OAILV OAl'ITAXi JOURNAL, &AUCM, OMMOH, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 10. r t Es m THE KING op CURES DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY COUGHS and COLDS AND ALL THROAT and LUNG DISEASES PREVENTS PNEUMONIA - CONSUMPTION "Two years ago a sevcro cold settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely ablo to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King'o New Discovery, and after using ono bottlo I went back to work, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 60c AND $1.00 k SOLO AND GUARANTEED BY A J.C. PERRY. W. H Belled: will preach on "draco and Glory." Biblo school at 12 ra. Classes for strangers. Epworih Lcagtio at 6:45 Song service at 8 p. m. Subject of ovontng theme: "Ono Thing." Splendid music. Cor dial grootlng. All invited. FltiBt Congregational. Cornor of Contor and North Lib erty streets Rov. Philip B. Baiuor, pastor, Dlblo school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock, bac calaureate sermon boforo tho grad uating class of this httrh RChool. Huh- fject: "A Good Soldier" Evening worship at 8 o'clock Subject: "Pay Your Way" Christian Science First Church of Christ, Sclontlst, 440 Chomoketa street. Servlce3: Sunday at 11 a. m and 8 p, m. Sub ject of lesion ormen: "God tho Only Cause nnd Creator." SunJay school nt 12 m. Tho Wednesday ev ening meeting Is hold nt 8 p. m. Roadlng room in tho church opon each afternoon except Sunday. All nro cordially invited to attend the services and reading room. if f umtmi iiatf mmtnnianisiaisn fa X G E. LEBOLD & CO 1144 State Street GENERAL MERCHANDISERS We would like to say to the people in East Salem that we can sell groceries hardware and drugs just a little cheaper than the down town stores, We have a complete line of fresh, up-to-date goods, carefully selected, Also a feed store at No, 1 1 60, and we defy any merchant to give you better deliv ery service, We own 133 feet of property covered by build ings, including our stores, from which we are re ceiving an income, and while we are in a position to buy as cheap as other merchants our expenses are considerably lower, So a trial order will convince you of what we say relative to prices; quality of goods and delivery, PHONE 145. lldlHHHHlf !! ! HHs)lllW SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS ON SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON BY DR. LINSCOT Fairbanks- lHT For Prices Call On KBBOmmSM sKmiaiafiffmffiif iiiii i SOUrH SALEM MARKET PLACE Located at the Cornor of S. Commercial St. and Slough Road The convenient trading placo for South Salem people. Buy your groceries, get your moat and hayo a. sbavo all under the same room. POISAL & SHAW - General Grocery Store Wo also carry a fujl line of cigars, tobacco, candy, paints, drugs and stamps. Phono 7C3 o. w. nnASHER. Moclel Barber Shop Three Chain Shoes Shlned Saturdays HAIRCUT 25c .SHAVE 15c Your patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Judson's Market Fresh and cured meats of all kinds. Poultry for your Sunday dinner. Prompt de livery. Phone 763. Juno 0 ,1000. Tho Power of tho Tonguo, Jamos 3:1-12. Golden Text Whoso kcepoth his mouth nnd his tonguo keopcth his soul from troubles. Prov. 21:2S. This chapter continues tho thought of last wcok's lesson, based on tho previous chapter. Vorso 1. What class of porsons nro most likely to want to rule, or he "masters, thoso ongnged In good works or thoso who neglect them? Will ono who Is In rupt lovo with his follows wnnt to rulo thorn, or will he Judge them harshly? Unfaithful Christians always put up n high Btandard for othors; what effect will that havo upon tho stand ard with which God will mousura them? (Seo Matt. 7:i-G.) Verso 2 How much of our trou ble and how much of tho troublo wo maKc tor outers is caused by our tongues? i. a man docs not do any harm by his words, Is ho very apt to do any oiuorwisc? It a man says hnrd and unkind things nbout his neighbors, nnd In tcntlonnlly wounds tho feollncs of othors by his words, Is ho necessarily a una ninny Is tho control of tho tonguo tho key to tho control of tho entire man? Vorse 3 It tukes an Iron bit to control a horso, what Is tho '"bit" which will effectually control tho tongue? In