mnammmg BAILS OAVITAL JOURNAL, SAZJIft, OfWOON; FIUDAY, MAY 21 1009. A' U t y. BIG SACRIFICE SALE . -. SHOES . to'. r MHMIMeMW T1 i v.4 l n Rf Ef I, II.' 1 OLD MILL OFFICE BURNED Tho flro ilopnrtinont wiib culled this nuirnliijr about 0 o'clock to tho homo ti Ad iiui Froliinador on North Front Btroot and whon tho flro flfihtors nr rlvod thoy found tho roof of tho bulldlnK In n muss of flnmos. Tho chutnlcnl onRlno watt tho first on tho Rrounda nnd hold tho flamoa In vhuolc for (v tlino until tho onglno arrived and two HtnmniH of water woro played on tho conflHKrntlou. Many wIIIIiik hands were tho inoaim or hiivIiik nioHl of tho furnlturo and other conlontH of tho bulldlnK, tho men nnd boyii stripping tho pluco of furulHhlnKa In n vory Bhort tlnio. Tho flro aiiuIho did effective work on tho blaxliiK Htructure, but before tho flumes could bo Rot under control tho outlro roof wan burned nearly off, and iho upper portion of tho bululliiK waa ruined. Tho flro vaiiKht from a defective flue It Is uuppoHod, and tho bIiIukIos on tho roof bo I nj; porfootly dry, tho flames soon spread ovor tho bulldlnK. and had It not boon for quick action by tho flro department tho place would have been laid In nHhos Tho hotiHo atood on tho property of tho Halem KlourliiK Jtllls near Miu cruolc on North Front atreet and had at ono time bcon tho ottlco of tho bltt brlcH iiiIIIh which are now In rulna n ahurt Ulstuiicu from the houao burned thla mornluK- Tho mill property Ih evidently doomed to comploto deatructlon. Not long ago tho Iotko woodon division of tho iiiIIIh waa burned to tho (round with many pounds of flax In It, and ahort ly afterword tho lower building con taining tho water wheel ibd power for tho mills waa burned, and then tho Init section of tho ono-tliuo larg est mill In tho atato was swept to tho ground by flro. This last atructuro was nmdo of brick and wua u valu ably ploqp of property. Tho lower tfoor of tho old brick mills waa CQVtirod with dry flax belongliiK to Mr; Hos3o. tho flax mill man, at tho time It caught flro. STOPS PALLING hHA)R Ayer's Ifklr Vigor U competed of sulphur, glycerin, cpilnln, lodlnm chlorW,,cpU ohm, uie, akofcol, wUr, and perfume. Not a single Injurious Ingredient rf this Hst. Atfc yowr doctor if this U hot so. Follow hit advice. A kslr food, a hifcr tonic, nMkiktulmg. -Promptly check filling hk. Completely 'stetroys all dandruff. DOES NOT COLOR THE HAIR ? itii UttteiyT. iii siaiaHWWWHMMmswsaniWB 1 WRESTLING Eddie O'Connell Middleweight ClmmplonshlPi Grand Opora House, Sa lem, Oregon, Friday. May 21 Last match of the season, Box office opens Friday morn- FOR MEN, 7 DAYS 7 BEGINNING SHOES ALMOST GIVEN AWAY-We are going to attended sale ever held in Salem if we have to MEN'S SHOES will bo cut so low that they will sell, They will be reduced regardless of cost. If you will be In need of shoes any time this summer you cannot afford to over look jihis opportunity to buy at sacrifice prices, Boys, Misses' and Children's Shoes at PUBLICITY THROUGH THE HOME NEWSPAPER Tho Halem Hoard of Traao through Ita publicity commltteo hna arranged to Bend out a copy of this paper to every poraon who Avrltea to tho Hoard of Trade for Information about Salem nnd vicinity. Any ono contracting for ndvortlulng npneo In thla papor by tho month will got tho bonoflt of this circulation In addition to tho rogtilar circulation of Tho Capital Journal, Thla Is vory Important to real estate ndvortlBors, ns thoy will bo suro to reach In ndvanco of tho homeaeoker's arrival tho vory pcoplo who aro com ing horo t olocnto. Ilomoinbor and get your lurce ads Into tho Saturday Capital Journal. MIKE M'CARTHY HURT BY RUNAWAY TEAM A bnd runaway occurred botwoon the asylum and poultentlnry this morning, whon a largo team belong ing to Choaloy Italph, a toamster working on tho railroad spur which la bolng luld botwoon tho two Insti tutions, suddenly bocamo frlghtonod, nnd run away, with Mlko McCarthy, foreman of tho gang working on tho road, hangftis to tho two frlghtonod animals' brldloa. McCarthy was standing In front of tho horses whon they started to run, and ho caught them by tho heads with tho Intontlon of .stopping thorn, but was dragged along for nearly throo blocks before ho lot ko, sustaining a fractured shoulder blndo and a broken arm In tho mlxup. Tho nmbulanco was called ns Boon ns posalblo, and tho Injured man taken to tho Salem Hospital, whoro Dr. W. II. Hyrd dressod his wounds. Tho horses that caused tho troublo were, of course, not hurt, GEORGE H0Yf0F JEFFERSON DIES AT PORTLAND Word was received by friends In this city of tho death at a Portland hospital of George Hoy"f, a proiulnont cltlien and well known rosldent of Jefferson, which occurred thla morn ing. Ho has been 111 for four or five