DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OWKrOH, MONDAY, MAY 17. 1909. ?& 1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. TJmo Card No. 64 Effective Sunday August 10, 1000. Toward Portland Passeagcr. No. 10 OtlS a. m. Oregon Express No. 18 8 MO a. m... Cottage QroTe I'aaa. No. 12 2:40 p. m...IloMbarK Paaacnger No. 14 0:13 p. m. Portland Express Toward Portland Freight. No. 2230 p m .... Portland Fait Freight No. 320 10.40-11 :2d a. m....Wnjr Frclglit Toward tinu Fnuiclsco Passenger. No. II 11:0.1 n. ti....Roieburg Passenger No. 17 11:4.) p. m...Ctttjre (Irove Pass. No. I." I) 50 p. m.... California tixpresi No. ltl U:U1 a. m...Ban Francisco Exp. Townnl San Francisco Freight. No. 221 2:43 a. m. .. Portland Fast Frt No. 2251 1 :28 a. ra War Freight OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Time Curd Infective Nov. IS, 1008. Leaves Fori Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:40 a.m. I'ortlantMUIIiboro and Intermediate, local 8 :55 a.m. Portland and Intermediate, local, 11 tic a.m. Portland and Intermediate. Itcal. 1 :40 p.m. Port'uud-Tualatln and Illlliboro, lim ited 3:05 p.m. Portland-IIIllaboro and Intermediate, local , , 4 :00 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:40 p.m. Arrives Frem: Purtlnnd and Intermediate, local. 8:25 a.m. rnrttamMllllihoro and Intermediate, Inrnl 10:00 a.m. I'ortlnnd-lllllaboro-Tualattn, lim ited 10:50 a.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 1:00 p.m. Portland-Ulllsuoro and Intermediate, local 4:00 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 5:45 p.m. Portlaud and Intermediate, local. 8:20 p.m. I'ortlasd and Intermediate, local. 10:40 p.m. O. C. T. Co, utoatnors Pomou' and Orngona leavo for Portland Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 10 a. in.;' Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 0 n. m. For Corvallls Tuosday, Thurs day and Saturday about 7 p. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agent. A GOOD PLAYER Is nlwnyB particular nbout tho musi cal Instrument used. Hut ovon tho most critical can find no fault with tho instruments sold hero. Co mo In and try your spcclnl favorite Noto tho tono and volumo, tho flno finish, tho beautiful harmony. Your first visit will not bo your Inst, wo fool confident. L. F. BAVAQK, -17 Commercial St. Salem, Or. HDIE WING SANG CO. Dig stock, boat goods, now at wholcsalo prices. Wo mako up a now lino of ladlos' wrappors, wblto underwear, klmonas and waists. Wo koop all kinds of dress goods and silks, Qonts' nnd males' furnleh Ing goods, shoos, hoso, umbrellas, embroidery and lncc, skirts, suits overalls, trunks, matting, otc. 325 North Commorclal St., Salem, Oregon. FP pre Proof Fool Proof In considering mnklug your own light, or cooking, why not consider tho F. P. Ons Mnchlno and Stub bors Light. Will soil -and Install this mnchlno nnd guarantoo It to glvo 100 per cent moro light for the same money than electricity or t-lty gas. Lot mo flguro with you, estimates furnlshod. Call at my shop nnd see tho lights and stoves In operation, I also carry PYltO DENATURED ALCOHOL utilities.. Safe economi cal, odorless. A. L FRASER Pane 18 W BK4Ho EK Gold Dust Floor IU( by TnB SYDNKY POW EF COMPANY, Sidney, Ore go.. Made for family ihm. I Ak our grocer for It. Bran I aud aborts, always oh tuad. CHICHESTER $ r.LLS -TwX. TJt.1 a. t, . i J yj A III lllllVB ItW.hJI ..., .n 27 - --- -.. r&Aja. vm a P. B. WALLACE, Agt. cjjwL 1-liU L Ua u4l.ll HmV' Tale n mlkrr I!r.r.... V ri eF EI VjJD BV JIRJJGS.ST5 nFRimiQiE Tfce Modesty of W waw Naturally Makes them shrink from tta tndollcato questions, tho obnoxious ex aminations, and unpleasant local treat ments, which soma physicians consider essential In tho troatmont of diseases ot women. Yet, If holp can be had, It U bettor to submit to this ordeal than let tho disease grow and spread. Tho trouble Is that so often tho woman undergoes al! tho annovanco nnd thnrao for notblnsc. TbonsandsNjf womon who