DAJhY OAI'ITAJEj JOURNAL, SALEM, OltBGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 16. , 1 & '." i 3 i I I I I ROYAL yjlg W W yWMWB lrimR5n H Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Where the finest biscuit, cake, hot-breads, crusts or puddings arc required Royal Is Indispensable. Royal Is equally valuable in the preparation of plain, substantial, every-day foods, for all occasions. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar made from grapes SALEM PUBLIC SCHOOLS WILL CLOSE WITH A BIG PUBLIC PARADE A great annual event trill bo tho public jiarndo at tho clooo ot tho pub lic schools on Friday, June 11. Last year this was instituted, and on one day In tho year tho great maBs of tho doodIo wl'l havo a chanco to noo tho wholo public school system. It has bocomo n local holiday, when tho chlldrairaro dressed in their host bib and tucker, carry flowors, bear ban nors, march to music, and tho Janitor of ouch school cnrrloB tho school flag It is lntondod to bo an object les son of patriotism for tho rising on oratlo... Tlw Committee Meet. Tho mombors of the commltteo who havo chargo of nrrangomonts for tho annual school day pnrado havo practically complotod their plans. Thoso prosont at tho mooting In cludo A, A. Leo Qeorgo II. Ilurnott, Sirs. Perry Raymond, V. P. Bab cock, Dr. Bploy, Gbarlon. Cartor, A. A. Mills and "Wnltor E. KoycB. Friday, Juno 11, was sot as tho dnto for tho parado nutl at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon tho children from tho vnriotiB schools will march to tho groundB of tho court house. From thoro ttroy will march In two di visions, ono going down Court street to Commercial and tho other down Stnto street to Commercial. Tho dt visions will meot on Comiricrclal, and they will go through, maneuvers and givo thoir clnB3 yolla. Tho division which started down Court street will return on Stato and tho division which first marched down State streot will return to tho court house on Court streot. Committees to tako caro ot details woro soloctcd ao follews: To sccuro bands Dr. Eploy. To arrangu tho lino of march on the court houso snuaro Judgo Bur nott, Dr. Uploy and W. P. Babcock. To havo chargo of bannors W. P. Babcock, Miss Klttlo Moo res and W 13. Kcyes. Last year a bannor was given to tho room Hint had tho larg est nttendnnco. A bnnncr will bo glv n for tho samo purposo this year, nnd another bnnnor will bo given to tho school Having the best march ing column. Following tho nrogrnm a big flold meet will bo hold on Wlllamotto Hold, and Charles Cartor, physical director of the Y. M. C. At, wan so loctcd to havo chargo of tho moot. The program commltteo includes Mrs. Claud Catch, Mrs. P. II. Ray mond and A. A. Leo. At the meeting Thursday evening A. A. Leo acted as chairman and W. IS, KeycB ns uccrotury. Docs not Color the Hair Aycr's Ho?r Vigor is composed of fi?l&Z!& Show this to your doctor. Ask liltn If there Is a single Injurious Ingredient. Ask him If he thinks Aycr's I lair Vigor, as made from this formula, Is the best prepa ration you could use for falling hair, or for dandrufr. Let him decide. He knows 1 l AtrH (ViwriNT Towll, M D-fctf-i'intf-l' D.rvnmrfl 'iMrSMt D4j-hs.- ji ui uunu i upufcai i im-i iuui Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service In city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m, Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in tho metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has boon doubled and our bus will horoaftor moot trains No, 6, and train No, 12, limited, Oregon Electric that arrive In Portland at 10:55 a, m, and 4:55 p, m, M. C DICKINSON, Manager THEgOREGON tHHI ttlf f I l ! I fH8 ! fl !! I SALEM BREWERY!! 41 II I! ASSOCIATION Beer Sold in Carload Lots, Shipments in Kegs or Bot tled Beer to any Point on the Pacific Coast . Brewing Plant and Offices j On Trto St,, hi WWeste Wstrkt Safe. teeg 1 ANOTHER CASE OF BLACKMAIL Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Itnfferty, of the Dly vaudeville show houso in this city, hnve received two threatening lottors written by some person un known, which demand that Mr. Raf ferty place $500 at n designated spot some time between the hours of 3 and 4 p. m." nnd that in case ho should fall to comply with tho order, himself, wife nnd littlo girl would suffer disfigurement for life from ncld thrown upon them. Mr. Itnfferty, ns soon as the letters enmo into his hands, turned them over to tho manager of tho theater, Mr. Dly, who put them in tho hands of Constable Ira Harrfjltpr. Con stable Hamilton is working on the case, and nlthough ho Is not positive that he has tho right party In sight, he has ferreted the caso out