fl DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, gALSM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1909 LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN AUMSVILLE SECTION THE MARKETS Tho Kind You Hnvo Always Bought, nnd which has hcon In uso for over 30 yenrs, has horno tho signature of jrf? " nnd has been made under his por- cLjC&E'?1'a sonal supervision slnco Its litftmcy. uxr?rt '&tSU4l Allow no ono to dccclvo you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Just-ns-good" nrb ?jut Experiments that triilo with nnd endanger tho health of Infants and Children Expcrlcnco- against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Cnetorhv m a, harmless substltuto for Castor 0U Pare goric, Prop pt Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contr.!!.? i:cMic: Cphim, Morplilno nor otlicr Narcotlo buL':Uau.. 1 ) npo is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms , nnd nil'"- I-'cvcrlshucss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Co!'c. It rellcvca Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation nr-l FlatuTucy. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Sicifeu-h nml Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend, GBCSUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars tho syfvcki Tlie KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMf C tNTAUR COMMNf , TT HUMKAV TltT, ItW VOdH OITY. NEWPORT FIRMS Bolow nro published tho ndvortlsements of tho lending business houses, hotels, enmp grounds, etc., at Newport. A glanco through them will bo a grent help to ono In planning their summor vacation. )! Ilff f f f BAY VIEW !! ' o I Rooming House j Ono nnd ono-hnlt blocks south of boat landing on Main street 5 Itoynl Restaurant in connection MRS.O.E.CARTERProp. NEWPORT - - ORE. firilatggtt When In Newport, Oregon go to tho nOTEL BRADSHAW for furnished rooms, with or without housekeeping privileges. Largo kitch en for use of guests. Located on tho main sldowalk half way botween Newport and Nye Beach, look for tho name HOTEL HRAI- SHAW on top of houso. Finest view' of tho ocean of any houso in town. Call and look nt rooms before secur ing elsewhere. Quests cheerfully waited on by Mrs. Bradsbaw, Prop. nmtnnu ; nmif J Buxton's Grocery All Hoes the best WefcfiAellehu's (mds. Next (ko to Post Office J Newport - Oregon hi nn unit onmou ! AnytMg Yeu Ned to Eat at Smith's Nyebeach I Defcatesseii Worn Baku j Signature of WHEN YOU BNTEK THE BATH ROOM Wo hnvo flxed up for you, you'll dccldo It is ono of tho most invit ing npnrtmcnts in tho house. Even tho children will bo glad instead of roluctnnt to bntho early nnd often. Tho cost of such n bath room is prob nbly less thnn yfju expect. Wo do sanitary plumbing nt prices which puts tho luxury of n handsome bath room well within your reach. GRABER BROS. Plumbing nnd Gun Kitting Shop on Liberty St., back of llnrr's Jewelry Store lianixiuiinaitiaiiii y iThe Grand!! FURNISHED ROOMS;:::; One block north from bout landing- X Large kitchen In connection for tbe J uie of tbe gueits 5 . TERMS REASONABLE. i Mrs. A. D. Shoiienburg f Newport, Oregon i fHU f f f) amfimiisHinnf NEWPORT SODA WORKS. 3 We manufacture nnd carry a complete lino of soda water fountnln syrups and other si phon liquids Hnvo tho bost nno latest improved machinery and our goods nro known and used for tholr purity, which makes them n prlmo favorite. We are In a position to sunnly theso goods in any quantities J iu me iraao ana gunrantce sat isfaction. nARDING & CHAMEIt, Traps. I 4WIllllemit)i4M I; Rader Camp Ground;! ) With foundation and without. 