havo been cuicd uv Dr.Tcreo'3 Favorlto Prescrip tion wrlth. lnjhprpclatlon of tho cure which dlsDefr&vSvHh the examinations and local irf.iimr-itoTln'rf Is tin ot'mr tnodlrlnn r r" nnfl f" Jpf dHli-ati) women ns "j-'n""', fwrtiitlon.." It curcaaebliir T'o " rS. irregularity and tomato woanwi, It always helps. II alraont always euros. It Is strictly non alcoholic, non secret, all its Ingrcdlontt being printed on Its bottlo-wrnppcr; con tains uo deleterious or habit-formlnc drugs, and overy natlvo medicinal rool entering into its composition hnstho ft', endorsement of those most eminent In Cm aoverat schools ot medical practice. Son of thote numerous and strongest of pro fesslonal endorsements of Its ingredients will be found In a pamphlet wrnpie around tho bottlo, also In a booklot mnlleo free on request, by Dr. R. V. Plereo, o' Buffalo, N. Y. Thoso professional en dorsement should liavn far moro weight than any nmount of tlm ordinary lay, ot non-profosslpnal testimonials. Tho most Intelligent women now-a-day Inwlsl on knowing what tliry tako as mH Iclno Instead of opening their mouths IUi a lot of young birds nnd gulping dovri whatever is ollored them. "Favorite Pre scription" U Of KNOWS COMPOSITION. It tnnkos weak women strong and itcL woman well. ' Dr. Plcrco's Medical Advisor Is scntrre on recolpt of stamps to pay oxtxno n' mailing only. Bend to Dr. It. V. Pierre Buffalo, N. Y., 21 ono-ceut stamps (or pa pcr-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-bouud If sick consult tho Doctor, f reo of chars by letter. AH Mich communications are held sacredly confidential. Dr. Plcrco's Plcaxnnt Pellets Invlgoruu vml rcerulato Momuch. liver and bowels unuunnnu WHITE HOUSE t RESTAURANT For n Regular 25c Dinner at 20c f They can't bo heat. McGILCHRIST & SON f Proprietors mf mciiiim -m Salem Fence Works Ilondquartora for Wovon Wlro Fonclng, Hop Wlro, Dnrb Wlro, Poultry Nottlng, Shingles, Mai thold Roofing P & B Roady Roofjng. Screen Doors and ad Justlblo Window ScroonB. All At Lowest Prices. CHAS. D, MULLIGAN 280 Court St Phono 121 MEALS 15c Call and try thorn. Moals 16a Board per wook 12.76, all) fur nished rooms vory reasonable. AT THE Salem Restaurant aO COURT STREET, SAM CASTO FAMOUS IIOR8E TRAINKK. Is now located at Canby Oregon tho beet winter quarters In tho Non I west for training and dovoloplni young horsoa. Sam baa room for a few nvjro prospects, olthor for to road or track and would llkb :t communicate with anybody wish! their horse trained. Mr. Casio U conceded to ho tho host colt man 1 tho West and his success on the the Salem track bears out this statement Terms reasonablo and satisfaction guaranteed. Address .SAM CASTRO, Caaby, Orego. Phono 44 Main. 147 N. High at C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs, and Livery. All Riga Modern Rubbor Tiro. Great Chtnetro Doctor L. M. HUM Hat medlctno which will cure an known disease. He makes a special ty of, and guarantees to cure Catarrh Asthma, Lung, Throa, Uhcumatlsm, Debility. Storaarh. L'cr. Kldnoj TioutiU; als" a-y b a-ke.ad Wf'.,'i ..r iir i. hr ikiiu Hinh: lii-al. ;iox, fipliiuiiilc; ail hinds of Dnll. Ijft V-j"v ftnai v niV qt ll,:ii.i, ii -,u c mil 1'kim yri Cunkujuttoa Ireo. "Care of VJck Bo Tong Co., CblpeM-drug and' kerb IBS High St., HpeUirt. Sales. Or. THE SPOTTED CAYUSE RETURNED TO THE KING United Presa Leased Wire. London, May 15. In tho lnngungo ot tho Turk, King Edward todny Is being given tho "horso laugh" by his cronies because tho, doposcd fcultnn of Turkey, now plain Mr. Abdul Iluinld, saw fit to return to tho king a cur iously spotted horso th.ic Edward hutl forwarded to Constantinople Just bc foro Abdul was dethroned. Tho liorso belonged to Richard Crokcr, who passed It over to tho British monarch. Thinking that Ah would bo npprcclatlvo the king for warded tho animal to Turkey. 