what it'spcct Is an uugowriUMl tongue iiim! a runaway lioro with a Droiu'ii nit, and what arc generally the reMiiltN In each case? (This ihich tlou must bo answered in writing by iiieiiiuero oi mo cwo.i Verses 4-5 Is It nctually so, that mo longuo is 10 mo mnn what tno ruddor Is to tho ship, that Is, does the tonguo govern tho Influence of tno man? Is It nocessnry nt all tlmos to watch our tongues, compelling them to ro- frnln from wrong words, and to uso right words; Just as tho mnn nt tho wheel of a ship controls tho ruddor wmi vigilant watchfulness? Is the. tonguo cnnnblo of sottlnc la cnurch or u neighborhood all (nhlaio with scnndnl. Just ns a match jinny sot nro to n city? verso o what nro souio of tho many "Iniquities" which tho tonguo can causo? Can you recall and mention somo oi tno moral poison omitted by an evil tongue? Do porsons with nn ovll tongua al ways draw their inspiration from "hell'" Verses 7-8 Mnn can do very won- uunui mings. in training animals and controlling i.o forcos of nmiiro, but cannot "tamo" tho human tonguo. nor dostroy its poison; to whom may wo apply to havo this effectually done7 Verses 9-12 if a mnn usos his tongue both for bud nnd for good, for "blessing and cursing," does this not stamp him uh a run., hypocrlto? Is tt possible1 for n porson with an ell tongue to be at the sumo time well pleasing to God? Lesson for Sunday, Juno 13, 1909. Horoea of Faith Heb. 11:1-40. o 1 oooooooooo o CHURCH SERVICES ooooooooo W, O. T, U, Rev. Robert Knlg'bt,' of Indiana, will speak at tho W. C. T. U. hall Sunday evening, June C, at 4 p. m. Everybody invited. German Evangelical. East State street. Sunday school at 9:64 a. m. Regular services at ltf:30 a. m. C. Hopf, pastor. First Methodist. At 10:30 morning worship. Rev. Gosncl Chapel. Gospel Chnpol at 15th nnd Mill atreots. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. u. ii. wnymire, pnstor. United Evangelical. Cottngo street, nenr Center. Rov. G. L. Lovoll, pnstor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Divine worship nnd preaching nt 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. IC. L. of C. E. service- at 7 p. m. Prnyor meeting on Thursday evening. i Nvniigellc.il Association. Cornor of 17th nnd Chemeketn stroots. H. C. Dnker, pastor. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Morning ser- vlco at 11 n. m. Evening sorvlco at 8 p. m. Young People's Alllanco at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday ovonlng nt 8 p. m. First Presbyterian, Morning sorvlco nt 11 a. m. Preach lng by tho Rov. Hugh F. Wallace, D. D of Slloam Springs, Arkansas. Dr. Wallace Is tho brother of tho lato Mr. R. S. Wallace, so well known by many In this city. Tho quartet will sing. (Selection not announced). Solo, Mrs. Walters, "Just for Today," Abbott. Evening sorvlco at 8 p. m. Preaching by tho pnstor. Theme: "Tho Reality of Hell. Tho quartet will sing. Miss Prior, solo, "Thou Hast Died for Mo," Tunlsln. The orchestra will play as usual S. S. al 10 a. m. Jr. C. E. at 5 p. m.; Br. C. E nt 7 p. in. Public cordially Invited to all theso services First Chrlstlnn. Cornor of High nnd Contor stroots. Dlble school nt 10 a. m. Preaching hours 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Respect ive thomos "Somo Rovlvals," and "Tho Conflict of tho Conturles." C. E. nt 7 p. m. Chomokota Lodgo, No. 1, I .0 O. F will hold their annunl memorial sorvlcos at 2 p. m. In tho auditorium of tho church Tho C. 0. 0. 0. will furnish tho music for tho rogulnr sorvlces. Special music for tho I. 0. O. F. D. Errott, minister. Lutheran St. John's. Tho nnnunl mission festival will bo colobrnted next Sundny, Juno 0, in tho Gorman Lutheran St. John's church, corner of Contor nnd 14th streets. Sorvlces will be In tho morn ing at 10:15, and in tho nftornoon at 3::30 o'clock. Rov. Fr. Dobbor fuhl, of Sandy, Oregon, will conduct tho Borvlcos. Geo. II. Englo, pastor, u J J. Hill enys ho doesn't bcllovo in stnto-aldod railroads as a gonornl proposition, but when one wants nnythlng and must havo It, tho only wny Is "to go nftor It and got It." o Rich Men's Gifts Are Poor Resides this: "I want to go on rec ord ntt saying thnt I rognrd Electric Dltters as ono of tho greatest gifts that