EHHl HJISHMALH 'i 'wct DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL ''' - " -" -MLXM OMMGOif, TUESDAY, JUNE 1, lt0 u 4 l I ' ZEPPELIN'S AIRSHIP NOT BADLY DAMAGED Berlin, Juno 1. Mechanics who aro repairing Count Zopporlln's wrecked airship, Zepperllu II, near Gotfonon today, statod that tho dam age to tho craft la not so great as was first believed. Although It will tako eomo tlmo to make tho neces sary repairs it Is believed that tho Bhlp can bo sent to Zepperlln's shops at Frlcdertchnfon by Thursday. Whon tho craft Is In tho shops Zopporlln's ontlro forco will bo sot to work repairing tho bow plates of aluminum which were torn out by contact with a tree yesterday when tho count's long flight was ended by accident. It Is probable that It will bo sovoral weeks beforo tho airship Is In shape to innko another flight. Count Zopporlln Is not In tho loast .UkinoffeMtfJsaJqffflrak D l8.T.FEl!X8DRAUI,Sffin'Al CIEAM OR MAGICAL WAUnnER lUmavM ib, tad Bktn Dliraiea, oa twaatr. and d anq mrj Di(mi,o Su d.ttetloa. It u itood tha ttit of jtar, and la hrroU wt tuulltabaitirall it proMiir mini, AcctplnocCTicter. fait of dollar Rama. Dr. L. A. Barra aald to a ladjr of tba knit. ion it piunt)i rl U v w win Lh tbtm. 0Mraud OrsBm' M tha (tut harmful of all tho afaanntwrallooa.'' Kor ull Hr at! droi (lata and rancr. 4ea Daalara la tht Ualttd BUln, Can.da and Kuropi. fM.T.HPIlJIS.Prog.S7Bre.!JoMiSfrMiNMriiiL At rou ladl.i T,IWIIi(3,Pf376fJIJOT8!fetHwToit IK k B f 0 Classified Ads ran balm For Snlo Cut roses at Hamilton grocn hoiigo, Yow Park; will be thoro nftornooni only. 4-23-tf ror Sale FIno 300ncro farm, nt a bargain, on tho Wlllamotto rlvor, 20 inllos from Portland. 3 ml I on from Oregon Eloctrlc, bost of fruit land, running wotor, M. P. Bald win, Salem, Or. 6-16-lm For Bnlo Fivo-ycar-old pacor by Ilolmdal; gontlo, good driver, slnglo or doublo. Apply to Behind lor oxpross, or 301 Stato atroot. 5-1-8-tf For Snlo Good 1H H. P. Staver gasoline onglno. For sale choap. Enqulro at 178 South Llborty troot. G-22-tf For Bale Ton lots 60x125, now 5 room p'.astorod houio, wood houso, barn and chicken corral. Evorythlng now. Soo ownor, 22d and Hydo atreots, Turner road. 5-16-lm For Bnlo Twosoatod Studobnker Biirroy, how. Inqulro nt Low'b Btnblo. Also ono Studobnker bug Ky. G-lB-tf For Bnlo Thrcflhlng outfit; consists of 20hor8opowor doublo cylinder onglno nnd 30-00 Reed's separator, nil of tho lalcflt iimko. Then) Is a Pnrnon'H foodor, Porfccllon wolghor, nnd FnrmorB' Frlond Mower. Prlco rpnaonnblo find tortus onsy. Apply to J. J. Lang mack, Albany, llomu phonu inr2. B-21-dtf For Snlo A frosh cow 91 Joruoy, Y Durham, 1000 Chomoketn stroot. Phono 373. 0-20-tf lr Snlo Six-room hocjso, on tho Initnllmout plan, or would rent. Phono 047. A. Ollngor, 001 Mill Btroot. C-20-3t WANTia) WHtHl 25 mon, hop yard work. Krobs Bros., Buih-Broyman build ing. Phone 121 3-15-tf Wnnt4U Bring u your poultry nud okks; lIlKhoat cnoli prlco always. Phono 070. u. Pohlo & Sou, 340 8. Llborty. 5-25-tf Dr. IL H. Stone, D. C, Otilropractor, Bplno and norvo spoclallt. Rooms 4, 6, 6, D'Arcy building. t'nouo Main 87. HRiem, Oregon. 