h -f (Bhe Hail I lauma! VOL. XIX. DAILY CAPITAL JOL'KNAL, -.aLICM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1000. NO. 123. D I IIlSIPHSWBBlllIlfElil 1 1 B. t l'.".l III llllllllll I llll 111(1 1 VT Hill I I I I II III! 171 i 111 Sitf'S MEXICAN ASSAULTS LITTLE GIRL AND MOB FORMSJTO LYNCH HIM PRISONER ANSWERS DESCRIPTION OF MUR DERER OF LITTLE ANNA POLTERA, AND ADMITS HE WAS CAMPING WITH HOBOES NEAR SPOT WHERE SHE WAS MURDERED END OF CALHOUN TRIAL NOT YET IN SIGHT United Press Leased Wire I Snn Francisco, Juno 11. Bocauso I L. D. Maronoy and Mlsa Francos , Hitching, o( Eureka, failed to arrlvo In tho city la tlmo to testify, Special Prosecutor Honoy's attompt to com plete tho caso of tho prosecution In tho bribery trial of Patrick Calhoun mot with failure Tho two witnesses, doslrod to wind up tho ovldonco by tho proBoautlon, woro subpoonaod yea torday In Eureka by Dctoctlvo H. J, Lauronston, BODY OF WOMAN FOUND IN THE BAY United Prna Leased Wlre.1 San Francisco, Juno 11. Floating In tho wators of tho bay near tho rocks off Fort Point, tho body of a woman, apparently about 35 years of ago, was discovered early today by W. F, Gamfert, a fisherman. Gnm fert notified tho llfcsavlng station, and tho body was roscuod from tho waves and taken to tho city morguo. Tho pollco bollovo tho body, which was badly decomposed, had been In tho walor at least a month. It was drscscd In what probably was a neat Maronoy IS Wanted lO glVO l8"nllnro,l .,lt nf crn Thn (under- uo. uA&i .o ,(r, , .b. sr.J'WZffiX'.r.T. poena During the early session loday.th J P.X0r..2.f "h'c.h 'J!JTCd 'J1!. '!: tnrv Wn tnVn frnm , ... rkm ll81 ; ' . "V."" JlUgOr WOS n United Press Lcssed Wire. Los Angolos, Cal., Juno 11. "A mob la forming to lynch tho prison ors" was tho startling word rocolvcd over tho long dlstanco tolophono to day by Sheriff Hammol hero from Marshal Martin, of Imporlnl county. Martin Informed tho local authori ties that a Mexican answering tho de scription of tho murdoror of Uttlo Anna Poltoro had boon arrested for a similar crlmo thoro. In his hurried talk with Shorltf Hammol, Marshal Martin said that tho Moxlcan had boon arrostod for assaulting a Uttlo girl at Drawloy, Thursday night. Tho crlmo commit ted thoro, In somo rospects, tallied wlht tho Poloro attack horo. ' Ho also doclnred that tho Moxlcan answored Martin Daumolstor'a de scription of tho Moxlcan soon on tho Los Follz road ahead of tho Poltoro girl on tho aftornoon of tho day which sho la supposod to havo mot her death. "Tho, prisoner," said tho marshal, 1 , "ndmlts that ho was In tho neighbor hood of Los AngolcB at tho tlmo of tho Poltoro murder. Ho answers your description of tho murderer to tho lotter. "Ho admits that ho was camping with a party of hobos In tho vicinity of tho Bpot, near Orlfuth Park, whoro tho crlmo was committed. "Wo aro now preparing to keep tho mob at bay. Can't toll what tho result will bo." Sheriff Hammol Immediately wlrod tho marshal for a detailed de scription of tho prisoner, and in structions thnt ho bo hold at all haz ards. Thlo Is by far tho best load wo havo had slnco tho dlscovory of Anna Poltoro's body," said tho shorlfT. H cxpecta furthor dotalls soon. Tho A. Y. P. president bqars tho vory approprlato namo of "Chllborg." His addresses of wolcomo sound llko thoy enmo from cold storago In an Icoborg. and tho tlmo given over to argument of legal points thut have arisen dur ing tho trial. DotectlVea employed by tho prosecution to subpoena John O'Neill and Jorry Van Workmsor, whoso testimony la desired by tho prooocutlon, testified that thoy woro iiinablo to And olthor man. van Workmsor. Is alleged to have romovod papers from tho ofllco