,'f'fj DAlhY OATIJAL JOURNAL, HAIuBHb, OKBGON, TUHSDAY, JUNE 1, 1M " ' ' e m LjJf w m If: TV if l i I 'I "I If I 4 s l" fit "" Ladies New Tailored Suits and Coats Tho prevailing stylo Ideas for this Spring nn'd Summer nre rep resented In our'showing of hand some tailored suits nnd conts. They ln'cludo n variety of models which are striking nnd attractive. The prices nre extremely modest now as all of the suits nnd coats pur chased this spring must bcssold by July 4th. Remember, Mod est Prices prevail until July 4 i Ladies' Muslin Underwear Pretty, Dainty and Well Made An nssortmont of Muslin Underwear to plenso tho most fastid ious, and every garment so well and daintily mado that It Is fool ishness to toll; nt. homo making underwear, especially when you consider our 'low; pricing on theso garments. There nro pretty skirts, corset covers, drawers, chcmlso nnd combined suits made of tho most durable muslins or daintiest of materials, trimmed with embroidery or lace nnd Insertion. Price 25c to $10 per Garment Km, ifi&dftSsTff I Mil vll2V New Dress Skirts Wo lyivo bought very heavily In this dopartmont nnd enn show (you nny of tho Into styles, either plain or handsomoly trimmed with bands, buttons, self-trimmed with folds or combining all of tho now Ideas, l'hoy nro In black, white, striped In colors, checked and in small plaids. Be suro and get our prices before buying. Reduced Prices on all Woolen Dress Skirts Now THIEF BEAT MRS. SHEA SHE GOT FLOWERS FOR TO HER HIDDEN .MONEY, GRANDFATHER'S GRAVE (United I'rtM Lrsifd Wire! ScnttJe, Wash., Juno 1. Tho So nttlo police wero roquostcd today to try to apprehend tho thlof who dur ing yesterday attornoon entered -the homo of John England, noar Alkl Point, and carried away a packago said to havo contained $20,000 In bills. In tho bundlo thoro woro nine- tocn $1,000 bills, ono $500 bill and 4 flvo $100 bills. Tho room in which ' tho money was hlddon was ransacked nnd articles of clothing thrown about in confusion. Tho missing money belonged to Mrs. A. J. Shea, of Du- trp luth, Minn., who is visiting Mrs. England. Mrs. Shea camo to Seattle last Thursday with tho intention of in vestlnK In Seattle real estate. Tho money which was stolon bud been. sent to Mrs. Shea by icgistereu man by,hor husband, who is now on his way to Seattle. Mrs. Shea intended to deposit the money la a bank, but neglected to do so, and when leaving tho house yesterday to make some purchases down town, placed tho en velope containing tho fortune in the mattress of her bed. Upon return ing about 7 o'clock ia tho ovenlng she fonnd tno door to tho China clos et open and the silver scattered about on the floor. Without watting to ascertain what was missing she rushed to her room and discovered tliat tho envelopo containing hy money was missing. St. Louis, Mo., June 1. Becauro sho obtained a largo bouquet of ilowors for tho grave of her grand father, Mary Clipper, nine years of ago, Is at tho House of Detention hero today. .Mary thought that her grandfather would be forgotten bo causo he fell under tho Confederate colors In tho Civil war and deter mined tnaf no snouia dc nttingiy ro membcred, the little girl contrived a way to get a largo and costly mem orial. Tho child visited ono of tho lead ing florists of the city and repre sented that she was tent by nnother florist to fill a special order. Roues, Jlllies. ferns and carnations were turned over to her and with her arms loaded with the sweetly scented load she made her way to the cemetery. After placing the flowers upon the gravo, the child returned to the flor ist shop and rondo confession. She was placed under arrest. LUMBERMEN'S STRIKE IS APEACEFUL ONE Slsson. Cal.. June 1. Sheriff How ard today reported that the striking lumbermen In the McCIoud river district are orderly and ore plnnnlcg no forceful demonstration. Con trary to the reports that have gained circulation, the men are quiet and have made no disturbance. The situation is unchanged- COMPARES SOME CHURCHES