4-38-tf M1HOELLANEOUH O. Irvton Will Bell nt his farm. 5 mlloa outh of Salem, on Liberty and Prospect road, June 12, a flno lot of dairy cows, work lioruoj, etc 5-89-4t Mowerf, Itak" It you aro Intor osted In a machine for heavy cut ting and light draft, a postal will bring you a catalogue. II. Pohlo & Son, 240 So. Liberty. G-27-tf. To KxchnHge 03 acres Roguo River vnlloy, 7 mllos from ContnH Point, 10 acres orchard mostly apploa; , good buildings, for Willamette farm. "Wrlto what you havo. II. A, Davis, IU. 3, Central Polut. Oregon. 6-3 L-Swk OttM-at AVork Septic tank, ceniont walks and foundations. All work guaranteed, llary Rowo. Phono 158S 4-lm TONSOKIAL. M. O. Meyer Co Tho beat and larg oat shop in tho city. Six flrst-class barbora. Only first-clans bootblack In city. Dorcolalu baths and every thing pertaining to a flrst-class; shop. Also carry a full lino of cigars and tobacco and barbera' supplies. 103 Commercial street, nxt 4oor to Statesman ottce. M-tf discouraged by yeBtordar' mishap. Ho points out that It is no argument against aerial navigation as oven a watorcraft might bo wrecked whllo attempting a difficult landing In a strong wind. Tho airship was forc ed Into cqlllslon with a, trco whllo tho aviator was nttompttng to land for fuel for his onglnos. 1 o Used Great Illustrations. Dr. Mclnturff, In his wondorful sermon last night, used somo great Illustrations, as whon ho qulted from Daniel Webster that tho thought of otorntty was tho greatest thought that ovor came to his mind. Ho denounced sin as being tho direct cause of bringing every dlscaso Into tho world, and that it gponed ovory penitentiary and asylum, and dug overy grav Ho said all that was "good of ovory rollglon was found between tho covers of tho Dlblo, and that thin was truo of Christian ScIeiiBO "In trying to save your soul don't lcavo the plank you aro swim ming with and got Into a boat that hits a hole In tho bottom. Too many churches people Join aro like tho boat with a holo in tho bottom." SliIITHSON AND WIFE IN SAN FRANCISCO Ban Francisco. Juno 1. Forrost Sm'lthson of Portland, worlds cham'- nioti hurdior. and his wlfo. who was MIbh ICatherlno Tracoy of New York, arfr in San Francisco today on their honeymoon. Tho pair wero m'arrlod two wookB ago in Seattlo. They aro Quests of tho Hotel Manx. Rues J, rn,u I g j Tor i o Bmylli Sprained his wrlct trvlnir In rnneh for a cup of Folger's Golden Gnto nUBlNBSfl CARDS. Livery nnd Fccl Htnblrs Old PoJt ofllco Stables, at 254 Forry stroot, botwoon Commercial and Front stroots. Toluphonu 188. Somo of tho flnoot Hvorlcs in tho city can bo found horo. Wtstacott & John Bon, tf CAPITAL IIAKICRS. Prop. Broad, enko, plos, and all Kinus or pnstrlcs, cookies, ate. Watca for our wagon. Phono 064. 11-10-tf IIUTTHKNUT IIUKAI). It 1b worth moro than any other orona, yoi mo prlco is no hlghor. For snlo nt your grocor's. Callfor ria Bakory, Thomna & Cooley, PrpB Ciininilim llnm, Trnnnfer Company All klnda of transfer work dono urnlturo and pianos boxed roady for shipment. Prompt sorvtco U our motto. Stand nnd ofllco at 263 South Comiuorcla! stroot. Phono 210. Rcoldonco phono 023. Uutto & Wndorotli Flno wlnos. liquors and cigars. Wo handle tho colebratod Kollog and Castle whiskies. Cool and rofroshing bor constantly on draught. Soutn Commercial stroot 0-3-lyr. Hydo Bros. Electric Co. EJltctrlo supplies nnd flrst-class wiring at reasonable prices. Call at our ofllco for oatlniatos. Phono 451 143 N. Liberty stroot. 