DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALSM. OHMOtT, MOIWAY, MAT t. 19. THE WOMAN TEMPTED HIM AND HE DID SKIP f United PrcM Ltoatd Wire.) Seattle, Wash., May 24. It be came known today that Joseph H. ftorres, the brnitnnt orator and law yer, of Lincoln, Neb., wno was placed Hfidor arrest In Seattle Saturday, ekarged with tho ombczzlomont of 15000 belonging to nn cstato of which ho was administrator, (had oloped with a young woman of Hastings, Neb., and" It was through a lottor written by her, and Intercepted by tho authorities, that ho was appro bonded. Tho girl, whoso namo Is. Ethel Mo lino, and whose paronts aro said to he wealthy residents of Hastings, was arrested with Storrcs, whom, sho had Joined In Seattle, but hor arrest has been kept secret by tho local pq llco In tho hope that through her monoy allogod to havo been omboz tlod by StorroB mlght bo located. Tho pollco profoss to bolloyo that Storrcs gave thu money to his swoothcart, and that sho has cached It. When soon in his coll at tho coun ty Jail today Storrcs (said that If tho pollco carrloJ ouT their nllogod agreo raont in ado with htm at tho timo of his arrost, and pormlttcd tho girl to no uniuuiuBiuii, no woma waivo-ox- Classified Ads . FOR SALH Fr Salo Cut rosea at Hamilton greon houoo, Yow Park; will be there afternoons only. 4-22-tf For Sale FIno 300-acro farm, at a bargain, on tho Wlllamotto river, 20 miles from Portland, 3 miles from Oregon Electric, host of fruit land, running wator. M, P. Bald win, Salem, Or. 6-15-lm For Sale Flvo-year-old pacor by Holmdol; gontlo, ' good drlvor, slnglo or doublo. Apply to Behind tor oxpross, or aoi atato otroot. 6-1-8-tf For Bnlo First-class 20-foot irnso lino lnunch. Top nnd sldo curtains Now, finest launch of Its kind on tho rlvor. Call at 178 South Lib erty Btroot, Salem. ' 6-22-3t For Sale Good ltf II. P. Stavor gasollno onglno. For salo choap. Enquire at 178 South Liberty troot. C-22-tf "' " aaBi.w,B- For Salo A ftch cow Jorsoy, Durham. 10G0 Chomokota stroot. Phono 373. 5-22-3t For Snlo Al froh milch cow, most ly Joraoy. Price rcnsonnblo. Phono 4B3. 5-2-3t For Sale Ton lots 50x125, now 6 room p'aitorod houso, wood houBo, barn nnd chicken corral. Kvorythlng now. Boo ownor, 82d and Hydo stroota, Turner road. 6-16-lm For Hnlo Two-sontud Studobnkor surrey, now. Inqulro at Low's stable. Also ono Studobnkor bug gy. r.-15-tt For Hale Now hnuao, sovon largo rooms, Inrgo pnntry nnd both room and tollot, front porch 53 foot long, brick porch una woodshod, city wator, hot and cold wntor up stairs and down, wlrod for oloc trio lights. ot 53x100 foot. Prlco $2600, 11500 down, bnlnuco on timo or installments. Cnll nt 1420 Chomukotn street. 5-10-lw For Salo Fresh milch cows, all gontlo, good mtlkors. Inquire 1811 North Fourth stroot, or Young's Btoro. 5-10-lw For Hnlo Threshing outfit; consists of 20hursoi)owur doublo oyllndor onglno nnd 30-00 Hood's sopnrntor, all or tho latest niulto. Tiiur.t Is a Parson's fuodor, Porfectlon weigher, and Fnrinora' Frlond blowor. Prlco roasonnblo nnd torms onsy. Apply to J. J. !.unit mnck, Albany. Home phono tries. 5-31-dtf VOW IUCKT. For Itcnt Two bedrooms for gon tlemon, finely furnlshod. front rooms, 730 North Front stroot. 1-20-lwk WANTKII WNnted 36 men, hop ynrd work. Krebi nros., IUiih-Breyuian build ing. Phono 121. 3-15-tf MIHCKLLANKODH To KxclinitK 03 acres Hoguo ltlvor valley. 