TO A LEAKY VESSEL DR, M'INTURFF EMPLOYS STRIKING ILLUS TRATIONS AND ADDS MORE CON VERTS TO THE BAPTIST FOLD Dr. Mcinturff's great union revival meeting Inst n'ght at tho First Cap ital church drew a crowded house, and he discoursed on "What can I do to get to Heaven." Ho was as sisted by the wonderful singing of Rev. Pontulus, and thero was tho usual number of conversions. This evening Rev. J. M. Mooro of tho American Board of Baptist Miss ions, will spenk. He is ono of tho greatest pulpit spcakors of tho denomination. I)It. McINTUKI'-F Tho fiery southern orator who is stirring the pcoplo of Salem. CAHILL ADMITS HE STOLE AUTOMOBILE U'nltfd Prtii UmhI Wlre.l San Francisco, Juno 1. Tho mazo of mystery that surroundod tho theft of nn nutomobllo belonging to II, C, Koyes of Sacrnmonto, tho sub sequent recovery of tho machlno In this city, and tho arrest of Rex II. Cah!ll, a chaffctur, has boon dis pelled. Cnhlll hnB admitted that ho stolo tho car and his further rovoln tlons explnln tlio connection with tho cnte of Mrs. M. S. Sponsol of Long Beach. Cahlll stated that recently ho mar ried tho daughter of Mr3. A. Corns of Alameda. Tho daughter Was Mrs. Sponsvll. Mrs. Corns owned n Win ton car which sho wanted to ex change for n smallor machlno nnd Cahlll took tho Wlnton, Journeyed to Fresno, nnd thoro sold It. At Sacramento, fearing to roturn to his mofher'-ln-law without the machlno or tho money, ho brokoJnto the Mnnnlx gnrar.o and otolo tho Kcyes' car, substituting upon it tho number from his wlfo's machlno. Cahlll will bo taken to Sacramon to to stand trial for burglary. THAT NASTY CALHOUN CASE STILL DRAGS CASSEN REMEMBERED HE HAD BEEN ROBBED Does not Color the Hair AYER'S liAIR VIGOR Stops Tallin? tialr An Elegant Dressing Destroys Dandruff Makes Hair Grow CoanpoMd of Sulphur, Clycerln, Qulnln, Sodium Chlorld, Capsicum, Sag, Akofeol, Water. Perfume ajk your aocior nu opinion or ucn a. pair twewwwa. xr.Tff i M - - IE. ECKERLEN - Wholesale " family Liquor Store 4& Commercial St Fre Delivery V ffione 03 San Francisco, June 1. That ho had evaded court officers who woro conrchlng for him with a subpoena to compel him to appear as a wit ness, and that ho had dono It to glvo the Burns defectives "a morry littlo chase." was tho statomont of Hugh O'Neill, an uttornoy, from tho wltuess stand in the Calhoun trial today. O'Neill talked with John Helms (upon his arrival In San Francisco from Ruth, Trinity county, it was he who caused Holms to tolophono tho offlco of Attornoy Metson for mer legal advlBor to Eugene Schmllz when tho conversation was recorded by a stenographer In Metson's of fices. Helms was called to tho stand again today. Ho ropeatod a conversation with Winflold Lamb, during which he said he was offored 13,000 not to testify In tho present trial. U .S. SUPREME COURT - GRANTS REHEARING Washington, D C. Juno 1. Tho supreme court of the United States today granted a rehearing of the cases of officers and citizens of Ham ilton county. Tenn., convicted of contempt of court in connection with the lynching of Ed, Jonuson ,r nero, at Chattanooga. The defendants are Sheriff Shlpp, Deputy Sheriff Gibson and Nick No land, Henry Padgett, Luther Wil liams and Henry May, cltlzons. The officers are accused of violating an Injunction of the court by allowing the lynching of the negro, after ho had been granted a reprieve from a death sentence, and the citizens are accustdlof participating in the lynching. The rehearing will go over until the October term of c6urt. REDUCED RATES GO INTO EFECT TODAY Chicago. June 1. Reduced rates for sunime rtrJ" la .westgri points went ldt6 effect today. Return tick ets fro Chicago to California coast cities Ao(rfrom June U to July 0. and July 37 to August Q, are on sale today for 162.50. The round trip fare of C2 from Chicago to Portland, Seattle and other cities in the North west, will be available until Septem ber 9. U'nlll Pri leased WlrM Snn Francisco, Juno 1. Suddenly remembering that It was tho