Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 02, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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E. HOFEH, Editor nad Proprietor
Independent Newippr Devoted to American Principle! and
the Froxiec and DoTolopotnout of All Oregon.
Publlihod Brerr Brenlng Bzcept Sundar, fialcm, Ore.
(In'varlablr In Advance.)
Daily, br carrier, per year W.fo Per month.- -Wo
Dalit, br mall, per year. -.. 4.00 Per month 88o
Weekly, by mall, per ycsr..... -..'.00 81 monthi .Mo
The Salem public schools have, through their enterprising
board of education, taken up the problem of Introducing man
ual training and Industrial arts as a part of the educational
system of the public schoolsi
They have adopted a deliberate, program, having begun
.last fall with free-hand drawing in all the first eight grades.
A large display of the work done by the children was made
for two days at the schools, and an exhibit sent to the Se
attle fair,
The remarkable feature of the work was that It was done
without heaping up the cost of additional text-books on the
It was not show work got up for an exhibit but the actual
work done by the average child of the avorage citizen, t
This work was also done with the teachers and most of
them will take up class work once a week in free-hand
drawing and learn to do the work and also teach it.
It is programmed to introduce clay modelling in the lowor
grades and needlework In the sixth, seventh and eigi'h
grades for the girls,
This Is made necessary if the boys in those grades are lo
take up wood-working, and that is the present intention.
City Superintendent Powers and Supervisor of Industrial
Arts Geo, Schrolber have gone 'to Portalnd to look over the
work done there,
At Portland manual training has been Introduced in the
ward schools and a school of trades has been established.
It is not the intontlon to copy what is being done Ihoro
but to learn what is being ur.dortakcn, and how successful
it has boon, x , ...
A teacher of drawing and needlework is to be employed to
carry on the instruction from whore it has. been loft at the
end of this year,
The industrial work will bo started in a plain and oractical
way In each of the schools, probably with some olementary
tools liko saws, pianos, chisels, squares and augurs,
Each workshop in the schools will have a work bench to
start with and it is the intontlon to make moro of those and
saw-horses and other articles nooded,
The oducatlonal sldo of the work will not be overlooked
and those who have a tasto for ornamentation will have a
chance to gratify that as soon as ready for it.
Manual training will probably bo made compulsory n the
sixth, sovonth and eighth grados, and will bo optional in the
high school grados,
Tho wood-working will bo confined at first to preparation
of materials, plain joints, and making things of ordinary us3,
such as laying a good plank sidowalk, making ropairs about
tho buildings, or simple articles of equipment needed about
tho school house, such as chalk boxes, erasers, repairing
broken dosks, putting in brokon fonces, doors and windows
that am out of order,
Supervisor Schrolbor will probably not uso any text-books,
as lio lias used none In drawing, tr , x k
Manual training as an oducatlonal factor has como to stay
and it is no longer to be treated as a fad.
It is fundamental, elomontal, of basic oducatlonal value,
and because of this it is displacing present systems,
It Is bollovod with manual training a moro efflolont boy or
girl can bo turned out of school at the end of six years than
is produced now with olght years of purely book knowledge
Prof, H, W, Wardrip, manual training teacher at the Ash
land Stato Normal School, has just been placed at the bond
of the Industrial department of tho San Bernardino high
school, . . .
We are expending vast sums of money annua ly to fit
children for university entry, who by nature should be in
structed how to work with their hands.
Our girls we crowd through tho schools and prepare thorn
for store girls, complotoly ignoring what they by nature aro
fitted for tho homo, , n n ., .. t
Superintendent Conrad at San Bernardino says that tho
high school, as at present conducted, is on .entirely wrong
basis, and he advocated the change which will mako it a
school of technology, , ,
Wo do not agreo with Supt, Conrad that tho entire high
school work Is wrong, but wo do agree, that manual tra n
ing with tho high school will produce better results in citi-
ZeWitR manual training for boys and girls there will be a
reduction in athletics, which is now the only vent for physi
cal oxuboranco, ... ftL ,, ...
City Superintendent Powers and Mr, Schrolbor both agree
that manual training has bash educational value.
A boy or girl may know al! about algebra, latin, geom
etry and geography and yet be as helpless as a child about
use of their hands toward making a living. ....
