s 10 JMU&X OmTAIi .JJOOTHriUJ, BAXiBM, OKBOON, SATURDAY, MAT M, 10, i '( N Classified Ads ! FOR SALE .'JFer Salo Cut rose at Hamilton grcon houso, Tow Park; will be there afternoons only. 4-22-tf jFor,,Salc Flno 300-acro arm, at a bargain, on tho Wlllamctto river, 20 mlloa from Portland, 3 miles from Oregon Electric, bcBt of fruit tana, running water, ai. i'. uaia win, Salem, Or. 6-15-lm Thoroughbred Hatred Plymouth Rock oggs for salo, 15 for 50c. W. 13. Dunn, 1720 Leo strcot. Phono 1528. 5-15-lwk For,Snlo 40 acres, flvo In walnuts and cherries and other mixed fruits. All under cultivation, on main rond threo miles from Salem, Address or lnquiro at 1899 East Btato street. 6-16-lwk k For Bale Five-year-old pacor by Holmdol; gontle, good driver, olnglo or double Apply to Behind lor express, or 3 CI 8tato street 6-1-8-tf I Hnvo a- Lot Of socond-band goods of various kinds that must bo sold by tho first of tho month. Also our homo on 21st stroot N, with or without furnitnro. Apply to 190 South Commercial stroot, opposlto qfcVyillamotto. A. W. Dennis. 6-18-3t Frerti Cow For salo cheap. Phono FnrraorB 24X. 5-1 5,-3 1 Fr,Balo Ton lots 50x125, now G- , room p'.astorod houso, wood liouso, barn and chicken cqral. Everything now. Boo owner, 22d and Hydo stroots, Turner road. 6-15-lm For Sale Two-soatod Studobakor stirroy, now. lnquiro nt Low'b stable. Also ono Studobakor bug- By. 6-15-tf For-Sale First class second growth fir wood, good nnd dry. lnquiro of C. II. Doncor, or phono Farmers v 301- 5-15-wk For fialo- Now houso, sovon largo rooms, largo pantry and both room and tollot, front porch 63 foot Slong, bnck porch ana woodshod, Jclty water, hot' nnd cold wator up stairs and down, .wired for oloc trlcllgh.8. otiixlOO. foot. Prlco $2500, $1500 down, bnlnuco on tlnio or InBtnllmonts. Call nt 1420 Cbomokota ntrcot. 5-10-lw iPor ftilt) Frosh milch cows, all gentle, good mllkora. lnquiro 1811 North Fourth stroot, or Young's toro. 5-10-lw For Sale Qood rango, flrBt-clais fir wood and furplturo. lnquiro 1401 ISnet Court street. 5-20-3t For 8iIo Horw and buggy, man's ooastor brnko blcyclo, boating siove, coucn, bedroom sulto and " work bonch. Call phono 9xS iFarmors or boo Mrs. Woods at Sn , . loin HolghtB grocory on Jefferson road. 6-10-3t For Sale Throshlng eutfit: consists of 20horH0ovur double cyllndor onglnn nnd 30-00 Reed's aoparator, all of tho Intost mnko. Tlior.) la n Parson's rcodor. I'orfoctlon welghor, nnd Farmora' Frlond blower. Prlco ronsonnblo and torniH onsy. Apply to J. J. Unu mnok, Albnny. Home phono 1352. 5-21-dtf FOK HUNT. For Kent Two bedrooms for gon " tlbmon, fluoly furnlBhed. front rooma, 730 North Front stroot. 1-20-lwk 'For Rent Good grain nnd dairy ,,farm nonr Turner, largo pnsturo near reform school. Uox 113, Tur ! nor, Or. 5-18-3t U'ANTKII Wanted 25 men, hop yard work. ,Krcbs Droa., IVush-Hroyraau build- lng. Phono 131. 3-15-tf Wanteil- Qontlomnn or lady to tako ordora for a largo portrait houBO, good wages. Adddrcks William WlUon, gonornl dollvory, Portland, uregon. , C-20-3tT FOUND. Taken Up Two-yoar-old Olydpad.nlo none, wnlta star In foro.lond Kopt ono wook by F. F. Williams ' Owner can havo samo by paying chargos. Phone Farmora 545, 5-15.wk MIfWKMiANROUH , To KxcUiuiko 03 acrca Rogue RIvor . " valley, ' mtlos from Central Point, 1Q ngrea orchnrd mostly apples, good buildings, for Willamette , farm. Write what you hnvo. If. A, Davis, Rt 3. Contra! Point, tQrogon. 