&AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALSM, OMMOff, r 'ft. SATURDAY, MAT SM, 1. t MONDAY SPECIAL 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c, 85c Dress Goods ' Monday Only 41c W001EN Dress Goods nnd Stripes, novelty patterns. ablo reduction Is value giving Indeed, and vc expect to sell hundreds of yards goods Monday. - checks, plain This remnrk- of these Monday Only 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c, 85c values Extra Special 41c bB W 4 bH m Hr (tft HHKHMHHHHMIIHHHHWaaHHMHHMII MHHHHHMHHMHinnWHHHM WRESTLIN6 MATCH DECLARED A FAKE GO AND SEE BIG BOB FIGHTING The Gorilla Ape Holt him the nice, hands nnd Intelligence of n pt-rxon. Now on exhibition for n few duyn In storeroom opposite Yo Liberty Theatre. Open afternoonx nnd evening. Admission '20c. Children 10c When In Newport, Oregon go to the HOTEL BRADSHAW for furnished rooms, with or without housekeeping privileges. Largo kitch en for ubo of guosts. Locatod on tho main sidewalk halt way hotweon Newport and Nye nonch, look for tho namo HOTEL BRAD SHAW on top of house. Finest vlow of tho ocoan of any house In town. Cnll nnd look at rooms uoforo secur ing elsowhoro. Quests cheerfully waited on by Mrs. Brndshnw, Prop. I l l !! f Headquarters for BERRY CRATES nnd I Capital BOXES Commission Co. i , As n culmination of tho "wrestling match" last nlghl botwoon DanSiul llvnn and fiddlo O'Connell, fans In this city aro thoroughly salmonod on tho wrestling gamo hero. It Is claimed that Dan Sullivan, knowing O'Connell had him thrown boforo the bout started, played kid, and Roforco Grant, who has been Sullivan's train ing partner for Bomo time, gavo tho match to Sullivan, declaring O'Con nell took tho atranglo-hold twlco, which wob barred for tho match. After tho two preliminaries bo tween Smoker and Brlggs and Gra ham and Lake, tho two professional men ontored tho ring, nnd tho crowd sat back with the expectation of witnessing tho fastest wrestling bout ever pulled off In Salem, but aitor two minutes of wrestling, Sullivan began claiming ho was being stran gled by O'Connoll, ana contmuoa mis luntll Iloforeo Grant simply warnod O'Connoll a few tlmos. and thon called the match oft in Sulllvan'B favor. A well-known ox-boxor nnd alround athlete, formerly sparring partner with Dan Sharkey, and who Is strict ly onto tho tricks and turnB of wrostllng, sold Inst night that Sulli van wbb nothing moro thnn "a poor cuss with a yollow streak clonn through him," and that ovory tlmo an opportunity afforded, ho would throw Sullivan, and that Sullivan fully Intending to drop Into that hold nnd thon hollor about It In such n strenuous manner that Grant would warn O'Connoll, who, at ovory stago of (ho gamo, was working after a hammer-lock or too-hold, and lit ft very short tlmo, had not Sullivan cronked ni ho did, would hnvo Btood him on his head tor tho match with case, If ho wanted to. Before tho wrestlers wont to their dresslnc rooms Eddlo O'Connoll ad dressed tho crowd concerning tho ox trcmoly childish actions of Sullivan, and Grant's apparent Intontlon to throw tho match to Sullivan. Thon tho crowd camo tumbling over tho footlights, and tho assortment of op! thcts hurled nt Grant and Sullivan enmo thick and fnst. Grant abso lutely refused to coll all bota oft, on tho grounds thnt Sullivan was glvon tho mntch In a fair, squnro way, and that O'Connoll wbh to biamo tor mo outcome df tho affair. Tho crowd did not tnko this frnll bit of "oftlclal announcement" to their bosoms nt all, and Grant was glvon a good, round call-down by Bovoral fans, from both Portland nnd Salem, until flnnlly ho boat It for Portland. Whlfo fnlklng with Eddlo O'Con npll In his dressing room, after tho mntch, ho told tho nowBpnpor mon thnt ho was vory sorry tno maicn turned out as It did, and that Snlom fans desorvod nothing but tho bost of sport. Ho snld thnt ho could thrw Sullivan, nnd tlint aumvan know he would bo thrown boforo ho entered tho ring, which caused him to Iny down ns ho did. It Is pretty ovldent O'Connoll did not Intond to win tho match. Tho fans Inst night thought O'Con noll Btrnlght, but. aftor taking ovory thlng Into consideration this morn ing, they havo como to a dlfforont conclusion. Why did O'Connell .per sist In taking tho hold ho did? Why did O'Connoll say ho thought Camp boll wni po'ng to roforco and thon soleot L. A Grant, of Portland, whon yiMlWf f WIWIlllHl,Mlfflftiif I ' 40 l ut&'rz&4s loa&Si' O.QZSdxznrted', &rk noli and Sullivan como on tho stago In their wrestling suits and hand ovor a f 40 bet lo Grant, as though It wnB n long understood proposition. Eddlo O'Connell wont over tho houso boforo tho match and summed up the amount of receipts, and thon ho wont back of tho stago and had a conversa tion with Grant nbout what, woll It may be Instruction! nbout tho match, but it is a 10 to 1 shot It wasn't. In short, Eddie O'Connell and Dan Sullivan would probably havo pullod oft something like a bout horo last night had tho crowd boon