MBBWWHrBWI r: JMMiMM 4Tunii DAILY CAPITAL fOVRXAL, SAIJM, OMGON, FRIDAY, JUNG 11, 1000. !.. L" t- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. nOFKH, Kdttor ul Proprietor Indeptudent Newpper Devoted to Americ&ii rrlnclploa and tho Progrost and Dorolopoment of All Oregon. rnblUhcxt Kvorjr Brcnlng Except Sunday, gAlem, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION RATHS. (Inrarlablr In Advance.) Dillr, by carrier, por year.. W.OO For month ...coo Daltr, by mall, per year- -.. 4.00 Per moBth..........85o Woekljr, by mall, per year..., .'.00 Six montbf . ...60o , jgQgMffigfrN UNION(by)LABEL f- PUBLIC SCHOOL PARADE Tlio great nnnunl closing public - school parade was hold this afternoon as advertised, and was a great suc cco8i Tho weather wob perfect, tho turnout largo and everything was car rlod out according to program. A very pretty surprUo was tendered tho teachers at tho Doard of Trade rooms' at 3:30, when an Informal re optlqn was hold at that timo, pre sided over by Assistant Superintend ont Powers. Ico cream and refresh ments were served to tho cntlro fnc ulty of tho Salem public BchooUi Tho urogram included a numbr ot aa drosses on manual training, nccdlo- woik and domestic science, which aro to bo Introduced In tho public schools mis coming year. MEAT INSPECTION 1 AT ST. LOUIS A FARCE (1'iiltcd I'm Leaned Wire. 'Washington, Juno 11. Investiga tion of tho charges that meat in spectors in tho government stock yards nt St. Louis disregard the reg ulations will bo mado by tho depart ment of agriculture, according to an announcement mndo today. , Tho charges wero made by J, P. Ilnrmtf, nn Inspector, who resigned after working In tho yards for 18 months. In a letter to Socrotnry Wil son, Harms declared that tho disre gard for government cgnilatlons was of a dectdodly sonsatlonal nature Ho said "government moat inspection at St. Louis Is a farco." Two Inspectors hava boon directed to go to tho St. Louts yards at once, and mako a thorough Investigation ot conditions thoro. PORTLAND WINslN FOURTEEN INNINGS Clydo Goodrich, tho big day clerk at tho Hotol Willamette, has Just ro turned from Portlnnd, aftor a throo days' visit in that city. Clydo snyo that ho put In throo hours yester day aftornoon at tho Vaughn street ball grounds, along with 1000 othor ball fan, rooting for tho Portland Pacific coast team, which was tying up with tho Sacrunwnto bunch In a 14-lnnlng contest. To soo Portland handle tho ball is n suro and quick euro far weak eyes, according to tho hotol clerk's ontlunlnhtlc description of tho gamo yeatorday. Ho said tho soats In tho grand stand nnd bleach ora woro usolecs after tho fourth in ning, as tho fans woro on their feet niobt ot tho ttmo. In tho first inning Portland allowed three runs on er rors of Olron, but thoy soon camo out of It, and In tho sixth Inning things began to look brighter for Portland.' Portland won by n score of 4 to 3. o To avoid serious results tnko Foloy'a Kldnoy Homody at tho first sign ot kldnoy or bladdor disorder, such ns bnckacho, urinary Irregular Itlou, exhaustion and you will oon bo well. Comtnonco taking Foley's Kldnoy Remedy today. J, C. Perry. Pretty good crop of Oregon's finest product that that marched down tho otreotB today Crpp nev er fall in Oregon SALEM HIGH TO MEET THE CLAM DIGGERS Tho Salem high school will mnko an attompt to wrest honors from tho Washington collego tomorrow after noon on Wlllamotot flold,. and If thoy succeed tho statochamplonn'H'p will Btay right hero In Salem. Tho Wash ington biunch nro ball players clear through, and havo won ton Btralght games played with different collego teams. Tho Salon high school boys aro not going to back down for tho reason tho visiting team