of the district nttornoy, and Is awnltlng trial. CAUGHT ELEVEN JAPS COMING OVER BORDER United J'rem Lrued Wtro.1 San Dlogo, Cnl Juno 11. Elovon Jnpaneso Immigrants cnught by tho United States Immigration ngonts, nro housed today at a local hotel becauso tho law forbids their deten tion in jail. Undo Sam will have to pay tho bills. Tho olevon Jnpaneso woro caught after systematic work by secret sorv Ico nnd Immigration men. It Is bo 1 loved by tho local Immigration In spectors that a plot for wholcsalo smuggling of Immigrants oxlsts and oxtrn doputlcs havo boon ndded to tho force Sixteen additional ngenfa woro sent out todny to tho Mexican lino. All tho Jnpaneso wero carry ing Moxlcan passports when nrrcstcd. A GRAND TRANSFORMATION NOW IN PROGRESS AT THE CHICAGO STORE Every department in tho entire cstnbllNhmcnt will lie located on the flint floor. Price-cutting anil bargain giving Is tho order until nil tho -remodeling It finished. Our storo Is crowded every day. Go to the other h tores mid get (heir prices then come hero nnd mo the money wo can nave you. 'Ml fflf I f l Ul iLi I i i 7 V, 'If ! Wl iwm " 7 Wonderful Values ladies' Tailored Duck Suits Linen Suits Wool . Suits Silk Suits, Etc. You will appreciate tho store that can show you and give you tho best values In Oregon In tho abovo mentioned garments. Seeing Is believing. Wo are hero with tho goods. This season's new est wearing apparel. 7.50 Duck Suits, now only 3.50 $ 9.60 Linen Suits, all colors, now 9 -1.05 $18.00 Wool Suits now .. 9 VMi J25.U0 Wool Suits now $12 CO J18.00 Princess Silk Suljs nowi $ 8.00 $ 7.50 Silk Potticoats now only $.!M5 fffjT wedding ring, lualdo of which wns tho inscription "E. to O., 1898," Tho caso Is a baffling on6 lfl tho pollco. Tho decomposed stato ot tho body precludes tho possibility of Identification at tho morguo, nnd tho detectives who havo boon dotallcd upon tho caso havo Uttlo upon which to bnso their operations. Tho watch and tho ring, whllo sorv lng ns tho only basis tor tho solution ot tho mystery, also sorvo to mako tho caso moro complicated. Tho au thorities havo agreod that It murder was committed and tho body thrown Into tho bay tho motlvo was not rob bery. Tho unusual longth of tlmo tho body apparently had boon In tho wator has causod tho thoory to bo abandoned that tho woman might havo fallon or hnvo boon thrown from and ocean-going vessol, and hor body boon brought by tho tldoo through tho Qoldon Gato. BLACK HAND TRYS TO MURDER WOMAN (United Tress Lensed Wlre.l Chicago, Juno 11. Bocauso sho did not comply with a domand to placo $500 In a secluded spot near hor home, Dr. Jonnlo A. Donrdsloy, GOULD DIVORCE BRINGS SCANDAL L0YIN6 CROWD TO FEAST ON DETAILS ANNA'S STAGE TRAINING MAKES HER A FINE WITNESS- SAYS SHE BOUGHT 14 HATS IN SEPTEMBER- HER ALLOWANCE WAS $5,- 000 A MONTH United I'rcM I-tancd Wire. Now York, Juno 11. Foundation for an attompt Vp provo Howard Gould's countor chnrgos against his wlfo, whoso namo ho links with thoso ot Dustln Farnum, tho actor, and Col. Cody (Buffalo BUI), woro laid today, when Attornoy Nlcoll, repre senting Gould, rosumod his cross-examination of Mrs. Gould in hor suit tor soparato malntonanco. Anothor fcaturo of tho day won MrB. Gould's objoctlon to telling hor ago, and tho court's decision In hor favor on that point. Tho corridors ot tho court room woro Jammed whon Mrs. Gould ap peared early today. Bho was dressed as yestorday in an elegant black gown and hat. Bho gavo no ovldonco of I'olng norvous, and replied to tho attorney's questions, oxcopts as re gards to her ago, without hesitation. Whon naked hor namo, sho said that It was Vtolu Kathorlno Glom mons and added: "That was tho