AiLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALSM, ORBQOff, WEDNESDAY, 3UNB 9, 1M. item the Liver Out of Tune whole RVStOMI IS nffllo frmr stomach upset, bowels siug- r$ii, iiwui iiL-uvy, sum saiiow ad the eyes dull. You cannot s rlfrht niroin until tlw miibk fthc trouble is removed. Cor- mf 1in flnwnf 1iil ntirl nrnnfln timulatc the liver to healthful ction by taking EEGHAM'S PILLS (lie bile remedy that is safe to se and convenient to take. 'k dose or two will relieve the nausea and dizziness, operate Sic bowels, carry new life to the blood, clear the head and improve the digestion. These old family pills arc the natural remedy for bilious nbmplaints and quickly help Mile liver to Strike the Key- giote of Health Mkild everywhere. In boxes 10c. and 83c. NEW YORK CLIPPER 18 THE NRKATEBT THEATRICAL SHOW PAPER IN THE WORLD. 1)4,60 Far Yur. Single Copy, ID CU. ISSUED WEEKLT. ample Copy Free. fRANK QUEEN PUB. CO. (LM), h-SBM?" w.WSSSt PMATT? V 323 S. COMMERCIAL Sf Nervous People And theme afflicted will) henrt wraknrit Miy unw huve no frnr of Jlic alrntal clmlr. UlSAU what juih. Ain; I had 10 teeth eitrnctecl nt the llarvnrd I Dentin' without the. Iriut pain, unit hlghl) reioiiiiiirud tlmn Jill, ham. NY. rrrcmont Htation. Whalebone Plate $10 . ft Mmimt nlaiuuu.1 . I. VMtm ll'Lfll. . .a a. d r a urtu, ifiiLviciy. (no iiciv 11 nuivvvn Wl'lntr, which Is ...v lightest and strongest set known : doe not cover the roof of the meuth: bite corn off tuo couj guaranteed 11 u years. $iooo wrc ciiall.:n(jb thh would. We will forfeit 11000 to an charitable llmtltutlon for the dentin who can make a plate for $15 m good ai we make for $10. lO Year Guarantee Jflold Crown, extra henry $11.00 Tull Set Teeth (whalebone H. H. W,)..$U.0O (Ilrldge Work, per tooth, best gold....$a.oo White Crowns $4.00 ! Teeth Ite-enaincled $3,00 ( .''tiling's ,...$1.00 Ami nut vxceeuing &uu ltest Mirer 1'llllnci S0.B0 ; l'lntlnutu Killings $1.00 reetn Cleaned u.uu Th'HTII RXTHAOtUh WITHOUT i'.l.V Frrv Hun Offtcr Work tt Ordered 1)7 our new system of painless dentistry, used bj ui alone. Utir success li due to the lilgh-grnde work done by our expert, gentle luunly operator. Harvard Painless Dentists Corner Park and Washington Sts., Ovor Royal Bakory, Portland, Or. largest un.l beat equipped Dental eatab- llihment In the world ; 'JO office In United 8tatra. Open Sunday, 0 to 1. Dally until 0. tu Patent Medicines or medicines advertised iu tills pupvr arc for sale nt U s , .. ,iniiw.l m lin r W k$) sV M i sP. W mT T W ' SBBBBBS & DR. STONE'S Drug Store Toe only casta drug store In Ore icon, owe. no one. and no one owes It; carries large stock; Us shelves, counters and show caes are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Di. Stone Is a regular graduate In med icine, and has had many years of ex perience In the practice. Consulta tions are free. Prescriptions are free, and only regular prices for medicine.. Dr. Stone can he toiad at his drug store, Salem, Or., !" 7 la Lao morning oatil 9 at nlgkt. KLAMATH FALLS TO CELEBRATE COMPLETION JFJER RAILROAD INDIANS IN WAR PAINT, COW BOYS AND STAGE COACHES IN PARADE- BIG BAR BECUE, WATER CARNIVAL AT NIGHT EXCURSIONS ON THE LAKE AND - GENERAL JOY Klamath Fnlls will celebrate the completion of her railroad next Mon day, June 14. There will be an old- fashioned bnrbecuc on the famous Hot Springe tract, n ball game be tween two Indian tenms, one from Chcmnwn and the other from tho Klamath Indian school. The Pacific coast tennis tournament, lasting three days. There will nlso be a historical pa rade with Indians In war paint, cow boys 'n coctumo, pack trains and freighters, stage coaches and all tho old-time conveyances, and tho mod em auto. There will bo a prize trnp Bhootlng contest, In which some of RESTAORANT AND HOTEL PRIVILEGESJTILL BARRED TEN ALDERMEN TIED ON MATTER THAT HAS JUST BEEN VOTED DOWN OVER WHELMINGLY AT PORTLAND Ten city fathers responded to roll cnll last night. Alderman Moores roso to a question of personal privi lege, saying It hnd been Incorrectly reported that his committee was hold Ing up a bill. Tho record would show that the ordlnanco committee had reported ndversoly on tho ordlnanco permitting hotels nnd restaurants