T DAILY OAMTAIi JOUItNAL, oaIiSM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAT M, !. art3 Tuesday night at tho roldcnc- of President and Mrs. Homan, Tho pupils of Trunk E. Churchill will glvo a recital on tho evening of Juno 0 In the First Christian church. They will bo assisted by Mrs. Halllo Parrlsh-Hlngos and the public Is cor dially Invited. ve"8.tv of California. .1 c-artuato atu- ' i-"-"-.w9 '" dent from Forest Grove, has boon appointed director of tho unlvorslty band for tho ensuing year. Mr. MUlls Is well known In Intorcollcglnto circles of Oregon, ho having boon for sovornl years ono of tho most popu lar nnd successful athletes of Pa 4&P c I OMMENCEMENT exorcises and recitals havo monopo lized tho public nttontlon tho Dast week, and will con- tlmuo to do so for uovornl weokfl to como. Tho closing exor cises of tho Blind School woro tho first to bo given this year, and wero largely attended. Tho coramencomont of tho Collego of Law of tho Univer sity last night was tho first of that Institution's several branches, for which tho following programs havo been arranged: Entertainment by tho School of Oratory, Juno 1; com mencement of School of Me'dlclno, Juno 2; entortalnmont by School of Music, Juno 4; Senior Oratory ro cltal, Juno 8; commencement of tho School of Oratory, Juno 10;Inter Socloty contest, Juno 11; sormon to Christian associates, Itcv. J. H. Gud llp, D. D., Juno 13; graduating ex orcises of tho Oregon Instltuto and Normal School, Juno 14; rocoptlon Ty Prosldont and Mrs. Iloman, Juno 15; annual program by School of Music, Juno 15; Doard of Trustees' meeting, Juno 1C; alumni business meeting, Juno IC; alumni banquet, Juno 1G; Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Mooros will rece'vo alumni nn.t old students .'at their home, Juno 1G; class day exercises of senior class, Juno 17; commencement of tho Collego of Lt'breal Arts, with address by Judgo Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendleton, Juno 17. MIb Hazel Tichnor, Miss Kntlior lno Hunt, Miss Juno Sterling of Port land lyid Miss Marguortto Mahan of Chicago, were guots nt a nous par ty qt Mils Clnlro Joncb this week. Tho party canio up In Miss Tlchnor's Cadillac touring car lnit Sunday, and returned to Portland Thursday. Mrs. Thomas D. Kay and Mrs. C. V. IlohortBon havo invitations out for an nftcrnoon of "Flvo Hundrod" next Wednesday nt tho homo of Mm. Kay. A thoroughly onjoyablo affair was tho Informal dancing party glvon by MIb Cnrolyn Hurst, Miss Ruby Cor noll nnd Miss Marguorito Loonoy, In ilio Auditorium Wednesday evening. About 100 couples wero prosent, many of thorn bolng from out of town Tn tho decorations n dollght fu lwoodland coffct wns ob tained with ovorgroon 'oughs nnd qunnt'tlos of brilliant-colored Scotch broom. McElroy's ocrcstrn fur nlihcd the musical program. Tho guests wero rccolved by tho Missen Francis Clark and Mnrgnrot Itodgora nnd punch was served b MIbs Emmo- lino Klein and Ml HnzM Erlckson. The piano rripH of Miss Beat- By MISS MOLME ItUNCORN rico Sholton will glvo an ovonlpg of Kevin's work at tho First Mothodlst church next Fridny night, May 28. They will bo assisted by Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. Etta Squlro Seeloy, Mrs.1 John J. Itoborts, Mrs. Ida Stege-Savngo, Mrs. Roso Bab cock and Mrs, Walters. Tho Unlvorslty of California Gleo nnd Mandolin Club loft Wednesday ovenlnc for Chicago, tho gueBts of tho Santa Fo railway. Sovoral wcoks will be consumed for tho trip, during which timo tho clubs will givo ntor tnlnments In various club houses malntnlncd by tho railway company. Tho gleo club will probably visit Ore gon during tho coming uuristmas va cntion. Tho High School seniors scored a big triumph for