namo my fathor gavo, although I was afterward NOTICE After June 30, 1909, the Price of Treas ury Stock in the Gold Creek Mining and Milling Company will be 20 Cts. a Share OTTO HANSEN', Prosdout W. I STALKY. Socrotary BASEBALL TOMORROW, SATURDAY, JUNE 12. WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL of Portland vs. SALEM HIGH SCHOOL WILLAMETTE FIELD 3:30 Admission U3r Grandstand 10c We Can Save You Money In MILLINERY Don't ho paying douhlo prlco for your Millinery elsewhere. We uro going to movo this depart ment shortly. Wo aro moving tho hats out quick ly with low prices. Wo aro now giving wondorful bargain In this depnrtmont. $1.25 Children's Hats, handsomely trimmed with ribbons, laces and flowers, now only. Ladlos' $5 Burnt Straw Hats, tho vory latest style, handsomely trimmed with Measallnu Silk, largo roses nud fine ribbons, now only 49c $2.45 45c Dainty CORSET COVERS i Handsomely B trimmed now 25c "THK STOUK THAT 8.VVKS YOU MOXKY - ffJMS4 V " - i -r r Ladles' $3 OXFORD TIES now-only SI. 95 about 40 yoars of ago, was stnbbcd twlco and sorlously Injurod by al leged mombera of tho Dlack Hand ao cloty, ' That Dr. Ueardsloy was not klllod outright, sho owos to tho fact that slnco tho recolpt of tho letters do- maudlng monoy sbo has worn a steoi ribbed corset. Sho wob attacked at hor own door, shortly aftor duBk last evening, whon sho wont to anawor a knock. Two detectives, who had guarded her slnco tho first lottor was rccolved, woro hiding In tho houso. Thoy wero unable to catch th fleong would-bo assassin. During tho past wook Dr, Hoards 1 y rocolvod sovoral lottors demand ing monoy, and threatening hor with death If sho retusod. Each commu nication was decorated with a crudo drawing of a skull and crossbones, surmounting a black hanu. H0LDS"PUBLICATI0N WAS NOT LIBELOUS (United I'rtM feaied' Wire.) 8an Francisco, Juno 11. Dismiss ing tno libel suit of P. II. McCarthy against Charloa W. Hornlck, John D. Sprockets nud Gmcst Simpson, man agor, owner and rannlnglng editor, respectively, of tho Call, Police Judge k.uortall today severely censured the dofondnnt for "carelossnoss." McCarthy's suit was based on an article In tho Call describing un al leged meeting botweert prominent labor leadora and W. H. Hortin and Jerro Tlurkp of tho Southern Pacific. Testimony wus Introduced in court to show thut no such mooting was ovor held. "It uppoars to mo," said the court, ' that tno story printed in tho Call was absolutely unfounded In fact. In my opinion tho Call should bo moro curoful In choosing Its source of in formation. tHowover. from tlmo (in memorial It'hns been tho custom of labor leaders to meet in conference and, granted tho story is Incorrect, it does not appear that its' publication bhould bo sufficient' grounds for u libel action." STABBED SHERIFF ON SCAFFOLD (Ualtrd I'rean Ued Wire. San Antonio, Tox , Juno 11. Whon Shorirt Wright attempted to fix a black cap over tho head of Itofuglo Jauroquo, who was hanged at Plorls- villo today, tho prisoner stabbod him probably fatally, with r. spoon handle which ho had sharponed to a point. Tho condemned man thon attempt ed to mako his escape but was cap tured and lod back to tho Bcaffold, whero ho was hanged without a cap. He wns sontencod to death for at tacking n 15-year-old girl. caSn evidence IS ALL IN Snn I'ranciHco, Juno 11 -Doth tho prpseoutlou and defenso In tho trial or 'Patrick Calhoun rosted ut 2:10 o'clock this aftornoon. Tho dofenso then prosonted some written motions which will be disposed of before tho, final argumuut boglns. . o 1 At most of tho "quiet" weddings somo onp warblos "O. Promlso Me," and flion they both promise, but tho dlvorco c urt