'rhc spotted horso remained it tho Byn zautlne capital Just n week rating high priced fodder at tho oxpeuso of tho British umbnssador. A hint wan convoyed to tho sultan's ptihtoo that tho horse had arrived but Abdul was busy then with other thing i and in the streets of saving his head from tho block forgot that ho over wanted u horse. When it became npparont that the sultan would not need any front; horses, tho Bteed was returned to England. ENGLAND TO ADOPT NEW MILITARY SYSTEM I United Tress I. -mod Wlre.l London, May 1G. Wlt(b certain exceptions, every English youth bo tweon tho ageb of 18 and 21 will bo compelled to servo a term of four continuous months In tho territorial array, If a moastiro now bolug pre pared by tho National Sorvlco Loaguo meets with tho approval ot parlia ment. Lord Roberts, president of tho lcaguo, Is ono ot tho most enthu siastic sponsors ot tho mcasuro, and will Introduce It In tho houso of lords this month. Tho objoctj of tho mcasuro is to rnlso tho standard of military oin cloncy In tho rosorvco avallablo In enso of war. Aftor tho four months of sorvlco scheduled for Infantry, to which two additional months may Vo lidded for otIYor departments of rnr vlco, two weeks training In camp an nually for tlirco years will bo com pulsory. The men aubjected to this training nro to bo subject to call for homo dofonso until thoy aro SO yours old. No distinction raised by elm or wealth will bo considered no caitBO for exomptlon. REVIVAL MEETING IS WELL ATTENDED Tho great union rovlvnl mooting, in tho mammoth tabornaclo tont on Fifteenth and street street, has boon going on with Increasing Interest for n wook. Rov. Quy Phelps, tho stato holiness evangel, and Rov. David Mc- Inturff, tho Scotch mountnlnoor evan gollBt, as ho Is called, havo mot horo In Salem for an carnost campaign ot religious work. Tho Scotchman (s earnest, bravo and bold, soma would oven call him abrupt and harsh. Ho Is easily understood, for ho calls a spndo a spade, and preaches from tho shoulder out. Ho has no sympathy with Oio cliufcTi hypocrite, nnd re minds ono of tho dlsclplo of old, who doslrod Jesius to call down flro to consumo thorn. Tho Spokesmnn-Ro- viow says of him: "Ho hae tho rt llulous onthtislasm nnd forvor of a John Wesley, nnd tho eloquenco of o Patrick Honry." While tho two ovangoflsts ngreo In the doctrlno taught In tho Blblo, their manner of presenting tho truth Is as different as that of Potor and John. Roa PholpB, whllo earnest, Is kind and tondor and patloilt and sympathet ic, llko the boloved dlsclplo, John. Many marvpl at tho dopth and boivi ty of his sermons. Largo nudloncoa hnvo attonde'd ovory ovonlng, though inn cold, rmny weather huu provontcd some. Nonr GO convortb ntd t'uoso nccpt-J ing tho toachlng of sanctlflcatlon havo been reported. Mnny of tho pastors tn tlio city aro united Id this work, and lending nil tho assistance liD'slblo. The dny meetings aro held by Muun of tho res'ldont pastors occa slonally, but tho two ovangollsts nlcno niench in the ovonlng, they al ternating Wo cannot forloll tho loncth of those mootlngs or tho good that shall be accomplished. Tho singing Is good, and tho solos rendered liy tho ovanetdlstlc snoclal singers Is highly appreciated. OLYMPIA SCHOOL GIRLS ARE SCIENTIFIC COOKS United Presa Uas! Wlre.l Olympla, Wash., May 15. Ono IfirtTA RfiHflfvlnr nniinrn manl AnnlA1 by tho girls of tho Olympla high school, and daintily' served, haa won tho state commission for tho Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc exposition to tho cause of domostlo science. Tho commis sion today appropriated $4000 for a domostlo science and a manual traln Intr exhibit at FTin fnlr. nnrf If m decided that the Olympla high school pupils will bo tho principal exhlblt- urn. When Oivmnfn rltlpna nrnnnuul to send their girls In tho cooking classes to me rair, tne commission wont to tho stato capltol to Investi gate. When tho members arrived at the high school, a dinner was ready for them, and they began their In vestigation. -An hour and a half later anv doubt n to iha nrlvlanlilll. ty of having the young womon don uuauuiB uieir art. at me exposition had vanished. o . WRECK Is tho only fit description for tho mn or wrmca who Is crlpplod with rTriui'iRtlftui. Just a -few rheumatic wlngea may be the forerunnor of t"in n".ack stop the trouble at tho start with Ballard's Snow 4.1 nl """ Cures jue rheumatism nnd - u Price. 