until ho Is ' warm." Last Thursday evening as Mr. Rnf' forty wns entering his room with his family nfter the show, ono of the letters wns found stuck under Ills door, nnd shortly nfterwnrd another Icttor enmo to him through tho mall. Tho lettorR nro ns follews: ' Baled!, Oregon June 1009. "Mr. Rnfforty. Icnvo $500 dollnrs under tho mill Ht. Sldo walk ilrst crossing from tho brldgo to 'your wrlght going over from Mnln street (evidently meaning Commercial street). If you dont havo it thoro 3 or 4 pm, I will disfigure them for life, nnd if you Inform any ono of this they will pny for It, your wlfo and baby nro safo now. obllga n friend, wo will not bother them until tho tlmo Btated. We hnvo tho drug to do tho work with." "Snlom, Oregon Juno 1009. "Mr. Rnfforty, "Plenso lenvo $500 hundred dol lnrs at Mill street at first crossing under sldo walk to your wrlght go ing down between 3 nnd 4 o'clock nnd your wlfo and buy will bo re turned safe, othorwlso I will disfigure thorn both for life. (Signed) "Yours." It Is evident upon n compnrlson of thoso lottors that tho Inst ono, which was sont through tho mull, wns Intended to conio nt roiuo Inter date, owing to tho fnct it InslnuntcH that tho wlfo nnd baby had boon kid nnped by tho writer, and that tho lottcr was sent ns further precaution In enso tho money wns not delivered. Tho handwriting was very poor, be ing apparently laboriously written. Tho paper on which tho threats wore written was from n tnblet of ordinary slzo nnd unclean. This Is tho second blnck-hnnd af fair occurring In Snlom, but tho offi cers nro after tho culprit nnd If ho should bo caught thoro will bo an other guest In tho Orogon penitentiary. WILL CELEBRATE HIS FIRST MASS Rov. Ambrose Wnlsh, O. S. D., who wns ordalnod prlost nt Mt. Angol last Monday, will colobrnto Jils first muss nt St. Josonh'8 cluurch tomor row morning nt 10:30. Pnthor Wnlin Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Wnlsh, of this city. Tho sermon on this oc casion will bo proached by Rev. Pnth or Domrnlc, O. S. R. Fnthor Wnlsh will bo nnafated at mass by Rov. Fnthor Mooro, nsslstnnt prlost; Rov. Ilenodlct Rarr, O. S. D., deacon; Frntor Thomas Molor, O. S. B., sub. deacon. A priest's first mass Is nn occasion ot inoro than usual Import ance, and Is nlwnys celebrated ns' sol mnly ns circumstances will per-' mlt. i 11 P. M. TRAIN OUT OF PORTLAND DURING ROSE RESTIVAL WEEK In nnswor to so many inaulrles nnd roquests by Snlom peoplo tho Oregon Electric has decided to run a special return train leaving Portland nt 11 p. m. every night during tho Rose Festival week. This will b good news to many Salem peoplo, ns It will give them nn opportunity to tnke In both day and evening attrac tions and get homo the Bamo night. Youra truly, C. S. WALTERS, Qenernl Agent Ye Liberty PROGRAM FOR TODAY... "Annie Laurie" Scenes from the World's Largest Pigeon Farm Child's Prayer Prof, Fix Fired Cured by Gymnastics Descriptive Song "Two Blue Eyes" r' ! INTEREST GROWING IN REVIVAL MEETINGS Tho great union rovlval meeting nt tho FlrsI Rnptlst church still con tinues. Over 100 hnvo been Bnved, nnd tho meetings are increasing In powor every day, Tho mothers' mooting yesterday wns ono ot great Intensity and wo men woro weeping all over the church. Tho street meetings nro also of great Interest. Tomorrow Sunday school at 9:4G n. m. Dr. Mcluturff preaches at 11 n m. and 8 p. ni., and at 3 p. m. he speaks to men. In thoTjhurck of God, at North Sa lem, n meeting will bo held at 3 p. m. Spencer Hardware Co. HOSE! HOSE! HOSE! For lawn and garden in 1-2 and 3-4 inch sizes; rubber and cotton; 50-ft, length with couplings, pqr section tyo.uu to $iu Sprinklers 25c UP (Venders, WaVhers," Hose"Bands","Nozzes, etc, tin and galvanized Water Pots.. .20c up WINDOW SCREENS Adjustable Scrqens. for windows; will fit any size from 25 in, to 40; price 25c up lawn Mowers Plain and Ball Bearing, 12 to 20 in. Price Ball Bearing $4.SS Oil and Gasoline Stoves For Summer Cooking No heat, no dust, no ashes; 1-2-3 burners, price $3 up" Ovens for above $1,50 up ICE CREAM FREEZERS White Mountain triple-motion, eaby to use and quick to make; price $1,00 up Polar Star Freeer; make your cream at the table in 5 minutes: pi ice 75c GOPHER GUNS AH Iron Catches them coming or going; price $1,75 Brass Safety Gun $1.00 Gopher Exterminators, per stick . .' 5c V l r B-1L m T4S, Spencer Hardware Co. 368-72 State St. Phone 19 OLD HICKORY PORCH FURNITURE ' It's a little late, but it is here "Old Hickory" has thoroughly established itself as the most satisfactory porch and lawn FurnitureJKSee ours 32&m msmsnsm 1 . D aiaimitnitiTirTr,"'a,iaa,i"1llli,"ilM,l'i1' HMMHHHH KM4 Jr M V M Jat 1 L HL