often finds out thoy nolther ot them really meant it. known as Viola My, tho latter be ing tho namo of my stopfnthor." Nlcoll did not ask any questions about hor early llfo, Jjut plunged In to tho midst of tho tnlo of hor ac quaintance with Colonol Cody. Mrs. Gould donlod that sh was connoctod with Buffalo Dill's Wild West show, stating that she had travolod with t'jo company nt ono tlmo ao tho guost ot Miss Artie Cody. When asked about visits at tho Cody homo, aha said that Colonol Cody was hor mnn agor, and that sho wont thoro to consult blm about business matters. Sho did not recall whothor or not oho visited tho colonol at' Vienna. In reply to questions ubout cortalu property shu said sho thought she paid 138,000 ton hor Dluo Cap, Va., farm. In connection with Mrs. Gould's formor tootlmony that sho was hu mtlintod by sorvants at Castle Gould, sho said today that sho told hor hus band ot tho actlonB of Mallory, the English manager ot tho estato, whom hIio said was Insulting, but Oould said that ho did not romombor what his contract with Mallory provided. Knlhurlno Identified Hior lottor dat ed July 23, 1900. to j-Doar Mr. Mal lory," referring o tnu Illness of u nurvnnt. Sho said tlitit this wns tho sumo Mallory hIio had boon tolling about. Whon sho snld sho would explain, Nlcoll adroitly turned to an othor lino ot questioning, When usked to Identify St. Kogls hotel bills for sorvlco from tho time Hho left Castle Gould until sho was awarded alimony Bho declared that sho hud uovor seen thorn boforo.. 31 o admitted thut sho had dined with LDtistlu Furuum at tho St. Itugls ami mat huo mot him in llartrord, but tho olosust sho could fix tho du' was that It wns ntter tho Vnndurbllt cup ruco In 1907. Kuthorlno said sho wont to Castle Gould with Farnum In an nutomobltu which collided with a buggy on rout'j. and that thoy had refreshmontH at a road houso nt hor suggestion. Thoy did trot eat whllo at Castle Qould and left thoro ubout 3:20 In tho nf tor noon, arriving nt Now York ut 10:30 o'clock that night. Furuum accom panied her to her upartments' but rojnnlned "only a few minutes." i..tu related having seen Farnum ut Philadelphia nnu again at Atlantic City, October 12. On October It) thoy- returned to Jersey in an auto mobile Sho Bald that lator In Oc tober sho was ut tho Washington hotol in Ilnlolgh whllo Furnum wns a guest of tho hosiery. In tuo course of tho cross exam ination Kuthorlno Identified a Jew elry bin for $51,000', a pookotbook bill .or 400. and u dry goods bill of 111,970, which was contracted botwouu September 21, 1900, nnd May, 1907. Sho said sho bought 14 hats in Soptombor, 1900, nt which tlmo Gould was allowing her fGOOO u month. BADLY SCALDED BY TANK EXPLODING (Continued from page 1) Ban Francisco. Jun 11. Two workmen woro terribly burned today when a hot wator tank In tho factory of tho h. E. Iloylo Company explod ed, lining tho room In which the men woro working with scalding vapor and steam. Tho Injured mon, who wore ruUiod to tho Harbor Emorgou cy Hosp'tal, aro Frank Johnson and lioctoria McQualdo. The mon woro at work on tho floor ubovo tho tank. Tho oxploBluu blew a. hole In tho floor, through which tho hot vapor poured. Their oscupo was shut off, uud they wnv slowly scald ed to death. Other workmon rocolvod minor burns. 0LDFIELD NAMED AS ALASKAN JUDGE Wahlngton, Jmiid 11. Poter D. Oerflold was nomlnatod to bo Judge of tho third division of Alaska .by Prosidout Tntt, who sent bis name to the sonuto today. Oorflold will suc ceed Thomas II. Uo.d. whoso resig nation was cnlold for and accepted by tho Presldont Charges of mis conduct aro pend'iig agalust Reld. Oerllel 1 la a resident of Alaska .11 i' L