1-12-tf Wcogor . CTicrrlngtoii Pianos and organs sold on easy torms; talo pnon 1187; 247 CommcrciJl Stroot, Salem, Oregon. tf Coni-rt'to Work aot my prices on sidewalk, curbs, spotlc tanks and coinont work of any kind. All work guaranteed first class. M. Ward, 2378 Maplo Ave., Highland Phono 609. May 2409 HALKM WATER COMPANY. OFFICE CITY HALL. For wntor aorvlco apply at office Bills pnyablo monthly In advance. G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY, 2-17 Minor at,, South Salem, manu facturers of nil kinds of Uoxoh, crates nnd fruit dryer accessories. Phono 308. tf THE DEL MONTE W. J. Davis. Prop. (buccosBor to NuBbaum Bros.) WINKS, LIQUORS nnd CIGARS 167 So. Commercial St. LODGK DIUKOTOItY. Oftrue"t'ni Union No. lOOH Local Union No. 1066 of Carpenters and Joiners of America moot ever Sat urday ovenlrg U 7:30 p. ro, In Hearst hall, 420 State street A. W, Dennis, Roc. 8to. Slodem Woodmen ot Anjcrlc Ore gon Cedar Camp Nj. 5346, Meet every Thursday ovening at 8 o'clock in Holman ball. A. K. Bambor, V. 0.; F, A. Turner, clerk. Woodmen of WorldMeet overy Fri day night at 7:30. In Holman hall. A. L, Harvey, O. O ; L, H. Flateb er, Clerk Jan. 10, '9. PLUMBEHs Theo. M. Hair Plumbing, hot 'dr ana steam heating and tinning; 164 Cointssrclal stroot. Phone Main 193. 9-1-lyr M. J, Potiel Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox A Murphy, 336 Commercial stroot Otto Muclllmupt, plumbing, heating, gaa fitting; prices reasonable; work guaranteed; estimates furnished, phono 373. 1066 Chouieketa St I-I7tf Tho state prosJ has many good things" to say for Hon. H. It. Kln cald, who for nearly half a century edited and published tho Oregon Stato Journal at Eugont. Ho was a splendid secretary of stato and his most notablo characteristic was his uniform kindness to others. Ho has naturally a good heart and wants to seo others du woll and havo a chance to get along. Ho took care of his mothor for many years. Good In vestments havo mado him money and his career has been an useful ono to tho stato. It is ploasano for. us to say theso things for a man bo- roro ho dies, and especially In his caso, as tno editor or this paper was ono of the mon who championed his candidacy and nomination and nev er had cause to regret It, as Mr. Klncald made a progresslvo official, and introduced reforms In that of flco by which tho wholo stato was benefitted. o MEHAMA TiamEIl AND ING LANDS. FARM- Charles Dalrd bu bIx million feet or standing fir timber flvo miles northeast of Manama. Inffplro of wm oat ringer, Mehama, Ore. W. J. Small has eight million feot of standing fir timber flvo miles east of Mohtma. Inqulro of Wm. Barrlugm MoLama, Ore. Twenty million foot of standing fir timber four miles oaBt of Mehama. Inqulro of E. A. Taylor, Mehama, Oro. Low prlco farming and lands near Mohamn, from $35 por aero. For Information nddross O. P. Torrlll, C-l-lmo Mehama, Oro. o . CAoTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always BovgM B&ars tho .f2&a0gS ?