5 5c. COo and 1.00 -! by all doalorr. r-Q Senator Stewart Is dead, but the crop of lies told about h'a wonderful adventures U very much allvo. For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles said backache uSe DoWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25c K. O. DWZTT fc CO.. Cltlcauro. Ill J. O. PKRRY. How's This? Wo offor Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any caso ot Catarrh that cannot bo curod by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Wo, tho undorslgncd, havo known P. J. Chcnoy for tho'lnst 15 yonrs, and bollovo him porfoctly honorablo In all business transactions, nnd fi nancially ablo to carry out any obli gations mado by his Arm. WALD1N, CINNAN & MARVIN, Wholosalo Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is takon Inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood nnd upon mucuous surfaces of tho systom, Testimonials sent free. Price, 7Gc per bottlo. Sold by nil Drugglsto. Tako Hall's Faml'y Pills for con stipation. o In tho voyago ot Ufa thoro aro no return tickets, and It lb tho samo In matrimony. o Chnmhcrlnln'R Liniment. ThlB is n now preparation and u good ono It is especially valuablo as a curo ,or chronlo and muscular rhoumntlsm, nnd for tno relief from tmln which It affords In ncuto In- llnmmntory rheumatism. Thoso who .,nvo usod it lnvo Invnrlably 8pokon of it In tho highest tonus of Drnlso. Lamo back, lamo shout dor anu stiff noalc nro duo to rhou mntlom of tho muBclos, usually brought on by oxposuro to cold or damp, nnd nro quickly cured oy ap plying this liniment frcoly and mas suglng tho affectod parts. Soroucss of tho muscles, whotuor Induced by vlolont oxorclBo or Injury, Is allayed by this llnimont. l-or snio by all good druggists. o You'll havo to hurry, for othor pooplo will also hoar about tho cooking of tho Olympla glrlB, A CARD This Is to certify that all drug gists nro authorized to rofund your money If Foloy's Honoy nnd Tar falls to curo your cough or cold. It stops tho cougu, heals tho lungs and provents pnoumonla and con sumption. Contains no oplatos. Tho gonuino Is In a yollow packago. J. 0. Perry. o ; Tho building boom Is growing, Sa eom Is building housed on tho main streets now. For td Into Kxllo. Wm. Upchurch of Olon Oak, Okln., was an oxllo from homo. Mountain air, ho thought, would curo a fright ful lung-racking cough that had do hod all romedles for two yonrs. Af tor nix months ho returned, doath dogging his stops. "Thon I began to uso Dr. King's Now Dlscovory," ho writes, "and nftor taxing six bottlos I am as well as ovor." It saves thou sands yoarly from desporato lung diseases. Infnlllulo for Coughs nnd Colds. It dlspols Honrsoness nnd Soro Thront, Cures drip, Bronchi tis, Hemorrhages, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough. GOc nnd $1.00, trial bottlo froo, guaranteed by J, C. Porrj. Tho fair in Wasco county Is going to havo a norso show, una tho ani mals aro not cayuses, olthor. o . . Biliousness nnd Constipation. For yonrs I was troubled with bil iousness nnd constipation, which mado llfo mlsorablo for mo. My an- potlto failed mo. I lost my usual forco and vitality. Pepsin prepara tions nnd cnthartlca only mado mnt- tors worse. I do not know whoro I should havo been today had I not tried Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablots. Tho tablota rellovo tho III fooling at onco, strengthen tho digestive functions, purify tho stomach, llvor and blood, helping tho system to do Its work naturally. Mm, Rosa PotU, Birmingham, Ala. Theso tablots aro for sale by all good druggists. All tho world loves a lover, and so does tho gas man and wood man. DoWltta Carbolirod Witch Hazol Salvo is good for cuts, burns and bruises and is especially good for plies. Refuse substitutes. Sold by all druggists. o Rid for Gravel Screening Contract. Tho city of Salem is proparcd to recolvo bids from contractors o erect and maintain and operate a gravel screening plant, to furnish not less than throe grades of clean, screened gravel at a maximum price, according to specifications prepared by the city engineer. Bids must be on band by Monday, May 17, at 6 p. m. City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. A. MOORES, . 