5-2 1-2 wk lOswtrwt Work Septlo tank, cement , .wains ,uu lounuauona. All work gurBtood. Hary Rowo. Phone lo8, 4-22-lm flftray for CckIUhk Moth nnd Cater- -.plllara. Phono 1433. W. W. , Snedokor, 1009 Hroadway. 6-17-w Tho Hobanon Express is whooping , p the local strawborry and rose fair a flno thing for tho town. Fishermen must procure- angler's Hcensea after today, That U nnoth ' r beautiful graft Invention of. tho leg taiaturo, Moro and moro pooplo aro Mat Into tke ;rttltg class. Not a 'iJtr of thM fees wljl over help tkA taxnAvei. Thov sa Into the nock- Ms of ta erer-increasiBs po or Melallaat. DUglNflgS CARDS. Uvcrjr HHd Feed StaWes Old PjOJt ofllco Stables, at 254 Ferry stroot, between Commercial and Front streets. Tolophonu 188. Somo of tho finest liveries In tho city, can be found hero. Wstacott & John son. itf CAPITAL RAKERS. Prop. Dread, cake, pics, and all kinds of pastries, cookies, otc. Watcn for our wagon. Phono 054. 11-19-tf BUTTERNUT DREAD. tt, is worth moro than' any other uroad, yot tho prlco Is no higher For salo at your grocor's. Callfor- rla Dakery, Thomas & Cooley, Prps Cummlng Bros.' Transfer Company All klndB of transfer work done fcurntturo and pianos boxed ready for shipment. Prompt sorvlco Is our motto. Stand and office at 253 South Commercial stroot Phono 210. Rcaldonco phono 023. Uutto & Woiulcrotli Flno wlnos. liquor and cigars. We handle tho colobratod Kollog and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing boor constantly on draught. South Cornmorcla jitreot 9-S-lyr. Hydo IJros. Electric Co. Blcctrlo suppllos and first-class wiring; at roasonablo prices, Call at our offlco for ostlmates. Phono 451 , 143 N. Liberty stroot. 1-12-tf Wcngcr & Clicrrlngton pianos and organs sold on easy tortus; tolo- pnon 1187; 247 Commercial Stroot, Salem, Orogon. tf . foucreto Work dot my prlcos on ildowulk, curbs, spotlc tnnks and comont work of any kind. All work guarantocd first class. M. Ward, 2378 Maplo Ave , Highland. , Phono 500. May 24-00 Tho South Biilcm Meat Markot, oo poslto Patio's store. Frosh ,ii cured moat. Qonoral dollrory Glvp It a trial. Huffman & Mar tin, props. 3-3-tf HALKM WATKIt COMPANY. . OFFIOI CITY IIAIjTi. For wator sorvlco npply at offlco. Dills paynblo monthly In ndvanco. G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY, 247 Mlllor St., South Snlom, manu facturers of nil kinds of boxes, crntos and fruit dryor accosBorlos. Phono 308. tf Dr. H. H. fitono, I). 0 Clilropnvctor. 8plno nnd norvo Bpoclallst. Rooms 4, 5, 0, D'Arcy building. rnono Main 87. uaiom, Orogon. 4-28-tf - -T. JilttloluiltxH Carpenter and build er. 030 Contor St. 6-18-lwk I Hollo,. Painter nnd PnperlinpKur. Propnrod to glvo estlmntos. Call nt 405 Twontloth Btroot. Tolophono Main 1700. 5-8-tf TONSOIUAL. II. O. Meyer A Co Tho boat and larg oat ahop In tho city. Six first-etnas barbera, Only ilrst-clnsa bootblack In city, porcolaln baths nnd ovory thing portnlnlng to n flrst-clnBs Bhbp. Also enrry a full lino of clgnra and tobacco nnd harbors' suppllos, 102 Commercial street, noxt door to Statesman offlco. 4-0-tf I'MIMllRIls lico. M. Marr Plumbing, hoi nnd itoam boating nnd tinning. 104 Comrcsrclal strcot, Phonr Main 192. 