7 inllos from Contrnl Point, 16 ncros orchard mostly apples; Koad buildings, for Wlllamotto funn Write what you havo II. A. DnvlB. lit 2, Central Polttt. Oregon. 531-2wl( CMMoat Work Soptlo tank, comont walks and foundations. All work guaranteed. Hary Ho wo. Phone 168S, 4-23-lm LOIKW DIHKOTOHY. Orpontcru Unloa No. 1015 Local Union No. 1005 ot Carpontert and Joinors of America meet over Sat urday ovenlrg U 7:30 p. m. In Hoarst hall. 420 Stato Strcot A. W, Donuis, Hue. 8c i -mm Moiloni Voo4liuwi c? America Or gon Cedar Camp Nj. 6246. Meet overy Thursday ttvenlng at 8 o'clock In Holman hall, A. B Bamber, V, O.J F. A. Turner, clerc. Woo4ic of World Meet every Frl itr Klxbt at 7:30. la Holsaan hall. A. L, Harr7. O. C ; L. H. Fl4h r, Oirk. Jm. If. 'M. tradition and return to Lincoln at onco, but If Miss Mollno was detained ho would fight ovory attempt to re turn him to Nebraska. Slnco bis flight In February last, Storrcs has boon closoly pursued through tho greater part of the Unltod States by Sergeant Morse, of tho Lincoln police department. Miss Mollno, who separated from Storres In Grand Forks, N. D., planned to re join him on tho Pacific coast and mar ry him. but tho pursuit of tho detec tive was so keen that It was not un til last Friday that tho runaway couplo woro ablo to meet. From Bvorott, Wash., Miss Mollno wroto a lottor to Storres brother, who lives In Sonttlo, apprising him of tho expected arrival in tho city of tho Lincoln, lawyor. This lottor, which wab Intorcoptcd, apprised tho au thorities of Storrcs' whore'abouti, and resulted In his arrest shortly at tor his arrival n Seattle JEFFRIES' BLIND NEICE TO MARRY (United PrM Leaied Wire. San Francisco, May 24. MIib Hazol Corlfbtf, tho blind niece of James J. Corbett and Pitcher Joo Corbett, of tho San Francisco Coast BUBIXBee CARDS. Uvcry and Feed Mtablra Old PoJt ofllco Stables, at 264 Ferry stroot, botwoon Commercial and Front stroota. Tolophonu 188. Somo of tho flnoot llvorlcs In tho city can bo found horo. Wtstacott & John Bon, tf CAPITAL RAKERS. Prop. Bread, enko, pics, and all kinds of pastrlos, cookies, otc. Wntca for our wagon. Phono 054. 11-10-tf IIUTTKKNUT 11HISAI). It Is worth moro than any othor broad, yot tno prlco Is no hlghor. For salo rit your grocor's. Califor nia Bnkory, Thomas & Cooloy, Prps Cttmtnliis Ilrofi.1 TraitBfcr Company All kinds of transfer work dono urnlturo and pianos boxed ready for ohlpmont. Prompt sorvlco Is our motto. Stand and offlco nt 253 South Commercial stroot Phono 210. Itcsldonco phono 023. Iluttfl & Vi'ndrot!i FIno wlnos. liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle tho colobrated Kollog and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing bear constantly on draught. Soutn Commorclnl street 0-3-lyr. Hydo Ilros. Klcctrlc Co. Elcctrlo supplies and flrst-clasa wiring at roasonablo prices. Call at our offlco1 for ostimatos. Phono 461 143 N. Liberty stroot. 1-12-tf Wenger i Clicrrlngton Pianos and organs sold on easy torms; tolo POOR 1187; 247 Comniorctal Stroot. Salem, Oregon. tf Concrete Work Got my prlcos on sldownlk, curbs, spotlc tanks nnd comont work of any klnd. All work guaranteed first clnss. M. Ward, 2378 Maplo Avo , Highland. Phono 600. tMay 24-00 Tho Houtlt Hnlcm Moat Market, oo poslto Dnuo'a store. Fresh .n& curod moat. Qonoral delivery Give It a trial. Huffman & Mar tin, props. 