to serve liquors with meals, May 24, nnd the report was adopted. Tho recorder's books showed that Mr. Moores' statement was correct, as ho claimed. Mr. Oreenbaum questioned tho record, saying that, at his request, tho bill had gone ovor until tho mem ber who Introduced It could bo present. Citizens Interested in tho ordlnanco wcro present, nnd claim this action was taken. It was upon this Information that Mr. Hofer had asked that tho bill bo reported from tho ordlnanco committee. Tho ad verso report on tho bill was not signed by Mr. Mooros, as chairman of tho ordlnnnce committee, but was signed by Messrs. Eldrldge and Mof fltt. This Is published In the Inter est of Justice to Mr, Moores, Mr. Waters moved that tho voto by which tho advorse report was adopted bo reconsidered. Mayor Hodgors ruled that the voto killing tho bill without discussion could bo reconsidered. On voto be ing taken the record was: To reconsider Elliott, Oreenbaum Hofer, Stoltz, Waters, 6. Against reconsideration Eldrldge, Hill, Prosnall, Mooros, Sautor, D. The vote being a tie, Mayor Rodg ers cast his voto In tho nogntlvc, de feating reconsideration. Mr. Hofer gave notice that he would reintroduce tho bill at the noxt meeting of tho council. An ordlnanco to allow tho Port land Railway, Light & Power Co. to vacate 3G0 feet of Its track nt tho state fair grounds, and enter tho same on stato lands. Read twice and referred to ordinance committee, Ordinances wtro read and passed, establishing grades, adopting plans and specifications and ordering Im provements on Broadway street, on North Sixth street, Market street and Hood street, with six Inches of gravel and four Inches of crushed rock. Mr. Stolz said ho hoped there would be no remonstrances to these Improvements. , He did not bellovo a man's life would be safe who would 6 gn u remonstrance, such wob tho spirit of progress. He wanted to wi yTWTTwTrwyTwT i pyrwT'rprTrswT'syyyPfSS'ysyT wi FySrBSS' I at t, mri'rirrt-mjr i e JLIDJEJ 1 I The House of Comfort and Refinement i I WEDNESDAY AND "Fighting Bob" "Are You the Man" "My Friend the Indian" "The Empty Sleeve," Patriotic "Learning to Dance," Comedy Lincoln Pictures mffifffffffffifiifi9ftmftmfffm tho best shots on tho coast will par ticipate, excursion on tho upper lako and a ride on tho now "smoko wagons." Thero will also bo a grand water carnival nt night on tho boau tlfnil lako, Ewauna, tho finest Bpoc tacle ovor seen In tho Inland Empire. It will bo a greedy visitor Indoed who vII! long for moro when tho Klamath Falls people get through with him. Excursions will bo run from Sacra mento and San Francisco and a big one from Portland. If you want to have tho tlmo of your life, nnd boo ono of tho llvolloat of Inland towns, Just tnko a run down to Klninath. For furthur particulars call on your S. P. agent. know It this was tho propor tlmo to notify tho Oregon Electric that they must lower tholr tracks on Droad way. Mayor Rodgers said It was, and the recorder wns Instructed to notfty that corporation. Mr. Hill snld that tho pcoplo wantod theso lin provomcts, nnd tho Oregon Elec tric had promised to mako n proper compliance with tho city's grndo. Ho 'xpressod tho hopo thnt thoy would do so. Dill of A. L. Frasor for ropnlrs on city hall was roforrcd to commlttoo on public buildings. Dill or J. F. Ooodo for 1100 for damages sustained on dofcctlvo.sldc walk on north sldo of Asylum avonuo Referred to city nttornoy. Council adjourned to moot Monday evening nt 8 p. m. o- Men Pnht Fifty in Danger. Mon past mfddlo lifo havo found comfort and rullof In Foloy's Kidney Romedy, especially for enlargod pros tnto gland, which Is vory common among elderly mon. L. E. Morris, Dexter, Ky., writes: "Up to a year ago my father sufforod from kidney and bladder troublo and sovoral phy sicians pronounced It onlnrgomont of tho prostrate gland, and advised an operation. On account of his agu wo were afraid ho could not stand It, and I recommondod Foloy's Kidney Romedy, and tho first bottlo rollovod him and after taking tho second bottlo he was no longor troubled with this complaint," J, C. Perry. -Q- Tho Molr arocery Co., composed of II. W. nnd V. R. Molr, has boon succeeded by the firm of Mitchell & Molr, compocod