''' I laumol VOL. XIX. DAILY CAPITAL .MJimNAL. uAliBftf, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNK 0, 1000. NO. ISO. (She w Bt ENGLAND THREATENED WITH MONSTER STRIKE OF HER COAL MINERS IT IS EXPECTED 150,000 MINERS IN WALES ALONE, WILL GO OUT THIS WEEK TROUBLE AROSE OVER RECENT LAW FIXING DAYS LABOR AT 8 HOURS 'Cardiff, Wales, Juno 0. Coal min ing In South Wales will bo complete ly Mod up and 150,000 mon thrown out of employment throughout Glain- orangshlro, Monmouthshlro nnd Car marthenshire unlos3 an agrccmont, which today rooms Impossible, Is reached botwoon employers and em ployes by July 1. Tho troublo Is tho outcomo of tbo onnctmont of tho minors' olght-hour law recontly. Tho mon woro work ing at tho tlmo undor an agroomont which, undor prdlnary circumstances, would not have oxplrod until March, 1910. By forcing alterations In -working conditions tho oporators con tend that tho new law nullifies this Agreement, nnd on Juno 1 formallyl notified tho minors' union that thoy would terminate It at tho end of tho month. Koprosentatlvos of tho oporators and mon havo slnco boon In confor enco rolatlro to a now compact, but at presont tho negotiations wear an almost unpromising aspoct. Hitherto tho South Wales minors havo boon workod on tho slnglo shift systom, tho hours varying from sovon, an what aro known as tho short days, to ton In tho long onos, Undor tho now law, which bocomos effective July 1, thoso Irrogular hours must glvo way to a uniform 8-hour day. Tho oporators say that under this systom tho mines can" bo moro economically worked In doublo shift, that Is, two sots of mon working two soparato turns of olght hours each. Tho miners object to tho doublo shift on tho ground that It will loavo too short an Interval to lnsuro safoty In tho fiery scams of South Wales. Tho oporators maintain that It will di minish tho dangor. A strlko will at first affect only South Wales and Its 150,000 minors. but thoro Is tho greatest dangor in I tno ovent of a prolonged strugglo of sympathetic walkouts throughout tho country. Tho minors' fodoratlon of Grent Britain is dotormlnod to uphold tho Wolsh minors, and tho Coal Own ers' Association Is rosolvod to pro tect tho oporators In tho samo locali ty. Admlrallty agents aro so suro there will bo a fight that thoy have been laying In an enormous coal sup ply In tho last fortnight for tho va rious south coast dopots. SHE HAS GIVEN AWAY TWENTY-FIVE MILLIONS fUnltf d Press Issed. wire. Now Yo?.Vr Jun& Spending nor fortuno at tho rat? Ot f 2 In tho oaWfl length of tlmo that U took hor hus band to accumulate 30 cents, Mrs Russell Saco has disbursed J2S.000.- 000 in less than threo ycarB, and if sho continues at tho presont rato the entire 105,000,000, which It toot a Ufctimo to accumulato, wilt bo gono within flvo years moro. It took Russell Sage moro than CO years to scrapo togothcr his immonso fortune, which amountod to $3600 a day for his ontlro Ufo. Mrs. "Bags has been spondlng this monoy at the rato of $25,000 a day for tho bonoflt of mntiKlnd. Sho has given $5,000,000 to educa tional institutions, $2,500,000,000 to religious works, $10,000,00 to tho Sago foundation, and tho romalndor has gono to works of a soml-rollglous and educational charator. MINISTERS WILL NOT MARRY DIVORCEES Sacrnmonto, Cal., Juno 0. Di vorced persons wishing ngaln to on tor tho marital stato will hnvo to go further than Sacramento to find n clergyman to perform their wedding ceremonies, Tho Ministerial Union of this city has frowned upon tho romnrrlngo o. porsons divorced upon grounds other than Infidelity, and Its mombers havo ontorea Into nn ornl agreement not to marry any ono di vorced for omor causes. Tho decision or tho local clergy men was made nt n recent meeting, nftor tho rending