promises to bo a hard hut to crack, but will play It to a standing finish nnd beat 'cm If possible. Tho Salem high school boys havo had bad luck all through tho season, and tho teams which thoy have played In this city from outsido colleges, havo nenrly all boon olthor extremely oaBy marks or something entirely out of tho Sa lem high BChool'B class, Tho Wash ington collego toam, howovcr, 1b not to bo Bccond rated, as they havo tho goods to show for tholr reputation aB ball plnyors, and it tho Salem high school boys do aucccod In getting tho plum, It will bo a great victory. CONTENDING FOR NEXT CONVENTION I nulled IVcm I.raed Wire.) Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 11. Tho mooting plnco of tho next couforonco of Charities and Corrections will bo cottlcd tonight or tomorrow. Donvor, Lob Angclcb, St. Louis and Detroit nro making a hot fight for tho next meeting, and today tholr chances ap pear to bo about oven. Tho commlttco on organization, which was announced today, in cludes W. A. Qntes, of Dorkoloy, Gal., secretary of tho Stato Doard of Charities and Corrections, o Notlco of Htreet As'Nsnieiit. Notice is horoby glvon that tho common council or tho city of Salem, Oregon, will nt or about 8 o'clock p. m. on tho It tli day ot Juno, 1009, at tho common council chambers at Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess upon each lot or pnrcol ot land llnblo thorofor, its proportlonnto sharo of tho cost of improving Winter Btreot In tho city of Snlom, Oregon, from u point I Vi feet south of tho south rail of tho railroad track of tho Southern Pacific Company, whero it croHscB said Wlntor street nt tho in tersection of Wlntor Btreot and Trado Istrcot to tho north curb lino of Mill troet. All persons intorostod in said as ROBsmont shall appear at said timo boforo Bald common council and pro sent objections, if any thoy havo, to said aBsessmont, or fllo tho saino with tho recorder within tho following ilvo days, nnd apply to said common council within flvo dayB from said dato for tho prlvllcgo It thoy bo do Biro, to mnko said Improvement In lion ot tholr assessment. Dono by order of tho common council of tho city of Snlom, Oregon, tho 7th day of May, 1900. W. A. MOOltKS. 6-0-3t City Recorder, o EACH ONE SAYS THE OTHER IS A THIEF (United 1'rcM Leaped Wire. San Jose, Cal.. June 11. Depu tized by tho sheriff of Scranton, Pa., to como to tho Pacific coast and ar rest J. W. Merrill on a chargo of perpetrating a fraudulent mining deal, George W. Wloland, a wealthy tlmberman of Pennsylvania, Is hlm Bclf In tho custody of tho courts to day, having spent part of last night in jail before being nolo to raise $10,000 hall. Wloland arrived hero several days ago, nnd had Merrill arrested on n chargo of havln gdofrauded John Rossln, of Scranton, Pa., in connec tion with somo mining property, Morrell secured his release on ball, and yesterday nworo to a complaint charging Wloland with felony embez zlomont. In answer to a chargo of embezzle' mont of stock In tho Monjar Mining Company, valued at $41,500, Wlo land entered a plea of not .guilty, ana, after sovorni hours in Jail, was released on bail. Merrill also filed civil action to rocovor tho money ho alleges Wloland embezzled, and both cases must bo heard before it Is de termined which man shall bo the prisoner, nnd which shall bo tho Jail or whon tho pair return to Pennsyl vania. , o You Nov ro Call Tell just oxactly tho causo ot you rhou- -.latlsm, but you know you havo It. do you know that Ballard's Snow Liniment will euro It? relieves tho pain reduces tho swelling nnd Um bers tho Joints and muscles so that you will bo as nctivo and woll as you over woro. Prlco 25c, COc and 11.00 Sold by all druggets. o