in
your hands tho honor of Patrick Cal
houn, feeling secure that whon you
havo completed your deliberations
Justico will havo been dono."
Possessing in no measure tho olo-
nuonco nnd rhotorlcnl ability of
Mooro, Honey wasted no tlmo In get
ting to tho points of his argument
whon ho took tho floor to begin tho
closing nrgumont for tho prosecu
tion. After scoring Mooro for tho nl
leged abuso ho has heapod upou the
heads of tho supporters of thu prose
cution, Honey said:
"Mooro asked you to bollevo that
bpreokels. Phelnn, Iiurns, Q Clara,
..onoy and tho members of tho
Longuo of Jiibtlce aro a.t criminals,
that they've all committed erlino.i.
nnd ho says It's proven by tho rec
ords. If tho records proco that, what
will you say about what thoy nrovo
about Patrick Cnlhoun?
Isn't thoro onnueh In thoso roc-
ords to sink Patrick Calhoun to tho
bottommost pits of holl?
"Tho evidence demonstrates that
Patrick Calhoun Is guilty, that ovory
nair or nis noaa is guilty.
' As Udmund Durko said In tho
trial of Wnrron Hastings, that 'a
criminal 1b trapped more often by tho
things ho trios to cover up than by
tho ovldence of tho crlmo ho leaves
behind him.'
"Thoy havo attacked mo throueh-
out this trial, but tnero Isn't ono of
you wno does not know at tho bot
tom of your soul what kind of a man
am. It doesn't niaico any differ-
other you like me. I don't
want any man on tho Jury to llko me.
I havon't mado any plea to have any
man on tho Jury to llko mo. I want
every man on this Jury to vote from
tho dictates of his consclonco, wheth
er ho likes Francis J. Honey or ap
proves of his methods. You may
think that I havo boon wrong In con
ducting myself tho way I havo dur
ing this trial, but Is thoro ono of you
who would havo taken as much as
I havo takon from the other sldoY I
didn't kick during tho last day nnd
a half for their abusing mo, but I
did object when thoy abused mo dur
ing tho progress of the trial. I
havo been fighting for a principle
and havo been fighting for the sanc
tity of tho court. I objected to tho
vindication of mo during tho trial
low any man to abuso mo as I havo
boon abused during this trial.
"I don't enro anything about what
iarl Hogors, tho partnor of tho In
famous Luther Drown, says to mo.
It doesn't mnko any dlfforonco what
ho says. It doosn't hurt mo, but It
does destroy tho dignity of tho court
There Is n principle nnd n question
nt stnko as to whother our courts nro
sutflciuntly strong any longer to con
vict men with money nnd provont
stealing, brlbory nnd nil of tho at
tendant crimes that hnvo boon com
mitted during this trial.
"An appeal has boon mado to you
Irishmen on the Jury, an appeal to
you to violate your oaths; an nppoat
to you not to bollovo tho supervisors
because thoy aro luformors. You
hnvo boon sworn to wolgh and con
sider tho evidence of tho supervisors.
Mr. Moore's appeal to you IrUhmou
to violate your oaths Is nn Insult to
tho Irish nh this Jury.
"The Emerald Islo across tho ocean
whoro tho Irish patriots havo boon
fighting for freedom Is ruled by ab
sout landlords as tho United itnll
roads Is ruled by absent owners.
1'hoy talk about liiforinoru. When
two men go out and rob n man at
night nnd one of them kills him thoro
Is no witness to the murder exoopt
tho tnurdoror's accomplice. Ho is
finnlly urrestcd mid his conscience
hurts him onnuyh so that ho cou
fvises, They would havo you bo
llovo that his testimony cannot bo
used to convict tho murdorur hoqauiio.
ho is nu Informer, They would huva
you go homo nnd lie down In your
bods at night nnd be murdered, with
out raising your volcos. You'd hnvo
to hnvo soino one on the Job to uy
who murdered you boforo tho mur
doror could bo convicted nnd that
somo ono would hnvo to bo somo ouo
who was not an Informer.
"Whon I started In this trial I saw
that Patrick Calhoun would mako
ono of sovornl defonsoa, and I thoro
foro Introduced evldenco which
balked every dofenso ho Intended to
mako, Fr. Mooro said yesterday, In
vory doclslvo tonus, that Calhoun
was uqt held up. You gontlomon,
now cannot go Into tho jury room'
nnd consider for a moment tha tho
wns 'hold up when his own chlof
counsel says that ho wasn't. It Is
tho same as it It camo from his own
lips. Of courso. ho wasn't hold up.
Wo ald that all along."
uonoy tnon told of Calhoun's fall
uro to socure his overhead trolley
permit. Ho said that Calhoun, who
was so anxious to rostoro transporta
tion for the people of San Francisco
that ho put 6000 Imported Orooks to
work, could havo went to tho com
mittee of fifty and sccurod a tempor
ary permit to operate his cars until
ho was ablo permanently to restore
tho cable uads. Tho Geary street
line, ho aUl, was put In oporatlon
shortly after tho earthquake, and tho
united uaiiroads could hare operat
ed cars by meroly spreading open
their cablo slots. What they wanted,
he claimed, waB a pormunont over
head trolley franchise, for which a
temporary permit bad been secured
by Eugene E, Schmltz by Thornwell
Mullally. Continuing ho said:
"This thing of attacking the pros
ecution isn't nqw at all. When a
lawyer Is shy on facts In law ho al
ways attacks the other fellow.
"Tho dofenso objects to the sloutbs
who havo boon omnloved to cather
evidence of crlmo In tho prosecut'oa
of the graft casea.
"Its all right," ho wont on sarcas
tically, "to Boud claims department
sleuths from the United Itnllroads to
got injurod people to swear away
their llvos whllo they are lying on
tho streets, or sottlo up for a postago
'tamp, but ono must not uso men to
forret out crlmo! It's all right that
they should bo allowed to stock a
Jury, but tho prosecution mustn't
make any effort to keop bad men out
of the Jury box!
"Thoy defy us to brl"f in a man
who saw tho bribe money paid to
Abe Rouf If we could bank on his
tolllug tho truth, we'd bring Tlory
(Continued on Page 8 )