of a puper by tho Rov. George E. Swan, rector of Trin ity Episcopal church and nn arch deacon of tho California diocese, on "Tho Evil of Divorces." Tho deci sion has caused no ltttlo favorable comment among tho churches whoso pastors aro mombors of tho union, A GRAND TRANSFORMATION NOW IN PROGRESS AT THE CHICAGO STORE Every department In tho entire establishment will ho located on the firm floor. Price-cutting mid hai-galu-Riving I the order until all tho remodeling In finished. Our store In crowded every day. Go to the other (.tores mill ml their prices then come hero and mh tho money wo can save you. Wonderful Values Ladies' Tailored Duck Suits Linen Suits Wool Suits Silk Suits, Etc. You will appreciate tho atoro that can show you and glvo you tho best values In Oregon In the above mentioned garments. Seeing Is believing. Wo aro hero with tho goods. This season's new est wearing apparel. $ 7.50 Duck Suite,' now only 3.80 $ 9.50 Linen Suits, all colors, now $ 4.05 $18.00 Wool Suits now $ 0.50 $25.00 Wool Suite now $1250 $18.00 Princess Silk Suits now $ 8.00 $ 7.50 Silk Pottlcoate now only 8.8.05 We Can Save You Money In MILLINERY Don't bo paying doublo price for your Millfnory elsewhere Wo aro going to move this depart , mont shortly. Wo are moving tho hats out quick ly with low prices. Wo nro now giving wonderful bargains In this department WILL REDUCE EXPENSES OF UNCLE SAM'S NAVY ratted Press Leased WIre.1 Washington, Juno 9. Loavlng but IP battleships of tho Atlantlo Hoot in nctlvo service, Sccrotary Moyor will rcooinmond that nil other fighting iuRohltuA of that class be hold in re &6rv6 w"ubn ho roVlsorf fio oxponses of his department for the fiscal year of 1910-11, according to a statomont mndo on good authority today. This rocommortdntton will bo mndo in ac cordance with President's Tuft's In structions to retrench. Tho secretary boltovcs a largo" sav ing can do orrcctca by placing nil thu ships outeldo tho Atlantic fleet In ro sorvo with a small compl.omont of officers nnd men, n mero skeleton of tho regular force. Tho plan for re trenchment will not affect tho pro posed lncreaso of 35,000 mon In tho enlisted porsonnol nor tho policy of making appropriations for two battleships. Estimates for tho pay of tho oddttlonnl mon nnd tho cost of tho now ships will bo Included In tho budgot. under this plan tho bat tleships will got ns high as 1100 blue jackets. SLASH EACH OTHER OVER A WOMAN (Tutted Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Juno 9. Lovo of n woman whoso Idontlty Is unknown to tho police, wns tho causo of a des porato strugglo In Pacific strcot lato last night botwoon Augustus Plasa and Joseph Salfcst, room-mates and horotoforo sworn friends. As a result of tho affray Plasa today lies In n precarious condition at tho Harbor hospital suffering from sovon sovoro knlfo wounds. Ltttlo hopo Is hold out for his rocovory. Whon Salfcst was returning to Ms room last night ho saw Plasa ontor a restaurant with tno woman wnom tho duy boforo had promlsod to bo his wife. Salfcst waited outside tho restaurant until tho couplo nppoarcd, and then demanded nn explanation. Plasa Is said to havo spoken angrily nnd struck his former frlond. Salfcst, It is allogcd, thon drew u knife nnd savngoly nttneked his rival. ,..d woman ran scroamlng down tho Street when hor companion foil to tho sldownllc. Sho wns followed. liy Hal fost, nnd both mndo good their es cape Plasa was Immediately taken to tho hospital, whoro his wounds were dressed. Ho rofusod to divulge tho name of tho woman over whom tho men qunrrolod. UNION REVIVAL AND BIG STRET MEETINGS Tho big union rovlval and street meetings coutluuo with unabated In torost. Thoro woro four conversions last night, and Dr. Molnturft preached with gront power