thoir Bohool Tuesday night, when they prosontod thoir class play, "Tho Ulstor," In tho aa Bombly hall. Tho cast Included 14 characters, all splendidly portrayed by tho students. Lending parts woro taken by Miss Gladys Cartwrlgljt and Howard Zlmmorman, and they were ably supported by Miss Ethel Cross, Soth Axloy, Miss Florence Motcalf, Albert Mlnton, Miss Francis Pohlo, Adolph Guoffroy, James Pooblos, Miss Margarot Ostrandcr, Hubert Starr, Ml-s Ethol May, Mark Lafky nnd Horschcl Powers. Tho pupils havo been showered with compli ments by thoir friend for their ex cellent jr'ork, nnd Miss Mao Bollo Adams, uf tho Collego of Oratory of tho University, who hud put in much tlmo prcpnrlng for tho play, comos In for a full and well-merited sharo of tho-c onconjums. Mrs. C. M. Epploy wns n charm ing hostess for tho "Enrly Hour Flvo Hundred Club" at her homo on EaBt Stnto street Wednesday nfternoon. Sh6 wns nss'sted by her daughter, Ml Hortonso Epploy. A color ef fect of yotlow was carried out In docorntlons of all the rooms, and In tho dalnlity appointed lunchoon. Largo yollow pansics woro used in profusion nnd on tho placo cards woro tiny "Ka,ti Greennway" flg uro In yellow, tho work of Miss Ep ploy. Tho highest scoro at cards was. nmdo by Mrs. William Sturgls Spon cor, prosldont of tho club, tho prlzo bring a beautiful hand painted Hav llnnd plate. After cards, the guests woro ontortMnod by musical num ber". Mrs. David W. Eyro will bo tho noxt hostess for tho ckib at hor residence Sixteenth nnd Stato strcots. Tho thlrd-vonr academy students I of tho unlvorBity will entertain tho graduates oi ino acnuemy or nuerai Tho commencement exercises of tho Scio school under Prof. I. W. Rped wero held Friday evening. Members of tho tenth grndo are Miss Daisy Buckner, MIeb Birdollo Bron nor and Ivan Miller, and the mom bors of tho eighth grndo aro Miss Ethel McDonald, Mtsi Mlnnio Car pontor, Miss Bernlco McDonald, Messrs. Forrest Woodraansco, Ardeo Powell, MIbj Lucy Wcsoly and Miss Mary Chlrz. Tho past week has boon a busy one for tho pupils of tho blind school thoir entire tlmo being taken up pro paring for their annual commence ment nnd getting ready to leave for their homes to spend tho summer. Tuesday night tho graduating class was honor guests at n banquot glvon by Superintendent nnd MrB. Mooros. Wednesday night tho pupils of tho musical department gavo thoir clos ing recital In tho Christian church, nnd on Thursday night tho com mencement oxorclsos woro hold, whon tho graduation class put on tho opor etta "Sylvia." Tho graduation class s composed of Joseph Stovcns of Portlnml; William Bailor, Silverton; Loo Pcrln, Falls City; Ellon Siovor aon, Astoria; Myrtlo Buzan, Pondlo Pendlo Pondle ton: Mabel Tcmploton, Hormlston. and Frank Snndors, Astoria, e Miss Vlnllo Van Pntton, who has been In southern California In tho Interests of tho United Artisan lodgo recently took up tho work In tho vi cinity of Oakland, Mrs, C. L. Watt, grand Instructor of tho United Artisan lodgo, will fin ish a, membership campaign In Oak land, Cn1 on tho Gth of Juno. On that dnto sho will leave for hor homo In this olty, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Dnrron, who formorly rcsldod in tho vicinity of Salem, aro now located In Oakland, whoro they nro working In tho In terest of tho Artisan lodge. Pres'dont nnd Mrs Fletchor Ho mnn entertained tho senior class pf the college of liberal arts of tho unlvorslty with a launch rldo THios day nfternoon. Tho pnrty wont up tho river about olght mllos. whoro a picnic dlnnor wns served. Tho members of tho graduation class aro Ellon Anderson, Edith Booth, Rob ert Eak'n, Mary Emmll, D. Lester FioldB, Ryth flntch, Mary Glttons, Mnbol Glover, Myrtlo Hannon, Roy Howltt, Harry Jones, Edith Kunoy, Clyde Nelson, George Oscar Oliver, Leila Rlgdon, William Schmidt, Elva Mac Smith, nnd Efvn Wlnslow. II. B. Mlllls, roglstorcd In tho Unl- A MKCIIA.WC OF EXCEPTIONAL SKILL Is tho only ltliul that can do automobile- ropnlrlng right. Thnt Ih why tho work don nt our shops Is nlwnvB worthy of tho hlghost praise Our workmen know their business. Wo charge only roasonablo prices for right work nlways. A full Hue of sundries alwnys on hand. SALKM Al'TO flAHAC.l. J. I-'. PrlohH On Alley Just W-s.t of Hnlom Ilonnl Of 'iTUllv. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTORI A A.SU71 of Beauty Is a Joy Forever, DR. T. FELIX GOURAViyi Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL DEAUTIFIER mil A rAMMATINI AND RtFIKtl CBHPLtXIBH It U tbe duty of every womn to praserva her bMUty, and evea the most beautiful must protect their complexion. A faultless complexion, sweet, pare, and wholesome Is eomothlng every wobmb desire and which can be readily obtained byuelngi dOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CRUAAL , Thfi? well known preparation luis been highly recom- m.hiI.iI !. nl.iMF.I.n. ..Im.1 tinmiM Btlfl women of fashion for over lialf a century. It renders the skin like the softness 01 velvet, leav ing it clear and pearly white. t, XIOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM cures Skin Diseases, relieves irritation, soothes aud in vigorates the akin, beautluen and improves thai iAn.nl.i.lHM . av..t .... Min.aa.ail Ufli.n n.A l paring for evening attire. No. 6 FOR SALE IIY DRUGGISTS AND FANCV GOODS DKALER3 FEKD. T. HOPKINS, Proprietor, 37 Great Jones Street, New York j3 MefaliMnuwtfMbnwAf I cific university (Forest Grove). Tho annual play of tho collego of oratory of Willamette university will be g'ven J-uno 1 in the Grand opora house undor tho direction of Miss May Hello Adams. "Anno of Old Salem" is a play of tho Puritan period, dealing with that unpleasant bit of hlBtory known as the Salem witchcraft. Anne, tho vll lago favorite, is betrothed to Roger, son of Captain Hardnmn, Mistress Hnrdmnn, through petty jealousy, has forced Goodwlfo Elllnwoll and Anno to eorvo hor during tho cap tain's nbBonco by requiring a hoavy rent. Sho has glvon out that Rogor, who has roturncd from a two years' stay in England Just In tlmo to colo brato his coming of ago, Is to marry Phyllis, tho protty English girl vis iting tho Ilnrdmnns. In ordor to mako final tho separation of Rogor and Anno MlBtrcss Hardman drops hints that Anno practices witchcraft and arouses tho suspicions of the Intolerant Dr. Cotton Mathor, who openly accuses Anno of witchcraft. Nathan, Goodwlfo Elllnwoll's son, ro turns from an unsuccessful quest for tho tltlo of English estates. A Quak er who scokB rofugo in Salem at this time ndris, to the difficulties of tho lOlllnwolls. Eseklel mown lias uir flcultles of his own In Ul iQvo-mak-Ing to throe pretty llttlo Puriiri maids, Tho porlod has boon carefully studied for ovory detail, in costuming and furnishing pos9lblo to glvo the ntmosphoro of tho Colonial tlmo, nnd with tho conscientious rehears ing now being glvo n successful, artistic production Is assured. Mlfs Minolta Mngors, supervisor of vocal music In tho Salem public schools, has bcon 111 for a wcok, and unablo to visit tho schools. Sho Is Improving, and expects to bo nbout hor work noxt week, a Tho Gormnn Gosnng Voroln bf this city, will hold n May fostlval and musical program Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p. m. Sunday, at tho Savago grovo, cast of tho asylum. Thoy ox pect a doublo quartet of tho Arlon Society of Portland, to tako part on the program. Thoir friends nro in vitod to bo prosent. , Mrs. J. II. HolllBter, of