JffIC - -r vw . y Halt t laumal i v . "C JMHP5MnU&S Igfgpsl ELU.UM JUiLUiLLl eTCT VOL.XEC. DAILY OAl'ITAJj JOUKNAL, oaLUM, OIIEGON, PllIDAY, MAY 2i, 1000. NO. 104. WATER COMMUTE E FAVORS CALHOUN CASE GROWS LIVELY- ATTORNEY SAYS WITNESS LIES LIKE A DOG WITNESS SHAKES FIST UNDER ATTORNEY'S NOSE-LAWYERS GET IN A ROW AND THE PRESIDING JUDGE LOSES HIS TEMPER AND JOINS IN THE 'ROW "WIAV pa wmj PSlinnJ San Francisco, May 21. Dotying counsol for tho uofonso to provo that lio lied, Dotcctlvo Jamos Holms, star wltuoss (or tho prosecution, threw tho Calhoun trial Into an uproar to day by leaving tho wltuoss stand and shaking his fist In tho faco of Attor ney Stanley Mooro. Shortly after Holms had been put upon tho Btand for cross-examination, ho said: "Stanley Mooro told mo that I had dono tho best work ever dono for tho United KUllroads In following that Burns." "Don't you know that you aro ly ing llko a dog?" passlonatoly ex claimed Mooro. "I am not, and I daro you to provo that I am," roturncd tho witness, leaving tho chair and starting for tho attornoy. As soon ns tho bolllgoronts woro qulotcd by tho court, Honey suggest ed: "As tho witness has bcon charged with porjiury, I suggost that ho bo prosecuted. Mr. Langdon Is horo, and I am euro that ho will bo willing to allow Attornoy Earl Rogers to bo appointed a apodal prosecutor In tho caso." A. A. Mooro, who had arisen, turned his back to Honoy and eajd: "May Ood holp ub It wo over havo to nsk aft from tho district attor ney's ofllco." Then Attornoy Dyington, of tho doronso, added a half-audible re mark, which Judgo Lawlor Interpret ed as an InBiilt to tho court, and warned tho lawyer that such conduct would not bo tolcratod. Tho combatant attorneys, having beotn quieted, and tho wltnoss having roturncd to his sent, ho continued his story. "Since my arrival hore J havo boon constantly shadowed liv itntor.tlvcs. whom I think aro In tho employ oti tho United Railroad!." ) Earl Itogora horo Intorposed an objection, and tho court asked Honoy what tho rolovnncy of tho statement was. "Wo want to show," Bald Honor, "that thoro wns an nttompt mado to bribo this witness not to testify." Tho objoclon was overruled. Holms, continuing, snld: "I wns called unon tho tolonhono by nn attornoy namoJ O'Nell. Ho bo- Ran to toll mo Hint I could not got tho money I wanted. I replied that I hnd novor nsttod for any monoy, nnd did not wnnt any from him. "Again I was called up from tho oluco of Attorneys Campbell, Mntson nnd Drew, nnd told that I could not get that monoy. I ropllcd tho aamo as before" "Hut did you kffow," intorposed rtogors, "that thoro was a grnpho phono nttnehed to that tolophono, nnd thnt everything you snld was re corded?" "Yo, I did know," shoutod tho witness, "nnd you did not trap mo." Holms then told of a conversation with Wllllnm M. Abbott, of tho de fendant's counsel. In which ho nl lcgod Abbott said: "Somo ono ought to Bhoot that Honoy." Helms then told of having sent away tho tnnn ho had shadowing Hums under tho instructions of Ab bott, and raid that ho had beon ad vised to get under cover. Then followed HolmB' charges against Stnnloy Mooro, and Mooro's ccninter-chnrgo of porjury. Holms , f 'llliaf llllllllllif llll9lllHI'ltHllff lUHUy Before You Do Your Buying Go to tho othor stores and got tholr prices, thon como to tho CHICAGO STORE nnd boo tho monoy wo can snvo you. It is tho high-class quality of our goods and tho low. prices that we nsk thnt million tho CHICAGO STORE grow 'aster thnn any othor storo on tho-Faclf'o Coaflt Iloforo moving Into our now storo wo will give you prices on nil articles that will surprlso you. 1000 LATEST STYLES MILLINERY Now soiling nt about half what you havo to pay