2 ! J also furnished tents, good ' ' i , . water and septic tanks. Rates , , ii ' . ; furnished on application. i ; Nye Creek, Newport, Ore;; J ! A. T. RADER. Proprietor. ! iwwumnunwww i "Takitezy" !! i The most beautiful place at J Nye Beach, Newport, Oregon. ! Private rooms and board. flfS. W. M. BfilTy 1 ThomnR .Tnhnnnn him whirtiivl from a visit to tho neighboring oll", Snn Francisco, May 31. Wheat ( fields at Pratum nnd reports con- ai"ornia 0IUD por cntal, sldernble progress having beon made $2.1002.16; California whito mill in the search for oil there ,lnE' $2.l"u'2.20: northorn bluostom, Rev. John Osborn, lato of Sclo, f227 02.32; off grados wheat, but formerly of this vicinity, has ?1.901.92; red, $2.1002.20. purchased the D. F. Eastburn prop- Darley Feed barley $1.66 01.70; erty on Main street nnd will make common to fair, $1.6 0 0 1.62 ; It his homo in tho near future. browing at San Francisco, nominal The Spirit of 1776 is abroad la $1.7001.76; Chevalier, $1.77 elaborate preparation for an up- 1,?' according to quality, to-date observance of Independence ! . EgBS Por dozen, California fresh, Day on Saturday, July 3d. Many Includulng cases, extras, 26 e; novel features nro promised for that firsts, 25 c; seconds, 24c; thirds, occasion. 23c, Dr. B. F. Proud, who has boon at-' Butter Per pound, California tending the North Pacific Dontnl Col-,frosn' extras, 25&c; llrstB, 25c; see lege In Portland for tho past two,0.8' 24c. years, has returned nnd will sot un . Now cheese .'or pound, Cnllfor- dental parlors In Aumavlllo. Dr. J. W. Colo made a flying trip to Monmouth InBt week. The graders are busy construct ing the improvements on tho county roads leading Bouih nnd west from town, n generous amount having been raised by subscription for that purpose, Mlchael Martin, who has boon working nt tho E. & S. Co.'s Bnwmlll. south of town, for somo time, has se cured employment nt tho Insane nsy lum and left for his post on Thurs day morning. R. "W. Speer has gone to ' Mon mouth, where ho Is employed In a dry goodB store. W, P. Gilbert was nt Portfand on a business trip tho last of last wcok, returning Monday. The Corvallis Creamery Co. has established a cream station at this place, with Chas, Martin in chargo. Sherm Swauk made a business trip to Portland Saturday. The contest for Quern of tho W. W. A. picnic nt Sllverton resulted In the selection of Miss Lola lloln as Queen from tho camp at this placo. A Mr. Wilklns, of Cleveland, Ohio, Is In town as a prospective purchasor of some Oregon real estate . MOE ANON. THE MISSISSIPPJ GETS SILVER SERVICE Scrnnton, Miss., Juno 1. NVInd, resulting In a choppy sea, caused a reversal of tho planB (or .tho coro monlcB today attendant upon tho pre sentation by tho ntnto of a sllvor sor vlcf. to the battleship Mississippi. The cercmanlos commenced nt 10:30 o'clock this morning. Gover nor Edmund P. Nool of Mississippi delivered tho presentation nddrcss, Captain Fremont responding upon bchnlf of the ship and tho men. Governor Jnred Y. Sandors of Lonilslnna nnd John Sharp Williams participated In tho coremontes. All ceremonies took plnco on shore nnd unless the sea subsides before night it Is probablo that no attempt will be made to transfer tho silver to tho ship. In that ovont it will bo taken to Philadelphia and takon nboard there without formality. The waves woro so high that tho officers of tho battleship woro brought ashoro with difficulty. Thoy mado the trip In whnlo boats any many wero so bndly drenched that thoy were forced to npponr at tho casino nt Anderson pnrt In civilian nttiro. A ball game and rccontlon nro planned this nftornoon for tho en tertainment of tho crow nnd a ban quet and reception will bo tondored. RETAIL GROCERS ON THE WAY TO PORTLAND IT'nltNl Prrti l.Mttd Wlre.1 San ffrnncUeo. Juno 1. Sovornl hundred delogatos to tho nntlonal convention of retnll grocers nro on tholr way to Portland toduy to nt teml tho meeting of tho association, nftor being elnborntoly ontortnlned here. Delegates from tho Knst Joined the California delegation horo yos torday. nnd wore tho guests nt n ban quet In tho rod room of tho Fair mont Hotel. After tho feast the en tire company started for Portland, where tho convention convonos to morrow. Among the distinguished men In tho party Is National Director Chas. Q. Fuller, of Boston, nnd J. R. Now berry. of Los Aneoles. head of tho bouthern California delegation. o Von Nov ro Can Tell just exactly the cause