of Leo J. Mitchell and W, R. Molr, who will conduct a first-class family grocery buslnoss at the samo place. What "Marlon Ilnrlaud" Think of COTTOLliNJJ. New York, December 15th, 190$. The N. K. I'alrhank Company, Chicago, Dear Sirs: Many year nso I discon tinued the use of lard In my kitchen and substituted far It ua an experi ment COTTOL.ISNU, then comparative ly a sew product. Since my ilrst trial of It, J cu truly ray that it lias given complete satis satis facteon: whether It la used ulone, u ' diiorienlnt." or In combination with butter In pastry, biscuits, etc., or In frying, It Iibb never disappointed me. I honestly believe It to be the very best thine of Ita kind ever offered to tho Arnerlcan housekeeper, and Ian glad of the opportunity to mako my lonvlctlon public Yours truly, "Marlon Harland." THURSDAY NIGHTS I stanford refuses to recognize Union labor United Press Leased Wire. Stanford University, Cal., Juno 9. It Is feared hero that tho policy of "open shop" declared by tho su perintendent of construction for tho work of rebuilding the university structures destroyed by tho earth quake of April 1G, 190C, may result In a repetition of tho labor troubles provalent hero some tlmo ngo. Yesterday evening tho union paint ers employed on tho campus woro laid off by tho superintendent for refus ing to give up their Saturday halt holiday, and work undor tho "opon shop" standard. Much structural steel work neces sarily will havo to bo dono, ans as tho structural Btccl work In this sec tion Is controlled practically by the union men, the result of tho decision of tho superintendent to havo tho work done undor the "open shop" conditions will bo watched with Inter est. Left Fnt; J lack Slender. By "Footlights." Giant and his overweight choruB from tho "Aoroplnno" company havo returned to New York In what mny bo dcscrlpcd as greatly reduced cir cumstances. Not as to finances, lot It bo said, nor yot in numbers, glory be, but In avoirdupois that Is to say gross" flesh. The ontlro galaxy has lost out In this respect, much to its ndvantagc. ' It seems the people out west wilt support slim ballertnos, and no oth er, and our famous "balloon choruB" carried, so to speak, no weight with them. Thoy treated thnt prlzo col ncctlon of fut Now York beauties with an unprecedented coldness. Con scquently Qlnu faced tho promblom of reducing the entlro front nnd rear rows at once, or shipping them back "excess" bnggago. It was a ter rific Job, as all who saw tho "Aero plane" before it left this tolerant town will ndmlt, but our Ingonlous townsman tackled It and succeeded broko all records, In fact. And thereby hangs a talo worthy of any fat lady's attention. Qlnu didn't rohenrso his flock Into shnpo, nor Vnrve them Into lino, nor yet worry them, verbally, Into shad ows. Ho paid salaries regularly and lot them eat and drink ns they listed. Ho simply hung up a new rulo in tho dressing TooniB, to tho effect that cvory lady less than five foot seven who weighed In excess of 150 pounds must tako a tonspoonful after each meal and nt bcJtlmo (or about when ever hor bEilllmo ought to bo) of tho follewing: One-half ounce Marmo- la, ounco Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic, and 3V4 onincos Peppor mlnt Water. They did It and In a month aver aged a loss of a pound n day aplcco. "Thnt's a dandy rccolpl," snyB Glau. "Slmplo, plcnsant, harmless and n worker from tho wprd 'go. Wish I could get n railroad rato reducer half as good." Xottro of Intention to Improve n Portion of Market Street. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of tho City of Sa lom, Oregon, deems It expedient to Improve, and proposes to Improve at tho cxponso of tho nbuttlng and ad Jacont property, Market street, In said city from tro west lino of Lib erty street to tho west lino of Broad way street and from tho enst lino of Droadway street to tho west lino of Cth street, by grading tho roadway of said portion of raid street and by placing thereon gravel and cnushod rock nnd rolling tho same with n steam roller, all to bo dono In accord ance with the plans and specifica tions adopted by tho Common Coun cil on the 8th day of Juno, 1909, and now on fllo In tho oMlco of tho city rccordor, and 1y doing nil things re quired In snld plans and specifica tions, which show nn cstlmnto of tho cost of snld Improvement, and nro hereby referred to and mndo n part of this notice Remonstrances mny bo filed In tho manner und within tho tlmo provided by law. Dnto of first publication of this notice Juno 9, 1909. Uy ordor of the Common Council. W. A. MOORE8. 