I 1 mtmdl (ihr tlail) ,pHa VOL. XIX. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, oaLEM, OIU2GON, Tl KSDAY, Jl'NK 8, 1000. No. 110. AUTO BACKS INTO RIVER . AT KNIGHTS LANDING DROWNING FOUR WOMEN ACCIDENT WITNESSED BY SCORES OF PEO PLE, WHO SAW THE CAR PLUNGE OVER THE HIGH EMBANKMENT INTO THE DEEP WATERS OF THE SACRAMENTO United Yttt Lcutd Win. Sncramonto, Juno 8. That pretty Alias Julia Dungan, ono of tho four victims of tho automobile dlsnstor at Knights Landing, a town about 35 miles north of this city, died of shock In that ono awful moment tho falling auto was poised over tho rush ing river last night, was tho provn lont opinion today among thpso who helped recover tho body. Sho was found seated upright In tho car, her features distorted by an awful fear. A physician startod tho story that tho girl died of fright. This morning at 0 o'clock although nion had boon working dcsporatoly nil night, no other body had been ro covorod. Tho wholo town was do prcs8tHl by tho tragedy as tho parties to It woro all promlnont. Editor Mlxon of tho Woodland Mnll, whoso wlfo and thrco rolatlvcs Miss Merle Dungan, Miss Julia Dun gan nnd Mrs. J. it. Dungan woro tho victims, labored frantically all night long with tho dlvors and thoso who woro dragging tno rlvor in tho futllo seurch. This morning ho was forcod to return homo utterly pjostnted. Ho Is undor tho caro of a doctor. No blamo nt all Is placed on JoBoph Armstrong, tho mall carrlor who act ed as chauffour for tho Ill-fated par ty. Tho blamo fulls upon tho auto mobile Tho brakes woro found Jam mod nnd tho rovorso 6n, but tho ma chlno had fallod to respond. Armstrong twfco during tho night tried to commit sulcldo by jumping Into tho rlvor. Ho was bcsldo him solf with grief nnd rears for his rea son, temporarily, wero ontortuincd. An oxport dlvor in regulation suit TROUBLE AT McCLOUD IS ALL SETTLED (By Oarrott J. Lloyd. Staff Corro spondout United Press.) McCloud, Cnl., Juno 8. Adjutant Gonoral Lauc. nns not given up his quarters in tho homo of Prosldent Quoal. in splto of tho robuko ho re ceived yestorday from Governor Gil lott. Tho difficulties botweon tho ' lumber company nnd tho Btrlkors hnvo boon ndjusted. Tho mon will loavo tho enmp as soon as an ap praisement can bo mndo of tholr cabins. Tho work is moroly clorlcal. Moro than a hundred families havo already loft. Sovoral who wished to remain hero wero advised to loavo Tiy Consul Gonoral Itocco.' When they nppealed to him for ad vlco ho suggested this action should bo takon to show their Independence. Tho militia will break camp to morrow nnd roturn to Sacraraonto Thursday. Shorlff Howard said to day ho would notify tho adjutant gon oral" that tho troops would bo no longer neoded. Hut two cases of illness havo been reported among tho guardsmen, neither of them sorlous. Ono man was stricken while working in a ditch. Consul Itocco Is at Shasta Springs, whore ho will remain until all strlko matters aro adjusted. RAISES A ROW ABOUT HER BULL PUPS United Tress Jafl Wire. Durllngamo, Cnl., Juno 8. Miss Jennie Crocker, ownor of the $50,000 poarl necklace that disappeared mys teriously a year ago at Mrs. Alexan der's famous colonial ball at tho Ho tel St. Francis. Is the reputed leader or a party of insurrectionists that has rebelled against tho odlct Issued by the board of directors of tho Dur llngamo Country club prohibiting so ciety canines from crossing the sacred club portals. "No dogs allowed on the porches or In tho club house." Is tho dictum that haB been posted at the rendez vous of San Francisco's millionaire colony at beautiful Burllngamo. Miss Crocker owns severnl hand Bomo Doston torrlers nnd she Is de termined that her pots shall not be excluded from tho club property. Her stand is backed by other members of tho Durllngamo set, chief among whom Is Daniel T. Murphy of San Francisco. Tho members of the club have taken sides in the controversy, Is aiding In tho hunt for tho remain ing bodies. The party had drlvon from Wood land, nnd about 9:30 o'clock woro ready for tho roturn