DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORMOK, WEDKESDAV, MAY 1. 1909. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Tlrao Cara No. 04 Effective Baaday ABgBBt 1(1, 1000. Toward Portland rasBcagcr. No. 10 5:13 a. m Oregon Express No. 18 8 MO a. m... Cottage QroTe raw. No. 12 2:45 p. m...Koebare I'awenger No. 14 0:13 p. m Portland Express Toward Portland Freight. No. 212 5 p. m Portland Knst Freight No. 220 10:-I0-11:2S a. m....Waj Freight Toward Ban Francisco Passenger. No. 1111:03 a. a....Iloeburg Passenger No.. 17 0M5 p. m...Cttage QroTe Pass. No 10 0:50 p. m California Express No LI 3:81 a. m...8an Francisco Kip. Toward San Francisco Freight. No. 221 2:43 a. m... Portland Fast Frt No. 22511:28 a. m War Freight OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Time Card Effective Nov. 15, 1008. Leaves JFer: Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:40 a.m. PortlandUllliboro and Intermediate, local ..............8:0o a.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 11:15 a.m. Portland and Intermediate, Ucal. 1:40 p.m. Portlnnd-Tualatln and iilllsboro, lim ited 3 '05 P'm' Porttnndtlllliboro and Intermediate, local -t)0 Pm- Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:40 p.m. Arrives Frem: Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:25 a.m. Portland-Ullliboro and Intermediate, local ...10:00 a.m. PortlnndnilUboro-Tualatln, Hn- Ittd , , .10:00 a.m. Psrtlnml and Intermediate, local. 1:00 p.m. Portland-Ulllaboro and Intermediate, local ! P'm- Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:45 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 10:40 p.m. O. C. T. Co. uteamcrs Pomou and Orogona loavo for Portland Monday, Wodncs dny and TTrlday at 10 a. m.; Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 0 a. m. For CorvalHs Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday about 7 p. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agent. A GOOD PLAYER Is nlwoys particular about tho musi cal Instrument usod. Dut ovon tho most critical can find no fault with tho lnatrumonta sold horo. Como In and try your special favorlto. Noto tho tono and volumo, tho flno finish, tho bonutlful hnrmony. Your first visit will not bo your last, wo fool confidant. L. F. SAVAGE, 217 Commercial St. Salem, Or. HUIE WING SANG CO. Dig stock, host goodn, now at wholosalo prices. Wo mako up a now lino of ladles' wrnppora, whlto underwear, klmonas and waists. Wo hoop all kinds ot dress goods and ellkB. Gouts' and males' furnish ing goods, shoos, hoso, umbrellas, ombroldory nnd law, skirts, suits ovornlls, trunks, matting, otc. 325 North Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. FP Fire Proof Fool Proof la considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consider tho F. P. Gas Machine and Stub bors Light Will sell and Install this machlno and guarantoo It to glvo 100 per cent moro light for tho samo money than electricity or city gaB. Lot mo figure with you, estimates furnished. Call at my shop and see the lights and stoves In operation. I also carry I'YKO DENATURED ALCOHOL utilities.. Safe economi cal, odorless. A. L FRASER nmlM MSStAta feH. Gold Dust Flour tUi" by TIIR SYDXKT POW EI' COMPANY, Id-aey, Or go,. Hade for family as. Ask your grocer for It. Brau and shorts always ob boad. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. CHICHESTER S PILLS Wv Tllfc UIAlda.HU UKANW, A jyL?, L4lcl Atli7HrI)raiilitA U.tt. Male! ttk Bl KJUwa. iwU AUWi;ilU'lll.THII blAStt.SB 1IHAM f H.L. far S TmliamuIIeM.Sttat.AnrklkU S&wl V SMIYMtlWtSTSEKimiKIlE 01 tntdrcst To Rcmtn. To such women as are not seriously el Of hcaltlAbut who have exacting duties to perform, cither In the way of house hi Id caresW In social duties and fune tldnvwhlchWrlously Ux their strength, as wciTiSourslng mothers, Dr. Plerco's Favorite Prescription has proved a most valuable 8UtArtln3 tonic nnd Invigorat ing nervine, ny hstlmely use, much fprlnin slckrtrev'nnil stiinrtng mnv ha avoldod. TIip operating tnhlo and the surgeons' kn"ifp, would, jt is -iwiu-vr. trlilom havo to .bo n ployed If Dim mp.t VuliinljlfrfVnnJj''rn'''lY WT" ""'' " tolng'ooil'ti dp., 'L lie" Favorlto Prescrip tion" has proven a crcat boon to expectant mothers by preparing the system for th coming of baby, thcroby rendering child birth safe, easy, and nlmost painless. Itoar In mind, plcnso that Dr. Plerco'i Favorlto Prcscrliitlon Is not a secret or patent mcdlclno, against wl.irh tho most Intclllgont people nro Quito naturally averso, bocauso of tho uncertainty as to tholr composition and harmless character, but is a itr.mciNK ok known composi tion, a full list of nil iu Ingredients bcln? printed. In plain English, ou overy bottle wrapper. An .2nmlnatlnn of this list ot Ingredlnnts will dlscloso tlio fact that It l non-alcohollo In Its composition, chnmlc ally pure, trlplc-retlnrd glycerlno taklns tho placo of tho commonly used alcohol. In Its mako-up. In this connection It mny not bo out of placo to state that th Favorlto Proscilptlon" of Dr. Pierce It tho only medlclno put up for tho cure ol woman's peculiar wenknves nnd all monts, and sold through druggets, all tho Ingredients of which havo the un animous endorsement of nil tho leading medical writers and tonchors of all the lovcral schools of prnctlco, and that too as remedies for tho nllmonta for which Favorlto Prescription ' U recommended. A llttlo boo of these endorsements will bo !ont to nny address, jost-oald, and absolutely free if you request samo by postal card, or lottcr, of Dr. It. V. Pierce, buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Piorcc's Pleasant Pellota euro con stipation. Constipation Is tho cause ol many disease. Cure the cause and you euro the dUo. Easy to take h candy. WHITE HOUSE $ J QRESTAURANT For a regular i 25c Dinner at 20c I They can't bo bent. a m JMcGILCHRIST & SON Proprietors inmunuuitun Salem Fence Works Headquartors for Wovou Wire Fonclng, Hop Wlro, Darb WIro, Poultry Notting, Shingles), Mai thold Roofing. P & D Ready Roofing. Screon Doors and ad JuBtlblo Window Screens. All At Lowest Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 2150 Court St Phono 121 MEALS 15c Call and try thorn. Meals Jfic Board per wook 12.75, ah" fur nished rooms vory reasonable AT THE Salem Restaurant aao court street. SAM CASTO FAMOUS HORSE TRAINER. Is now located at Canby Oregon the best winter quarters In the Nont west for training and doveloplni young horsos. Sam has room for few more prospecte, either for ta road or track and would like -a communicate with anybody wlshlni their horso tralnod. Mr. Casto conceded to be the best colt man It the West and his success on the th Salem track boars out this statement. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Address SAM CASTRO, Canby, OregOB. Phono 44 Main. 147 N. High st, C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and Livery. All Rigs Modern Rubber Tire. Great ChTnee Doctor L. M. HUM Ha medlclno which will' cure an known disease. Ho makes a special ty of, aud guarantees to cure Catarrh Asthma, Lung, Throat, Hbeumatlsm, Debility, Stomach, Liver, Kidney Troubles; also any blackened w swollen soreness, broken llmbi; Smallpox; Epidemic; all hinds ot Bolls, Lost Manhood, Female Weak ness, Hernia Troubles and Paralysis Consultation free. Cara of Ylck So Tons; Co., Chinese drugs aad herbs. IBS High 8L. upstairs. Sales. Or. GRAND ARMY MEN TO ADDRESS CHILDREN Commander D. W. Matthows has detailed tho following named com rades of tho G. A. R. to visit tho sov ornl schools of tho city on Friday, May 28, In tho nftornoon of said day. Thoy will ho accompanied, at tho request of Commander Matthows, by tho Bovornl clorgymon of tho city, as Ind'catcd below. Tho visitors will bo oxpoctod to bo promptly at tho sev eral schools at 1:30 p. m. ot said day Tho detail Is as follews: High School. W. H. Dyars. 