9-1-1r H. J. Pcuol Plumbing, steam and gas titling. 8uccoB8or to Knox Murphy, 238 Commorclnl stroot Otto Muellluuipt, plumblug, hoating, gna fitting; prices reasonable; work guaranteed; estimates furntabod. phono 373. 1000 Chomoketa St. 3-17tf IiODOP DIUKCTORY. Carpcutora Union No. l(Mia Local Union No. 1005 of Cnrponten and Jolnora of Amorlca moot over Sat urday evonltg U 7:30 p: m. in Hoarat ball, 420 State Street A. W. Donnla, Roo, 8c, Modern Woodmen at America Ore. gon Cedar Camp No. 62 4 0. Me4U ovory Thursday uvenlng at tt o'clock In HoIbuh hall. A, S. Rimbar V, O.; F. A. Turner, clerk. Wootteie of World Moot ovory Frl day ntaht at 7:30, la Holroan ball. A, h, Harrty, ttO;UH, fUteh r, Clark Jaa. It, '. Tho Capital Journal prints honat ada, no hot-air and no Indlroct moth uda, u you read an ad In thla paper you ran count on Its being a truth ful representation, or let us kuow It thcro la any fraud, and we will holp expoaa It, o i A CARD Thla la to certify that all drug vista aro authorised to refund your mouoy If Foloy'a Honey and Tar falls to euro your cough or cold. It stops tho cougn, heals tho lungs and provonta pneumonia nnd con sumption. Contains na opiate. Tho genuine is in a yellow oackaae. J. O. Perry. I (CANNERY IS ,READY FOR.SEASON'S RUN Tho .cannory presents a quiet ap pearance now to wnat'lt.wjll within a fow woeks. During tho week a small crow of men havo boon over hauling stock and getting tho goods on hand Btored out of tho way of tho coming season's product. There Is considerable stock left over but It will all bo gono boforo tho varieties nro again ready for cannlnsr. It Is oxpoctcd tho canning season will commonco about Juno 5. thouch Inst year It did not begin until Juno 8. Tho first product will bo strnw- borrlos and from tho prcsont outlook for tho crop It Will tnko ovory per son tho big plnht can find room for to hnndlo this crop, as It requires moro labor than almost nnv other. Oncd tho machlnory starts It will prooauiy not stop until tho wind-up comes on apples Into In tho fall, o Lumbermen Go on Strike. United 1'reM Leased Wlre.l Duttb, Mont., May 21. All tho lumbormon In Northorn Montana wont on strlko fodny, domandlng an Incrcaso of 50 cents a day In their wages. Thoy nro now receiving $3 a uny. moro tnnn 1000 men aro nf focted by (ho strike NOTICE! . AM, CHANniJH of copy fr Ileal Kitnte Ad muit bn In Tin Journal Office by B o'clock the crcntas before the day on which the ad Is to appenr. T farms All sizes and prlcos. Call for largo prlntod list. City proporty of nil descriptions. Sco us boforo buying forbargalns. OliMSTKI) LAND CO. 7lt Htnta Street. IX)OK AT TIlKSi: IIARCAINS. 05 acres, good 9-room houso with hot nnd cold wntor, bnth, windmill; 2 burns; wntor piped to barns nnd lawn; In sight of Snlom; 10 acres flno prunes In bonrlng, C ncroa of young prunes, 7 acres flno npplo orchnrd, just beginning to boar, 3 acres young Royal Ann chorrlcs; all oxtra flno hind; nil kinds smnll fruits; host homo; within 5 miles Snlem: n snap: InvostlKiito. 43 acres, 2 good houses, 20 acres flno npplo orchnrd. II acres just in good bonrlng, G acres youni; Daldwlns, 2 acroa flno young poach troos; will soil nil or part; n snnp; on good road; In sight of Snlom. Now houso nnd 3 lots, nil In fruit, on enr lino, onl $750. 