trip. Armstrong attomp'tcd to" Turn tho machlno In tho narrow streot. In somo unac- countablo way ho lost control of It and tho big car backed rapidly to ward Iho stoop ombankmont over hanging tho Sacramonto rlvor. Half a hundred horror-strlckon witnossoj rushod tqward tho mach lno, but wero poworloss to stop tho catastrophy. Armstrong stayed man fully at his post, tugging at tho lov ors. Dosplto his frantlo offorts tho car slid ovor tho brink of tho om bankmont, and amid tho torrlflod screams of tho four women plungod Into tlfcr doop water bolow. It is thought that tho bodies of th'roo of tho womon woro plnnod bo nonth tho heavy car. Armstrong wns thrown by tho current agalnBt n moored boat, to which ho clung un til rescued. Tho body of llttlo Moryl Drungan, ono of tho four drowned In tho nutomobtlo accident nt Knights Landing laBt night, was found at 10:30 this morning, according- 10 word recolvod horo. Tho romains woro dragged out from under tuo brldgo ncross tno rlvor 'About 300 yards bolow tho scono of tho catastrophe Thoro was no outward Injury on tho llttlo girl's body nnd death was duo to drowning nnd not from being crushed undor tho automobile At noon tho bodies of tho two womon had not boon brought to shoro, al though tho horculcan offorts of tho searchers woro still going on. nnd a warm contest probably will bo tho rosult of tho dlroctors' ruling. EIGHT-YEAR-0LD GIRL IS SENT BY MAIL Grnnao City, III., Juno 8. Tho liveliest -postngo propnld" packngo that tho local postmaster has had to handle In nil Its enroor was dollvorod today when Llzzlo Klku, nn olght-ycnr-old Hungarian tot was dollvored to hor pnronta last night. Tho girl horo a card tied to hor wnlst on which worn nnntmnrkfl of Towescelany..Hun- Jgnry, and other Importnnt stations on rouio. When tho Dig tour mail train enmo In last night quite a crowd of Hungarians woro on hnnd to nwalt dollvory of tho mall. Word spread of tho arrival of tho child and soon tho llttlo ono was surroundod by a domonstratlvo group from whom, do splto tholr mongor income, tho child rocelved n purso of $12. Hor parents havo not seen hor slnco thoy loft Hungary when sho wns a year old. JOE SIMON ELECTED MAYOR OF PORTLAND Portland, Juno . Joscpr Simon, Republican and formor United States sonntor from Oregon, is mayor-elect of Portland. Ho was electod yestor day by a big plurality and n comfort able majority. Tho ontlro Ropubll can tlckot was successful. Tho Re publican victory is attributed by tho Democrats to lack of Interest on the part of tho voters and tho fact that tho olectton and tno opening of tho roso carnival fell on tho same day. Less than 60 pet cent of the register ed vote was cast. HIRED A FLAT TO COMMIT SUICIDE IN San Francisco, June 8. Receipts from tho focal gas company led to the discovery "of the suicide of E. Lindenberg, a retired wool mer chant who committed sulcldo in tho flat occupied by Horrls Haas at tho time ho shot Francis J. Honey. Llndenborg disappeared from his boadrnlg house last Saturday night. No trace of him was found until late yesterday when gas reco'pts made out for a flat at 1846 MDcAlllster street were discovered among his effects. Inxestlgatlon showed that he had rented the flat for the sole purpose of ending hla llfo, He as phyxiated himself with gas. He was despondent over illness. SEATTLE SMART PULLS v- United l'rcss Leased Wire.) Seattle, Juno 8. International complications, Involving tho Japnncso fleet now In tho hnrbor, wore narrow ly averted at tho exposition last even ing when an of floor of tho floot, whoso nnmu as ho pronounced it Is much harder to spoil than Admlrtif IJtchl's, domnndod thnt Mnnagor' Rlnohnrt of tho Jinricksha concession haul down tho Japanese flag which floated ovor tho oooth whoro tho rlckshns aro rentod. Tho otflcor pro tested becnuso tho Japancso flag was flying bononth tho American flag. Rlnchart took no chnncos with Inter GRACIE MADE IT TOO WARM FOR BURGLAR Son Francisco, Juno 8. Awak ened last night by a mldhlght prowl er In hor flat, Mrs. Grnco McCarthy, an nttracttvo young