atgmmnmmmwmi wmmmmmim m maammaKEWnmmmmm DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNK 5, !. If"' Salem Manufacturing and Jobbing Houses Below are represented many of Salem's leading manufacturing and jobbing houses. These home Industries should be loyally supported by every Salem citizen. Ask for Salem pro ducts and Insist on having them. They are just as gooa as those shipped In J i in ii hi mm ii i ii inn Salem Flouring Mills Co. Manufacture WILD ROSE FLOUR ; T Anil carry a full stock of Bran and Shorts H8I1HHII M MM Hill ! fllHI MUM IMMM MMIt MONUMENTS t as thoy should bo made. t AUTISTIC PKRMANENT I Nono lowor In prlco. Nono bottor. Si X Klcctrlo Tool for Lettering I Salem Garnitc and Marble works I 2.11) Liberty. W. W. MarUa i IMIMIMIIMMMMMII I THE HORSE EDITOR HAS A FEW REMARKS ABOUT CONTEMPT OF COURT LAW PROVIDES THAT ONE CAN HAVE MORE CONTEMPT FOR A JUDGE THAN A JUS TICE OF THE PEACE- A COUPLE OF APROPOS STORIES Thlo Amorlcan couutry in tho boat on oarth. Thoro isn't any doubt of It, for vory Amorlcan citizen who Isn't a knocker on gonoral princi ples, nnd somo forolgnors, will toll you so. It Is a froo country, too In somo ways. Of courso, If you want to fish or hunt, or got married, or koop n dog, or any litlo thing or that kind, you Iiavo to pay for tho privilege; but It la a frco country jiiRt tho same. Auyouo Is at llborty to crltlclzo tho govornmont, swoar at congress, damn tin president, rldlculo tbo leg islature, roast tho govornor or turn bis or hor pent-up wrath In a tor ront loose nt any old thing or per son that li, of courso, If ono ex cepts the autlon of tho judlolnry from tho mile. Tho judicial dopartmont which Interprets tho law Is nbovo tho law. From Ihu justlcoa of tho supreme court of tho Unltod Slates down to tho Justlco of tho ponce nt Kola or any other old place thoy arunb ovo congress, the president nnd tho law, and on n piano with kaiser, omporor nnd czar, Tho holnous crime of "Iobo majosto" exists un der our star "scramblod" banner as ngaliiBt thorn, ulouo. Of courso, it Is not cnllod "lose luajoate," but It la In ovidonco every day undor tho moro doiuocratlo tltlo of "con tempt of court." Undor ou. somewhat loose-Jointed laws, and not too llboral Interpre tation of thorn by the courts of alt dogroos, tho "court" Is tho grnnd-hl-lnk-a- dink, with ft velvet collar and brass buttons. It Is true, that in tho Justlco and smnllor courtH, tho law lu Its wisdom ilxod the amount which a person may bo lined for contempt, the legislature providing that a man may only huvo $2(1 worth of contompt at a tlmo, for a Julco of tho poaco but penults him to have G00 worth for a more dlgnlUoJ Judgo with n higher salary. In deed, tho law hops so far as to per There's a Top Rung in Every Ladder Among the retail lumber yards In Oregon south of Portland ours Is easily at the top. By this we mean we have the Largest Stock, the Best Grades, the Fairest Price List, Prompt est Delivery, and give our customers the best all-round treatment. Spaulding Logging Co. YARD ON FRONT STREET TEAM ENTRANCE ON FERRY TREET inn i i Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder Known for Its quality $ MIMMMMMMM Ml 1 1 1 1 I' M llllll MM ItHM I II II 111 Rogers Paper Co. Wholesale Paper 404'Court St., Salem, Or. mi Mil mini mi i hi f M mit tho offondod Judgo in his offi cial capac'ty to Jug anyono for an ludotormlnnto and Indefinite tlmo If lie falls to successfully concoal his opinion of tho court. Evory court is a Judgo of Its own con tompt mattors, and professional courtesy forbldd othor Judges Inter fering with tho punishment of this claw of offondoro. It la fortunnto Indood that tho Judges nro not prono to dlsnlxuso tMs powor, and It Is groatly to tholr credit that thoy soldom Invoke It; but It Is truo Juot tho saruo. While the powor wne given to onablo tho courts to onforco tholr ordors, It has of lato years, ospoolally In tho fed eral courts, boon mndo to tako tho placo of tho stntutos, nnd porsons pro vunlshod for contompt of court, while Innocent of, or nt least not punished (or, tho original otfonso vith which thoy woro charged. 