?m xmmwumtummmew WW MMWWWillMtolllHIHMnyWU Willi " i"i 'I in ill niininimm urn if nj . n ... n 4 uA'tiir HAlMi, OWWOJfr TCBmAY, MAX 18, !. MftJ-ftJe-Jasaa' a"j! i jia"i-ir.. -r:?T? WBI Wl WJM ,- I li- K. & ! ?f S ,Tjr i rBTTm mi a mii i I H ilC-T 7uT "yE - SPgRTING NEWS . OF IMPORTANCE" FROM BAY CITY Kitchen Coolniss No hot and blistering air to' sap vitality and make cooking intolerable when work is done on the safe, economical and comfort able New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove. Using it, your kitchen is not a room to flv from, but a olace where nil tho necessary household work is done in restful coolnei NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove it built With a CABINET TOP just like tho modern iteel range. Combinci conveniences found in no other oil stove. Tht ptrftct itevt fir lummtr. Three sizes. With or without CabinetTop. At your dealer, or write our nearest agency. t m Rasfo LAMP7; wr draft lamp free from the faults of other lamps. A perfect artificial light. Handsome and safe. If not with your dtalw, write our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL. COMPANY ' . (Iaerporat4) United Prem Indued Wire.) San Francisco, May 18. It was learned today that Eddie Granoy, fa mous refereo and flstlc promotor, was married Mar E. to MIsb Airnes Mil- hoan, 25 years of age, former stenog rapher In the offices of Abo Ruef. Tha young lady also nyas known hero as Agnes Hamilton, having adopted tbo nama of her stepfather. Qranoy's first wlfo died about a year ago, . ! A. M. ASS'N FIjHTING . "? "&X?Sfi: nor AJi7cn i Anno mlttlng immigrants to become influ- OKGANIZED LABOR onccd by tho federation, which has j grown up amongst us, and which (United I'ren Leased wire. Bets and decrees Its leaders to be New York, May 18. In a etronu- abovo tho laws of tho land." olis attack upon union labor ana Ja- In predicting that more serious bor organizations, James W. Van trouulo is yet in store, van uieave f ' i .4 J, HfclSi ft 'A fc Falling to match Dllly Papko with Sam Langford, Promoter Jim Coff roth is conducting negotiations today with Willis Brltt for another Papko Ketchel match. Coffroth tried to makq arrange ments Inst night for tho fight, but coma not get tno iightors to agreo upoA weight terms. Papko assortod that they should weigh in at noon, Vjillo Drltt maintained 10:30 n. m. would bo tho proper time. Finally tho promoter lost natlonr.it nn1 ilo. clarcd all negotiations off for tho night. Early today, however, ho wan on the Job again, and hopes that bo- roro nignt his wlro conversation with Drltt win have terminated satisfac torily. Pnpko was positive la his rofusal to moot Lnhgford whon Coffroth tried to hypnotize him Intg signing a con trad with tho negro. Ho said that ho might take. Sam on later, hut that his next match, If ho had his wny, would bo with Ketchol. Tlio Kind You Ilnvo Ahv&ys Bought, tind which lias boon in uho lor over UO yenrs, lina borno tho Hlfpmturo of ntiu Iiuh uooniimdotiiulor his p.or 7tjtfzy Honnl Huporvlslon nlnco its InfUncy. 6CCly iwtn nun nflnnil.m.t.Ml.i 41.1.. ...... ... ..v .nuvbblivjuujll W41I7 All Oountorfnlts, Imitation!) nml"JiiHt-nH-Kood"nro but ExporlniontH tlutt trlflo vltlt and ondmiKcr tho health of Inftmtfl and Children Experience ngalnHt Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Cnnforlu Jh rt hnvinlenN piib.stlttito for Castor OH, Pare Korlo, JrJiis p.nd fioothbijr Syrups. It l Pleasant. It contKli.3 nollhov Opium, Morphine- nor otlier Norco$Io ntibsm"s ItH ajro 1h its guarantee It destroys Worms and nilujn i'ovcrishncHs. It cures Dlarrhwa and "Wind Coltu. Ifc rollovcs Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation Wiil FIntuleuoj'. It assimilates tho Food, regulate the