largor, and O'Connell would havo takon a long er chanco on tho 7C per cont, but, aa It was, ho thought It moro profltablo to Just talk It over with Sullivan and Grant and work tno gamo or a roi ton tako on a crowd of unsuspoctlng fnnn who woro Th nttondanco to see n dollar's worth of wrostllng. What they did sco, though, waB a ocramblo and that's nil. Sullivan ana O'Connoll aro much safer away from Salem, and some good advice on this point won't como amiss, Tho management acted in good faith, however, and tho rocoipts will ntnv rlnht with them until tho bunch makes a atlsfactory explanation of thd dirty work between them. In ho preliminaries Smoker and Brlggs, of Chemawa, wrestled In six mlmuto bouts to a draw. Graham and LaKo also wrestled to a draw, with a fall each. o u Z? .?( Summit Shirts Aro tho acmo of tho shirt-maker's nrt. It Is just ns necessary .for a shirt to bo mado right ns it Is for a Bult of clothing to bo right. Summit shirts aro mado to fit no woll as to look good. You will find nn unus ually Inrgo Btock of extra fine pat terns to select from. Our working mon's shirts nro hard to boat at 50c Overalls For hard sorvlco in bluo, black, grny or tan, with or without bibs. Our stool gray ovornlls nro leadors among tho very best vnluos obtain ablo nt 85c "AGRICS" DOWNED SALEM ! A -o, n. uoin i ni. Ff44 Phono 170 0.A.C BEAT SALEM HIGH BY A SCORE OF 8 TO I Hard hitting, good Holding nnd Bomo fair baso running on tho parts of tho big, husky farmers from tho Orogon Agricultural Collogo causod thn Snlom Hich School ladB to go down to defeat yesterday afternoon on the WlUamotto field by a scoro ot 8'to 1. . , Tho collogo team took tho Salem lads unawares, apparently, owing to tho two former gamos thoy played with tho Albany high school. Tho nlen from CorvnlllB woro ontlio Job with flno luck yostordoy, nnd in splto of nil Ashonfolter could do In tho box for Salem, tho O. A. C. aggrega tion slapped tho ball out all around tho outfield fenco, and at ono tlmo Koek. O. A. Cs contei floldor, con nected Just about porfectly, and sont tho pill on a lino out to mo lenco fnr n homo run. Ashonfoltor showod ana aia noi Conklin's Horsehide Gloves Thero Is something nbout theso glovoB that has attracted tho attention o t glovo wearing critics. It's tho mntorlnl solcetod and tho caro oxorclsod In mnklng thorn, thoro by giving extraordi nary vnluo for tho money. Autoiuoblllst Attention Wo hnvo tho glovo you havo boon looking for. An extra soft snug fitting glovo with tho big cuff nnd elnsp a: wrist. A glovo that eclipses nil others at $a.85 Madp of gonulno dogskin. BBBBhT flBlBBHb tUIBBBbB Where Quality and Prices Overlaps 1 wm tm iif aof uf HHmiiimBifinwr i& pltchor. Tho Salem High school boyo aro not accustomod to bolng tup against such wldo round-houso curves as Robon bad, but Mr. Reben will not Btrlko out so many tho noxt time he pitches to tho local team, as thoy took particular pains to got noxt lor a good horoatter, Fred Hoyse-r um pired tho contest with satisfaction to nil. Dovolop nil Orogon, and not Just ono city, is tho watchword of The Capital Journal, gnni f n f ifiminf t iiff if iiiw Hntnmllil L-rlt. lioWOVOr niiow the crown-uns from Corvallla ho knew Vmpuoil would not bo on I to gel ?&$w immi flvr iinvs nco. nnd nlso rof uso . Tho Snlom Wgh School team woro to accept Harden, of Chemawa, ono of the snunrest reioroos in tno nusi 'ncss It lsoks iuoor to eeo O'Con uro froro by Pltchor Reben, for O. A. C. Robon, although qulto a youngstor, Is tho making of a good m MITCHELL WAGONS BEST ON EARTH iHTCHELL" Farm, Spring and Delivery Wagons .I BbI BBPsBBBVBWVlBBHkEH. i i . ,.wM ! ! i !! ' L , S"MITCHELL" Farm,JSprin and Delivery Wagons vwrar-JM Buv a Mitchell Wagon and you will always be satisfied. The Mitchell has been manufactured for over 70 years at the highest possible standard of quality. Mitchell Wagons once used always used. Every Day Is Special Sales Day f With Us Our stock Is vory com plotn now In nil dopnrtmonts of both now nnd second-hand goods; tho prlcos uro right. Stoves and Ranges Wo havo now rnugea that would bo nn ornament to any homo. FURNITURE Bring in your furulturo wnnta. Wo cnn,4tipply thorn In now or Hocond-hnnd goods. Art Squares Just from tho factory. Good and servlcenblo. I our Btock In up to dato. Alwnya In tho market for nqcond-hnnd goods. Como In, O. L. McPEEK, 170 s COMMERCIAL STREET f ifi8imtimtmiiiiiiiiitf if itinmiinnn uulmmi iiiii f ii SATURDAY'S SUPPLIES i Strawberries Don't fall to put in your order early for theso. Orange Special VKH DO.K.V ', y !' aac 1 This Is certainly a snap and you will miss It If you don't 'get 7 them today. Vegetables UUKK.Y VKAH, AHIMUAGU8, RHTJlUnB, LETTUCB, 8WKKT IOTATOKS, HTRING UEANH, HAM8HU8, YOUNG OMONH, HI'I.VAOII. Boiled Ham and Dried Beef Wo carry tho best and wo sllco them with in up to date machine Teas and Coffees CHASE HANItOHN'H RIGHT GOODS AT RIGHT PRICKS 'litchcii , LcVvis & Stavei MOIR GROCERY COMPANY I f iiaiiiiniimiiiiiiaiiiiimiiB)l