They are on the right track when they place be ore boys
and girls opportunities to learn how to do those things cor
rectly S accurately which they must do all their lives in
nine cases out of ten In order to make a living,
Hnrrr1 TTnnrt Academy.' nt Salem.
is propatlng to tnko part In tho colo-
l.rntlnn nt tlm fiftieth Until VOTBIirV
of that order, to bo observed nt Port
All the festivities will be at St.
Mary's academy.
Active preparations are In progress
fn thla crnlrinn Inhllfln of tho Sinters
of tho Holy tinmo In tho Northwest,
which promises to bo a notauio event
Tho program as" outlined is as follows,
Juno 22. oven nc Opening of tho
jubilee; children's exorcises.
Juno 23, ovonmg uoiuen jiuiuico
and commencement exercises at Ma
sonic hall.
Juno 24, morning Solomn pon
tifical mnas.JH. Mary's cathedral.
Juno 24, 'afternoon Banquet of
tho. rovorend clergy nt St. Mary's, 1
p. m.
Juno 24, aftornoon Reception of
friends, patron, nnd former students,
from 3 to 9 p. m.
Juno 2G, morning Memorial ser
vices at St. Mary's cathedral.
Juno 25, afternoon Solemn bene
diction of tho blessed sacrament at
St. Mary's chnpol, 4 p. m.
Tho graduating class of St. Mary's
is composed of Irono Marie Blnko,
Florence Mario Carlson, Mary Gqr
trudo Cronan, Mary Laura Dunn,
Anna Lucllo Bnnls, Cntherlno Mary
Gnffney, Kllzr.both H. Hendrlck,
Mario Winifred Honrlot, Rcgina
Maud LIceo, Florence Bridget Ma
glnnis, Martha Ilcglna McNameo,
Emmam Holena Oblnsser, Margaret
Estollo Stowart.
Graduating honors in tho depart
ment of music will bo conferred on
Katherlno V. Korn and Liicla M.
Chicago, Juno 2. Dr. Hnldano
Clomlnson is In Jail today with tho
pollco record showing that ho is for
mally charged with tho murder of
his'wlfo, Mrs. Nora Jnno Clomlnson,
who recently died from tho effects
of chloroform.
Clomlnson still Insists that tho
drug wa administer by burglnrs,
nnil Hint lin wnn affected bv It. but
Chief of DotcctlveB O'Brien rbfuses
to acccopt tho story as tho trutn. a
chomlcal oxnmlnntlon of tho woman's
Rtnmnrli la linlni; mnilo. At first tllO
nhvalrlnn rminrtod that tho burglars
carried away some monoy and spoons
but whom tneso woro iounu in a
closet Clomns admitted that ho put
thorn thoro.
Tho pollco aro senrchlng for a
MIsb J. M. Berg, 21 yenrs old, with
whom, It is said, Clemens Is in lovo.
Hccontly, whllo tho young inuy was
III III II IULIII ilUUlllUI, W1U illloikiuu
called to seo her dally, and nhvnys
left n bouquet or nowers.
Why Does It Cure
Not because It Is Sarsaparllla,
but booause It Is a modlclno of
pocullar morlt, composed of moro
than twonty different remedial
agents offootlng phenomenal
euros of troubles of tho blood,
otomach, liver and bowels.
Thus Hood's Sarsaparilla cures scrof
ula, ccicma, anemia, catarrh, nervous
ncBa, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, loss
of appetite, nnd builds up tho system.
01 It today la lb umtl liquid form or la
cbocoUud Ubltt form tUl BnUU.
IOtH of It In Snlciu But
Growing Ijcss,
Tho kldnoys cry for help.
Not an organ In tho whole body so
delicately constructed.
Not ono so Important to health.
Tho kidneys aro tho filters of the
When thoy fnll tho blood becomos
foul and poisonous.
Thoro can bo no health whore
thoro Is poisoned blood.
Iincknolio Is onn of tho first Indica
tions of kldnoy trouble
It Is tho kidneys' cry for help.
Heod It.
Doau'a Kldnoy Pills are what is
Aro Just what overworked kidneys
Thoy sttongtheu nnd invigorate
tho kidneys help thorn to do their
work novor fall to euro any caso of
klilnnx illsense.