10 nnd 20 ncro tracts. $100 per acre. Kino lota on Installments. Houses to rent or sell In nil parts of Sn lom. If you wnnt nnythlng, Beo A. O. SMITH ,t CO., i!rtil Hlnto St. K JqAL Willamette Valley Farms andLr, City Property Tliewo Must Ho Sold This Week. S-room houso, modorn Improvomont, cornor lot 76x76 foot, on car lino, In good rosldonco district; prlco i'30. Lot 00x130, within two blocka of two" ear linos, on proposed aowor; ' I22&0, Alberta whont land sold on easy paymonta. Ask for booklet. LAND IIUYKRH CLUII. Y. M. C. A. Dulldlng. 311 N. Com. St. Salem, Or. Phono 804. SNAP. 40 acroa, nearly all benvor dam land, 6 acroa planted to onlona; 5 acroa facing on county road for build ings; located one-halt mllo from raUroad station; $0000. MKYKR 11KLLK LAND CO., 437 State Stroet. FARMS ORCHARDS CITY PROPERTY I will bo glad io ahow you Bomo genuine bargains. Sccuro a homo now. T. O. JOKY, 205 Com'I St., Salem. Or. Farm Property IJacrra, mostly beaver dam land, ,7 acres cleared and tiled, rami 4. .,roota houso, stablo and hen hous. Z um jnnce win pay tor iiseu in two years, Prlco $3500. ,T J 363 acres, 200 cleared and la crop. 10-room plastered house, all fenced J cloao to atatlou. $55 per'acro. . 17 acres In suburbs of Salem. $190 X per acre, 21 acrea, 2 miles out. 9 acres vounir orchard, nearly all clear, $186 per f acre. J 6 acres, new houso, $850. ; -. 77, - 5 I LIHS & Wonil l-lll W YYUTJU Chamberlain's Ltaltnent. This is a now preparation and u good one It Is especially valuable as a euro .or chronic and muscular rheumatism, and for jtno relief from pain which It affords In acuto in flammatory rheumatism. Thoso who uavo used It hnvo invariably spoken of It In tho highest terms of pralBO. Lnmo back, lame shoul dor anu stiff neck aro duo to rheu matism of tho muscles, usually brought on by oxposuro to cold or dump, and nro quickly cured by ap plying this liniment frcoly and mas saging tho affected parts. Soreness of tho muscles, whoUor induced by violent exorciso or Injury, is allayed by this liniment. For salo by all good druggists. Tho hloelt nn T.lhnrfv otrnnf lm. twoonStnto and Court had Its finish ing touches put on thin morning, and only requires tho brick botweca tho car rails, to bo another completo paved block. o . Develop all Orogon, and not Just ono city, Is tho watchword of Tho Capital Journal. o- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTO RiA. n.vmt-. j . ESTATE NEWS REAL K8TATE. Ho. 23 20 acres flno land, good houso and barn, othor outbuild ings; JZ acres In orchard; 2 good woIIb; 4 miles from Snlom. Prlco $4,250 No. 128 12 acres 4 miles north east from Salem, all In cultiva tion; -acro In berries, C-room Iioubo, 100 assortod fruit treos, 14 young Royal Anno cherry troos, 1 homo, 2 hnrnoss, 1 buggy, l light hack, 2 cows; all farm Implo inonta go with tho placo. Prlco $3,000. No. 73 10 acroa, lot B, Capital Ad dition to Frultland, C-room box house, good collar and woll, bnrn 30x50, shod 14x40; 400 bushels of fruit picked from 2 ncrcb last soason; tub placo Is woll tiled. Prlco $3000. No. 101 20 acres, all In cultivation, 3 acres orchard, good 5-room houso nnd barn, 2 wolls of water, noar school and church; soil tor $3400 or trndo for city proporty; torms. No. 34 5-room house, lot 60x150, on 13th ntrcot. Prlco $800; terms SAVAGE & IIKRHKK, 134 South Commercial Stroot. NEW HAIIGAINS. A nlco homo, flno location, contor of city In Pnandonn, Cnl., to trndo for country proporty nonr Salem. A good homeatond claim, 140 acres, to trndo or Snlom or suburban proporty; ono of 80 ncres to trndo. See mo or n snap. My dnlry ranoh In Tillamook county nonr urotown to trnuo for valloy proporty. 