3-3-tf MALUM WATKIt COjn'ANV. OFFICE CITV HALli. For wntor sorvlco npply at offlco. Bills pnynblo monthly In ndvnnco. G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY, 247 Miller st., South Salem, manu facturorn of nil kinds of boxes, crntcs nnd fruit ilryor nccoBaorlos. Phono 3')8. tf Dr. H. 8. Htono, I). O., Chiropractor. Splno and norvo specialist. Rooms 4, 6, 0, D'Arcy building. Phono Main 87, 8alem. Orogon. 4-28-tf T, J.lttlolmlo Carpentor and build- or. ea uontor at. o-ib-iwk V, Hollo, Painter mul l'api'rlitiiiKor. Prepared to glvo ostlmntoB. Call at 406 Twentieth stroot. Tolophono Main 1706. 6-8-tf THE DEL MONTE W. J. Davis, Prop. (bticc88or to Nusbnum Bros.) W1NICS, LIQUOUH and CIOAHS 167 So. Commorclnl St. TONKOHIAL. II. O, Mryor & Oo Tho best and Inrg est shop in tho city. Six flrst-clasa barbers. Only first-class bootblack In city, porcelain baths and every thing pertaining to a first-class shop. Also carry a full lino of clgara nnd tobacco and barbers' ' suppllos. 162 Commercial strcot, next door to Statesman offlco. 4-6-tf PLUWlKtts Thw). M, Uarr Plumbing, noi - 'ar and steam heating and tinning, 104 Commercial street. Phone Main 193. 9-1-1r M, J, Petrel Plumbing, stoam and gao fitting. Successor to Knox 4 . Murphy, 226 Commercial street Otto Mucllhtuipt, plumbing, heating, gas fitting, prices reasonable; work guaranteed; estimates furnlshod. j phono 373. 1060 Chomokota St. 3-17U Leaguo basoball team, and daughter of tho lato Harry Corbett, Is ta wed Alfred Do Wit, wiro chief of tho Kearnoy office of tho Pacific States Tolephono and Telegraph Company. Whllo tho engagement has not been announced, it was acknowledged by Miss Corbett today. Miss Corbett has been blind since birth, but, desplto this great handi cap, Is a talented pianist, Is woll read and well posted upon tho affalra of tho world. During tho years be fore hor father's death sho was his constant companion. Sho inherited from him consldorablo property. o A CARD This is to certify that all drug gists aro authorized to rofund your monoy if Foley's Honey and Tar folia to euro your cough- or cold. It stops tho cougu, heals tho lungs and provonts pneumonia nnd con sumption. Contains no opiates. Tho gonulno is in n yollow packago. J. C. Perry. o . Ono way to koop tho hands from bolng soiled by labor. Is to let tho othor follow do tho work. o Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTORI A . REAL NOTICE! AM. CHANOKH of copy Ur Ileal EMato Ada muat be la The Journal Office by 5 o'clock tlio evening before the day on which the ad la to appear. Farms All sizes nnd prices. Call for largo printed list. City property of nil descriptions. Sco un beforo buying for bargains. OLMSTED LAND CO. .173 State Street. LOOK AT TIIF.SE DAROAINS. 05 acres, good 9-room Iioubo with hot and cold wntor, bath, windmill; 2 bnrns; wntor piped to barns nnd lawn; In sight of Salem; 10 acros fine prunes In bonrlng, 0 ncrcs of young prunes, 7 acres fine npplo orchnrd, Just beginning to boar, 3 ncrcs young Royul Ann cherries; nil extra flno land; nil kinds smnll fruits; best homo; within 5 miles Salem; n Biinp; Investlgato. 43 ncrcs, 2 good housoB, 20 ncrcs flno npplo orchnrd, 14 ncrcs Just In good bearing, C ncrcs young Baldwins, 2 acres flno young poach trees; will Roll nil or part; n snap; on good rond; In sight of Salem. Now houso nnd 3 lots, nil In fruit, on enr lino, only J750. 