matron, attackod tho follow so detormlnodly that ho beat n torror-strlckon rotroat down SUPREME COURT HANDS DOWN TEN OPINIONS Ton decisions woro handled down by" tho supromo court today. A motion to dismiss nn appeal in the ca8o of W. II. Flanagan, respon dent, vs. EM Jones, nppollnnt, was allowed In an opinion written by Ghlot Justtco Mooro today on tho grounds thnt defendant's - counsel failed to comply with tho rules of tho court by neglecting to sorvo his briof In timo. This suit was tried In the circuit court of Josophlno county, II. K. Hnnna, judge Jamos Ferrari, a minor, by Roso Ferrari, guardian of person and es tate, respondent, vs. tho Deavor Hill Coal company and Daniel Mnhor, ap pellants aud dofondauts, appealed from tho circuit court of Coos coun ty, J. W. Ilnmllton, Judgo, motion to ntrlko out ninomjcd bill of excep tions donled per curiam. C. T. Ollvor and Mitchell, Lewis & Stavor company, appollants, vs. tho Klamath Lake Navigation com pany and O. II. Woodbury, rospond ontB, nppcalod from tho circuit court of Klamath county, Houry L. Iionson judgo,' rovorscd by JubHco King. This Is a suit to enjoin tho construction of a wharf botwoon tho plalntttt'ii proporty nnd Link rlvor on tho grounds that tho construction will lntorforo with" access to plaintiff's proporty. Tho Mltcholl, Lewis & Stavor company's lntorost in tho proporty in of mortgago only. In tho trial court a docroo was rondorod dismissing tho suit on tho grounds thnt plaintiff was not Injuicd by tho construction of tho wharf, Tho su promo court holds, howovor, that tho construction of tho wharf will causa tho water to flow away from plaintiff's land as arguod by the plaintiff's counsol and bo tho moans of Injuring tho proporty, nnd thoro for directs tho removal of any part thoroof now standing on tho prop orty, within 90 days. Justlcb Mc Drlde did not tnk'o part in this case- F. L, Luthorland, rospondont, vs. S. Morton Colin Real Estato and In vestment company, appollants, ap pealed from tho circuit court of Multnomah county, A. L. Frazor, Judgo, motion to rotax costs allow ed, opinion by Justtco Eakln. J, T. McGco, appellant, vs. J. W. Portland Rose festival Rates And Special Train Service Via Oregon Electric Railway June 7, 9 and 11 $2 -ROUND TRIP- $2 Limited to return June 1 4. A special return train wHI leave Portland every nigiit at 11 p. m. during Rose festival Week ALECK DOWN JAP FLAG national law and hauled down tho flag. It dovolopod that the Japancso of ficer was acting on his own Initiative, claiming thnt his ting was Insulted nnd that ho did It only to avoid trou blo from tho Japancso steamers who wero visiting iho fair. Ilinohnrt went to work to read in ternational law and dlscovored that when ships of a foreign nation vis ited any port tholr flag is flown bo nonth that of tho homo country. Hcnco, Kinehnrt has been advised to roplnco tho Japancso omblom it ho no doslrcs. Ho has not dono so to day, howovor. it long hnll and dived through a closed window. Tho thief carried with his, In ad dition to a gold watch and a small amount of cash ho found In tho flat, tho window sash and a laco curtain with which it was drapod. Tho sash, spotted with blood, was found half a block from tho house Dockloy, respondent, appealed from tho circuit court of Douglass coun ty, J. W. Hamilton, Judgo, rovorsod, opinion by Chief Justtco Mooro. M. Dardo, J. W. Dardo and L. D. nardo, appollants, vs. J. T. Wilson, rospondont, appealed from tho cir cuit court of Multnomah county, E. C. Dronaugh, judgo, motion to dis miss appeal alfowod, por curiam. Stato of Oregon, rospondont, vs. O. D, Whitney, appollant, appoalod from tho circuit court of Multnomah county, John D. Cloland, Judgo, de cision of tho lower court rovorsod, opinion by Justico Eakln. Tho do fondnnt In this case was indlctod by a grand Jury in Multnomah county for manslaughter In killing Mabel Wlrtz. In tho rc-orslng opinion tho supromo court holds that tho in- dlctmont was Insufficient to charge a crlmo and that tho domurror brought forth should havo boon sus