Rend tho proof from a Salem .citi
O. W. Vaughn. 3 Stato street. Sa
lem. Oregon, Bay: "Doan's Kldnoy
Pills, procured at Dr. Stone's drug
storo, proved In our family to bo a
reliable remedy for backache
nnd all forma of kldnoy com
plaint. I obtained tho best
of results from their use, and our
cnllu, wno nan neon amicieu wim
kldnoy complaint, was made well In
a snort time uy tnom. wo recom
mend Doan's Kldnoy Pills to parents
who navo cnuuren irouuiea in any
way by dlsordored kidneys."
Knr mi In liv nil dealers, l'nco ou
rents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo.
Now York, solo agonts for tho United
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
.... .Atfc
4cmlos Dn09.i Co.
C.t(mo-c New York.
Here are a few bald facts plain and unadorned, They are clothes
facts, Now, here we gol
Dressing well at a moderate cost is not beyond the possibilities of any
man who will come to this store for wearables,
By "dressing well" we mean dressing in good taste, dressed in clothes
that fit in fust the right way, SUITS $10 TO $30
141 North Commercial Street
EVnimn. f!n1.. .Tilnn 2 neo misers
of Fresno county aro alarmed at tho
Inroads recently mndo In their
apiaries recently mndo In that
has destrovoi thousands of bees wuu
In tho Inst month. Tho nnturo of tho
post Is not known to tho ranchers of
tho valley, but It has becomo so prev
alent thnt tho extermination of a
prolltublo lndiustry 13 thrcntoncd.
Alrnmlv nn nrnn nf 3Dfl sniinrO
miles has boon affected, and tho dls-
caso is spreading rnpidiy. if us
progress Is no. checked soon, many
ranchers will bo confronted with
heavy financial Iobs.
Looking One's licet.
It"s a woman's dollght to look
her best but pimples, skin eruptions,
sores nnd bolls rob llfo of Joy. Lls
tonl Bucklcn's Arnica Salvo cures
them; makes tho skin soft and vol
voty. It glorifies tho fnco. CuroB
Pimples, Soro Eyes, Cold Sores,
Cracked Lips, Chapped Hands. Try
it. Infallible for Piles. 2Bo at J. 0
Wo havo fixed up for you, you'll
docldo It Is ono of tho most Invit
ing apartments in tho house. Even
tho children will bo glad Instead of
reluctant to butho onrly nndofton.
Tho cobI of such n bnth room Is piob
nbly Icbb than you oxpect. Wo do
sanitary plumbing at prices which
puU tho luxury of a handsome bath
room well within your roach.
1'lmnlilng nnd Gas Fitting
Shop on Llucrty St., back of Burr's
Jewelry Store
Notice to Contractor.
Sonled proposnls will bo rccolvcd at
tho ouico of J. H. Ackormnn, secre
tary of tho bonrd of trustees for tho
Oregon School of Deaf Mutes, Salem,
Oregon, until 11 o'clock n. m. Juno
S, 1009, and then oponod, for tho
construction of a Brick Administra
tion Building, Brick Dormitory nnd n
Boiler Houso to bo built nt Snlom,
Oregon. A cortificd check for D per
rnnt rt Ihn ntnnimt nn nninn flnlvnnl
Cures i bank mndo pnyablo to tho ordor of
j. 11. ACKormnn, secretary or. uoaru
of trustees, must accompany each
Plans and epeclflcatlons may bo
scon nt tho offlco of tho secretary
of tho board or may bo had of F. A.
Lcgg, architect. Bidders nro re
quested to uso tho printed form of
Proposal which will bo furnished upon
Tho right Is reserved to roject any
and all bids.
By ordor of tho board of trustees
for tho Orogon School of Deaf Mutes.
May 27-29-Juno 1-3-5
Oct a sharo of stock In tho Gor
man Building Society.
Chlldrwn Cry
J, H, Albert, Pres,
E, M, Croisan, Vice Pres,
Jos, H, Albert, Cashier
Pays Interest on Savings
Don't Pay Too
Much For Your
We will compare our Malle
. able Range with any range
made, and lot you be the judge
as to which is superior,
Don't pay from $70 to $80
for a range just because you
can get it on time, Your credit
is eood at our store. We will
sell you a range and guarantee it for 25 years, THE MALLEABLE Range is made
of the finest polished blue steel with polished tops and lids, and with high class
nickel trimmings warranted not to color with heat,
They are easy to clean, having the Sanitary High Closets ,not found on the or
dinary range,
Buy of your home dealer, He is here to make good his guarantee,
Agents for
1 II .buYLufc IN SOUTH BEND'KA1 1 Ib
. j