usual thing to report robberies to tho po lice H ,C. Cnssen hurriedly called up tho polico last night nnd Impart ed tho Information that his houso had been broken Into . "I havo been robbed." ho told tho dotcctlvo who was detailed to Inves tigate tho case 'See, my window snows tnnt it has been pried open. My houso hnB been looted," "No, it wasn't today. It was ox- nctly thrco months ago." Tho ofliccr was afraid that tho scent might be cold, but, dotormlned to no ins duty, he asked for n list of tho missing articles. After a careful Inventory Mr. Cnssen Itemized his losses ns follews: Ono lend pencil Cc Ono enn salmon 10c Total ice CRAZY CHINAMAN TERRORIZES TOWN . t United Vttn Ltaird Wire.) lmkcrsflold, Cal.,, Juno 1. Rav IllK orhzy nnd iiokh.hiv1 nf n inr.lir. ous mnnln, Ah Sam, n Chlncso cook, is in mo city jail today, nrtor run ning amuck and creating n reign of terror In tho town of Woldon. Ho was cnnttircd 1)V nn minrmrw! mnn. Sam went crazy when his supply of Otlllltn iriivn nut. Tin anlvml n i-llln nnd .nftor nttnnindnir in Ir 111 liln tn. pioyer uunrico urown, ran nowiing I unwtl fflin innln liitolti.iciu b riiAl it Woldon, shooting nt ovoryono within MUlbV. Lenving tho town, tho Chlneso mnuo ror tno uppor Kern rlvor coun try. A posso of men under Constnblo MiRiu, or Kernville, followed him. Ho was caught In n stnblo by a hostler, who seized hi in from behind nnd Wrested tho rlllii frnni liln nrnmi Tho gun was discharged during tho sciiiuo, tno uuiiot pnssing through tho iiosucrs cleaning. PUBLIC SCHOOL CLOSING DAY TO BE OBSERVED Public School Closing Day will bo obsorved with a public pnrado and program of music and addresses to boost Salem as tho greatost public school contor In tho west. With .ho model high school and flvo largo ward schools, with vocal and draw ing In every grado, and with manual tralnlnir in lio Intrmlunfvl nnvf vrtnr Mils city has nn educational program boforo It second to nono on tho Pa cific const. Prcsldont A. A. Leo of tho Hoard of Rdnrntlnn linn phnren of tho matter of a public parade, wiui uireaors Eppiey ana Bncbock nnd a rnmtnlitmt nf Mm tlnnvil nf Trado and ftuslnoss Men's Leaguo to assist them, It will be mado a great success. o While Albany spending a couple of thousand dollars on a revival, 8a lom Is backing a big fight for sowers. SUPREME COURT OPINIONS Tho supromo court handed down many opinions this morning, sovoral on potltions for rehearing and a fow on their inorlts. A. A. Cunningham, respondent, vs. tho Klamath Falls Railroad Co., appollants, from Multnomah county, a potltlon for rohoarlng, denied; opinion by Qhlor Justice Mooro. E. D. Hnnloy. respondent, against W. II. Stowart, appellant, appealed from Jackson county, H. K. Hannn, Judge, motion to dismiss, allowed; opinion by cniot jusnco Mooro. A. F. Flogal, appellant, against Potor Dawloy, respondent, from Multnomah county, Arthur L. Fra zlor, judgo, rovorsed nd romnnded; opinion by Judgo Slater. Tho Multnomah Lumber and Box Co. rcspondont, vs. Western Daskot nnd Dnrrol Co., appollnnt, from Mult nomah county, J. D. Ololland, Judge, potltlon for rehearing denied; opin ion by Chlof Justlco Mooro. B. D. Seabrook. rospondont, vs. tho Coos Day Icb and Cold Storage Co., from Coos county. J. w. Hamil ton, Judgo, rovorsod and romalndcd; opinion by Justlco Eakln. ChrlBt C. Boo, appellant, against Hoyt Arnold, rospondont, from Mai huor county, Goo. S3, Davis, Judge, affirmed; opinion by Justice Mc-Brldo. StaCo, rospondont. ngalnst Chas. W. Walton, nppollant. from Multno mah county, afflrinod; opinion by Kakln, dUsontlng opinion by Justlco King nnd Bonn, on petition for ro hoarlng. This is n caso whero Wal ton was accused of assaulting a man in Portland with Intont to rob. Tho caso camo beforo tho circuit court of Multnomah county and Walton was sentenced to servo 25 years In tho ponltontlary. Ho nppealod to tho supromo court and In an opin ion wrltton by Justlco King tho caso wns remanded. Walton was again tried nnd eontoncud to throo years, when tho prosont nppoal was taken and tho rcinilt Is, tho decision of mo lower courts will stand In Hpuo of tho dlssontlng opinion writ ton by Justice King and indorsed by Bonn. Stnto of Oregon, plaintiff nnd ro spondont, vs. O. II. Attwood and C. H. T. 