Notlco of Intention to Improve n .Portion of Market Street. Not(co 1b horoby given that tho Common Council of tljo City of Sn lom, Oregon, deems It expedient to improve, ana proposes to improve nt Would You Think of Eating Salt Pork Every Day? Lard is hog fat so is salt pork. Both are indigestible and often unhealthy. Until Cottolene was placed on the market, people had to use lard for all frying and shortening purposes they had no recourse. But now there is no excuse for eating lard-soaked pastry and jeopardising your digestion with lard-soaked food. Cottolene is a vegetable product pure, healthful, digestible. It contains no hog fat. Even a dyspeptic can eat and enjoy Cottolene food without the after pangs of indigestion. Once give Cottolene a fair trial and you'll banish lard from your kitchen forever. COTTOLENE fS GUaranteed Your grocer is hereby nu w v uwMmaiv thorized to refund your money in case you nro not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test. Never Sold in Bulk Cottolene is packed in palls with an air- never ooia in puik ( (op (o eep it clca'n) (resh nnd u.i10ic. some, and prevent it from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc, Cook Book Free JJj XVSSkmc edited and compiled by Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln, tho famous Food Expert, and containing nearly 300 valuable recipes. Made only by HE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago "Nature's Gift from the Sunny South" tho oxponso ot tho abutting nnd ad-miL- A-.rtA I 4 Jacont property, Market street, In f rtilO AFSCI OlC 0l LWu OU.U ytfc I,U1II WIU VUD, IlllU ML UtU" orty strcot to tho wool lino of Drond TXl T. RllX MUUDTS NKNTAL cwam m maoi nuurmEn way street nnd from tho oast lino of Drondway street to tho west lino of Oth street, by grading tho roadway of said portion of eald stroot and by placing thereon gravol and cnushod rock and rolling tho same with a steam roller,, all to bo dono In accord ance with tbo plans and specifica tions adopted by tho Common Coun cil on tho 8th day ot Juno, 1000, nnd now on mo in tno onico or tho city recorder, and by doing all things ro quired In said plans and specifica tions, which show nn ostlmato ot tho cost of said improvomont, and aro horoby referred to nnd mado a part of this notlco. ItemoiiBtrnnces mny bo filed in tho manner and within tho timo provided by lnw. Dato of first publication of this notlco Juno 0. 1D00. Dy order of the Common Council. W. A. MOORES, 0-1 1-1 It Recorder o Wo warrant tnls lend pot to burn under nny conditions Thin war ranty extends to tho refunding of tho entire purchase price li, enso of fniluro of tho material to como up to this guarantoo. Tho nbovo warranty Ib found on every pnekngo of Ortho Arscnato of Lend. For snlo by TILLSON & CO. SnTcm, Or. Bf f J A)r HmL, u4 Km Dl.w BL-JBBBBTtl ' m ffl1V1..k...li. 9 .!. V hP USB rise's Jp JW M&t fin M vs nil J g fcuwort U ltd M , t4rt. ui UtUUIoUiunll It protwtlr mU. fii a tijuuti aunt. Dr. U A. IUr iw l 4 Itij cf th kuu loa ( pklll)t "il JO ItJlM U1 UH UlCB. 1 riauuiiaki frftHafi Or w M U hut uajii or U tt mk fcnnillni." tft MM br U ilrut.u iti r utf leWniwVf iffk W VHM vMN vVMIi WH lv CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J, H, Albert, Pros, E, M. Crolsan, Vice Pres, Jos, H, Albert, Cashier SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Pays InUfMt wi SavMgc Accounts PortlnmlcrB are Btirprlsod at them boIvcb to find out how nlco tho poo plo of the ctato would bo to thorn, it thoy would Just try to bo friendly. HAVE LIVELYSCRAP ON BIG TRANSPORT (I'nltKl I'rrft I.taifd Wlre.l 8nn Francisco, Juno ll.