of you rheu matism, but you know you have It. Do you know that Ballard's Snow Liniment will euro It? relieves tho pain reduces tho swelling and lim bers the Joints and muscles so that you will be as active and well as you ever were. Prlco 25c, 50c and $1.00 Sold by aU druggists, o Notice to Contractors. Scaled proposals will be received at the o.ce of J. H. Ackerman, secre tary of the Board of trustees for tho Oregon School of Deaf Mutes, Salem. Oregon, until 11 o'clock a. m. Juno S, 1909. and then opened, for the construction or a Brick Administra tion Building. Brick Dormitory and a Boiler House to bo built at Snloin, Oregon. A certified check for 5 per cent of the amount on somo solvent bapk made payable to the order of J. H. Ackerman, secretary of board of trustees, muBt accompany each bid Plans and specifications may be seen at tbe office of the secretary of the board or may bo had of F. A. Legg. architect. Bidders aro re quested to use the printed form of iroposal which wfl! be furnished upon application. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of tbe board of trustees for the Oregon School of Deaf Mutes. May 27-29-June 1-3-5 o OHIteJrvn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA n'a flats, 13c; firsts, 12 He; seconds, li e; California Young Amorlca, fancy, 16c; firsts, 15c. Potatoes Per cental, ltlvor Whites fancy, $2 02.10; Oregon Burbanks, $2.4002.60; now potatoes, por pound, 3 03c; sweet potatoes, por crate, $1.5002. Onions Por crato, Toxas Bermu I"'": $1.2611)1.35; now red, por sack, 901b$l.i5; silver skin, por crato, $1 01.15. Oranges Per box, Navolu, sizes 80 to 126, $1.1601.75; slzos 150 to 216, $2 02.50; Tangerines, por box, box, 75c0$l, PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track Trices. Club $1.20 Bluestom $1.2701.30 Turkoy Red $1.18 Vnlloy ;$1.17 .... Floar. PntonU $0.26 Straights $5 06.40 Exports 4.70 Vnlloy 5.50 Graham, 1 U sack 5.60 Whole wheat 5.80 Hay. Wlllametto vnlloy ordinary. $14 016 Eastern Oregon, fancy.... $18020 ilfalfa $13014 Clovor $13 012 Cheese. F. C. Twins 17'Ac F. C. Trlplots 17ttc Young America 18o Cream brick 20o Swiss block 20c Ltmborgor 18020c MUlstufTe. Bran $26026 Middlings $31.60 Shorts, city $20 Cho p $20025 Rolled Bnrlcy $30037 Eggs. Select Oregon 24 025c Eastern 15o0.2Oc Dressed Mcata. Hogs, fancy 0 010c Hogs, ordinary 8 0 9a Plcnlo 10a Hogs laro 80So Veal, extra 8a Veal, ordinary 7 0Sc Veal, heavy i Co Mutton, fancy 60 7a Cottago roll lie Breakfast 170210 Kcguiar snort clear, smoKcu. ,na Ditto, unsmoked 13 Ho Clear backs, smoked 14 o Shouldors lie Batter Fancy 25 027c Oholco 30c Storo 18a Oats. No. 1 whit ;. $39040 Grny $38039 Potatoes, Buying prices, cwt $1.7502 Fresh Fruits. Oranges $2.25 03.26 LomonB $1.76 04 Applos, box 0602.50 Bnnnnns, lb 5 i 0 Co Toultry. Chickens, mixed 14 016c Fryers 22 026a Roostors, old 10a Broilors 28030a Drossd. poultry, lc lb, higher. Ducks 14 016a Gecso, livo 10011c TurkoyB 20c Local Retail Market. Wheat, por bushel $1.25 Hay, cheat $16,60 Hay, clover $14.00 Potatoes, bushel 70 0.80 Apples, bushM 6001.00 Prunes, por lb 1'40.4W Prunes, por lb 1 U 0 4 Cranberries, Howe's varie ty, bbl 13.09 Batter and Eggs, Retail. Egga 25c Creamery butter .............. 30c Country butter 25c Flour. Eastern Oregon $1.75 Bran, per sack...... ,95 Shorts, per sack $1.3501.53 Rolled barley .. 40.09 Local Wholesale Market. Whent, bushel $1.15 Oats, busbot 65057c Flour, bard wheat, $6,40 Flour, valley .