0-9-llt Recorder. o Looking One's Host, It"s a woman's dollght to look hor best but pimples, skin eruptions, sores nnd bolls rob llfo of joy. Lin ton! Ducklon's Arnica Salvo cures them; makes tho skin soft and vel vety. It glorifies tho fnco. Oures Pimples, Soro Eyes, Cold Soros, Craclced Lips, Chapped Hands. Try It. Infalllblo for Piles, 25c at J. C Perry. Just Received A big shipment of SauUi Itosai, Cnl made working Suocs. Ulock and tan. Also a new line of splendid ncs's and women's dress shoes. J. Vogt 345 utate 81. fflgHMw I ;V i' "sngjii' mm JSL1 PVtJflrl' y -gfe yjf.i iff "-- ftUSrik. I i:REG 9 &s?l!l kiTrtivnl " 'ii:r"r;,.TTjT ...r:r.'7rtrd ALCOHOL 3 Pfilt OfcNT AVcgelabteiTcparcllonrorAs. stmllailngthcrbodamlRcdiila- llntJicStoaadisaniDwtlsof mmrunn-Tiimnnij.-t.! Promotes DisllonJChtfifd-i ness nnd Itestlontalns ncitixr Opium-Morphine norMiacraL Not Narcotic. j'itrjrcrajJkXMwmmt Stl wi M,'iiiili TO DmfJtm&rJ- U itf&LtJUSr I'ntoJ- m A perfect Remedy forConstot- urn . Sour Storaach.Dlarrhoea f-w, "i. I f;l I Wonus,Coroiusions.I;ev(:nir W -1 ne anil Loss OF Sleep. FftcSinule Signature of NEW YORK. lunrantccdt Exact Copy ofWrtfppcf. In slcknoss, If a certain hlddon norvo goes wrong, thon tho organ that this norvo controls will also surely fall. It may bo a stomach nervo, or It may havo given strength to the henrt and kldnoys. It was Dr. Shoop thnt first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Snoop's rostoratlvo was not mndo to doso tho stomach nor to temporarily stlmulato tho henrt or kldnoys. Thnt old-fnshlonod mothod Is all wrong. Dr. Snoop's Rostora tlvo goes directly to theso fatting in sldo nerves. Tho romarkablo suc cess of this proscription domonBtratos B lUikUbi iiummn iiiini ttitiititi f iif iii ; ; Mechanics' Tools, Sharpies Separators; ! ! li Heath and Milligan Paints, Ornwood ;; Spray, Frictionless Metal, Builders' ;; ! ! Hardware ! ; !! Salem Hardware Co; if iiiiiiiif nniif if mum mm iii E-RU-SA THE ONLY LAWFUL PILE CUKE Rocnuso it dooa not contain narcotics, morcury, cocalno, load or any poisonous drugs. Docnusa IS-RU-SA CURES PILES. U. S. Dispensatory rocommonds ovory ingrodiont of E-RU-SA. Drug lawn mako "falso or mis leading ntatomonts" n crlmo. Thoroforo tho sulo of nil othor or Injurious narcotic pllo modlclnos Is lllognl, bocauso thoy ntfoct mo bruin and spinal marrow, produce constipation and novor curp. All roltablo, up-to-date druggists or hlghoat standing soil nnd Indorso E-RU-SA, nnmoly In Salem, DR. STONE'S DRUO BTORE, O. W. PUTNAM & CO., IMNQO & GRADER, RED CROSS 'IIARMAOY, nnd CAPITAL DRUO STORE. W. II. Oou'ey. prfUiE5itf? txs&SilBl m,i KENNEDY DEALERS IN Oregon Sienna Paint MADE IN SALEM All Colors None Better NEW SHIPMENT Wall Paper Up-to-Date Patterns Fine Effects Everything for Interior finishing. Wo will furnl.h the goods and do tho work, elthor or both. First-class service. 180 UIlERlx PKONH 484 CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Ift USB For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMt HTuxepT, o orr. tho wisdom of treating tho actual cnuso of theso falling organs. And It Is Indoed easy to prove A simple five or ton-days' tCBt will nuroljr telL Try at onco, and boo! Sold by by Capital Drug Storo. o SALEM EMPLOYMENT IJURRAU (Phono Mnln 958.) Ten lnborors wantod at onco; 2 per day. A long Job. Ono tonm wanted; $4 por day. Ring up nnd trecuro your position boforo tho ordor is filled. AUTOMOI1ILE IlttPAIIUNG FACILITIES nt PrlohH' nro unsurpassed for rano vutiug and putting In completo order worn nnd brokon vohlolos of every description. Our workmen arc me chanics of tho highest skill. Thoy work under our porsonnl supervision nnd tho work Ib dono right. Our charges tiro right as well. Storago by tho day, week or month. SALEM AUTO GARAOE P. J. Prlolis On Alloy Just West of Salem Board of Trndo. & PORTER . r s llV fl 41 II