'Attwood, defendants and ap pollnnts, from Multnomah county, J. B. Cloland, Judgo, affirmed; opinion by Justice Eakln. Owing to somo of tho members of tho supromo bonch bolng absent during tho nrgumont of the Krobs hop caso, n ro-nrgument Is ordottsd by tho court beforo a full bonch. W t wrry vr jrw wray AIM. fjoaHJt will restore tkem Is tkelr NAT URAL COLOR, mntfer hew leag the balr nee grsjr. Yoh will n arrlse4 ksw sickly the ehsafie Is made, hsw permanent the resslt l; h lexsrlaat a growth healmj a head oJ hair yaa will have. Thousands are wrevSa It daU IS NOT A BYE. St ANB 89c. BOTIXES, AT IMtUefllSTS, Hy" HirBH.SM corai Ecni. " rns&sndcliippl baoda, and aUk la d)Mim Keep kln nn nd aolt, Jlc drnreUli. SjJ 3c for lrt tok, "The Cars o( In 8Ttla," "Tla Care ot the Hair." riillo Hay 8pc. Ce Newark, N. J. Arsenate of LEAD Wo hnvo In -stock the fnmoun Ortho and Dlspnrcno brnnds. Will Not Burn Thoyw.lU not burn tho most tender foliage, and you enn safely U8o them. Now Is tho timo to spray tho first tlmo. D. A. White& Sons 255 N. Commercial St., Salem, Or. ASKDED FOR BREAD AND GOT A CELL ii ii ' p Unnblo to reach Scattlo, owing to their strained conditions, financially, four gontlcmon hnlllng all tho way from Mexico to Northern Mnlno .woro broimht beforo Judgo Mooros in tho police court this morning, on tho chnrgo of bolng too familiar with tho good cltlzonB of Salem. Last night theso four strnnded personages woro scon to wnlk up to somo Salem peo ple and with no moro coromony thnn n mnn asking for ft match, they re quested littlo loans with which to purchnso something to cnt r-' shnv'e and possibly tako ' h '.., tornnlly. Ono of them, t'i nil . lug John Docs, had tho iijivo u . ono mnn to remember his ospcclali on this dny, Docorntlon Day, on th -grounds that nt ono tlmo ho hnd been n member ot tho nrmy. o Brownsvlllo claims to bo the host littlo city In Orogon nnd a dry town, too. I Ortho Arsenate of Lead ANNIE OF OLD SALEM By the COLLEGE OP ORATORY TONIGHT AT THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE R Wo warrant hls lead not to burn under any conditions. This war ranty extends to the refunding of the entire purchase price in caso of falluro of tho material to come up to this guarantee. Tho nbovn tvnrrnntv In fnnnrt nn overy package of Ortho Arsenate of Leaa. ror saie ny TILLSON & CO. Baleii,, Or, Arncr, 313M Record 2:J74. Fall brfrtWr- to Dob Derby, 2:64)4; DrtrtlM, :07K; Diablo, J:U; DMMato, a:ll; Xd LeCarty, :!, wU others. By Chas. Derby. 4907, sire ot ff better than 2:10, aa Bertka by Alcattra, dm of 4 better tbu 2:U, and five others. . i Winner of first premlua at Sa lem horse show. f ! Ker4sUBrd stallloas iwwij( 'fee;3 $25.00 for season, $85.00 te Insure. O. B. iIMPON, 4-8-tf " 7aliprM4, Ore; Summer Rates East DUIllNa TUB SEASON 1900 tU iho SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. FROM SALEM To OMAHA and return $61,65 To KANSAS CITY and return $61,65 To ST,. LOUIS and return $69,15, To CHICAGQand retur, $74,15; (r, and to othor principal cities In tho East, Middle West and South. i Corrtspondlngly low fares. t ON SALE JUNK 2, 8; JULY 2, 0( AUGUST 11, IS To DENVER and return $56165 Oa Sale May 17, July 1, August Jl """ Going trttnslUUmlt 10, days from date of sale, final return limit October 31st. w, Theso tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stopover privileges and choice of routes; thereby enabling passen gers to make side trips to many Interesting points en route, Routing on the return trip through California may bo had at a slight advance over tho rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be lur nlshed by nny Southern Pacific local agent, or WW. McMUIlKAV, (lenerl Pftsseaper Apesjt, 1'ortUnd, 0ee. -ii"