DAILk CAPITAL JOimXAJb, BALSM, OMMOK, THURSDAY, MAY 90, l6ft. Let the Coal Fire Go Out At the first sur- gestionof summer weather let the range fire die out, set a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove' in a corner of the kitchen, and at once the family boiling;, frying and bak ing may be dono with comfort, because the "New Perfection" de livers the heat under tho kettle and not about the room. Another convenience of the NEW PERFECTION rick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove js its CABINET TOP a featuro found in no other oil stove. Presents the appearance of a steel range. Fine for holding dishes for keeping meals hot after they are cooked for warming plates and for keeping towels handy. Made in three sizes with or without Cabinet Top as desired. At your dealer s or write our nearest agency. aaw The tudy mellow, i elves n most agree able light for read- in p. tewing or , itronsr. contlnuoui. ! No better lamp is made for every household use. It not At I your dealer's, vtrlte our hearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) BI6 BILL SAYS AUTO ISJJENTLE Was Thinking of Giving it 'to the Old Ladies' Home. Wll iilmiii8tflti8lltflf 8ttf ! SALEM BREWERY I ASSOCIATION Beer Sold in Carload Lots. Shipments in Kegs or Bot tled. Beer to any Point on the Pacific Coast : : : : 11 Brewing Plant and Offices i On Trade St,, in Wholcsolo District Salem, Oregon 5 :: Summer Rates East I DUKING THE SEASON 1000 via tho SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. FROM SALEM To OMAHA and return $61,65 To KANSAS CITY and return. J: $61.65 To ST, LOUIS and return .- $69,15 To CHICAGO and retur, $74,15 nnd to other principal cities In the East, Mlddlo West and South. Correspondingly low fares. ON SALE JUNE C, 3; JULY 2, 3; AUGUST 11, 12 To DENVER and return - $56,65 On Sale Mujr 17, July 1, August 11 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit October 31st. These tickets present some very attractive features In the way of stopover privileges and cholco of routes; thereby enabling passen gers to make side trips to runny Interesting points en route. Routing on tho return trip through California may be bad at a slight advance over tho ratos" quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be fur nished by any Southern Pacific local agent, or AVM. McMURRAY, GcHcnd PasseBger Agent, Portland, Oregon. jUiiiiiiii ii '''" a111 (United Prrt Leaned Wlr.l New York, May 20. Tho $100, 000 country homo of Dig Dill Dovory, formor chief of pollco of Now York, Is posted today as surety for $100 ball, on which his chauffeur, John Drunnoll, Is at liberty awaiting trial on a chargo of breakng tho speed laws. Dovory appeared In tho pollco court when Drunnoll was arrostod. Tho big fellow roared with Indigna tion when ho heard tho chargo against his mahout, and exclaimed: "Why, I'll give that old sausago mill to anyono who can put ambi tion Into It to mako 30" mites an hour. Fourteen I tho best It can do, and that's a mllo within tho limit. You don't catch old Dill Dovory taking any chances. "Yes, sir, your honor, that cart Is as docllo as a donkoy. I'vo been thinking of donating It to tho Old Ladles' Home." Tho magistrate smiled ns ho hold Drunnoll In $100 ball to appear bo foro tho court of special sessions. PARROTS SWEAR IN J5PANISH Battleship Colorado Has 400 of the Profane Birds. l United Press Lied Wlre.1 San Francisco, May 20. Visitors today to tho United States r.rmoroa cruiser Colorado avor that If It woro not for tho distinguished Stars and Stripes that float from tho halyards It would bo hard to toll whothor o not tho big warship was mnnnod by English-speaking jackles or Span lards. When tho first visitors boarded tho Colorado today, after her roturn from 9 Contral American crulso, thoy woro greeted by volleys of angry Spanish, Including many distinctly shouted "CarrambnB." Tho Bocrot of tho strnngo stato of affairs was royoalod by a closer Inspection of tho docks nnd the-sailors' quartors. Moro than 400 llvoly, green