4l'or instance, tnuro Is tho anipp cno. npponlod from tho Tonnessoo courts to- tho uuprotno court of tho Unltod Stntos. Tl" court had or dored Shlpp, who was n shorlff, to piotect n nogro undor arrest, and lu his charge A mob bad threaton od to hnug tho nogro, and, subso quont to tho court's ordor, did hang him; whereupon tho shorlff, his deputies and somo othors woro In dicted for conspiracy to murder the nogro, boiMiso t'io do voret him up to tho mob. How much roslst once Cliey mndo dooa not npponr In the dlBpatchos concerning tho case, but that 'doos not mnttor. In tho trial of the enso tho killing of tho negro was lost sight of, In tbo fact that In disobeying tho ordors of tho court they had committed a greator otfonso, that of "lose majosto," or contempt of court. Still tho Judges, as has boon said, tho Judtrvs, outsldo of tho federal court, nro not prono to dlsabuso tholr powor. In Ohio, In tho old common pelss IHIIIIIIIIMMIIMIMMII- W. W. Zinn Manufacturer and Jobbor ; t CANDIES and ICE CREAM!! Zlnn'fl goods arc known for '. , tliclr purity and flavor. Special attention to supplying parties. l'ltono 210. 410 State J. Salem, Or. IMMmiMM MM MMII I 1 1I H I I I 1 1 1 1 1 IIIMM MI-M4- i i TlircHlicrnicn Attention! Now - is tbo tlmo to bring your ', threshing engines to have thorn . repaired. Do not wait until the last day, as thoro may bo some '. ono ahead of you. Coino early and nvold the rush. Wo carry " n full lino of high pressure ! '. steam gauges, also best Scotch wator glass. Repairs on auto- ; mobiles, mnrlno and threshing . ., onglncs and all farm machinery -a specialty. 1 1 13. M. KIGHTLINGKR, 178 South Llborty Street ; ; iinimni ii i n urn m f court, Don Tappan, aftorwardB son ator from that stato, was trying a caso nt Ch'lllcothe, In which Tom Corwln, tho groat political stump spoakor wni ono of the attorneys. Corwln, In the boat of tho fray, was guilty of a broach of bad court otl qtiotto, and Tappan fined him $50, which was a goodly sum In thoso dnys. Corwln, who w3 really a great admlror and good friend o f Tup pan'B, Immcdlntoly bognn an hum Mo apology to tho court, and admit ting his offense snld: "Your hon or, I know you havo n warm spot In your heart for mo, and would bo grlovod to sco mo confined In tho Jail, I havo not tho monoy to pay tho flno, nnd will havo to bo Incar cerated for Btich tlmo ns your honor boos (It to give mo, unless, Indood, moved by our many years of inti macy nnd friendship, your honor would kindly lonn mo tho G0 with which to pny tho flno." A Bmtlo cropt ovor Tnppan's faco, nnd turning to tho clerk ho Bald: "Mr. Clerk, romlt that flno. Tho stnto of Ohio is bottor ablo to loso tGO than I am." Another contempt story was told tho writer by hlo fathor, who iused to rldo tho circuit nnd prnctico bo- foro Judgo Tappan; In fact, tho first story camo from tho samo good old "dad." A horso thlof had boon ar rested down lu Scioto county nnd wns brought boforo Tappan for trial at tho county sent, Portsmouth. Now n hojso thief In thoso dnys wns looked upon ub vorso than n nwr doror, nnd ns thoy woro hard to catch In thoso days boforo tho tele graph, whon ono wns caught his trial becamo a groat event. As It hnpponod, thoro was no