Dallas, on tortnlned nbout 50 uosU tor Mrs. E. Cooko Patton, at hor homo, Friday afternoon. mIbb Jbsslo Keeton also attondod from horc. Abiolutel Tho only Baking Powder made from Baking Powder Makes die finest, most delicious bis- Royal GrP cuit, cake and pastry; conveys to food jr the most healthful of fruit properties. Una StaRtl of Alfalfa Fred A. Mclntyro has a fine stand of alfalfa on his Prospect Hill farm. Ho sowed It two yoars ago, and last fall tAirnod hogs on It, and, strango to say, whore tho nogs raateq most thoro is tho blcaost stand 01 alfalfa. Mr, Molntyro hollovos that by ulng tho sprlng-tootn barrow or uisKing In (ho crop, ho will bo able, to get bottor slarifi on tho wholo field lhan ho hno bo far. Tho samplon brough. this offlco aro nearly two feet lPflfi and of very rank grovvtli, His Neighbors OctlcroHS Aftor tho tow of much of his houoohold' goods yeetordny by firo, Frank Morrison and W. W. Johns took up n collection In behnlf of Adam Frohmador,. In ordor, In a moosuro to llghtou hla loss, and tho rosponso was generous, 173 being subscribed. On behalf of both Mrv Frohmadcr and themselves thvy h elre to thank tho genorouH pep'e of Balom for tlla quick repoiw W ,I4 an wpfortunatQ nelfi&Pl Sfalfo Corner Dangeroas- Thoro Is liable to be an accident any day at, tho Bush corner, unfosb autolsts cbango tltlr liftl.lt of tura ing tho corner next to the etlrb. 0 Ing round tho short turn at .rood spood thoro Jb not tlmo to stop waa thoy got whoro thoy can boo down Stato ottoot, and It Is only a ques tion of timo until thoro is going to bo n smash thoro. Tho nulo Is, or should bo, to koop at loast as far from tho Inner cornor as tho confer of tho street, A Two Family Suburban House. Arranged In the Style of the Hat Estimated Cost, 54,206. CoDyrllht, IOOO. by- P. C. Llpptrt, Eait Oranft, N. J. PERSPECTIVE VIEW-FIIOM A I'HOTOOH.M'II. This cannot be disputed or questioned. It has stood the test aid sade all others take second place. For sale by S. A. MANNING'S IMPLEMENT HOUSE SALEM, GREGON 9-fr4oaot-c3 ; FLOWER SALES WEEK MAY 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 AT ASYLUM AVENUE GREENHOUSES Now is the time to decorate your homes with choicest plants and flowers of all kinds nad tizes at REASONABLE PRICES. Lare collection of Cactuses, Giant Palms, Camelias, Fuchsias and Ferns. Large; choice vines in variety. Choice Roses Jn variety. HANGING BASKETS and other choice p.ants and flowers too numerous to mention, including many of Grandma Taylor's PRIZE SPECIMENS. Come and make your se lections early, and then you'll be suited. ASYLUM GREENHOUSES Mrs. D. L. THOMAS, Prop. Phone Main 958 o Iter inH I CkiM I fifAn WbM Jl . . Bd.r'm JgnrV 1 to0" '"IT Ijvmg. Room - forah G LL J.- J M J Tho revival of tho two family house stylo linn resulted lu the ereetloii of iiiauy ilirfuruiit lypus of Htriu-ture. Thori' Is, liowuvor. u decided lack of pliiiiH niliiptitl in tho narrow lotH of our HUburhd, whorv high. prlten limit (lie iivomgo wugu onrnor to n lot 5 by 100. with two neighbor In eiosu proximity. The Iiuiisc glvpti lu tbo II lUKtmtlou In Imllt on a lot -.' bjr 100. Its Hlttt U 'M by (17 feut, tbiu leaving an urea of two feu I six Inches on each side to liiHiiro u millleleut muotiiit of light, tfdcli npnrtmeiit contulun living room, diiilui; room, bull, two bedroom with spuclous eloHttts, kitchen nnd bath, besldcH a porch acroas the wholo frouc of tho house aud amplo spueu In the cellar uud ntllc. The Inside trim Is chestnut for the llvluu room aud dluluir room und whltewood paint ed for the bedrooms, the kitchen nud bath. The estimated cost for the structure is fi.SOO. P. O. I.IPPRUT, Architect. jr jet ROOM PLAN. t K rit..iiBmav.v)sntnnminnnitmi