parrots, brought by tho sailors from tho troplcB, woro screeching nnd shouting In garrul ous Spanish. Tho bluojackots havo becomo so accustomed to tho Castll- lan birds that thoy hold ontlro con versations In tho Torolgn tongue without, according to ono of tholr numbor, knowing a word thoy say. ONE CRIMINAL CAUGHT BY HIS PROTOTYPE San Mnteok Cal., May 20. That tho beautiful country homo of tho millionaire salt manufacturer, A. L. Whitney, was not rausackod by a burglar last night was duo to Whit ney's courago and quick action. A burly tliXii was surprisea uv work In the liouso, and, after giving an alarm, Whttnoy pursued him Info tho spjrclous grounds. Ho was Joined In tho search by his son, Los Ho, and four Japanoao servants. Whitney enmo upon tho burglar In a dark corner of, tho grounds, nnd, desplto tho fact that tho man was moro than 'six -feet tall and welEheir-nearlv 200 pounds, hold him until help arrived. Tho burglar gave tho name of Tossto Undrlo, and was taken In chargo by Constablo Shoe han, and placed In tho city jail, o if von dos'ro a clear complexion ?take Foley's Orlno Laxatlvo for con '.... " J 1. I....U. .. I, mill supauou uuu nvur IIUUUIU D h mi, stimulate theso organs and thor oughly ceanso your system which Is what ovoryone needs in mo spring In order to feel well. J. O. Perry. o GIVING BABY A BATH In a handsome warm bathroom Is the event of the day. If you havo the baby we'll supply the bath room and beat. And you ought to havo such a room, baby or no baby. It will not cost too mucn if you have us do the plumbing We'll put In the tub. toilet and heater for much less than you probably imagine. GRABER BROS. Plumbing and Gas Fitting Shoo on Liberty St., back of BArr1 Proposals for Automatic Sprinkling Equipment for Oregon 8tt Insane Asylum. Salem, Ore., May 7. 1909. Sealed proposals indorsed on out side of envelopo "Proposals for Au tomatic Sprinkler Equipment for Or egon Stato Insane Asylum," and ad-dre-eed to the undersigned, will be received at the executive chambers, state capital, Salem, Oregon, until May 24, 1909, at 2 p. m. for furnish ing and Installing an automatic sprinkler equipment Ib strict accord ance with plans, specifications and in structlons, which may be examined at the executive chambers, state cap ltol, Salem. Or , at the office of the superintendent of the Oregon Stato Insano Asylum. Salem, Or., or at the office of II. C. McAllister, Oregonlan building, Portland, Or All bids must be accompanied by certified check In the amount of 10 per cent (ten per cent) of the full amount of the bid, made payable to the undersigned. The board of trus tees of tho Oregon Stato Insane Asy lum reserve the right to reject any and all bids. C. N. M'AIITHUR. Clerk of Doard of Trustees Oregon' State Insane Asylum 6-8-22d OHtteJrvn Cry FIR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA THEY TAKE IT EASY AND SAY NOTHING Munngors Heysor and Jorman of tho Salem Independent team are ro colvtng all kinds of congratulations (?) from tho many mtrmount sup porters on their defeat Inst Sunday, such ns "Yuh couldn't play tag with a lazy turtle; lot a bunch of tiny kids bent yuh; you'ro hopelessly on tho punk list. ' Onco upon a tlmo Portland's tenm In tho Pacific Coast lenguo visited Chchalls, Wnsh., to play an aggre gation Just for practlco nnd tho Washington bunch defeated tho big coasters. Portland while In Los An geles nt ono tlmo defeated Chas. Comlskcy's team, tho Whlto Sox of Chicago. San r'ranclsco was given n beautiful licking by a team in tho California Stato lcaguo during tho first part of tho baseball season this yonr. Now ,do you hoar anybody honoring wjclr heads off about thoso games? Many of thoso who havo been handing it to tho mnnagors of tho Salem team ihlnk thoy (Hoysor and Jorman) nro soro clenh through nH tho result of Falrmount's victory nnd tho many Joshes handed out by tho fans, but this Is far from being tho enso. lloyscr nnd Jorman dotl't say much about It, ns tho opportunity for kcoplng Btlll and hearing tho