tained. Stato of Oregon, rospondont, vs. John Minneck, appollant, appoalod from tho clrcu. court of Union coun ty, J. W. Knowols, Judgo, rovorsod and romandod, opinion by McDrldo. Tho nppollnnt was Indicted and con victed In tho circuit court of Union county of tho larcony of two holfors, nnd sontoncod to ono year in tho pont (entlary. Tho supromo court holds that tho indlctmont Is not consist ent with tho allogod crlmo commit ted, and that tho court inado an er ror in classifying tho allogod stolon proporty as being cows or holfors. Sovoral other errors woro cltod In tho opinion whorcby tho caso was rovorsod. II. C. Mohan, respondent, vs. M. H. Rankin, appollant, appoalod from tlfo circuit court of Linn county, L. T, Harris, Judgo, alarmed, opinion by Justico Slator. This Is an action to rocovor 139,092.15 and lntorost claimed to bo warned as a commis sion for tho purchase of timber land In Lane, Denton and Douglas coun ties. Rachol J. Rafforty, an Insano por son, by A. T). Jluzzard, guardian, re spondent, vs. A. D. Davis, appellant, appoalod from tjo circuit court of Union county, J. W. Knowols, Judge, decision of tho Idwer court afhrmod, opinion by Justico McDride. AMMONIA FUMES ENDANGER MANY LIVES ON PACIFIC LINER PIPES IN ICEPLANT BURST AND STATE ROOMS ARE FILLED WITH DEADLY CAS- WOMEN AND CHILDREN -UNCONSCIOUS WHEN RES CUED BY HEROIC WORK Snn Francisco, Juno 8 Pnason gors aboard tho Pacific Mall steam shin China thnt arrived in port to day narrowly escaped a horrlblo death In mldoconn yostorday when a valvo In tho vessel's ico plant burst, flood ing tho first-class cabins with suf focating ammonia fumes. A dozon womon nnd children pas songorB woro ovmcomo by tho gas, and woro rescued with groat diffi culty by follow passengers and mom bors of tho crow. Sovoral pnssongors wore confined to tholr staterooms as a result of tho nccldont, until tho stoamcr reached port today. Mrs. 0. R. Rosonstock, wlfo of a formor editor of tho Manila Dullotln, and hor four children woro among tho victims. Ono of tho children wns ovorcoino by tho fumes, as was Mrs. Rosonstock whon sho returned to tho PAT CROWE TO MANAGE A DOPE SANITARIUM (United Press Leased Wlro.1 Chicago, June 8. Aftor taking in charge a sanitarium whoro drug nnd drink victims will bo brought into normal shnpo aftor sproos, Pat Crowo 'tho notorious kiunapor or tho Ciidnuy boy, today is supoi vising a romodol ing of tho Institution wfth money fur nlshod, It Is said ,by Jnmes A. Patten and othor wealthy Chicago mon. Tho tmnltnrlum Is located on tho North Shoro. It Is n 20-room struc ture which wuh orlglunlly n hotel. Twenty acres surround tho resort nnd pntionts will bo oxpoctod to do work to iiiuko tho placo solf-support-Ing. 'Iho nov. II, M. Drown, pastor of Onward Presbytorlan church, Is asso ciated with Crowo In tho sanitarium. Among tho others In tho undertak ing are Ralph Olmsted, prlvnto sue rotary to Mr. Patten; tho Rov. J. II. W, Doyle, pastor of tho Lake Forost Presbyterian church; Dr. E. L, Eaton pastor ot Emmanuel Mothodlst church, Evnuston, and tho Rov. J. C. Walker, pastor of tho Hlghwood Mothodlst church. SAYS SHE WILL NOT MARRY SPRECKELS (Untied I'ress Tesel Wl.1 Now York, Juno 8. Doclarlng that hor ongagomont to Claus Sprcckloa had boon broken and thon requesting hor Interviewers not to think hor a prevaricator If sho and tho millionaire's son woro married soon, Miss Mary Adole Caso today departed for Portland, Ore, whero sho will visit hor jnothor and slug In concorts. Sho declared that sho broke hor engagement to young Sprockets bo causo his father, John D. Spreckols, told hor that no son of his could bo on tho stage Sho said also that tho elder Spreckols accused her ot putting oporatlc notions In his son's head. Young Spreckols will remain here with his fathor until Friday, o STARTED IN HONG KONG ENDS IN SAN FRANCISCO M'nlted I'rru Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Juno 8 Fiendish tarturo as tho rosult ot a long stand ing fued, involving Hindus through out tho Pacific coast, was chargod against three