10 nnd 20 ncro tracts, $100 por ncro. Kino lots on instnllmonts, Houses to ront or soil In nil parts ot Sa eom. If you want anything, sco A. O. SMITH & CO., 2.V2 Statu St. SNAP. 40 acres, nearly all bcavor dam land, 5 ncros planted to onions; 5 acres facing on county road tor build ings; located ono-halt mllo from railroad stntton; 36000. MEVKH At 11ELLE LAND CO., 437 Stato Stroot. FARMS ORCHARDS CITY PROPERTY I will bo glad to show you somo gonulno. bargains. Securo n homo now. T. O. JORV, 205 Com'l St.. Salem. Or. A Few Special Bargains C-room modern house oloso In; east front, largo lot, good bnrn: for quick snlo. $1600. 6H ncros close to oar lino; 3-room house. 50 fruit trees, plenty small fruit; land nonny all olonr nnd In orop; running wntor. Prlco $2000. 4-rnont bungalow nnd good lot. $850. Oiio-fourth block, 3 blocks from car. small payment nnd $10 por month. Price $350. , 25c ncrcs. goou buildings, good or chard. 2 miles from Salem. $4000 Ellis & Wood When yoiu go for n gopher with a gopher gun, nud tho gopher pun goes tor you, It will go far toward making you understand how this gopher fools when you 'go' for" to go for tho go pher. o- lho End ot mo World should it come tomorrow would find fully 1-3 ot tae people Buffering with rheumutlsm of ithcr slight or eorlous nature. Nobody need suffer wltu rheumatism for Ballard's Snow Llnimont drives nway the troublo. rellovea tho pain Instantly and loaves the user as well nud supplo ns a two-year-old. Sold by all Dealers. ss: Chamberlain's JjlalMcat. This is a now preparation and u good ono It is especially valuable qb a cure ur chronic nnd muscular rheumatism, and for tno roliof from pain which it affords in acuto In flammatory rheumatism. Thoso who aavo usod it have Invariably spokon of it in tho highest terms of praise. Lamo back, lamo shoul der anu stiff neck aro duo to rheu matism of tho muscles, usually brought on by oxposuro to cold or damp, and nro quickly cured by ap plying this llnimont freely and mas saging tho affected parts. Soreness of tho muscles, whotuor induced by violent oxerclso or Injury, Is allayed by this liniment. For sale by nil good druggists. It always takes money to make the "Fair" go, ovon a Chorry Fair. A Happy Father is soon turned to a sad ono If ho has to walk tho floor ovory night with a crying baby. McOco's Baby Elixir will make .uo child woll sootho Its nerves, Induco healthy, normal slumbor. Best for disor dered bowols and sour stomach nil toothing babies need It. Ploas ant to tako, suro and safo, contains conts per bottl- dold by all Doalors. ESTATE NEWS REAL ESTATE.- No. 23 20 acres flno lnnd, good houso and barn, other outbuild ings; 3 ncrcs In orchnrd; 2 good wolls; 4 miles from Salem. Prlco $4,250 No. 128 12 acres Wi miles north east from Salem, all In cultiva tion; -74-acro In berries, C-room houso. 100 assorted fruit trees. 14 young Royal Anno chorry trees, 1 horse, 2 harness, 1 buggy, 1 light hnck, 2 cows; all farm imple ments go with tho placo. Prlco $3,600. No. 73 10 acres, lot B, Capital Ad dition to Frultland, 6-room box houso, good collar and well, barn 30x50, shod 14x40; 400 bushels ot fruit picked from 2 ncres last Beason; thlj placo Is woll tllod. Prlco $3000. No. 101 20 acres, all in cultivation, 3 acres orchard, good 5-room houso and barn, 2 wolls of wator, near school and church; sell for $3400 or trado tor city proporty; torms. No. 34 5-room houso, lot 60x150, on 13th Btroot. Prlco $800; torms SAVAGE At nERREN, 134 South Commorclnl Street. NEW BARGAINS. A nlco homo, flno locntlon, contor ot city In Pnsndenn, Cnl., to trado for country proporty near Salem. A good homostond clnlm, 140 acres, to trado or Salem or suburban proporty; ono of 80 ncros to trado. Soo mo nr a annp. My dntry rnnch In Tlllnmook county nonr Oretown to trado for valloy proporty. 