-'m uro REAL NOTICE! ALU CIIANUKH Of COPT far It-el Halnte Ad tnuit be In Tho Journal in The Journal Office by 0 o'clock the crenlng before the day on which the td la to appear. XI arms All bIzos nnd prices. Call for largo printed list. City proporty of all descriptions. Soo us boforo buying for bargains. OLMSTED LAM) CO. ilT.l Stnto Street. LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS. 06 acres, good 0-room house with hot nnd cold wntor, bnth, windmill; 2 bnrna; wator plpod to bnrns nnd lawn; In sight of Snlom; 10 ncroa flno prunos In bonrlng, G noros of young prunes, 7 acres flno npplo orchard. Juat boglniilng to boar, 3 noros young Royal Ann cherries; nil extra flno land; nil kinds small fruits; bent homo; within 6 mllos Salem; n snap; Investigate 43 acros, 2 good houses, 20 acres flno npplo orchard, 14 acres just In good bonrlng, 0 acres young Bnldwlns, z acres flno young poach trees; will sell all or part; a snap; on good road; In sight of Salem. Now house and 3 lota, ull In fruit, on ear lltu, only $760. 10 nud 20 ncro tracts, $100 por acre. Flno lots on Installments. Houses to rout or soil In all parts of Sa eom. If you w'ant anything, seo A. O. SMITH A CO., USU Stnto St. SNAP. 40 acros, nearly all beaver dam land, 5 acros planted to onions; 6 acres facing on county road for build- ings; located ono-halt mile from! inuiuau auiwuu; ayuuu. MKYKU & BELLE LAND CO., 437 Stato Stroot FARMS ORCHARDS CITY PROPERTY I will bo glad io show you somo gonulno bargains. 8ecura a home now. T. O. JORY, 305 Com'l St, Salem, Or. FOR SALE. 10 acres near Liberty, 3-room house and good woll; all in fruit of all kinds. Prlco $2100. A 8plondld farm near Mt. Angel, 325 acres, fair buildings, family or chard; $75 por acre; dairy farm. 10 acres ull in crop. 3 miles from Turner; horso. cow. heifer, all chickens, and all furniture. $1200. All kinds of tracts of country prop orty nnd flno properties In city. A good farm 2H miles from Salem. 170 acres; prlco $90 per aero. 35 nnrmi snntli tt DnomlnlA tKniV good place. ' So nnros is miina ns nf SniA,,i- tftn por acre. 07 noroa, prlco $3500. IG1 noroa 4 miles v'rom Salem. 105 aores In cultivation; $70 per acre. ' Change of Grade oa Commercial Street. Notice is hereby given that tho Common Council of tho City of Sa lem, Oregon, dooms It expedient to chango and proposes to change tho grade on Commercial Street In Bald City from tho center lino of North Commercial Street to the South curb lino of South Street in accordance with tho report of tho City's Engi neer, adopted by tho Common Coun cil of tho City of Salem, Oregon, May 24, 1009. Dato of the first publication of tnts notice, May 28, 1009. By ordor of tho Common Council. W. A. MOORES, 5-25-llt City Recorder. o N'otlco of Intention to Improve a Portion of Liberty Street. Notlco Is hereby given that tho Common Council of tho City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems It expedient to Improve and proposes to Improve, at ti n?JS in'aSi rn?v VrL Llb; ty Street in said City from tho South lino of StOto Street to the South curb- lino of Forry Street, full width from curb to curb, Including that portion of said Llborty Stroot which Is Intersected by Ferry Street, and which lntorsectlou shall bo im proved to tho curb lino on tho wjost and tho proporty line on the east. Said portion of said Llborty Street shall bo improved-by grading . iuu ruuuwuy iiiuruui uy usmuiisaing ?m" cocroto curbs whero not already os $15 to tabllshcd, and by paving said road way In accordance with tho plans specifications adopted by tho Com mon Council on tho 