olsowhoro. Wo can afford to soil Hats, Flowers, Foath ors, otc, nt small profits becauso wo do tho volumo of buulncss. No long prices horo, Quick sales nnd smnll profits is our motto. Como horo and get your monoy's worth. Trimmed Hats Now selling for $1.50, $1.95, $2.50 and up THOUSANDS OK YARDS OF THE LATEST STYLES I.V li Fine Silk and Dress Goods . . Now on (llHjiluy nt prices tlmt will keep you traveling for it long tlmo before you can boat them. Wo will movo this department soon BREITENBUSH FINDS THE LITTLE NORTH FORK IMPREGNATED WITH COPPER llurgaln 1'rlccs on Shirt Waists 1000 Ladles 8hlrt Waists now on sale, nil hnndsomo ly tr.mmed and tailor mndo. Wo are giving the vnluos. . 95c Waists now 4 Do $1.50 Waists now 98c 1. EO Tnilor-niado Wnlsts now 98c IG.00 Net Wnlsls now 2.90 And so along tho lino. w& it u IP Wonderful llargalns in Ladies' Suits Wo aro now showing a grand assortment of the latest styles In Ladles' Wool Silk, Linen and Duck Suits. All colers: 1909 no west models. This Is the placo for bargains. ?18 Wool Suits now only $ 0.50 125 Wool Suits now only 812.60 Princess Silk Suits... $ 0.S0 Duck Suits ........9 3.30 Wo nro offering tho great est values in Salem In flno high nnd low SHOES 3.00 and $2.75 low-cut shoes In all tho latest styles, patent, vied tan, wlno, gun metal, etc., now only $1,05 pair. $2. SO high shoea $1.10 nnd up. Ladies' .5c . Hdkfs, now only 2c m twwB; sVfe-tJi "--' - - .aa MM rotusod to repeat the nam wklek young looro hnd called Durns. Ho was excused temporarily by Honoy, but will bo called again tomorrow. William A. Draco, a notary public, tostlned that Holms had brought riatt to his otneo, nnd that Piatt had sworn to an nflldavlt,. tho papor In question Is tho ono, In wlflch It Is al leged Piatt stated that ho was not em ployed by tho United Railroads, Holms claiming (hut it wag false. Attornoy Cobb, Honoy's law part nor.tcstlftod that tho $25,000 Sprock los agreed to pay him wns for hlm- solf alono. Ho said neither Honoy, nor any oiner person, was to got any part of it. SILVERTON STUDENTS WENT OUT ON STRIKE f United I'rei laird Vlr.1 Sllvorton, Or., May 21. As If tho students hnd not thrown down tholr books In nngor nnd filed out of tho building on n strike rather than boo nlno of tholr niumboro sttspondod for engaging in n class rush, tho local high school opened today with a full attundnnco and no dlsordor. Following a class rush recently. nlno studonts woro ordorod suspond- oti uy iwo momtrars or tho school board. Principal W. L. Ray refused to recognlzo tho ordor, advising tho studonts to romaln nt tholr studios. Tho board Insisted ngaln yostorday thnt tho students bo dismissed. Rath er than causo Principal Ray any om barrnssmont, tho nlno young mon decided to quit school nt tho noon ro cess. Whon thoy did thoy woro fol lowed by ovory student In tho Insti tution. Principal Rny nppenled to Coun ty Superintendent Smith, at Salem, who decided against tho board mom born, and told tho students that thoy may rcuirn to school today, without fearing any furthor I rouble. . CONVTCTED OF MURDER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (United Prtti Leased Wlrivl Jackson, Miss., May 21. Thomas Atkinson, who, nftor 20 years of ox omplary conduct as a farmer, has boor, ldontlflod no a murderor, con victed 25 years ago, Is barricaded in tho woods today, and Is holding a posao at Tiny. Atkinson had many frlonds horo during tho scoro of years whon ho lived qulotly as a law-abiding cltl- xon, and In that tlmo no cbargo of misconduct of any kind was brought against him. It Is boliovod that ho will commit suicide if tho posse closes in on blm, as his frlondn do not think ho would over submit to being captured