baso ball bug hum In meaningless tones cannot bo resisted by tho wlsa pro moters ,nnd thoy nro enjoying n big bunch of knocks coming from so mo pooplo who don't seo tho point nnd who rather onjoy being nblo to yoll about nothing. o A mllllonnlro novcr lots go of anything ho gets his clutches on. A. L. Whltnoy, mllllonnlro salt rnnyiu- lacturor, or san Mateo, cal., got hia hands on a burglar last night, and ho was a gono burglar, o When John D. heard of tho death of Rogers ho remarked, "I fool thnt It Is a pofsonnl loss to mo," and ha wont on playing golf. o - Kills Her Foo of SO Yearn. "Tho most morcllcss onomy I had for 20 years," declares Mrs. James Duncan of Haynosvlllo, Mo., "was Dyspopsla. I sufforod Intonsoly nf tor cntlng or drinking and could senrcely sloop. Aucr many romodlcs had failed and several doctors gavo mo up i tried Hioctrio uittors, wnicn cured mo completely. Now I can eat anything. I am 70 years old and am overjoyed to get my health nnd strongth back again." For Indigos- lion, Loss of Appottto, Kldnoy Trou ble Lnmo Uack, Fomnlo Complaints, Its unoqunlod. Only GOc at J. O. Perry's. o Notice of Intention to Improvo a Portion of Forry Street. Notlco Is horoby glvon that tho Common Council of tho City of Sa eom. OroKon. deems It oxnodlont to Improvo, and proposos to Improve, at tho oxponso oi abutting ana naja cont property, Forry street In said city, full width from curb to curb, with Wnrron Drothors Dltullthlo Wntorproof Pavomont, Jrom (ho east lino of Front stroot to tho West curb lino of Llborty stroot, excoptlng thnt portion of. raid Forry street which Is Intorsoctcd by Commorclnl stroot nnd oxcoptlng n strip eight foot In width oxtendlng along tho contor of tho proposed Improvement which Ib to rocelvo tho stroot railway track of tho Portland, Eugene & Eastern Rail way Company, and oxcoptlng a strip soven feet In width which is t oro colvo a switch track of tho Portland Railway, Light & Powor Company, nnd which shall oxtond from tho al loy running through block 3C In tho City of Salem, Oregon, to connont with tho said stroot railway track of tho Portland, Eugene & Eastern Railway Company, ns shown In tho plan. Said Improvement shall bo made In accordnnco with tho plans nnJ specifications adopted by tho Com mon Council of said city on tho 17th day of May, 1909, and which am horoby reforrod to nnd mado a part of this notice. Dnto of tho first publication of this notlco Mny 18, 1900. Dy order of tho common council. W. A. MOORES, 5-18-lltt-dly City Recorder. o Notlco of Intention to Improvo a Por tion of Winter Street. Notlco is horoby given that tho common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, dooms It expedient to Im prove and proposed to Improvo nt tho oxponso of abutting and adjacent proporty Winter stroot In tho city of Salem, Oregon, from tho north curb lino or Mill street to tho north lino of Oak utreot. tho roadway of said portion of said street shall bo Im proved full width from curb to curb by grading the same and placing thereon a crushed rock Improvement, provided Intersections shall bo Im proved for a width of 29 foot on both sides of tho center lino of said WIntor stroot, oxcoptlng herefrom, however, a strip 7 feet In width ex tending full length of tho proposed Improvement to bo occupied by the street railway tractt of tho Portland Railway Light & - ower Co., and Im proved by said company. Curb lines shall be established and aald street shall bo Improved In every respect In accordance with tho plans and spe cifications adopted thorofor by tho cpmsnon council on file In tue office of tho city recorder, and which also show an estimate of tho cost. romonstrances may bo filed against said improvement In the man ner and within tho tlmo provided by law. Date of tho first publication of this notice May 11, 1909. Ily order of the common council. W. A. MOORES, 5-11-llt City Recorder. o Tho Kind You Ilnvo Always Bought, nud which has been In uso for over 30 years, has fcorno tho signature of nml hns boon inndo under his Fr- IJy-jjZ- sonal supervision slnco its lnftmcy. f'&C&U'&i Allow no ono to dccolvo volt In tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Just-ns-good"are but Experiment that trlllo with, and endanger tho health oC Infants and Children Expcrionco ngalnst Exporhnont. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is n. harn.lcss Btibstltuto for Cnstor Oil, Pare goric, Drorn r: d b-iothlng Syrups. It la Pleasant. It ' contains u ithv Op'um, Morphlno nor other Narcotic Mihstnnrc. I.ai to is its guarantee It destroys "Worms nnd nllaya Fevc 'shn 'ss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Collo. U rokioro... '.Vet thing1 Troubles, cures Constipation nud Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stoinnrit and l$o-.dfl, giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Childrcu's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY Soars the Signature of (&oSt&icuc&4 The KM You Hare Always Bought In Ue For Over 30 Years. VHt OINT.Un OOMMNf, it milOKAl TtXT, IW VOH ITT. Proposals for Ilaad Chemical Firo Kxtinffulaucra for Oregon Stwto Irwuno Avylam, Salem, Or., May 7. 1809. Scnlod proposals for furnishing 80 (sixty) hand chemical ore extin guishers, ondorsod on outside of en velopo "Proposals for Hand Ohemlc 1 Flro Extinguishers for Oregon Stato Insano ABylum." and addressed to tho undorslgned, will bo received at tho oxocutlvo chambors, state capl tol, Salem, Or., until May 24, 1000, at 2 p. m. All bids must ho accompanlod by samplos and cortlflod chock In the amount of 10 nor cent (ten oer cent) of tho full valuo of tho bid, made payablo to tho undorslgnod. The board of trustees of tho Orogon In sano Asylum rosorvo tho right to re ject any and all bids. O. N. M'AIITHUR, Clerk of Doard of Trusteos Orogon Stato Insano Asylum. C-8-22d o Notlco of Intention (o Improvo a If you want to feel well, look well and be 'well, take ' Foley's Kidney Remedy, It tones up the kidneys and bladder, purifies the blood and restores health apd strength. Pleas ant to take and contains no harnful drugs. Why not commence today 7 J. O. Perry. Portion of Winter Street. Notlco la horcby glvon that tho Common Council of tho Olty of Sa eom, Ofogon, dooms It oxpcdlont to Improvo, and proposos to Improvo, at tho oxponso of abutting and adjacent proporty, Winter stroot, In tho City of Salem, Orogon, from tho south lino of Stato stroot to a point within 1 Mi toot of tho north rati of tho rail road track of tho Southorn Paclflo Co.i whoro It crosses said WIntor stroot at tho Intorsoctlon of WIntor and Trada streets. Tho roadway of aid portion of said stroot Bhall bn Imnrovod tho full width from curb to curb by grading tho santo and plac- inir thoroon a crusiiod rocK improve mont the full width from curb to curb, Including tho full Intersection of Forry street whoro It Intorsocts WIntor stroot on the west sldo of raid WIntor Btroot. The Intersection of WIntor nnd Trndo streets from the north lino of Trndo street to a point 1 H feot of tho north rail of tho rail road track of tho Southorn Paclflo Co., Bhall be Improved for a width of 20 feet on both Bides or tho confer lino of said WIntor stroot oxcoptlng hA.ofnm hnwAVAP n atrln t ffAt In width extending full length of tho pro posed Improvement to do occupied by tho stroot railway track of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.. and Improved by said company. Curb llnoa shall bo established andH said street shall bo Improved m ev ery rospect in accordance with the plans and specifications adopted therofor by tho common council and on fllo lu tho offlco of tho city re corder. Romonstrances may bo filed against eald Improvement In the man ner und within tho tlmo provided la the charter of said city. Dato of tho first publication of this notice May 11, 1909. Dy order of the Common Council, W. A. MOOKB, C-ie-llt City Reoordor. o Notice of Intention to Improve ft Portion of Winter Street, Notlco Is hereby given that the Common Council of the CHy of f- lem, Oregon, deem it expedient to. Improve, and