months and was attondod by his wife, who was a daughter of Hon. Chas. Miller. Ho loaves n son about 17 yourH old, Tho iunoru) will bo held from the late home of deceased at Joffurson Sunday ut 8 p, m. M vs. Dan Sullivan WOMEN AND SAT., MAY 22 WATCH FOR THE 444 STATE ST. Notico of Intention to Improvo n Portion of Fvrry Street. Notico Is hereby glvon tbnt tub Common Council of tho City of Sa eom, Orogon dooms It expedient to Improvo, and proposes to Improvo, at tho oxponso df abutting and adja cent property, Ferry street In said city, full width from curb to curb, with Wnrroa Brothers' Dltulltblc Wntorproof Pavomont, firoin flio oast lino of Front street to tho West curb lino of Liberty street, excepting that portion of said Forry street which is Intorsoctcd by Cornraorclal Btroot and excepting a strip olght foot In width extending along tho contor of tho proposed Improvement which Is to rocolvo tho street railway track of tho Portland, Eugene & Eastorn Hull way Company, and excoptlng a strip hovou foot In width which 1b t oro cotve n switch track of tho Portland Hallway, Light & Power Company, and which shall oxtond from tho -alloy running through block 3D In tho City of Snlotn, Orogon, to conno't with tho snld Btroot railway track of tho Portland, Eugene & Eastorn Hallway Compnny, as shown In the plan. Snld Improvomont shall bo made Not m. ft It 1 1 ..' . Vi 5 i SALEM SH0l7 Prices to m M BLUE!?SIGNS 442 PHONE In accordanco with tho plans and specifications adopted by tho Com mon Council of Bald city on tho 17th day of May, 1909, and which aro horoby referred to and mndo a part of this notice. Dnto of tho first publication of this notico May 18, 1909. Dy ordor of tho common council. W. A. MOORES. C-lS-lltt-dly City Recorder. Notico of Intention to Improvo Portion of Winter Street. Notico la horcby glvon that the Common Council of tho City of Sa eom, Oregon, dooms It expcdlont to Improvo, and proposos to Improvo, at tho xoneo of abutting and adjacont property, Winter street, In tho City of Salem, Orogon, from tho south lino of Stato stroot to a point within 1 ',!i foot of tho north rail of tho rail road track of tho Southorn Pacific Co., whoro It crosses said Wlntor atreet at tho Intersection of Wlntor nnd Trado strcots. Tho roadway of said portion of Bald Btroot shall bo Improved tho full width from curb to curb by gradlnc tho snuio and plac ing thoroon u crushed rock Improvo mont tho full width from curb to Only isn't enough that a in the TAILORED SUITS Hang well in the back. j.hey are not cut to save cloth. Enough material is used to suit the requirements of fashion to use a tailor's expres sion "they are perfectly balanced." Prices $10.00 to $35.00 M .',? WOOLEN MILL CHILDREN make this the largest giv.e shoes away. LADIES' SHOES Our entire stock of ladies' shoes will 9 be cleared out at unheard-of prices, All new styles, A lot of new styles just arrived will be thrown Into this sale, ' g Make Them Sell curb, Including tho full Intersection of Forry strcot whoro It lntorsocts Winter stroot on tho west sldo of said Wlntor street. Tho jntorsectlon of Wlntor nnd Trado streets from the north lino of Trado strcot to a point 1 Vi fcot of tho north rail of tho rall road track of tho Southorn Pacific Co., shall bo Improved for a width of 29 Mi foot on both sides of tho contor lino of said Wlntor stroot excepting herefrom, howovor, a strip 7 fcot In width extending full longth of tho pro posed Improvement to bo occupied by tho otrcot railway track of tho Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., nnd Improved by said company. Curb lines shall bo established and said stroot shall bo Improved In ev ery rospect In accordanco with tho plans and specifications adopted thorofor by tho common council and on flio lu tho ofllco of tho city re corder. Remonstrances may bo filed against enld Improvomont In tho man nor und within tho tlruo provided In tho charter of said city. Dato of tho first publication of this notico May 11, 1909. Hy ordor of tho Common Council. W. A. MOORES. G-lB-llt City Recorder. the Front suit should look front READY - v4v,V. lh . J 3 t "I 7 at Oricej: f? m j -. A rner, 31300 Record' 2: 1791. ' Full brother to Con Dorby, 2:04)4; Dorbertba,. 2:079i ; Diablo, 2:09)4; Domonlo,. 2:11; Ed Lafforty, 2:16, an, others. Dy Chas. Dorby, 4007, sire of S bottor than 2:10, dam Bortha by Alcattra, dam of 4 bottor than 2:10,. and flvo othora. WInnor of first promlum at Sa lem horso Bhow. For fitan'ird stallions season of 1909 at Fau Ground and Club Bta blos. Foe, J2C.00 for season, 135.00 to Insure O. B. SIMPSON,. 4-8-tf Fairground, Ore. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA well 'iB .1 I- t. ; f .J i t ", w .v v v -: J. i. STORE - M1 Ing. Sots $1,00 and $1,00