allvo. Tho conviction still stnnds against him, though thoro would bo llltlo probability of tho death penalty bo ing exacted. Ho mado his escape af ter ho was found guilty, LITTLlT BIRL IS INJURED THREE ALDERMEN AND TWO CITY ENGINEERS RETURN FROM SANTIAM WILL SUBMIT A VERBAL REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL MONDAY NIGHT- FORMAL REPORT OF THE EXPERTS WILL COME LATER zr?4 -l iS-ft fyGfiE '(J Salem, Oregon The Store That Saves Yo Money WIHHHHMf !! llllilllitlf IIUKtiUH nn lj 45c Russian Net Veiling now only yard 25c Frances, tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dick, who was so bad ly hurt yostorday, is in such condition today that tho .doctors have groat hopes of her -recovery. The accident frss one of those unfdttunato affairs that seem unavoidable. Mrs. Edward Cross, who was very fond of tho llttin ono, had taken her out buggy riding anu wimoui any apparent causo tho horso kicked, striking the little girl in the forehead and crushing tho bono. Sho was at onco tnken to tho Salem hospital where Drs. F. W. Smith and W. II. Uyrd performed an operation removing several rpllnters of bone. Sho did not loso conscious ness after tno accident until given an anaesthetic before tho operation. Sho seeiris strong this morning from tho doctors' viewpoint and has a vory fair ohapco of quickly recovering, her ago und growing condition being a vary favorable factor in injuries of the! kind. ! o Mrs. D. IL Avery, of Eugene. Tho mountain water committee of tho Snlom city council hns returned from Ub trip to tno Drelteubush nnd Gold Crook mines to look Into tho sources of water Bupply for the city and ntato Institutions, Tho commit tee consisting of Aldormon Elliott, Eldrldgo nnd Alillnrd, nnd Engineers Culver und Cunnlnghnm representing tho city of Salem loft Sunday morn ing and went through to Ontos, und Monday morning crossed tho inouii tains to tho Little North Fork of tho Santlnm and wont up to tho Gold Creek mines, whoro they stnyed ovor night. Tho ride ovor tho mountains wns In J I i(t Church'H four-mule tully ho and wns very exciting. Tho com mittee and unglnoors wont to tho headwaters and explored tho mines nnd the wntors flowing from thorn Into tho Llttlo North Fork, and found them strongly impregnated. with cop por solution, rendering that stream unfit for n sourco of water supply. Hut for tho initios it would bo an Ideal stream to tnko wator from. Copper Holul Ion I'olnotinmi, Tho commlttoo is unanimous thnt tho mlnos nnd tho proposed Btnoltor will mnko tho stream unavailable for any future water supply, nnd In fact tho mon working in tno mlnos show tho poisonous effect of tho wator by having sores on tho backs of tholr hands from working in it. It Is tho opinions of tho minors that tho nt renin will be worso nlfoctod In future than nt present. Tho com mlttoo found n good road Into tho Gold Crook mining district nil but tho last three and a half miles, which id bolng built. In nil thoro aro 100 mon working In tho mlnos, and tho rond Is being pushod through at tho rato of 200 foot por day. Up tho HrelteubuMi, Wednesday tho commlttoo went up to Detroit, nnd on Thursday wont up tho llreltonbush no far b Froncb creek, nnd found two good, places for tho lutnko and n puro supply of mountain wnter right fresh and cold out of tho ovorhutlng snows of tho forest reserve. Chairman Elliott and Engineer. Cunningham wnlkod down tho cnnyoV frofifbo point whoro tho Dreltonbush flowB Into tho Santlam 12 mllpa to Niagara. It is n rooky wallod canyon, but by laying tho plpo lino about 30 feet up tho mountain side It can bo brought through tho canyon very easily. Millard and Cul ver went ovor tho ridge nnd up tho Ureltoubush to tho