mon brought boforo tho local courts today nccusod ot robbing Mohammed" Kaba, a tamalo doaler. All Mobarlk, Dagga Kahn and Jamell Kahn aro accused ot having robbed and beaten Kaba, then bind ing his hands and feot together and having thrown him into a vacant lot to dlo of exposure. Kaba was found In tho lot and whon released had tho three accused mon arrested on charges ot burglary. ToHt'mony In tho case Indicates that tho fued startod in Hong Kong sovoral years ago when Kaba lived thoro, and was revived on this foast last year. ., o A lot ot railroad men are visiting tho A -Y -P. so that, tho dispatch says, "they can toll the truth about tho exposition." which implies tint they couldn't do so by ropoatlng tho slush sent out by the management. cabin to roscuo hor two children. Doth woro carried to safoty by offi cers of tho Bhlp. In hor nttompts to enrry hor child from tho statoroom Mrs. RoBonstock sustnluort a sovcro sprain of hor right nnklo. J, R, Squires, sonlor mombor ot tho Manila firm of Squires & Ding hum, who was accompanied by his family, displayed great prcsonco of mind during tho roscuo work. Rush ing to tho cabins occupied by womon nnd children, Squires mndo frautlo offorts to opon tho port holes, Ho wnB ovorcoino by tho fumes nnd car ried unconscious to tho uppor dock According to tho stntomonts of tho pnsaongors, Captain Dan Frlolo and tho other officers ot tho ship mot tho torrlblo situation with courago nnd lod tho work ot rescuing thoso who woro unnblo to loavo their staterooms. UNITED HATTERS WIN THEIR STRIKE mm Danbury, Conn., Juno 8. The strlko ot tho tynltod Hatters camo to an ond today in Connecticut, Man achunotts and Now Jorsoy, the strik ers wlnulng a comploto victory. Tho strlko was called off whoa 17 of tho 22 factorlos, against which the striko was doclarcd llvo months ago, Blgncd an ugroomont with tho oxocu tlvo board of tho union. Work will bo rosumod Thursday morning, Twonty-flvo thousand mon and womon aro affoctod horo, GROCERS TO RUN THE BIG FAIR TOMORROW Soattlo, Wash., Juno 8. .Today's qulot nt tho exposition will give placo to bustlo nnd oxcltomont tomorrow, whon tho grocers will havo tholr day at tho fair. Evory grocory storo In tho city will bo closed for tho day and tho provldors of oatablos will thomselvos bo eating land making morry nt tho exposition. Follow ing tho luncheon nt noon to tho Na tional dologates of tho Grocora' As sociation thoro will I)o addresses and sports in tho stadium all tho after noon. Tho Catholic ordor ot Forostors will do their sharo toward making tho day n busy ono. In the morning tho Soattlo col logo and tho Knight of Columbus will pluy bnsobnll In tho stadium. At 2 o'clock tho exposition officials will glvo a recoptlon In (ho Now York Stato building to Dlshop Car roll of Holoua, Mont., and Dlshop O'Doa and other prominent Catho lics. coff"roth tomanage state league team San Francisco, June 8. Cy More Ing, tho manager ot tho Oakland outlaws, Is authority tor tho state ment that Jamos Cofforth. Duclllstlo Imprcasarlo, will bo the man at the head ot tho San Francisco stato lea guo team noxt season. Morolng also stated today that tho toam would represent this city In 'tho outlaw ranks during tho sonson of 1910 will be tho strongest aggregation of dia mond stars ever on the Pacific coast. "You know that whon Cofforth goos after, thing ho always gets tho best thoro Is," said Morolng, "and you can depend on it that thore Is not a player in olther major loaguo who holds his services at too high a flguro for Cofforth to conaldor. You watch tho outlaws next season." Mording 1 euthuslaUlo ovor the prospects for h's leaguo and claims thnt another year will see the tri umph of the coast of tho Indepen dent players. GUGGENHEIMrBUY PLATINUM MINES I I'nlted Prix I.cuimI Wlre.l Marysvillo. Cal. Juno 8. Tho Guggenhelms today completed nego tiations to purchase tho IGO-acro ranch ot Henry King ut Iiungor. tho lund having boon found rich In gold and platinum It Is reported ihut the ranch is tho richest platinum field on tho Pacific coast.