7-room now house, hard finish, easy terms; small pnymont down; two lotn nnd bnrn; $1500. C-room houso, 2 lots; anmo torms; $700. I'room hmiBo, 2 lota and bnrn; snnio torms; $700. Largo houso, 7 rooms, porchos, barn otc, $1500. Flno farm in Pnlouso country, 314 ncros, 220 in wheat, 30 acres in oats, 30 acres flno orchard, to trado for Salem proporty or farm land. 560 ucres near Condon, Gilliam Co., to trado; 320 In wheat, balance Bummor fnllow; good Improvo inoiits, fonces, etc. 160 acres In Grass Valloy, Oregon, to trado for proporty nonr Snlom. Seo RVA.V for your wants, notary work, Inaurnnco, etc. . I AM OFFERING tho last 2 lots on Niuotoonth stroot, botwoon Trado nnd Mill; oitBt front, ono of tho best building spots In Salem; now housos on each sldo of thoso lots; prlco $400 each or $75u for tho two lots. 65 ncros tlmbor land nt West Stayton, $."5 por ncro. Tho best snnp In Yow Park for $2500 Two lota on Stnto stroot, $850 each. Threo lota on Forry street, $300 each. Two lots, Twenty-fourth nnd Centor streets, $200 each. E. LtPTOX, 5-18. 12t 107 Stnto Street. M wiwiiiiwiiwiwitwilwiwip.gaHaHt)m)tM, REAL ESTATE $6000 40 acres, about 30 acres beavor dam, 5 acres In onions can bo irrigated except 5 acres. Adjoining town of 2000 people Torms. $5000 FIno suburban homo nenr Chomnwn; 10 acres cholcost garden land, 200 npplo trees about 10 years old. Baldwins nnd Ben Davis; about CO cherry trees. 20 ovqr 15 years old. Three-fourths uoro Italian prunes about 15 years old .somo Bartlett penra; 2 acres bearing strawberries; ono acre red raspborrles, I acre black caps. $6000 60 acres on OregonElectric, near Waconda station; 15 ncros in hops, m acres fine family orchnrd, bearing 'bal anco under cultivation. Good 9-room houso. good 'barn 36x80, hop houso 24x88, two good wells. Improvements v worth $3000. $450 Fine lot. oast front. 50x140. $1500 Good 7-room house, east front. Inside property, lot 45x $1000 Flno modern dwoltlng. closa In. 11 rooms, lot 100x178 flno fruit on place, good barn and buggy shed A flno plaeo for Investment; oloso In. MEYER & BELLE LAND 4H7 STATh ST. tai-i-iaaimiiiiafimfttgttaact A Scalded Boys anricks. horrified his grandmother, Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Nobo, Ky., who writes that, when all thought ho would die, Bucklon's Arnica Salvo wholly cured him. Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cute, Corns, Wounds, Bruisos, Cures Fever Sores, Boils, jbKln Eruptions, Chilblains, Chapped Hands. Soon, routs Piles. 