""jf" ,DAXLX..CAPITAIi JOURXAi, -RAJUH, .OMffKT; SATURDAY, MAY 22 190. NURSERY SALES SHOW INCREASE IN ORCHARDS Tho business of tho Oregon Nurs ery Company of Salem Is a very good Indication of tho activity along or chard" lines. It la one of tho oldest and biggest nurseries on tho coast nnd is known from Alaska to Lower California, thoir shipments going In carload lots to British Columbia, Washington, Eastern Oregon and Idaho. Their local trade too Is im mense. Asked a day or two ago con corning tho activity in tree planting tho managor said: "Last year was tho greatest tho nurseries of tho northwest over ex perienced, but this year will equal if not exceed it, although I am hard ly In position to say how groat tho movomont fs As far as wo aro con corned tho demand has far exceeded the supply and wo could not begin to fill our orders. Wo have had a fine local trado and Judging by Bales tho orchard area is increasing rapid ly. Of courso tho btggost demand Ib for winter npplos, probably always will bo, for thoy havo boon in do- mand over since Eve put her baby tooth in tho first ono. and tho fact that they can bo kept frosh tho year around will mako thorn always tho standard fruit, king and queen both", of all fruits. Prunes are also In good demand but coming next to tho applo of lato years in nursery stock sales Is tho English walnut. Tho sales of this stock aro Btcadlly In creasing, and It cannot bo long until tho walnut crop will cut a consider able figure with orchardlsts as a monoy producer, -xperiments havo shown that thoy thrivo woll and yield well and there aro few crops nicer to grow, handle and caro for than the English walnut" Orogon grown walnuts aro already on tho market and a fow years will seo tho Wlllamotto valloy not .only supplying tho ontlro northwest but shipping them to the middle west. With the ontlro product of tho nursorlos insufficient to supply tho demand it Is cortain that tho area in orchards Is growing very fast. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT WILL YIELD BIG CROPS Thoro has boon consldorablo talk concornlug tho cool wcathor that has provalled during tho spring and as to tho effect .of tho unusually sovoro winter, for Oregon, on tho fruit trees. A Journal mnn has niado a enroful canvass of tho matter, gottlng tho vlows of many prominent grow ers, and also of tho big shippers, and tho goncrnl opinion scorns to bo about as follews: Apples and cherries were not at nil hurt by tho cold spell, nor wero thoy dnmnged by frost. It is too early yot to mako any estimate of tho ap plo crop though nil indications point to nt least nn averago ylold. As to cherries tho trees aro literally loaded, and Salem this yoar, as always, will maintain hor reputation at "Tho Chorry City of tho World." Tho prune crop will also bo excel lent; thoy wero nipped slightly by tho frost but every grower tho ro porter talked with scorned to think this was a benoflt rather than an Injury, as it helped thin out tho fruit, but still loft nn nbundanco, enough indeed, that they will still roqulro thinning and tnls will mako a big ger, hotter and higher priced prune. Whllo nil nsscrt thero will bo at least an avorago crop, many maintain it will bo hotter oven than last year, both In quantity nnd quality. Small fruits wero uninjured nnd al ready tho market Is woll supplied with fino strawborrles, nnd lovors of pnnonhnprv tiln nt tvhnm fSn tjlfn Is two, can gol the tart llttlo green berries homo grown. It would seem absurd to nn eastern mnn to ovon think about nnythlng bolng hurt by tho cold wcathor wo had horo Inst winter becnuso at its lowest tho thor momoter only reglstorod a fow de grees below tho freezing point, 24 abovo bolng tho record hero. Of lognnberrles and black raspber ries thoro will bo tho UBiinl big crop enough for ovcrybody nnd tons for tho cannery. Thoro woro 1000 thrco-llnkors in tho parado at Albany Weduosday nf tornoon. - Feel