7-room now houso, hard finish, onay tonus; amnll pnymont down; two lota nnd bnrn; $1500. 5-room houso, 2 lots; samo torms; $700. room houso, : lots nnd bnrn; same torms; $700 Largo houso, 7 rooms, porches, bnrn otc., $1500. Flno farm In Pnlouso country, 314 acres, 220 In whont. 30 acres In oats, 30 acros flno orchard, to tra.do ,ur oa,om I'y or rurm innu. "uu noroa nr uonaon. uillinm Co., to trndo; 320 In wheat, balanco Bummor fallow; good Improvo monts, foncos, otc. 160 ucres In Grn8a Valloy, Oregon, to trndo for proporty noar Salem. o ,,... . . ' rem oniaio men, what would all the Seo RYAN for your wants, notary boosting buslncsa ampunt to, nny work, Insurnnco, otc. way? I AM OFFERING tho Inst 2 lots on Nineteenth Btroot, botwoon Trndo and Mill; enst front, ono of tho best building 8pota in Snlom; now housca ou each aldo of theso lots; prlco $400 each or $750 for tho two 'ota. 65 aorea timber land nt West Stayton, ' Tho'beat anap In Yow Park for $2500 nu iuu uii aiuiu oiruoi, oou eucil. Threo lotB on Forry stroot, $300 ench. Two lots, Twenty-fourth and Contor atroota, $200 each. E. LUTON, 6-i8-m 1073 Stato Street. ll'f.l?lll,"t ti" ianiaiiiiianiaiai REAL ESTATE $600040 acres, about 30 ncres beaver dam. 5 acres in onions- ' can be irrigated except 5 acres. Adjoining town of 2000 pooplo. Torms. $5000 Fine suburban homo noar Chemawa; 10 acres choicest garden land, 200 npplo trees about 10 years old. Baldwins and. Bon Davis; about 60 cherry trees, 20 over 15 years ' old. Three-fourths acre Italian prunes about 15 years old somo Bartlett pears; 2 acres bearing strawberries; ono aero red raspberries, 1 aero black caps. $6000, 00, acres" on OregonElectrlc. near Waconda station- 15 acres lp hops, Ity acrea flnq family orchard, bearing, bal ance under cultivation. Good 9-room houso. good barn .36x80. hop houao 24x88. two good wolls. Improvements wtirth $3000. $450 Flno lot. eaat front. 50x140. $1500 Good 7-room house, .test modern dwelling, closo In, 11 rooma. lot 100x178: w f'-ult on plce. gj trn and buggy shod. A fine ' Investment: closo In. ,MEYER & BELLE LAND COMPANY ;; WTSTArhST. ;; lfi...t,,tT(t1tttmtttttt)t)ttt unnniaiaia!: A Scalded Dors Shrieks, horrified Ills grandmothor, MrB. Maria Taylor, of Nebo, Ky., who writes that, when all .thought ho would dlo, Ducklon's Arnica Salvo wholly cured him. Infallible for Durns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Wounds, Drulses, Cures Fever Sores, Dolls, b,.ln Eruptions, Chilblains, Chapped Hands. Soon routs Piles. 25c nt J. O. Perry's. o Tho ovldenco shows Spreckles has paid Honey's expensos, $23,000 in money, and given his partner $16, 000. And yet Mr. Heney is work ing for "patriotism." Young Girls Aro Victims of hondacho, ns well as oldor wo mon but all get quick rellot and prompt cure from Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills, tho world's best romedy for sick and nervous headaches. Thoy mako pure blood, and strong nerves and build up your health. Try thorn. 