26c at J. C. Perry's. Mary Garden's last stago costume was said to havo boenso scant that lit would havo mado Evo Jealous. It Is said about all sho woro was a be witching smllo. v o Young Girls Aro Victims of bendncho, ns woll as older wo man but all get quick relief nnd prompt euro from Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills, tho world's best remedy for sick nnd nervous headaches. Thoy make puro blood, and strong MA.fAH nw1 litilM tin vmtr tinnlth. UUI TVS ftllU UU.IU U jwm .wm. Try them. 2 Be at' J. 0. Perry's, f HOLLISrEFVS Rocky Mountain iea Nuggets A Bair Medlolna fot Bair People. Brtsji Oolden Health and iUncwed Vigor. A pclrto ferCnnntlpntlon Inllrctlon. IJwv iml Xldner TronlilM. l'implen. hereiiM. Impui Wool, IlAfl Ilrealh. ftliiecl'h ItowcN, JlcodacW nnd UnctuiclM. It' Ilooky Mountain Ton In tab M form as cenH i Ikit Oimi. Ins mad by lIoLLimn Dni'a Coiirasr, MndlMti, Wis. OOlOgN NVTTR F0H SALLOW PEOPLE FOR SALE unirsrcs. Hciises and vacant lots sold on In stallments. Smnll payment uown, balanco timo. New 7-Rooin Houc, 3 Lots. $300 down, bnlanco timo. Snap. 91100 Bungalow 81100. Now 4 -room houso, and it la a dandy. Only $50 down, balanco $10 n month. Another One. 7-room houso, on n good cornor lot. Prlco $1000. Will rent for $12. Cosy Home $1000. 5-room houso, 3 lots, good location. Clilco WnrchotiHO Property Cheap. Vnrilllt. TOtfL Cholco lots on Stato stroot, $450. win uo worm tiuuu uoioro mug. Tnlrn n. TiOOlr. At Fnlrmount Park addition, block 15, lots $250 up. Farm. Ono of tho best fnrms in tho valley, 150 acres; $50 por ncro. Don't ovorlook this snap. 25H Acres Rich River Bottom Land. 190 acres undor cultivation, finest fruit, grain or walnut land. Vory bost rich loam soli, $70 por acre; would bo cheap at $150. 118-Acro Dairy Fnrrn. Good land and largo barn, will stall 30 cow;, 8 horsos; 7 miles from1 saiom on goou roaa. Mhny Choice Fruit Tract. 5, 10, 20, 40, CO and 80 acres; 60 ncrcs Wnldo Hills, woll Improvod; vory best ot soil, 6 mllos. Snap. 10 Acre. 10 ncros on benutlful Howell Prat rlo. 20 Acros. 20 ncrcs nenr Llborty In crop, bost of cherry or pruno land; $100 por ncro. JT-Acro Siutp. 3 ncros of cholco land and location, Just outsldo of tho city, Improved with a good 5-room plastorod houso, basoment, concroto founda tion, good barn, boarlng fruit, running wntor all year, $1600. Several Good Business Clmnces. Fqr nnythlng In real estate, call on Bcchtcl At Mlnton, Rooms 7-8, Bayno Bldg. 341 Stato St Boys Will Be Roys nnd nro always gottlng scratches, cuts, spralnB, bruises, bumps, burns or scalds. Don't neglect such things thoy may result sorlous if you do Apply Bnllar''fl Snow Llnimont nc cording to directions right away and It will rollovo tho pain and henl tho troublo. Prlco 25c, 50c nnd $1.00. Sold ... nil Dealers. -o If humanity followed tho Idona ot tho food faddists, there would bo nothing left but oatmeal and bollod ,water for food und drink, o . It you deilro a clear complexion take Foley's Orlno Laxatlvo for con stipation and liver troublo as it will stlmulato theso organs and thor oughly cieanso your system, which Is what everyone needs in tho spring in order to feel woll. J. c Perry. GHIIjlran Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA COMPANY 2 HoarBonos8, broncnitrs and othor throat troublos aro quickly curod by Foley's Honey and Tar as it soothes and heals tho inflamod throat and bronchial tubes and tho most obstinato coUgh disappears. Insist upon having tho genuine Fo ley's Honey and Tar. J. C. Perry. o Moro than 100 tons of hair was shipped from China to tho Unltod States last year, to plcco out tho tresses of American womon. . o u WRECK is tho only fit description for tho mnn or woman who Is crippled with rheumatism. Just a fow rhoumatio twinges may bo tho fororunnor of a sovoro attack stop tho troublo at tho start with Ballard's Snow Lini ment Cures tuo rheumatism and all