on "Duy thu Truth and Sell It Not." At tho stroot mooting Mr. Wnymlro, of tho Gospel Chnpol, and Dr. John M. Comor prcachod Tho doctor, at tho church, gavo tho skin-tight rollglous pooplo a groat roast. Ho said ho know of ono woman who boastod that In 40 years sho had only paid 25 cents. This whs soiling yourself to tho dovll too cheap, and was tho fault of a groat many Christians. Ills motto was glvo all you havo for your rollglon, It you bollovo In It. Qlvo all for truth. Ho had a very poor opinion of tho Christians who took Christianity as somo young ladles did tholr first bath In tho ocean, go In ankle doop" and thon say you had n bathT Go In, and lot tho groat wnvo of saving rollglon over you all over and wash you clean. Meetings continue- tonight, o LORD ROBERTS PREDICTS WAR FOR 6REAT BRITAIN SAYS IT WILL GOME, NOT IN 20 YEARS, BUT IN 20 MONTHS, AND THAT THE GREAT QUESTION IS "ARE WE PREPARED TO FIGHT NOW t United Press Leased Wire. London,. Juno 9. Predicting thnt Great Britain will bo lnvolvod in war within 20 months, Lord Roborte to day took Issuo with War Socrotnry Hoy Haldano, who told tho Imporlal press conforortco that tho omplro would havo Its dofonso dovolopcd within 20 years. Haldano dismissed tho forolgn sit uation with tho stntomont that tho next 20 yonrs would provo most Im portant In tho dovolopmont of tho Imporlal dofonso nnd Intimated that tho nation rolled materially upon tho colonies. Lord Iloborts wna upon his foot in nn Instant. "It Is impossible for us to look forward to a period of 20 yoars' poaco In which to propnro oursolvcs," ho cried. "I nm Incllnod to rodttco tho period to months. If wo pay attention to an old soldlor, I counsol you that tho presont situation do nmnds tho closest nttontlon. Wo can not ovndo our responsibility nor do for action, , "Tho gront question facing us at this tlmo Ib 'aro wo prepared to fight now?' " Lord Hohorte' posltlvo stand evok ed tho approval of tho majority of dolegatcs in tho conference. Sixty of tho most important nowspnpora In tho omplro aro roprcsontcd at tho conforonco nnd tho doopost thinking men In tho omplro llBtoncd to tho words of tho old gonoral. That ho mndo n grnvo Impression upon thorn could not ho doubted by tho manner In which thoy rccolvod his stntomont ns compared to tho groat disapproval of .aldano's policy of dolay. FIFTH WARD LEAGUE HAS FINE MEETNIG $1.25 Children's Hate, handsomely, trimmed with ribbons, laces and flowers, now only. .,.....,,,.,, Ladles' $5 Burnt Straw Hate, tho very latest style, handsomoly trimmed with Messulino Silk, largo roses and fine ribbons, now only , ' tic $2.45 45c Dainty CORSET COVERS handsomely trimmed now 25c y$gjlf r) rSSSSf f ,Tk t& V & fi ff . tiff $ vffs 3iV Ww -3 rf Wist" Av , mdnZ&Z.t&U-':J' THE STORE THAT SAVES VOL MOXEV Ladies' $3 OXFORD TIES now only $1.95 Tho Fifth Word Improvement Leaguo had anothor of Its enthusi astic meetings last night. Stops were taken to organize a company for tho purpose of improving thq streets, and this work will bo com pleted Friday evening. Cotincllmon Stole, Elliott and Hofer wore presont and gavo hearty oncouragomont to the league. Mr. Stoic said ovorv nro- grcsslvo nun In Salem had his oyes on tho Fifth Ward Leaguo, and that its practical methods wore being watched, and was creating enthusi asm In tho wholor cfty, andthat they would havo tho hearty cO-oporatlon of tho mayor and city council. SENIOR CLASS GAVE CLOSING RECITAL Tho sonlor class of tho cnllogo of oratory gavo tholr closing recital be foro their graduation exercises In tho chapel of the university last night and It was pronounced by every ono present to be tho best of nny jslvon I this year. Tho hall was packed to standing room only and many were tunable to get insldo Tho Poerless orchestra