Btnmmtlt ninl Unvl, if'vlnir healthy and natural sleep. Th9 Childrcu'ti l'anucca-Tlto mother's Friend, QBNUIHE CASTORIA ALWAYS jy Boara tho SIguaturo of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ti cinuh sommut, if miuu iimiTi Mwvonem. WRESTLING Eddie O'Conncll vs. Dan Sullivan Mlddlowolght Championship, Grand Opera House,-Sa-lom, Oregon, Friday. May 21 Last match of tho season, Box office opens Friday morn ing, Soats $1,00 and $1,50 E-RU-SA THE ONLY LAWFUL PILE CURE Decnuitf doea not eoatnU narcotics, mercury, cocaine, lead or any Witosoua dwwi. Decua B-UU-aA CUUE3 TILES. U. 8, Dtepenwtory rowraenas Overy laredlnt of K-UU-3A. Drug lawn make "fatee or to leadlns statement" a, crime. Thorefore tho aalo'of all other or UJurlous SMrcotlo pile nodtclnM U Illegal, bscuuso thov affeet ma brain Bd uiui marrow, uroiuc constlpatlnu and nevor euro. All reliable. up-to-Aat Hrusfwta ui wiKNBBi BiaiioijK Bfiii ana inunrjo b-ku-BA, Bly In sMHm. DR.TTONK'i DHUO STORrl. Q. W PUTHAM ft CO., R1NOO & ORABUR KKO 011033 I'HAUMAOV, ,nd CAPITAL DRUQ iTORJt, W. H. 0'J. "V8y f,9l ll lfHJMisj!smif Ye JUberty THE HOUSE OF COMFORT v Whoro yoa casi slwayi Im un of Beolng a good program. -jbct 1r moving 4ctr, wtMk a4 deacrlpttvo songs. Cowplote chaaM of wvmrtm twiny. Hoar MIm "VM Verclr' vUU solo Thursdar nlgat. Tko Costing $1000 to assure good faith Dllly Pnpl?o today, offorod to bot 92500 thnt Chick tludson, tho Scat tIoIightwolght, could beat Dnttllng Nol'son In a fight for tho world's chnrnplonalilp. "rvo soon Nelson fight, nnd I bo Hovo Hudson hns It on him," "said Pnt)ko today. "When Nelson mot Joe Onns lost Fourth of July ho jnado a bungling fight ngnlnst a man who wna ovldontlx nil in, nnd was ns stiff ob n slab. M will lcavo tills monnv nn fnr iwa unya, bo innt NoiBon may lmvo amnio tlmo to cover It. Ton mln. uto's notlco Is nil I need In which to furnish tho bnlnnco of tho wager, If Nelson nccopts tho proposition. "Tho nght can bo pulled off nt as short notlco nnd over nny distance Nelson desires to. This Is a cado whoro monoy tnlk8." o Nntlr In IN'Intloit to the WIiIciiIiik of Cliciiu'lcctii Klrt'ul. Notlco Is horoby glvon thnt tho report of tho viewers appointed by tho common council of tho city of Salem, Oregon, for tho purposo of mnklng nn nsscssmont of dnmnges and benefits for tho oponlng nnd widening of Chemokotn Htreot on nc cijnnt of condemning tho land of Mrs. N. Clark ns set forth in ordlnnnco No. 022. him 1)0011 fllod In Dm nffltui of tho city" recorder nnd Is now open to public Innpoctlon In said office Tho dlfltrlct nssoRBed bv tho vlnwnm ns bolng tho district bonoiitcil nml to pay for tho dnmnges stiHtnlncd to Mrs. N. Clnrk on nccount of tho wid ening of said atroot Is Included bo tweon tho oast lino of Thirteenth Htreot nnd tho woat lino of Twonty- urHi street anil extending east nnd west not to oxecod n dlstnnco of 235 feot on einior aide of snld Chomokotn street. For oxnetneos, however, rof oronco may bo hnd to tho report of tho vlowers on fllo In tho office of tho olty rucordor which shows tho dnmngos and exponscs na n result of tho widening of snld Chomokotn street nnd tho proporty Unblo to bo iiRBOBsed for tho payment of snld dnmngcH nnd oxponscB. All persons Interested In snld re port nro horoby notified to present In writing inoir onjectlons to snld re port. If nny they hnvo, to tho com mon council nnd Bald objections to gether with nnlil report shall bo hoard nnd determined by tho council nt or nbout 8 o'clock p. ni. on tho 24th duy of Mny. 100ft. W. A. MOORES. 