God lins mndo to woman," writos Mrs. O. Rhlnovalut, of Vestal, Contor, N. Y. "I car. nover forgot what It has dono for mo." This glo rious modlclno gives a woman buoy ant spirits, vigor of body and Jubi lant health. It quickly cures Ner vousness, Sleeplessness, Moloncholy, Headacho, Backncho, Fainting and Dizzy Spoils; soon builds up tho woak, ailing nnd sickly. Try tbem. 50c at J. C Perry. o Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Il If 81 1 fk i Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, tuultvhich has Uccn in uso for over 00 ycaro, hns horno tho signature of 0 - and lins boon mndo tinder his pcr- V" sj(ffi?-yh, sonnl supervision sinco Its infancy. voV; UCA4U Allow no ono to docclvo you In this. All Counterfoils, Imitations and' Just-atf-good" nro ?jut Experiments thut triilo ivlth nnd endanger tho health of Infhnts nnd Children Experience ngnlnst Exporlmont. What Ss CASTORIA Castorln, Is n, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Pr'-jw t " F'othliur Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contain? u.tl'har Opium, Morplilno nor othor Narcotlo Htibstatico. . i-i ppo In ita guarantco. It destroys "Worms nnd nlln;- Pcvorlshncss. It cures Dlnrrhooa nnd Wind Ccilc. Ifc relic co Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd riutnloncy. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates the Stomach nnd Uovrcls, giving healthy nnd nntural sloop. 'Xho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Prloud. QSNUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of du&i& e6&44M ' The KM You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Notice to Contractors. Soaled bids will bo rocolvod by the Doard of Trustocs of tho Stato Insti tution for Fooblo Mindod at tho ex ecutive chambers, Salem, Orogon, un til 1 p. m., Juno 8, 1909, at whlcn hour all bids will bo opened by th lundorslgnod for tho orectlon and com plotlon of a girls' dormitory, opllop tlo dormitory, hospital and barn. Con tractors may bid on ono or all build ings. All bids must bo nccompanlod by a cortlflod chock in tho sum of ut least 10 por cent of tho amount of tho bid, said check made payable to tho undersigned as a guarantee that tho contractor will furnish an ap proved bond within flvo days after tho awarding of the contract. All bids must be mado out upon blank proposals for tho samo. Blanks furnished on application by the clerk or architect. Plans may bo seen at tho oxocutivo chambors, Salem, Ore gon nt tho offlco of II. 0. McAllister, 417 Orogonlan building, Portland, Orogon, or at tho offlco of Ohas. II. Aurggraf, architect, Albany, Oregon. The Doard of Trustoos of tho State Institution for Fooblo Minded ro sorves tho right to rojoct any or nil bids. 0. N. McAIlTIIUR, Olork of tho Doard. Salem, Orogon, May 25, 1009, 5-28-8t Notlco to Contractors. Sealed proposals will bo rocolvod nt tho omco of J. rl, Ackormnn, socro tnry of tho board of trustees for tho Oregon School of Donf .Mutes Snlem, Oregon, until 11 o'clock n. m. Juno S, 1909, and thou oponod, for tho construction of n Ilrlclc Admlnlstrn Proposals (or OOBetmctioH ei 0W Bath na4 Other Ostbmlldlsws a tho OrcgoH Stato Iasaao . Aatrasa Farm. SoaW proposals, endorsed on omU Bldo of envolopo, "Proposals for co structlon of cow barn and othor out buildings for Orogon Stato Ihbwh) Asylum farm," and addressed to te undorslgnod, will be received at tit Executlvo Chambers, Stato Capital. Salem, Oregon, until Jue 7, 1909, at 2 p. m., at which hour all bids will bo oponod by tho undorslgnod In the prosonco of tho Doard of Trustees of tho Orogon Stato Insane Asyltm. All bids must be accompanied by eer tltlod check In the amount of tea (10) per cent of the full aaotnU, mado payable to tho undersigned. Tho Board of Trustees of the Oregon Stato Iasane Asylum, reserves the right to reject any attd all bide. Plans and specifications may be ex nminod at tho Executive Chambers, Salem, Orogon, or nt tho offices of H. 0. MoAlltstor, Orogonlan Dulld Ing, Portland, Orogon. Dated nt Salem, Orogon, this 25th day of May, 1909. 