0. Stolz. J. L. Stockton. Joseph Hoppo. Rov. W. IL Sollock. Grunt, or North School. A. W. Dragor. T. M. Klrby. Eli O. Miles. Leo Ilor. Goo. J. Esscg, Rov. D. Errett. Central School. , W. II. Folgor. D. F. Southwlck. D. F, Lane. Knst School. D. Webster. Phillip Thomas. W. II. Simpson. E. L. Drlggs. Frank Forahnoll. Rov. P. Dnuer. Yew Tark. J. F. Goodo. James Datchelor. 1. C. Sutton. S. P. Hayward. Rov. H, T. Dabcock. Lincoln School. T. C. Smith. Uornard Kurz, T. RndcllK. T. Remington. J. II. Smith. Rev. Paul S. Ilandy. St. SInry'H School. . John P. Robertson. P. II. Wilson. J. W. Prntt. It. C. Hnlloy. Rov. Father Mooro. Bwito Reform School W. M. Robinson. Win, Hllleary. C. B. Stone. L. K. Pngo. Earl Raco. Rov. P. S. Knight. Snlem IlelglitM (Liberty Road.) J. E. Robs. F. A. Thompson. D. W. Dushnoll. It Ib understood tlit tho various schools aro preparing oxcollont pro grams for tho occasion, and, as tlmo will bo an important olomont In tho mnttor, It Is urged that all visitors bo at tho rcspectlvo schools promptly at 1:30 In tho afternoon. ENTERTAINMENT FOR GOOD TEMPLARS HOME Salem Lodgo of Good Templar will give an ontartnlnmont this ovon Ing nt tho W. C. T. U. hall for tho bonoflt of tho Good Tomplars' orphan homo. No ndmlsBlon fco will bo charged, but a froo will offering will bo accepted from any who wish to glvo. A cordial Invitation Is oxtonded to ovoryono. . On tho program will bo MaBtor Al fred Kellogg, of Salem; Mrs. Penn, formerly stato suporlntondent ot medal contest work for sown years ot tho statu ot Washington, and Miss Myrtlo Hnrmon, of tho 'Collogo of Oratory. Miss Martin and MIsb Hampton will sing "Tho noils;" Mrs. R. 0. Mills a solo, Thoro will bo other music and a short history of tho or phans' homo. -o KANSAS MK.V WHO WKHK 1HUVH.Y AWA.Y Shawneo, Kan., Mny 18. Tho pop ulation of this llttlo village Is gottlng the wabbles out ot Its knoos today following tho dynamiting of a snfa In tho vIIIuko bunk by two bandits yesterday. Tho townspeople woro sleeping quietly when tho first shock ot an explosion cuuio. Slowly a party collected to Intorforo with tho rob bers' work nnd a cordon of brnvo, dotermluod men was drawing closo to tho ban when enmo n second explosion. All of tho party took to tho tall tlmbor Btirroundlng tho village, loav Ing tho moro timid to peer with frightened inces after tho robbers, who departod unmolested with 11300. Thoy havo not yet boon apprehended. o- Turkish Justice. lITnltMl I'reu Leaaed Wlre.l Constantinople, May 17. FIvo participants In the. recant mutiny, which resulted In tho temporary over throw of the constitution and ulti mately In tho deposition ot Abdul Hamld, wero hanged today. Two army officers and three guardsmen vero executed. Tho men wero hanged In public, and a largo crowd gathered to wit ness tho execution, o UK WILL PUSH Till? INCOME TARIFF RILL (United I'reaa leased Wire.) Washington, May 18. Senator Borah, of Idaho, today Informed the President that bo had determined to push the Income tax measuro through this session of congress. Ho told Taft that a meeting of tho Republi can Insurgents and Democrats, under his leadership, had decided upon this course at a meeting held last night. n-1 If you des'ro a clear complexion take Foley's Grlno Laxatlvo for con stipation and llvor trouble as It will stimulate these organs and thor oughly c.ennso your system, which Is what ovoryono needs In the eprlng In order to feej well. J. C. Perry, o- President Taft today nomlna,ted John a Blair for collector of cus toms for the district of Montana and Idaho, ITowN Tltl? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho ward tor any caso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. CID3NEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho last IB years, and bollovo him perfectly honornblo In all business transactions, and fi nancially ablo to carry out any obli gations mado by his Arm. WALDIN, CINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter nally, acting directly mpon the blood nnd upon mucuous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent froe. Prico, 76c per bottlo. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills tor con stipation. Tho Albany papers aro very son Bibly converting tho big revival lino a booster cntorpriso, and aro trying to got all tho valloy towns to run ex cursion trains. Such a revival ought to bo turned to some practical ac count. REV. I. W. WILLIAMSON'S LETTER. Rov. I. W. Williamson, Hunting ton, W. Vn., writes: "This In to cor tlfy that I used Foloy's Kldnoy Ilomody for nervous exhaustion and kidnoy troublo and am freo to say that It will do all that you claim for It." Foloy's Kldnoy Romody has rcstorod henlth and strength to thousands of weak, run down peo ple Contains no harmful drugs and Is ploasant to tnko. J. 0. Perry. Soattlo Fair, ot al. It Is usolosss to try to work this nowspnpor for froo advertising. Deadbcatlng nowBpnpors has como to bo a habit. Wo havo been nt tho newspaper huslnso too long to bo worked oaBtly. For cd Into Kxllo. Wm. Upchurch of Qlon Oak, Okla., was an oxllo from homo. Mountain air, ho thought, would curo n fright ful lung-melting cough thnt had do tted all romcdlcs for two yoars. At- tor bIx months ho returned, doath dogging his btops. "Then I began to ufio Dr. King's Now Discovery," ho writes, "and aftor taulng six bottles I am nB woll as ovor." It savos thou sands yearly from desporato lung dlsonBOB. Infnlllblo for Coughs and Colds. It dtspols Honrsonosa and Soro Throat, Cures Grip, Bronchi tis, Hemorrhages, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough. GOa nnd $1.00, trial bottlo froo, guarantood by J. C. Porr . Tho CorvalHs Gazetto Is putting a great deal ot life Into nowspnpor clr clos Aip thoro publishing a dally. o Do It Now. Now Is tho tlmo to got rid of your rheumatism. You can do bo by ap plying Chamborlaln'a Llnlmoat. Nine caBOB out of ton nro simply muscular rheumatism duo to cold or damp, or chronlo rhoumatlsm, and yiold to tho vigorous application of this lln Imont. Try It. You nro cortaln to bo dollghtod with tho quick rollof which It affords. Sold by all good druggists. o Anyono recolvlng a copy ot tho Ashland Record must bo convinced that Editor Kaiser Is a fighter. Tho pcoplo of Ashland aro not up to his pneo. Nor tho pooplo ot n great many othor towns, o Many weak, uorvous womon havo boon restored to health by Foloy's Kldnoy Romody as It stimulates the kldnoya so thoy will ollmlnato tho wanto niattor from tho blood. Im purities dopresa tho norves, causing nervous oxhaustton and othor ail ments. C' mm nco today and you will soon bo woll. Pleasant to take J. 0. Perry, o Go to tho Moyors building, on Court street, and boo Snlem GO yoars ago, whon sho wore short dresses, o . . UllloiuncsH nnd Consllputlnii, For yoars I wns troubled with bil iousness and constipation, which mado life ralserablo for mo. My ap petite failed mo. I lost my usual forco and vitality. Pepsin prepara tions and cnthartics only mado mat tors worso. I do not know whoro I should havo boon today bad I not trlod Chamberlain's Stomach nnd Llvor Tablets. Tho tablota rollovo tho III feeling at onco, strengthen tho digeativo functions, - purity tho stomach, llvor and blood, helping tho systom to do its work naturally. Mrs, Rosa Potts, Birmingham. Ala. Theso tablots aro for salo by all good druggists. So far no money has been found In tho old millionaire's club room, In tho process of toarln It down, o Boys Will Re noytt