Headachy? It probably conies from the bile or some sick condition of the stomach or bowels. No matter which, put yourself right with BEECHAMS PILLS Sold EY.rjrwh.ru. In boica 10c ni ZSc S3.0SKZQI MAGAZINE BARGAINS Tho following offors contain only soloctod magazines of tho highest morlt. Tho desires of every ono will bo found represented In this list Women, Literature, HcvIvwh, Juvenile, Outdoor Interests, Fiction, Tech nical, Music, Art, Humor, Religious etc. THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL and COSMOPOLITAN or AMERICAN or SUCCESS Value $2 for $1.65 GREATEST SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Through a most unusual nrrnngomont with tho publishers wo nro able to mako this romnrkablo offer to subscribers FOUR PUBLICATIONS AND A DRESS PATTERN . $3.65 for only . . $2.1 5 BEMtlflBpMHLDB9BB9BSBS)MBBk!j "" " SBt2fXSXVSX9KS9BHH!S!3BSSSBSUHBSUUSt. " SlJf" BSBPB OLD DUTCH DUNKARDS A couole of Washinaton County Pennsylvanians, who have made and used HICKORY BARK COUGH REMEDY for seventy years, and reared a fam ily of eleven children. For sale by all dealers everywhere. SURE PURE. SURE CtURE NO ALC0H0LN0R ALK0L0IDS TOTAL VALUE . Capital Journal Weekly. One Year, $1 .00 Pictoria.jRevlew fashions, iray, 1 .00 Success Magazine Werary 1 .00 Modern Priscilla rancywork .50 Pictorial Review Pattern .15 (To be soloctod by tho subscriber from tho stylos illustrated in Plctarl.il Rovlow, nt any timo within two months after ro- cowing tho first copy.) cqivmb mo nrsi copy.j Total Wurly fiubscriptloii Price of tho Four and Pattern. Ipj.Oj All Sent One Year for THE CAPITAL JOURNAL a ii j Value. Vott. And you Value. Coil. run And Value. Voit rnn Alnilee's Magazine American uoy American Home & Gardens American Motherhood American I'uultry Journal.. Apulcton'a Magazine ...... Atlantic Monthly Automobile litaclc Cat lllue Itook llobemlau ............... llook.keeper . . llookntau . ,.,..... lloton Cooking School .... llreeJer'i Uaiette Ilurr Mclntoib Monttily ... Century Magazine ........ Children's Magazine ChrUtlan Herald (N. V.).. Country Life In America... Craftiman Current Literature Petlgner . . ........... Dressmaking at Home Educational Itevlew ...... Electrical World ......... Electrician & Mechanic... Etude ((or music lover).. Farm Journal IS year)... field and Stream Forum . . Garden Magazine t.ood Housekeeping iood Literature Hampton' Magazine Harper's llazar Harper's Magazine Harper's -Weekly Home Needlework House Heautlful Huurtf keeper Housewife Human Life 2.00 4.00 S.00 1,50 2.00 5.00 U)0 2.00 2.00 2.Q0 2.00 S.S0 2.00 3.00 4.00 BJBO 2.00 2.50 5 00 4.00 4.00 l.OO 2.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.60 1.35 2.50 a.ito 2.00 2.00 1.35 2.50 2.00 5.00 0.00 1.75 :ijm 1.75 1.35 2.00 12.33 1.U3 3.00 1.75 1.30 2.00 4.23 3.25 1.(15 2.25 2.00 1.05 3.10 1.05 2.00 3.00 4,80 1.U5 2.10 4.00 3.33 3.25 1.33 1015 3.50 3 03 1.05 2.00 1.25 2.00 2.35 1.03 1.U5 1.23 2.110 1.05 4.5(1 4.00 1.50 3.25 1.00 1.23 1.05 Illustrated London News... $7.00 U.43 Independent j 3.00 Z35 International Studio ...... 0.00 0.25 Judge 0.00 5.25 Keramlc Htudio 5.00 4.50 Ladles' World 1.50 1.33 I-fslle's Weekly 0.00 5 00 Life 0.00 0.33 Llpplncott'a Magazine ..... 3.50 2.75 Little Polks (Balein) new.. 2.00 1 US McCall'a Mag. and pattern. 1.50 1.40 McClures Magazine 2.00 l.UO Metropolitan Magazine .... 2,00 1.G3 Modern 1'rlscllla 1.50 1.33 Mother's Magazine 1.60 1.35 Motor Age 4.00 3.25 Motor lioat 3.00 2.00 Musician 2X0 2.00 Nation 4.00 3.70 National Home Journal.... 1.50 1.25 National Mugazlne ....... 2.50 2.00 National Hportsman 2.00 1.05 New Idea (N. Y.) fasblona. 1.00 1.30 Normal Instructor ........ 1.76 1.50 North American lteylew... 0.00 4X0 Outdoor Life 2.00 2.25 Outing Magazine 4.00 2.35 Outlook 4.00 3.75 I'acUIc Monttily ZOO 2.00 l'arls Modea and l'atteru. . 