proposes to improve, nt tho txpeuso of abutting and adjacent property, Winter street, In the City oi Salm, Oregon, from a point 1ft feet jouth of the south rail of the railroad track of the Soutbera Pa cific Co.. where It crosses sia winter street at the Intersection of Winter and Trado streets to the north cum line of Mill street. Bald Improvements shall be made with crushed rock for a width of 32 feet oa both ! of the center line of said street, except ing thorotiom a space 7 feet In width extending along the center of Mid Winter street, which Is to receive the street railway track of the PertlMtf Railway, Light ft Power Co,, and te herJmproTl by mM Company, ana excepting that portion of said Wta ter street which Is Intersected by the South Mill Crook raco, and except ing that portion which Is intersects by tho tributary of South Mill Creek. Curb linos shall bo established and said stroot shall bo Improved In ev ery rosptct In accordance with the plane and specifications adopted thorofor by tho Common Cdiihcll and on fllo In tho offlco of the city re corder, and which also show an esti mate of tho cost. Romonstrances may bo fllod against said Improvement In tho manner ana. within tho tlmo provldod by law. Dato o! first publication of this notlco Mnv 11. 1909. Dy order of tho Common Council. W, A. MOORM. 5-11-llt City Rocorder. o Notice. Is horoby given that soalod bide for tho construction, of two cottages at tho Orogon Stato insano Asylum will bo rocolvod by tho Doard of Truotobs of tho Orogon Stnto Insane Asylidn until Juno 7th, nt 2:30 p. m nt which hour all bids will be oponed by tho undorslgnod nt tho ox ocutlvo ohambors In tho proaonce of tho aforesaid board. Contractors mny bid on olthor one or both of thoso cottagos. All bide muflt bo accompanlod by a cortlfled check in tho sum of ut loast ton (10 por cont) por cent of tho amount of tho bid, nnd mado payablo to tho un dorslgnod. Plnnn nnd specifications mny bo oxamlncd at tho oxocutlvo chnmboni, Salem, Orogon. Tho Doard of Trusteos of tho Oro gon Stato Insano Asylum rosorvos tho right to rejoct any and all bids. O. N. M'ARTHUR, Clerk of tho Doard. Salem, Orogon, Mny 18, 1909. 5-19-1U o- Notlco In Relation to the Widening of ChcmukflA Hired, Notlco Is horoby glvon thnt tho roport of tho vlowors nppolntod by tho common council of tho city of Salem, Oregon, foe tho purposo of making nn nssossmont of dnmngoR and bonoflta for tho oponlng and widening of Chomokotn street on ac count of condemning tho land of Mrs. N. Clark ub sot forth In ordinance No. 022, Jins buon fllod in tho offlco of tho city rocorder nnd Is now opon to public Inspection In said office. Tho district nsHessod by tho vlowora uu bolng tho dlstrlcf bonoiltod nnd to pay for tho damages nustnlnod to Mrs. N. Clark on account of tho wid ening of said stroot Is included bo twoon tho east lino of Thirteenth street and tho west lino of Twonty first stroot nnd extending east and west not to oxceed a distance of 23G feot on eluior sldo of said Ohomoketh stroot. For oxactness, howovor, rof orenco may bo had to tho roport of tho vlowora on fllo In tho office of tho city recordor which shows tho damagoa nnd expenses as n result of tho wldonlng of said Ghomoketa stroot and tho proporty llnblo to bo assessed for tho payment of said damnges nnd expenses. All porsons Interested In said ro port nro horoby notified to presont 1 wrltlng tholr objections to said ro port, If any they have, to tho com mon council and said objections to gether with said report shall bo heard and determined by tho council at or about 8 o'clock p. ra. ou the 24th day of May. 1009. V. A. MOORES. 5-18-Ot City Recordor. o A Happy Father Ib Boon turned to a sad one If he has to walk tho floor every night with a crying baby, UcOee'a Baby Elixir will mako o child well -sootho I1h norves, Induco healthy, normal slumbor. Best for disor dered bowols and sour stomach all teething babies need it. Pleas ant to take, sure and safe, coatalae cents per bottl tteld by all Deal, u Jewelry Store