-"Demon" Martin, of tho ninth United Statos cavalry, said to bo a brother ot Don vor 1M. Martin, and Mossboy Edward ConkHn. of tho transport Thomas, were tho principals in n furious 0 round battle pulled off on-tho high Boas, whllo tho Thomas was on routo to this port. Tho blf government steamor arrived at her dock lato yes terday, ai.u tho story ot the battlo was told by several ot tho enthusi astic spectators, Tho mill was a gruolllng one, and was dcclnrM a draw by tho roforeo. Conklln, however, had two broken rlbq repnirod at the ship's hospital, caused by tho negro's terriaic punches in tho second round. Shortly tioforo tho transport sailed Martin's dusky comrades of tho Ninth nro said to havo cleaned up considernblu coin as tho result of n match between their husky and a champion heavyweight of tho Phil ippines. o "Llttlo Joo" Simon scema to be a protty larco man. o Mm Past Fifty la IUhw. Mon pant mfddlo llfo have found comfort and rellot In Foley's Kidney Romody, espec'ally for enlarged pros yaw gianu, wnich Is very common among oldorly men. L. E. Morris, Dojtor, Ky , wrltos; "Up to a year ago my father sufforod from kidney and bladder trouble and several phy- o vioua pronouncea it enlargement of tho prostrate gland, and advised an operation. On account ot his bkh wo wore afraid ho could not stand it. and I recommended Folov'a Kidney Remedy, and tho flrst bottle relieved him, and after taking tko ftecead bo'o he was no longer trouble wltl this coapUlmt." J. O. Perry. Nervous People And thoie af(llctl with ticurt wriknna mar now bare no fenr of the dental chair. IIKAIl WIIAl' II(H. IIANI.UY MAVHI 1 had 10 tcetb extracted at the Harvard Dentlitt' without the leaitjialn. and hlsblj recommenil thrm. MIIH. IIANLKY, h'rremont Station. Whalebone Plate $10 A Qrtat DUcovcry, the Xeio U'haUuont I'late, which li . .. flshtcit nnd ilroiiKfl ct knewn: doe not wivrr the roof of the mouth i bite corn off tue ceb: guaranteed 10 reara. fiotio vn cuai.u:noi: the would. We will forfeit 10D0 to any cuarltatil Institution for the dentlit wlio run mnV & plate for S10 ai cood aa we make for flO lO Year Guarantee Gold Crown, extra heavy f.1.00 Pull Bet Tcetb (wbnlrhone H. 8. W )..m.ihi Hrldse Work, per tooth, heat cold....3.0( White Crown J4.00 Teeth He-enameled .3.00 Uo.il Mlllne 11.00 And not ezceedlni; ttLiin lllrat Kllrer KIIIIuk ...10.80 rila,lnmn l.'llll.,. it... Teeth Cleaned I!!'.'.! !!'.'.! !!jo!co TKHTII KXTJUOTSn WITHOUT PAIN rrt lrien Other Work tt Ordered lly our new lyatem of pulnles ilenllntrj ued by ua alone. Our uccei I due to the blKh-Rrnde work done br our expert, senile manly operators. Harvard Painless Dentists Cornor Park nnd Wrshlngton Sts., Ovor Roynl Bakery, Portland, Or. tarccit and bet. equipped Dental eatab- llahment In the world ; L'O office In United Htate. Open Sunday, 0 to 1. Dally until U. Iiiit8i8iaiiiiiiiiiitititiiiitsa SALEM BREWERY!! ASSOCIATION IVopONuIs Invltcxl. Proposals Invited for ourtplios for tho Oregon Stato Ponltentlnry for tho period ondlng Docombor 31, 1000. Scaled proposals for drugs, dry goods, groceries, butter, loathor and findings, hardware, flour and moat will bo rocolvcd nt tho ofllco of tho superintendent of tho Stato Penltcn- t'ary untllWYdnesdny, Juno 2.1, nt y o'clock p. in., at which timo thoy will bo publicly oponed. A deposit of $200 In caBh or cer tified check, paynblo to tho sunorln- itondont, must accompany each bid for flour and meat, and all other bids must bo accompanied by an amount equal to 10 per cent ot tho nniount of tho bid. Snmploc to nccompnny nil bids whoro practicable. Tho right Is ro Borved to reject nny nnd all bids and to accept or roject uny portion of n bid. Goods of Oregon manufacture or production will receive preferenco, othor things bolng equal. All goods and supplies must be delivered to