24th day of May. 1909, and now on filo In tho ofllco of tho City Rocordor, and by doing all things required in said plans and specifications. Romonstrnncos may bo filed against said Improvement in the mannor and within tho tlmo provid ed in the Charter of Bald City. Tho dato of tho first publication of this notlco, May 25, 1009. By ordor of tho Common Council. W. A. MOORES. C-25-llt City Recordor. ESTATE NEWS RKAIj ESTATE. No. 23 20 acres flno land, good houso and barn, othor outbuild ings; 3 acres In orchard; 2 good wells; 4 miles from Salem. Price 14,250 No. 128 12 acres 4 mllos north east from Salem, all In cultlva . tton; -acro in borrles, G-room J house, 100 assorted fruit treos, 14 I young Royal Anno chorry treoa, 1 I horso, 2 harness, l buggy, 1 light I hack, 2 cows; all farm lmplo I monts go with tho place. Prlco I $3,000. I No. 73 10 acres, lot 3, Capital Ad dition to Frultland, 0-room box houso, good collar and woll, barn 30x50, shod 14x40; 400 bushels of fruit picked from 2 acret, last season; thlj placo Is woll tiled. Prlco $3000. No. 101 20 acres, all In cultivation, 3 acros orchard, good 5-room houso and barn, 2 wolls of wator, near school and church; soil tor $3400 or trndo tor city proporty; terms. No. 34 5-room houso, lot 50x150, on 13th street. Prlco $800; terms SAVAGE IIERREN, 134 South Commercial Street. NEW HAROAINS. A good homestead claim, 140 acres, to trado or Salem or suburban property: ono of 80 acres to trade. Soo mo or a snap. My dairy ranch In TUlnmook county nonr Oretown to trndo for valloy property. , 7-room now houso, hard finish, easy torms; small payment down; two lota and barn; $1500. 5-room houso. 2 lots; snmo terms; $700. 4-room house. 2 lota nnd barn; samo terms; $700. Largo houso. 7 rooms, porches, barn etc.. $1500 Flno farm In Pnlouso country. 314 ncrcs. 220 In whont. 30 acres In oats. 30 acres flno orchard, to trade tor Salem proporty or fnrm land. 500 acres near Condon, Gilliam Co., to trado; 320 In whoat, balance summer fallow; good Improve ments, fences, etc. 160 acres In Grass Valley, Oregon, to trado for property near Salem. Seo RYAN foV your wunts, notary work, Insurance, etc. I AM OFFERINO tho last 2 lots on Nineteenth street, between Trade and Mill; onst front, ono of the beat building spots In Salem; now houses on each sldo of theso lots; price $400 each or $75u for the two lots. 55 acres timber land at West Stay ton, $.v6 per acre. The bost snap In Yow Park for $2500 Two lota on Stato street. $S50 each. Three lots on Ferry street. $300 each. Two lots, Twenty-fourth and Center streets. $200 each. E. LcPTON, 5-lS-12t Kla Stute Strevt. Many weak, nervous women Unvo been restored to health by Foley's Kidney Remedy as It stimulates th kidneys so thoy will eliminate tha waste nater from tho blood. Im- Purities depress the nerves, causing i uurvuua uaukiuiiuu auu uiuur all' I inents. u- mm nee today and you soon be well. Pleasant to take Alono in Saw Mill at Btldalght unmindful of dampness, drafts, storms or cold, W. J. Atkins worked as night watchman at Banner Springs, Tenn. Such exposure gave him a severe coin that settled on his lungs. At last ho had to glvo up work. Ho tried many remedies but all failed till be used Dr. icing's Now Discovery. "After using ono bottle," he writes, "I went back to work as well as over." Severe Colds, stubborn Coughs, Inflamed throats and core lungs. Hemorrhages, Croup and Whoopjng Cough get quick re lief and prompt euro from this glo rious medicine. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free, guaranteed by J. C. Peddy. o Remember the pioneer reunion at the John W. Hunt place Juno 20. o Stung for 15 Years by Indigestion's pangs trying many doctors and $20.00 worth of medl cltio in vain, B. F. Ayscue, of Ingle slde, N. C, at last used Dr. King's N ' Life "pills and writes they ' 8tPaUon Biliousness, Sick Headacho i a,,,,-.,, T,v, T, ,.,' nH , troubles. 25c at J. C. Perry. - - . f AaksuKVj w .1 w Special Prices On Clover oed, Barloy and Wheat Chop and Land Piaster. Tillson & Company ' Z " N READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. FOR SALE. Houses nnd Lots on Installment. Cozy llttlo cottngo, Yow Park, $24 .down, balanco $10 per moth. Prlco $G00. And another ono cozy 5-room houso on good corner lot east front, $100 down, balanco on easy torms. Prlco $1250. New Four-Room Bungalow. $300 down bnlanco on easy torms. Vacant Lots in Every Addition to Snlom on Easy Paymcts. Cliolco Wnrchouso Proporty Cheap. Fruit Trncts. Tako a look at somo of our flno fruit tracts, 5- 10- 20- 40 and 00 aero tracts. Farms. Como and look ovor our big farm list. Wo havo tho largest list to select from In tho city. Wo mako a specialty of farms. Exchanges. Wo havo soveral good properties to exchange For-Rent. In a fow dnys wo will havo for rent eight-room houso and bam. Yours for anything lu real ostato, BECHTEL A MINTOX, Rooms 7 'and 8, Bayne Building 341 Stato Street Salem, Or. Farms nnd City Property. 20 acros, houso, barn and fruit dryor, 10 ncrns boarlng pruno orch ard, 40 applo treos, l aero loganber rlos, Vi aero strawborrlos, 8 acres in grain 1 mllos from railway station Prlco $4150. 41 Vi acros In Polk county, 2 miles from Salem, 15 acres orchard, balanco flno fruit land, good six room plastered house, closo to school Stock and farm Implements go with placo. $8,250. Seven-room houso, hard finish, bnth and closots, 2 blocks from school, Hi blocks from street car, guoa location. si,buo. Ask for booklet on Alberta Wheat Land. LAND BUYERS' CLUB, 311 N. Commercial St., Salem, Or, A NICE nOME FOR YOU. $3500 for an elegant five-room cot tago built this year, strictly mod ern and up to date; nowly fur nished; nice corner lot. In ono of tho best locations In tho city;' jjduu taKes tne nouse and furni ture If taken this week, or 33000 tor tho house without the furni ture. H. A. JOHNSON & CO. Newport Lots XQJ'r FOR SALE $50 to $300 CHOICE LOCATIONS Double in vulue eacn'year. Easy terms nnd most desirable location. No where in the state of Oregon is property increasing as fast It value as In Newport. For ull information call or write. C.L SHEFFIELD Newport, Oregon. ! A Wreck Is tho only fit deschiption for the man or woman who 1b crippled with rhoumatism, Just a fow rhomatlc twinges may bo the fororunrier of a sovoro attack atop tho troublo at tho start with Ballard's Snow Lini ment. Cures tho rhoumatism and all pain. Prlco 26c, 50c and $100. Sold by all druggists. -o About tho meanest thing that has been done to tho momory of H. H. Rogers, is tho praiso given him by Rockefeller's only frlond, the boss Hck-Bplttllo