0. N. McARTHUn. Clork of tho Doard of Trustoos Ore gon Stato Insnno Asylum. B-20-9t o Change, of Grade- on Commercial Street. Notlco is horoby glvou that the Common Council of tho City of Ba lam, Orogon, dooms it oxpodlont to chnngo and proposos to chnngo the grado on Commercial Streot In said City from tho confer lino of North Commorclal Stroot to tho South curb lino of South Stroot In accordance tlou nu.ldlng. Ilrlclc Dormitory nnd n " ' 1 5' Xl Uollor lioiiso to no nunc nt Balom, ",, "'. ,,,1' ",,j i ai. A.7. Orogon. A certified check for 6 por Mnv 24 iflon y ' 0rogou cent of tho amount on somo solvont ?' , ,,' . . , .. ,, , bank mndo payable to tho order of lnl??' tt fi?1 , SSoUcat,OB t ti A.i,n.n. i.,- ,. i....i tills notice, May 20. 1909. if truslooH. mii'at npromnnnv nnok. D rdor Of tho Common Council. - --------- .-- ,,--w .,.., , .-v., Arner, 31360 Record 2:17. Full brother to Don Derby, 2:04 Derborth. 2:07; Diablo, 2;09; DemoHle, 2:11: Ed Lafertr, 3:16, u4 others. By Cbas. Derby, 4907, sire of bottor than 2:10, dam Bertha by Alcattra, dam of 4 better than 2:10, and fire others. Winner of first premium at Sa lem horse show. For standard stallions season of 1909 at Fair Ground and Club Sta bles, Fop, $2fi 00 for season, J35.00 to Insure. Q. B. SIMPSON, 4-8-tf Fairground, Ore. jMMISlMlHHSi l f HtilltH'!tSjf j. Mechanic' Toola, Sharpies Separators; !! Heath and Milligan Paints, Ornwood ' Spray, Frictionless Metal, Builders' ;; Hardware ;; Salem Hardware Co. II 1 1 sW(tfeisi is ite isjieitiisjiniiif ieif itimiii bid. Plnns and spoclflcntlons mny bo scon nt tho 'offlco of tho secratary of the board or mny bo had of F. A. I-ogg, architect. Didders aro re quested to uso tho printed form of uoposal which will be furnished upon application. Tho right Is rosorvod to roject any and all bids, Dy order of tho board of trustoos for the Orogon School of Deaf Mutos. May 27-29-Juno 1-3-5 Proposals for Construction of Water IMpe lino from Oregon State Pen itentiary to tho Stato Capitol. 5-25-llt W. A. MOORBS, City Recorder Sealed proposals endorsed on out sldo of envolopo "Proposals for pipe lino from Oregon Stato Ponltontlary to Stato Capitol" and addressod to tho undersigned will bo rocolved at tho Executive Chambers, Stato Capi tol, Salem, Oregon, until Juno 8, 1909, at 2 p. m. All bids must be accompanied by a cortlflod chock of an amount of not less than 10 per cent of tho full value of the bid, and mado payable to tho undorslgnod. Tho Board of Capitol Building Com missioners reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. Plans ad specifications for (this pipe lino may bo examined at the Executive Chambers, State Capitol, 8alom, Oregon, or at tho office of II. C. McAllister, Orogonlan Building, Portland, Oregon, O. N. McARTHUR, Clerk Board of Trustees Capitol Building Commissioners. 6-26-10t JB ItS Spa Jf g jMrJT A 0MV7ZT W3 S. COMMERCIAL Sf Notice of Intention to Improve a Portion of Court Street. Notlco Is horoby glvon that the Common Council of tho City of Ba lom, Oregon, dooms It expedient to Improve- nnd proposos to Improve', at tho oxpenso or abutting and adjacent proporty, tho roadway of Court Streot in said City from curb to wrb with Warren Brothers DltullthUs Water Proof Pavement from the west line of Commorclal street to tit east line of Front street. Said por tion of said Court Street shall be Improved by grading the roadway thereof by tho establishing of con creto curbs whero nut already es tablished and by paving said road way In accordance with tho plau and specifications adopted by (be Common Coucll on the 24th day of May, 1909, and now on file In the office of the City Recorder, aad by doing all things required la sM plans and specifications. Remonstrances may be filed against said improvement In the manner and within tho timo provid ed in tho Charter of said Otsy. Date of the first publicatlot of this notlco, May 26, 1909. By order of tho Common Coascll W. A. MOORES, 6-26-llt City Recorder. George Huber, a Gorman farmer near Stayton, dropped dead sudden ly ono day last week wbllo out in bis barnyard, o Stomach Trouble. Many remarkable cures of stomach troubles have been effected by Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Ono man who had spent over two thousand dollars for medlclae aad treatment was cured by a few boxes of these tablots. Price, 25 ceats. Satuphs freo at ull good druggists.