$5.4006.00 dill feed, shorts 38.39 x in fAH hr.,1 an na mops, 13 OS crop .19 Hops, 1907 crop 303 Ohlttam bark 33H Wool, cocrso .18 Wool, medium ....... .20 Mohair .31 Wouldn't it be awful If the state printer, with an Income running up Into the thonsands, were made to pay that factory act Inspection fee, and some of th little Jerkwater printing offices that don't get a new piece of machinery once la twenty years wore let off? But officialism will protect officialism to tbe end of the world. o Stomach Troubles. Many remarkable cures of stomach troubles have Deen effected by Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, One man who bad spent over two thousand dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a few boxes of theso tablet. Price, 25 cents. Plan for Summer Comfort Don't add the heat of a kitchen fire to the sufficient discomfort of hot weather. Use a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove nnd cook in comfort. With n "New Perfection" Oil jtove tho preparation of daily mcrtls, or the big weekly "baking:," is done without rais ing the temperature perceptibly above that of any other room in the house. Another great advantage NEW PERFECTI01V Wick Blue Flame Oil .Cook-Stove U Its handsome CABINET TOP, which gives It every convenience of the modern steel range. Has an ample top shelf for warmuift plates and keeping cooked food hot, drop shelves for holding small cooking utensils, and is even fitted with racks for towels. Made in three sizes, Notice to Contractors. Soaled bids wilt bo received by tho Board of Trustoos of tho Stato Insti tution for Fooblo MIndod at tho ox ecutlvo chambers, Salem, Orogon, un til 1 p. m., Juno 8, 1000, at xrhlon hour all bids will bo oponed by the undersigned for tho orectton and com plotlon of a glrlB' dormitory, epilep tic dormitory, hospital and barn. Con tractors may kid on ono or all build lngs. All bids must bo accompanied by a certified check In tho sum of nt loast 10 por cent of tho amount of tho bid, said chock mado payablo to tho undersigned as a guarantoo that tho contractor will furnish an ap proved bond within flvo days after tho awarding of tho contract. All bidB must bo mndo out upon blank proposals for tho samo. Blanks furnished on application by tho clork or archltoct. Plans may bo soon at tho exocutivo chnmboro, Salem, Oro gon at tho offlco of II. 0. McAllister, 417 Orogonlan building, Portland, Oregon, or nt tho office of Chas. H. Burggrnt, architect, Albany, Orogon. Tho Board of Trustees of tho State Institution for Feoblo MIndod ro sorves tho right to rojoct any or all bids. O. -N. McARTHUR, Clork of tho Board. Snlem, Oregon, May 25, 1900. 5-28-8t Notice. Is horoby given that scalod bids for tho construction, of two cottages nt tho Orogon Stato Insane Asylum will bo received by tho Bonrd of Trustees of the Oregon State Insane Asylum until Juno 7th, at 2:30 p. m at which hour all bids will be oponed by tho undorilgnod at the ox- ecutlvo chambors Iu tho proeenco of tuo aforesaid board. Contractors may bid on olthor ono or both of those cottages. All bids must bo accompanied by a certified check In tho sum of at loast ton (10 per cent) por cent of tho amount of tho bid, and mado payablo to tho ub dorslgnod. Plans and specifications may bo examined at tho exocutivo chambers, Salem, Oregon. Tho Board of Trustees of tho Ore gon Stato Insano Asylum rosorvos the right to reject any and all bids. O. N. M'ARTHUR, Clork of tho Board, Snlom, Oregon, May 18, 1000. 5-19-14t Proposals for Construction of Water Pipe Lino from Oregon State Pen itentiary to tho Btato Capitol. Sealed proposals endorsed on out side of envelope "Proposals for plpo lino from Oregon Stato Penitentiary to State Capitol" and addressed to tho undersigned will bo recolved at tno Executive Chambers. Stato Cam- to, Salem, Orogon, until Juno 8, 1900, at 2 p. m. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check of an amount of not less than 10 per cent of tho full value of tho bid, and mado payablo to the undorslgnod. Tho Board of Capitol Building Com missioners rcsorres the right to re ject any and all bids. Plans ad specifications for (this plpo lino may be examined at the Executive Chambers, state Capitol, Salem, Oregon, or at the office of If. C. McAUistor, Orogonlan Building, Portland, Oregon. C. N. McARTHUR. Clerk Board of Trustees Capitol Building Commissioners. 