1.00 1.S5 l'earson's Magazine 2.00 2.00 People's Home Journal 1.33 1.23 l'hillatlne 2.00 1.05 Physical Culture 2,00 1.05 l'lctorlal IteTlew A pattern 2.00 1.05 Popular Magazine 2.50 2.20 Popular Hclence Monthly , . 4.00 3.80 Primary Education 2.25 2.00 Primary Plans 2.00 1.05 Puck ... k 0.00 0.10 Putnam. Header 4.00 2-15 Hecreatlon 4.00 2.33 ItU XiOOk 2.50 2.25 Itellable Poultry Journal... Itevlew of Itevlewa. Hudder Kclentlflc American ...... Kclentlflc American & Sup. Hcrlbncr'g Magazine Hmart Het Hmith's Magazine Hi. Nicholas Htrand Magazine Suburban Life Sunday School Times...... Sunset Magazine System Table Talk Taylor-Trotwood Maguzlne. Technical World Magazine. Theatre Magazine Toilettes Travel Magazine Van Norden Magazine vogue Wide W IVorld Maeazlne Woman's Home Companion Woman's National Daily... World Today World's Work fl.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 4.00 3.50 2 50 4.00 2.00 4 00 2 00 2 00 3.00 2.00 2.50 2 00 4.00 8.00 2.50 2.00 O.OO 2.20 2 25 2.00 2.50 4.00 $1.33 3 00 2 35 3.00 OHO 3 05 2.33 2 20 3.80 2.40 2.35 1.80 1 (15 2.80 1.03 2.00 2 00 S.35 2.35 2 00 175 4.50 2.15 1.00 1.00 2 00 3.25 WONDERFUL SH0WIN6 OF COPPER MINES BETTER THAN BOLD MINING HISTORY SHOWS THAT COPPER MINES DO NOT PLAY OUT.BOT ONCE OPENED ARE STEADY AND PER MANENT DIVIDEND PRODUCERS dovolopmont, and on Recount of Its oninll capital I bollovo it will bo nolo to pay lnrgor dividends than most of thorn. Tho big custom smoltor Is going to bo built right 1:1 our midst, thus In suring choap delivery of our oro. Coiuo, Invest your monoy In cop per stook at homo, and in a mltao that In good to 'ook at. Iluy now, whllo It Is chrnp; only 3C conts por abaro, and you'll liavo to hurry, as tho stock Is going skyward protty soon on etc 'aunt ,t tho recent b.g Btrllco In tho nilno. Wrlto, phono or call at omco for particulars. Yours truly, D. IC. MAY, Fiscal Agont. 478 Btato stroot, Snlom, Or. Phono Main 140. o Nntlco of Intention to Improve a Portion of Winter Httvct. YOl' MAY ADD TO YOUU LIST An Story Magazine For 1 00 Argosy . " 1,00 Collier's Weekly " 5 20 Dltnator " 1 00 Everybody's Magazine . , " 1.60 ladles' Home Journal " 1.50 Literary Digest " 3.00 Muuseys Mauazlne " LOO Popular Mechanics " 1.00 Saturday Kventng Post " 1.50 Scrap Uook " 1.00 Youth's Companion " 1.75 THE WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, EVERYBODY'S and forZ50 DELINEATOR Vatoe $3.50 ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARK FOR ONE FULL YEAR. Subscriptions may bo new, renewal or extensions. Magazines may be sent to one or to separate, addresses. Additional postage Is charged on Canadian and foreign subscriptions. If you do not find what you want, send us your list ad we will quote you tho lowest possible price. We will duplicate any offer made by any reputable agent, agency or publisher. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON N B. If you wish to take the Daily with this offer, simply substitute the price of the Daily for the price of the Weekly. The Daily is $4.00 per year by mail or $6.00 by carrier in the city. Tho peoplo of Salem and Marlon county aro very clovor and Intelli gent, but they do not realise nor do thoy understand what a vast amount of wealth thoro is stowed away right at thoir door in tho Santiam. If thoy did, thoy would not bo chasing off Into romoto and un known districts, after somo "wild cat" mining Investment, that they know nothing of, and they wouldn't bo going crnzy over some "fairy tale" chirped off by somo gllb-tonguod lit tie upstart of promoter. Neither would thoy be going wild after "wireless" and tho like, but thoy would como to tho roscuo and help dotolop our own industries at "home." They would Invest evory dollar thoy could sparo In theso mlnos In tho Santiam. This would tend to the creation of more buslnens at homo, and stimulate what business they already hare. It would bring thousands of new peo plo in, who would bring their money with them, which would help