25c at J. O. Perry's. H0LU8rn S ftocky Mountain Toa Mujjgeis A Bnir Medicine fot Hat Poopla. Bru&t OjIUs Health and Honswed Vigor. A rtxvlflo fi rCnnstlpnllnn. ImllptHtlon. I.lvo n Kidney Troulilci". i'lmplr. Ue-cmn, Impui Plfxxl, DaiI llronlh. hlncelali tlowels, Hentlacl nml llAokncho. Iff) Itoeky Monntalii Ten In tab irt fonn. 33 rmiH iv lox Otn.:lno mud by UiLLiiTen V" -o Cuiuuxr, Mtuliwn, Wl. nriLDEN flliGQETS FOli SALLOW PEOPLE FOR SALE. Farm. Ono of tho bos' farms In tho valley, 150 acres; $50 por acre. Don't ovorlook this snap. 258 Acros Rich River IJottom Land. 190 ncres undor cultivation, finest fruit, grain or walnut land. Very best rich loam soil, $70 per aero; would bo choap nt $160. 1-18-Acro Dnlry Farm. Good land und largo barn, will stall 30 cows, 8 horses; 7 miles from Salem on good rond. Mirny Choice Fruit Tracts. 5, 10, 20, 40, CO and 80 acres; 00 acros Waldo Hills, woll Improved; very host of soil, 0 mlloa. Snap. 10 Acrea, . 40 acros on beautiful Howell Prai rie. 20 Acres. 20 acros near Llborty In crop, host of cherry or pruno land; $100 por ncro. Jt-Acro Simp. 3 ncros of cholco land and location, JuBt outBldo of tho city, Improved with a good 5-room plattorod houso, bnsomont, concroto founda tion, good barn, bearing fruit, running wntor nil year, $1000. House and vacant Lota. Sold on Inotallmonts. Why pay ront? Iluy now boforo prices ndvanco. Cholco lota on beautiful Fair mount Park, $250, after Jiuno 1 will bo ndvnnccd to $350 and up Now 7-Room Ilouset, 2 Loto. $300 down, balanco tlmo; snnp. 5-room houso, $100 down, balanco tlmo. Modorn houso, closo In, $2000. Another Flno Placo. 7-room houso, hard finished, fruit, flowora, lawn, flno location, $2000, worth moro. Modern 8-Room House. In a swell location, for a fow days only at $2750, worth $3500. Several Good HusIncHS Cluuices. For anything In real ostato, call on Hcclitel & MInton, Rooma 7-8, Bayno Dldg. 341 Stato St Hoys Will Do noyn nnd nro always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, bruises, bumps, burns or Bcalds. Don't neglect such things thoy may result sorlous if you do Apply Bailor "s Snow Llnlmont ac cording to directions right away nnd It will rollovo tho pain and honl tho trouble. Prlco 25c, 50a and $1.00. Soul . all Doaiors. o . Without tin nowapapors and tho if you dosro a clear comploxlon tako Foloy'a Orlno Laxatlvo for con- stipntion and Hvor troublo na It will Btlmulato theso organs a'nd thor- oughly cioanso your systom. which la what ovoryono noeda In tho enrlnc 'in order to feel woll. J. C, Perry. -o '-L 'baluVbffitt rip?" BPW' p Children Cry FOK FLETCHER'S i l OASTO R I A front, tnaldo proporty. lot 45x S Hoarsonoss, broncnitra and othor throat troubles aro quickly cured by Foley's Honor and Tar as It soothes and hoals tho Inflamed throat and bronchial tubes and tho most obstlnato coUgh disappears. Insist upon having tho gonulno Fo ley's Honoy and Tar. J. C. Perry, o You can waste a good deal of monoy on advertising, but Tho Jour nal brings business, and good for' tuno in any lino of business, WitECK Is tho only fit description for tho man or woman who is crlpplod "with rheumatism. Just a few rhoumatla twinges may bo tho fororunnor of a sovero attack stop tho troublo at tho start with Ballard's Snow Llnl mont. Cures tno rheumatism and all pain Prico 26c, 50c and 1 rig, Sold by all doalorc. ;fl FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. X Sirt, Ctmi Itiuir forBorswtnWintTinjnc, fclYtl. KNOiVN TO Mil. & """J Birijl BUi; Mil on Uranir4 fr Juvotr RtraiutaL 8flt rr?Pti r. r (.00wr bo. Will tcnl ihtm on tiltJ.tob ttJ tj hfcfttliomifotlypijrerdrri tatb UNITED MCOICL CO., 0 T4. Uno1TI. Pa. ZvSgZZM -I'M in Salem bv Or 5. C. St Newport Lots FOR SALE $50 to $300v choice locations Double In vnluo onch. year. Easy torms and most doslrnblo location. No whoro In tho stato of Oregon is proporty increasing as fast in vnluo ns In Newport. For full Information call or write C.E. SHEPflELD Newport. Oregon. LINCOLN COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE Sovon and ono-hnlf acres of upland bordering on doop wntor slough on Ynqulnn Bay; all good land. Prlco $450. Forty acres, half way botweon Now- port, Or., nnd Toledo, Or., on coun ty rond; ono and a half acres clear ed with shanty on It; considerable bottom land; gcod aldor and vino mnplo on land. Prlco $700. Good lovol lot on South Bench oppo slto Newport, Or. prlco $76. - Lot 9, block 40, nt Seal Rocks, Or.; flno vlow of oconn, good lovol lot. Prlco $100. Sovonty-olght ncros nonr Pioneer, Or., m all nlongsldo R. R. track; botwoon sovon nnd eight acros of bottom land on It Is clourod; forty good bearing applo treos; good stone qunrry on land nonr It, R. Price $1800. Two-acro oystor bod at Oyster Oltv, on Ynuqlnn Bay; with this goes half ncro upland lots. Prlco $r00. Ton-room houso, 30x4U rent In zo nnd block of land, on Nyr Creole nnd Olsonvlllo BldownlU, houso Is In flno condition; good woodshed nnd goad-wntor; this Is a flno prop osltlon for a summer boarding and rooming house, as woll ns u por mnnout homo. Prlco $3300. J. O. OLSSON, Newport, Or. Inquire nt Journal Olllce. CHOICE RANCHES AND TIM 'BERIANDSJN LINCOLN --' VCOUNTY. 180 ncreaf 4 'mllos from Newport, qr Toledo. on mala county rond, 40 ncrea levol, 30 ncres undor plow, bottom land, sandy upland, black soil, 10 acres timber, 1-30 ncres pnsturo. Now houso, 14x24, ol 14x24, 7 rooms, two barns, 40x 40 and 38x50, woodshod 14x24, 4 horses, 28 head snoop, 22 hond cattlo, 9 milk cows, 4 holfors, 9 steers, with all far mlmplemonta, wagon, buckbo::rd, otc. Prico $0500. 160 ncros of timber In tho SIlotK reservation, near tho conat. oati ated as follews: 3,000,000 foot homlock, 2,000,000 spruce, 2. 000.000 cedar, all of No. l anal. ity, at $4400. 160 acros of timbor, ono-half mllo from tho Sllotx river, estimated as follews: 6,000,000 spruce, 1,- 000,000 hemlock; $5000. 160 acres timber on tho Slletr, near coast, 10 miles from Newport, es timated as follews: 4,000,000 Jwmlock, 2.000,000 spruce, 2, 000,000 cedar; $4600. 160 acres 4 miles from Newport, 10 acres under plow, young or chnrd 40 to 50 troos. good 6-room house 24x30, -roodshed 12x14, root house 12x16, warehouse llrV 14, split board barn 40x50. 3.- 000,000 fir, 1,000,000 alder tim ber, fir timber mostly second growth; $2760. 160, acres unimproved land, 5 miles from .ewport; partly covered with t,ntor; No. 1 fruit and grazing . L W.WILLIAMS, Newport, Or. For Information innuire at Journal office. THE LONG-HEWITT REALTY COMPANY Ileal Estato Agents. Farm and City Property, uigni treatment to all. Room 3. Bayno Building, phone 725. oaiem, or. 'LSI inf HH(iCial !ftWV-l yi ,. -"-- - wir rrc t,v$tstmm tuammm yrmmrnxK w