hot springs about 12 r I'es and did not roturn with, tho ).. rty. Tho committee Is mmnl mo u a for the DroltonhtiHh tin u sourco of supply nnd will make n verbal ro port to tho council Monday night, ThU will bo followed by n moro formal roport from tho engineers ropresontlng tho city. Tlio noxt stop will bo adoption of tholr report, nnd thon tho wholo question will bo sub mitted to tho pcoplo. Tho throo np prulsera who nro to ascertain tho vnluo of tho wator company's plant at Salem nro working on tholr rohort EXCESSIVE TAXATION ANGERS THE ITALIANS Lisbon, May 21. At tho urgent appeal of his advisers, King Mniluol today Is considering plans for a di vision of tho existing systom of tax ation, n an. effort to lift tho heavy flnauclul burdons o his subjects. A change Is domandod by tho pooplo, and It Is tho belief of many of tho king's advisers that nt least a reduc tion oT tho civil list Is nocossary to prevent an uprising. Conditions that have beon offoctlvo In squeezing from tho pooplo tho lost ponny possiblo oxlst. Tho bankors, who finance both tho state and tho civil lists, havo been granted oppres sive monopolies, and tho popular fcol ing against thorn Is Intense Custom duties, which nro assessed between provinces, and at city and villago boundaries, aro so great as to ox cludo extensive international com merce, Ono of the most irritating drains to tho taxpayer, however, is tho as sessment for tho oupport of tho queen raothor nnd too quoon grand- niotnor, Maria Fia, notlv womon are foreigners. Which holahtona tha dli. satisfaction. The quean graudmoth or is particularly lavish, and main tains uovoral palaces. She demands the last cent of her rights, and the blttorness she has engendered among tho people Is regarded as a serious inonaco to the dynasty, BROWNIE WEST BROKE HIS ONLY GOOD LEG Lloyd West, hotter known as Ilrownlo. aged about 1C, was wrest ling last night and sustained n fall with two boys on top of him that UrOKO 1118 OIllV tOOll Iltl?. Ha hnn I been crippled In Ono leg, and yet is is t very active, tta is sucroi SERMON FOR HIGH SCHOOL AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sormon for tho high school tonight nt 8 o'clock at tho mammoth gospol tnberunclo, Fifteenth nnd Stnto streets, by Dr. Mcluturff, on "Llfo," Thoro will be n great chlldron's mooting thoro at 3 p. tu. Saturday, led by Mrs. Melnturff. Sho is a splendid worker among tho chlldron. Those meetings in tho tent aro greatly increasing In intorost nnd tho city Is being bo moved that tho First llaptlst' church, pastor and officials, havo tendered the use of tholr splon dld church building to Dr. Melnturff and his workers for this grout moot ing. Many nro bolng snvod. o- J Visiting frleadi and- rola.tiyo In this deal of pafn but will como through w 1W.JI. UUt. I'lenty of Own! Hout Loft for tho wrestling match at tho opora houso tonight. 8TEBW5, At tho fau,y ro,denco noar Turner, Wednosday ovonlng, May 10. 1000, Mrs. Roboccto Stoelo, need 75 yonrB, Mrs. Steolo WAS flmf mnrrla1 tit 8amuel May, secrotary of stato, many years ago, when tho sUto capltol was the prosont Journal cornor. Sho was at ono tlmo county president of the W. C. T. U. Tho funeral will bo hold from tho family homo noar Turner Saturday nt IT: 30, conducted by Iter. V. S. Knight. Intormont In Turner" cometory. DIED, OBIOENTOSCII At tho family homo 1136 N. 17th Btreot, Englewood addition to Salem, rOogon, Thurs day, May 20. 1900, Mrs. Louisa Gelgontosch, aged 80 yoars. of heart failure. Deceased was tho wifo of Henry Go'gontosch, who survives her. Tho funeral will bo held from tho homo Saturday afternon at 2 p. m., Tier. Mr. IllQdgett officiating. Tho Inter ment w'll bo made at Lea Mission ennotory,