Jail, court bolng hold In nn old "tnvorn," and tho old I ok stublo bolng usod ns n Jail. Tho trial was concluded, tho do minant round guilty, and the time for receiving sentence being at hand tho prisoner had beon brought In to got what wns coming to him. Now Tappan wns like Don Dutlor not fxnctly cross-eyed, but not Quito straightforward in his vision. Tnppau gave tho poor devil all that was coming to him, and bIbo 4HIMIHIHUHIH MM Ml OREGON SIENNA J MINERAL PAINT CO. Manufacturers of and dealers in Paint, Htnln.s, Varnishes, Fillers, Shellacs and Wall Tints M. A .McCorklo, Pros. W. Y. Richardson, Sec. SALEM, OR. MMMI MMMM Mill III M I II II II H I II II II I Ml II HARRY P. CHASE Established 1893. Manufacturer and Jobber Wind Mills, Pumps and Plumbing Supplies Special inane metal and wood ' tanks and spray pumps. Phono 34G. 101-113 Front St. Salem, Or. I MM 111 MM MM I I MIH-H- dollvorcd a scathing locturo on th crlmo of horso stealing. This so pleased a big six-foot-six Kentucklan, who had oomo across tho rlvor to hear tho trial, that ho forgot himself and all at onco blurted eut: "That's right, old glmlot-oyeo! OIvo him h 1, for ho dosorves It " Tappan sont his "glmlot oyos" boring through tho crowd and askod sharply: "Who was that?" Tho big Kontucklan got up and, ns ho strotched tho kinks out of his anatomy, ho answered: "This hyar old hoss," adding nn oath. A twlnklo cumu In Tappan's cork scrow oyos, and, turning to tho shorlff ho nodded towards tho still porp-ndlcuIar corn-cracker and said: "Mr. Shorlff, you will kindly tnko thnt 'old hoss' nnd put him In th Htnblo." Tho street car strlkors In Philadel phia won. Tho lumbormon asking for a tar iff on lumber "to protect Amorlcan labor" Is all right, porhaps, but how about tho McOloud outfit, that has 00 Italians who nro not oven citi zens, but nro asking their govorn mont to mako Undo Snm pay bo causo ono of them got Jabbod with an American bayonot? Washington is to havo nn oxtra sosslon of tho legislature This will tnko somo of tho swbll out of tho nv orago Clam-dlggors' bond Salem Fence Works HondQuartore for Woven WIro Fonclng, Hop Wiro, Barb WIro, Poultry Nottlug, Shingles, Mal thold Roofing P B Ready Roofing. Screen Doors and ad Justlblo Window Scroons. All At liowcst Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN -HO Court St Phono 12 t AUTOMOIMLK HKPAIHIXn FACILITIES nt Prlohs' nro unsurpassed Tor rano vntlng and putting In comploto order worn nnd broken vohlclos cf every description. Our workmon are me chanics of tho highest skill. Thoy work undor our porsonnl supervision and tho work is dono right. Our charges aro right as woll. 8tornge by tho dny, weok or month. SALEM AUTO OARAGE F. J. l'rleha On Alloy Just West of Salem Board of Trade. A MMMI MM I Mill Ml IIW NEW PROCESS OF SAND PAPERING Insldo finish ready for varnish, thereby making a great saving to carpenter nnd builder. In quire at A. M. Hansen's Planing Mill Comer Church nnd Mill IMMMMIMM I IIMIIIt M Ml M 1 1 II 1 1 M 1MM II 1 1 III FOR CLKAN, HEALTHY NUR9KRY STOCK OF ALL KINDS THE OREGON NURSERY CO. 'J LEADS Just remember this n m 1 1 ii i in ii ii i ii in 1 1 PREPARING FOR THE GRAND LODGE OF KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Tho Pythian ordor has become ono of tho strongest In tho state, and Iiqb orcclcd many beautiful lodgo halls In tho prlnclpr.l cities of Orogon and Idaho. A Pythian castlo Is undor construction at Salem, tho lot having boon purchased, and plans for tho building bolng in tho hands of tho commlttoe. Grand LoIgo at Pendleton, For tho Knights of Pythias grand lodgo, which Is to convouo In Pon dloton Juno 22, tho O. R. & N. Com pany lins granted vory favorablo rates, according to L. R. Stlnson, grand koopor of records and scnl, Mr Stlnson, rogardlng tho special rates, said: Tho O. R. & N Company will glvo a ono and n third rato for tho round trip to Pendleton for thd grand lodgo Out in addition to this tbo company will allow a 12-day Btop-ovor prlv-! ilego In Portland.. This will permit i BIG NEEDHAM RANCH SOLD TO E. K. PIASECK! 