pain Prlco 25c, 50c nnd 1.00. Sold by all doalorc. )R FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. X Bin, Ciwui" Eiuu far Bcrruaus lltmracinoa. KIYtB IN0WN TO FAIL Bid! 8"' BprJjl S.tl,. fof I P. 00 nr tI. Will Mid ihtfll.a trill, to t f ili tot vtwa mitred. Prnplnrrx. irjrra((lildowMt bin Una ina jm at ri UNITIOMtPICALCO.,eT4.UMeATa. Sold in Salem bv Dr. 5. C Sir' Union Land Co, Newport, Oregon. Population nnd proporty valuo tro! ling ovory yenr. Tho noxt 3 years ii tho timo ronsonnbly-prlcod lots car bo purchased. LOTS AND BLOCKS FOR SALE I; ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. If roquired, buildings orcctod on) any proporty sold. Correspondence Bolicltod. J. A. OLSON, Mgr. Newport, Oregon. XT LINCOLN COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE Sovon nnd ono-hnlf acres of unland linrtnplnrr nn rlnnn wninr almitvH nt Ynqulnn Bay; all good land. Prlcoj $450. Forty acres, half way botwoon Now port, Or., nnd Toledo, Or., on coun-J ty rond; ono nnd n halt acres cloar4 ed with shanty on It; considerable bottom land; good aldor and vlno maplo on land. Prlco $700. ' Good lovel lot on South Bench oppo site Newport, Or. prlco $76, Lot 9, block 46, at Soal Rocks, Or.; flno vlow ot ocoan, good lovol lot. Prlco $100. Soventy-olght ncrcs nonr Ploncor, Or., nil nlongsldo R. R. track; botwoon sovon nnd eight ncres of bottom lnnd on it is clonrod; forty good boarlng npplo trocs; good stouo quarry on land nonr R. R. Prlco $1800. Two-acro qyBtor bed ot Oyster City, on Ynuqlnn Bay; with this goos half aoro upland lots. Price $500. Ton-room house, 30x40 f(ol In slzo nnd block of land, on Nye Creok nnd Olsonvlllo sldownlk; Iioubo Is In flno condition; good woodshed and good wntor; this Is a flno prop osition for n summer bonrdlng nnd rooming houso, ns woll as a per manent homo. Prlco $3300. J. O. OLSSON, Newport, Or. Inqulro at Journal Olllce. CHOICE RANCHES AND TIM- BER LANDS IN LINCOLN COUNTY. 180 acres, 4 mllos from Newport, or Toledo, on main county road, 40 acres lovol, 30 acros undor plow, bottom lnnd, sandy upland, black soil, 10 acres tlmbor, 130 acres pasture Now houso, 14x24, el 14x24, 7 rooms, two barns, 40x 40 nnd 38x50, woodshed 14x24, 4 horses, 28 head sheep, 22 hoad cattle, 9 milk cows, 4 holfors, 9 steors, with all far mimploments, wagon, buckbosrd, otc. Price VC500. , 160 acros ot tlmbor In tho Sllotz rosorvatlon, near tho const, estl atod ns follews: 3,000,000 foot homlock, 2,000,000 spruce, 2. 000,000 codar, all ot No. 1 qual Ity, at $4400. 160 acros of timber, ono-hnlf mile from tno Sllotz rlvor, estimated as follews: 6,000,000 spruco, 1,- 000,000 homlock; $5000. 160 acres timber on the Sllotz, near coast, 10 miles from Newport, es timated as follews: 4,000,000 hemlock, 3,000,000 spruco, 2, 000,900 cedar; $4500. 160 acres 4 miles from Newport, 10 acres under plow, young or chard 40 to 50 treoa, good 6-room houso 24x30, -oodshod 12x14, root houso 12x16, warehouse 13x 14. split board barn 40x50, 3, 000,000 fir. 1.000.0Q0 alder Um ber, fir timber mostly second growth; $2760. 160 ncres unimproved land, 5 miles from Newport; partly covered with timber; No. 1 fruit and grazing land; $1300, L. W.WILLIAMS, Newport, Or. tor Information Innnire at Journal office. THE LOXG-HEWITT REALTi COMPAXY Real Estate Agents. Farm nnd City Property. Right treatment to all. Room 3. Bayno Building. Phono 725. Baiem. or.