6-13-3t City Recorder, Qlilllrri Cry FIR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA DISCOHOL CURES LIQUOR HABIT New Bitdlcal preparation In liquid nnd powder forms. The only known remedy for Alcohol diseases. Can be given with coffee, tea, cocoa or milk without patient's knowledge. FREE SUCCESS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED BOO PAOhAUKR iiiwwiNH to nn A Spccla.lst has lately discovered a new medicine for the curs of the drink habit. Do you wUh a packnRal If jou hnvo In your family b levin husband, lather, brother or son, ho I Biting jou trouble, or making lire miserable for you, and whom yon wish to bo cured from this dltrase. do not hesitate a mement, but act at once. Alcohol haa tliln victim In his clutches and tho unfortunate one Is not able to escape him. D1SCOIIOI, has cured thousands and will cure any one belonging to you. Write to us at ence, before It Is too late. It Is guaranteed harm less and Its effects are noeltiTc. If you wish free treatment and further Instruc tions, fill out coupon below and mail to us. Don't hesitate, as the R00 pnekages will soon bo given nway and esch further packago will cost 1. NOW you can aecnro ono PHBIC Cut out this Coupon. Send It today. Bent In nlnln wrapper Coupon to? fret Drink-Ilablt Cure. Name Addrciui , ....... ....,,.,.... Mall thlo Coupon to TUB rtCMEDV ASSOCIATION. (13 Bast mist at.. New York, N T. READY TAILORED FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. ...imnofnr "ijwyv"- ESpecial Prices ver Hood, Barloy and Whont Chop nnd Land Piaster. , Tillson & Company wmmmmmHmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm THE STOCK BOOKS For tho North Bantlam Mining company, aro still ta tu In vestors. A llmltod nmount of stock la now for salo, at tho bOW I'lllCM ef Bo por share. J SAVAGE & HERREN FISO.VL AGENTi. ISM S. COMMERCIAL HT. Brainy Women Are thoso who will Iinro us launder their waists, dollcato linger!, otc. Our facilities aro thoso of tho best for tho porfect handling of this chnrnctor of work. Our holp is thoroughly oxporloncod, nnd much moro skllfull than most help you oan socuro to come to your homo or to "tako" out." A trial will mako you n client of ours. Salem Laundry Co. Tclcphono 1W. 1 .'Ml-10(1 H. Liberty Ht. Port-ancr Popu lar Fire-Proof i I' I THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service In city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m. Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OlEN Our capacity has been doubled and our free bus will hereafter meet trains No. 6, and train No, 12, limited, Oregon Electric that -arrive In Portland at 10;55 a. m. and 4:55 p, m( r- k M. C. DICKINSON, Manager THE OREGON FREE Of Tina VAlAIAllT.n cuven away fubb CLOTHES PRICE range: I -"eHM ! -. . sf.tffvffw jC . i X lyt lwV' a&Q TO 40 "B Shoes For Summer Evorythlns you could wish for pumps, low ahooannd oxfords, in pat ont, cnlf, tans, oxblood nnd canvas. All contnln stylo n: i wearing ability. Bost prlcos. J. Vogt THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Cau b obtained from our prime, ton dor and Julci llcor, Mutton or Pork. All our ineuts uro soleutud from tbu choicest, nnd propnrcd for tho table to suit tho demands of tho fastidious. Our prliMis nro lowor for qi allty than you cau find lit any place in tiuloin. E. C. CROSS & SON UMSli SBSSm IStf'flSrBBBBSwBKflflBK'v )xFBvvaRsBBl v-vX lZ"rVlS"BMaBBWS I