of tho century, Chan cellor James Roscoo Day of Syra curo, university. SMILES ' " I FRENCH FEMALE PILLS.I A Sin, Cnmi Usui for 8crruMn Wurtrwinoif, fcfVIR KNOWN TO Ml. 8ifjl S-wl fljlr Bu; fiction (JutriBit! or Iod7 RcfaDdM. Bnt prepaid t f 1 1 JOO tf hoi. Will ieat them n trial, U b faJd for wbd rtllerl. Pamotrt Pr. irreordroxctildoM tt hiTt tbt m tnl ;oar .dr t lb UNITED MCDICAL CO., BOK T4. UNOACTf . IA. rmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmm Sold in Salem by Dr. S. C Sww PRICE RANGE A . tAitfliyS sz . , 14 ifv' $W TO 40 LINCOLN COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE Savon nnd ono-halt acres of upland bordering on deep wntor slough on Ynqulnn Bay; all good land. Prlco $460. Forty acres, half way botwoon Now port, Or., nnd Toledo, Or., on coun ty road; ono and a half acres clear ed with shanty on It; consldornblo bottom land; gcod aldor and vino maplo on land. Prlco $700. Good lovol lot on South Bonch oppo site Newport. Or. prlco $75. Lot 0, block 40, nt Seal Rocks, Or.; flno view of ocean, good lovol lot. Prlco $100. Sovonty-olght acres near Ploncor. Or., all alongsldo It. R. track; botwecn sovon and eight acres of bottom land on It Is cleared; forty good boarlng npplo troos; good Btone quarry on land nonr R. It. Prlco $1800. Two-ncro oyster bod nt Oystor City, on Ynuqlna Bny; with this goes half aero upland lots. Prlco $600. Ton-room houso, 30x40 foot In size nnd block of land, on Nye Crook nnd Olsonvlllo sldownlk; houso Is In flno condition; good woodshoil nnd good wntor, this Is ntlno prop osltlon for n summor boarding and rooming houso, as woll as a por mnnonthomo. Prlco $3300. J. O. OISSOX, Newport, Or. Inqulro nt Journal Ofllcc. CHOICE RANCHES AND TIM- BER LANDS IN LINCOLN COUNTY. 180 acros, 4 miles from Newport. or Toledo, on main county road, .40 acres lovol, 30 acres uudor plow, bottom land, sandy upland, black soli, 10 acres timber, 130 acres pasture. Now houso, 14x24, el 14x24, 7 rooms, two barns, 40x 40 nud 38x50, woodshed 14x24, 4 horses, 28 head sheep, 22 hoad cattle, 9 milk cows, 4 heifers, 9 ateors, with all far mlmplomonta, wagon, buckbosrd, otc. Prlco 16500. 100 acres of titnbor in the Siletz reservation, near tho coast, estl atod as follews: 3,000.000 feet hemlock, 2,000,000 apruco, 2. 00,000 codar, all of No. 1 qual ity, at $4400. 160 acres of timber, one-half mile from the Sllott rlvor, estimated as follews: 6,000,000 spruce, 1,- 000,000 hemlock; $5000. 100 acres timber on tho Siletz, near coast. 10 miles from Newport, es timated as follews: 4,000,000 hemlock, 3,000,000 spruce, 2. 000,000 cedar; $4500. 160 acres 4 miles from Newport, 10 acres under plow, young or chard 40 to 60 trees, good 6-room house 24x30, -roodshed 12x14, root house 12x16. warehouse 12x 14. split board barn 40x50. 3. 000,000 fir. 1,000,000 alder Um ber, fir timber 'nostly second growth; $3750. 160' acres unimproved land, 5 miles from Newport; partly covered with tlmbor; No. 1 fruit and grazing land; $1300. L. W WILLIAMS, Newport, Or. For information Jnnuiro nt Journal office. THE LONG-HEWITT REALTY COMPANY Real Estate Agents. Fnrm nnd City Property. Right treatment to all. Room 3. Bayne Building. Phone 725. Salem, Or. I . s, ! t SCIIVLZ Ji llAUTLKTT, 490 Stato St., Salem. will s I J. C. IS Perry. al-flR "VjA