5-lK-Ct city Itecordor. o -A OAltl) 'lhls Is to certify 'thnt all drug glBta are authorized to refund your mono)' If Foloy'a Honoy nnd Tar falls to euro, your cough or cold It stops tho cqugn. heals tho lungs nnd provonts pneumonia nnd con - umptlon. Contains no oplntes. Tho genulno Is In u yollow pnekago. J C. Perry. o i Notlco of Intention to Tiuprovo n Portion of l-MTy .Street. Notlco Is horoby glvon that tho Common Council, of tho City of Sa- iem, uregon, ueems u expedient to Improve, and proposes to Improve, at tha oxpeuso of nbuttlug and adja cent property, Ferry street In snld city, full width from curb, to curb, with Warren Brothers' nitullthlc Waterproof Pavement, Jrom the. o.ist 1'no of Front street to tho West curb line of Liberty streqt, excepting that portion of raid Ferry street which Is Intersected by Commercial Rtroot mi excepting a str'p eight feet In width extending along tho center of tho propocd Improvement which Is to rtfcov tho street railway track of tha Portland. KuKone & Eastern Rati way Company, and oxceptlng a strip seven feel In width which Is t ore celvo a switch track of tho Portland Railway, Lgttt & Power Company, and which shall extond from the al loy runn.lsg through block 35 In tho City of Salem, Oregon, to connect with the said street railway track of the .Portland. Eugene & Eastern Hallway Company, as shows In thd plan". Ssjd Improvement shall bo made lu accordance with the plans nuJ sporjflcat'nn Adopted by the Com monjCouncIl bt ald c'ty nn tho nth day of Majr. 1909, and which aie henRy referred to and made a pan of 0la HotlM. mto of the first nubllcation of tn notlco May 18, 1909. uy order or the common council. - tW,'A. 'MOORM. IS-lltt-dly City Recorder. Cleave oponcd tho convention of the National Association of Mnnufactur era hero today. As president of tho organization, ho mado a report la which ho dofonded tho nKcrosslvo tol icy pursucu ny mo oniccrs in tne con tests with labor leaders, and Indicat ed that moro hard fighting must bo expected. Ho rovlewcd tho events of the year, ns ho said, "In ord6r to reveal tho adroitness, persistency n)nd uu icrupulousness of tho enemies with whom ovory employer In tho United States will havo to deal, and thus give an Indication of the manner In which wo will havo to proceed In tho future to make our labor count." . Van Clenvo roforred to tho fact (that certain members had expressed mo opinion mat tno measures taken had been too aggressive, and had suggested that moro could havo been accomplished by conciliation. In this connection, ho declared that tho ns 'oc'ntlon hnd sot tho, program for (no oiucors. no Bam mat tncy Had met tho alternative- of fighting or sur rondcrlng, and that ho had always fought. Ill port ho said: "Wo defeated thom at Washing ton, and then tho conspirators massed their forces nt Chicago nnd attempt ed to frighten tho National Repub lican convontlon Into sanctioning an un-Domocratlc, antl-Rcpubllcan and un-Amorlca prppoganda. Wo de feated thom there also. "With tho cunning engendered by a quarter century of duplicity, tho labor leaders thon transferred their flold to tho state legislatures, "Let mo warn this association thnt under tho cloak of legislation for tho defenso or protonded defonso of work Ing women and children, ingldlous nttompts undoubtedly will bo made by tho politicians of tho trades unions to get special favors for their organlzatloms." Van Cloavo wont on record ns fa voring an amendment providing for n tariff bllL as suggested by tho flnnnco commtttco of tho senate. said: "As I havo Just pointed out, tho United States In 189G abolished the Indian tribal governments, Franco In 1909 hns subverted tho insurgent civil servants. Now I ask you what sort of treatment tho American peoplo In 1910, 1912 and 1916 will bo forced to deal out to the rebellious Amorlcan Federation of Labor." Tho report of tho committco of Interstate commerce was presented and contained a ucntinclatfoiibf