busi ness In every lino of industry. Thin is a glorious opportunity you have for Investing your money, and wo believo that in just a few years this stock will he worth many hun dred times par, if It Is, look what enormous dividends It will pay you. Thoro Is no known business that will beat copper mining as an invest ment. Thoro Is moro money mado In coppor than any othor branch of In dustry, Yet, dear peoplo, aro rarely ovor glvon an opportunity to Invest In coppor mines, because thero Is whero nearly all of tho monoy In mining is mndo. Thoy aro gobbled up by tho capitalist and workod by clow cor poration . If thoy havo any gold mining stocks and . othor "wild cat" Bchomes, thoy will hunt you up, take you Into thoir confldonco, as It wore, and load you up for bear with their "got-r!ch- quick" gold mining, good for nothing, shin plastors, Thoy novor offor you any coppor stock. Not on your "tln-typo." Just 1 ok hero! Theso comparisons below of cop per and gold mines of the 11 letdlsg mines, of the world In each class will show you whoro the bulk of tho mon oy Id mines Is mado, and provo to you what I'm telling you Is true: Copper. Dividends Paid to Date. Calumet & Hec, Mich 1107,850,000 Iloston & Mont.. Mont. 69,125,000 Amalgamated, Mont, . . 57,235,000 Anaconda, Mont 41,100,000 United Verde. Ariz .. 26,545.322 Qulncy, Mich 18,630,000 Arizona, Ariz 12,380,657 Calumet & Ariz., Ariz, 10,100,000 Tamarack, Mich . . . . 9,420,000 Copper Range Con,, Mich 8.968.072 United, Mont 7,625,000 Total 1358,074,190 Gold. Dividends Paid to Date. ....117,446,350 Alas. 9,585,000 .... 8,107,080 ..a ,V1,IUU 9,341,159 9.831.204 Htronir Colo 2.276.000 Vindicator Con., Colo ,. 1,936,000 Kennedy, Colo ,,,,,,,. 1,801,001 Kendall, Mont 1,285,000 La Fprtuna, Ariz 1,209,509 Homestako, 8. D.( Alaska-Treadwoll, Portland, Colo , , Carrin Illrd. Colo . Elkton Con., Colo , Plumus-Eurokn, Cal.,.. Total e t f 58,690,934 I am offering to you an investsaaat in one of the best looklnar connsr mines la the country, 'The Electric. Mine." It looks a great deal better than many of the mines HutkM4 As the above list at the same stage ef Notlco to hereby glvon that tho Common Council of tho City of Ss lom, Oregon, dooms it expedient to Improvo, and propoiies to Improvo, at tho orvonso of abutting and adjacent property, Winter stroot, in tho City of Salem, Orogon, from tho south lino of Stato stroot to a point within 1 Vi foot of tho north rail of the rail road track of tho Southorn Paclflo Co., whoro It crosses zald Winter stroct at tho Intersection of Wlntor and Trado streets. Tho roadway of said portion of said stroot shall bo mproved tho full width from curb to curb by grading the samo and plac ing theroon n crushed rock improve ment tho full width from curb to curb, Including tho full Intersection of Forry streot whero It intersects Wlntor stroot or. the wost side of saM Wlntor stroot. Tho Intersection of Wlntor and Trade streets from the north lino of Trade street to a polut 1 Vi feot of tho north rail of tho rail road track of tho Southern PaelAe Co., shall bo improved for a width of 29 Vi foot on both sides of tho conter l'no of said Winter stroot excepting hflyfirnm. tlAurAvnf n etrtr. f ra. In width extending full length of the pre posou improvement .to bo oocupiea by tho street railway track of the Portland Railway. Llttht & Power Co., and improved by said compaay. uuro linos snail tie ontabiished and said streot shall be linnrored la .ev ery respect in accordance wltk the plans and specifications adopts thorofor by tho common couacll a4 on fllo iu tho oMce of the city re corder. Remonstrances may be ftl4 against raid improvement in the waa nor und within the time provided ia tho charter of said city, Dato of the first publleatlon of this notlco May 11, 1969. Dy order of the Common Couaeil. W. A, MOOSJM. 5-16-llt City Recorder. iEEbsp. "Asr 9'Xr' HWZK 3 S. COMWCtKVU. sr 1 fl: ! l f 1 i