470 ACRES PRUNE LAND Auothor largo salo has Just beon consummated, which moans a groat deal for tho development of tbo fruit Industry of this valley, and shows tho high regard In which our fnult lnnds aro hold. Tho I. C. Ncedham ranch, consisting of 470 acres In tho Rosedale pruno Boction, has boon dis posed of'to 13. K. Plaseckl, lato of Grnnd Islnnd, Nebrnskn. Mr, Pla sockl and bis mother will tako pos Bosslson right away, and got this year's crop in tho deal. Tho Noed ham plnco has over GO acres of prunoB, and thoro Is a flno crop on tho troes at this writing. This is looked upon as ono of the host pruno orchards In that section, and thnt is saying a good donl. The now owners roalfzo tho groat valuo of Salem pruno lnnds, nnd propose to develop the whole placo Into vast pruno or chards. It is a fact that pruno orchards. In iiniiimij; ? VOGET LUMBER & FUEL COMPANY Bulldors and manufacturers of rnitrrVi nnrl flroBRPtl lumber. SB woll as all kinds of mill work. poolers in I1UILDING MATERIAL WOOD AND COAL Houses built and sold at rea sonable terms. Offlco nnd Yard S. 14th and Uok. mono iv. 8Hrd laiaiaf iai a inti ! ELECTRIC FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO. Salesroom 425 Court St. Factory Llborty Streot DcHlgnePH nnd Manufacturer of (liw and Electric Lighting Fixtures. Wholesale and Retail AVE Polish nutomobllo parts, brass kotilcs, otc. Robulld and reflntsh old fixtures. Hard ware and motal ornamontB ro plated. Patronize n Home Industry. A Salem Factory. iimiiiiiffia thoso living south of Portland to at tend tho Seattlo fair on tholr return from tho grand lodgo sosslon. This favor will bo especially appreciated by Pythlnns, bocauso many wantod to bo In Seattlo early in July, whon tho great Iola rank team is thoro. For tho grand lodgo sosslon both Messrs. Moier and Stlnson predict n big attendance. Many membors of tho ordor nro anxious to nttond a grand lodgo session In Eaatorn Ore gon, and thoy nro looking with pleas ure to tho prospect of tho session' In Pendleton. Ono of tho most spectacular fea tures of tho grand lodgo gathering will bo tho coromonlnl sosslon of Abd-Uhl Atlf templo, Knights of tho Khornssan. This Is tho social branch of tho ordor, nnd membership lu tho samo Ib open to all Pythlnns who nro In good standing. It is hoped to Imvo a class of at least 100 for tho coming grnnd lodgo. tho Santa Clara valloy of California, aro soiling for two and throo tlmos tho prico obtained hereabouts, and it Is only a mnttor of tlmo, nnd n short tlmo nt that, when tho Salem or chards will bring as high prlcos as thoso of California, as thoy produco bottor paying crops. Shrowd Invest ors nro realizing this moro ami moro every day, and, while pruno growers of tho Rosedale soctlon havo mndo good monoy on tholr crops, tholr groatost harvest Is still to bo voallzed from tbo ndvnnce lu pruno lnnds. This big deal was consummated by tho'C. O. Constable Land Co., who aro making n specialty of tho pruno uusiness. Mr, Constable Is a practic al pruno growor hlmsolf, nnd Is do voting most of bis attention In tho land business In that direction. m "1 t J ur- ,Ji to. , Itu tiU xa I t0 ", III- r iM -, " .4 1 . M tit l nt -ro 5(1 to n -It m K id a Id m I o I. .. r It I m ). ffW (own. prop. i mBwiw St. : wtmsimi ff n a1.vaaa.q