leg' Islatlvo regulation of common car' rlers. It referred to tho $29,000,000 flno which Judgo Lnndls assessed against tho Standard Oil Company as a "mora outburst of Judicial frenzy." A protest ngnlnst ships and ship pers bolng taxed In operation was contained In tho report. Tho report deplored tho destruc tion of the natural forests of tho nation nnd contained an estlmato thnt at tho prcsont rnto of lumborlng (ho luihocrmcn wlh dcplcto the for ests directly nnd Indirectly will de stroy many of tho wntorways of tho country within eight yenrs. HOZEMA. IODQH8 IN THB mitt.. Chnrllo Taft, youngest son of tho president, was oporntcd on this after noon (or tonsllltls. Not ftpiood Disease Cured by Oil or WJfltcixrccH 0hjkwh1. Fo? many yeara- dczemaXwas sup posed to bo a blood dlscaso and was--erroneously, treated as such, but now? tho best authorities ngrco. that eczo ma la only a nklni dhrso,' and muit bo cured through tho' skin. Tho cml nont skin specialist, Dr. D. D. Dun nls, first discovered tho eczema gerin and his dlBcovory was quickly taker, up In both Germany and Franco To kill tho oczoma germ and at tht, name tlmo heal tho skin, Dr. Dennis compounded oil of wintergreeen. th mol, glycerine, etc Tho roraeJy Is a liquid, not a moro salve, honco It sinks right Into tho pores of tho skin. Washing with this oil of wlntorgroon compound seems to tako tho Itch away at onco, soon tho scales drop away and tho dlsoaso disappears. Tho Capital Drug Co. Tho proscrip tion has now beon used bo long as to have proven its absoluto merit, and wo do not hosltate to express our confldonco in D. D. D. Proscription ve UBed with D. D. D. Soap. Cherries nro not ripo yot, but tho cherry fair Is, Use it or not, as your doctor says You, could not please us better than to as!t your doctor about Aycrs Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis. Thousands of families always keep it in the house. The approval of tlicir physician and the experience oi many years nave given them great confluence in this cough medicine. J.C. AjtrCo, tWIlLMlll, ntiif iaiiifiannfniiif iif iif DODSON'S EXTRA SPECIAL s and W. A. GAINS & CO. HERMITAGE WHISKIES 2 At nil FirsUclniw liars. Stnndnrd Liquor Co., Agent, Salem, Oregon illilll I tl I ll !! ! !!;, If t Changed Hands Sale Gut Price v . Shoe Sale In establishing a new system of serving tho public I am aware many will doubt that It is possible to cut prices on staple lines of Men's and Women's Shoes about one-third on all regular retail values, BUT SEEING IS BELIEVING. Many come in and express the greatest surprise that the finest stock ever offered the public can be sold at such figures, Full line up-to-date styles for young men, $5.00 values $2.89 Misses' and Children's Shoes, regular $1.75 values, cut price . 99c Misses' and Children's glazed kid, $1.50 values, cut price 79o Boys' Shoes, sold cvervwhere $1.50 to $1.75, cut price sale t 89c THESE ARE ONLY SAMPLE PRICES OUT OF HUNDREDS AN ELEGANT OXFORD alllealhersi all 5iylC3, This is one rvrssm 'i& Why Pay $4 to $5 For 0xfor.ds, when we have the latest lasts and styles In tans, oxbloods, patent leathers and gun metals .at t-i. $2: 1 fBICCi Ladies' Pumps Patent leathenorio strap, slllcv bows, regular $2,50 values at cut price salo .-, $122 STYLISH TIE That lerxdsi a.ctairty touch to dress PRICE Remember the Place-No. 263, on Weif Side Commercial Street, Between Court and Chemeketa WE HANDLE'SHOES ONLY, BUT 0NA LARGE SCALE, AND ALl'AT CtJT PRICES SaknTs Oily CjtPrkt Uk'SittFl- "fg'. ;lfl I li I Ifl rwi k i li fwi n rivvftLAAi j it n ou. ssSrjEwag i2t3 ISO mm on W.B -'., '.i . commercial street i K K iniiiHK.'tiiiiiiiitiitiniiianni n w mmwtm wwmmmwf j w i m hkpi miMi i rHwhimim wm,wt . r ,tavMtmm ippV" MM4MMM