DAILY CAPITAL JOOTUfAI 8AUM, OMNOK, TUESDAY, MAY 18, IBM. EFORE YOU DO YOUR BUYING fo to the other stores and get their prices, then come to the Chicago Store and see the money we can save you. It is the high class quality of our goods and the low prices that i .... ... ........, ... .... ...:ii :,,. .inl. .,: ii.i ...ti fo ask that makes the Chicago Store grow faster than any other store on the Pacific coast, uetore moving inio our new smru wu win yiva yuu mmes mm win surprise yuu. i -- I GKKAT IlKUl'CTIOXS IN HParasols and Umbrellas 1000 PnrnBols and Silk Umbrcllns now on s a 1 o marked down to quick soil ing prices. Wo can show you values In this lino that will surprise you. 1909 nowest and latest designs and shndus all hnndBomoly em broidered, also plain shades In pon gco nnd surah silk. $3,50 Parasols, the latest now.. . $5,00 Parasols, 1909 newest now Children's Parasols Dress Goods and Silks We show the greatest stock of these goods In this part of the world In the latest materials and newest shades, Prices always the lowest, , APft?S5r " k& ill (VTjW I JLI l f rUvM IvTr viunn W li W&i iQi SSSslW- 9a H MkT p' mlffiSQvMwm 1 MP $1.50 $2.50 .25c, 35c and up WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN Millinery $S At tl0 CII10AG0 8T0nE- You w,u I IX wm. .. .. ... -- - unio 'irimmcu hiub, nuwuD u Konthers In Salem. Wo nro busy nil tho tltno trying to keep up with tho rush of this department. Hundreds of hats sold dally, and that Is nil on account of tho sfyllsh hats wo soil nnd tho small prlceB wo ask. Wo can savo you monoy. Lndlitt' Trimmed Hat, $1.50 $1.05, 92.no, 9:i.OO, nnd up. Chlldroii'H Trlmnicd Hutw, 2JSc, -10c, 7flc, 08c, mid up. C E f-ftshu ' A lluft n Wi i3li j I liBK n L3F . nPtSi If Mjmt' If 1 flt 1 1109 Jw fl JB bIHI I CTkk 1 H Mm m H. . jlfCl If Mtf 1 IIHImI Of flvT Mm H Mm Vf BTT JT v f Mitral ,l' " 4?& V iiw M X cfe3 IV w lrlccM Sliced Auny lon On Muslin Underwear Wo show tho strongest lino of Muslin Underwear In Saloni. Doau- tiful snow whuo gnrmontu all handsomoly trimmed with flno embroideries and laces. Gowns, Corsot covers, drnwors, skirts; also Bmnll hIios for chlldron. This lino Is comploto nnd it will pay you well to tuko a look through and get our prices. Tho best values In Salem. Gowns from 30c up. Corset Covors, 10c, 16c, 26c, and up; Skirts, 49c, 75c, 98c, nnd up; Drawers from 23c up. 5000 yards of Beautiful Fancy Lawns, in a great variety of dainty patterns; now, yard 4c A Great Chance to Buy DUCK and LINEN Dress Skirts At bargain prices. Tho assort ment is great and the values the best you bavo seen for a long time. They come in natural lUen, white, pink, blue, cadet, fancy and self stripes. Our low prices will sur prise you for such well made sty lish nress Skirts. 8ale now on. $1.50 Dress Skirts .98 $2 00 Dreaabklrts. fl.25 $2.50 Dress 8kirU 1.4 $3 25 Dress SklrU fl.8 iW RiA S.HV ta notch all tKc r thadt in drttm good Br llk " Startling Values In Princess Silk Suits Riik PHncoHs Suits on salo. 1909 latest stylo, trlmmod with largo buttons nnd fancy silk St yokes; KsomV tailored and finished' throughout; tho greatest value you over saw for such stylish garments. $18,00 Silk Princess Suits, 1909 latest, now $9.50 $5,00 Fancy Trimmed Net Waists, silk lined ,now only.$2.90 i Come Hero and Get Your Money's Worth In SHIRT WAISTS Othor morchnnts wonder how It Is wo do such a big business In Ladles' Shirt Waists. Wo can nnswor that easily: Wo havo tho right goods at tho right prices. $1 Shirt Waists now only 49c, $1.76 Shirt Waists, beau.ies, now only 98c; $2.2d Shirt Waists, 1909 newest, now only $1.40. 411 JlrT Yvfn W 'II Iffifl I $k Q5o,ft Docn the BmsteeM I pMts Suits U oat ttls week with a bunch f mw jirrlvaU at prices that wJll .creaU big stir in tho Suit Department. Don't banc tire on such values as wo are now offering. Romember thoy can not Inst long at thoso prlcoa. Styllrt garments, handsomoly trimmed ana tailored throughout. 1900 best stylo long coats, slllc llnod, and sheath skirts; matorlnls this scaoon'a nowest goods and shades. $18 flno all wool suits, now only $9.50 $25 handsomo all wool suits now only $12.50 vpu.au IIIIUII UIIU UUUK CM lb, new shades, now $3.50. We aro Salem agents for the beautiful Sun-Burst Silks, In all colors; 36 n. wide, now, yard only . 35c L Manufacturer' Prices on tadles' Low Cut Oxfords 1909, nowest styles in Ladles' Low Cut Oxfords now on salo, in patent, gun metal, wlno, faucy tops, etc.; $3 and $3.50 shoes. Wo got a bargain and will give our customers tho bene fit. Special salo prlco pair. . . .91.95 A GREAT BARGAIN 49c Shepherd's Plaid Dress Goods In black and whlto, brown and whlto nnd navy bluo nnd whlto, now vory , stylish; our spoolal prlco now only, yard i!0a A Lucky Iluy now enables uh to offer you grvat aluos in Black Voile Skirts 100 beautiful Ulnck Fronch Vollo Dross Skirts now on salo at prlcoa that will soil thorn quick. Thoy nro this eoauoii's latest stylos, handsomely trlmmod nnd tnllorod. $10 Illnck Vollo DroBa Skirts now only 95.80 $lb Illack Vollo Dross Skirts, now only fH.OO A GREAT BARGAIN 75c Massaline Silk In now shades; correct for swoll prin cess suits nnd now hat bands; spe cial salo prlco now only, yd. . .iHo Urt'ut Values in Ladles and Children's Hosiery Chicago Store The Store That Saves Yopr Ifaney. BMW. OREGON Wo show n wondorful stock of Ladles', Mlssos' and Children's IIos lory in all colors nnd blacK, nnd nt prlcoa that you will find hard to bent. We bellovo in quick sales, consequent ly wo only ask you small profits. Iluy your hoso hero. Children Hosiery, 10c, 12fio nud 10o pair. Ladles' Ilofeiery, 10c, lfic, Mc, pak nnd up. HI'KCIAL HALL PJtICKS ON FINK Gloves If you want a grand assortment of Ladles' Silk and Kid Gloves to maito your selection from, como to tho Chicago Storo. Wo snow a com plete line in all colors nnd black, and ut prices that you cannot beat nuy wboro. Wo Just received a big ship ment and can supply you with any color you want. Llulo GIoyc, ail colors and bUck, from S2So and up. 70c Bilk Gloves now -19c. 9 1.50 Kino Imported French KM Gloves, mow oHly Mic. ,