and are always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, bruises, bumps, burns or scalds. Don't neglect nuch things thoy may result sorious If you do Apply BallarJ's Snow Llnlmont ac cording to directions right away and It will relieve the pain and hoal tho troublo. Price 26c, GOo and fl.OO. Sold -. all Deulers. Captain Hains was takon to Sing Sing prison today, o According to the bills put Into tho Klamath county commissioners, the attendants on several smallpox pa tients ate a dozen eggs a day each, and kept It up for three weeks. This must havo been discouraging to the Klamath hens. CASTOR I A 7r Iafcata 4 OtOUrs. The KM Y Ktw AJwifi totf HTH thO . ..... .. f ' fut; V . ySTTZT DISCOHOL CURES LIQUOR HABIT Vsw mjullrat trnfirtlnn In ltnntrl anil nnMr farm. Th anlr lennwn mmMf for Alcohol disease. Can be Rlrtn with knowledge. FREE SUCCESS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED 600 r AC K AUKS MBDWIUS TO BB A Bneclhilit has lately dlfcoverrd a new medicine for the cure of the drink habit. Do you with a package? If you bare in your family a Urine huiband, father, brother or eon. who li Riving you trouble, or making life miserable for you. and whom you with to be cured from thts disease, do not hcattate a mment, bnt act at once. Alcohol baa thla victim In hts clutches and the unfortunate ono I not able to escape him. DIBCOItOli has curad thooaands and will cure any one belonging to you. Write to ui at ence, before It Is too late. It la guaranteed harm less and Its effects aro poalttre. If you with free treatment and further IfMtruc tlona, fill out coupon below and mall to us. Don't hesitate, as the (too package will loon be glren nway and each further packago will coat $1. NOW you can aecure one KltKrc. Cut out thla Coupon. Send It today. Bent In plain wrapper. Coupon for free Name. Address thla Coupon to TUB IltiMKDV ASSOCIATION, Mall READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. fw0rr Wr Special Prices On Clover liood? Barlby and Wheat Chop aud Land Plnstor. Tillson & Company tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm THE STOCK BOOKS For tho Nerth Bantlatn Mining company, aro ttlll ft la ves tors. A limited amount of stock Is now for salo, at tho LOW PRIOH f Go per share. SAVAGE & HERREN FUKHL AGRNTU. I 'iff K. COMMERCIAL 8T, Brainy Women Aro thoso who will hare us laubdor tholr waists, dollcato llngorle, otc. Our facilities aro thoso of tho best for tho porfoct handling of this character of work. Our holp Is thoroughly oxporloncod, and much morcsklltull than most holp you can socuro to como to your homo or to "tako out" A trial will mako you a cllont of ours. Salem Laundry Co. Tclephono 28. ltt-18 S. Liberty St. Portland' Popular Fire-Proof Hotel! THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service In city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m. Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the. Northwest. ANNEX IS NQW OPEN Our capacity has been doufced and our free bus will hereafter meet trains No, 6, and .train No. 12, limited, Oregon Electric that arrive In Portland aj 1 0:55 -a, m. and 4:55 p-, m. M. C DICKINSON, Manager THE OREGON coffee, tea, cocoa or milk without patient' FIEE OF TllIB YAhUAItLW 01VBN AWAY FREE Drint-llablt Cure. 02 Rait laiat Ot. New York, N. t. PRICE RANGE " ' - - ' - st . tAAtsllW S .. X Sf 8Jr 2Q TO 40 t m, I Large Stock of Shoes -- - For i'len, Women nnd Children. Clos ing out nil Cltlldrcii'H Shoes nt low price. VOGt SUB HTATK 8T, THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can be obtained from our prime, ton dor and juicy Bodf, Muttou or Pork, All our meats aro selected from the choicest, aud prepared for tho table to suit tho demands of tho fastidious. Our prices aro lower for q nllty thnq you can find at any place lu Balem, E. C. CROSS & SON