tho ponltontlary within twenty (20) days aftor tho contract is awarded. Schedules of tho various lines of goods to bo bid on will bo furnlshod upon application to tho spucrinten. dent. Vouchers will bo Issued for pay mont on tho first ot tho month foi low'ng tho complotlon of contract. C. W. JAMES, Superintendent Oregon Stato Ponl tontlary. Salem, Oregon Juno 9, 1909. Juno 10, 11 nnd 12. o Notlco of Intention to Improve n Por tion or Ilroatnvay .Street. Notlco la horoby given that the common council ot tho city of Salem deems It expedient to Improve and proposes to Improve nt tho oxponso ot abutting and adjneont proporty, Broadway Btreot In tho city of Sn lom, Oregon, from tho north lino of tho brldgo over North Mill creok on said Drondway street to tho north lino of Madison stroot, by grading thn rnndvnv nt anM nnrHnn nf a!l etreot nnd by niacins thereon crave! aU. Medicines or medicines nnd crushed rock nnd rolling tho,1101 Ia Ul,s I,alH?r arc for sal Beer Sold in Carload Lots. Shipments in Kegs or Bot tled Beer to any Point on the Pacific Coast : : : : Brewing Plant and Offices II On Trade St In Wholcsolc District Salem, Oregon j ; tilHlt-ttlaiajBjgajlttllt3lj ; E-RU-SA THE ONLY LAWFUL PILE CURE Uccnuso It doos not contnln narcotics, mercury, cocnlno, lond or any poisonous drugsr Decnuso E-RU-SA CURES PILES. U. 8. DIsjJonsatory recommends evory lngrodlont of E-RU-SA. Drug laws mako "falso or mis leading Btatomonta" n crime. Thoreforo tho salo of all othor or Injurious narcotic pllo medicines Is Illegal, bocauso thoy affect iuo brain nnd spinal mnrrow, produco constipation nnd novor euro. All rollablo, up-to-date l.lrn gSl5.0J.,5.,J,e.8.t 8tnnd'nB oJl nnd Indoreo E-RU-SA, nnmoly In Snlom, 2S'nBJ&&S. SRH 8TKE, O. W. PUTNAM & CO.. RINQO & ORADER, RED CROS8 I'll ARM AG Y. and -CAPITAL DRUO STORE. W. II. Cou'ey. bbbbbbbbbbbbbV. 'bbSbbW ' BiBiBiBiBliBBBBUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV ' aiaiBlBlBlBB99iBBJBBBVjBlBaBBBaH I MHfllHIrf llllBfllBliai Mechanics' Tools, Sharpies Separators; !! Heath and Milligan Paints, Ornwood Spray, Frfctfonless Metal, Builders' ;; Hardware Salem Hardware Co. timBiiaiiiaieiBti fiitiiiaii imtiiauB same with a steam roller, all to bo dono In nccordanco with the ila"na and specifications adopted by the common council on tho 8th day of Juno, 1909, and now on fllo In tho offlco of the city recorder, and by doing all things required In snld plans and specifications, which show an es timate of tho cost of said Improve ment and aro horoby referred to and mado a part ot this notice. Remonstrances may bo Mod In the manner and within tho timo provld ed by law. Dato ot tho first publication of this notlco Juno 9, 1909. Uy order of tho common council. W. A. MOORES, 6-9-1 It Recorder, o 1 CHIIlrn Ory FIR FLETCHER'S CA3TORI A mt DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only caah drug store In Oro roa, awe bo one, and no one owes It; carries large stock; Its shelves, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors ot all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr Stono Is a regular graduate in med icine, and has had many years of ex perience In the practice. Consulta tion are free. Prescriptions ar free, and only regular prices for aa4Jclne. Dr. Stone can be tonnd at all drn atore, Salem, Or., frrm 7 ta tke ttftTBlBg ubUI 9 at night. KENNEDY & PORTER DEALERS IN Oregon Sienna Paint MADE IN SALEM All Colors None Better NEW SHIPMENT Wall Paper Up-to-Date Patterns Fine Effects Everything for Interior finishing. Wo will furnl.h the goods and do tho work, either or both. Flrat-class aervlce. ISOUllER'l PHONB w m itWWWWMMMMBM mnmnmmmitmmmmmmmmmmt mmmmmxmmm,mm I lMtjmiiJWWfl nr MlM-fiil l - " - -- K.,'..i,