rendered four selections In their usual excollont manner and gave tho program a pleasing vnrloty. The graduation exercises will bo hold In tho First Methodist church Thurs day evening, when thoso appearing last night will bo glvon their diplo mas. Tho numboro last jilghl wore all strongly given and each liberally aoplauded. A CASE OF LEPROSY IN LOS ANGELES l United Press Leased Wire. Ix)s Angolos, Juno 9.. Adolaldoo Agulrro, 31 yoars of ngo, is confined In tho pesthnuso In this city with n well davoloped enso of loprosy, Ho has suffered from tho dlsonso for two yoars, and lias been living lu tho crowded Mexican section of tho city. Yostordny Dr. II. 11. Tobbotts, nB- Blatant health officer, was called to Aguirro'R homo to look Into a case of monsles thnt had boon reported to tho henlth officers. Ho found thnt Agulrro, liiBtead of having measles, wns lu u sorry state from tho rnvagoa of tho loathsome Asiatic disease Agulrro tojd tho physician thnt for two yoars ho had boon unnulo to work hocnuso of his sufferings. Ho was not nwnro of tho nnturo of his dis ease. Tho enso will bo watched caro fully. PENN SUGAR COMPANY JARS ITS BIG RIVAL United Press Leased Wire.) Now York, Juno 9. Tho suit brought by tho I'onn. Sugar Company against tho Amorlcnn Sugar Roftnlng Company, charging tho malntonanco of a monopoly, was dlBmlssod today upon tho consont of both parties. Tho suit was nottlod out of court, the roport uolng mndo that tho Amor lean Suuar HounlnK Company Is to Pay tho Penn Company $2,000,000 In cash and cancel n loan of $1,250,000. In. addition to uurrondorlng socurl ties valued at $7,000,000. EARTHQUAKE JOLTS A SUMATRA TOWN United Press Leased lre.) Tho Hague, Juno 9. At least 260 nat'vos woro klllod and nearly 1000 Injured by an earthquake and tidal wave which swept nn Island off Pa dang, Thursday, according to dolayed dlspatchos received by oltlclals bore today. GUGGENHEIMS ARE IN A PRETTY MUDDLE . , United I'resi Leased Wlrl ' Chicago, Juno 0. Information so cured today shows that draco and William Ougognhelm obtained a V vorco In tho Jowlsh Tomplo, which tho mombors of Giuggonholm'n soct rospect more thnn tho legal separa tion that followod. Mrs. Quggon holm Is n Christian, Ah a rosult of tho chnrgo of fraud and conspiracy mnd.0 In connection with tho dlvorco granted tho couplo by Judgo Dunno, It la suggostod to day that It Is posBlblo that two mar rlagos, thoso contracted with other porsons by draco and William dug gonholm, nftor thoy woro divorced, may bo annullod, and tho child of William Quggonholm, by his prosont wlfo, thoroby bo made Illegitimate POLICE CAPTURE BLACK HAND GANG l United Trees Leased Wire. nollofontulno, O., Juno 9 Dollovcd to bo tin nccompllco of tho black hand (.oototy, Collojoro Vlccnrrlo, an Italian of this city, wna arrested to day by Postofflco Inspector Hosford. Ho Is hold hero ponding tho arrival of United States Marshal Chandler of Clovnlnnd, who will tako him to Toledo. It Is boltoved ho was connected with tho murdor of the Italian de tectlvo. Potroslno. of Now York. With tho arrest of sovon Italians nt Marlon yoHtordny, followed by tho arrest of Vlccarrio today, tho authorities aro posltlvo that they nro rounding up tho black hnnd gang that has boon tho torror of wealthy Itnllnns In this section for months. Sam Lima, ar rested at Marlon, Is thought to bo lu rluglondol1 in tho kooloty. Mnny In criminating lottora woro found In tho small fruit storo ho ownod. A fow people aro spelling is "thru" but Josh nilllngs has that stylo copyrighted. 1 Portland Rose Festival Rates And Special Train Service Via Oregon Electric Railway June 7, 9 and 11 $2 -ROUND TRIP-$2 Limited to return June 14. A special return train wUi leave Portland every night at 11 p. m. during Rose Festival Week