6-2 6-1 Ot 0 i Hughes, Dennlson & McLaeon of Salem will erect tho 2-story $12,000 Odd Fellows' building at Junction, o Rich Men's Glfta Art) Poor Besides this: "I want to go on rec ord as saying that I regard Electric Bitters as ono of tho greatest gifts that God has made to woman," writes Mrs. O. Rklneyalut, of Vestal, Center, N. Y. "I can never forgot what It has done for mo," This glo rious medlclue gives a woman buoy ant spirits, vigor of body and Jubi lant health. It quickly cures Ner vousness, Sleeplessness, Meloncholy, Headache, Backache, Fainting and Dizzy Spells; soon builds up the weak, ailing and sickly. Try them. jpyi jj sssfc,, ""rqL yfffloll of tho 1 and can be had with or without Cabinet lop. If not at your dealer' j address our nearest agency. jRajb Lamp ssuss 'immif whether hl(ih or low la therefore free from dligreable odor and can not mokc. Safe, convenient, ornamental the Ideal light If not at your dealer't address our ncareit agency, STANDARD QIL CO Mr ANY (incorporates) Propofwl for Ooaatrtictioa of Oew Bath mm! OtJter OHtlmUtMwgs, 4 tho Oregoa State Insane Aaiywa Fana. Sealed proposals, ondorsod oa oat sldo of onvolopo, "Proposals for ee structlon of cow barn and other out buildings for Orogon Stato Insaae Asylum farm," and nddrossed to tho undorslgnod, will bo rocolvod at Um Exocutivo Chnmboro, Stato Capital, Salem, Orogon, until Juo 7, 1909, at 2 p. m nt which hour nil bids will bo Qponod by tho undorslgnod In the prosouco ot tho Board ot Trustee of tho Orogon Stato Insano Asylum. All bids musfuo accompanied by cer tified chock In tho amount ot tea (10) por cent ot tho full amount, mado payable to tho u"!"" ""' Tho Board of Trustees ot i1 , Stato Insane Asylum, roi right to rojoct aay asd nil . Plans and specifications may bo ex amined at tho Bxooutlvo Chambers. Salem, Oregon, or at tho offices of II. O. McAUlBtor, Orogonlan Build ing, Portland, Orogon. Datod at Salem, Orogon, this 25th day ot May, 1009. 0. N. McARTHUR, Clork of tho Board of Trustoos Ore gon Stnto Insano Asylum. 5-26-9t o Notice. Is horoby given that soalod bids for re-wlrlng tho Stato Capitol build ing nt Salem, Orogon, will bo ro colvod by tho Board of Capitol Build ing Commissioners until Juno 7th, at 12 o'clock, noon, at which hour all bids will bo oponed by tho under signed nt tho executive qhamborsi Salem. Orogon. In tho nrosonco of the aforesaid board. All bids must bo accompanied by n cortlfiod chock in a sum ot at least ton per cont (10 por cont) of tho nmount of ho bid nnd mado payable to the undorslgnod. Plans nnd specifications may bo oxamlnod at tbo offlcos ot Mac Naughton, Raymond & Lnwronco, architects, Concord building, Port land, Orogon, or at tho oxocutlvo chambers, Salem, Orogon. Tho Board of Capitol Building Commissioners reserves tho right to reject any and nil bids. O. N. M'ARTHUR, Clork of tho Board, Salem, Orogon, May 18, 1909. 6-10-14t Notice of Intontlon to Improve Portion of Court Street. Nottco Is horoby glvon that tho Common Council of tho City of Sa eom, Orogon, dooms it oxpediont to Improvo nnd proposes to Improve, at thp expense, of abutting and adjaeont property, tho roadway of Court Street In said City from curb to curb with Wnrren Brothers Bltullthlo Water Proof Pavomont from tho west lino of Commercial street to tho oast lino of Front street. Said por tion of said Court Street shall be Improved by grading tho roadway thoroof by tho establishing of con crete curbs whero not already es tablished and by paving said road way In accordanco with tho titans and specifications adopted by jtho Common Coucll on the 24th day of may, ivuu, ana now on tile In the oce of tho City Rocorder, and by doing all tatais rsulr4 la mm plans and specifications. Remonstrancos may be filed against said Improvement In the manner and within tho tlmo provid ed in the Charter ot said CMtr. Date of the first publleatioa of this notice, May 25, 1909, By order of tho Common Cornell W. A. MOORES. 5-2 5-1 It City Recorder. o . Tho committee Is at work today to raise $3000 to carry on the three day cherry fair. PftMZft aAfesfi " ii i.i ii in.. i i i, . marrfSK l if MJ lf rf ff ( 4MH)i4Me)HmilH).j Samples free at all good druggists.' ooo at J. u Perry. 223 S. COMMCHaU. ST